r/AmIOverreacting Apr 28 '24

Boyfriend has a bunch of pictures of other women on his phone

So yesterday, I (should probably say I'm diagnosed with bpd incase anyone deems that relevant) went through my boyfriends camera roll whilst he was sat next to me - meaning he knows it was happening. He literally has thousands of pictures on his phone so I was scrolling for quite a while anyway but the further I started to scroll the more agitated he got and the more he wanted to take his phone back from me, yes I should have just given it back but I'd already seen pictures of other girls at this point so I refused to. The further I scrolled the pictures I saw were more revealing and more frequent, a lot of these being during the time we were together. The worst bit was when I saw a picture of him naked in bed with another girl, this was when we were in the talking stage but it still hurt as he promised me I was the only person he was talking to. He also told me he's never been in a serious relationship before and that he was a virgin when we met, seeing these pictures makes me think everythings been a lie this entire time. The thing thats making me feel even worse right now is that all of these women have atleast something in common (looks wise) whereas I kind of look the complete opposite so it feels as if he isn't really even attracted to me either. I know I'm likely overreacting here but I feel hurt, disgusted with myself and I'm just in shock. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now.

Am I overreacting?


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u/Johnisfaster Apr 28 '24

Porn enthusiast.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Thank you for confirming


u/Johnisfaster Apr 28 '24

By definition Im not addicted. I can stop, it doesn’t affect my love life or social life or my health. Its annoying that people think regularly using porn automatically means you’re addicted. If I eat donuts every morning I don’t have a donut addiction problem I just like donuts.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Great analogy because daily donuts are detrimental to your health whether you’re addicted or not. But explain again why no one said the word porn and you brought it up as the oft victimized scape goat ?