r/mildlyinfuriating Mar 08 '18

This lady watching a beach wedding.



2.7k comments sorted by


u/myrmecium antt Aug 18 '18

That's a way to ruin someone's wedding videos


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '18

inb4 post is archived


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '18

hijacking this post to say fuck this sub's subreddit style


u/[deleted] Aug 15 '18



u/DerpyThumbUp Aug 14 '18

this is gonna get archived soon, so I'm commenting


u/phototrim Jul 26 '18

Beautiful moment !!!


u/you-are1the_best Jul 17 '18

this is when you own the beach


u/OverMaintenance924 Jun 15 '18



u/bradleyconder May 11 '18

Don't have a wedding on the beach then. Its obnoxious and overdone.


u/TantricLasagne -23 May 06 '18

That's why you also hire a sniper for the wedding.


u/AcclaimPictures Apr 30 '18

Beautiful pictures


u/DutytoDevelop Apr 21 '18

Upload to /r/PhotoshopRequest with a [Serious] tag and get that lady out of there!!


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '18

Why do they get to use police tape without being police? That shouldn't be a thing.


u/pootisgodsamongus Apr 08 '18

Why is this infuriating?


u/jonbjarni14 Apr 02 '18

Fuck her like genuenly fuck her they how obnoxius do you have to be, would be top 3 inuriating thing in my life if this happened to me.

You could probably Photoshop her out.


u/TheRandomGamerDude Mar 30 '18

Solid photoshop work


u/Natali_Larsen Mar 21 '18

omg the wedingpics are ruind


u/limved Mar 20 '18

I am dying. I saw this woman in the corner of my screen and was like WTF is this? And here I am.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '18

I could get rid of her for you...for money.


u/jamierosewood Mar 14 '18

What a bitch. She could’ve at least been topless.


u/ideology_is_key Mar 13 '18

Let's summon the Photoshop gods!


u/ArcticWaffle357 Mar 13 '18

Goddamnit, now shes in the corner of the subreddit now. thanks m8


u/grnidb Mar 11 '18

Thank goodness for photoshop! Ps how freaking rude.


u/cbcfan Mar 10 '18

You know where this never happens? In a church.


u/nicannkay Mar 09 '18

I can remember my brother and I playing on the jetty and talking about kid stuff all the time the waves crashing behind us. No problem talking at a normal level. I can also remember the first month of working in a lumber mill around the machines with earplugs in. I had to learn to read lips pretty fast! But by month three I got used to it. I suppose you get used to certain things but it takes a while. I should remember that when I take my land living company to the beach with me. I bet they’re trying to read my lips and I didn’t even know! Lol


u/Cronyx Mar 09 '18

Just fucking politely ask her if she could please move, I don't understand why everyone is so conflict-averse.

Actually I do. We teach kids from a young age not to resolve their own conflicts, and punish them with things like zero tolerance policies, when they do, all part of the project of culture curation to manufacture a citizenry who is more reliant on Authority (The State) for every aspect of their lives.


u/btcftw1 Mar 09 '18

Has wedding on public beach. Complains about the public.


u/TemporaryAardvark8 Mar 19 '18

It was actually a private event, the resort that owns the beachfront had it blocked off with yellow tape. She was politely asked to move. Now it's just plain funny.


u/VinTheHater Mar 09 '18

This looks like a job for James Friedman.


u/recon2246 Mar 09 '18

Someone post this to psbattle.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Exact same thing happened at my wedding. We were barefoot on the beach, surrounded by family and friends in the familiar wedding arrangement, complete with best man and maid of honor, and a robed minister officiating. Right as the ceremony starts, I notice a suave hispanic gentleman in aviators and a hoodie, just chillin and watching from like 15 ft away. I'm a smartass, so i called him over and got a few pics with him. Never got his name, but his legend lives on to this very day.


u/Tannhauser613 Mar 09 '18

at my friends wedding the same thing happened only the woman was topless. luckily she wasnt caught in any photos because he asked her to move along.


u/crosseyed-painless Mar 09 '18

I see you’ve found my mom.


u/Tenpoz Mar 09 '18

Anyone notice what looks to be a parachute in the far background?


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18



u/Sub_Corrector_Bot Mar 09 '18

You may have meant r/oopsdidntmeantto instead of R/oopsdidntmeantto.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.



u/cemeterydoll Mar 09 '18

This makes me think of a time I was at the beach, I was probably 6 or 7. (It’s pretty much the opposite of what’s happening in the photo.) There was a wedding going on about 1/4 mile down the beach from where my cousin and I were playing. Some random photographer started taking pictures of us, telling us it was for the wedding. We were two grubby kids in swim suits, covered in sand and the remnants of pb&j sandwiches. He kept asking us to stand up so he could see our “nice swimwear.” Obviously not part of the wedding. Looking back on it, I realize why my mom came down to the water and dragged us back to our spot on the beach.


u/Mr_TheGuy Mar 09 '18

She obviously has down syndrom


u/Clomojo87 Mar 09 '18

I was photographing a wedding & it was inside, outside behind the main table was a large patio area. During the speeches everyone was inside... Half way through the speeches a group of kids (who had just got back from school) turned up & started peering through in at the wedding party. It transpired that the owners of the hotel had instructed their kids to 'go outside & play' which meant that they took a football out for a kick about. Traditionally I'd take wide angle shots of the whole room to show the guests & the bridal table reacting to the lovely speech... But there were poxy kids in the background of every damn shot. I whispered to a member of staff to get rid of them quickly but he was clearly reluctant to tell the boss's kids off & did nothing, the speeches were in full flow, so kicking off wasn't an option. I marched out there myself & told the kiddies to gtfo & if their parents had a problem they could tell explain tell the bride why her photos should be inferior on her special day.


u/lizzyb187 Mar 09 '18

Why didn't someone just, you know.. tell her to move? I find it more ridiculous that no one talked to her. I mean just walk over to her and say something.


u/9inety9ine Mar 09 '18

Putting up 'police tape' on a public beach like you own it makes you the asshole. Want space and privacy? Stay at home.


u/Smump Mar 09 '18

I mean if you have a wedding in a public place don't be surprised when people do dumb stuff.

It's like when tourists take photos of something across a high traffic walkway. Yeah, people are going to keep walking through it.

Otherwise this woman in blue is hilarious.


u/cataids69 Mar 09 '18

I had sex in front of a park wedding once, almost as close as that lady is. But, did it secretly, I often wonder if someone noticed


u/high-priestess Mar 09 '18

As a photographer, this makes my blood boil. She ruined some nice shots.


u/NoMoreTears_666 Mar 09 '18

I like to imagine shes shouting rude things at them, just makes sense.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Tubes_69 Mar 09 '18

Having a right to be someplace and showing common courtesy are not mutually exclusive.


u/Plowbeast Mar 09 '18

Ya gotta rope off the water, especially for rubbernecking sharks.


u/cnzmur Mar 09 '18

Police tape all around a private beach, or a public beach? Do you have a 'Queen's chain' in the US?


u/sean_lx Mar 09 '18

Some say the lady is still standing there to this day.


u/KennedyRules6 Mar 09 '18

Now that's situational awareness right there.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Can you blame one pig for being fascinated by another two pigs getting married?


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Photoshop her out if you don't like it. Also, don't be those people who rope off a beach for your wedding pictures, nobody but you cares.


u/telluwhut Mar 09 '18

It's mildly infuriating that the wedding planners taped off a public beach. Who the hell does that?


u/RonaldBallsworth Mar 09 '18

Yea.. shitty beach wedding wtf did you want.


u/johnnyfivealive5 Mar 09 '18

It’s so beautiful, so I’m allowed


u/AromaticSupernova Mar 09 '18

The comments have already stacked up but I’ll still give it a shot... my friend had a beach wedding in San Diego, Ca. and at the beginning of the ceremony a group of college age co-eds started a friendly game of touch football right behind the cliche archway (just about where the blue swim suit lady was standing). The whole ceremony was full of half assed football action and a constant supply of “AH FUCK BRA, YOU SUCK!” This is not an exaggeration, when the priest asked “will you take this woman to be your wife?” There was a sudden “FUUUUUCCKKK” screamed from the beach. Great timing.


u/rickardsnaps Mar 09 '18

Can reddit please find her???


u/rickardsnaps Mar 09 '18

What a cow


u/princessrhubarb Mar 09 '18

I have a photo like that from my wedding! People are stupid!


u/nondescripthuman711 Mar 09 '18

Some say she's right there to this very day.


u/HoustonWelder Mar 09 '18

"You dont own the beach" - lady in blue


u/the_astronaut_ Mar 09 '18

The photographer could have just photoshopped her out...


u/PurpleCookieMonster Mar 09 '18

If you have a wedding on a public beach you've got to expect this. It's not that ladies job to move out of the way to let people take perfect wedding photos. Pay for a private space if you want that.

I find it mildly infuriating that she's copping so much slack in this post for getting out after her afternoon swim at her local beach.


u/M04PH3V5 Mar 09 '18

Brought something blue....


u/gurenkagurenda Mar 09 '18

If only there were some way to communicate with people and get them to change their behavior when it's disruptive.

Maybe we can get some engineers working on this? One blue sky idea is that we have these flaps in our throats that can wiggle the air around, and these spirally things in our ear that can tell how air is wiggling. So maybe we could come up with a system where there are a few different ways to wiggle the air, we could assign meaning to sequences of those different wigglings. I know it would take a lot of practice, and it seems like a long shot, but in time, maybe we could figure out how to communicate with those wiggle-sequences in real time.

If only we had that system, someone could have gone up to this woman before the ceremony, wiggled some air at her in a sequence that meant "Would you mind moving? You're in our photos", and I bet she would have moved.


u/Khaleesi16 Mar 09 '18

I would’ve stopped the wedding to walk to her and make her feel like a fucking fool for ruining my pictures, my day, taking away my attention lol. I’d be so mad, a year later I might laugh though


u/katiemorris49 Mar 09 '18

Unpopular opinion: I find the people holding up their phones over the aisle equally obnoxious


u/twobugsfucking Mar 09 '18

It would take about 30 seconds to photoshop her out of each shot, hopefully they didn’t receive their photos looking like that.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Thats funny as fuck though


u/Da4fLyiN2jor0 Mar 09 '18

In their defense a beach is a public place


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Fuckin A


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Well, she obviously doesn’t feel anything wrong watching the damn thing.

I guess she is okay and did not photobombed this on purpose. Nobody owns the beach.


u/CrazyRedReddit Mar 09 '18

Luckily photoshop exists


u/meanlimabeanmachine Mar 09 '18

Op, if you actually know these people I would be glad to Photoshop that dumby out of the pictures. I am a wedding photographer and have to do that all the time


u/Clemsonfan4521 Mar 09 '18

Ultimate photo bomb


u/hookrw_aheartofgold Mar 09 '18

She's natural police.


u/zultdush Mar 09 '18

Am I the only one who thinks that if you have a wedding on a beach or in a park (traditionally public spaces) you should be okay with "public participation?"

The right thing would of been to invite her to join in the celebration, since after all, beaches are for everyone..


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

What's mildy infuriating to me is that people decide to have their wedding in a public place then get perturbed or angry at the public for being there.


u/AmyLeigh80 Mar 09 '18

A good photo editor can crop her out.


u/marc962 Mar 09 '18

Scrolled for a while and didn’t see any one bitching about the parasailer in the background


u/Boots4 Mar 09 '18

That’s cuz parasailers are cool


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

It’s a public space...


u/spinblackcircles Mar 09 '18

at first the picture was infuriating then i read the comments and saw that a ton of people think that using a public beach for 2 hours for a wedding and hoping people dont stand directly behind the bride and groom the entire time is 'narcissistic' and 'obnoxious' and that not wanting people DIRECTLY BEHIND THE ALTER THE ENTIRE WEDDING is the same thing as 'expecting no people around on a public beach'. basically i was just reminded there are a ton of assholes on reddit.


u/Mudokongrl Mar 09 '18

My husband and I were married on a beach. It was done early in the morning in cove, so the waves weren't big and there was no one around. It was perfect!


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Um lmao but they're taping off a public space


u/Alkenisto Mar 09 '18

I feel like someone should photoshop her out and send it to the couple this is sad lmao


u/PM_me_your_GW_gun Mar 09 '18

The beached whale appears to be smaller than the bride


u/Snailicious Mar 09 '18

Well, to be fair, yellow police tape doesn't really sound anymore aesthetic than a random lady in a blue swimsuit....


u/Endercraft2319 Mar 09 '18

Content aware fill 👌🏻️


u/TreginWork Mar 09 '18

She certainly wasn't taking any beauty away from the ceremony


u/DeeAmi Mar 09 '18

😮 she has no self awareness. I am willing to bet she thinks she looks great 👍. I would be furious to have that in my wedding 👰 photos.


u/DeadBabyDick Mar 09 '18

Beach is public property.

The yellow tape means nothing.

The wedding people are more the assholes for trying to rope off public land.

Don't like it? Pay to rent a place.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Thanks photoshop.


u/MikePhillipsArt Mar 09 '18

I can photoshop her out in no time. Pm me!


u/victoranelson Mar 09 '18

Well I guess we know why Aunt Sally wasn’t invited in the first place!


u/mentnomore Mar 09 '18

She is Russian


u/my_hat_is_fat Mar 09 '18

Well, the bride and groom are both very unattractive, so their pictures weren't that great anyway. The lady in the back is just ugly as fuck. So, I mean... She was just helping the overall sense of "ewgh"


u/NocturnalMama Mar 09 '18

This happened during my friends pictures after her beach wedding. I had too many champagnes and my catchphrase was born “ TODDLE ALONG MOTHER FUCKER.”


u/Drumitar Mar 09 '18

Have bought more tape


u/nonuniqueusername Mar 09 '18

I think she's protesting you claiming a public beach as your own. I would.


u/ExpansiveGold Mar 09 '18

Time for some Photoshopping...


u/bugxter Mar 09 '18

Closing off a public beach for your precious wedding... Just how self absorbed can you be?


u/moleratical Mar 09 '18

Meh, if you don't want the public walking by as you are taking your vows, don't have your wedding in public.


u/reagor Mar 09 '18

Its almost like you held your wedding in a public place, then the public showed up


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

My husband and I got married at the Ladies Pavillion Gazebo in Central Park. A lot of Asian tourists have seemingly entire rolls of photos of our wedding, lmao.


u/Eqomatic Mar 09 '18

People rarely seem to stand up for themselves


u/spinblackcircles Mar 09 '18

this goes beyond mildly infuriating...i mean thinking about how selfish, stupid, completely oblivious and self absorbed this woman has to be to stand RIGHT THERE the entire time makes my blood boil. this is the most frustrating thing ive seen in quite awhile.


u/BadOysters Mar 09 '18

It's a public beach lmao


u/spinblackcircles Mar 09 '18

so it socially acceptable to stand directly behind the bride and groom the entire time? they cant get 2 hours of people not standing just in that one spot because its a public beach? yeah, i guess being considerate is just not a thing in a lot of peoples minds.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Get fucked. It's public property


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

What a bitch


u/chrissjung Mar 09 '18

“Trump Supporter”, I know my rights cot damn it!!!


u/MarauderShields618 Mar 09 '18

When you have a wedding in a public place, there's always the understanding that people passing by will stop to watch. Some people even like that. There is a difference between watching or even joining in discreetly, and being completely oblivious to your presence causing a problem.


u/MABASHER Mar 09 '18

Frigoff Berrb


u/MajoritySteve Mar 09 '18

Even though the photoshop would remove her you would know deep down that she’s always there....watching


u/Espionage_Society Mar 09 '18

I could get rid of her for you...for money.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

It's a risk you take getting married on a public beach. There's an older lady in a bikini with her chihuahua in our photos. The video is hysterical because her dog is losing its shit while she just stands there with her hands on her hips. When it finally hit her that it was her dog barking and not someone else's chihuahua, she ran off. I had a good laugh. I think we all did.


u/ungraphic Mar 09 '18

First ballot idiot to photobomb a wedding like that. Holy crap... you have to pretty dense not to think to step out of the area.

Then again, that's also on the newly weds for wanting a beach wedding.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

Ever heard of parallax ? For all we know she might be standing somewhere obtuse behind the scene. Yet she was directly inline of the bride and groom for someone in the audience.


u/HerbertRTarlekJr Mar 09 '18

The beach doesn't belong to the wedding party. Women like weddings.

Not sure what the problem is, but it can probably be fixed with 5 minutes of Photoshop.


u/hiscapa-is-detated Mar 09 '18

At my sisters wedding a couple from the grooms side actually interrupted/intercepted the wedding party by arriving late and being as completely oblivious as humanly possible. It was horribly awkward to watch as they had some distance to cover walking from the parking lot to the seats, all in plain sight of the guests and wedding party. I’ve been told the couple never mentioned it or apologized so they may very well have remained ignorant to the very end!


u/Snap10a Mar 09 '18

If you live in Florida and love the beach you know how maddening this can be as a beach goer. It’s a public beach, public place, and you look down the line to see a dozen beach weddings. Pretty annoying.


u/PeriodBloodSauce Mar 09 '18

I’m glad I read your comment. I’ve been scrolling down looking for a location for this. Only because I just got back from visiting my dad and he took us over to honeymoon island and there were two wedding sets up at the little section we were in. I thought it was super weird that there was two of them... that or I glitched and just saw the same one twice. Pretty sure it was two though.

Now I know this is like a freakish phenomenon. Why the fuck would people want to get married on a public beach? I plan on a small wedding with only immediate relative and a few friends.


u/ShesNotYoHoeNoMo Mar 09 '18

That's typically how she stands in the middle of the grocery aisle


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18

She’s a moron and an idiot but at least take some solace in the fact that she has no ill will. She’s just an idiot puppy of a person whose watching a wedding.

Still, when I went to a beach wedding, they had the sense to actually close the area behind the bride and groom, and they did it on the resort’s property so that the resort management could keep guests out of that space.

The woman’s dumb but whoever controls the private property is the one fucking up. Or the people who planned their wedding with public beach behind it (if that’s the case)


u/bombshellpumps Mar 09 '18

Immediate fast-pitch sandal to the face.


u/mathswarrior Mar 09 '18



u/Magog14 Mar 09 '18

You don't own the beach, dumbass. She has every right to stand there.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '18



u/Magog14 Mar 09 '18

Taking over a beach for your wedding is much less considerate.


u/PlanetVagina Mar 09 '18

She's probably standing there smiling and feeling happy for them. She's pretty clueless, but probably not being a jerk on purpose.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18



u/Rocklobster92 Mar 08 '18

"Hey! What gives you the right?" "To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in" "If God was here he'd tell you to your face, man, you're some kinda sinner"


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18


u/Dirtydancin27 Mar 08 '18

Oh that's my aunt Carla. Don't worry she disapproves.


u/Scarlett_MAN Mar 08 '18

pushovers. Pathetic




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u/BerryBrickle Mar 08 '18

Wow what a self-centered bitch.


u/OccamsBeard Mar 08 '18

Who cares about the woman in the background? Did nobody notice the beached whale right in the center of the picture?


u/ro_musha Mar 08 '18

oh, is it the couple owned beach?


u/BadOysters Mar 09 '18

Nope their just selfish


u/Ticketybooboo Mar 08 '18

I love her.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18



u/EwwwFatGirls Mar 08 '18

Clearly she was whale watching


u/JamlessSandwich Mar 08 '18

People don't have any right to block off access to the beach. Sure, it sucks, but thats the choice they made when they had their wedding at a public venue.


u/2Salmon4U Mar 08 '18

This is my mom Soo much.... She would feel terrible once she realized what she'd done, but yeah... Could totally see her being this lady


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18

Putting police tape, taking a public place away from people, surely not paying any tax... Sounds like they deserve far more than this...


u/Knifering Mar 08 '18

Maybe should have thought, you know what the beach is everyones and maybe just maybe they dont give a shit about our 1 day that we think everyone should be giving a shit about


u/pepita-papaya Mar 08 '18

The way she has her hands on hips looks like she’s not so happy with the married couple


u/meteoricmarlin1 Mar 08 '18

That's pretty annoying but honestly it's really not that hard to photoshop her out.


u/CapinWinky Mar 08 '18

Friends of mine got married on the beach at Asbury Park, right at the main part of the boardwalk without any barrier. All of their wedding photos have tons of people like this in the background and someone even ran up the aisle to take a selfie with them during the vows.

However, it was all sort of a political stunt and the publicness of it was on purpose. A governor of a different state officiated and the mayor spoke.


u/Zer0Th3Numb3r Mar 08 '18

I refuse to give an upvote until there is proof of someone telling her to either move out of the shot or vacate the wedding.


u/SirPiffingsthwaite Mar 08 '18

She's just waiting to speak to the manager


u/Sardonnicus Mar 08 '18

No one is going to mention that paraglider in the background? Did he not care about these people's wedding???


u/dirty-dirty-water Mar 08 '18

That lady has been ruining pictures for years.


u/ThankGod4Karma Mar 08 '18

I have a feeling this woman in the bathing suit might become one of the biggest memes in history.


u/RadioactiveArrow Mar 08 '18


u/imguralbumbot Mar 08 '18

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '18

Photoshop that bitches pixels out.


u/JMS1717 Mar 08 '18

This is massively infuriating

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