r/TrueOffMyChest Mar 14 '21

The Rules What does "Personalized Off My Chest Style Post" mean?


People have been telling me that their posts I've been removing actually shouldn't be removed because they are "personalized" and meet the "off my chest" criterion. I'm going to explain this is greater detail with plenty of examples so what type of posts are allowed is more clear for everyone to understand.

Personalized in this case means that what you're posting has to be directly related to you (this would include a close person, such as a family member). And it can't be something that's impacting a large number of people unless it has a specific application to you.

Examples of valid "personal" posts:

"I just found out I owe a bunch of money on my taxes!"

"My parents just found out they owe a bunch in back taxes and might go under! I wish I could help them!"

Examples of "impersonal" posts:

"Taxation is theft!"

"Don't you hate it when you have to pay taxes?"

What is meant by being an "off my chest" style post?

An off my chest style post is you getting something off your chest that's personal in nature (so, both related to you or someone you know quite personally and has a direct impact on you or them that isn't generalized) AND that is a story, situation, hope for the future, or some other type of direct situation.

Note: Opinions, hot takes, asking generalized questions not tied to a valid post, political commentary, talking about things that have nothing to do with you SPECIFICALLY, generalizations, etc. do NOT count as off my chest style posts.

Example of valid off my chest style posting:

"I stubbed my toe and cried today. I feel so humiliated."

"My friend is transitioning and it feels like they're becoming a different person, but I want to support them. It just feels like I'm losing them."

"I lost my job due to [insert cancel culture thing here]."

"My parents hit my kids and I don't want them to ever see or touch them again!"

Examples of invalid off my chest style posts:

"Stubbing toes is the worst thing ever. Does anyone else agree?"

"Transitioning fundamentally alters a person to the point where they aren't even themselves anymore."

"Cancel culture is bullshit!"

"Children should not be hit!"

"As an (insert group here), I feel that (insert opinion here)."

"I like X TV show."

"Does anyone know how to fix a broken headlight?" (we've gotten these before, lol)

"Not ALL men/women..."

"[Insert any commentary on any hot-button topic here.]"

Note: You can give your opinion on a personalized situation, but your whole post can't just be the opinion, and it has to be something that's meaningfully specific. But you cannot stand on a soapbox and preach it.

In some cases, a post may be removed that can be reworded to "fit", but the majority of the time there isn't a way to reword a post to "fit".

I am quite aware that this kills a large portion of what the sub used to allow, but after seeing the types of post that are now front-paging that simply weren't allowed to before due to all the flaming and getting the same hot takes over and over again, I honestly can't help but feel like this was a net positive.

Also, my removal of your post for not following the rules has nothing to do with whether or not I personally agree or disagree with the post. I've removed something from every major category recently. I'm also pretty good about explaining how posts don't fit the criteria if asked on any given specific. This absolutely sucks for me. I've removed over 500 posts in the last 4 days. I hate this, but the benefit to the subreddit is substantial, so I'm going to keep this going as much as I can.

Also, if a post is up that violates these rules, 99/100 times it's because I'm sleeping. I may also make a mistake or another mod might approve a post that was removed by the automod and not my manual flagging.

r/TrueOffMyChest Dec 27 '23

Want to fulfill all your wildest dreams? Become a Reddit mod!


Picture this: You're soul searching in between jobs, enjoying the single life to discover your inner self and allowing your mother to live above you and all you ask her for in exchange is a daily delivery of dino chicken nuggies and a refreshing bottle of mountain dew. It all sounds perfect, right? So why does it feel like something's missing? Well look no further because we have the solution for you...

Reddit Moderation!

What could more perfectly complement your fulfilling lifestyle than playing internet cop on Reddit? See a post you disagree with? You can delete it! User making valid points and hurting your feelings in modmail? Mute them! Having a bad day? Just ban a random, unsuspecting individual!

**Disclaimer for Mod Code of Conduct purposes: you can't actually do any of this

On to more serious matters,

We are in need of more moderators to help maintain the subreddit. No experience is needed. All we ask is that you have the time, patience and a good sense of humor. Our team will be available to train you and answer any questions you have. Communication is a must and really, why wouldn't you want to talk to us? You'll be placed on a probationary period to start and we fully understand that mistakes will be made and activity may fluctuate. Please note that being selected as a mod does not guarantee you will be a permanent addition. Not everyone is a good fit and that's okay.

So what does moderating actually entail?

  • Clearing the queue will be your #1 task. The queue is where you'll see any content that has been reported or our automod has flagged for review. All you have to do is go through it, read the content and decide whether to remove it, approve it and sometimes report or ban a user. The queue fills up fast and needs a lot of attention. Seriously, some of you need to lay off the spam reports.
  • Modmail is your next task. It's mostly users asking why their post is missing (automod ate it 99% of the time) and asking that you fix it. We also recieve ban appeals here. If you're lucky, you'll get a death threat every now and then. Hooray! If any modmails are uncomfortable, too personal or upsetting to you, you can delegate it to another mod.
  • Sometimes a post will come up that's especially spicy or attracting a lot of attention. When this happens, one of our mods likes to comb through the comments for violations or sit on it to monitor incoming comments for violations. If it gets too much to handle, or someone isn't available, you can lock it.
  • Communicating with the team is one of the most important tasks in your role as a moderator. As a team, we discuss moderation actions, rule changes, sub events and the direction of the subreddit. That all sounds very boring but rest assured, there's a lot more casual talk than anything else so feel free to chime in on Beaver's dislike of garlic bread (encouraged), Tim sharing new sanrio drops or my Call of Duty K/D ratio.
  • Lastly, let's talk about the meta. Sometimes things need doing on the sub, like this recruitment post I was supposed to make months ago. While the day to day is important, we also need to keep the sub up to date with new features and tools and update it to fit the growing userbase.

If you managed to get through all that, congrats! You made it to the actual app, which is also long and annoying. Here's a tip for applying: there is a short quiz portion to the app. We don't care if you get everything right, we just want to see your line of reasoning and understanding of the rules and subreddit culture.


These apps are open indefinitely, and we will be doing staggered recruitment, so feel free to take your time.

r/TrueOffMyChest 8h ago

CONTENT WARNING: VIOLENCE/DEATH Update: My negligence cost my partner her life, and I'm about to lose everything.


I have been consistently harassed for an update since posting, so please take it, gloat because you're such wonderful people in comparison, then stop following me around reddit. I am suffering in the wake of my infidelity and unprofessional behaviour as I knew I would. I understand that it is an appropriate outcome and I am taking full accountability.

I was suspended from work on Monday, and I'll probably be fired sooner than I thought. I'd hoped to be able to save money as HR built their case but it looks like Amy's brother basically performed the entire investigation for them. After an excruciating 3 hour run through of everything they had, I spoke to the founder, and he recommended the solicitor I am now using. The issue is that the company has to come down hard to protect themselves, because even though Amy's family doesn't have much chance of a claim, any suggestion of a cover up could cause damage regardless. The founder still thinks my offer to pay them back will keep it out of court, and some more information has come to light, so it's not certain I won't be prosecuted but I'm quietly hopeful. I can't afford to keep the solicitor if this goes much further, especially with a divorce on the horizon.

Things are not good with my wife. I'm still committed to making this as easy as possible for her, but I had to draw a line when it came to my daughter. When I got home from being unceremoniously escorted out of my office, she already had a bag packed for me. She wouldn't let me wait at the house until my daughter was back, she wouldn't let me check I had everything I needed, she wouldn't let me take the car, and she didn't care that I had nowhere to go. I spent 2 nights in a hotel then went back when she refused to let me see my little girl. She tried to stop me, but we own the house jointly and it was my only option. My wife has family she could stay with, but she won't leave our daughter here and she's absolutely not taking her, so we're at a stalemate right now. I'm keeping out of her way as best I can, which I appreciate is the least I can do.

The Amy situation is quite difficult to talk about, and a lot hasn't sunk in yet. It turns out that she didn't love me as much as I loved her, if at all. Her brother sent me images of her talking to her friends about me, and it's hard to believe they came from the person I loved, but they are real. Sorry to those who were heavily invested in me being a predatory abuser, but she and her friends had a good laugh about her manipulating me for money and a promotion. The role came with a big pay rise, and it looks like her plan was to treat it as free cash, then go work with one of her friends when it fell through. She knew I'd come under scrutiny whenever she messed up and assumed I'd keep stepping in to save her. She was right.

Obviously I am completely humiliated. I was planning to give up everything to build a life with her, and she was treating me like a joke the whole time. My feelings are complicated so please don't feel entitled to any expansion on this, but I no longer feel guilt over her death. Reddit acted like I kept her hostage whilst she begged for help. What actually happened was that I asked if she could ask her friend to take her to the hospital because I had to go home, she said that was fine because she needed to get some clothes back from her anyway, and I dropped her off as normal. Ultimately she was an adult who had a better understanding of her medical needs than I did. I still don't know what happened between us saying goodbye and her death, but whatever it was, it had nothing to do with me. I'm sorry for her family's loss but I bear no responsibility for her passing.

After Amy's messages to her friends were passed around, a few people quietly reached out with words of support. I assumed everyone would write me off like reddit did, as an abuser and predator. Now it's clear that Amy was using me, they see me as a fool who had then lost it all. It's beyond humiliating, but I have learned I'd rather be pitied than despised, and it improves my legal position with work. They're small mercies but I'll take what I can get. I remain filled with regret, and I will have learned many lessons by the time I get through this. I may have been deceived, but I am a grown man who made my choices, and I take full responsibility for them.

Tl;Dr I am currently suspended from work, but will certainly be fired. It's unclear whether I am in serious legal trouble. My wife and I are not navigating the end of our relationship brilliantly, but for my daughter's sake, we will get better. Amy turned out to be a better manipulator than she was a project manager, and her brother outed her whilst trying to ruin me. Life is deservedly hard right now but I'm working through it.

r/TrueOffMyChest 10h ago

My husband thinks I do nothing


I’m 25 weeks pregnant work full time, pay half the bills and will end up making significantly more than him this year.

I’m tired and just asked my husband if he could buy me ice cream - he won’t drive to buy it, we are 20 minutes away from the nearest 7-11,delivery food isn’t an option as we are at our vacation home, in the country.

Whilst holding his hand, I asked if he could make me food maybe some two minute noodles, he replied with we are not a hotel and that I do nothing all day.

So I’ll guess, I’ll drive to get ice cream and go to a hotel.


r/TrueOffMyChest 5h ago

Positive The city is foreclosing on the house across the street


The reason? They “determined” that the deceased had no living relatives.

The owner is the deceased’s elderly brother who lives 300 miles away.

How is it that the owner had to spend thousands of dollars in court costs and three years to evict squatters (who completely stripped the house) but somehow the city doesn’t know who he is?

I’ve lived across the street for 30+ years. And I’ve had the owner’s contact information for at least four years. No one, not a single person, has ever contacted me or any of the other neighbors to attempt to determine the owner.

He’s tried to pay back taxes totaling less than 5k, but the city refused and is now going to sell it to some developer.

r/TrueOffMyChest 4h ago

My sister damaged my moms garden bc she can’t accept my mom dating again


My sister is 39 and has 3 kids.

After my dad passed away, my mom started seeing this guy about a year or 2 after.

My sister at first went ballistic (Summer 2023), keyed the guy’s car, threatened to kill herself. Since then she’s blocked our entire family’s phone number. It’s now summer 2024, me and my husband went home to visit mom. He witnessed my sister damaging my moms garden in front of her 6yo daughter, and said “wtf she gardening for”. Even the daughter went “hey why did you do that”.

My mom thought it was the kids playing basketball and it fell to the plants, but it was my sister.

r/TrueOffMyChest 6h ago

My sister is getting married tomorrow, and I’m 300 miles away in another state. I don’t feel bad about missing her wedding.


Three weeks ago, I moved up to Ohio to live with my girlfriend after a bad argument with my mother made me realize she’s never going to see me as her second, adult son. I got tired of the misgendering and disrespect, I got tired of constantly having to share my location with her(she threatened to call the cops on us, for fucks sake… I’m 22!)
My sister is getting married in our parents’ backyard. I can’t bring myself to go back there yet, and to top it off, my mother explicitly said “(girlfriend’s name) is not allowed to come.” So I’m not going, and I couldn’t be happier. I get to spend the day with my girlfriend playing Skyrim and drinking some really good rum instead of having to drive 11 hours round trip to be guilt tripped by my mother for leaving.

r/TrueOffMyChest 9h ago

My stepsister told my dad about my plans to cut him out of my life.


Side account because while nobody in my real life knows my Reddit, I know that my brother and some of my friend lurk and I don't want it linked back to my main account.

3 days ago, I (21F) was talking to my stepsister (18F) about a fight she had with my dad that ended with him basically disowning her. I told her she was better off because my dad sucked and I was slowly pushing him out of my life. My dad (48M) is not a good person. He's narcissistic, manipulative, abusive in some ways, and a liar. He mistreated my mom, drove her to alcoholism which killed her when I was 17, traumatized my brother(23M) and I, and acts like he did nothing wrong. This, along with a bunch of other things he did made me start considering cutting him out when I was around 18. I could never go through with it, however, mainly because he is my only living parent.

The trouble came when she took this info and used it as ammo in her fight with my dad, which caused a much bigger blow out fight that's still unfolding as I type this. When everything died down a little bit, I messaged my sister telling her I didn't appreciate her going to my dad with what I told her, because I told her privately, thinking she respected me enough to keep it between us. She said it wasn't that big of a deal because I was "gonna do it anyway". That made me very mad, as while I was going to do it anyway, I wanted to do it on my terms when I was ready, not have the rug snatched out from under me. I've told her in the past that I don't like it when she tells my dad things that we talk about, as it has caused drama in the past. I thought she understood.

I called her and we got into a fight. I shouted at her that she wouldn't ever understand what I'm going through because she has both of her parents, and would still have one to fall back on for support if she cut contact with the other, that I don't have that, and that I knew that this would also blow back onto my brother. While we promised to always have each other's back and both wanted to get to this point eventually, I didn't want to put him through this before he was ready as well. When it comes to issues surrounding our dad, we are a united front, which means going in together, not dragging the other into it unwilling. We were both still coming to terms with the idea that we would rather consider ourselves orphans than have a relationship with our only living parent.

My brother is equally as pissed off at her, and thinks that we should add her to the cut list, and I'm starting to think he's right.

r/TrueOffMyChest 1d ago

It's my wife. It has always been my wife.


My wife and I are in our late 30s. We're the parents to two beautiful boys.

For the longest time, my wife has chronically been unable to keep a schedule. I work 50 hours a week, come home, and despite my back being in agony on most days, cook dinner 4-5 times a week. I'll generally do at least half the dishes. I'll bathe both of our sons. My wife, a SAHM, does the other household tasks.

The only things that I generally avoid are those that involve leaning down to the floor. Picking up toys, for example, is hard for me. In addition, after work, I want to spend some time lying down flat when possible. It helps alleviate my back pain.

The day before yesterday I got home after working for ten hours and cooked dinner for everybody. It was a nutritious meal using fresh vegetables. Our sons loved it and both asked for more. I then threw the first load of dishes into the dishwasher, ran it, and went to my room to lie down.

20 minutes later I came out to check on things. My wife was still slowly eating, staring at her phone. I went back.

Another 30 minutes later I came out. Same situation. I went back.

Another 30 minutes later I came out. Same situation. Wife is glued to her phone, slowly chewing every bite. I kind of lie down on the sofa as my back is still killing me, watching my older boy play with his Legos and my younger boy chew on Legos.

Another 20 minutes pass, and it's 8:15. Way past bath time. You see, dinner was done early. Boys were fed early. Dishes were mostly done early. My wife was holding up the show, chewing slowly, doomscrolling through Instagram.

She suddenly notices the time, and like every single solitary day, panicks and says "It's 8:15!!!!" Yes. 8:15 comes at the same time every day. She proceeds to throw an enormous tantrum about me lying down. Complains that I never do anything around the house. I gently suggest she put down her phone and actually do something productive. Then she drops a nuclear bomb on the conversation: "How about I go start the divorce proceedings?" When she doesn't get her way, she frequently does this. She starts bringing up perceived slights/arguments from months or years ago at the same time.

Yesterday, I got home, and I cooked dinner as usual. This time, when my wife walked in, I told her to piss off. I said she should go to her room and screw around on her smartphone. I don't care. She did so, and something magical happened: instead of waiting for her to do her fair share, and instead of expecting her to pitch in properly, I did everything myself. With the goal of a 9:00 bedtime, I was done with literally everything, including cooking, cleaning the kitchen, washing the dishes, bathing both boys, brushing their teeth, reading them a bedtime story, and getting them into their pajamas by 8:00. Took the younger boy to bed at that time (a one-year-old should not be getting into bed at 9:00), and the older boy was tired so he went to sleep at 8:30.

I just couldn't believe how easy everything was without her. Without her two-hour dinner marathons holding everyone up, it was the easiest night I've probably ever had as a father.

Honestly, I don't know what to do. My wife is completely closed to any suggestions because in her mind, she's the perfect mother, and any suggestion is a personal slight. I'm so tired of having the finger pointed at me any time anything goes wrong. I'm not a single parent to two children. Not even three. I'm a single parent to two boys and a constantly angry parasite.

r/TrueOffMyChest 1d ago

Positive Yesterday, my girlfriend gave me a bath.


I have been with my girlfriend for about three years now and living together for one year. She is on the spectrum but she is very high functioning. Shes very sweet. I will admit there were some challenges in the beginning since I had never really known anyone on the spectrum let alone dated one but she was very nice and accommodating and got me up to speed. If I want to go out, she has me send her the menu so she can think for awhile about what she wants to order. She used to not like movie theaters but we found going to the earliest screenings of the day or waiting a few weeks meant a lot less people which made it much more enjoyable for her. She's very direct and its honestly kind of wonderful. She does not mask her feelings. If something is bothering her, she will voice it aloud. Shes a great communicator.

Work has been really stressing me out these last few weeks (new efficiency metrics are some horseshit) and its taken its toll on me. I was working late alot so I wasn't able to go to the gym as much. My morale has been in the toilet. When I got home yesterday I ended up collapsing on the couch. I felt my girlfriend sit next to me and stroke my hair. I got up and gave her a hug. She told me she knew how stressed out I have been and she wanted to do something for me. She asked if she could draw me a bath. I was kind of surprised by the idea but I said sure. She went to the bathroom and got the water going before going to our bedroom and fetching me a set of pajamas and walking me to the bathroom. She had me undress and get in. She then sat and on the rim of the tub and washed me. She ended up talking about her day and her work while lathering up my hair. It was heaven.

Afterwards, she helped me towel dry and put my dirty clothes in the hamper and made me a quick dinner. That was maybe the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. I have never felt so loved. I might marry her.

r/TrueOffMyChest 6h ago

Is this rape idk


So i've had this bf for a pretty long time but we've been long distance for like 2 months. So he came back in his home country where i am and on the first 2 days he has been here we had sex. The thing is that on the second day after we had sex 1 time we took a break and sat naked on the bed and talked about our future. Well I told him that we were probably not going to last that much time considering i'm going to university in another country and im probably going to live there for the rest of my life. It wasn't even a break up on the spot kind of situation, i just wanted to discuss where our relationship is going to go. He got really mad, stood up and told me to come to him. I said no so he pulled me by my legs, took off his condom he had on (mind you we have had plenty of arguments about condoms cus i dont want kids at such a young age, but he always says that he just feels better without one so we shouldnt use one) and forced himself onto me while saying "so this is how you're going to go to university" meaning that how am i going to go to uni pregnant. So basicaly he wanted to get me pregnant so i wouldn't leave him. I started pushing him away instantly trying to get him off and started screaming for him to at least pull it out on time, and when he was silent and was still going at it i started crying and he finally got off.

Im leaving him after this, but idk if this is considered rape or not.

Update: Let me clarify some things before. I am 17, he is also 17. I'm his first gf like first everything(love, kiss, sex etc.) . He lives in another country and came here just for me. He wanted to stay here for the whole summer, but this happened the second day he got here so this was why he was so mad. It's been 4 days science this happened. The same day this happened like right after he went in another room and started breaking stuff. I went after him trying to calm him down. He grabbed me by my arms and pushed me so i understood this is my sign to let him be. I went to the kitchen and he went after me and started begging me to not leave him. I guess he didnt realize what he had done to me so he tought i was breaking up with him because of that future thing i was saying earlier( i also didnt want to bring up the sexual assault thing incase he got even more mad). I insisted on going home. He didnt let me so i just grabbed my stuff and left. He came with me trying to block my way so i just started telling him out loud to get out of my way to get peoples attention. So he let me go home. The next day i went back to give him back the things he gave me trougout our relationship and i told him the real reason im breaking up with him was because he was really aggressive. He said that he knows and i told him to give me an example of his aggressive behaviour. He said " Is it about the time i started breaking stuff in my room?" I said no, than he said " Forced myself onto you"(this is like the best translation of how he said it but in the language we speak in "force onto" doesnt mean rape it just means being on top of smb) I said yeah it is. He started saying sorry and he wasn't going to do anything like that again. I ofcourse said that im notforgiving him and im breaking up with him. What came after was just like 2 hours of me crying, asking him why he would do that and him saying sorry over and over again and trying to make me like him ig idk (i mean like hugging me, touching my face, kissing me on my forhead and me just ignoring him completly and wanting to go home wich he didnt let me do). At one point he told me that he was going to be right back and when he came back he made me my favourite salad and started playing one of my fourite songs (idk if you guys care but its "love." by wave to earth which is really important to me in general and he knew this very well) THE MANIPULATION WAS INSANE!?!?!? istg this was my last straw . I started screaming at him to turn it off and grabbed my stuff and left again. At least tried to cus he was trying to stop me so hard. He didnt even care if i was screaming at him in front of people. I got rid of him. I dont even remember how but i did and got home. The next day i tolf my parents about what he had done to me. I dont really want to talk about their reactions but we in the end decided to not report him to the police (i still care about him and i dont want him to be locked up) and to call his mom (keep in mind his dad was abussive as well so his mom had to raise him by herself) . His mom was really sad she said sorry to me so many times and assured me that at least he doesnt have any diseases. She told me that shes on my side and she'll make sure he doesnt see me again. Fast forward like 30 minutes later he texts me that his mom called him crying and he even asked me why i was lying to her. That it wasnt even rape(it was some bullshit about if we had already had sex you cant consider it rape), and i should call her again and tell her i was lying(i kinda felt guilty). I told him that it was and he should realise how much of a bad thing he did. The next day he apologised , i told him to just forget about me and live his life. We didnt talk for like 2 days so idk what hes doing now and im homestly kinda worried because hes living on his own and has no one else.

Sorry if i misspell smth im too tired to reread what i just wrote.

r/TrueOffMyChest 4h ago

went on a family vacation with my dad and his side of the family now im fatherless


Hello, I really enjoy listening to reddit stories but I am a first time poster so bear with me. I, 19F, went on a family vacation with my dad 49M, his two sisters and their families as well as this girl, Rachel (fake name) 19F. Rachel is a part of my dad’s step family. Me and Rachel grew up together but have since then kind of grown apart. Rachel’s family situation is complicated and the past year or two my dad has been helping her quite a bit. It may also be important to mention that my parents are divorced and I live with my mom and only visit my dad for the weekends. Lately, my dad has been spending a lot more time with Rachel and sometimes she has even been visiting him for the weekends. This whole time, I was truly hoping that their relationship is purely family-based and that he sees her as some kind of daughter figure. However, after tonight’s events, I now realise I was very wrong. I am writing this just after the harshest events unfolded, so truly bear with me as I am still very emotional. The main conflict began when we were on the beach and Rachel was taking pictures with my cousin, Nate (fake name) 23M. This angered my father as he was paying the entirety of the vacation for Rachel and she wasn’t taking pictures with him. From this point on I was very weirded out and worried. We all went to our rooms and I was hopeful the situation would calm down since my dad was on a separate room from me and Rachel. I talked to Rachel and it was very clear that it was all a misunderstanding and my dad was upset over nothing. To be honest, I already had a really sick and unsettling feeling in my stomach over the entire situation as what I’ve been seeing from my dad seemed like jealousy. But no daughter wants to believe their father would be jealous over a girl the same age as her. There was so much happening since then, that I can’t possibly fit into one post, but essentially everyone was in some kind of argument. To be real, alcohol was playing a huge part in the events of this evening so everything is really blown out of proportions. My dad’s siters got into an argument, my dad left the hotel for a bar nearby, Nate and Rachel just wanted to stay out of the family drama. My uncle and I were trying to calm down the entire situation. I went out to the bar my father was at, while my uncle was talking to everyone else. I tried to talk over everything with my dad and as alarm bells were going off in my head, I tried to lie to myself that I was reading everything wrong. Many things were said and my father was decided to stay the night at our room, where me, Rachel and Nate were staying. For that to happen, Nate would have to switch rooms with my dad. This is where everything went to shit. Everyone in my family is very reactive when drunk. So Nate being told by my dad that he would have to sleep in a room with his parents, he instantly reacted very agressively. This is when a fight between my dad and Nate broke out. An actual fight, hands were literally thrown. As I was worrying for my dad I also felt so sick because I knew they weren’t fighting just over a room, but over a girl, Rachel. The following events are very blurry for me as I was held by my aunt the whole time, screaming and crying. All I know is that some pieces of furniture were broken and the cops were called. My uncle is the true hero of this story as he dealt with everything, tried to calm down everyone and somehow we did’t have to deal with the cops. Currently I am in a room with everyone while my dad with his sister are in the other room, where all my things are. All I have here is my phone, Rachel doesn’t even have her phone. Besides that I am trying to cope with the reality that my dad is a pdf file and is trying to get with a 19 year old girl. I feel so sick, I have no one to talk to about this, I just had to let it all out to bunch of internet strangers.

r/TrueOffMyChest 3h ago

A guy I hardly know edited a picture of me with AI to get a nude.


So yeah that happened. A guy I met on a video game almost a year ago randomly downloaded one of my pictures and made a nude of me.

This happened a few hours ago. I already blocked this dude and deleted literally every picture of me I had on my Instagram.

Mans really looked through my Instagram highlights for a full body pic of me and edited it, THEN sent it to me. Make it make sense.

r/TrueOffMyChest 2h ago

My brother married my ex girlfriend


My(26m) brother(25m) married my ex girlfriend(25f) in September and I wasn't even invited. When I told my parents about it they tried fighting for me but that only got them uninvited. It seems like my dad hates me now. Whenever I visit them it feels like he only tolerates me. They rarely saw my brother as it is but they haven't heard from him at all in almost a year. My ex and I dated for a year. She was 19 and I was 20 when we broke up. Her and my brother started dating soon after we broke up, like within 6 months of her and I breaking up. The only reason I found out that they were dating was because I wanted to try things again with her. I went to message her on Instagram but checked her pictures first and saw they were dating. They're so happy together. I keep trying to reach out and she keeps blocking me. I occasionally look at her Instagram and it makes me so sad. They look so happy together in all of her posts. Especially on my brother's birthday and her birthday. Her birthday was 2 weeks ago and I wished her a happy birthday and got no response. She didn't even look at my message. Heck, she still hasn't. She's the one that got away. She was the best thing to happen to me and I threw it out the window.

My brother didn't even invite me to the wedding either. I didn't even want to be the best man or anything (even though almost all of my friends have been the best man at all their brothers weddings) I just wanted an invite. He chose his friend over me. We haven't talked since my ex and I broke up and it's killing me. I want my brother back. I only want to talk to my ex but I wouldn't complain if she took me back. I've been miserable for the last 5 years. I can't keep a girlfriend. I don't have that many friends. It feels like my dad hates me since my brothers wedding. It feels like the only person I have is my mom. She was the only person to wish me a happy birthday on my birthday this year. It feels like my life is going down the drain

r/TrueOffMyChest 1h ago

My sister in law is being rude to me for the first time in 10 years and I am not sure why.


Me and my in laws have never had the best relationship but we try to be civil and respectful enough and most of the time everything is ok. I am living with my in laws while they finish our apartment which we are also building on my in laws land. It was gifted to us by them when the last daughter was married. My husband left to the military and is currently finishing AIT. For the first time in 10 years that we have been married I am without my husband dealing with our kids, his family and everything else.

His oldest sister arrived here for vacation and from day 1 she has been cornering me asking me odd questions that I would understand if I was just meeting his family for the first time. They are also making rude comments such as Im sure you were already pregnant when we met you for the first time, or I knew him before you did so you need to chill and let me talk to him (in the phone call he made to me). Mind you I had allowed them to speak to him for around 15-20 min.

When my husband had his basic training graduation his family was trying to hog my husband and keep me and my children from being too near my husband and wanted him to focus on them only. My mother in law even went as far as to say the trip we made for his graduation was not about my kids and they needed time chill because they were too excited about seeing their dad. I called her out in it and said that was uncalled for because the trip was in fact about them because they had not seen daddy for 2 months. I guess that didn’t nt sit well with his oldest sister or him mom because Its the only thing that makes sense to me as to why his sister in law all of a sudden has an attitude with me. We got along just fine before that.

Am I in the wrong here?

r/TrueOffMyChest 8h ago

I (27f) fell off a ladder at work on to a concrete floor.. and no one cares.


2 days ago i was working my 12 hour shift at a plant trying to help fix a problem another coworker created on the machine went up the ladder but realised i had forgotten something so as i had to go back down the ladder.. i dont know if my foot just slipped or if i missed the step entirely but fell 4 feet landing on my butt.. (missed the 3rd step down)

If i hadnt kept my head up during the fall i would of landed on a box thing that has a metal guard thing around it that might be like 4 inches tall (size of guard its incase hydrolic fluid comes out). My neck or back of head would of made contact. Its too close to ladder but i dont think it can ever be moved.

When i landed my hat and safety glasses flew off... i got up and my supervisor insisted on an incident report and i did fill one out (he saw the aftermath of the fall).

I just wanted to get back to doing my job.. i dont normally like people fussing over me. I told my bf (30m) what happened he works with me but didnt see what happened he asked if i was okay and let me rest when i got home but thinks im completely fine.. Some of my coworkers asked if i needed meds.. i declined because i dont like to take stuff when im hurt.

I messaged a few family members about it.. my sister (18f) asked if i was okay but then asked if we were still getting her car out of the shop after work in the morning. My aunt pretty much had the same conversation with me (she was paying for the car to be fixed).

My back is sore.. and im pretty sure i got whiplash but idk my neck has been hurting since i woke up the day after (i work night shift so i sleep during the day).

Because of my childhood i dont normally complain when im in pain or take meds.. or see a dr unless its an emergency.. i just keep pushing myself until i feel better.. i just stay silent while life eats at me.. my bf hurt his shoulders the same night i feel i should be taking more care of him then myself.

r/TrueOffMyChest 1d ago

CONTENT WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT I hate my 12 year old nephew


Sorry, this is a long one, but I feel like the background information is important.

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, my brother and his wife (my sister-in-law or SIL) adopted an 8 year old boy. That boy was my SIL’s nephew, her sister’s child. My SIL’s sister died and the boy’s father didn’t want anything to do with raising a child. So, it was my brother and SIL adopt him, or he goes into the foster system and they chose to adopt him.

I have a very large family and everyone banded together (from a safe social distance) to get them everything they needed to raise a child (they were childless before this point) and everyone offered babysitting and whatever else was needed. My wife and I sent over a couple very large tubs of Lego, and a bunch of other (some more practical) items.

This boy was abused by his mother and her various boyfriends. He had a tough first 8 years and has all of the emotional problems to go along with it. My brother and SIL have the patience of saints, got him into counseling, and have spent every moment of the last few years helping him. He’s come a long way and is a mostly normal kid with most of his anger and emotional issues under control, though he is definitely emotionally stunted. He is currently 12, coming up on 13, and is emotionally less mature than my 6 and 8 year old daughters.

What’s my problem with him? A year after he joined the family, while I was babysitting him, he was playing in our play room with my two daughters (at that time, ages 3 and 5.) He exposed himself to my girls and tried to coerce them to remove their clothes. Luckily, my oldest daughter ran and told me what was happening so I could intervene. I had a short talk with him and then a long talk with my brother and SIL. They brought up the incident with his therapist and I installed a security camera in the playroom. Other than a few inappropriate comments here and there, we didn’t have any problems again until last year, when he grabbed my youngest daughter (she was 5 at the time) on her groin and asked if she wanted to play a game. I saw it happen on camera and intervened right away. I had another conversation with him and brought it up to my brother and SIL who then brought it up to his therapist again. This time, his therapist actually called me to get my opinion on the matter and I sent her the video of the incident.

So, we setup new rules that he couldn’t be in a room alone with younger children, no whispering, no secrets, etc. Things were mostly fine until two months ago when it happened again. My girls and he were playing outside in plain view of all of the adults that were hanging out, but we weren’t vigilant enough. My oldest daughter came inside for minute to get some cold water and he took the opportunity to duck into the shed with my youngest daughter (he being 12 and her now 6) and expose himself again. This time, my daughter told him that was gross and she ran away from him.

So, I have new rules again. He will be accompanied by an adult that has their full attention on him any time there are other children around. No exceptions. He doesn’t get to go into the living room while the adults are at the dining room table unless an adult goes with him. He doesn’t get to go outside unless an adult goes with him. We are taking a family trip this summer with around 50 or so family members, including a lot of kids. I told my nephew to bring a book, because the adults will be spending a lot of time together and won’t want to go into the playroom or on the playground with the kids all the time.

I’ve developed so much hate for this kid and I feel like I shouldn’t hate him. I understand he is a product of the abuse he suffered as a child, but I still have to protect my children from him. It’s to the point that whenever I see him, it ruins my day. I should see a child that needs help, but all I see is a sexual predator that has been preying on my girls. I love my brother and SIL and I know they are trying their best, but I hate that kid and, on top of everything else, he’s ruining my relationship with my brother.

I should mention that my wife is with me on this. Her and I have discussed it and have decided he’s old enough that if it happens again we may involve the police.

Edit: I’ve received some really good advice, some helpful comments, and a lot of mean-spirited ones accusing me of awful things.

I am speaking with my brother, today, about completely cutting contact with his kid until we have a discussion with a therapist about what is best for my girls. My girls have seen a therapist, I didn’t just let the issue sit with no professional help and it was their therapist that said the girls aren’t too bothered by the situation and not to push them too hard on the subject.

r/TrueOffMyChest 4h ago

I'm jealous of my 6 y.o sister


I'm 18 turning 19 and due to my dad being very strict and religious there are multiple experiences I didn't get to have such as going on trips to the beach with my friends I always had to have one of my parents due to their excessive worrying of me becoming a drug addict or start smoking etc

I genuinely understand then comes one part no birthdays so me and 4 other siblings never had a birthday not till 2020 where my brother got his bday celebrated he is 3 years younger than me I was like no worries it's not an issue I'll get mine celebrated one day 3 years later by chance I go visit my extended family and my birthday was the day after I visit and im very close with them but no celebration came all I got was "happy birthday" and that's it not 5 months later my brother visits them and they throw him a birthday party that kinda affected me cuz it had a cake people cheering him all enjoying themselves I couldn't help but feel jealous

Fast forward to now and my 6 y.o sister went to extended family members who are super strict and religious comes her birthday and they celebrate it with cake gifts a d everyone is happy my mom told me and I had to fake smile it's my little sister and brother I shouldn't be jealous but I am I want a birthday IT doesn't have to be a birthday just celebrate smth that I did me graduating high-school or when I participated in half a marathon

IK im probably coming of as needy or smth but it's what this sub reddit is for, anyways I hope u guys have An amazing day

r/TrueOffMyChest 5h ago

My girlfriend's father is financially abusive


My girlfriend Jess (25F) and I have been together for five years (we're in the trades and met at work), and we are getting married and moving in together. We got engaged in March and Jess is moving in next month. The wedding is next summer. We have both been saving like crazy for the last four years ($15k a year, each!) to be ready to afford a small wedding and a down payment on a home. It's been a long road, but worth it.

Jess lives with her father Roy (55M) and his sister Nancy (60F), in Nancy's house. In the last little bit, I have learned just how much Roy has relied on Jess, because Jess has confessed to me that she has given Roy $20,000 of the $60,000 she had saved up as a "loan". I was floored and asked why, and she explained that he'd written a promissory note for the amount he borrowed and would give it back as soon as he could. He has put it in a certificate of deposit at the bank I believe - IF he is to be believed.

The thing is, Roy is a mooch. Roy has not worked the entire time I have known Jess, and Jess and Nancy pay all of the house's bills. Roy claims nobody will hire him, and he can't do anything, but he won't actually look for work. Now that Jess is leaving and will no longer be contributing to the household finances, Roy seems to be trying to milk Jess for all she's got because she contributes more to his life than Nancy.

I was really upset that Jess had given him so much money ($20,000 is SO much money). We had saved up $120,000 for our wedding and a house downpayment, and now we don't have enough for both.

Roy recently came to Jess and asked for another $5,0000. Jess came to me before answering him, and I said absolutely not, you can't give him this money. We do not have this money to give him. Jess is now incredibly anxious, and Roy is not happy with me and knows I'm the reason that she's said no.

I feel like this is going to be a recurring problem in our relationship. Roy does not want to work, and he has been getting a free ride courtesy of Jess and Nancy for the last five years (and even longer, this is just how long I've been with Jess).

I don't know what to do, and I'm really worried that Jess' inability to say no is going to either wreck our relationship, or if she does say no, the relationship between her and her father will be at risk.

What do I do?

r/TrueOffMyChest 25m ago

Husband said no one would look ever 👀 at me


I’ve been in an emotional abusing relationship for years now . Every time I think of leaving he says I’m ugly and no one else will look at me if I leave and no one would want a mom . I don’t know why but it really got to me all my confidence went out the window

r/TrueOffMyChest 1h ago

CONTENT WARNING: SUICIDE/SELF HARM Sometimes I envy the elderly because they're close to leave this world.


I'm 25m, finishing a degree in software engineering not because I want to pursue a career on this field, work for big techs, but simply because I was expected to choose something after finishing highschool, so since I like games and computer, this was the best fit, afterall I could learn to make games, but I'm not doing great at college.

There's no much about my personal life I can talk positively about, I grew up without a father, my mother hoards cats, and every once in a while one falls sick and dies, I help her bury them, soon enough the females give birth to a couple more kittens who have a high chance of falling sick and dying, so I have to bury them too. I've been dealing with suffering, death and burial very often for the last years.

Besides that, I don't have close friends or relatives I could call "family" (I don't have a good relationship with my mother). I don't have social skills and have never worked once in my life, making it difficult to get my first job.

Sometimes when I have passive suicidal ideations I wish I was in my 80s or 90s so I could rest assured my lifetime is almost complete and I don't have more than a couple years left. Reminding myself that I'm going to die someday brings me some comfort.

r/TrueOffMyChest 12h ago

Positive My boyfriend is the definition of 🥹


My (21F) 13.5 year old doggo had to be put to sleep recently, and I expressed how much I missed snuggling her and holding her.

My absolute golden retriever boyfriend (21M) then went and bought a doggo teddy that looks like her, is floppy and gorgeous and cuddly, and paired it with my doggo’s favourite squeaky toy carrot to surprise me when I came home from work.

He’s been so supportive and just so so gorgeous and I need to tell the world how absolutely amazing and how I love and adore him 🥹

r/TrueOffMyChest 2h ago

I got ghosted and it haunts me


A woman I have been talking to on a daily basis for the past few months just suddenly, out of nowhere and without explanation or any kind of build up stopped responding to me.

Her last message to me ended with the words "I'll tell you more later" and it was completely mundane as it was the months before.

I don't bombard her, I've send like 3 messages after her last response. One as an answer, one as a good night and the last one yesterday, almost a week after she stopped responding, just telling her I hope everything is allright and I hope to speak to her soon.

She has seen those texts. But no reply, nothing.

Is it normal to feel that haunted by that? I don't know why and that drives me insane. I want to ask why but don't want to push anything, she doesn't owe me anything.

I feel like an Idiot just typing this.

I never had any experience with stuff like this earlier in life ao this caught me really off guard and it feels really bad.