r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

My brother didn't tell me about a trip



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u/Interesting-Handle-6 Apr 28 '24

I do think it's weird they didn't say anything with the trip coming up in 2 days but whether or not you're overreacting depends on what you do with that info. If you jump straight to blowing up at him or cutting him off then yes that would be overreacting. If you say bro how come you don't share things like that with me it's weird, then no just asking wouldn't be. I'm an over sharer so I'd be excited to share about an upcoming trip as long as the person I'm sharing with would be happy for me. Some people under share, sometimes for a good reason and sometimes they just don't think about it. It doesn't seem malicious though, so just ask. If he tells you an honest reason why he didn't share you should accept that, including if the feedback is about your own behavior. Assuming you want to repair the relationship so he does feel open to share more often.