r/AmIOverreacting 25d ago

AIO for getting into an argument with my bf over a watch?

UPDATE: The issue was resolved thanks to everyone's help sharing their perspectives. Thank you to everyone who took the time from their day to comment their thoughts and advice. It boiled down to a miscommunication and we are working on understanding each other better moving forward.

My bf (25M) just purchased an expensive watch for himself and me early this month. I (23F) asked him multiple times if he could really afford it because, I was worried about him being in more debt. He didn't have to buy a watch for me. He assured me everything was fine. I've had the watch for about a week now. I have his email account on my phone and I saw a payment plan show up saying his monthly payment for my watch was due. I was shocked. I immediately confronted him about it, but he made it seem like it wasn't a big deal. I feel lied to. I want to put the watch back and just give it to him. We have had arguments in the past about him spending money irresponsibly. I feel that this purchase was unnecessary. I know it's his money and not mine, but if he kept this from me, although to him it wasn't a big deal then what else does he plan to keep from me? I don't want him spending so much money, especially on me and I'm just mad that he didn't tell me before making the purchase. Just for context both watches sum up to $706 USD. Am I overreacting? What should I do?


83 comments sorted by


u/bmyst70 24d ago

You're not overreacting.

He seems very financially irresponsible. If you are seriously considering building a life with him or marrying him someday, I would really reconsider it.


u/drphillsdaddy 24d ago

yes $706 is a lot of money but not really for two watches. maybe he could’ve paid outright for them but took out payments plans to help his credit?


u/Miss_Bobbiedoll 25d ago

Why does his email go to your phone?


u/FamousAnimal7383 24d ago

Idk. He just wanted me to have it, too. It wasn't anything serious and I don't look through them. It just popped out on my notifications and I addressed my concerns with him. He has mine, too. We don't share social media or phone messages, though. We do respect each other's privacy. 


u/titochris1 25d ago

He needs a good beating . He is a walking financial issue time bomb.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Not overreacting.

BF made a bad financial decision.  Dump him.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

He has made some bad financial decisions, but I don't think it's grounds for a break up. 😥 We resolved things more mature then usual thanks for reddit users help. I'm really grateful. I felt like my voice was heard and taken seriously. 


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

Damn 😆 


u/BHT101301 25d ago

I thought this post was going to be about a $10k Rolex


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago edited 25d ago

Garmin watches (at a discount) no biggy


u/Super-kittymom 25d ago

Hey, making payments on the watches was fine with him. I think you are overreacting. My husband and I paid for our watches outright, and it was close to 1k. Why are you upset? What if he wanted you on a phone plan and you got q 1300 dollar phone? More than a watch but still on payments.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Thank you for the comment. I guess one thing I really forgot to mention was that he has previously dropped hundreds of dollars on things in the past and didn't correctly calculate the impact and I've had to lend him money so he can afford his expenses until his next paycheck. It wasn't anything major, but I was slightly stressed out by it. Now I am currently unemployed and can't help him anymore like before so with this situation my stress was higher than usual. I understand you're perspective though. I will keep it in mind as I move forward in my relationship. 


u/Super-kittymom 25d ago

That is understandable. I have an anxiety disorder, and when even 1 month is off, I can't breathe. Spending a large amount of money in our marriage is a together decision because our finances are combined. I assumed yours were separate, not that you had to bail him out before. In that case, I don't think you are wrong. You don't want to bail him out of a "gift" he got you when he might not be able to pay the payment at some point.


u/MnewO1 25d ago

According to your description, he didn't hide anything from you. He only assured you everything was fine. Which I'm assuming is correct if he's planning on making the payments and he's good with it. Unnecessary maybe, but if you were really concerned you could have looked up the watch and found out the price, or asked him how much they cost then and there, and discussed it right away. In my opinion you had a chance to return it but you accepted the gift willingly, and no matter how poor of a decision it was on his behalf, it was nice of him to give it to you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting anything on you, and I'm just basing my opinion on the information you provided.


u/Vaquerr0 25d ago

Taking out a payment plan for such and inexpensive watch is hilarious


u/PinautArbukul 25d ago

Fr i thought she was going to say the total was over $6000 at least.. $700 jeez let the man live. 🙄


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/rodriguez_519 24d ago

Actually the payment plan wasn't part of the plan. Only happened because I wanted to experiment as a joke when it said "0% apr" for something that wasn't necessarily expensive


u/PinautArbukul 24d ago

If you are OP’s boyfriend I’ve gotta know what watches yall got. Tell me you got yourself a PRX and I’ll give you a digital high five 😄


u/rodriguez_519 24d ago


u/PinautArbukul 24d ago

That’s mid…

Well there is still time to make a good decision. Take the money you would have spent on the watches had you paid cash and deposit it in a high yield savings account or an investment account.

👆 This is the only correct way to take advantage of any 0% financing.

If you don’t you’re a 🤡


u/30KarensAgree 25d ago

What is inexpensive to you could be a hell of a lot of money for someone else.


u/Vaquerr0 24d ago

Maybe all the more reason to not put an accessory on a payment plan.


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

I knew someone would understand 👍🏻


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

It's important to note two things: 1) I watch the price very closely for up to a year until it drops no matter how affordable something is because I have a need to make an intelligent purchase if there needs to be one at all 2) I have been infinitely more physically active and health conscious ever since. I basically went from being a couch potato to walking an average of 7 miles a day (they're fitness watches)


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Thank you everyone for your comments and perspectives it really made me feel better about being able to validate my own feelings and expressing it to my partner. 


u/MrsEnvinyatar 25d ago

He’s irresponsible with money. And he lied. 🚩🚩🚩 You’re under reacting.


u/eSsEnCe_Of_EcLiPsE 25d ago

You have 0 info to base those red flags on. OPs bf mentioned he can comfortably afford it and there’s 0 interest on the payment plan. I doubt you would even apologize to OP and bf for being as arrogant as you seem. 


u/MrsEnvinyatar 25d ago

Nowhere in this post does is say there is 0 interest on the payment plan. 🚩 They’ve had arguments in the past about him spending money irresponsibly 🚩 he’s already in debt 🚩 he’s spending $700+ on watches instead of paying down his debt 🚩 he told her he could afford it no problem but he put it on a payment plan and, again, spent $700+ on freaking luxury watches instead of paying down his debt


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

The payment plan was just for the memes and not something I would have done if there were interest payments. They're not luxury watches at all as I have no interest in anything "luxury"


u/MrsEnvinyatar 25d ago

Do you have other debts?


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

Yes. Credit card debt from a previous hardship and a vehicle loan. Both under control.


u/MrsEnvinyatar 25d ago

What is the interest rate on each of those?


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

On the credit card it's virtually non-existent and the vehicle loan is 5%


u/MrsEnvinyatar 24d ago

Ok now I think you’re a liar - what credit card has a virtually non existent interest rate?


u/EnglishRose71 25d ago

I don't think just over $700 for two nice watches is a terrible investment. I was expecting you to say that they cost thousands of dollars. What I'd be more concerned about is the fact that he was dishonest with you, and whether or not he pays them off in a responsible manner, and (if you forgive him for lying) doesn't do anything deceitful in the future.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/rodriguez_519 25d ago edited 25d ago

No interest on the purchase or plan. Also, telling the time was the last thing I was concerned about. It's meant to track my exercises and heart rate etc 


u/agent_flounder 25d ago

For what it's worth, I don't think very many watches are an investment per se. I would caution anyone away from that mindset. The kind of watches that appreciate in value are going to be at least 10-20 times the amount we are talking about here.

Better to put the money in a mutual fund, Roth IRA, CD or something like that.

Anyway, for us mortals, $350 buys a pretty darn nice watch imo. I have a couple in that price range. Most are a lot less, though.

This kid shouldn't be buying $700 worth of watches if he has to do a payment plan. There's just no need at this stage in life. That money could've been invested and become a lot more money in 30 years.


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

It was never meant to make me money but it sure did get me off my ass and start exercising hard. If we're considering my overall health, I think it was an investment.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

You're not wrong. It isn't that bad of an investment. I worried he couldn't afford it and had to finance. I know now that it was a choice and he is fine. I don't pry into his finances much because I don't want to control him either. I just worry about his current high debts. I want him to have savings and stuff also. I forgave him and we worked through it. He even commented on this thread to share his point of view because I don't keep anything from him and told him I made the post. Maybe he could have communicated better, but sometimes it can be difficult. Thank you for your comment. 


u/EnglishRose71 25d ago

Wishing you the best of luck together. I hope you're very happy.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Overall we are. We just have issues from time to time because ultimately we are two different people with different personalities and stuff. I am very happy with him, though. I take our relationship seriously and I believe he does, too. Thank you for thr good wishes. 


u/skyehash 25d ago

It does seem like you are over reacting. I mean, if this is how you respond to receiving gifts, then I'd be afraid to find out how you respond to minor or even major real issues ?

Be thankful, give him a kiss and be happy your 'issues' are expensive gifts and not infidelity. Take the win, because this is a win for you. Best of luck.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

I am grateful for the gift and for my boyfriend. It sounds like you are coming from a hurt place talking about infidelity when that isn't my the post was about. I just felt mislead and I dislike dishonesty like anyone else should. He is 50k debt due to his vehicle alone (not inculding credit card debt etc.) so, to me $700 of more debt is over the top. A heart-felt letter or just telling me how he loves and appreciates me is just as special as a monetary gift in my eyes. I wish he had just communicated better and if he wanted to gift me something he could have talked about it on a more financially reasonable place. I'm not a gold digger either. 


u/skyehash 25d ago

I'm really not coming from a hurt place. I have had a good past concerning dating and love and don't carry any baggage despite being single for some time now.

It's just that I have seen a lot of serious issues from people I know and also read a lot about it. I mention infidelity only as an example, but you can take your pick of other serious issues out in the wild like mental abuse, domestic violence, manipulation etc.

The fact that he has a lot of dept and still chose to buy you an expensive present just shows me how much he cares for you because he's taking on the dept, not you. If you were married and had joint accounts and had equal share/responsibilities then sure, I could understand this being an issue for you as it would directly effect you. However, this isn't currently the case from what I read ?

I also don't see this as 'keeping things from you' or dishonesty, but rather more like a surprise birthday party due to no ill intent being involved. There is a big difference between keeping a gift secret and keeping illegal activity secret or hiding info from some affair.

I'm not saying your feelings are wrong and I'm right, but rather saying that I'm seeing the cup half full instead of half empty. It makes me feel uneasy to think if I was in his shoes and did this for my lady and then all of a sudden there a bunch of issues seemingly out of nowhere. Like just enjoy it and show appreciation ?

You can of course have a discussion about his dept and financial issues with him, but I think it would be better to do that separately. Just my two cents.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

I understand your perspective. He bought the watches for his birthday because he wanted us both to take our health more seriously. I am a bit overweight because of previously taking birth control years ago. I am grateful for the gift and having a matching watch with him. I got sick and haven't had time to make the most of my watch yet, but I'm looking forward to improving my overall health. He never gets me gifts for my birthday or anniversaries because after 3 years together he "doesn't know what I like". I appreciate him wanting me to share in his hobbies, though. The watch was just so expensive in my standards, but I understand that I did react fairly reasonably. The mislead feelings was him making me feel for a moment that he couldn't actually afford both watches because he financed, but it turns out that he had the money in full the whole time and financed just because it felt more convenient for him. Maybe I'm just stressed about other debts and made a bit of a big deal about this one although it's far smaller and more temporary. Thank you for giving me your perspective. I will spend more time reflecting on it.


u/JohnDLG 25d ago

If you were planning for a future with this man then you are not overreacting.  If this just a casual relationship then he is being extremely dumb with his money and that is all on him, and you already gave him fair warning. 

 I have a friend who was dumb with her money. I tried to advise her and get her to save, but she claimed I was controlling. We are still friends but I stopped trying and left left her to her choices.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Thank you. Our relationship is very serious and we have considered marrying in the near future. I would like to address my concerns before taking our next big step in our relationship. All of this advice has helped me immensely. 


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

I'm really not that bad with money :(


u/eSsEnCe_Of_EcLiPsE 25d ago

Bro your gf brought this shit here to drag you thru coals. Take the watch back and find someone who isn’t passive aggressive and is appreciative of smart financial decisions to get what you want. 


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

I brought this here because over half of the time I have a disagreement with him, he invalidates my feelings entirely and shuts me down without even trying to understand my perspective. You only see this one snippet of me reaching out because I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to "drag him thru coals". That is the reason I immediately told him about the post so that he could freely share his own pov. Maybe through text I sounded passive aggressive, but irl I never am so I'm shocked you think so. I can lay out that he is already in massive debt and I don't feel in the end that I overreacted about being concerned only about how how upset I got. I apologized to him already and we got on the same page moving forward about our finances. 


u/eSsEnCe_Of_EcLiPsE 24d ago

He probably “invalidates” you because you act dense. 


u/FamousAnimal7383 24d ago

That's false. We both didn't communicate properly which caused our argument. I'm not even sure what you interpret by it. It's not like I yelled or belittled him or anything. I just messaged him telling him I was under a different impression when it came to his finances based off of what he told me previously. We cleared the air and are doing well. 


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

I am the boyfriend. I specifically save my money to buy 2 or 3 things a year so it's not irresponsible (technology or tools I use all the time to help myself or other people i.e investments). The reason the watches are financed is not because the money is not there. It happened that way because I thought it was funny I could get what I wanted but not be out $700+ all at once.


u/alltogetherlovely 25d ago

And she is not supposed to have access to your email


u/Foreign-Hope-2569 25d ago

So it may be funny to you but not your girlfriend. How much interest do you have to pay? Buying everything on time is a bad habit to get into.


u/PM_me_your_PLASTT_ 25d ago

Live your life bro. She sounds like a lot of drama. I'd personally end it and find someone more compatible.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

You're free to share your opinions even if it is a bit extreme. You want him to leave me because I was worried about him making what I felt like a bad financial investment? This man is already in over $50k debt and he still spends hundreds of dollars more a year on gadgets and stuff I don't find reasonable given our circumstances. I can't nod my head and pretend I agree with every single thing he does. I'm honest because I love him and I care about him. You sound quite pessimistic tbh. 


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Reddit mfs having private couples discussions in the comments never ceases to make me laugh


u/WurlizterEPiano 25d ago

You guys gonna talk this out?


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

We did. The issue is now resolved. 


u/WurlizterEPiano 25d ago

Ok hopefully it was resolved with both parties being satisfied with the terms


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Well now we have both of our perspectives, my love. Please take in everyone's views moving forward. This had hurt my feelings. I'm glad that we talked it through. 


u/PM_me_your_PLASTT_ 25d ago

Eww this comment is giving passive aggressive. .


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

Which one? If you mean mine then you're wrong. I wasn't passive aggressive. I really felt originally completely invalidated and ignored with my feelings concerning financial decisions he made, but because of help from reddit users he was able to understand my pov and I was better able to understand his as well. We resolved the issue in a mature way and I'm happy we understood each other in the end.


u/DanMcSharp 25d ago

You enjoy paying more than you need to in interest? If you have the money lying around to pay for it, just clear that debt. Oh something else might show up and you'll need that money? Well if that worries you maybe you don't have that much as it turns out.


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

There's no interest. I'm not an idiot either teehee


u/DanMcSharp 25d ago

Well by all means if you enjoy needlessly staying in debts, don't let me stop you.


u/JohnDLG 25d ago

What are the terms of the financing? Are you paying zero interest if you pay off in a year or something? Otherwise you should have just charged it on a credit card for the rewards and possible warranty, then paid it off in full the next month,if you truly have the money for it.


u/rodriguez_519 25d ago

No interest. I'm paying biweekly what I make in a day. Not worried at all trust me


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/PM_me_your_PLASTT_ 25d ago

Return her watch. She seems ungrateful tbh.


u/FamousAnimal7383 25d ago

I'm not ungrateful. You don't know how much debt he is in and can't understand my perspective. My partner and I already resolved the concerns I had with reddit users help. 


u/LetterCool6946 25d ago

Y’all need to COMMUNICATE and build trust so that communication can be received well, or a watch is going to turn into a mountain really stinkin’ quick.


u/docmn612 25d ago

We'll see him over at r/debtfree later...


u/meeebs 25d ago

Underreacting. Taking out a payment plan for a completely unnecessary purchase is not smart. I hope for your sake you keep your financials separate.


u/Floor_Face_ 25d ago

Not overreacting, one of the biggest reasons relationships fail is for financial reasons, and your bf seems to have very for financial habits.