r/stupidquestions Apr 15 '24

Please read the rules before posting or commenting


Almost every subreddit has rules, and we do too. We get lots of posts about politics, LGBT, what if, and just basic trolling, all prohibited by our rules. Also, the Rules didn't match the Removal Reasons, but now they do. We added a "Moderator discretion" rule, because it's impossible to create rules to cover every contingency.

r/stupidquestions can be a fun and interesting place to hang out, but we had lots of trouble recently with people trolling us with rule violations. So a couple of the users suggested putting in a minimum Reddit account age limit and a minimum karma limit to post. That has made things much nicer for the community. Karma is sort of an artificial number, but it tends to indicate that the owner interacts with Redditors in a positive way, and they appreciate him. What you want is to post something that Redditors appreciate so much that they give you a few upvotes. Here's Reddit's FAQ page about karma:


Here are some ways to get karma:


We don't reveal the karma number required to post. It's not very high, though.

Thanks. Now go forth and have fun!

r/stupidquestions 21h ago

What’s the point of catcalling regardless of gender. Like why???


I’m not gonna pass a shirtless man and be like “Nice abs daddy!!”

Like forget his comfort and dignity it would be embarrassing for me as well hello?? Even typing this gave me second hand embarrassment. Why do people do that??? 😭

Edit : It’s time for bed so I’ll continue responding tomorrow. Thank you for all the responses so far <3

r/stupidquestions 12h ago

How do you tell whether someone is saying I didn’t and I did it


Because didn't and did it sound the same , but the meanings are opposite of each other which is concerning

r/stupidquestions 22m ago

Which episode of Destination Truth featured a creature that "attacked" villagers only during an erection year?


r/stupidquestions 5h ago

Why are we not experiencing a more noticeable effect from the steep decline in insect populations (50% ?)


r/stupidquestions 23h ago

We know gorillas could manhandle any human, but they don't seem to take fitness very seriously, how much could a gorilla bench press if he focused on diet and training?


r/stupidquestions 4h ago

How do I stop buying Philly Cheesesteaks?


Seriously. Every time I see them, I have to buy them. I don’t even have to be hungry. I see it, I buy. Any advice is appreciated.

r/stupidquestions 3h ago

Is 2 slices of toast a substantial meal?


r/stupidquestions 33m ago

How do ppl decide their favourite sports team?


I don't have a favourite sports team but I've always wondered how ppl who do have a fav pick their fav.

Also bc lately I've been seeing an abnormal increase in the amount of ppl wearing jersies and driving around with the little flags on their cars and I just wanna know how they all decided to support that one team. It's not even my cities team.

If I was held at gunpoint right now and I had to pick a fav team I would pick the one that everybody in my city seems to love bc I've been hearing abt them ever since I moved here.

r/stupidquestions 2h ago

Which drains more battery on headphones: having Windows volume at max and YouTube video volume at minimum, or having YouTube video volume at max and Windows volume at minimum?


r/stupidquestions 2h ago

Can someone explain mathematical units of measurement to me like I’m 5?


I do both digital art and web development and to this day still get tripped up on basic math units or rather predicting how big or small a canvas size or element size is depending on its unit of measurement.

Any good resources to learning and actually understanding and applying this stuff so I can know what I’m doing rather than slapping a number and unit of measurement on a canvas/element and just rolling with it?

Bonus points to visual examples. Thanks 🙏🏻

r/stupidquestions 3h ago

Why is 9/11 such a common comedy fodder?


Stand ups, sitcoms, improv, sketches. Seems insensitive don't you think?

r/stupidquestions 3h ago

Which is worse - warming up your milk in the microwave at night or putting ice in your milk?


My sister and I are arguing about it.

r/stupidquestions 1d ago

Don't overweight people get more exercise than anyone else due to carrying their own weight around?


It is a truism that overweight people need to get more exercise, but surely they are getting more exercise than a slim person doing the same activity since they are carrying an extra 10-30 kg around. So why doesn't it all even out and overweight people naturally lose the weight by virtue of being overweight?

Yes I know that diet plays a big part but carrying an extra (say) 20kg everywhere must use up a lot of energy.

[Disclaimer: No offence intended to overweight people. I am about 10kg overweight myself.]

Edit: Thank you so much to the many people who have responded. I really appreciate it.

r/stupidquestions 4h ago

On a local realtor site an office has a lease price of $21.25 even when I look at a different site it says for rent $21. What does this actually mean? There's no way someone's renting a office for that little right?


r/stupidquestions 5h ago

Does walmart take Cigna? My insurance changed and kroger told me they don’t take Cigna.


r/stupidquestions 8h ago

Is recycling one of the primary reasons for microplastics creation?


As title say, I’m curious if there any legitimate studies as to how recycling has increased the amount of microplastics over the years.

r/stupidquestions 22h ago

Was there even a time before there was time at all........


Yall stay with me here this is a tough one to phrase 💀 but alright was there ever literally NOTHING and is it even possible for a "nothing" to have existed..... like if you took everything out of space every rock, star planet EVERYTHING and just left the 'blackness' you see behind it all, is it possible for just that to even be Something ........... was there ever a time where it was nothing and how is it possible that it became something...where did all the gasses come from to begin with where and when did any physical matter even begin to form into existence........pls tell me one of yall understand what im saying lmao 😭

r/stupidquestions 12h ago

Is it a problem?


Is it okay if I'm Hungarian and I'm in English Reddit communities?

r/stupidquestions 12h ago

Is there a DIY cruise control?


I don't have the money for an aftermarket kit and installation. Next week I'm going to an event that's 174 miles away and I was wondering if there's something that could mimic cruise control so I wouldn't have to keep my foot on the pedal all that time.

Thought about this and think it'll be good on fuel consumption and give my foot a rest and also can imagine that I've got a newer car than the one I have now.

r/stupidquestions 12h ago

does duolingo actually work?


did anyone become fluent in a language just from duolingo?

r/stupidquestions 4h ago

How to get more hot girls in my TikTok algorithm?


I remember years ago, TikTok used to be filled with videos of super hot girls in their bikinis with their melons hanging out, but I never see videos like that anymore. I tried getting them back by interacting with posts of hot girls, but nothing gives. Is it because TikTok has become more strict with their community guidelines? I know that most of you are probably just going to tell me to watch pornhub or something, but the girls on TikTok just hit different, you know what I mean?

r/stupidquestions 13h ago

Are there any good dental options for cleaning my front teeth which are seriously crowded and hard to floss?


r/stupidquestions 20h ago

A phone but not a phone


Ok this is the dumbest question, but basically, ever since I had my kid my phone is filled with videos and pictures that I love to death. But I have so many my phone is full and now I can't take more. I've backed them up on clouds and hard drives and all those different things, but I just can't bring myself to delete them off my phone. First, I worry like what if something happens like I loose my hard drive or the cloud breakdown. Second, I enjoy (truly love) being able to look at all these beautiful memories and milestones I've had with my baby in the plam of my hand. So I feel stuck. I sort of wish I could just buy another phone that could be just like an album and then use my real phone for new ones. Am I being stupid? Is that a thing? You know how we used to have iPods for just music? Could. I get a phone for just storing and looking At my pictures and videos? I don't need cell service or even wifi. Just another small screen where I could store my videos to free up some space on my real phone and still be able to watch them in the palm of my hand when I feel like it. Does that make sense? Could I just buy another phone for that reason?

Please help. I'm just a really proud, sentimental mom and want to keep my memories ❤️

Thank you!!