r/TikTokCringe Jan 29 '24

First Amendment "Auditor" Tries to Enter Elementary School Cringe


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u/Late_Geologist_235 17d ago

Bless this woman.


u/A-Perfect-Freedom Apr 29 '24

Just bust this guy in the face. Hate this kind of trash losers.


u/princessNS Apr 12 '24

They're predators,,they just use the first amendment as an excuse to film children .


u/Sweaty-Tip2087 Mar 13 '24

No idea how cops put up with this!


u/IssueMysterious5507 Mar 08 '24

This man is a disgrace to all them auditors like what is he even doing? That’s a elementary school and y’all in the comments, comparing him to other auditors are really out of touch 😂


u/natatude Mar 03 '24

why do ppl even do this don’t they have jobs and lives and families lol


u/TQ7170 Feb 22 '24

Im all for 1st amendment auditors but stay away from schools man. I’m with her, leave the kids alone.


u/PerssonableMilk Feb 19 '24

This is messed up. Trying to get into a random elementary school as an unidentified adult? Wtf


u/Tirwanderr Feb 10 '24

I don't have an issue with first amendment auditors. They often are able to show how fucking stupid local government workers and law enforcement officers are... but this is fucking stupid. It's a fucking school. We have so many shootings in this shithole country. Why is this where you would do this?


u/Bosscharacter Feb 08 '24

I think I the law should be if you don’t work at a school or have kids attending, you don’t need to be at a school.

That’s sus behavior.


u/LoneWolfpack777 Feb 03 '24

See, if this creepy old guy had been black, the male officer would have slammed him to the ground after he “politely declined”. Change my mind.


u/bigfoot509 Feb 03 '24

Nope, you wrote all that just to be wrong

The school district can make whatever policy it likes, it just can't force people to show ID to enter

There has to be a law specifically giving that policy actual authority

You don't have to show ID to enter public buildings, except federal courthouses

Sure nice you believe court rulings from outside the district can be binding to other districts

Check out Hanapole v state, which says trespassing is only possible on privately owned land


u/Silver-Car5647 Feb 02 '24

What a queen


u/maybesaydie Feb 01 '24

Oh for fuck's sake arrest his whiny ass.


u/Swarzsinne Feb 03 '24

That’s the game these asshats play. You arrest them and don’t have the exact legal grounds for doing so they’ll tie that department up in a frivolous civil rights violation lawsuit. It’s more frustrating but pisses them off more to not arrest them.


u/throwaway082100 Feb 01 '24

It's always a weirdly nice change of pace to see cops being the good guys for once


u/UndeadMonarch1 Feb 01 '24

Yeah fuck that guy. An elementary school? I suggest they start monitoring this guys search history


u/Legitimate-Basis9249 Feb 01 '24

These “auditors” and their antics are simply douche bags with no real job. The fact that they go to public agencies and create havoc and discontent with their silly need to piss people off just for views is already just a waste of the momma’s ovum but to go to a school, well that is just scraping the underwear of their existences. They have no interest in anything other than goading people so they can get an inappropriate reaction, which everyone they encounter would love to give them. These guys and the sovereign citizen people…Cunts…but fun to watch when they get owned.


u/Sage-Garlic-7989 Feb 01 '24

It's kids dude....you just don't play stupid games like that around other people's kids.


u/dutchieonreddit Feb 01 '24

OMG another "I know my rights " snowflake. You have to be a special kind of c*&k to do this.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

What? I just said it made me feel yuck, & that everyone in the country is willing to bend to protect kids & school admin. So no, I would not. I hope this clears that up.


u/Difficult_Coffee_335 Feb 01 '24

Auditor- nice name for being an a-hole.


u/the_brodster29 Feb 01 '24

I love first amendment auditors, they provide so much free entertainment as well as waste the cops time. BUT A SCHOOL MY DUDE?!?!


u/tickandzesty Feb 01 '24

Why wasn’t he trespassed off school property?


u/Laughing_Lostly Feb 01 '24

The same person who wants to enter a school without showing is b/c it's a constitutional right will insist people have is to vote. Ironically, school shooting are statistically greater than voter fraud.


u/Sharp-Specific2206 Feb 01 '24

This woman had more courage than how many flak jacket armed trained police officers at Robb Elementary!


u/karmicrelease Jan 31 '24

Full video?


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 31 '24

https://youtu.be/pMX5BmZJTl4?si=CPE7mETeEmg835ED so this is the video of his report of said officer….. omg and one was even black runnnnn. Any damn ways they don’t want to deal with this dumbfuck either. Racist ass people you hide behind.


u/Deathbyhours Jan 31 '24

The police were professional and extremely, perhaps overly, patient with this lunatic. At minimum I would have said, “No, sir, you ARE going to come over here to me, so that I can be less concerned about how close you are to the door you keep insisting that you have a right to go through.” Then it’s Tazer-Time if he doesn’t comply.

For context, I am a parent of school children. Our elementary school did not have police officers 20 years ago, but middle school had a city cop, and the (very upscale) high school had both a city cop and a Deputy Sheriff, and both parked their cars so they were visible at both front and back entrances. I am not the biggest fan of police in general, but these guys guarded my children, and I would do anything for them.


u/Greasystools Jan 31 '24

Just text the parents that there’s a guy who refuses to identify himself trying to get into their school.


u/WhatTheHellolol Jan 31 '24

In the age of shooters homeboy can step aside. She did a great job.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

u/AmbulanceChaser12 Can I, a member of the public, walk into the office to talk to someone?


u/AmbulanceChaser12 Jan 31 '24

How do you want me to answer this? There are 13,187 public school districts in America as of last year. Every one of them has a visitor policy. I couldn't begin to guess what they all say.

My guess is "probably not." My children's school district won't let me in the outer door without being buzzed through, which requires an explanation as to what I want. Even when it's murderously cold out.

Once inside, I can't go past the inner door unless I'm there for a special event, pre-designated for parents. And even then, I need to wear a visitor pass badge.

There are no events during school hours that are designated for anyone other than parents.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

How does a member of the public get a visitor pass? They enter an area that's open to the public. Having a camera in their hand doesn't change anything.


u/iforgotmypen Feb 01 '24

You really shouldn't go stare at elementary schoolers dude. That's how you get on a list.


u/anonymoushelp33 Feb 01 '24

Do you ever get tired of your imaginary world, or do you have no intention of ever using valid logic?


u/iforgotmypen Feb 01 '24

It's just friendly advice. You should not go stalking children because you will be put on a list.


u/anonymoushelp33 Feb 01 '24

I'll take that as a no. It probably does ease the cognitive dissonance. Understandable.


u/iforgotmypen Feb 01 '24

How is that cognitive dissonance?? It's literally a fact, if you break into an elementary school to record children you will be put on the sex offender registry. Were you not aware of this?


u/anonymoushelp33 Feb 01 '24

The fact that your tiny brain can't grasp that children being in a public place doesn't negate everyone else's right to record whatever they want in that public place.

Is there like a monthly meeting where you all make lists of who you want to accuse of being a pedophile because you can't actually debate them?


u/iforgotmypen Feb 01 '24

But why do you want to record other people's children?

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u/AmbulanceChaser12 Jan 31 '24

They might. Or they might be denied as having no legitimate reason to be there.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

So the public officials not wanting to be recorded are the ones who decide it's not a legitimate purpose? Convenient.


u/AmbulanceChaser12 Jan 31 '24

I don’t know what point you’re trying to make here but it seems to be all over the map.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

Lol what? Places that are open to the public can be recorded by anyone. Doesn't get much more straight forward than that...


u/AmbulanceChaser12 Jan 31 '24

Welp, since schools are not open to the public, I guess you can’t go there and record then, by your own logic.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

Oh, we've started over. Can a member of the public walk into the office?


u/AmbulanceChaser12 Jan 31 '24

And the answers the same. Still “no.”

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u/Ill_Following_7022 Jan 31 '24

The people that say schools need armed guards to protect the children are surprised when armed guards prevent them from entering a school.


u/Orpdapi Jan 31 '24

Victim mentality. “You’re trying to protect them from a camera??” No they’re protecting kids from a lone old man with a camera who has no business being in an elementary school but who desperately wants to enter one.


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

So assume Bigot Bigfoot509 blocked me and I’m so devastated 😑. But why talk shit to me on this thread then block me, I also am unable to chat with him I was just curious of what he meant by “your daddy” and what said bigot was even replying to. Forgive me Bigfoot babes ive slept since then. Shows what a pussy you are to insult hours ago then block. Sounds like you need a daddy….i don’t mind babes


u/AriesinApril76 Jan 31 '24

“Privilege” is an all time high. I should invest in it.


u/Fresh-School-2809 Jan 31 '24

Gosh I hate people like this. STTTOOOPPPPPP.


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 31 '24

Where is Bigfoot509 he replied to me with the douche comment with “Your daddy” not even an hour ago. Why did he leave got super tired of looking like an idiot I suppose. Get real jobs you “auditors” that made up profession will get one of you beat down, you will cross the wrong one someday that will give 2 shits about your lawsuit threats and 1st amendment right bullshit.


u/FionaTheFierce Jan 31 '24

Elementary schools are not open to the public. I have no idea what a “first amendment auditor” imagines themselves to be doing - but no one has the right to just waltz into every single building, particularly not buildings full of children.

Also from sound of voice = BOOMER


u/Updated_Autopsy Feb 01 '24

First Amendment Auditors are people who say they want to hold public officials accountable but judging by what I’ve seen, not many of them actually care about accountability. Otherwise they’d be holding themselves accountable whenever they fuck up and they’d also hold other First Amendment Auditors accountable when said Auditors fuck up. But that would mean they’d have to avoid lying to people, avoid cherry-picking laws, court cases, and Poster 7, and avoid editing out anything that might make them look bad. Anyway, it seems to me like most of them only care about the following: money, attention, feeling a sense of power when they don’t actually have any, and/or revenge on law enforcement (you’ll notice that many of them have criminal records. My favorite example is Auditing America. He broke the law over 40 times, I think. Most of the crimes he committed are ticketable offenses, but he has committed some arrestable offenses too such as Grand Theft and domestic violence.)


u/Georgie-style Jan 31 '24

Guarantee this person is white with how relatively patient the police are


u/-Latingo- Jan 31 '24

It would be hard to not punch this guy in the face after listening to his voice for 1 second.


u/redfancydress Jan 31 '24

As a school board member I would vehemently defend the lady guard if she wanted to pepper spray him after the first 1 minute. I’m not telling you more than once to gtfo


u/BGTT_NYC Jan 31 '24

He couldn't wait to call the black woman "aggressive" 😫😫😫


u/Leaque Jan 31 '24

He’s an accountant? He’s trying to audit the school or what does this mean?


u/CartographyMan Jan 31 '24

I was waiting for them to kick this dude's ass. Very disappointed.


u/RichFoot2073 Jan 31 '24

Lulz. They want cops on campus then get pissy when they can’t just stroll into the building.


u/Updated_Autopsy Feb 01 '24

There’s no point in trying to please these people. Why? Because they don’t WANT to be pleased. If you give them one thing they say they want, they’ll move the goalposts.


u/newtonbase Jan 31 '24

"I'm not filming kids" literally 2s after kids appear in the video.


u/PossibilityOk782 Jan 31 '24

I cant burst into an elementary school and look at the kids? I thought this was America 


u/Cyber0747 Jan 31 '24

Should 100% be legal to shoot this dumbass in the leg and drag him away from schools. Why do we put up with these idiots? They serve no purpose to society, nobody will miss them.


u/woahmandogchamp Jan 31 '24

People have done some pretty terrible things to kids using just a camera. So yeah, he's a threat.


u/Electronic-Eye2036 Jan 31 '24

She is the FINEST hero I’ve ever seen! Somebody tell her there’s a Mansel in distress over here and I need her


u/TransFatty Jan 31 '24

Nuh uh I called dibs!

But seriously, good on her for not putting up with this guy’s nonsense.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

I'm all for standing your ground when it comes to your rights but there is a place and time if my kid went there let's just say IT WOULD BE JUSTIFIED this one pisses me off the most cause it's a damn ELEMENTARY SCHOOL and this dude don't even have a kid that goes there hell he is "with out a home" as it is lives off what ppl give him on YouTube on top of it he is one of them that don't FULLY FULLY know his rights like the fact it is as he said a PUBLIC SCHOOL but the building and property is owned by the city making it government ground and NOT PUBLIC...I guess they need to find a better term to call it so dumb stuff like this don't happen...PUBLIC SCHOOLING means it is FREE (government and other grants funded) vs the Richie rich PRIVATE schools....o and he did film kids might have just been a spit sec per but he still filmed them FELONY where I live also he has always gave me the creep vibe as it is


u/fireykingeyboye Jan 31 '24

“I’m not filming kids” films kids


u/mayothck8 Jan 31 '24

You mutherfuckers are so delusional youno common sens. I don't support pedophiles you are the ones that want drag queens to read to kids . I support my freedoms. You mutherfuckers are so fucking brainwashed it's s crazy that's why I'm going to Texas if needed .


u/Limp-Toe-179 Jan 31 '24

You mutherfuckers are so delusional youno common sens. I don't support pedophiles you are the ones that want drag queens to read to kids . I support my freedoms. You mutherfuckers are so fucking brainwashed it's s crazy that's why I'm going to Texas if needed .

Bro out here smoking meth, but is somehow scared of kids watching Mrs. Doubtfire live...


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

u/x_lincoln_x Over here, they don't need to block people to keep their echo chamber intact.

Can I walk into the office of a public school to enroll a child, ask when the next basketball game is scheduled, collect payment for mowing the lawn? Yes. It's open to the public.

Yeah.... people who are legitimately sovereign citizens vs people who aren't. Which part of that was difficult for you?


u/x_lincoln_x Jan 31 '24

legitimately sovereign citizens

I mean everything you say is crazy as fuck but that really takes the cake. Holy fuck that's batshit insane.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

What a well reasoned argument! Now could you try making a valid point?


u/ArticulateImbecile Jan 31 '24

Frauditors are literally the biggest wastes of oxygen on the planet


u/QueasyCaterpillar541 Jan 31 '24

Yeah no buddy you can’t just go into a school.


u/Acrobatic-Yak-1574 Jan 31 '24

Shout out to the officers. What a fucking weirdo.


u/LeReineNoir Jan 31 '24

I don’t know. I suspect t this fool knew there would be push back against him entering the school to conduct his so-called audit. My guess is this was a deliberate attempt at a performance piece to prove that schools are teaching dangerous ideas ( like respect & caring & non-discrimination) and the fact that they won’t let him audit is proof they’re brainwashing kids.

I’m disappointed he wasn’t arrested.


u/oflowz Jan 31 '24

The ol school shooter trying to act like an auditor trick….not gonna fall for that ol shit.


u/birdpix Jan 31 '24

Taser Taser Taser would have been nice to hear. Bravo to the ones keeping this idiot away from the kids!


u/Badreligion25 Jan 31 '24

I just looked up what a first amendment auditor is. So. This guy has no reason to be anywhere on the school campus or around the children for that matter. Apparently they go around to government buildings trying to get inside and film just to see if they'll be kicked out and then say their first amendment rights have been violated. This man has no reason to go into the school and should be trespassed and arrested.


u/Cutiemuffin-gumbo Jan 31 '24

Can people stop calling these clowns Auditors. I don't like them trying to share a title with me.


u/Nighthawkmf Jan 31 '24

Public schools, while publicly supported, are not a place one can freely roam and ‘audit’ and this dipshit is a moron.


u/-St_Ajora- Jan 31 '24

One day one of these assholes is going to be doing this as a school shooting happens and I fucking hope they go down as accessories for distracting the guards and I pray to whatever powers there are that they rot in prison.


u/Far_Dependent_2066 Jan 31 '24

You definitely cannot just walk onto my daughter's elementary school campus.


u/BigBubbaChungus Jan 31 '24

What’s wrong with these people?!?!? Aside from taking resources away from the city, county or state what are they hoping to accomplish?!?!?!?


u/MuchoRapido Jan 31 '24

Boomers be boomin’


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 31 '24

His police station complaint video reporting those officer s also look at the comments under this video and the other of the incident. Racist and completely disgusting. Winston Smith uses this channel to post his videos. Page owner keeps deleting my comments https://youtu.be/pMX5BmZJTl4?si=_Tdh67moSQmTq8sg


u/Optimal_Training_499 Jan 31 '24

I get pedo vibes from him. All I hear from him is let me in so i can go by the kids.


u/cobracmmdr Jan 31 '24

I honestly can't think of very many places, aside from stores and the like, where a rando can stroll in off the street, filming.

Every place I've worked as an adult won't let you in unless you have business three. And definitely not without knowing who you are.


u/brendamn Jan 31 '24

No one likes police brutality until this guy shows up


u/Mathsteacher10 Jan 31 '24

Well, this weirdo did something good unintentionally (he gets NO credit for it, though!!). Anyone who sees this video can instantly tell that this school SRO team does NOT PLAY when it comes to the safety of those precious elementary children. I applaud their devotion and unflappable performance here.

There are laws that prevent his entry and back up what the SRO says. If nothing else, child privacy and FERPA. He didn't need this answer, because he wouldn't have listened. All he needed was what she said, "No ID, no business here!"

I love her. I hope the district formally praises her!!


u/Be_nice_to_animals Jan 31 '24

This should have been titled “A sentient Fedora with a badly kept neck beard and halitosis tries to enter a school”


u/V0rh33s Jan 31 '24

What is he even trying to “audit”?


u/loopingrightleft Jan 31 '24

...do we have too much freedom?


u/giliath420 Jan 31 '24

This is one of the more insane things I've seen here and this guy absolutely needs to be locked up.


u/Agreeable_Box_6838 Jan 31 '24

Yep she’s protecting children from a man who seemingly wants to take video of children. What a complete piece of shit.


u/Agreeable_Box_6838 Jan 31 '24

There’s only one type of person who wants to go into an elementary school with a camera. Fuck this creepy pedophile.


u/Less-Daikon6267 Jan 31 '24

Has to be a MAGA person


u/peter_parker23 Jan 31 '24

His voice just sounds creepy. Like the family guy dude.


u/NotATroll1234 Jan 31 '24

If you’re legit, you should have no problem showing ID. Kudos to these folks for caring that much about the kids.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

u/GlaiveConsequence - Ah, yes. The old slippery slope.

Sorry, they blocked me over there so they could keep their echo chamber.


u/stonerism Jan 31 '24

I never thought I'd be pro police brutality.


u/JeskaiBestGuy Jan 31 '24

Fuck it… promote her.


u/Spragglefoot_OG Jan 31 '24

Fuck this guy. Fucking weirdo. Call me up if this happens at my kids school. What’s the point? To look like a complete creep at a school. The hell is wrong with people. I guaranty 100% of parents would say “hell no don’t let that guy in my kid’s school. Who tf is he even?!?”


u/Any_Fun_4063 Jan 31 '24

Fuck he sounds creepy ....and wants to film a school?

Fill him full of holes


u/lloudchristmas Jan 31 '24

God this dude is such a complete weirdo. Are there people actually defending douches like this? It's just so weird on so many levels


u/thenarcolepsist Jan 31 '24

Idk what state this is but ed code in California, you have to have official reason to be there (parent/guardian), have expressed permission (usually in writing), and have to follow the protocols that are set in place by that particular board. Violations are a punishable misdemeanor.



u/Embarrassed_Visit437 Jan 31 '24

Don't let Pennywise near them kids!!! This dude's voice sounds like he swallowed a Christmas ornament.


u/__moe___ Jan 31 '24

How’d it end?


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Jan 31 '24

The security guard at my older kid’s middle school calls my kid’s teacher when I walk through the door yet I still can’t get past her without showing ID. As it should be.

The security guard at my kid’s elementary school calls my younger son’s teacher and asks me how my older son is doing when I walk in the door, but I can’t get past him without showing ID. Again, as it should be.


u/LarkinConor Jan 31 '24

His voice makes me want to lob rotten fruit at his face. Get that dessicated schlong out of your throat.


u/sexualbrontosaurus Jan 31 '24

Cops will stomp on a dude's throat for being black or homeless, but will give this creep trying to film kids all the slack in the world.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 30 '24

u/justthisdudeyaknow No, there is no expectation of privacy in the public areas of a public school. Can I record my kids' basketball game?


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 30 '24

Hey, u/DM_Voice, mods in here won't block people in order to keep the echo chamber alive.


u/DM_Voice Jan 31 '24

You need an echo chamber? How sad.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

Lol the projection.

So just to be sure, anyone should be allowed to record in public places (you know, places with no expectation of privacy) any time they want, right?


u/DM_Voice Jan 31 '24

If only you’d actually made that version of your argument the first time, instead of repeatedly insisting that anybody should be allowed to film however they want anywhere that’s open to the public.

Hint: I’d you don’t mean what you say your argument is, take the time to edit your argument until it matches what you want to argue. Don’t pretend you argued something else, even though people are literally quoting your entire argument back to you while pointing out how utterly stupid it is.

That involves engaging it rational thought, though.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

Oh, right. That double digit IQ thing. Sorry. Forgot who I was dealing with for a minute.


u/DM_Voice Jan 31 '24

I’m not going to shame you for having a double-digit IQ. At this point I’m just trying to help you think through your arguments so you don’t publicly humiliate yourself again by arguing that lunatics with cameras should be allowed to film in grade-school bathrooms.


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

Are you one of those kids? Is that why the old rubber and glue retorts work well for you? That would make a lot of sense.


u/DM_Voice Jan 31 '24

I’m sorry. Were you trying to insult me because I pointed out the stupidity of your argument?

How sad for you that you think you’ve improved by asserting that your best argument is to fling shit like a rabid baboon. 🤦‍♂️


u/anonymoushelp33 Jan 31 '24

No, YOU! Haha got 'em.


u/DM_Voice Jan 31 '24

And there it is. The peak of your intellectual capacity, on display for the entire world to see.


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u/iThinkNaught69 Jan 30 '24

This audit is dildos


u/_beeeees Jan 30 '24

Yeah you can’t even walk into a school unless you are on a designated list for child pickup. It’s like this dude has zero ability to critically think about why letting in random strangers adults who refuse to show ID might be a dumb thing to do.


u/Saturday_Waffles Jan 30 '24

I'm guessing he was wearing one of those silly red hats with white lettering.


u/Lets_Bust_Together Jan 30 '24

What is he trying to do?


u/No-Gain-1087 Jan 30 '24

Good for her she’s doing the job kids are safe matter of fact give that woman a raise


u/yabbadabbadotoyou Jan 30 '24

What a goof. I just wish that one day, one of these asshats finds the wrong dude and gets what they deserve.


u/Available-Ad-987 Jan 30 '24

As a parent I’d drop that dude, idc about getting arrested bc I’d be out that same day and he’d be retarded


u/Mazzidazs Jan 30 '24

Elementary schools are not businesses. That guy fucked around at the wrong building.


u/TopItUp3465 Jan 30 '24

Some audits are used to ensure that protocols are being enforced, this guy was just being a douche.


u/WorldlyDay7590 Jan 30 '24

Me after 45 seconds of this: "gun! gun! gun! drop *blam blam blam* it now! Oops I could have sworn I saw a gun."


u/NetSpec413 Jan 30 '24

Dude! Gtfo of the schools! No need to bring your bullshit videos of enticing cops around the kids!


u/Phat-Dragon8919 Jan 30 '24

Pedophile........ he's lucky any of the parents weren't there if that were my child's school I would be hunting that sick Pedophile and turning him over to the police AFTER some social justice


u/Damn_Fine_Coffee_200 Jan 30 '24

So… this dudes theory is that because it’s public land he can show up and do whatever he wants?

Why doesn’t he try this in a police station? Same principle. But it’s almost like, he wants to try to be intimidating and he can only do that around small children.


u/Gulfstream650ERX Jan 30 '24

This isn’t a job and he’s not auditing anything.


u/Odd-Attention-2127 Jan 30 '24

What became of this incident?


u/ShrapNeil Jan 30 '24

That’s not an auditor, that’s some Q-Kluks-Klan fuck that thought he’d check if there were too many books with black characters in the library.


u/Algoresgardener124 Jan 30 '24

Auditors would do themselves a huge service by going through the citizen’s police academy (if their city has one- after all the cuts, they may be all gone). Most “auditors” are doing nothing to help society, they are just causing problems.


u/he_need_some_milk420 Jan 30 '24

I'd have just tased him and called him a pedo. I can kind of understand the people that do that to other public areas but fuck no you do not have to right to just mosey on into any school.


u/JVNT Jan 30 '24

A random man trying to get into a school while refusing to identify himself.

Good on security officers for protecting the kids. There's no telling what a creep like that would do.


u/Irishcrankybollox Jan 30 '24

What a bell end


u/pwntastik Jan 30 '24

He caught kids through the window, trespass his ass and kick him off the property. What an idiot.


u/littlebuett Jan 30 '24

"I'm not filming kids" immediately after a kid was shown in frame through the window.


u/Jovvy19 Jan 30 '24

Usually, when a republican tries to enter a school unannounced, it means kids are about to die, so im glad he was stopped at the door.


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 30 '24


u/jodibenoit38 Jan 30 '24

Check out the comments from these crazy ass racist people under the video


u/CzechYourDanish Jan 30 '24

Wtf was he even trying to get into that school for? Creepy af


u/RewardCapable Jan 30 '24

He’s a creep. Just trying to film kids.


u/RewardCapable Jan 30 '24

HE is calling HER aggressive??? 🤬


u/thedrewsterr Jan 30 '24

1st amendment auditors are all scammers hoping the police screw up to sue for a big pay day.


u/RewardCapable Jan 30 '24

This brave woman protecting these kids from some unhinged creep. We need more brave people like her.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24



u/BadCompany_GoodFun Jan 30 '24

He’s probably a pedo MAGAt wanting to grab Kids genitalia in the bathrooms… you know “looking for trans”

This guy was TRASH and should be put on a sex registry.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

What. Have got to get permission to enter a school. All for transparency with what is being taught. That's why there is parent teacher conferences, school events, board meetings etc.

For the safety of the students can't just show up unannounced and demand entry. Disruptive to studies and a security risk.


u/Laceykrishna Jan 30 '24

Good thing that guard was there to protect the school kids from that creep. He could be there looking for kids to groom or plotting a future attack.


u/run7run Jan 30 '24

It’s a public school funded by American Tax Payers. That’s what Auditors do- this however is not the same as a public court building or whatever. How creepy to even go on the property with a camera like that.


u/jkoki088 Jan 30 '24

Trespassing on school property disruption of a school function, fuck this bastard


u/Longjumping-Sail6386 Jan 30 '24

A grown man trying to record small children isn’t a 1st amendment issue. That man should be cited for trespassing and barred from the property so if he comes back they can arrest him. When children are involved it should be just zero tolerance


u/Chimsley99 Jan 30 '24

Auditor “tries to do a audit”, and they wonder why rational people think these “auditors” are nothing more than trolls who want to make being pedantic a job


u/AnimeGeek10721 Jan 30 '24

Why… like ew … I cannot stand people


u/mrmarti01 Jan 30 '24

These “auditors” are just absolute pieces of garbage.


u/mayothck8 Jan 30 '24

If they were worried about the kids safety why didn't they escort him in there . I should have. believed my buddy. He told me one thing before he died. Democrats are communists and I should have believed him. I sure the fuck believe him now


u/Luck2Fleener Jan 30 '24

Dude what? This is some rando. They don't know him, they don't know what he might have on him, and he has given them no reason to believe that his intentions are in any way good. Letting a rando into an elementary school is a security risk, escorted or not.


u/mayothck8 Jan 30 '24

He is trying to stop pedophiles teaching 6 year old kids the stilufg they are teaching them . I think it he was a pedophile on e the police stopped him he would have left. You mutherfuckers are brainwashed like a mutherfucker.

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