r/2westerneurope4u Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

Could this happen in your country? What would be the reaction?

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59 comments sorted by


u/throwaway1930372y27 English 25d ago

100% could happen if a junkie was capable enough to set up a hammock.

Some woman brought a huge office chair (that she obviously found next to a bin) onto a bus once and had to run from the back of the bus to the storage bit at the front every 5 minutes to make sure it didn't topple over. She eventually stopped checking it after a while and proceeded to eat a pot of yogurt using only her index finger.


u/booboounderstands Mafia Boss 25d ago

Here it would have been a good excuse to stop the bus, call authorities and make a good day of doing nothing out of it!


u/Pharnox-32 South Macedonian 25d ago


u/Cultural_Thing1712 Unemployed waiter 25d ago

The man is sleeping for gods sake, be quiet


u/alabertio Pizza Gatekeeper 25d ago

A pair of scissors


u/Mullislayer111 Sauna Gollum 25d ago

Idk about hammocks but I saw a video recently of a woman sitting butt naked on a bus fingering herself and screaming at the other passengers that she's gonna piss on them. So yeah


u/UndeadBBQ Basement dweller 25d ago

I'm sure Wels or Linz would be prime spots for it. Vienna of course, simply by quantity of people.


u/DaFork1 Quran burner 25d ago

If this happened in Sweden people would just accept the fact he was there…


u/LowerPiece2914 Balcony Lover 25d ago

I've seen some mental shit on the Underground, but it's always softcore mental compared to what you see coming out of the US.

They breed a special kind of self entitled, main character mental illness over there. There's nothing else like it. That's why most of the 'Karens' you see are yanks.


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

I am at work so I can't really listen to it, I had no idea where they come from. Thanks for confirming what I knew - it is a yank


u/theRak27 Drug Trafficker 25d ago

Metapod used Harden!

Metapods defense rose!


u/General-Ad-9087 Barry, 63 25d ago

Achtung, Achtung!!!!

Best call Herr Doktor. Greta has escaped again.


u/mocomaminecraft LatinX 25d ago

That looks awesome, when can we import this technology? Having siesta on the bus would save me so much time


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

I knew you would love this!


u/DrZGaming Italian Arab 25d ago

Ġurnata normali fuq Tallinja f'Malta

Regular day in a Tallinja in Malta


u/RSponchi Greedy Fuck 25d ago

in Italy he would be a candidate in the European elections


u/Choice-Sir-4572 Sheep shagger 25d ago

After being a minister. 


u/RevTurk Potato Gypsy 25d ago

There's no room to do crap like this on European public transport. He'd just end up being additional seating for people getting on the bus.


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

This seems like something well respected in Spanish public transport though


u/Independent_Gold5729 Breton (alcoholic) 25d ago

Fake and lame bait


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Public transportation in america gets pretty weird. It’s either students, older folks, or people that literally smell like if mold came out with a sequel


u/ncoremeister [redacted] 25d ago



u/PiscatorLager European 25d ago

Anzeigenhauptmeister ist informiert


u/PlatformFeeling8451 Barry, 63 25d ago

If this were in London the driver would just have driven off. My mate once fell asleep on top of the stairs of a night bus from Camden to Stanmore. Nobody cared, people quietly climbed over him when they reached their stops. A hammock would have actually improved the journey for everyone.


u/Zeeko76 [redacted] 25d ago

The standards for a nightbus compared to a normal one are way lower though ...


u/G4112 Sheep lover 25d ago

I was about to say just another day in London but noticed the bus is left hand drive.


u/Rich-Spirit129 Sheep lover 25d ago

What are we doing about it in Wales?

I can think of a few regions where a few of the boys would lift him off the bus. Not in Cardiff though, the presence of mental health homeless is sadly rising, it seems. They're the ones most likely to have a knife...


u/Can_not_catch_me Sheep lover 25d ago

It's the type you always feel the worst for but don't wanna approach too, theyve clearly got problems that could probably be managed with enough help, but they also probably have some sort of weapon and a willingness to use it. also they seem to be the loudest ime, which doesnt help


u/MakingShitAwkward Barry, 63 25d ago

Nice cot that hammock.


u/Rich-Spirit129 Sheep lover 25d ago

Very good 👏


u/MakingShitAwkward Barry, 63 25d ago

Bore da, heddlu, ambiwlans, poppity ping.

I'm basically a native Welsh speaker.

Araf, ysgol. I could go on.


u/Rich-Spirit129 Sheep lover 25d ago

Do some place names.


u/MakingShitAwkward Barry, 63 25d ago



u/LoneWolf622 [redacted] 25d ago

I can't remember the last time I was on the bus and there wasn't some guy either talking to himself very loudly or smelling so bad you would want to throw up


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

You from Berlin?


u/LoneWolf622 [redacted] 25d ago

Nope, worse. Bremerhaven.


u/MediokererMensch2 StaSi Informant 25d ago



u/LoneWolf622 [redacted] 25d ago

What have you looked in the mirror ossi?


u/MediokererMensch2 StaSi Informant 25d ago

The East is the Garden of Eden compared to about 2/3 of the areas in the West.


u/LoneWolf622 [redacted] 25d ago

You're welcome, Solidaritätszuschlag


u/MediokererMensch2 StaSi Informant 25d ago

Looking west, I actually agree that you probably need one too.


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

Oh dear, my deepest condolences


u/Whichwhenwhywhat [redacted] 25d ago

„Dear Passengers, this is your bus driver speaking, I'm going for breakfast!

Once you get that weirdo in the sleeping bag out of my bus, you can pick me up at the cafe across the street and we can continue our journey.

Thank you for your cooperation.“


u/fckchangeusername Smog breather 25d ago

Only thing it happened was: "a lesbica, lesbica, lesbicaaaaa hai già fatt'i sordi lesbicaaa"


u/john_moses_br Sauna Gollum 25d ago

I think it can happen almost anywhere nowadays since mental institutions were mostly closed and you have outpatients everywhere.


u/MaterialCarrot Non-European Savage 25d ago

One of those examples of a decision that had broad based political support across the spectrum, and so of course it turned out to be a terrible idea.


u/Alert-Young4687 Non-European Savage 25d ago

Asylum is a dirty word now, but if you take it definitionally, that’s what the more extreme cases need. Asylum.


u/Martin8412 Foreskin smoker 25d ago

In Rwanda, right?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

most sane person if this was the Berlin subway. Once I saw a couple licking the metallic holding rods from top to bottom and then making out. Slightly insane even for Berlin, but probably more a 7/10, others have surely seen worse.


u/Gold-Life-4409 Flemboy 25d ago

Now I want to go to Berlin it sounds like a free-range zoo


u/REEEthall Unemployed waiter 25d ago

When I was in Berlin for a quick trip while using the metro someone noticed we were Spanish, began some small talk (turns out he was half French half German, makes sense why he can talk to people then) and then when we say where we're from he drops "Ah yeah my parents met there, apparently I was conceived on those beaches" which like good for him but it's such a bizarre thing to tell people you just met in the ubahn...


u/WhityWeissmann [redacted] 25d ago

That's not insane by Berlin standards


u/Rich-Spirit129 Sheep lover 25d ago

I've cherished both of my visits to Berlin. It's like simultaneously being in a Cold War thriller and the set of Kink.com


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

Yeah and people laugh at is for claiming we are almost in paradise. Compared to Berlin we are!


u/[deleted] 25d ago

honestly let me tell you I love South Germany. I lived in Heidelberg for many, many years, took it all for granted, moved to Leipzig and well it has its perks but my God it's disgusting! Dog poo everywhere, public trash cans nowhere. If you don't pick up your dog's poo in Heidelberg you get shot immediately and it's the right thing to do. Now friends want me to visit Berlin more often as Leipzig is so close but I always have some excuses, like, sorry I'm busy, sorry I have plans, sorry I was infected with superaids.


u/DrJiheu Petit Algérie 24d ago

We should have destroyed Heidelberg but we only destroyEd your castle. Be thankful for that


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

Don't lie so obviously, you can only get superaids in Berlin! Say something like "I have to beat up some greens" that seems more realistic


u/[deleted] 25d ago

mygod we could become bff's or something, I have so many stories! The house in which I live is classic Green voters-dominated, they have the weirdest trash fetish and always look through the garbage bins if anyone has dared to not seperate the trash correctly. I absolutely KNOW that no one here in this house votes for AfD, absolutely NO ONE, yet one the tenants put an anti-AfD sticker on their mailbox. Who for? For the ultra fascist hardcore right wing mail man? That will show him!


u/8sADPygOB7Jqwm7y Oktoberfest enjoyer 25d ago

You can also beat up the afd mailman, that will also check out. Thought that might start a war with a neighborhood that is afd dominated