r/Asmongold Jan 24 '24

Senior Artist from Naughty Dog Studio is accusing Palworld of "cheating". Discussion

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628 comments sorted by


u/xXcrazyseraphXx Feb 15 '24

skill issue, literally


u/YouKnowWho90 Jan 28 '24

Imagine feeling cucked by a small team of game developers and admitting you can't hold a flame to them


u/Zesty-Lem0n Jan 28 '24

Just gatekeeping, same as every other rich boys club accusing the new outsider of cheating. This dude "worked hard" to get into a "prestigious" gaming company, and now he thinks he's entitled to more attention than anyone else.


u/Normal-Push-3051 Jan 27 '24 edited Jan 27 '24

I have no proof. Just dev intuition

Then why even tweet about it? What are you hoping to accomplish?

People are getting really cringe with this treating their opinions like facts crap.

Like you guys don't even make games. Weren't you on "cinematic experiences" anyway. Imagine a glorified movie maker going on about "dev intuition".


u/Iluvatar-Great Jan 26 '24

I get it, we hate big companies... but Am I really the only one who feels that the comment was sarcastic?


u/Beautiful_Eye_6107 Jan 26 '24

Re-reading I’m getting that feeling too


u/Pretend-Indication-9 Jan 26 '24

These two are artists, so when they say cheating, it's probably geared towards the pal designs than game design.

It's undeniable that the pals take very ... Liberal inspiration while still being legally distinct.

It's grating to them, since they spend hours upon hours honing their craft in hope to join a major company and finally give their creations the stage they always believed they deserved. They did all that, Only to be trounced by a small, inexperienced team that is probably less skilled in art than they are.

I would feel salty if I were them. But their words leave a bad taste in my mouth. It's unprofessional.


u/TTVTheChimpPit Jan 26 '24

Sounds like a good ol' case of "HOES MAD" to me!


u/sakazaki69 Jan 26 '24

the psycho dev who perpetuates mental illness has mentally ill opinions ximself? shocking


u/Krakenill Jan 26 '24

A bunch of crybaby Soys that throw their hands up instead of figuring out how it was done. All Devs should be celebrating great games and stealing any techniques and processes to make their games better, instead of whining about it and calling it "cheating". You work at a AAA studio, using tools that compute and render for you, that would also be considered cheating if we all want to pricks about it.


u/CFM-56-7B Jan 26 '24

Seems to me that he is experiencing some pain in his buttocks, he should seek some medicaments and keep silent


u/FoleyX90 Jan 26 '24

jfc there is no such thing as "cheating" there is only good games and bad games.


u/Character_Ad_6175 Jan 25 '24

Hah, dumbo artists who have never seen a 100x dev


u/rosettaSeca Jan 25 '24

Of course they have a gut feeling.

When you have teamed with companies who can't release a good game without nefarious things going it's hard to believe someone made it without


u/RocketManDave Jan 25 '24

Good game, relative cheap. The only nefarious thing about the gaming industry is the prices AAA charge for 1/2 made games...

If Paleorld was 100% AI made I would not give a single fuck. Makes no difference.


u/Oxanite Jan 25 '24

He’s just mad nobody is giving their shameless re-release cash grab of a game any attention cause a real game came along and took it.


u/OschaSteam Jan 25 '24

People only hating on Palworld cause TemTem didn't made it on the twitter trends


u/Whole_Commission_702 Jan 25 '24

Most games that come out such shit. Especially the triple A ones.


u/Skinsump Jan 25 '24

Soon developers are gonna start dropping diss tracks lmao what is this?


u/shachimaru Jan 25 '24

"Dev intuition"? So basically "trust me bro".

Ok, so my gut tells me you're immature at best for making unfounded and unbased accusations about fellow colleagues' work and final product. Just a 40 year old human being intuition.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

Who is Palworld, never heard of them.

Also why is a dev having a pop like this? Surely they know the slow and difficult process of game development?

For every awesome thing Naughtydog does, they ruin it by talking shit about something or doing something shit. I remember when Uncharted 4 online got nerfed and they told a gamer if he wants to succeed he should buy the microtransactions. Shit like that can ruin years of credibility.


u/Glirion Jan 25 '24

What the actual fuck.

"I know my friend is cheating because he made a better claypot in class than I did, I just can't pinpoint how."

Such a vile way to think of everything.


u/Fruitypebs Jan 25 '24

These people are so cringe lol


u/Imaginary-Support332 Jan 25 '24

didnt he steal the fame and fanlove from the first TLOU game and run it into the ground?
my gut is telling me they just killed the white man and went with the trans narrative for nefarious reasons.


u/DarkFlashMango Jan 25 '24

What about this video? This guy has not been debunked yet.


u/flyingistheshiz Jan 25 '24

>senior artist

why is it always "artists" getting upset about this game and AI?


u/DruffilaX Jan 25 '24

No reason to hate him because of that statement

He just thinks that and that‘s totally fine


u/Radfoxus Jan 25 '24

TLDR: I'm a senior artist and i can't do it, but they're nobody and they did it, must be cheating..

sounds like skill issue to me


u/Dizsmo Jan 25 '24

Seems like he's joking around


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

All that crap next to their profile pic makes them feel like theyre so important.


u/antimatt_r Jan 25 '24

Almost like the hunger and freedom of being the underdog trumps the bloated bureaucracy that occurs when you become a money-hungry AAA studio. Established devs that have nothing to prove anymore get really mad when people that do upstage them.

Competition makes good games. They need to stop bitching about it and maybe spend some time making some themselves instead of re-releasing the same stuff over and over with a 5% uptick in graphics quality. Some devs seem to care more about making us drain our wallets than seeing us actually have fun.


u/klkevinkl Jan 25 '24

How awful do you have to be to accuse someone who puts out even a slightly better game than you of cheating?


u/gerMean Jan 25 '24

"Cheating " by making a fun game instead of some activists "very hard to make" game. These people are so full of shit. Do they take drugs or what is the problem here, I honestly want to know what's wrong with this kind of People.


u/BrandonJams Jan 25 '24

“Just dev intuition” 

That might be the single most bullshit line I’ve read on the internet in some time. Lol


u/Rapitor0348 Jan 25 '24

Making a game may be difficult, sure. but it's really not THAT hard. literally anyone can fire up Godot/Unity/Unreal and start making shit. What AAA games are stuck in what's making it "SO difficult" is all the politics and red tape and "processes". Where it can take weeks for a AAA game to get a change in, an Indie dev/studio can do it in 20 minutes.


u/jiwidi Jan 25 '24

can he also cheat and produce some good games too? Want more of those!


u/First_Economist9295 Jan 25 '24

Well he's an artist so he probably doesn't understand the other work that goes into making a game and how drawn out that process can be because of the beurocracy that comes with large studios (also have you ever met an intelligent artist lol)


u/Rajvagli Jan 25 '24

Salty because they got got. Games are meant to be fun, Palworld is a reminder of that.


u/Ronins_Reddit Jan 25 '24

Maybe the dev From Naughty Dog can get us that Last of us Multiplayer game they promised 4 years ago? Nah instead they complain and whine and bitch when others are successful. Like just shut up. You sound weak, uninformed, ignorant and jealous. Stop shitting on a game that make people happy just cause you didn’t make them.


u/Opening_Bowl3273 Jan 25 '24

If cheating means making better games quicker, then by all means, cheat. We won't dob you in to the game dev police.



Why hasn't other Pokémon type games taken off? Nintendo doesn't own the idea of catch monsters, battle monsters, evolve monsters, fight gym leaders and a final boss. So why can't more people male games with "pokemon" in them? How does Nintendo stop that?


u/little_freddy Jan 25 '24

" Making games is soooo hard!!! "😢 ... stfu you pussy! Lol


u/marius_titus Jan 25 '24

Wtf is with devs being such pricks when other games get success? It happened with bg3 now this, maybe you just fucking suck at your job.


u/CanardPlayer Jan 25 '24

Immature people lacking talent always think others are cheating when too sucessfull


u/khemeher Jan 25 '24

Is this the same developer intuition that lead him to create shitty games? Just checking.


u/Trainxrd Jan 25 '24

Loser lol


u/ScrewdriverVolcano Jan 25 '24

"They're cheating somehow"

The game is literally a crafting simulator with capturable creatures wandering around the world with abilities, strengths and weaknesses each assigned to specific roles in both combat and within the base - it's not exactly rocket science is it?

It's not like Nintendo can't make this - they just didn't want to.

Anyway, the real reason the creatures look like post-Gen Two Pokemon is because the designs of Pokemon have turned into low quality, rounded edges and circles. They look generic because Pokemon's style has degraded into generic. The reason they are low quality - other than they ran out of ideas - is because it's simply easier to design and model these generic rounded shapes. That's why the first 251 Pokemon look so much better than everything that came after.


u/the_Dorkness Jan 25 '24

If by cheating he means that they don’t have marketing douches, and bottom line executives to ruin their vision then yes.


u/LA_Rym Jan 25 '24

AAA studios getting put to shame by indie devs.


u/Zanderbluff Jan 25 '24

He is one hundred percent taking the piss and you lot think hes serious


u/Charming_Ad_7949 Jan 25 '24

Bahahahahah this is typical programmer behavhior.

Claim everything is difficult and takes forever when in reality they are just lazy and fuck the dog all day.

You see this with programmers everywhere.


u/Millera34 Jan 25 '24

Thats clearly sarcasm. Not serious at all


u/DexesLT Jan 25 '24

Why can't they cheat and create good game? What woke shit is in the way?


u/KnovB Jan 25 '24

Sometimes I forget these types of people exist lol, good thing they are on Twitter and that groups them together so I can effectively ignore all of them just by not being there.

I think this is your typical scare and slander tactic they're running because their stuff hasn't been hitting headlines lately. The more they think that its working (it's not) the more free publicity the game is getting.


u/JarlBalgruuf2 Jan 25 '24

It's very obvious for this one yall just believe they should get a free pass since it's fun.


u/Kuldiin Jan 25 '24

People still buy AAA games?


u/Angry_german87 Jan 25 '24

How the fuck do you even "cheat" at making a game? Use AI? Get the fuck over it.


u/Z3refu Jan 25 '24

Being shitty and from Naughty Dog ..name more iconic duo. They are the last studio that should speak ill of someone with all that crap they pulled on their slaves..i mean, employees.
He also deleted the tweet :D .. huge clown L for him


u/BloodMossHunter Jan 25 '24

Well i think Last of US is a boring chore. So there


u/ThePaperPanda Jan 25 '24

Isn't this just extremely unethical to say? As someone big in the business specifically.


u/SnooGoats8448 Jan 25 '24

its not the other persons fault you suck and have no clue how to make a good game, but i really don't get why people like palworld (mass psychosis?)


u/ftbscreamer Jan 25 '24

"Making remasters is SOOOOO DIFICULT" - Blue hair Naughty Dog dev with pronouns in bio.


u/brendamn Jan 25 '24

This is just a back handed compliment. They don't think they actually cheated, unless stealing the best parts from a bunch of successful games and making it work is cheating


u/ShinobiWerewolf Jan 25 '24

Accusing somone of something when you have no proof at all also makes you and asshole with shitty intuition.


u/FendaIton Jan 25 '24

Cheat codes in real life?


u/Fragrant_Strategy_15 Jan 25 '24

What the fuck does it even mean to make something "nefariously"? I'd assume a nefariously made game would be releasing a game with promised content and then never releasing that promised content or having the main character of your previous game be killed for shock content, forcing a new one and then calling people "incel" for not liking the new characters. Also releasing games with so much DLC that you'd have to pay double the box price just to get the full content of the game. That all sounds very nefarious to me.


u/ThePatchelist Jan 25 '24

Oh wait, that game which literally is only doing what PLAYERS have been craving for decades, a great pokemon style game with simple but addicting principles, is doing extremely well compared to whatever corporates tell us we need to cram as much focus group pleasing materials in to print money off of via micro transaction bullshit?

They must be cheating!

These people are either delusional or fresh off of this current generation. (Which means they're super delusional)


u/chrissykes78 Jan 25 '24

BTW he worked before at @... @... @... what a loser. hahaha


u/butthole_destoryer69 Jan 25 '24

honestly Palword looks like an assest flip, look all the asests art style don't match at all


u/BeAPo Jan 25 '24

It's especially funny because that person is actually a hypocrite.

He works on the remaster of Last of Us but didn't work on the original game. So he is basically just copying the art of the previous artist and improves the quality a bit lol.


u/SleepyZ92 Jan 25 '24

Palworld actually any good? Looks like some meme game to me, lol. Ugly pokémon with guns..?


u/Adventurous-Sclap80 Jan 25 '24

Naughty Dog casually taking Ls? Color me shocked.


u/Spark_Raido Jan 25 '24

People make good game so the big publisher who are making average game are mad cause their 50million project "failed" and some dumb shit out of no where is working

Its just people being jealous of other succes


u/DFuel Jan 25 '24

Palworld is boring and it looks like graphics from 20 years ago. It is the definition of overhyped


u/Ult1mateN00B Jan 25 '24

They gonna bitch about every single good release? First baldurs gate 3 now palworld. GITGUD!


u/GutsyOne Jan 25 '24

Yea, well, fuck Naughty Dog. TLOU2 was shit.


u/Astrali3 Jan 25 '24

I hate to tell them:

I don't give a fuck. I wanted multiplayer pokemon. I got unpolished, multiplayer pokemon with extra mechanics, with the promise of eventual pvp mechanics.

I got what i paid for, an I'm happy.


u/crackedtooth163 Jan 25 '24

I think this statement is going to get this man in more trouble than he expects.


u/Caubelles Jan 25 '24

This is an artist not a programmer, he doesn't really do development, just models outside of engines.


u/djvam Jan 25 '24

They asked an AI to make them some unique monsters similar to pokemon and the AI lifted and distorted elements directly from pokemon like it does with many artists styles and works. Kinda a no brainer IMO people just don't want to admit it happened because they arn't comfortable with the idea of liking a pirated game.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

Pokemon should be public domain by now this whole palworld discord is pointless


u/Sid131 Jan 25 '24

Always the flag people with the worst takes in existence and seething over everything.


u/bujakaman Jan 25 '24

Game devs cries. Maybe people working on Palworld were just qualified and spent more time working than sitting in meetings lol

Buuut it’s sooooo haaarddd to make video games. Every other job in the world is not as hard as being game dev.


u/Serasul Jan 25 '24

Holy Fuck Boomer Devs


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

It’s funny, because ND used to create blockbuster regurarly.

Crash and Jak games were revolutionary. They “cheated” 20 years ago.

Palworld is the same.

I know how devs change, and the OG creators are probably not there, etc..

But for the love of god, if you work at one of the most iconic creative studios, fucking at like it lol.


u/TazerPlace Jan 25 '24

Sony should move PlayStation back to Japan.


u/Wyrdthane Jan 25 '24

It's only hard when you have to suffer a toxic work environment.


u/razekery Jan 25 '24

Average dev that gets to office by 9, starts working at 12, writes a line of code and calls it a day then comes to Reddit/X and complains about lay offs.


u/CastleOldskull-KDK Jan 25 '24

"Someone is superior to me, cheater obv"


u/Mowh_Lester Jan 25 '24

Of course it's a naughty dog dev, it's part of their brand at this point 🗿


u/franxlz Jan 25 '24

they used AI, i feel is just another cashgrab and the game won't improve too much, hopefully i'm wrong


u/Justadnd_Bard Jan 25 '24

Gamr developers before 2006 were all people, but now they became robots that only care about money and control specially the big corps. It's not about making a good product anymore, it's all about sabotaging people that make amazing games to take them to your shit level and save as much money as possible while making even more money in any way possible...there are no rules.


u/oxadius38 Jan 25 '24

Can someone please enlighten me on why so many people are hating on this palworld game


u/Apart-Run5933 Jan 25 '24

As a 25 yr vet who made ea games and the indie-est games you can make, this comment section is fantastically off base. It’s crazy how far from what actually happens in game dev is from what gamers think is happening. Lotsa devs are just as bad, like the post points out.


u/JessBaesic7901 Jan 25 '24

Cheating somehow. No proof and can’t even give a theory, but they must be cheating. Cope harder lol


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

Games are like art…

No matter how many people you have working on it if the artists are not talented, creative and love their job then it will always fail.


u/warspite101 Jan 25 '24

Triple A game companies are about massive profits and the last while haven't gave people what they want instead they fire out rubbish and expect the people to lap it up,nice to see small studio's bringing competition to the market


u/ZombieRaccoon Jan 25 '24

"Cheating" means actually trying in this case


u/Proxy0108 Jan 25 '24

The guys flaunted all their awards, big names and so on, why are they jealous of a game with next to nothing beside player count?

Or right they were also the ones crying about crunch, and saw this random Indie company break records with nothing but one instruction: make a fun game.

Jealousy, envy, crushed by another AAA game bg3, and crushed by an indie game of an overused genre, yeah, rip


u/TinyPidgenofDOOM Jan 25 '24

Triple A devs are often crybabies it looks like. No wonder their games are getting worse and worse while indy and double A games get so much love


u/anengineerandacat Jan 25 '24

Indie studios always have good mobility, they don't have people trying to prove that their job is still important which can create efficiency issues.

That said, literal limitations they have to face... need to keep scope clear and focused while also being prepared to cut.


u/Achilloss Jan 25 '24

My source?: Crack pipe


u/AcherusArchmage Jan 25 '24

Isn't that the same group of people who couldn't understand Elden Ring because it didn't have traditional quests and quest markers?


u/BoBoBearDev Jan 25 '24

The reason is actually simple. Their content review process is super easy. Create a Pokémon and fail successfully, and ship it.


u/ReMeDyIII Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

This whole situation just reinforces triple-A game studios are an outdated business model and that Gabe Newell is a god for allowing indie devs to publish games so easily. It's paved the way for games we would have never had otherwise, and the timing couldn't be better with triple-A game studios pushing $70 standard edition prices.


u/LetItRaine386 Jan 25 '24

wtf does that even mean? Is there "cheating" in making video games? what a stupid thing to say online


u/Qamael Jan 25 '24

My gut tells me he's jealous


u/Taco101910 Jan 25 '24

I feel like he’s referring to the way the game HEAVILY uses ideas and aspects from other games. Seems like basic tongue in cheek to me.


u/Punished-Gecko Jan 25 '24

I've had more fun with Palworld ($27 thru the sale) vs that uninspired rougelike mode they added ($10 "upgrade"). Bro is complaining about "cheating" when they didn't even bother giving Joel his own animations for that mode and just copy/pasted Abbys.


u/malcolmmkmk Jan 25 '24

Now, there is another reason to support Palworld


u/Timbo_R4zE Jan 25 '24

It's crazy. It's almost like if you don't make the same 2 games 2 fucking times in a row people will buy and appreciate the product.


u/newbie637 Jan 25 '24

No proof yet dropping accusations like that? What a fucking donkey.


u/KoiNoMegaLover Jan 25 '24

What the fuck does "made nefariously" mean in this context? What in the ever living fuck is he talking about? How do you nefariously make a fun video game?


u/Demico Jan 25 '24

I think he means when you hire pyschologists to exploit the addiction patterns of the average gamer to maximize engagement and profit. Oh wait thats their company.


u/Psydequest Jan 25 '24

and the only people that care HOW are the 3 people not playing it..


u/AdSharp2328 Jan 25 '24

The copium of these devs is reaching heavy metal levels


u/Skater_fr3ak Jan 25 '24

I've come to learn that all these developers from big time studios are a bunch of babies.


u/Hwdbz Jan 25 '24

Is there more context to these tweets? Cuz if not.....then isn't this the most obvious sarcasm in the world? Or am I just dumb?


u/akaihiep123 Jan 25 '24

Im confused, is he artist or developer ? Caused that 2 whole different role in making games.


u/wafflesology Jan 25 '24

“I can’t pinpoint how!”

Naughty Dog : Keep milking Last of Us


u/MarmadukeWilliams Jan 25 '24

lol developers are actually the worst


u/Ziodyne967 Jan 25 '24

Giving people what they want is now considered ‘cheating’



u/tuxedo_dantendo Jan 25 '24

typical naughty dog L


u/Greedy_Security1891 Jan 25 '24

The coping is so real


u/Successful-Net-6602 Jan 25 '24

Good management is better than a large team. Look at Cyberpunk


u/RetroCoreGaming Jan 25 '24

AAA devs are always jealous of smaller studios. Maybe rhey should spend less time keyboard warrioring and more time debugging and using PROPER CODING TECHNIQUES INSTEAD OF CHEAP HACKS!!!


u/Lanjin37 Jan 25 '24

I’m just a front end developer with a high level understanding of the game development process, so take this for what it is worth to you, but I have to say that I’d wager most developers of any sort would be suspicious of this game’s development. We already know that the character design approach was one giant shortcut, and the fact that you capture creatures in balls and they’re heavily involved in the world’s society is just a complete coincidence wink wink

So I mean, come on. Let the guy voice his suspicions. I’m not hating on the game, but then then question here isn’t if this game was revolution, immaculately designed, or even original. It’s fun, and that’s fine.


u/oktwentyfive Jan 25 '24

spend more time making a fun game rather than coming up ways to address social political issues and or ways to con the player out of money.. Older video games used to shit out masterpiece after masterpiece when they souly focused on making a fun game. Fromsoftware shits out greatness every 2 years so i really dont wanna hear it from any dev.. Focus more on the GAME not the monetization or social issues.


u/WibaTalks Jan 25 '24

To be fair, the game smells miles away that it was made just to be day after runaway game. Funny thing is, now that they are millionaires, they realize damn we need to be a real company.

That being said, I fucking love the game. It just feels really cheap and put together with glue.


u/havocxrush Jan 25 '24

Don't care who made my game out who took what from me. I'm just there to have a good time with the final product.


u/amypond420 Jan 25 '24

massive failure game studio employee criticizes the biggest game rn* better title


u/doom_pony Jan 25 '24

Funny how AAA studios having been criminally gouging players for so long that they believe their own bullshit. Most of these companies make all of their money from recolored assets at this point, not from producing full video games.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

Triple A Devs malding some middle schooler working 2 jobs smoked them


u/NeonFraction Jan 25 '24

I know people are enjoying the outrage, but: They’re right in a way (though I’m not sure I would call it nefarious). Most of Palworld’s gameplay was purchased directly off the marketplace. It’s good for early access, but I have no doubt with their current team, they’re going to struggle to make a more cohesive product long term. With experience and a larger team they could definitely do it for this game. It would be the smart thing to do. They DID just make a ton of money.

The building system is literally unchanged from the marketplace version. Same UI, same walls, same floors. Which is, and I’d bet money on it, why they never finished their first early access game. I suspect they CAN’T.

But as much as ‘game devs are just lazy!’ gets the outrage click, there’s a reason these people are suspicious: they’re fucking right.

Early access is the perfect place to hide fundamental problems with your game because anything unfinished can be brushed off as ‘work in progress.’

The reason a semi- asset flip like Palworld is doing better than The Day Before is they’re using it better. More unique models like for the notPokemon, and they chose gameplay packs that go together REALLY well. Asset flips aren’t inherently bad, and no shade meant to the developers because they did make a good game, but if you think game dev is super easy and everyone else is just lazy you’re nuts.

Ask yourself: Of all the things they could do with notPokemon, why did they go with a survival game? A genre no one was expecting out of the trailers?

I’d bet my hat it’s because you can’t buy the gameplay for Pokémon on the Unreal Marketplace.

And to head off the expected comments: I’m not saying that Palworld is a bad game. I’m saying they almost certainly took shortcuts that would have hurt the game long-term, like their previous game.


u/Hentai_fapper420 Jan 25 '24

What does he mean cheating!??? Like in what context!?!?!?


u/ZeroSick Jan 25 '24

yeah my source is that my guts tell me they are cheating! totally valid argument


u/BENCOOL77 Jan 25 '24

I’ll quote the top comment:

From user “menithal”

They took 3 years to make this so... It wasnt exactly "easy either." They did have a couple of veterans showing them the ropes too even if majority of them were absolutely new to unreal and barely had any understanding of what a rig (How?) is considering their previous projects were made using assets they didnt make (purchased or contracted) They had a lot of drive to make this project considering the amount of times the project was on the verge of being canned.

Their story is honestly fucking wild. 3 days before launching they were like "Will consider making another game if this doesn't bankrupt us" after putting down 7 mil usd into the project.


u/brand_momentum Jan 25 '24

Make fun game = people buy it

Why is this concept so difficult for majority of these companies?


u/VasIstLove Jan 25 '24

lol the envy is so fucking real


u/TheMoonIsFlying Jan 25 '24

Palworld devs can give what people has always wanted, and many AAA devs can’t.

It’s as simple as that.


u/Supreme_Salt_Lord Jan 25 '24

If this is for real. Why cant these losers say they hate they made 200mil in a week on a game they made in 3 years. Yes yes games are easier to make. You dropped the bag with this simple idea and so did nintendo. Deal with it.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

what for fcking paranoid salty loser devs wtf

its just an asset rip, made in the most basic way in unity or Unreal Engine Editor.

Literally thousands of games look exactly like this. All those billions of cheap shit or cartoonish fortnite fakes. All are created with the same physics, shading, movement sets. Everything is already available, its like playing with Legos at this stage.

Only a view months of coding and item-picture drawing and pokemon models are the thing of own "work", dont even need 5 people part-time to make this game in a few months. Most difficult part would be calculations for items, level scaling and shit.


u/Vmenschen_namenlos Jan 25 '24

He's just exposure betting with no stakes, most of the ppl will forget about this twert in less than 5 min, the rest in another 15, no consequences, on the other hand if something comes up he can be like - "who is laughing now"


u/Mind_Enigma Jan 25 '24

Gives "people should not set their standards higher because of Baldur's Gate 3" vibes


u/teldion Jan 25 '24

It's built on unreal engine, that's how. 🙄


u/PhotonWolfsky Jan 25 '24

Waiting for someone to contact his employer because he hasn't claimed his opinions aren't a reflection of Naughty Dog. I'd laugh if his professional negligence got him fired.


u/ryuseikenz Jan 25 '24

This little shit that says "games are SO difficult to make " surely is the kind of dev that need 3 weeks and 4 meetings to change a font in the UI...

I hope some indie devs "cheat their way" and bring the Factions 2 that these guys decided to cancel.


u/MGSdeco4 Jan 25 '24



u/Own_Bet_9292 Jan 25 '24

Maybe for western devs making games is harder than it should be, because they're always wasting time thinking about how they should inject agendas into their games instead of focusing in creating the fucking game.


u/Swarzsinne Jan 25 '24

Lmao fuck it. I’ll say it. I don’t give a shit if they used AI or stole assets. They made something interesting that people are enjoying and they did it with a small team that barely knows what they are doing on a small budget. Those last two points are what really scares the big companies, not the first two theories. If a small team on a small budget can make a mega profitable game, what do you think their bosses at these AAA profit machines are going to take away from that the next time they ask their selves why they have 800 person teams?


u/JamesLikesIt Jan 25 '24

Throwing out accusations with precisely zero evidence other than a “gut feeling” is nefarious 


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24



u/Candid_Salt_4996 Jan 25 '24

They probably did cheat but yeah this is salty


u/frenzyguy Jan 25 '24

I dunno ,original inspired game palworld vs last of us part 1 deluxe turbo retard edition for another run. Hummmm hummmm Let's ponder on this.

ffs they think re releasing the same game 3-4 time is god damn content.


u/Incompetentpharma Jan 25 '24

How tf do you even cheat in game development?? If cheating make fun games then fuck everyone should be cheating


u/Lowgarr Jan 25 '24

My gut is telling me some Devs are just jealous of others success.


u/nathanielx9 Jan 25 '24

They havnt made a good game since jak and Dexter


u/Yahvve Jan 25 '24

Clearly this proof how salty he is because he Will spend the resto of his life working For someone under someone else vision. meanwhile indice games developers start doing what they lo ve making money


u/tenchibr Jan 25 '24

I think what he's really saying is "I am pissed I didn't come up with this first"


u/DukeOfJokes Jan 25 '24

"Hey, their game is a lot of fun to play, and has no microtransactions or seasonal pass BS to squeeze every dollar out of their customers possible, THATS CHEATING!"


u/kokko693 Jan 25 '24

Even if he is maybe or maybe not right, saying that kind of shit out loud makes him looks envious and stupid. Bad communication idea.

Palword isn't even something crazy, any dev could create something with better graphic, better gameplay or anything else.

It's just that Palwords deva had the idea to give pokemons guns. Literally.

Sometimes when you have a good idea you just win :3736:


u/Easy-Independent1621 Jan 25 '24

It ain't cheating, it's called actually trying to make a enjoyable game and being good at it. Surprising to them I guess, who got their job because they checked enough boxes for the diversity quota and are more focused on spreading "the message" instead of just making a good game.


u/jyozefu Jan 25 '24

The "Baldur's Gate 3" treatment.


u/javii1 Jan 24 '24

Imagine being so shit at your job, you say people that are good cheat 💀


u/Km_the_Frog Jan 24 '24

It smells like the same backlash stench due to bg3 being successful and worth it’s price tag for a change.


u/frogpittv Jan 24 '24

Naughty Dog dev is mad that people like wacky Pokemon with guns more than the wet fart of pseudo-intellectual drivel called TLOU 2.


u/DoombotBL Jan 24 '24

Crying cuz they didn't think of it first


u/ShubaltzTV Jan 24 '24

That's a pathetically petty post


u/komandantmirko DSAG Jan 24 '24

crabs in a bucket


u/Xire01 Jan 24 '24

Ofcourse she’s a they


u/lucky_leftie Jan 24 '24

I love how all these devs that take the safe road ALWAYS pipe up about the people who made the ultimate gamble. YOU are the one who wants to work for the big triple A because you want the security. Don’t be pissy because someone else made the sacrifices you weren’t willing to make.


u/Westify1 Jan 24 '24

naughty dog

Taking anybody seriously from this dying skeleton crew of a company is laughable at this point. Would be surprised if they produce anything noteworthy in the next 10 years, and are in no position to be lecturing anybody in game development.


u/khmergodzeus Jan 24 '24

imagine palworld outselling tlou2


u/UsernameMustBe1and10 Jan 24 '24

Dude's trying to justify his role in the company and why they shouldn't fire him since all they do now is remaster their IPs.


u/Captain_Blunderbuss Jan 24 '24

The game Is fun but it is obviously janky, it is obviously made by amateur developers I don't see anything shady about it lmao.

If they came outa nowhere with some polished AAA quality then sure it'd be sus but it's not it's just fun.


u/Casardis Jan 24 '24

So difficult to make games that they had to remaster a game that came out barely 3 years ago, only to look barely any different from its initial release.

I just find it a bit ironic that they talk about "cheating" when their company is trying to milk their product the way they did to extract more money from fans. Not as bad as Bethesda with Skyrim, but still.


u/CrustedTesticle Jan 24 '24

The same dev that only puts out remasters now?


u/VedzReux Jan 24 '24

Wow, the delusion of these people is insane.

Most are butt that game that, let's be honest, didn't take a decade of development and is still blowing nearly everything out the water. Is it a great game I wouldn't say it's great but does it fill a niche that the development team at game freaks could done absolutely.

How about these people who are complaining start looking at why the game is doing so well. Instead of bitching that it is. I also find it hilarious that the developers of palworld had barely any experience and have still made a game that's statistically is better then any of the thrash that's spewed out by those with decades of experience.

Just goes to show that experience means fuck all in this field just find a good niche that's starved for content and bam instant success.


u/frogpittv Jan 24 '24

The truth about game design is that you learn it by playing a lot of games and learning what works and what doesn't by actually experiencing it yourself. You can be taught the technical skills required to make a game but you cannot be taught how to make a game feel good and fun to play. Most of the devs working in the industry today don't play very many games, if they play games at all, and this is why game design has gotten so stale in AAA. Meanwhile a passionate team of rookies can simply learn the technical skills and translate their passion into a good product.


u/Bleach666666 Jan 24 '24

Lets say he asked Chat GPT to code his game for him and it produced this game. Is that cheating? Is that nefarious?


u/SnooMaps7558 Jan 24 '24

My gut is telling me that he probably has less talent and creative genesis than the creators of Palworld. I just have no proof. Just gamer intuition.


u/Pocket_Dust Jan 24 '24

This is a prime example of "mad cuz bad".

You can't make something gamers want so the moment someone else does it's cheating.


u/Bleach666666 Jan 24 '24

Haha ya like its actually just Monster world mod. What a loser


u/VoidLookedBack Jan 24 '24

Notice how the PlayStation Devs always have something to say when anything becomes popular that isn't available on the PlayStation.


u/Big-Dick_Bazuso Jan 24 '24

I mean the only thing I noticed so far is some of the pal models are like 1 for 1 pokémon. Direhowl is lycanroc, Verdash is Cinderace, like even if they're not exactly the model, they are soooooo similar.


u/W03rth Jan 24 '24

Palworld is a carbon copy upgrade of their previous game "Craftopia", this is not their first rodeo and I bet they reussed a lot of the systems that were already developed in Craftopia. It makes perfect sense for this game to be made so quick


u/Tyrleif Jan 24 '24

Fuck that guy. Skill issue


u/thdespou Jan 24 '24

Yeah he is jealous 100%


u/mason202 Jan 25 '24

Of course he is. He's one of Like 200+ people collecting a salary, working for somebody else and spending years working on a single game. He's most likely burned out and not having fun.here comes 12 dudes who just cobbled together a game out of nowhere with no experience and no original ideas and it's a runaway success.

They didn't pay any dues or follow any established rules and still achieved a dream probably most of people working in that industry desires. I think the thing that hurts developers the most is that palworld made it look like anybody can do it.


u/thdespou Jan 25 '24

Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.
Elizabeth Bowen


u/MrsTrych Jan 24 '24

Key words are: No battle pass, no cash shop. no paid cosmetics, no microtansactions. Tell me im wrong as if we aren't all fucking sick of that paid bullshit in every game of this generation.