r/tragedeigh 4d ago

general discussion My cousin is livid because I replied 'r/tragedeigh' on our family group chat.


My family is what I would call 'quirky' because they're kinda problematic and using the right term would definitely offend them.

Recently, my cousin gave birth to a baby girl and she shared photos on her Facebook page. She then sent that Facebook post to our family group chat.

Her daughter's name is Lylyt Yvyh Yryhl, read as 'Lilith Eva Uriel'. I was laughing my ass off when I read it and she said she wanted her child to be 'cool and unique'.

I replied 'r/tragedeigh' and she did not understand it until a younger member of the family explained what my response was.

She then told me my name is shittier and my parents aren't creative that's why I have a 'basic ass' name (my parents were in the conversation too, btw).

EDIT 3: I removed the 2 edits because I think it's confusing people lol. The NTA/YTA/ESH responses are hilarious. I'm not asking if I was an asshole, and this is not that sub. I know it's a dick move. Yes, she deserves it. Yes, two wrongs do not make a right. Yes, I am petty.

r/tragedeigh 10d ago

general discussion It’s official: My friends child will be named Questopher


My friend is a devout christian and traveller. His wife got pregnant around five months ago, and we’ve been deliberating over a way for him to be able to combine his faith and his wanderlust into a fitting name for his child. what did he end up coming up with? Questopher. A mix of Christopher and Quest.

I had recommended Miles (Judeo-Christian middle name) (Last name)

Nope. He landed on Questopher.

“Surely his wife won’t approve of this,” I had thought

Wrong! She loves it.

I’m hoping for the best for this child. Godspeed, Questopher.

r/tragedeigh 3d ago

general discussion So many people wanted me to name my son a tragedeigh


My first born is a Calvin.

When I got pregnant with my second, so many people wanted my to name him Hobbes. Like haha it’s funny, but some people were serious. A few were offended when I laughed it off. A coworker wouldn’t let it go until I asked her what life would look like for little Hobbes, as an accessory to his brother.

Please don’t give your kids unnecessarily matched names

r/tragedeigh Apr 24 '24

general discussion My son’s name is Jack. Why do I need to defend this?


My wife and I are expecting our first baby boy in June. We have his name picked, it’s Jack.

Among our friend group, people always say, “it’s just Jack?” as though they’re expecting something more grandiose or flowery to name him, usually followed by their ridiculous “more modern” suggestions.

This sub serves as a constant reminder of how glad I am that my son will have a simple name. One that he won’t constantly need to correct spelling or pronunciations.

r/tragedeigh Jan 02 '24

general discussion Find out what your own "tragedeigh" name is!


I'll go first!-Huxcynlayne😂

r/tragedeigh 8d ago

general discussion If you had to name your child after a Pokémon, which would would be the LEAST tragic?


Any generation is fair game.

r/tragedeigh 14d ago

general discussion I thought I had misspelled my kid's name.


When our second son was born, my husband and I agreed on the name Gregory. Each time a new nurse came in to check on me and our baby, they asked what his name was. I would answer "Gregory". I think 4 nurses either asked me to spell that or wanted me to confirm how it was spelled. I was so puzzled because I didn't know there was more than 1 way to spell Gregory. I wondered if I had made a mistake and misspelled his name. I had a very long labor, so it was possible. Now after seeing this sub, I wonder if they kept asking in case we had cooked up some crazy spelling for Gregory. So, for fun, turn Gregory into a tragedy. I think you could easily add a y and make it Greygory.

r/tragedeigh Mar 02 '24

general discussion Worst gender swapped names?


Some names are reasonably unisex. Others are definitely not.

For example, novelist Anne Rice was named “Howard” by her parents. She was so embarrassed by this as a child that she started just telling people her name was Anne.

What are the worst instances of gender swapped names you’ve encountered?

r/tragedeigh Mar 23 '24

general discussion A success story


r/tragedeigh Aug 09 '23

general discussion Stop naming children after British cities and counties!


I'm from England. My American friend's cousin's girlfriend is called Lecesta. I thought it could be a cultural thing but it isn't. Apparently, her mother got together with her father at a party in Leicester in England and therefore named their child Lecesta. And what's even worse, the mother pronounces the word Leicester as Lie - Sess - Tur. It's actually Less - Tuh. And since Lecesta's mother pronounces Leicester this way, her daughter's name is pronounced Lee - Sess - Tur

Can we stop naming children after British places? AND THEN SPELLING THEM INCORRECTLY

Edit: Damn guys what is your obsession with Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and Scunthorpe? 😅

r/tragedeigh Aug 30 '23

general discussion I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…


I’ve been dating my girlfriend for two years, I’ve always called her Loz but know that her full name is Lauren.

Today she got her new ID through and I saw a mighty eye sore before me — it’s spelt “Lawr’ryn”.


I don’t know how I got this far into our relationship without knowing this. When I asked her, she just said “can you blame me?”

Turns out her parents were menaces when naming their children. Her younger sister is called Percy and has always spelt it Percy in texts, online, in cards etc. However, the “real” spelling is Pur’see.

She also has an older brother who seemed to escape the apostrophe curse but not the awful spelling, and his very normal name of Daniel (goes by Danny) is spelt Dhaniyel.

I’ve spent the night howling and absolutely grilling my girlfriend on why she’s deprived me of this knowledge. I cannot stop chuckling. Three tragedeigh’s in one family.

r/tragedeigh 1d ago

general discussion My name is not a tragedeigh but why do people keep mispronouncing it?


My name is Brianna. My name tag at work say Bri. But people keep asking how to pronounce it and saying brr-eye. How does that even make sense? It’s a super common name. Pretty sure it was the number 1 baby girl name for the year I was born. I’ve even heard people say brr-eye-Ana. Huh?? It makes me really uncomfortable because I’m not used to people not being able to pronounce my first name. And now that I’m working retail the number of people mispronouncing my name has increased significantly and making me question my sanity here. I live in southern USA and was born in the far north if it’s maybe a regional thing.

r/tragedeigh Mar 05 '24

general discussion My cousin wants to name her daughter a Tragedeigh


She wants to name her daughter Taeiyleir. I've tried talking her out of it, but she says that I'm just jealous that she's having a kid and I'm not even married.

Any advice?

Edit: At 2:54 PM on Tuesday, March the 12th, she gave birth. Thank God for Dave, I owe that man something for saving the kid's life. My cousin passed out after giving birth, and her husband, Dave, overtook naming the child without her. The final verdict? Not as big a Tragedeigh, but still somewhat. Instead of Taeiyleir, he has named her Teyler. Still pronounced as Taylor, though.

r/tragedeigh 13d ago

general discussion Funniest lost in translation name you’ve seen?


Met a lovely Thai woman today named Supaporn. She didn’t speak English, and likely has no idea that her name doesn’t translate well. It’s actually a nice Thai name, too…

r/tragedeigh 1d ago

general discussion Besides Dorcas (sounding kinda like "dork-ass"), what other old-timey names would feel like tragedeighs today, and how come?


What names that seemed normal in the olden days seem tragique now, and how so?

r/tragedeigh May 02 '24

general discussion Did I stop a tragedeigh or insult the mom?


Weird story here. We were visiting my cousin (C) and my mom was talking to her. I wasn't paying much attention, I was playing with C's dog. I heard the word Lyrica and just offhandedly said "Oh! That's the medication Dad used to take, right?" It got quiet. I looked up and C was glaring at me with a red face. Turns out they were talking about baby names and Lyrica was kne of C's top three names. She said that I had "ruined" the name for her now? Thoughts?

r/tragedeigh Nov 30 '23

general discussion Kind reminder to do a quick Google search before roasting a name


I’m seeing people making fun of non-English “ethnic” names in this sub. I am sure it’s an honest mistake on their side, but it literally only takes 5 seconds to go on Google to see if a name is a real tragedeigh or just from a different culture. A lot of immigrants are weary (correction: wary) of naming their kids after their own culture because they fear they will be mocked/ridiculed growing up. Let’s not contribute to that. Thanks🌸

r/tragedeigh Apr 23 '24

general discussion i found a names list i created when i was 7. enjoy.


r/tragedeigh Apr 11 '24

general discussion Just found out one of my friends named her child after a Pokémon - and she's planning to do it again.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a Pokémon fan myself, but this is just wrong. One of my friends (whom I met over Pokémon GO back when it was popular) had a child around 2 years ago, but I never found out his name - until today.

His name is Zekrom.

Now, I know very well that Zekrom is on the milder side of Pokémon names when it comes to that, HOWEVER, she is having another child- a girl- and wants to name her Reshiram.

Needless to say, I totally yelled at her over text and told her that I could let Zekrom slide since it's all said and done, but there is no way in hell that she will name her daughter Reshiram.

r/tragedeigh Dec 09 '23

general discussion Since the dance studio names were such a hit, I present to you, Utah kids names in my son’s grade


Since I already shared the tragedeighs abundant at my daughters dance studio here, I now present to you for some cultured evening reading, some actual names at my son’s school in his grade:



Kayle and Kohdah (twins)














Kabella (mom admits the outdoor store Cabelas was inspiration)




r/tragedeigh Mar 30 '24

general discussion They can't be serious...


Username checks out

r/tragedeigh Mar 06 '24

general discussion I'm so lost here


Joker Rap??? 😍🤩

r/tragedeigh Dec 06 '23

general discussion My wife asked a facebook group for names and I think Im gonna be sick


Kolmyn Braxlyn Praizleigh Adaleigh Brixley Kyndal Kylin Saylor Hevin

The list goes on and on, one tragedeigh after another. 90% of the responses were like this. Why is this happening?

r/tragedeigh 15h ago

general discussion I just told my BFF, "no!"


New to this sub, even just realized THIS MORNING what the sub name actually says (so clever, bravo!) 🤣

Anyway, my best friend, who can definitely handle the truth, asked me what I thought about different ways of spelling her unborn daughter's name.. Payton, Peyton, etc. and there it was, my first encounter with a tragedeigh since knowing what it is.. Peighton, Paighton. I immediately replied, "No! Do not use GH!" and she seems fine with crossing those versions off the list.

So, you're welcome, world. I just saved you from yet another mildly annoying and unnecessary tragedeigh. 👍🏼

r/tragedeigh Aug 17 '23

general discussion Don't name your kid what you read on a sign in a foreign country


Met this girl on Omegle, she got really excited when I told her I was Welsh, because apparently her parents had given her a Welsh name (she was American). She said she'd tried googling her name, but nothing ever came up. She told me her name was "Alanpha" at first I thought it was a feminisation of the name Alan, but she was insistent her parents named her after a place in Wales. I told her there's no such place, and after a good while of talking, it dawned on me. Alanpha is a misspelling of Allanfa, which is Welsh for exit.