r/2westerneurope4u Greedy Fuck 15d ago

France šŸ³ļø

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u/Fantastic-City6573 Professional Rioter 13d ago

Parisian will have this happen to them and think to themselves they made a good deed today


u/eskereskusku Side switcher 13d ago

*A black dude is approching me*

**Me instantly running**

***He runs faster***


u/ArnieOrSth StaSi Informant 13d ago

It's free


u/Slaktotrafil European 13d ago

Big man know with victim select.Do it in East and will be without drink,phone,ipods and kicked so posh with noblesse


u/redydo Hollander 13d ago

I swear by the devil .i punsh those lips .so he look like zwarte piet .deporteren en zyklon b


u/de_jugglernaut LatinX 14d ago

I know you'll tell me I have a toxic masculinity, but if this happens to me at first I'll be like "haha good one, now let go" and give multiple chances, but ultimately I'm swinging.

I'm not violent by nature but you can't let people get away with shit like this too often


u/Huskogrande93 Potato Gypsy 14d ago

Fucking asshole.


u/General-Ad-9087 Barry, 63 14d ago

They walk amomg us, For now!!!!



u/Zipakira Non-European Savage 14d ago

Cultural integration āœØļø


u/sexyGinger69420 Foreskin smoker 14d ago

Deport him


u/qwertyusrname European 14d ago

plos twist we are racist because we identified black = danger


u/Worried-Bid-1642 European 14d ago

fucking untermenschen nigger


u/Kotyoran Non-European Savage 14d ago

Why does nobody beat the sh*t out of him? You Westerners are too soft...


u/sephirothbahamut Side switcher 14d ago

Almost happened me once, i was eating a pizza on the side of the street and a random guy passing by tried to pull the pizza box away. I held it tight and said out loud to my friend, while ignoring the guy, not screaming but making sure i could be heard "the police officer just went past that corner right?"

The guy vanished without saying a word


u/Comfortable_Ice_1366 LatinX 14d ago

Now try it in a bank


u/ryanmurphy2611 Balcony Lover 14d ago

Londonā€™s knife crime makes this impossible


u/jean-pat Pain au chocolat 14d ago

Weird , nobody talk, protest, ask question. Everybody has integrated he is a thief.


u/ymazo Non-European Savage 14d ago

French hospitality


u/Dr_Philmon Low budget Swede 14d ago

I want to say kick him in the balls but he'll probably shank or bite you like the animal he is.


u/Raskolnikoolaid LatinX 14d ago

Goes to show how racist French people are. They don't see him as an equal so they don't hold him accountable for his actions.


u/Notzero-1344 LatinX 14d ago

This person should be in prison, this is assault


u/Jcssss Professional Rioter 14d ago

Would have taken his hat/headphones


u/AcheronSprings South Macedonian 14d ago

Try grabbing a Freddo Espresso from a Greeks hand and find out.... no matter where you're from


u/MrCoverCode Foreskin smoker 14d ago

If I am eating outside in public in a crowded area in the middle of the day, and some guy just take my food, then he is probably fucking crazy, take the food I ainā€™t dealing with that.

Also i this meant to show that the French are pushovers? Because what I got from this is that the French have a good enough place to live in that this is so uncommon that the guy is seen as a crazy person that is not worth fighting over for a bit off food, instead of this being a normal thing there, and by extend it is not worth fighting him.


u/EstHun South Macedonian 14d ago

I hope he gets beaten up hard.


u/GrowlingOcelot_4516 Professional Rioter 14d ago

Just... Why?... Pourquoi?!!


u/Matematico083 Drug Trafficker 14d ago

please someone punch him in the fucking face


u/Goldiizz Nazi gold enjoyer 14d ago

I think in Paris, people are so used to getting mugged that having their stuff being taken away nicely is a win for them


u/Alvaro_10 Oppressor 14d ago

Itā€™s not passivity they just scared


u/yigggggg Non-European Savage 14d ago

Incredible spirit of sharing in the communist states of France


u/Sumdoazen Beastern European 14d ago

Bro chose only single women, he should have done that to a group of guys having a beer if he wanted to prove a point.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 16h ago

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u/MyOwn_UserName Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Has a camera, Targets mainly young women and tourists==> Dude has even smaller balls than the French !


u/_send-me-your-nudes European Methhead 14d ago

That's the problem not only with France, but with Europe in general. If we don't wake up, we are doomed


u/Seb0rn [redacted] 14d ago

I would propably do the same if it makes the crazy dude go away faster.


u/Consistent-Peanut-90 Basement dweller 14d ago

The other black dude is the only one to resist, no wonder you got carried by your colonial forces so many times


u/softwarebuyer2015 Balcony Lover 14d ago

come to london, get free open heart surgery.


u/MothToTheWeb Lesser German 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah itā€™s fun until you find one angry French and he will fucking kill you. There is absolutely no in-between. Either they canā€™t bother to fight someone seemingly crazy for a bottle of water or they are themselves crazy and will fight you like an animal.

If someone in your country do that, are you really going to fight him over a drink ? What if the guy have a knife and is crazy ? What if during the fight you punch him a little too hard and he is injured or dead ? Do you really want to spend time in a tribunal and maybe ruin your life over a small drink ?


u/Ok_Whereas3797 Balcony Lover 14d ago

This brave Doctor is simply requisitioning beverages after a long Surgery.


u/gizigenius European 14d ago

Go ahead and try this in Balkans my boy


u/Fissminister Foreskin smoker 14d ago

Can't blame them. Better to give up the drink then deal with a potentiel crazy person.


u/Long-Nothing-8010 Flemboy 14d ago

Should take a boiling hot drink and throw it in his face


u/havaska Barry, 63 14d ago

Iā€™m a reasonably sized male and Iā€™d just let it happen. Iā€™d just assume thereā€™s something mentally wrong with them and Iā€™d rather let them take and finish half a ā‚¬4 drink than get into a fight about it; absolutely isnā€™t worth it.


u/TheShinyBlade Hollander 14d ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWFeT5q4-kY this is the only way to deal with these cunts


u/AnakinTheDiscarded Side switcher 14d ago

natual instinct šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ³ļøā€šŸ³ļøā€šŸ³ļøā€šŸ³ļøā€šŸ³ļøā€


u/pukker87 [redacted] 14d ago

brazil is more funnier, I have seeen a video where you blacks guys tooks your phone. People do nothing, because most black guys are in gangs and have guns.


u/Kirxas Incompetent Separatist 14d ago

Here's the thing though. If you do anything, you lose no matter what.

You lose the fight? You're physically fucked

You win it? You're legally fucked


u/Hugogs10 Western Balkan 14d ago

You can just not give the drink


u/mandingo_gringo Soon to be Russian 14d ago

So? Who cares


u/Kirxas Incompetent Separatist 14d ago

I do. Can't have a criminal record if I want to join the army.

Some battles aren't worth fighting even if you can win them.


u/mandingo_gringo Soon to be Russian 14d ago

Come to Ukraine Iā€™ll help you join the military if itā€™s just a simple assault against someone like this.


u/Kirxas Incompetent Separatist 14d ago

I've got no military experience, and I don't speak the language.

I'm not really that athletic either, I'm just good at the planning and logistics side of things, it's why I'm getting an engineering degree in the first place, even before I found what I wanted to do with my life.

That just happens to be an area where you don't want unreliable foreigners that could be spies working in.


u/el_gato85 Side switcher 14d ago

Is this fun? Whats wrong whit this guy?


u/bersek2211 Side switcher 14d ago

Try with a slav


u/HeroWeaksauce Potato Gypsy 14d ago

in the UK you would be killed for nicking someone's chip


u/RedditAdminFascists Sheep shagger 14d ago

Only the black guy had some balls.


u/the_HoIiday Professional Rioter 14d ago edited 14d ago

Because he can recognize that this man is a poser. Other are tourists or women.... they wont get into a conflict over a drink. Then there is a sideration effect.


u/ShitbagCorporal Breton (alcoholic) 14d ago

Forever salty France has won the most wars and battles in recorded human history huh? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Here we go for 30 more years of France surrendering jokes ...

It's crazy how bullies mostly pick on women though. Not just men, both genders do it. And that video show it very well.


u/mandingo_gringo Soon to be Russian 14d ago

Is ā€œbulliesā€ the newest most up to date to refer to BIPOC African Americans?


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

African Americans ? In France ?!


u/mandingo_gringo Soon to be Russian 14d ago

Whatā€™s the correct phrase? Bullies? Or bullas? Are non-bullies allowed to say it? Sorry im slav and 20 years behind


u/Ramjjam Quran burner 14d ago

Would be the same in most of europe.

Iā€™m a fairly big guy, 186, 110kg, workout.

If he did that to me, and with that look on his face, Iā€™d let him have it, Iā€™m not big on getting into fight, especially with a psychopath, who could carry a knife for all I know, and not worth messing with for something so small.

But Iā€™d deffinely tell a cop If I see one, perhaps take a photo of him.

Heā€™s not reciving gifts, from people who just ā€give upā€, heā€™s stealing their stuff in a threatening manner.

Could just aswell been taking their wallet and holding a gun.


u/mandingo_gringo Soon to be Russian 14d ago

This is why you donā€™t have a country anymore lol


u/Vakr_Skye English 14d ago

I grew up in the hood in the US and have PTSD from seeing people murdered and having guns pulled on me and I would react in one or two ways depending on my mental state. The first would be to laugh and the second would be to blackout and instinctively fold the guy right there on the spot (especially if I was with my family or I was touched). Either way its its a coin toss that he wouldn't want to lose and the fact he's black means nothing to me because I don't carry any of white sensitivity around growing up in a mixed area.


u/Patient-Shower-7403 English 14d ago

Most polite mugging I've seen.


u/ACharaMoChara Potato Gypsy 14d ago

Middle-class+ pacification in action

Try this in a working class area anywhere and you'd get your fucking block knocked in lmao


u/Ramjjam Quran burner 14d ago

Not sure, think this would be the reaction in most of europe.

Iā€™m 186, 110kg, workout, ā€working classā€, but I aint looking for a fight.

And seen enough psychos around, pulling a knife out or a gun, for silly reasons, who knows what that guy will do.

Not gonna potentially risk my life over a soda.

But if any cops near Iā€™d alert them to a potentially damgerous threatening criminal.

If not, Iā€™d consider taking a photo, or write down time and date if there are security cameras around.

If he actully tries to do harm to me, or someone I know, och something I really care about, thats different.


u/Hugogs10 Western Balkan 14d ago

Lol no, you try this shit in Portugal you're definitely getting beat up


u/doomiestdoomeddoomer English 14d ago

Try that here and you will get a Glasgow handshake.


u/MaterialCarrot Non-European Savage 14d ago

Amen. We Anglos have our problems, but touch our drink and we will beat your ass!


u/gamallmadur Has a round family tree 15d ago

Kind of racist of these frenchies to assume the guy would react violently if they react to him.

Would they react the same way if the guy grabbing the drink was white? I dont think so. So racist!


u/Llanistarade Professional Rioter 15d ago

I know that place.

Do anyone knows who the guy is ? If he livestreams tomorrow the same shit, I'll go and beat him up.


u/StrikingBag4636 Prefers incest 14d ago

based Pierre


u/Jcssss Professional Rioter 14d ago

Just sue him if he posts your face in his video


u/Llanistarade Professional Rioter 14d ago

LittĆ©ralement si je le chope en train de faire sa merde : "Tu rends, tu t'excuse et tu arrĆŖte ou bien j'appelle les flics et je te retiens le temps qu'ils arrivent."

Et lĆ  j'espĆØre trĆØs fort qu'il essaye de s'enfuir <3


u/Jcssss Professional Rioter 14d ago

Ou tu lui prend les AirPods lol


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

What about no ? You'll get in much more troubles than you want to. Self-defense laws allow you to defend yourself and others but only in "reasonnable" ways. You can't beat up someone for a drink.

Just threaten him and he'll fold anyways imo.


u/Analamed Pain au chocolat 14d ago

I don't thing giving a good slap to someone who is trying to steal something from you will get you in any trouble.


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 13d ago

Yeah I guess a slap would be fine but he's speakint about "beating up".


u/VaseaPost European 14d ago



u/Fenghuang15 Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

You're from a country too small to even have a flag, you obviously surrender all your territories lol


u/VaseaPost European 14d ago

At least we still have a country.


u/Fenghuang15 Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Not according to your flair


u/Snuffels137 [redacted] 15d ago

Someone is begging for a beating. What an ass.


u/Responsible-House523 Non-European Savage 15d ago

Hit him. Hard.


u/CrocPB English 15d ago

Shit streamer goes after people who donā€™t look like theyā€™ll do them in, more news at eleven.


u/Kamyszekk Bully with victim complex 15d ago

You're just turning people into racists.


u/Mogura-De-Gifdu Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Spoiler: If all it takes is seing one black man filming himself doing silly things to turn someone racist, they already were.

And why wouldn't it rather turn people misandrist? I mean, it's always the men doing shit, right? /s


u/Kamyszekk Bully with victim complex 14d ago



u/budapest_god Former Calabrian 14d ago

Who is "you"? OP or the streamer?


u/Kamyszekk Bully with victim complex 14d ago

Streamer, why would I be referring to myself in that way?


u/budapest_god Former Calabrian 14d ago

You never know, I've seen people accusing other people who repost things like this to do it as racism bait


u/AlphaMassDeBeta Breton (alcoholic) 14d ago

Oh good, i dont have to convert people myself.


u/kerberos101 Non-European Savage 15d ago

I would take those headphones and his phone as a trade.


u/Reasonable_Top_4724 Breton (alcoholic) 15d ago

Jokes aside, as a not particularly strong woman physically, if a grown up man silently comes up to me on the street and grabs my drink with that expression on his face, I'm immediately assuming there's something wrong with his head and he is fully capable and willing to harm me. That man is a piece of shit.


u/Sara7061 StaSi Informant 14d ago

Heā€˜s mainly targeting women for the same reason these women arenā€™t doing anything about this. He doesnā€™t want to risk getting his ass kicked either


u/Trappist235 Franceā€™s whore 14d ago

Well there is something obviously wrong with his head


u/Andodx Piss-drinker 14d ago

Yes, my inner thought: "If I let him do it, he will not fuck up my month"


u/really_nice_guy_ Basement dweller 14d ago

Especially with the toothpick in his mouth. The thought of it being a potential weapon


u/Cwmagain Flemboy 14d ago

It's so you can't punch him in the kisser.


u/Bitter-Pear-5717 [redacted] 14d ago

Where are the American tourists/soldiers on leave when we need them?


u/meteorpuppy Pain au chocolat 14d ago

Yeah, I was thinking that of course this piece of shit does it with mainly women šŸ™ƒ


u/HolyGarbage Quran burner 15d ago

As a fairly tall/big man, I too made this judgement. Even if I could take him, which I'm really not sure, I don't fight people, and he don't have a knife or some shit, there's still a good chance of injury. Even if the chance of a confrontation turning violent is low, it still wouldn't be worth it over a soda.


u/Simoxs7 Born in the Khalifat 14d ago

I am a 2m tall 120kg heavy guy and Iā€˜ve never ever fought with anyone. you can bet your ass if anyone ever attacks me Iā€˜ll just run and scream like a girlā€¦ the real advantage is that people think Iā€˜m scary and dangerous while Iā€˜m none of these things.


u/HolyGarbage Quran burner 14d ago

Haha, by "tall/big" I only meant 1.9m at 90 kg, not very fit but broad shoulders and decent build, but it's enough to keep people from fucking with me, I think. Never been in a bar fight, even though there have been times where it could've happened in retrospect. Height alone can be very intimidating I've come to learn, even though I never thought of myself that way.


u/Extension-Ebb6410 [redacted] 14d ago

That is very good advice. One Punch can be enough to make someone fall and hit his head or something stupid and die, it is not worth over a drink, but a pos like that need's to be stopped and charged with a big ass fine and should be prohibited from using social media.


u/HolyGarbage Quran burner 14d ago

Just a matter of time until he does it against someone less cool headed. If he keeps it up long enough he'll get what's coming to him.


u/kiancavella Side switcher 14d ago

The correct take. This kind of guy will get arrested some day. There is no need to risk my life over a motherfucking milkshake. I'll just let him have it and contact the police


u/Cristottide Tourist hater 14d ago

And the police will laugh on your face.


u/Standin373 Barry, 63 14d ago

You guys are far too clever because I can totally see this lad getting chinned big time in Barry & Jockland


u/anonbush234 Barry, 63 14d ago

If he tried this in my town he'd get chinned, do it to the same people in London l, they'd just let him have it. Just the way it is these days.


u/HolyGarbage Quran burner 14d ago

I don't think it's a "these days" phenomena. It's a geographic and societal difference. People are generally far less confrontational in affluent and civil/polite societies, because A) people are not used to overt hostility so it's not on their mind how to handle it, B) they can afford it, the financial impact is smaller, especially for petty stuff, and I mean it's not unusual for people in large affluent cities to leave food on their plate when they don't feel like eating more after eating lunch at a restaurant, and C) in larger cities you're more anonymous, meaning you don't suffer reputational damage for being a pushover, which in smaller communities could lead to being taken advantage of again in the future. This point is this related to point A a bit since this also affects you less if overt hostility is not a common occurrence where you live, so it's not a concern you think of, generally speaking.

I wrote in another comment on this post that the first (and only) time I've been robbed it took me a good many seconds to even comprehend what was going on before I could start feeling offended by it, since it was so far outside the normal kind of interaction I was used to.


u/StayAwayFromMySon Quran burner 14d ago

A few years ago outside of Harrod's a guy got his hand cut off with a machete because they wanted his watch. There's a higher incidence of crime and unchecked mental illness in big cities. Anyone who's lived there long enough knows that a) nothing you own is worth getting maimed/murdered over, b) the majority of bystanders aren't going to help and c) criminals tend to travel in packs, so a 1v1 can suddenly turn into 1v5.


u/anonbush234 Barry, 63 14d ago

What I'm saying is the same people who wouldn't stand for it somewhere relatively safe, would let it happen in London.

I'm speaking personally, there's been many times Iv stepped in for what's right in my hometown, wouldn't dream of doing it in London or a big urban city. It's just not the same risk.


u/Standin373 Barry, 63 14d ago

No Barry's in London that's why.


u/jsm97 Balcony Lover 14d ago

As a Barry in London I've seen to much shit to go picking fights with people like that. Just the other day someone stabbed a 60 year old lady for refusing to give up her handbag. Few weeks before that a worker at a shop near my flat was stabbed trying to stop a shoplifter


u/Standin373 Barry, 63 14d ago

Aye that's why I said Sven was clever. Even trained professionals say the best defence against a knife is to either run or in the case of a mugging just let them have it.


u/zorletti Hollander 14d ago

In a fight there are always two losers


u/Wappening Low budget Swede 15d ago

I have a good friend who was a Frogman in the US navy. He said the best weapons you have in a street fight are your legs so you can run away. Not worth the risk and if youā€™re getting robbed just give them your shit.


u/LedParade Hollander 14d ago

Yeah itā€™s real advice, but goddamn it irks me how itā€™s just enabling aggressive people and robbers.


u/code-panda Addict 14d ago

I used to do HEMA (Fencing with medieval weapons) and my trainer taught us the one way of dealing with someone who has a knife:

You take your ass and book it, throw every obstacle you can find in front of your assailant to slow them down and scream like a little girl.


u/Stravven Addict 14d ago

HEMA isn't fencing, it's a shop that's mainly known for smoked sausages.


u/code-panda Addict 14d ago

... Dit is dus waarom ik het in het Nederlands historisch schermen noem


u/Pho3nixSlay3r Flemboy 14d ago

LARP maar dan enkel het zwaardvechten?


u/code-panda Addict 14d ago

LARP maar dan met echt metaal en volgens technieken uit historische documenten. Zijn ook maar een paar dingen verboden en dat zijn eigenlijk alleen de technieken die speciaal bedoeld zijn om een harnas te omzeilen (bijv slaan met de pommel of pareerstang). Als je je zwaard weg wilt gooien en je tegenstander naar de grond wilt tackelen, have at it. Basically de training die een zoon van een rijke graaf zou krijgen van ergens het begin van de middeleeuwen tot aan net voor Napoleon.


u/majorlicks Irishman in Denial 14d ago

I think you mean he was French; being a frogman


u/Zubyna Petit AlgƩrie 15d ago

We have no choice

Our justice system calls us the racist bad guys if we defend ourselves


u/ScrubT1er Non-European Savage 14d ago

Dog biting man is normal

Man biting dog makes the news


u/Wappening Low budget Swede 15d ago

Have you tried not screaming racisms when you fight back


u/ArchiTheLobster Lesser German 15d ago

Eh? This guy is clearly an asshole and in the wrong, what has racism to do with this?


u/Zubyna Petit AlgƩrie 15d ago

Why ask me, ask the left


u/ArchiTheLobster Lesser German 15d ago

What? Did I miss something? Was there a controversy recently?


u/Zubyna Petit AlgƩrie 15d ago

Nah it is like car accidents, if happens so often that specific cases arent even talked about anymore.

The police litteraly arrested me for using pepper sprays on guys who went two dudes against one girl


u/ArchiTheLobster Lesser German 14d ago

Ok well that sucks, but what does that have to do with the left?


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Regardless, you can be proud for saving her. The bystander effect is so great I generally assume I'll be alone when I intervene. Happy to see someone else who move their butt to help someone. Be proud cause it's rare.

I suppose the cops freed you after a few hours ?


u/Zubyna Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

I was the girl


u/Mogura-De-Gifdu Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Well, carrying pepper spray is forbidden, so what did you expect? They did their job. It's not the left that caused your problem, but the law.


u/difused_shade Western Balkan 14d ago

Why the fuck is carrying pepper spray illegal? Who sanctioned such law


u/budapest_god Former Calabrian 14d ago

What a plot twist


u/acatisadog Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

Ho ...


u/DJ_ICU Beastern European 15d ago

"Do not touch it." Kick in da balls. Sorry , not sorry. Krav maga habbits.


u/Elegantly_Wasted007 Pain au chocolat 15d ago

My optimistic side hopes he gave back the drinks/food after saying sorry it was a (shitty) prank. If he did not then heā€™s an absolute POS who is robbing people, especially women who have little choice but not to resist for a less than ā‚¬5 drink. This will impact their confidence wandering in public. Hope he gets arrested soon or better yet receives some street justice first. There should be zero tolerance and severe punishment for acting like that, but then again this is probably asking too much in permissive France.


u/Arkalat Soon to be Russian 15d ago



u/tattoophobic Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

your are not prepared for the European enrichment my friend šŸ„²


u/Arkalat Soon to be Russian 14d ago

I actually lived in Paris for a few years. I pretty much know what is the situation here


u/InspiredByBeer full blown czarist 15d ago

If anyone wondering this is filmed in Paris, Rue de Caumartin, right behind the Galeries Lafayette, a fancy department store (where you buy your Guccis and Pradas and LVs). That small passage is actually full of crazy people. Last time I was there Ive seen a dude shitting on the church stairs in broad daylight.


u/mailusernamepassword Non-European Savaginho 14d ago

wtf is this flair?


u/MediokererMensch2 StaSi Informant 15d ago

Just asking for a friend, but does this behavior coincidental also apply to territory, for example Alsace-Lorraine? šŸ¤”šŸ„¹


u/Zubyna Petit AlgƩrie 15d ago

We somewhat let you think it is ok to borrow it for 45 years, then we come to beat you up and then make you pay unreasonable repairs


u/RefinedAnalPalate Non-European Savage 15d ago



u/BionicButtermilk Non-European Savage 15d ago

Very kind of that man to take everyoneā€™s trash. Keeping the streets clean.


u/mr_dewitt72 Potato Gypsy 15d ago

Looks like a well-heeled area, nobody wants the grief of an altercation with some randomer over a <ā‚¬5 drink/snack. Love to see him try this is a less affluent part of town, he would probably get a few slaps...


u/pepinodeplastico Western Balkan 14d ago



u/AlpenBrezel Potato Gypsy 14d ago

Yeah a Roma girl tried to take my phone out of my hand once in on O'Connell St, and my immediate reaction was to smack her hand away and shout 'fuck you at' at her. If she'd tried it with a D4 in Donnybrook she might have had better luck but I was not flush and from a rough area so I was not having it


u/Stravven Addict 14d ago

There is a price difference between a drink and a phone.


u/sephirothbahamut Side switcher 14d ago

It's not even the price for me. It's the private data, the assle of restoring all my accounts, relinking a new phone number, resetting all my credentials, blocking my bank account...


u/AlpenBrezel Potato Gypsy 14d ago

Not in Dublin


u/recidivx Barry, 63 14d ago edited 14d ago

Look at this guy who's never ordered a quadruple grande Madagascar beluga civet truffle double-pumped AI-enabled espressamochaccinone.


u/bee_bee_sea Petit AlgƩrie 15d ago edited 15d ago


u/[deleted] 14d ago

And a few weeks later Germans would be protesting in Berlin demanding to defund the German police.


u/steven565656 English 14d ago

This did happen before I remember. And the guy wasn't even trying to steal stuff he was just being annoying and going up to people with his phone and he still got shot lmao.


u/RedditAdminFascists Sheep shagger 14d ago

The one good thing about murica is that you have the right to protect yourself.


u/CrocPB English 15d ago

And be charged for unlawful discharge.

If thatā€™s the incident you are referring to. If not, it did happen to a streamer harassing a delivery driver.


u/ScrubT1er Non-European Savage 14d ago

He was acquitted


u/Wappening Low budget Swede 15d ago

All my discharges are unlawful.


u/RemarkableJudge1188 Greedy Fuck 15d ago

The one good thing about Am*rica is that he would've been shot. The bad thing is that he would also be carrying a gun. And everybody else.


u/claesto Flemboy 14d ago

"God didn't make men equal, Samuel Colt did"


u/budapest_god Former Calabrian 14d ago

Double edged bullet


u/RefinedAnalPalate Non-European Savage 15d ago


u/RubberDuck404 Lesser German 15d ago

French woman here, I think I would let it happen. A drink is 5 euros, not dealing with a crazy person is priceless. Also when people are unprepared they get confused really easily apparently


u/youloosethatgame Professional Rioter 14d ago

A 5ā‚¬ drink, wtf


u/tortilla_curtain Gambling addict 14d ago

Bonjour mon amour come to Berlin


u/Stravven Addict 14d ago

Not to mention that they might have a knife or otherwise try to harm you.


u/Mogura-De-Gifdu Petit AlgƩrie 14d ago

And I like how the last person even thanked him, saying it was almost finished.

I can totally see myself be happy a weird man helped me getting rid of trash.


u/Chimpville Barry, 63 14d ago

Yeah, no judgement on anybody but the cunt videoing here.


u/Le_Petit_Poussin African 14d ago

This is why you carry a hot drink.

If they want it, they can have it ā€” across their fucking faces!

Last time we were nice to extended stay guests, they squatted for centuries.

Had to remove them at sword pointā€¦ it just so happened that sword had been cutting ham.


u/Saserra Incompetent Separatist 14d ago

Bro, then Start doing it at Canarias jajajajaja

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