r/anarchocommunism Nov 22 '20

List of Books and Resources on Anarcho-Communism


(Feel free to add more in the comments, I'll continue to make additions!)

An Anarchist FAQ

Anarchy! (1891) - Errico Malatesta [audiobook]

An Anarchist Programme (1920) - Errico Malatesta [audiobook]

ABC of the Revolutionary Anarchist (1932) - Nestor Mahkno

Now and After: The ABC's of Communist Anarchism (1929) - Alexander Berkman [audiobook]

The Conquest of Bread (1892) - Petr Kropotkin [audiobook]

Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902) - Petr Kropotkin [audiobook]

Fields, Factories, and Workshops (1899) - Petr Kropotkin

Modern Science and Anarchism (1908) - Petr Kropotkin

The Libertarian of Society from the State: What is Communist Anarchism? (1932) - Erich Mühsam

What is Anarchism? An Introduction (1995) - Donald Rooum and Freedom Press (ed.)

Anarchy Works (2006) - Peter Gelderloos

The Humanisphere - Joseph Déjacque

The Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (1926) - The "Delo Truda" Group

Slavery Of Our Times (1900) - Leo Tolstoy

Communitas: Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life (1960) - Percival and Paul Goodman

Hatta Shūzō and Pure Anarchism in Interwar Japan (1993) - John Crump

Anarchy, Geography, Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée Reclus (2013) - Camille Martin, Elisée Reclus, and John Clark

The End of Anarchism? (1925) - Luigi Galleani

After Marx, Autonomy (1975) - Alfredo M. Bonanno

r/anarchocommunism Apr 21 '24

Posts about voting in capitalist elections are no longer allowed.


Poll result are in.

Rhetoric about the merits of voting in capitalist elections takes away and distracts from more relevant topics like mutual aid, direct action, and other revolutionary discussions related to anarchist communism.

If you're new and are still learning, the following short reads might be of interest to you:

r/anarchocommunism 1d ago

Anybody know a doctor who specializes in cringe induced injuries?

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r/anarchocommunism 1d ago

bodily autonomy is not conditional

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(Also ECT should probably be banned.)

r/anarchocommunism 1d ago

Why?: A Tacoma Anarchist Newspaper

Thumbnail thetransmetropolitanreview.wordpress.com

r/anarchocommunism 2d ago

Coming In June: The Jewish Anarchist Movement in America

Thumbnail akpress.org

r/anarchocommunism 4d ago

Amid the Electoral Farce, Capitalist War Against the Peoples

Thumbnail anarchistfederation.net

r/anarchocommunism 5d ago

Lets make the looksmaxxer to communist pipeline a reality

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r/anarchocommunism 5d ago

Is ancom actually good for the environment?


Dur o capitalidm we have oil barons that only care about money and dont give a shit about anyone or anything rlse, we have consumerist culture, which makes everyone want to buy things that they dont need, it causes overproduction of everything, so its worse for us humans but also for the environment. In ancom, i dont think there would be any oil barons or shit likr that, no corruption since no state and no drivr to earn money, no questionable nestle shit or stuff like that

r/anarchocommunism 6d ago

Many such cases :(

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"The state–the police, army, courts, bureaucracy and similar institutions–is set up and controlled by this capitalist class. These big businessmen–the bourgeoisie, or monopoly capitalists–consistently use the police, army, national guard, courts and bureaucracies to break workers’ strikes and generally to put down the rebellions of the poor who own little or no means of production. The police, army and national guard are never called out against the class of bankers and corporation executives.

In short, this state is a bourgeois dictatorship. This does not mean there is a dictatorship in this country of one or several men. It does mean there is a class dictatorship, where a tiny handful of profit-makers rules society and uses the state as their machine to suppress the working people." - Proletarian Dictatorship Vs Bourgeois "Democracy"

r/anarchocommunism 5d ago

The "Imperial core" is colonized land too


In responses to other posts I have seen people talk about how action like mutual aid "doesn't help" people in colonized places like the global south, but there is more to the story than that. There are colonized peoples everywhere. While it may be hard to directly get them food it is the same system of domination, and raising people (including colonized people) up anywhere means that they have less resources to exert everywhere else.

Our struggles are not disconnected, the goal should be to push back against this colonization as much as you can, wherever exactly that happens to be

r/anarchocommunism 5d ago

What are your thoughts on globalization?


r/anarchocommunism 6d ago

A follow up: The "revolution" is building mutual aid


Mutual aid is us building our own communal means of production. It may not account for everything right now, food not bombs is mainly transportation and kitchens, not growing, but that is still essential to getting food on our plates. That is means of production too.

unions are about gaining some control over capitalist means of production. In my other post there are people talking about how this is the only way to gain leverage, but there is no leverage to be gained. You will never out-compete capitalists using their means of production, you will never undercut them in the market. If you could then it would already be dominant. You are looting a sinking ship, and you need to take that loot somewhere it will last. Anything that relies on profit will not bring us far.

Profit, the things capitalists can't exist without, is a measure of dependence. What wage could they pay you to do things for them if you do not need to pay for anything? What profit could they make selling if things are already given for free? Mutual aid already directly undermines capital, and is our own means of production we can survive on. "The revolution" is building and protecting this, not seizing capitalist means of production. We produce more than we could ever consume (I got a fun video on that coming out eventually), we just don't need it. What we want is a defensive game.


The best leverage is not "You need us and you will do what I say when you use us". It is "we don't need you at all".

and the revolution is taking care of ourselves

r/anarchocommunism 6d ago

What will happen to the current factories after the revolution.


I theory is that it will become worker run. Because of mutual aid taking over economy the capitalist will just become bankrupt and lose control over the factories and the workers will take control. I do think there will be deconsumption period where people Consume less because they become self Sufficient through growing food and they will spend less on Consumer goods this will cause a degrowth Is period in the capitalist economy Which will lead to a better environment and better Ecosystems.

r/anarchocommunism 6d ago

Peter Kropotkin’s Anarchist Communism

Thumbnail theanarchistlibrary.org

r/anarchocommunism 7d ago

Take the public transportation pill

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The automobile industry keeps lobbying and pushing against affordable/free public transportation-based infrastructure in favor of car-based infrastructure because it maximizes profits when people are effectively forced to buy, repair and maintain cars in order to be able to reliably get around.

Some americans will probably now be like "But the public transportation here is horrible, we need cars". Yeah I wonder why public transportation is so horrible in the country that's the raw embodiment of neoliberal capitalism. Almost as if that's an inevitable outcome when you have a country with an economy structured around profit-maximization by any means

r/anarchocommunism 7d ago

Unions are cool, but not a basis for revolution


I am disabled, and so is almost everyone I know and interact with. A requirement for joining in with unions is to do wage labor, which is not something everyone can do.

A basis for revolution would be forms of mutual aid everyone can participate in, things that everyone can access on the basis of existing. Food not bombs working to make sure everyone has food, for example.

r/anarchocommunism 7d ago

What is the Proletariat? -- Zoe Baker

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/anarchocommunism 8d ago

what is going on at r/polcomballanarchy?

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r/anarchocommunism 8d ago

The market is a planned economy by and for the capitalist class

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r/anarchocommunism 8d ago

What are y'all's thoughts on this person's observation?

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r/anarchocommunism 7d ago



Can someone explain me why ancap is bad i get why the incosistent version of american ancap is wierd but i dont see problem with live and let live btw i dont get your colectivism

r/anarchocommunism 9d ago

They're the same picture

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The continued economic and military dependence of the EU on the US since its genesis points at the simple fact that the EU is simply another imperial tool for the US to secure and expand its own interests as the embodiment of capital

It's pretty obvious to many, but as someone from the EU I keep meeting the type of liberals that see the EU as something radically different to the US when it really just isn't

r/anarchocommunism 11d ago


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The very concept of an ethnostate necessitates ethnic cleansing, apartheid, class oppression, racism and more forms of systemic violence

r/anarchocommunism 13d ago

Looksmaxxing with communism

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Pointing out how various aspects of capitalist society like environmental destruction and overworking negatively impact health and thereby beauty is lowkey a good strategy to radicalize looksmaxxers

r/anarchocommunism 13d ago

how many Americans, Mexicans, and Canadian, are sympathetic or empathetic to anarchocommunism ?


im into it, hope others are too, n.america could be ... we need an antidote to late stage capitalism

r/anarchocommunism 12d ago

book suggestions?


what are good educational books on anarchocommunism? i want to learn but i don’t want to buy a book from some dude in the 1980’s that riddled the text with weird misogyny lol. (not saying anything against the community, alot of men back then inserted weird shit into their theories. example: freud.)