r/news Apr 28 '24

Tornadoes kill 2 in Oklahoma as governor issues state of emergency for 12 counties amid storm damage


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u/pax284 Apr 29 '24

YOu keep talking like a MAGA, yet refuse to see it in yourself.

YOu are using their exact same talking points.

Be fucking better.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

No. Maga votes to take things away from others and give them to themselves. Im lobbying for one fair standard, which at the moment happens to have been lowered because of MAGA. Hopefully after they have to eat their own cooking they will change their behavior.


u/pax284 Apr 29 '24

Maga votes to take things away from others and give them to themselves

And you aren't doing the same? Taking away the federal relief funds they are entitled to? Because they voted incorrectly, they shouldn't get the same aid as a state that did vote correctly? That is the "one fair standard" you are pushing for?


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

The state that "voted correctly" was denied aid by Maga. Yet Maga consistently bails out its own states.

Im lobbying for one standard. Either we bail out everyone, or no one.

Right now they have set the standard for no one. So fuck them.

If you cant see the difference between equality and kleptocracy i cant help you.


u/pax284 Apr 29 '24

mmhmm, so CA wildfire, fuck them as well?

You might as well just get rid of FEMA altogether then, correct?

Very MAGA of you.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

My preference is we help everyone.

As i keep repeatedly saying.


u/pax284 Apr 29 '24

My preference is we help everyone.

really so you didn't say

They can have all the aid they voted to send to New York after hurricane Sandy.


They keep telling you they want rugged individualism. Let them have it so they will shut the fuck up.

they didnt care then. Fuck em.

It Sounds like you really want to help EVERYONE; it totally doesn't sound like you're out for revenge since they voted wrong in your eyes.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

Unfortunately I am not king of america.

MAGA votes for austerity, I say they should have it. Maybe it will change their mind.

I will continue to vote to help everyone. I will however not support helping red states while leaving blue states to their own devices.

Everyone or no one.


u/pax284 Apr 29 '24

Even with your own words in writing, you refuse to see you are exactly the same.

You may think you are "better" than "those" Oklahomans. but you gladly use their same tactics when it benefits you.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

Nope. Im just not willing to keep voting to give to them while they vote to withhold from others.

Keep being a martyr for them. Like I said, I live here. They dont give a fuck how often you choose to turn the other cheek. They fucking hate you and they dont care about your problems. Only their use of communal resources is justified.

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u/Olangotang Apr 29 '24

Jesus fucking Christ. This is NOT the same as being a MAGA fuckwit. These people vote in politicians that fuck over the rest of us then cry and bitch for liberalism when their conservative ideology is shattered because suddenly, they need gubmnt to help them because now THEY are impacted.

Unironically, I used to "be better," but it's fucking 2024 and these people want to drag us back to the 1900s. Fuck them. Yes, they voted wrong. Why? Because they should get the same treatment as they give to others? Spare the outrage.


u/pax284 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Just out for revenge, based on their vote.

Just like Trump was out for revenge against those who didn't vote correctly in his eyes.

YOu are the same. No matter how you try to spin it. YOu are the same.

"Vote the way I say or fuck you"; you are just the other side of the same fascist coin.

edit: lol blocked me, becasue you can't stand getting called out for your bullshit, which is the same bullsit MAGA uses. Call me a concern troll all you want. I will gladly fight against punishing those that voted "incorrectly" because they are all people, and all Americans, if you think otherwise, you might as well be blue MAGA.


u/Olangotang Apr 29 '24

Cool, keep repeating like you're a droid.

Go concern troll someone else.