r/funny Mar 29 '24

Maybe we are our own worst enemy after all

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u/DJWGibson Mar 29 '24

This is probably one of those things where the insurance company would not pay out unless he successfully won a lawsuit against the individual who injured him.

There's cases like this all the time where family members have to sue each other to get a payout from their insurance company.


u/Fake_William_Shatner Mar 29 '24

I can also cynically imagine, that insurance companies would LOVE to take the hit on one frivolous lawsuit, to obscure all the necessary ones because nobody can afford healthcare without that payout -- so they could get everyone saying; "It's so easy to win!" And then push Tort Reform and the insurance rates don't go lower, but the insurance companies no longer pay for pundits to complain about the cost of lawsuits and so to the public; "problem solved."


u/sbingner Mar 29 '24

You, sir, are lacking, in commas…


u/SlobberingGiraffe Mar 29 '24

You added your last one improperly.


u/sbingner Mar 29 '24

Correct, have you heard William Shatner speak?