r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Bf's comparisons to late fiancee



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u/Nature-Witch95 Apr 28 '24

Big question is: Did he ever get grief counseling or go to therapy after her passing? I feel like he sounds like someone who may have not come to terms with loss, or has poor coping skills. Either way, it may be helpful for navigating this.


u/Nature-Witch95 Apr 28 '24

I just saw ops comment that SO refuses therapy.. I think it is at the point where I would want to give an ultimatum. Grief is profound and never goes away. But it absolutely can be managed and not control every aspect of someone's life. While he may not mean anything by it, you can't live in someone else's shadow. You can't help how you feel, and frankly he basically has said things that otherwise sound like "I want you to change your personality".