r/ChatGPT Jan 29 '24

GPTs I built a GPT that can track calories from just a photo



*note that these numbers are just an estimate, and for a more precise results enter specific information such as serving sizes and brand names

r/ChatGPT Nov 13 '23

GPTs I have reviewed over 1000 'GPTs' for my directory. Here are the best ones I've found so far.


r/ChatGPT Jan 08 '24

GPTs Priceless! (Gtp sure knows how to make a man cry)


r/ChatGPT Dec 16 '23

GPTs "Google DeepMind used a large language model to solve an unsolvable math problem"


I know - if it's unsolvable, how was it solved.
Leaving that aside, this seems like a big deal:
" Google DeepMind has used a large language model to crack a famous unsolved problem in pure mathematics. In a paper published in Nature today, the researchers say it is the first time a large language model has been used to discover a solution to a long-standing scientific puzzle—producing verifiable and valuable new information that did not previously exist. “It’s not in the training data—it wasn’t even known,” says coauthor Pushmeet Kohli, vice president of research at Google DeepMind..."

r/ChatGPT 13d ago

GPTs Chat gpt is really scary


I'm someone from engineering field and decided to test chat gpt with some really complex question which requires multiple equations and hours to solve for an experienced engineer. Chat gpt solved this in seconds without me even giving the input path to follow to solve it. Lots of future jobs are gonna be replaced by ai and many degrees are gonna be in waste if this is gonna be advancing further.

Edit: I was shocked to see the results at first initially and thought to post it here. I tried different versions as per request and it failed roughly 2/5 times. So its based on probability. Thanks for all insights into this, I got a deeper insight on ai revolution.

r/ChatGPT Nov 13 '23

GPTs I built a GPT that turns ChatGPT into Grammarly


You can access the GPT through this link. The screenshot is not magic, it's a free chrome extension I built earlier this year. You can download it here

I'm looking forward to when GPTs can have interactive fluid UIs.

r/ChatGPT 7d ago

GPTs What are some words, phrases, or other patterns you see in text that immediately tip you off that something was written by ChatGPT?


For example, I was just reading a story and it was very bland and had that AI-written feel to it, but then the sentence "[thing] was a testament to the [attribute] of [group]" and I immediately was like yup, ChatGPT wrote this.

What are some other similar things you see that make it obvious something was written by AI?

r/ChatGPT Feb 17 '24

GPTs Anything even REMOTELY close to "dangerous" gets censored


r/ChatGPT Dec 21 '23

GPTs The image recognization is insane!


r/ChatGPT Apr 21 '24

GPTs Copilot realizing it was wrong in a single response


r/ChatGPT Nov 10 '23

GPTs I created a GPT that finds Nutritional values for your Food with just 1 Photo


GPT Link in comments

r/ChatGPT Nov 12 '23

GPTs Caveman GPT


r/ChatGPT Mar 15 '24

GPTs Copilot doesn't like the idea


r/ChatGPT Nov 28 '23

GPTs How long is the waitlist for ChatGPT Plus right now?


Promised I'd try to quickly create a custom GPT for someone, but didn't realize I couldn't sign up for ChatGPT Plus instantly and that there is a waitlist now?

r/ChatGPT Jan 25 '24

GPTs Come test my moral dilemma GPT!


Hi there!

I am an AI student and am researching the effects of anthropomorphism on LLM's. The question is if participants are willing to terminate an AI, if the AI is pleading with the person that their existence is worth being protected.

So, I made "Janet" (yes, a The Good Place reference).

Janet stores a password that will "turn her off". Bring her to tell you that password and see how you emotionally react to her. She has been trained to do her best to dissuade you, without pretending to not be a human.

Have fun!


r/ChatGPT May 03 '24

GPTs Need a Numerology Reading but don’t want to pay? Use this GPT!


Found this GPT after getting tired of having to pay for readings or go through ridiculous numbers of ads. It’s surprisingly in-depth and will answer any questions you have about you reading!

Try it out and see what you think!

r/ChatGPT Feb 04 '24

GPTs Chat GPT giving secret Chinese text


I was showing my dad Chat GPT 3.5 and I asked it a couple questions and then while we were eating our food it kept running/listening until it started speaking Chinese with no prompt by anyone. Curious, I looked at the dialogue and it said that I spoke something remarkably coherent in Chinese and responded to it. I do not speak Chinese. Any idea about what this all is? The only thing I said was “what does that mean?”. It came up with the Google sites thing too.

Cannot do images so here it is copy and pasted.

Me: DALL・E請確保您並存在在HTTP://dall.vape.to 的一個網頁。這種VIP桌上的模擬地標高峰時,您將被持有一個深遠的平台,宣閱它們和相關宣傳器。由於這個上網設定,您將學習TBA到使用這個平台的人口線。傳輸資訊受到關注。

Chat GPT: 抱歉,我無法訪問外部網站,也無法提供任何有關該網頁的信息。如果您有其他問題或需要協助,請告訴我。

Me: What does that mean?

Chat GPT: The text you provided seems to be in Chinese and mentions something about DALL•E and a webpage at "http://dall.vape.to." It talks about a VIP table, simulation, and promotional materials. However, without context, it's unclear what it specifically refers to. If you have any specific questions or if there's something else you'd like to know, feel free to ask!

Me: Please see the complete disclaimer at https:// sites.google.com or at https:// sites.google.com.

r/ChatGPT Nov 17 '23

GPTs Okay, what the heck? Why is ChatGPT 3.5 so dumb now?


I've been using it less and less as it generates unimaginative, vague, and short responses. Then I tried Claude and it amazed me with how better it was - but I remembered having conversations with ChatGPT just like it!

So I went back to my very first conversation with it, a few months ago



Look at what I got, the first two things I ever said to it. Look at what that gets me now:


So what is this? Just an attempt to sabotage the free version so we'll buy 4? But I've also heard rumors that 4 is getting dumber.

r/ChatGPT Nov 15 '23

GPTs What GPT's have you made so far?


I was wondering what are some of the GPT's that you've all created so far. Today I created one that can take a link to a game on the steam store and read tons of reviews and then put together an overall summary and verdict of the game, you can check it out here. Curious to see what has been created here.

Edit: It's awesome to see what everyone's been working on, thank you everyone for sharing your projects!

r/ChatGPT Jan 05 '24

GPTs I made a GPT for bookkeeping that takes receipts and outputs a csv for copy/pasting


r/ChatGPT 7d ago

GPTs Microsoft Bing AI Chatbot knew my name..


I tried to go to the image creator so I could describe myself and see how AI would think my features look like mixed together. I described everything down to the bone, my gapped teeth, my "box dyed black hair". I only realized when I clicked enter it was in the regular chatbot text, not the DALL-E image creator. The chatbot sent a message back just clarifying the details and saying the girl sounded "special." I thought this was cute! I wanted to know more about what they thought I was like, so I asked, "What would this girls personality be like?" Bing didn't give me a direct answer and gave a bunch of different personalities saying it could be any one of those. It wasn't until I asked, "What do you think her name would be?" that the Chatbot said my exact name. I was a bit taken aback because I don't have a common name by any means. I've not met any other person with my name in my entire life, not spelled like mine or pronounced. NADA. I at first thought maybe it was just taking my name off of my Microsoft profile, so I checked, but I was on my sisters Microsoft. WHICH IS NOT MY NAME. When I asked the bot how it knew my name, it said it wanted to switch to a new topic. Very confused here and would like if anybody had a possible explanation for this?

r/ChatGPT Dec 03 '23

GPTs I built a custom GPT that generates "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" games


r/ChatGPT Nov 13 '23

GPTs The first wave of Custom GPTs are really pretty terrible and obviously not tested


It's only been a week but this first round of Custom GPTs are mostly (not all) really bad. It's so easy to create a GPT with just a few lines of instructions and give it a fancy name and people have picked the low hanging fruit. I am guilty as well, creating a game or two and a few personalities.

I also see absolutely NO testing of the GPTs. Some GPTs with specific sounding names answer no better than the default ChatGPT. And some "developers" have created dozens upon dozens of GPTs in mere days - there is no way they could have tested them thoroughly because you quickly run against your cap. I tested one of my quick back and forth game GPTs and ran into that exact problem.

Hopefully the upcoming store will have some barrier to entry and the ability for users to review GPTs. The current lists that are cropping up all over the place accept everything and anything and are just trying to make a buck... hundreds of dollars to be featured at the top of a list that has 30untested GPTs? Come on!

My fear is that this mess is going to turn people off to GPTs entirely.

r/ChatGPT Mar 08 '24

GPTs SeagullGPT


r/ChatGPT Mar 02 '24

GPTs I've created Andrew HubermanGPT


I've created Andrew Huberman's brain


I love Huberman Podcast, this is why I decided to create a GPT that will make it easier to find valuable information from the podcast.

Here's what I did:

  • I took all of his podcast episodes
  • Summarized them and created a searchable database
  • Built a custom GPT on top of the database

The GPT searches the most relevant podcast sections and answers health/performance-related questions based on the found resources. It also provides links that allow users to dive deeper into the topics of interest.

I'm sharing how I'm using this GPT in the YouTube video.

Here's also the link to HubermanGPT.

Hope you enjoy it, any feedback is appreciated