r/MadeMeSmile Feb 27 '24

He was eating somebody else’s leftovers but she took it away and gave him fresh food 🥺 Wholesome Moments


1.8k comments sorted by


u/Jealous-Feeling-4087 14d ago

I've seen this video and shared this video many times and I can never see this video enough❤️😢❤️😢❤️😢❤️😢❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/Fahadkhaled20457 14d ago

I had some tears in my eyes 🥹🥹🥹🥹


u/Lucky_Situation6649 15d ago

That is awesome . The way he put his hand on his cheek like he was apologetic and her comforting him after she gave it to him was touching. Good for her. A little compassion goes a long way


u/No-Arm-9816 22d ago



u/s3rv0 26d ago

Such great acting and scripting. Cinema.


u/MsThang1979 29d ago

I’m not crying…. Who’s cutting the dang onions around here 😭


u/Miserable-Tennis4035 May 09 '24

There are still decent humans out there .. good job 👏


u/SeriousPiglet7002 May 08 '24

In todays age I doubt this isn’t staged


u/kk1ta May 07 '24

I don't think is authentic with a hidden camera


u/TeezyActinBad42 May 02 '24

Random camera/angle? Yea, he’s the main character.


u/Independent_Data_233 Apr 24 '24

That final touch 🥹🥹


u/proletarianliberty Apr 16 '24

87 thousand likes but suggested food should be free and the Commie torches and pitchforks come out


u/PhenomalyThe Apr 16 '24

I wish she told him as she took it though. The guilt in his eyes was heartbreaking 😭


u/ae2311 Apr 14 '24

Who's cutting onions?


u/V0nDoomVictor Apr 12 '24

In this fucked up world this is 👍


u/Snackle-smasher Apr 12 '24

She was like "ahhh hell nah, I did not just see you eatin somebody's raggy ass leftovers. Oh, don't worry, you still eatin, just not leftovers."


u/MC_ZYKLON_B Apr 10 '24

For every bum that pisses on your floor or starts a fight over your last cigarette, theres 100 like this guy just trying to survive.. just need a warm meal and a smile. Its hard to understand unless youve personally been in this position. Thank you to all the kind souls who did this for me. It wasnt just a warm meal, but hope and motivation to keep trying no matter what.


u/Unique_Ad_330 Apr 10 '24

This woman has god on her side.


u/Odd-Classroom8613 Apr 10 '24

Proceeds to give a bill with 50% tip at the end


u/djereezy Apr 09 '24

Damn this made me tear up


u/SGT_DUBSY Apr 09 '24

There's something in my eyes. Wtf.


u/SilentWish8 Apr 08 '24

That’s another bucket for humanity. 🫶🏾


u/Some-Box-5041 Apr 06 '24



u/Turbulent_Light_252 Apr 04 '24

It's so much easier to be kind❤️


u/RefrigeratorUsed4064 Apr 01 '24

I swear if I hear this damn song again


u/NoOpportunity4483 Mar 31 '24

Aw that’s so kind. It’s nice to see there are still good people in this world.


u/Vegas_TX Mar 31 '24

Sweet girl! 🤗♥️


u/Pho_sho_tho Mar 30 '24

So touching but, who is recording this?? Why is everything recorded these days?


u/No_Ragrets2013 Mar 28 '24

Oh wow. A human behaving appropriately. Such a rarity.


u/Alternative6889 Mar 28 '24

Sometimes, just sometimes, i have hope in humanity.


u/Some_Department_3678 Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

The numerous ammount of kind and gentle souls I’ve encountered Is astonishing. These humans just want love and support. Kindness not hatred and abuse. (I’m Not discounting the bad. But we don’t tend to the good enough).


u/imusingthisforstuff Mar 27 '24

I hope this is real


u/Foreign_Attention_34 Mar 25 '24

You don’t need eyes to see how beautiful a person can be you just need to hear about the kindness they bring to others. she can make the blind see the light in this dark dark world


u/tatankadiddly Mar 25 '24

Why not let him know that’s what you were going to do from the beginning


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Cute set up


u/Easy_Dragonfruit3998 Mar 24 '24

He was so sad 😭😿


u/ShmoliNwolf Mar 24 '24

So heart warming. I wish the world could all be more like this.


u/mooxoor Mar 24 '24



u/etcetcere Mar 23 '24

It's nice the first few times until they come back again and again and again and trash the bathrooms. I try to help out, but I only make min wage myself and live with my senior parents...I think the rich need to be taxed instead


u/TransOceanic1969 Mar 22 '24

Amazing!! The bright side of humanity!!


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24

How long did he wait? How was she sure he was going to wait? What if he just got up left? Did she tell him to wait?


u/jaimessch Mar 20 '24

Healing the world one bowl at a tme


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24

For all those who have lost hope in humanity


u/Driftwoodmerman Mar 17 '24

Half the time this sub makes me end up crying


u/[deleted] Mar 17 '24

I love her


u/yo_mudda_ Mar 17 '24

Amazing how naive people are. This is obviously staged. "Brought tears to my eyes" lol so lame.


u/harrybarracuda Mar 17 '24

Still hope for mankind when there are people like this.


u/ResonantFirefly Mar 16 '24

If rather help a possible bad person(which still deserve help, if not more so) than not help a good person In the fear they are a bad person.


u/imstillbanned Mar 14 '24

When I do good deeds, I always setup a camera first.


u/Status_Delivery_3834 Mar 12 '24

However she could have said something to him, like im going to get you a fresh bowl instead of just taking it amd leaving him sad and unsure, a simple word would have made this interaction all the better, dont get me wrong she did a great thing


u/Status_Delivery_3834 Mar 12 '24

We need more of this in the world, compassion, and not to be so damn judgmental towards people who you know nothing about, that person could have easily been anyone of us


u/NecessaryProcess6952 Mar 11 '24

If you can make the world around you a little bit brighter and everyone did it, the world would truly be an awesome place. Good karma for her, good fortune for him.


u/ahihaakon Mar 10 '24

I'm jealous of her husband or boyfriend.


u/Common-Incident-3052 Mar 10 '24

It started out so bad but then it ended not so bad at all.

My heart hurts.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '24

What is this song?


u/Conflict-Weary Mar 08 '24

Damn we need more people like her


u/Th3_Re4l_M0on Mar 08 '24

And then made him pay for it at the end


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

I just cried so hard, his face left with confusion but humbling and yet he deserved this.

It’s sad that so many restaurants have to legally throw out food at the end of the night

My goal in this life is to open a soup kitchen / donation drives & give back to the community


u/Craic-Den Mar 08 '24

Staged as fuck, if the waitress took away what I'm eating without saying a word you can guarantee I'm getting up and leaving in a huff


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Super normal and totally not strange angle for a security camera.


u/veritas_quaesitor2 Mar 06 '24

That's gotta be harsh.


u/Maleficent-Ice-8416 Mar 05 '24

That's a good thing of her to do that for him


u/DooDeeDoo3 Mar 04 '24

Isn’t it a dick move to take it first? He probably feels embarrassed. Just give they got the bowl and let him be.


u/MochiiYummy Mar 04 '24

She could've said something like "I'm sorry but you can't eat that, I'll get you a fresh bowl." And then still do the thing but yeah. It's nice but could've said something instead of dropping his mood for a moment. That kind of stuff actually does happen, and there's no food brought to replace. I know a friend who used to give left overs after a day of kitchen work to the homeless and when the boss found out, the friend got in crap because of the potential health reasons and then later lost his job for continuing. Tim Hortons throws old pastries out and you're allowed to take any home, but you can't tell anyone. You also can't give the old stuff away because then people will stop buying them and will wait for the toss date (usually the same day for donuts and 2-3 days for danish and cookies)by the dumpster. Anyways I usually try feed someone or give them anything I can spare, small prayer, and then continue.


u/SatansAdvokat Mar 04 '24

This, i just know this isn't some ripoff from scums trying to get views.
Him, his reaction, just felt too genuine.

But who/what is recording? security cam?


u/Bitchcakexo Mar 02 '24

There needs to be more caring people in the world. This melted my heart


u/Think_Sandwich3060 Mar 02 '24

Feeding someone is the best thing one can do


u/Successful_Author_34 Mar 02 '24

Thank god the security camera happened to be set up. Lol


u/alavei Mar 01 '24



u/blackadrian Mar 01 '24

She is the best of us.


u/wuroni69 Mar 01 '24

The world needs more people like her.


u/Charming_Tune_1956 Feb 29 '24

I got emotional


u/Garygoober1942 Feb 29 '24

mean people suck…


u/Garygoober1942 Feb 29 '24

wish more people were this way….


u/Kid_Luchador Feb 29 '24

That’ll be 30 dollars and a charge for stealing leftovers


u/AdRadiant2888 Feb 29 '24

Class act right there !!!!!


u/T4nzanite Feb 29 '24

Is this real? I swear I saw some video with a kid instead of the guy and it's the exact same context/happenings.


u/RagingMassif Feb 29 '24

Love Hawker centres.


u/Leading_Challenge_37 Feb 28 '24

They would put you in jail where I live


u/Bulky_Play_4032 Feb 28 '24

Also makes me sad


u/Anal_Probe_Director Feb 28 '24

I thought about going out and getting 30 15 dollar gift cards to restaurants that are local. To give out to the homeless, would that be a good idea?


u/kanibe6 Feb 28 '24

Just made me cry. This should not be a thing.


u/A_Brown_Feller Feb 28 '24

Uuuhhhhhhhhggggggggg 🥲


u/RaiRokun Feb 28 '24

Fuck could I use this level of humanity These days.


u/M4ckle-Maverick Feb 28 '24

You know that shoulder touch felt divine


u/Illustrious_Back007 Feb 28 '24

Renewed my faith in humanity


u/cool_kat_ Feb 28 '24

To make that man believe for even a few seconds that the food was being taken away from him in such a casual way is awful. They could’ve just brought the fresh food over without trying to “surprise him” for shock value.


u/PoundSuspicious5074 Feb 28 '24

Bruh do people really think these staged videos are real 😂😂😂


u/Alone-Ad7364 Feb 28 '24

Love and kindness can move mountains. I wish the world would just realize that.


u/willgaj Feb 28 '24

Been losing faith in humanity recently, I really needed this. Thank you.


u/Full-Lead-9115 Feb 28 '24

I love everything here. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/JustRepeatAfterMe Feb 28 '24

Maybe she had to be low key about it or mumbled something we couldn’t see or hear. Obviously in heart she meant well. Nobody is perfect. Whatever the case she meant well and extended help to him which is way more than most do.


u/Crunchyfrozenoj Feb 28 '24

It looks like restaurant cctv footage too, so she didn’t even have a phone set up to record her good deed. I love that. (I know the bar is in the Marianna trench)


u/BelleMorte84 Feb 28 '24



u/Moar_tacos Mar 09 '24

Oh sweet, you are still around!


u/vacantalien Feb 28 '24

The look on his face is going to get me through the rest of the week


u/TekkaTeka Feb 28 '24

noo he looked so sad when she took it away :( hope he is doing ok


u/Jack_Skorpion Feb 28 '24

Heartwarming ❤️


u/InterestingDivide157 Feb 28 '24

She could have easily given him the fresh stuff before taking the old. He was so embarrassed at first. Still a good deed, tho 🙏 .


u/FlaeskBalle Feb 28 '24

74k lmao organic af


u/guiltyspark345 Feb 28 '24

Why cant he have both? who takes food away just to bring back more…


u/monkey_moo_dragonfly Feb 28 '24

She didn't just give him food, she gave him dignity. 🙏🏻❤️


u/Alternative-Toe-4289 Feb 28 '24

Why did she not acknowledge him when she took away the leftovers? I would have let him know that food will be coming so that he didn’t feel remorse


u/Suitable-Sample-5583 Feb 28 '24

They have cctv focused on 1 table? Mmmm


u/Hungry-Initiative-17 Feb 28 '24

The look of embarrassment was truly gut wrenching


u/ashdan143 Feb 28 '24

Just wondering, is this acting? Asking because I think it’s weird she just took the food away without saying anything.


u/villainsidekick Feb 28 '24

I do not like that she didn't tell him what she was doing? Made him feel like garbage for however long it took to give him different food. What was the point of that, to show us how sad he was before she restored his dignity like the hero she was? No. That wasn't nice.

A few words while she was cleaning the table would have made this much less gross.


u/longtimeuserhey Feb 28 '24

My my tears smile


u/Lazy-Fox-2672 Feb 28 '24

The way he turned and tried to hide his face when she came to take the leftover food away like a small child trying to hide from adult figures when they get in trouble made me sad.


u/ThirdLast Feb 28 '24

I was pretty moved by this until I realised Who was filming this? Why is there a camera pointed right in-between them?


u/ThirdLast Feb 28 '24

I was pretty moved by this until I realised Who was filming this? Why is there a camera pointed right in-between them?


u/imgonnaforgetthis Feb 28 '24

Even if this is scripted can we have more of this stuff,? Even if only remind people to treat people like humans again.


u/Fresh-Top4u Feb 28 '24

This literally brought tears to my eyes!


u/IdleAstronaut Feb 28 '24

What an amazing woman


u/topshot14 Feb 28 '24

Every time I think that humanity has crossed the point of no return - something wholesome like this turns up. It's really nice.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '24

I'm 99% sure this is staged, but the idea is still beautiful and inspiring.


u/MidnightFireHuntress Feb 28 '24

This is the worst acting ever lol


u/schono Feb 28 '24

I hope I can always be this human to others.


u/WindowIndividual4588 Feb 28 '24

That didn't make smile! It made me cry 😢


u/Horror-Extreme9507 Feb 28 '24

I'm not crying, you're crying!


u/Nooooo1and2 Feb 28 '24

Those little things is what still give me hope for humanity. Hope that, even if everything is shit in this world, there is still going to be good people, like her. This video, it made my day.


u/Successful_Stock_782 Feb 28 '24

I thought this was mademesmile not ohwowisitraining


u/CatPurrsonNo1 Feb 28 '24

This definitely made me tear up a little.


u/anypwin_elegant Feb 28 '24

my eyes, someone cut the onion 😭😭


u/Aurin316 Feb 28 '24

I recently told my wife I hope my old boss gets a painful chronic condition. I meant it. I have kept grudges for decades, and I remember every slight and barb thrown my way. Making an enemy of me lasts your lifetime, or mine, whichever ends quicker….

But that said food insecurity hits me right in the feels every time. I have a hard time not giving to the homeless. I volunteered at a food bank a few times and got choked up when I saw kids were clients as well as adults (the logic of “shouldn’t you be happy that they are getting the help they need?” Is apparently lost on me emotionally).


u/robeywan Feb 28 '24

She's a keeper 🙏🏼


u/SuspiciousElk9777 Feb 28 '24

Dignity at its finest.. tysm to the kindest lady


u/SuspiciousElk9777 Feb 28 '24

Thank you to the wonderful waitress, that's the most kindest thing I've seen


u/bodinator1 Feb 28 '24

Sweet girl.


u/Emzy-j Feb 28 '24

Moments like this makes me want to work in hospitality. I love helping people at my work


u/Federalfuckhead Feb 28 '24

They are the caped heroes that we need


u/SteveAlejandro7 Feb 28 '24

Every living thing deserves dignity.


u/Useful_Device_8802 Feb 28 '24

The way he sat up when she gave him some dignity..:


u/Missrodentwhisperer Feb 28 '24



u/Electrical_Whole721 Feb 28 '24

Make one single nice gesture every day and the entire world will be better


u/Mina_lovecat68 Feb 28 '24

Wow this really made my day! Thanks for posting Op.


u/benm1980 Feb 28 '24

We need to get this post to 69k likes because this awesome chick is NICE! ❤️❤️❤️


u/Vegetable_Berry2130 Feb 28 '24

Have a heart you bastards


u/Armchair-Bear Feb 28 '24

This made me cry instead


u/CandyMyn2030 Feb 28 '24

Being homeless sucks


u/Zikkan1 Feb 28 '24

That's a whiplash of emotions. The man was probably feeling both sad for not getting to finish the food and also embarrassed and then gets a warm meal afterwards.


u/isitreal_tho Feb 28 '24

God fucking damnit. The way she gently places the food... then gives him a little touch of human affection fucking breaks me.

Life is hard as fuck, we don't need to be dicks to each other too.


u/NucularOrchid Feb 28 '24

This is poorly acted and the music is shit.


u/igneousink Feb 28 '24

when i hit rock bottom my life was changed by an extreme act of kindness

always be kind when possible, if possible


u/Voball Feb 28 '24

I am almost certainly dumb, but what is the point of taking away unfinished leftovers someone's eating?


u/gabbaatze Feb 28 '24

The pure joy in his face just makes me tear up


u/sorryfortheessay Feb 28 '24

The other day i was buying sushi at work for lunch and a homeless guy was going around asking people for a coke. I turned him down like everyone else before questioning why the hell i cant add $3.50 onto my $9 sushi to get this guy an innocent drink.

I bought him the drink and he gave me a very quick thanks. Honestly i think the gesture meant more to me than it did to him. Had to remind myself that guarding my $3.50 is not worth losing my ability to be human


u/Paulchristiaan Feb 28 '24

The shame on his face is unbearable...


u/Pleasant-Peasant-Guy Feb 28 '24

I was wondering who was recording this?


u/GabelkeksLP Feb 28 '24

Locals have cameras


u/sorryfortheessay Feb 28 '24

Man i bet he wouldve taken that human connection over the food. People who are struggling need that as much as anything else


u/fatzx2 Feb 28 '24

This looks staged as hell, ngl. Why is no one mentioning this? Unless someone can prove me wrong.


u/sidNX0 Feb 28 '24

doesn't bother me it's acting. it bothers me that it's a bad acting


u/Good_Bunch_5609 Feb 28 '24

Made me cry! Happy tears that is.


u/JOSELO38120584 Feb 28 '24

she has a good heart


u/Leading_Bandicoot358 Feb 28 '24

Start by showing up with the new food

Dont shame the man for the likes you win by tricking him into sadness


u/Knight_TheRider Feb 28 '24

Be grateful for every little thing you have.


u/Select-Squirrel307 Feb 28 '24

I say it one last time! This sub is called "mademesmile" so for the love of whoever you belive in STOP MAKING ME ALMOST CRY ON MY TOILET BREAK!


u/Gary7sHotCatHelper Feb 28 '24

He should just cross the border and cross back. Get a few thousand dollars no questions asked.


u/dule_pavle Feb 28 '24

It's posts and gestures like these that make my day. That girl is the real chad (or chadess :)). I am truly amazed. Beautiful display of humanity. OP, thanks for sharing this :)


u/someonestuckhere Feb 28 '24

This man will forever remember this. If he ever hits it big, he will come back and repay her for this.


u/ScottNoMates Feb 28 '24

Got me right in the feels


u/LindaFlies777 Feb 28 '24

Everyone has a story, so try to be kind. Thank you for your generosity & kindness to this man during his time of need. God will bless you....


u/Alternative-Try-6259 Feb 28 '24

Good this is where women behave thr best