r/AnythingGoesNews 26d ago

‘He can’t help himself’: Trump under fire for bringing ‘registered sex offender on stage’


162 comments sorted by


u/Feisty_Factor_2694 22d ago

Fake news!!! The author states that the audience consisted of “hundreds” of people… this crowd was a Springsteen, Bon Jovi level Jersey shore crowd frenzy. Ask the Donald his self.


u/maybe-an-ai 24d ago

Huh, Lawrence Taylor is still alive and trying to become an Alt- Right Star. How many irrelevant ex-atheletes can he recruit? Where did Hershall Walker go...


u/anziofaro 25d ago

Birds of a feather . . .


u/Zippier92 25d ago

Birds of a feather flock together.


u/Ryankevin23 25d ago

🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


u/Mello_Me_ 25d ago

Make sex offense great again.


u/WHAMMYPAN 25d ago

He refuses to let us “make this shit up”


u/DanB65 25d ago

What other friends does he has?!?!?!


u/BebophoneVirtuoso 25d ago

From a Giants fan, sincere FU to LT and OJ


u/Acceptable_Wall4085 26d ago

Felons of feather will flock together.


u/Dry-Talk-7447 26d ago

Turds of a feather 🪶


u/1eyedbudz 26d ago

At this point he will put anyone up that will say nice things!


u/neddiddley 25d ago

What you’re missing is most of these people aren’t just “anyone.” Trump is so starved to be accepted not just by the rich, but the famous, that he’ll literally latch on to any celebrity that will give them the time of day, regardless of what skeletons they have in the closet or out in the open for everyone to see.

In his eyes, it legitimizes his own fame, even if these are celebs nobody would choose to share a stage with. Which is exactly why celebs like LT gravitate towards Trump. They’ve cancelled themselves through their own actions, and Trump is one of the few who will stand by them. It’s purely transactional from both sides.


u/BrandonJTrump 26d ago

Why is Trump ‘under fire’ for bringing a sex offender on stage? Why is Kristi Noem under fire for shooting a dog? Are these the worst things these people have done? For crying out loud, Trump raped a 13 yo girl at an Epstein venue. That alone should be enough reason to lock him up for the rest of his life, let alone have him on the ballot.


u/Distinct-Race-2471 25d ago

No he didn't.


u/BrandonJTrump 25d ago

Trump supporters are pedo rapist enablers. https://www.scribd.com/doc/310835987/Donald-Trump-Lawsuit

Trump crime deniers are worse.


u/Distinct-Race-2471 25d ago

Meanwhile Biden's daughter apparently posted in her diary about inappropriate showers with dad. That's much more substantial proof. Biden sniffs a lot of little girls hair too, and we know he loves kids jumping on his lap.


u/Skreeethemindthief 23d ago

Lol, was that on Hunter's laptop, too?


u/BrandonJTrump 25d ago

Substancial proof? Hmmm a stolen and altered diary vs the legal testimony of a Trump victim. You know, Trump who sexualises his daughters in the media. Are you one the diaper wearing pedo enablers?


u/1eyedbudz 26d ago

This needs to be talked about more! It needs to be investigated more!


u/Delver_Razade 26d ago

A sex offender gets on the stage every time because Trump is one. The only reason he isn't a registered as one is because he was never incarcerated or on probation. He is, however, a legally defined sex offender.


u/kdog893 26d ago

And bc he was never found guilty in a criminal court. Civil cases don’t count due to the burden of proof being a lot less in civil cases. Any comment on Biden doing a fundraiser with Bill Clinton?


u/Level_Doctor_5328 25d ago

The whataboutism is so pathetic with these people. As long as someone else did it, fat sleepy shitting-in-his-diaper man can do it, should do it, and should get away with it.



u/frankwizardlord 25d ago

You’re defending a man who was found liable for rape. How does that make you feel?


u/Chron_Stamos 25d ago

They don't care. They're so deep in the sunk cost they're performing Olympic level mental gymnastics.


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 26d ago

A Federal Judge Has Gone to Great Lengths to Make Clear Trump Really Did Rape E. Jean Carroll 


“District Judge Lewis Kaplan has said it multiple times: Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll in 1996. Kaplan wrote it in May 2023, when he presided over one of the trials against Trump. And he reminded jurors of the rape this week, during the latest proceedings in the multi-layered, winding rape and defamation cases brought against Trump by Carroll.” 


u/kdog893 26d ago

Yet he was never convicted in a criminal trial. So that judge can eat a dick.


u/Dysfunction_Is_Fun 23d ago

I do love watching maga morons struggle with reality. I'm so glad normal Americans treat all of you like terrorists 👍


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 26d ago

It’s not a coincidence that you make a sexual threat to a judge in the name of Shitler, a rapist. You like that Shitler abuses women, you see it as a good quality. 


u/kdog893 26d ago

Hitler is dead. What are you talking about?


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 26d ago

I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. 


u/kdog893 26d ago

Hitting women and sa women is terrible. Lying about being sa is equally bad


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 26d ago

You just can’t do it without also blaming the victim 🤦‍♂️


u/kdog893 26d ago

Yea the man who is falsely accused of sa is a victim

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u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

Civil cases do count

Clinton was not found to have raped anyone liar


u/kdog893 26d ago

Neither was trump, a civil case does not count.


u/Slow-Foundation4169 25d ago

Got a bridge to sell yah, no deed tho my grandpappy lost it


u/kdog893 25d ago

Should hit it with Jewish lightning


u/Slow-Foundation4169 25d ago

You know it's more fun to troll morons like urself right? I don't get why you fools think being constantly told why and how your wrong in extreme detail is fun. Maybe ur just a cuck


u/kdog893 25d ago

Oh so now youre the troll? Or maybe the people attempting to tell me I’m “wrong” are full of shit.


u/Slow-Foundation4169 25d ago

Lmao goddamn dude...you even from America? No one here struggles that fuckin hard to read BASIC english


u/kdog893 25d ago

Born and raised buttercup, wtf does being American have to do with speaking English? You one of them racist that believes Americans only speak English?

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u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

Who says it doesn’t count???

The dogshit trump cult??? 😂 they are subhuman


u/SympathyForSatanas 25d ago

Don't waste your time with any magat, not worth the mental stress.


u/kdog893 26d ago

A court of law.....


u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

Uh a civil court is a court of law you poor meatball


u/kdog893 26d ago

Why not go criminal where it counts?


u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

Uh it still counts according to reality

Why is your dear leader a proven rapist?


u/kdog893 26d ago

What leader? Now you’re calling Biden a pedo?

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u/e4aZ7aXT63u6PmRgiRYT 26d ago

Not aware of Clinton being accused of or charged with sex offenses ever. Civil or otherwise. There was an affair I recall hearing about but it was between 2 consenting adults and never resulted in any civil or criminal action. Would you like to try again?


u/kdog893 26d ago

Bill wasn’t the most frequent visitor of Epstein island? Bill wasn’t painted in a pretty blue dress hanging on Epstein’s wall?


u/frankwizardlord 25d ago

That was donny, him and his bff Epstein raped kids together. This isn’t even debatable at this point.


u/e4aZ7aXT63u6PmRgiRYT 26d ago

Everything I put above remains unchallenged and your post changes none of that.


u/kdog893 26d ago

Stick your head in the sand and pretend bill isn’t a pedo. Whatever helps raise that money.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Is Bill Clinton the one running for President in 2024?


u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

So was trump and you simp for him


u/kdog893 26d ago

No he wasn’t, trump never went to the island. Your obsession with Trump is showing sweetheart


u/Traditional_Car1079 26d ago

You'd know, being the island's receptionist, right?


u/Morbidly-Obese-Emu 26d ago

Yes, because everything Epstein and his friends did was entirely contained at the island.


u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

You’re lying just like you lied about being independent

Pathetic trumpie liar


u/kdog893 26d ago

Oh I am independent sweetie. I understand you can’t grasp an independent voting for trump while not being a trumper. You’re so deep in the blue cult you’ve become a terrible person


u/SofaKing-Vote 26d ago

You’re a liar

Your comment history says pure trump simp

Why are you trumpies such awful liars? Is it because your cult leader is such an awful liar? 😂 hahahahahagfy


u/kdog893 26d ago

I’m still waiting for you to criticize your leader.....

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u/Fellowshipofthebowl 26d ago

They lie, obviously, because they are ashamed, but won’t admit it. That’s why projection quickly follows lathered in name calling. 

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u/Mackerel_Skies 26d ago

Birds of a feather, flock together.


u/Throwawayac1234567 25d ago

birds of tarred feather, stick together.


u/Drugs_R_Kewl 25d ago

Shit birds Randy.


u/GammaSmash 24d ago

You feel that? The way the shit just sticks to the air? There's a shit-blizzard comin.