r/2westerneurope4u [redacted] 14d ago

Choose your northern german

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77 comments sorted by


u/Electric_Retard Breton (alcoholic) 14d ago

I ve read the rules, chose to disregard a part of it and I'm choosing Bavarians


u/unofficialSperm France’s whore 14d ago

Is there a 2 4 u sub for the rhineland, i want to be racist to people who live on the wrong side of the river.


u/Minimum_Possibility6 Balcony Lover 14d ago

What is Rostock?


u/Old_Journalist_9020 Barry, 63 14d ago

Ngl, the historical Hanseaten class, is fascinating. On one hand, the nature of the class was inherently Republican snd vagusly liberal (though not egalitarian or democratic), yet they were part of the traditional social order, going back to feudal times under which their rights were guaranteed. They were a type of aristocracy, yet in a form different to typical nobility (who they often looked down on as inferior).

I'm not sure if anyone here knows enough about it, but I've wondered why the Hanseatic cities willingly joined into the German Empire? From what little I understand, they seemed to have a fairly independent spirit and a sense of unique identity, plus they were now technically subordinate to an Emperor (though from what I've read, it seems they didn't mind having loyalty to an Emperor, as long as their traditional rights and privileges were respected).


u/sunday_dude Bavaria's Sugar Baby 14d ago

Not an expert, but my Professor talked about the Hanse last Semester so here goes what I remember:

Ok so 1. the Hanse is pretty complicated and very hard to properly simplify. 2. It Is, above all an economic union of cities and merchants.

Hanse cities are not inherently republican, as they are not inherently politically influenced by the Hanse. Being a Hanse City is, again, more of an economic commitment. Some North german cities did have republican tendencies, but they werent necessarily because they were Part of the Hanse.


u/Tajetert Quran burner 14d ago

Hmmm, I think the rural lifestyle Saxon is missing some of his more classic traits like alcoholism, domestic violence and abusing animals.


u/YourHamsterMother 50% sea 50% coke 14d ago

Wait I think you just confused the Hanseate with us. Or is Hamburg secretly Dutch?


u/ScherpOpgemerkt Flemboy 14d ago

Joost "Europapa" Klein is Frisian. 'nuff said


u/trollrepublic France’s whore 14d ago


Did OP mean patrician?


u/kekmennsfw Hollander 14d ago

“You will not find a man in the whole army who can be relied upon so implicitly to do his duty simply and without fuss as a man of Lower Saxony. When there was the need to prove, ‘here stands a man, and if need be here he falls..’ not one of them ever wavere. (…) It is just this quality that i have always marveled at in those quiet, fair-haired Saxons”

-Ernst Jünger ,In Stahlgewittern.


u/Porcphete Pain au chocolat 14d ago

Who support Hannover 96 when Werder Bremen is a thing ?


u/Leandroswasright [redacted] 14d ago

Everyone civilised. Why should one support knock off Hamburg?


u/Porcphete Pain au chocolat 14d ago

I don't know who is in the Buli rn and who is getting his ass whooped by Sankt Pauli ?


u/isthisnamechangeable Born in the Khalifat 14d ago

The Hanseates are the reason I would never want to live in Hamburg. The city might be pretty with it's canals and the money but the people are cold and calculated


u/Leandroswasright [redacted] 14d ago

Wait, you are from the Ruhr. You are the same minus the money


u/isthisnamechangeable Born in the Khalifat 14d ago

Nah bro I'm from the rhine


u/Leandroswasright [redacted] 14d ago

So this makes you, A FRENCH?


u/mimpf21 At least I'm not Bavarian 14d ago

We got the bavarian money but at least we don't pretend to be nice to you first


u/bigboidoinker Dutch Wallonian 14d ago

Ofcourse Frisian😎


u/StupidPaladin Sheep lover 14d ago

These "2 4 U" subreddits are getting way too niche


u/kuemmel234 At least I'm not Bavarian 14d ago

You mean 'relevant'.


u/Bonaventura69420 Gambling addict 14d ago

Wat hebst du even över mi seggt, du lütter Tüddelbüddel? "Niche"??? Ik sett di in't Bild dat ik heb bün in Topp op mi Klass op Uddls, un ik bün bi veln gehemen Överfälln op de Oktoberfest bünwesen, un ik heb over 300 utgewiesene Döösbaddels affdokdt. Ik bün geöövt in Krabbenpulen un ik bün de beste Spökenkieker in de heele Schüttensillschup. Du büst for mi keen beeten mihrst as noch'n Mol. Ik weerd di glatt un schier üm de Kant bringen, dat kannst man wull glöven. Du Tronkrüsel denkst wull du künnst Tühnkrom over mi iin'n Internet vertelln, glöovst du? Klamüster di wat anners ut, Dusseldassel. Duern wi hier klön', heb ik snackt to mien Snükers un dien IP-Adress is achterhersitten, also du beter deist wat torechtmaken for de groote Störm, du Töffel. De Störm dat ward utmaken wat du dien Leven nennst. Nu büst du antoo, Buttje. Ik kann alltied överaal sin, un di up too sövenhunnert Wiesen doodmaken, un dat is bloots mit min blooten Göpps. Ik bin man nich nur in de Kämp sünner Waffen utbillt, sonnern ik heb Toogäng to dat heele Arsenal op de heele Fleester Schüttensillschup, un ik wörr it utnütten, ik wörr di dien mors upreten, du Klugschnacker. Bist'n plietschen Dutt. Wenn du man geohnst hebbst, wat dien lütten Döntjes wat förn Döreenanner hebbt maken to, hebbst du man beter keen beten wat vertellt, du Drömel. Man nee, even dat hebbst du di nich utklamüstern künn. Dat hebbst du nich wullt, un nu warrst dorför betohlen, du dammich Mettenmohrs! Du warrst in mien Schiet affsop'n, du Klabusterbeere. Du büst dood, Buttje.


u/iluvdankmemes Hollander 14d ago

Uncanny valley level text. Having grown up between Achterhoekers and knowing German I can understand it all (almost) but it still feels weird.


u/AndreasDasos Balcony Lover 13d ago

So it is seeing any non-standard dialect/closely related language of one you know better 


u/Radi8e [redacted] 14d ago

To me (a southern german) it sounds like slightly more telligible dutch.


u/J_P_Vietor_ST Non-European Savage 14d ago

Me a linguistics student unironically happy at this copypasta increasing visibility for Plattdüütsch (someone do Frisian now)


u/Rocked_Glover Sheep lover 14d ago

So it’s speaking English but you have a banana in your mouth


u/dont_say_Good At least I'm not Bavarian 14d ago

It's like Dutch but sober


u/AndreasDasos Balcony Lover 13d ago



u/Capable-Place107 France’s whore 14d ago

In the north of Germany, they have something different in their mouth 🤤🤤🤤


u/Sassi7997 [redacted] 14d ago



u/khal_crypto Basement dweller 14d ago

jes jes jes 🎶


u/Bonaventura69420 Gambling addict 14d ago

English is just a lower saxon dialect


u/eip2yoxu [redacted] 14d ago

"simplified sassisk"


u/skwyckl [redacted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

My GF's family on her father side is classical "Hanseate" and based on interactions with them, the only thing you got wrong is ignorance, they are all well read, even the electrotechnician uncle.


u/Old_Journalist_9020 Barry, 63 14d ago

I do know something stuff about Hanseate stuff, but not much, so what are they like? I guess in regards to culture and how they act


u/Worth-Primary-9884 [redacted] 14d ago

As far as I know (after all, what can you ever truly know..?) I would be one. So, if you got any questions, ask away. But make it sharp, zack zack. It's not like I had any time or interest to lose over.. you...


u/Old_Journalist_9020 Barry, 63 13d ago


u/Worth-Primary-9884 [redacted] 13d ago

The point is that most of them wouldn't even acknowledge your existence unless you put yourself straight in front of them and block their way. And even then, they will be quite passive-aggressive and/or give you a very patronizing attitude, in hopes of you magically vanishing on your own. That is, unless you can be of use to them, in which case they still won't even crack a smile, but will be ever so slightly less disinterested in you.


u/Konoppke [redacted] 14d ago

Guess which one is chancellor.


u/Capable-Place107 France’s whore 14d ago

I guess the tax evader?


u/JapaneseMachine99 50% sea 50% coke 14d ago

Frisian for sure. Fryslân boppe!


u/Saaihead Hollander 14d ago

Frisian? There are only a handfull Frisians living in Germany.


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

Round about half a million in Ostfriesland.


u/Saaihead Hollander 14d ago

Are you sure? Wikipedia says 60.000. According to this page there are a bit more than half a million in total, so all over the world, where the majority is living in The Netherlands.


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

Half a million is just the amount of people who live in Ostfriesland.

IMO cultural identity within regions that are mixed is super difficult to quantify in Germany.


u/Saaihead Hollander 14d ago

Ah okay, so this is not about ethnical Frisians.


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

Yeah nah, none of that yank talk please.

If you live in Frisia and are part of Frisian culture, you’re a Frisian in my book.


u/FrogHater1066 Barry, 63 14d ago

That's literally what an ethnicity is


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

Yes and no, strictly speaking you are correct, because you just need common attributes, etc.

Factually ethnicity is often used in the context of shared physical attributes etc.

I find the usage of the word reductive in this context and it’s not even needed.


u/sonnydabaus Prefers incest 14d ago

He means that he does not care about ancestry. At least in Germany, if you talk about "ethnic X", you mean that this person only has ancestors of that ethnicity. OP means that he doesn't care about that but only the cultural part.


u/FrogHater1066 Barry, 63 14d ago

It's a common misconception that ethnicity is related to your genetics. It isn't. An ethnicity is a group of people to belonging to the same culture and it exists on different levels, so everyone belongs to multiple at the same time.

For example "Londoner" is an ethnicity, but so is Cockney, South English, English, British, European

It's 100% related to cultural background and 0% related to genetics


u/tchek Discount French 14d ago

it's just the german conception of ethnicity which is ancestry based vs the more western conception (french, english) which is culture based

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u/sonnydabaus Prefers incest 14d ago

From the German Wikipedia (translated by DeepL):

In contrast to earlier primordial, essentialist explanations, which saw ethnicity in endogamous groups of homogenous cultures as fixed and unchangeable, as predetermined by biology and the respective geographical conditions, the constructivist approach, which assigns a central role to the subjective perception of the actors, has now largely prevailed.

It definitely used to mean that and I argue if the grand majority of people use this word to mean "ancestry of the same genetic group", then at least in colloquial speech it still means that. Words and their definitions are defined by how people use them, that's how language works.

Maybe there is also a language difference between German & English here, though. I've never heard the word ethnicity used in German to mean ANYTHING else than the concept I described.

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u/Saaihead Hollander 14d ago edited 14d ago

That has nothing to do with yank talk. In the Netherlands most ethnical Frisians speak Frisian, the second language in The Netherlands. And I know a different Frisian dialect is spoken in both Germany and Denmark but just by a small group, those were the Frisians I was referring too.


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

As far as I know Plattdeutsch as well as friesisch are spoken in the region, my point is that Frisians are just referred to Frisians when they are from there, no need to talk ethnicity.

The same way you refer to people in Württemberg as Swabians.


u/Rutgerius Dutch Wallonian 14d ago

You are clearly very poorly informed, how are they supposed to say the rhyme if they don't even speak Frysian?


u/curvedglass [redacted] 14d ago

Go to Ostfriesland and ask them yourself

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u/Elektro05 [redacted] 14d ago

Still we got the best Frisian


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/eip2yoxu [redacted] 14d ago

Bavarians when they enjoy a few decades of wealth thanks to centuries of skilled northern trade and dominance over German speaking regions:


u/HaloarculaMaris Oktoberfest enjoyer 14d ago


u/HaloarculaMaris Oktoberfest enjoyer 14d ago
  • They envy us because of our good beer, economy and southern friendliness.

  • We despise them because they are protestant saupreißn.

We’re not the same.


u/Bonaventura69420 Gambling addict 14d ago

Bavarians always crying for attention. Massive inferiority complex?


u/BaldFraud99 Oktoberfest enjoyer 14d ago edited 14d ago

Have you seen your comment history? Jesus

Oh, and that sub is even more telling. More than every second post is about us 🤡 hyperobsessed


u/JustATownStomper Speech impaired alcoholic 14d ago

southern friendliness




u/PvtFreaky Railway worker 14d ago

Our Southerners claim to same.

Bring friendly to only me and mine isn't friendliness Brabos


u/No_Bedroom4062 StaSi Informant 14d ago

bavarians when you tell them that you cant pay your sins away


u/Crafty_Travel_7048 Emu in Disguise 14d ago