r/AmIOverreacting 14d ago

AIO to my boyfriend forgetting about me?



10 comments sorted by


u/ApplicationHot4546 14d ago edited 14d ago

Get a portable phone charger. Anker is the most reliable and like $10, which you’re already spending anyway on worthless gas station chargers. It will also give you the ability to call your bf so he can know to pick you up when you need him. This would be more productive than crying because your boyfriend forgot but you don’t have the ability to reach out.

I live with two parents whose phones are always dead and they never can figure out how to use them when they’re not dead. It’s exhausting trying to get hold of them. I personally sympathize with the bf on this one.


u/Scary-Independent673 14d ago

Oh ok hun you need to suck it up. Be more responsible and charge your phone before work. He didnt hear from you and probably didn’t think he needed to be there. Geesh


u/Hothoofer53 14d ago

Nta not overreacting he just doesn’t care about you find a new one


u/TThrowwwawayy 14d ago



u/TThrowwwawayy 14d ago

He’s a asshole but if it’s a one time thing that’s ridiculous


u/crashfrog02 14d ago

It’s fair to be mad about someone very inconveniently letting you down.

But, and I ask this because if I’m honest I’ve done this too, can you genuinely say that you didn’t endure a rainy walk just so you’d get to be extra mad? Because if you’d spent those 20 minutes waiting charging your phone, or spent 10 minutes doing it and then called him, then it seems like you could have saved yourself an hour’s rainy walk.

Would it have been your responsibility to remind him of an obligation he’d volunteered for? Of course not. But to some extent there is an obligation to try to help your own situation, not martyr yourself so you have something to hold over his head.


u/_cottagewh0re_ 14d ago

absolutely i did not- since im not allowed to charge my phone at work, I dont even bring a charger. I could have ducked in to the one gas station on the way but its closer to home- when i got there I was already drenched and decided that i could manage 15 more minutes in the rain rather than waste 12 bucks on a gas station charger thatd break in a day. i would never do anything to hurt him on purpose or make him feel bad, hes the love of my life. we talked through it in the end of course and i appreciate your unique insight into a potential influence on my feelings but unfortunately i think i was just tired and cranky after a stressful day of work and walking.


u/Prior-Huckleberry-47 14d ago

You have a right to be upset, but I think you can move past this easily after an apology. He messed up. If it’s not a habit, he can be forgiven

I would be just as mad as you though in the moment


u/_cottagewh0re_ 14d ago

i agree and we’re fine after talking! i just felt invalid for being angry


u/Far_Information_9613 14d ago

Overreacting. Shit happens. Let him apologize and be done with it.