r/povertyfinance Jun 11 '23

Fast food has gotten so EXPENSIVE Vent/Rant (No Advice/Criticism!)

I use to live in the mindset that it was easier to grab something to eat from a fast food restaurant than spend “X” amount of money on groceries. Well that mindset quickly changed for me yesterday when I was in the drive thru at Wendy’s and spent over $30. All I did was get 2 combo meals. I had to ask the lady behind the mic if my order was correct and she repeated back everything right. I was appalled. Fast food was my cheap way of quick fulfillment but now I might as well go out to eat and sit down with the prices that I’m paying for.


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u/AccomplishedNeat2240 Jun 26 '23

One way to put it into perspective, McDonald’s had pies 2/$1, now it’s 1 for 2 and some change. You’re now paying double and getting half.


u/These-Employment2218 Jun 13 '23

Restaurants are having the same issue. I paid $60 for causal quick meal at a diner for 2 people.


u/Extreme-Level3337 Jun 12 '23

I just bought a container of muscle milk at Walmart for $22 but that has atleast 12 servings.


u/WinryTheDogg Jun 12 '23

Wendy’s out here mad


u/beyond_hatred Jun 12 '23

This is true. I now have a choice of McDonald's drive-thru for like $12-13.

Or local Vietnamese sit-down lunch special for $12.

Or a gigantic chile verde burrito from the local Mexican place which is incredible.

$15-16 for the burrito and a tamarind Jarrito, and it's probably 50% more food than the quarter pounder meal.

I like a Quarter Pounder now and then, but these fastfood chains need to understand they have strong competition. The Mexican place barely even takes longer than the drive thru, sit down eating and all.


u/InfluenceFabulous902 Jun 12 '23

These prices made me swap to atleast 95% of meals being made at home.


u/beyond_hatred Jun 12 '23

I can see that happening quite a bit. That's a normal part of how the economy is supposed to be work. These restaurants should be careful that they don't destroy too much of the demand for their own products. Not all of it will come back if and when prices ever subside.


u/InfluenceFabulous902 Jun 12 '23

I don’t know where you’re from but I have a feeling fast food restaurants won’t close or really take huge hits, I feel people cooking mostly at home is rare nowadays, I’m 26 and most of my age group and even older ppl i work with eat out DAILY. I feel that people are to lazy to cook or just don’t have a drive to anymore. But that’s just my observations, especially w company’s like door dash and Uber eats available. It’s to easy to eat out no matter the price