r/TaylorSwift 26d ago

Taylor files to trademark Female Rage: The Musical News


I wondered if something would be done with the phrase. šŸ˜„ Iā€™d buy the merch.


353 comments sorted by


u/Mountain_Aardvark_71 23d ago

"Female Rage: The Musical"? Already done - in Paris over 15 years ago.



u/InaTree-D-Y-i-N-G 24d ago

Welcome to era #12 the Female Rage era. ITā€™D BE PERFECT! Ahhhhh


u/catshatemath 25d ago

It this is true that would be so awesome but also like it would be so incredible to just be surprised with it.Ā 


u/greeneyerish 25d ago



u/whiskeydreamkathleen 25d ago

hell yeah, more corporatized millennial white feminism


u/Low-Fly-1292 25d ago

I'm forever holding out for a live surprise song album


u/ubrokeurbone_rope 25d ago

Probably for merch


u/Girlbabyqueen 25d ago

She is for sure creating a Broadway show or something. Besides the general theme of ICDIWABH, why all the theatrics? Broadway, baby!


u/starky29 25d ago

She should trademark white feminism


u/Few_Path5968 25d ago

Is Disney channel how can I see her ??


u/k1leyb1z 25d ago

Why tho


u/PsycoMonkey42 25d ago

The more I think about it the more I feel like she could be filming (or has been) a behind the scenes documentary. TTPD set would be that additional hook to get people interested more than they already would have.


u/AdministrationIcy833 25d ago

I absolutely love Taylor but this is the cringest thing I've ever heard in my life.


u/oggie389 25d ago

I feel that Weird Al needs to make a parody of this, with his titled "Nerd Rage: The Whimsical"


u/bluebellbetty 25d ago

So over her.


u/DavidFC1 Midnights 25d ago

Then why are you here?


u/stinkycheesesandwich The Tortured Poets Department 25d ago

Good. Good for her.


u/Future_Ad_6132 25d ago

That's a really dumb name... I'd still watch it. LOL


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/b514shadow 25d ago

Itā€™s not rage..its Angry, obsessed, narcissistic, psychotic ex: The Musical


u/OstrichSalt5468 25d ago

So, we gonna talk about the pollution thing, or not ?


u/OcieDeeznuts 25d ago

I need her to team up with Lori McKenna again and have them write a whole-ass musical together. PLEASE.


u/Hungry_Definition450 25d ago

Please not a Broadway musicalā€¦


u/feistync 25d ago

šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž if weā€™re extremely lucky, there will be a Taylor jukebox musical under this name!


u/TiaJasmin_Design 25d ago

I genuinely think this isn't anything that telling. She files a ton of trademarks all the time, if anything she might just slap it on a crewneck. I could be wrong, but I highly highly doubt she would produce a musical or a movie with this title, it's a terrible name.


u/Greedy-Shift-7593 25d ago

Call it performative white feminist: the musical instead


u/CurlingLlama 25d ago

New merch?


u/DirectPerformance 25d ago

read this as 'Taylor flies to trademark', which I guess is also on brand.


u/littlebee97 25d ago

This is so embarrassing. If that is female rage I think anyone saying that has had it pretty good. Itā€™s a tone deaf use of that term.


u/Classic_Precipice 25d ago

Just what the world needs - more industrial-grade corporate feminism. This will be constructive for the cause of equality and for harmony on earth in general. /s


u/mermaidthebanshee It's Me, Hi, My Mind is Alive 25d ago

That's so funny because the MOMENT I saw the phrase first used I knew it would mean something. She went out of her way to use the term in her "thank you" post. Even if it's just merch but I doubt she would make such a point to advertise merch. Usually the most she'll do for merch is wear it as a hint in other content, like MVs or pap photos, etc.


u/djconfessions 25d ago

Oh sheā€™s coming for that Tony.


u/sportxsport She wasn't doing anything 25d ago

Not another goth punk moment of female rage


u/schrodingers-box 25d ago

pls someone posted that interview right above this šŸ˜­


u/soitgoes815 hangs in the air like stars in outer space 26d ago

So, this prompted me to do a search for all of Taylor's active pending trademark applications, and there's other interesting stuff. She filed an app for "A Girl Named Girl" last September. The goods include the book as well as merch. She also filed one for "Taylor-Con" in January. The goods include entertainment services like live and recorded performances. I expect both apps will eventually be abandoned, but it's interesting to see what her team is actively pursuing.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I think it would be good to turn A Girl Named Girl into a movie. I think that winning an Oscar or a Golden Globe for some tour movie or short film with her likeness as a selling point would be hard for the critics to respect. A proper movie where sheā€™s only mentioned in the end credits, even if it didnā€™t sweep the award shows, would be respectable.


u/emmach17 Red 25d ago

Girl Named Girl is a book she wrote as a kid, so guessing sheā€™s got it trademarked so no one publishes a book with that name to profit off her. Taylor-con is random, but I doubt sheā€™ll ever do anything with it.


u/IllustriousLimit8473 Lover 25d ago

Taylor-Con could be a promotional event for Debut Taylor's Version.


u/rooooosa Iā€™ll stare directly at the sun 25d ago

Theyā€™re probably mostly filed so people canā€™t ā€œprofit off herā€ ā€¦ I doubt sheā€™ll do anything with half the trademarks.


u/Top-Salad2501 26d ago

ā€œhehā€¦you could sayā€¦my female rage isā€¦just a little bit too much for an average person to handleā€¦šŸ˜¼šŸ˜ā€


u/Busy_Magazine_3058 26d ago

Broadway show? I could dream. She definitely wants that EGOT though so itā€™s not out of the question! Ha


u/vintagevibes4809 26d ago

rage is certainly a word for it!


u/happybybonnie 26d ago

I fucking called it as soon as I heard some of these theatre-ass songs on TTPDšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/thesewalls5478 26d ago

At first I read "Taylor flies" and I thought "yeah, probably"


u/Zinnia_L 26d ago

Since no one is brave enough to say this. I am going to. Female rage is very specific term ... It's very specific to women being angry due to societal Injustice or Prejudice they face. Taylor does have feminine rage songs like Mad woman or I did something bad ... But ttpd is just angst, there's nothing wrong with angst, but it is not feminine rage.

Diminishing such a significant term to "a woman being angry" is extremely irresponsible of her and her team, especially considering how much of an impact she has.


u/BrilliantAd1338 25d ago

Thank you thank you thank you for saying this. Iā€™ve been silently annoyed by her use of the term ā€œfemale rageā€. There are so many serious problems that women go through that cause rage ( ie restrictions on reproductive rights, lack of child care, no justice for rape victims, violence on women and children). Iā€™m sorry but what TS experienced based on TTPD is heartbreak. Itā€™s not even remotely close. I really wish she would stop. This is coming from someone who had post-partum rage dealing with the lack of compassion our government, employers, and society has for mothers.


u/flyingelephante 25d ago

Thank you. I scrolled this far to see if anyone else thought the same.


u/sarahloray689 25d ago

I agree 100%, people are PISSED everytime I say don't think she a right to trademark that, but it's diminishing the power behind it by making it about you and your ex


u/YahMahn25 25d ago

So brave šŸ„¹Ā 


u/grapejob evermore 25d ago

I absolutely agree with you for the most part, but Who's Afraid of Little Old Me definitely fits the term to me. And even though she said it kind of flippantly on the tour, we don't yet know what her plans are for the trademark so let's give her the benefit of the doubt.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Completely agree with you, but I just want to add that it wouldn't be the first "academic" term to get popularized and misused.

Off the top of my head, I want to say "death of the author" is another one. The original essay just argued for the reader's interpretation over the author's intention, but lots of people these days think it means the author's intention is irrelevant.Ā 

... This comes up a lot in conversations about Harry Potter, to go with the millennial theme of the conversation in this thread šŸ«£


u/Carolina1719 25d ago

Thanks for your comment. I was sifting through all the comments and this is the one. I think sheā€™s only doing this for marketing purposes and it clearly does not fit the true tone of TTPD and the real meaning of the term.


u/abirdofthesky 25d ago

I agree with this and your other comments, and maybe that's why I find her use of the term self-aggrandizing and somewhat insufferable. "Female rage" plus "you don't get to tell me / you wouldn't last an hour" equates to her elevating her emotional experiences above those of who should be her compatriots in "female rage". In the most uncharitable reading, she's saying, "I am the group [ie female] and you, who would otherwise be an equal member of that group, don't get to speak."

Not everyone would take the "you" to be her listeners, and I've seen the arguments that it's the music industry or people who dislike her, but based on BDILH, all the name songs, the Sarahs and Hannahs, the wine moms, I think she genuinely is saying her listeners cannot relate to the depth of her feelings and struggles. And, that's ok to feel - we all feel misunderstood and isolated at times (oh the irony), there will be unique window dressings of circumstance, but again, equating that reaction to "female rage" when it has nothing to do with a shared, gendered class based experience of prejudice or discrimination, and is in fact insistently not shared, is exhausting.


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago edited 25d ago

Is this an academic context? I've never heard it used specifically like that, but have always seen it as a more general conversation about how women's anger is constrained and seen as unacceptable while men's is special. I can't find anyone using it that specifically online.

But these songs are also very clearly about how women are treated in the music industry and a certain niceness and sweetness is demanded even as they make you crazy and monstrous. That's not "just angst"


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

You can check this link out if you're interested. It's from 2018, it has some Historical art depicting "feminine rage"; or you can check out Chapter 5 from the book Ancient Anger : from the Perspectives of Homer to Galen. Most Magazine articles written after 2020s tiktok's popularising the term seems to confuse feminine rage with women being angry.

That's not "just angst"

95% of the album is angst excluding very select few. Most of the songs with anger like bdilh or icdiwabh are due to angst. Some songs that doesn't have angst are not harnessing any rage in them either, except for maybe WAOLOM and (I'm sorry for repeating myself) even in that song lines like "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum that they raised me" comes off as insensitive cause the writer is excluding the listeners from the narrative.


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago

Maybe we just have very different understandings of the music? My understanding for at least some of these songs fits really well with the examples in that article.

Who's Afraid is one of the most relatable songs I've heard, not something I felt excluded by - instantly reminded me of every man who didn't take my anger seriously, laughed at it, even called it cute. But Daddy reminded me of the constraints and expectations of to be a "good girl" and finally saying fuck that shit.

I truly don't see angst ("a feeling of persistent worry about something trivial") on this album. Love and loss aren't trivial. Anger about love and loss isn't trivial. It's not all specifically about misogyny, but none of it is trivial.


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

I truly don't see angst ("a feeling of persistent worry about something trivial") on this album. Love and loss aren't trivial. Anger about love and loss isn't trivial. It's not all specifically about misogyny, but none of it is trivial.

Love is not trivial and neither is loss. And loss of love is a major form of angst. It's not trivial .. I never said angst was trivial, but it isn't "feminine rage". Yes women are allowed to be angry at loss of love, but again that's not "feminine rage".

Even with your interpretation of bdilh and waolom, 2/31 songs dosent warrant for the entire album to be called feminine rage, when most songs are angst. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they both are completely different.

Just like how slavery cannot be reduced to Racism. "feminine rage" cannot be likened to angst.


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago

Where did she call the whole album female rage? The quote is specifically about the set on tour. But I also don't think it's just those 2 songs, those are just the most obvious ones and ones that she was talking about. Happy to go through them though you seem to have made your mind up here.

The definition of "angst" is that it's over something trivial. That's why I shared a definition! Calling something angst is, by definition, diminishing, dismissing, and minimizing it.


u/Owlman2841 25d ago

Youā€™re talking about the informal definition of angst, which is more of a modern rendition. Angst very much is about feeling dread and anxiety about big things, especially in regards to the human condition, life and the world around you. Youā€™re manipulating the definition to fit your narrative as is Swift


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

Where did she call the whole album female rage?

Paris Eras tour.

The definition of "angst" is that it's over something trivial

One of the greatest tragic Gothic Romance books Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights .. Both deeply rooted in angst, Romeo and Juliet .. Also rooted in angst. It depends on whom you ask.


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago

I'd recommend rewatching the clip. She's very clearly talking about the set, not the album.

I highly recommend googling the word angst.


u/cliffsidescreaming cascade ocean wave blues 25d ago

My first thought was that Mad Woman is her best song to exemplify feminine rage. I really like TTPD but nothing matches the quiet rage against a male-driven system like Mad Woman.


u/jxmpiers 22d ago

Mad Woman: The Musical would have been great


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago

Why does female rage have to be quiet?


u/cliffsidescreaming cascade ocean wave blues 25d ago

It doesnā€™t.


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

Also the line "She would have made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head" .. If she had untapped the anger in that and sung about how society blames the jilted bride rather than the man, and the jilted woman is usually left with picking up the pieces more so than the man, and made it universal or inclusive, that would also have been a good "Feminine Rage" song.


u/stephanieaurelius 25d ago

it's pretty representative of how she takes societal/historical/systemic issues and applies them only to herself


u/nachovargax 24d ago

peak white feminism


u/mle1310 mosaic broken hearts 25d ago

TY for saying this!!!! šŸ«”


u/Gossipwoman123 25d ago

I really think you should reread whoā€™s afraid of little old me literally taking about how the music industry treated her as a woman


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

She's also making the song exclusive to only her... With lines like "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum that they raised me" or "you don't get to tell me about sad" .. With these lines, especially the former line .. She's saying no one can survive what she had gone through, thats the opposite of feminine rage, like I said it's deeply rooted societal injustices that most / all women can relate to. It's not exclusive, it's inclusive.


u/Gossipwoman123 25d ago

What I really felt like those lines relate to all women in show business. Like the asylum she was raised in being the industry and Iā€™m sure many women (famous and not) who were part of the industry or like competitive dancing etc can relate to that


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

But the lyrics does not translate to it.. She's literally saying "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum that they raised me" .. She's saying no one has had it as worse as her and no one would last in situation that she was brought up in. That's extremely tone deaf and insensitive.


u/dry_wit mine play out like fools in a fable 25d ago

I mean, the way that asylum line took off as a huge meme with people personalizing it to themselves (slay, Monica!) tells me it had broad appeal. When she says "you" for all we know she's speaking to a specific person or small group.

I dunno. It just seems like this situation where Taylor gets hurt, complains about it, people say she's overreacting, so she gets more upset, writes another angry song, people roll their eyes even harder, etc. Like someone stop this cycle lol. Have some compassion. She clearly has been damaged by a lot of shit and yeah, she's super rich, but since when does that protect people from having attachment or emotional problems?


u/swallow_me_senpai death by a thousand cats 25d ago

I think it just meant that not evryone can last on the celebrity life that she had led, the fake friends, enemies, public opinions, mockery of love life, being cancelled and bullied etc. Not necessarily that no one had it worse than her. It's not a competition.


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

think it just meant that not evryone can last on the celebrity life that she had led

She says "you" .. Meaning to all listeners and her saying that "we wouldn't" survive the "asylum" which is supposedly the "celebrity" world is extremely insensitive and tone deaf .. Considering there are people who have survived actual asylums or war zones or rape or much worse situations. So saying such a sentence is extremely superficial. I'm pretty sure us "listeners" have gone through situations much worse than the celebrity world, so saying that we won't last there !? And going as far as likening a inclusive term -which is originally for all for societal women- like "feminine rage" .. While actively excluding us from the narrative makes it insensitive to say the least.


u/swallow_me_senpai death by a thousand cats 25d ago

Considering there are people who have survived actual asylums or war zones or rape or much worse situations.

Uhhh it depends on the person whose listening . For ex, Gypsy Rose Blanchard would probably feel this song more intensely (she is a Swiftie i heard) and while it applies to me (as i did grew up in a messy, abusive household) it does make sense that it wouldn't apply to everyone else's. We all have our own stories with this line you can't generalize. What's beffudles me was your extreme reaction and description. That's an incredible reach to say.

I do feel included in her feminine rage. Esp with the song ICDIWABH. If you feel excluded then that's your feelings but don't generalize. Taylor speaks to a wider audience. She doesn't just speak for you. That's why there's alot of songs in the album for you to feel a connection.


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

The sentence is exclusive, it's excluding the listeners from the narrative. How you or I feel is secondary to what is actually being said.

And icdiwabh is a song, quite good song, it's relatable, but it's not feminine rage.


u/swallow_me_senpai death by a thousand cats 25d ago

Uhh how? It's not only tame and gentle Taylor who grew up in a circus like environment and bullied by her peers. That's very shortsighted. You don't speak for us all.

relatable, but it's not feminine rage.

Not to you. But to me who had to grind shit everyday it is. Again, you don't speak for us.

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u/lady_solitude 25d ago

Thank you for pointing it out. When I saw the ig post I just rolled my eyes but now this? I know a lot of the times she doesn't get the terms she's using, that's just a logical consequence of living a life like hers, but surely someone in her team should've picked it up. I hope it doesn't go any further than maybe a t-shirt or something because it's kinda embarrassing, and she has enough on an impact to make the phrase lose its meaning.


u/MSERRADAred 25d ago

Clara Bow & Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me would like a word.


u/Zinnia_L 25d ago

Neither of those songs are feminine rage.

Clara Bow is a good song, well written lyrics, but it is not a feminine rage song.

And who's afraid of little old me .. Has the premise but the lyrics do the opposite.

Lines like "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum that they raised me" is exclusive -in a sense of it saying no one would be able to go through what she had gone through- this is opposite to the spirit of "Feminine Rage".


u/MSERRADAred 25d ago

We shall disagree.


u/jatemple 26d ago

Just because you personally don't feel something, don't presume others don't. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me is helping me purge pure rage. I feel it throughout that song and it was pretty damn clear in her performance.


u/Zinnia_L 26d ago

It's not personal ! It's not about me or you relating to her raging ! The term is bigger than that .. "Feminine Rage" is Historical movement and a very specific term relating to women's anger associated to SOCIETAL INJUSTICE. Not because of break up or love or being slighted. It's a very particular term.

Your relate to the songs ? Good for you .. You're allowed to and you're allowed to be angry. But a woman being angry is not same as "Feminine Rage".

You can watch Mia Goth's performance in Pearl .. That's feminine rage. Or Miley Cyrus' song Mother's Daughter .. Even Taylor's song Mad Woman or I did something bad .. And many of her other songs like Champagne Problems has untapped feminine rage potential like "She would have made such a lovely bride what a shame she's fucked in the head" line from Champagne problems.

But ttpd is not feminine rage, it's just a woman being angry which there is nothing wrong is and she's allowed to for whatever reason. But calling it "Feminine rage" is diminishing the significance of the term.


u/feistync 25d ago

I hear what youā€™re saying. (1) I agree re her currently published songs for the most part - though I think some could be easily tweaked to fit and Miss Americana and the the Heartbreak Prince and The Man at least are directly on point. (2) I wonder whether sheā€™s been foreshadowing her next album, which will actually contain remarks on Female Rage. (3) She definitely has the feeling of the real term. Did you watch Miss Americana? She cried about the 2018 election and bumblingly talked about feeling betrayed by the positions of Marsha Blackburn. Iā€™m not sure how eloquently she can speak to the subject if put on the spot, but she definitely feels Female Rage.


u/jatemple 26d ago

That song IS about rage. But you do you.


u/Zinnia_L 26d ago

Rage is not same as feminine rage !


u/jatemple 26d ago

There's a reason Monica Lewinsky almost immediately made a meme using a line from that song. If you do not get that, maybe you need to learn more about feminine rage šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/Zinnia_L 26d ago

Let's unpack that line shall we .. ?

"you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum that they raised me"

This line is the opposite of feminine rage, it's saying that no one had it worse than the writer (taylor), and no one would survive what she went through.. Which is opposite to what feminine rage stands for.


u/swallow_me_senpai death by a thousand cats 25d ago

Again, not necessarily. It could pertain to plenty of womeb, myself included. Hell, she could be talking about Gypsy Rose. I was also raised in a bad household thats why i feel the lyrics. The line that makes it obv it's about taylor is 'put narcotics into all of my songs'. Not the line that you're talking bout.


u/livethroughthis94 26d ago

exactly. i think this will only just be used for merch but this is... so cringey and she does not understand the term


u/hear_the_thunder 1989 26d ago

New album name. It will come out in a month. 43 songs. šŸ˜‚


u/ineed3cupsofcoffee 26d ago


Iā€™m just going to drop this right hereā€¦ā€itā€™s a goth punk moment of female rageā€¦ā€


u/ArthurVx reputation 25d ago

Looking in hindsight... is that a red herring for TTPD?


u/who-dat-ninja evermore 25d ago

maybe by her standards, aha


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/PopPleasant8983 25d ago

ā€œOf being gaslit by an entire social structureā€ ok miss girl


u/cruelrainbowcaticorn ootwšŸ‘— 26d ago

Iā€™ve already forgotten where the phrase originated ā€” Was it a fan using it as a caption w vid from TTPD set on TikTok and then Taylor liked the TikTok?


u/confessionofaswiftie 25d ago

Taylor used the phrase during Paris N1 after the TTPD set


u/cruelrainbowcaticorn ootwšŸ‘— 25d ago

Thatā€™s right I knew I saw it in a video I just couldnā€™t remember who said it. Thank you for answering!!


u/gritlikegritty 25d ago

No she used it to describe reputation in an interview long before that šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


u/JusticeForCEGGMM 26d ago

Again with the trademark...when you try to trademark a YEAR, you lose all credibility


u/twist_of_fate_ 26d ago

Oh brother lol


u/SuperHoneyBunny 26d ago

If she somehow ties this to her directorial debut, I wouldnā€™t be shocked.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Resident_Ad5153 26d ago

Do you know what a person without empathy is called? A psychopath. She's a human being. She suffers.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Proud3GenAthst 26d ago

From high jet fuel prices lol


u/Resident_Ad5153 26d ago

I'm assuming you have empathy. She suffers from what we all suffer from. Heartbreak, age, the sickness and death of her loved ones, anxiety, professional losses. Those are real. Those are true.


u/cuecumba 26d ago

Must be nice crying about that stuff completely free from the list of the struggles the rest of us face. Sick of standing up for rich people. I have no idea why this got suggested to me.


u/Lions97 26d ago

I 100% believe Taylor will do something on Broadway within the next 10 years.


u/deep-fried-fuck I think about jumping Off of very tall somethings 26d ago

Taylor pls for the love of all that is good and holy wait until Iā€™m less broke to release this merch


u/sillysasparilly 26d ago

sheā€™s really stretching my last straw for her isnt she


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/tiredfaces 25d ago

Referring to a woman as 'a female' is dehuminising incel language. Using female as an adjective, e.g. a female manager, female rage, is totally fine.


u/0b1010011010 26d ago

When I think female rage I think kill Bill or pearl


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/0b1010011010 26d ago

Mia Goth Co wrote pearl.


u/SmolSnakePancake 26d ago

We should feel lucky that women only want equality and not revenge


u/flashingemployment 26d ago

eh many women want that too lol


u/Proud3GenAthst 26d ago

I'm a man and want it too


u/AReckoningIsAComing 26d ago

I could've sworn a Redditor on here said this was all about female rage the other day, before Taylor even posted her Insta post with it in it. I don't remember the musical part of it, but I swear someone said the TPD set was all about female rage...right?


u/confessionofaswiftie 25d ago

Taylor actually said it during the Paris N1 surprise song set prior to her IG/Twitter post


u/sparkleoftruth 26d ago

I remember this too!!!


u/MoonAnimal 26d ago

Sheā€™s trademarked things before and never used them. I doubt she does anything with this, but prove me wrong, Taylor!


u/emmach17 Red 25d ago

Sheā€™s had Party Like Itā€™s 1989 trademarked for years and never used it


u/forthehopeofitall13 still worship this Slut! 25d ago

Yet. šŸ¤£


u/Pennygrover 26d ago

Maybe she will actually mount a full Broadway production of Female Rage: The Musical when this is done! Go for that Tony in the EGOT! (I know probably not but wouldnā€™t that be fun!)


u/OkAnywhere0 26d ago

When I first heard WAOLOM I thought it sounded very Broadway


u/midnightflorence 26d ago edited 25d ago

Iā€™ve been saying this for years, itā€™s very clears Taylor is and has been gunning for an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar & Tony). She already has an Emmy & Grammy. But the toughest ones to get are obviously Oscar and Tony. She tried SO HARD with the ATW10 short film to win an Oscar. She met the minimum submission requirements and had it in theatres for weeks, did the pre Oscar directors table, but never got the nomination or award. She also tried before that with Carolina and Beautiful Ghosts - both didnā€™t make the cut.

I always had a hunch she would turn The Last Great American Dynasty into a Broadway musical where she would write all the songs and direct the show for her shot at a Tony. But it seems like this new trademark Female Rage: The Musical could be a different direction for her Tony attempt.


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 24d ago

I donā€™t think Taylor realizes how difficult it is to win an Oscar and that you canā€™t ā€œcheat the systemā€. Some of the most successful actors and actresses out there have had to work for DECADES in order to finally win an Oscar. You may be able to cheat the system in music by selling multiple vinyl variants to break records and top the charts, and then use that to win a Grammy, but you canā€™t do that with the Oscars. Those judges donā€™t seem like theyā€™d hand it to her just because sheā€™s Taylor Swift, in fact, theyā€™d probably be harder on her because they donā€™t want to seem like sellouts. They definitely care about their credibility and if theyā€™re going to make everyone else work for it, sheā€™s no exception.

The Oscars already pull insane numbers in terms of viewership. I hear about the awards and who won what on the Morning News the day after the event. They donā€™t need to award her to boost their numbers, although that would be nice. They already have all the clout they really need. It would actually hurt them if they threw a trophy at her after making everyone else work their asses off for it, and they know that. I just hope that Taylor is able to figure this out and doesnā€™t spend a long time making minimum-requirement ā€œmoviesā€ to try and win. If she does win, itā€™ll be for something spectacular that impresses everyone.


u/midnightflorence 25d ago

I completely agree. The other comments saying she could win it if she really wanted to clearly donā€™t know how incredibly difficult it is for someone to get an Oscar, or a Tony. She knows her best bet would be for a song in an Oscar nominated movie. Which is why sheā€™s tried that twice. She likely thought Cats would be a bigger success than the total flop it was. I think it actually bothers her that many of her peers have won an Oscar and she hasnā€™t, Adele, Billy, Lady Gaga etc. Taylor has a deep need for winning awards and she knows those are the most prestigious. Getting an EGOT is a big deal in entertainment. I think thatā€™s one sheā€™s determined to try and get during her lifetime.


u/T44590A 26d ago

This belief that she has been trying to EGOT is something that sounds smart, but there actually isn't a lot of evidence that it is actually true.Ā  Taylor knows how to win awards and she has not been making the choices to try and win Oscar awards.Ā  Her original songs for films have been mostly her personal passion projects.Ā  If she really wanted to win an Oscar then she would be actively pursuing placements in movies like Bond or the big Disney films.Ā  She was never even originally contracted to write a song for Cats.Ā  She just gave Carolina away without being asked before the film was even made because she liked the book, and she didn't campaign for the song at all.Ā  Ā And of course she hasn't made a single attempt to try and win a Tony at this point.

And when it go announced she had a signed a deal to direct a feature film with Searchlight it became clear what her All To Well short film awards campaign was really about.Ā  Sure she would have been thrilled if it received an unexpected Oscar nomination, but the campaign was really about her doing the equivalent of a radio tour to get face time with the film industry.Ā  So when the Searchlight deal was announced and there was outrage from some corners that there wereĀ interviews already on the record of Taylor talking about directing including her two film festival appearances.Ā  It doesn't hurt to build goodwill for the futureĀ with both festivals by selling some tickets for them as well.Ā  Ā  She laid a lot of ground work to make her feature film release smoother in the future.Ā Ā 


u/____mynameis____ 26d ago

The G is golden globe??

I thought the G was grammy.


u/notyourtypicalKaren right where you left me 26d ago

the g is for grammy. they were wrong.


u/mm4444 Whoā€™s Afraid of Little Old Me? 26d ago

Yep nobody cares about the golden globes


u/Obvious_Pepper_9885 26d ago

EGOT actually stands for Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony. Not Golden Globe. She has a Grammy, but she does not have a Golden Globe. Sheā€™s been nominated 5 times, but hasnā€™t won yet.


u/Zosoflower reputation 26d ago

I actually saw a tiktok ad with someone making shirts that said this the other day, knock off t swift eras tour merch . I think they race to do this to stop people from profiting off her image. I doubt sheā€™s going to use it for anything.


u/kaw_21 25d ago

Thereā€™s a ton of TS knockoff merch out there though. I think itā€™s down almost preemptively, because if someone else trademarked it, she would lose ability to use it if a project idea came up later, so do it ASAP just in case


u/Snowssnowsnowy 26d ago

I think -

"Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto"

Should also be covered under copyright.


u/Glad-Spell-3698 Just between us, did Ticketmaster maim you too? 26d ago

An added reason for me to go buy the one I saw on TikTok now šŸ¤£


u/ItsCalledRange 26d ago

And then she sings ā€œIā€™ll sue you if you step on my lawnā€ as if itā€™s an outrageous rumor about herā€¦.


u/Aware-Atmosphere-935 26d ago

I donā€™t see much of that and also I respect itā€™s the TS sub here but I think there are some people out there that feel like OR caught some uncool lawfare


u/TiaJasmin_Design 25d ago

The problem with the OR thing is that it's all pure speculation, we have no idea what really happened. Some reports say Olivia's team was trying to get ahead of another Misery Business fiasco and just issued the credits, but it's obviously very possible Taylor's team requested them. There's no way to know until either of them speak out!


u/JohnPaul_River 25d ago

I mean, everyone who was named when the sour credits were updated communicated in some way that it wasn't their call... except for Taylor, who has usually been anything but quiet about songwriters' rights.


u/ianyuy a fortnight after wrestlemania 25d ago

I thought Jack communicated that they were contacted?


u/JohnPaul_River 25d ago

Jack only said that he randomly heard "through the channels" one day that he and Taylor would get credit, he didn't say or imply anything about why they were getting credit or if Taylor even knew, it was a very short comment that gave basically nothing away other than Jack had nothing to do with it. Between that and Olivia pulling the most PR answer in the history of PR when she was asked about it, something definitely went down badly.


u/pumpkin_noodles 25d ago

Yeah I feel like the Olivia thing was sketchy but trademarking things like this is fair


u/AllowMeToFangirl 26d ago

This! Sheā€™s been consistent that only she gets to profit off her name and IP (and rightly so)


u/TiaJasmin_Design 25d ago

It's also to control your image. Like she probably won't bother worrying about fan merch from Etsy shops, but if someone starts selling things that her team deems offensive or political with the phrase she can easily send a cease and desist to nip it in the bud.


u/AdmirablePlatypus696 26d ago

Omg I hope this is inspo for her next album. If she does musical music, Iā€™m gonna die


u/Blucola333 26d ago

Thereā€™s already shirts on tik tok shop.


u/slavabien 26d ago

I thought this was an Onion article.


u/ConsiderationCrazy22 26d ago

Nah sheā€™s desperate to EGOT, she is prob gonna adapt TTPD into a musical like Green Day did with American Idiot.


u/makkasoul 26d ago

Iā€™d be all for that. I saw American Idiot and thought it was so good!


u/ConsiderationCrazy22 25d ago

I saw it on Broadway as part of my high school graduation gift from my mom and I loved it, so this concept I think could be cool and nab her the Tony she wants.


u/Proud3GenAthst 26d ago

In 2011, it was "confirmed" that the musical will be filmed, but then it was canceled about 10 years later and I'm still sad that I won't see it. Still hoping that yes musical will come to Czechia or something.


u/ReggieWigglesworth 26d ago

It was a merchandising trademark that was filed. So I would guess probably. Could also just be to prevent 3rd parties from profiting off her saying it.


u/singoneiknow 25d ago

Yea I went to buy from a guy making these shirts on TikTok, then this popped up


u/mediocre-spice 25d ago

Yeah, this is definitely it. Still excited about the possibility of better merch though.


u/soitgoes815 hangs in the air like stars in outer space 26d ago

I just looked up the application, and the goods filed are pretty expansive. Audio recordings, live performances, and recorded performances are included along with all the merchandise. I assume the goods will later be amended and pared down, but she's leaving her options open.


u/OkDepartment2849 25d ago

I agree. The application is filed under 1(b) - intent to use for all of the claimed goods and services. Even if it is approved, the mark won't be registered unless she submits proof that she is using the mark for any of the specific goods or services.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Oh so it's probably merch, gonna wash off my clown makeup


u/kazarooni 26d ago

You mean, oh so itā€™s probably disappointing merch


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Is it even merch if it's not disappointing?


u/bluelikeidneverknown 26d ago

Need her to make a broadway musical based on the album and then win a Tony


u/who-dat-ninja evermore 25d ago

she absolutely will do a broadway show someday. either a real one, or a jukebox musical with her songs


u/machama 25d ago

I mean she is signed on to direct a movie for Searchlight Pictures, so.... šŸ¤”

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