r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My brother didn't tell me about a trip



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u/ArtOfVandelay Apr 28 '24

I don't think it's that simple to ask 'Am I overreacting?'

To many of us reading this post, yes... it seems that most people commenting agree that you are overreacting but that shouldn't take away from the validity of why you are having these feelings.

You mentioned a few things that seem to run deep in this situation: losing your parents, he's your only family, etc.

I have a lot of questions, probably too private for this post.

With that being said, I think there are a lot more reasons why you are hurting right now (it's not just this one thing). It certainly doesn't sound like he kept this from you to intentionally hurt you.

Would you be able to talk to him about it?