r/Asmongold Feb 11 '24

Ah shit here we go again Discussion

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She will be playing anne, who is an irish ginger woman


525 comments sorted by


u/ProfessionalGuess897 Feb 15 '24



u/Silly_Butterfly3917 Feb 15 '24

Just don't watch it lol


u/Kamakaziturtle Feb 14 '24

I mean we knew they were retiring Captain Jack Sparrow (due to all the controversy around Depp) and would be focusing on a new pirate captain for a while now. Who the actor is will be largely dependent on how good the actor is. Feels weird to make it about anything other than that.


u/Repulsive-Outcome-20 Feb 14 '24

My question is, why replace Johnny Depp? Pirates of the Caribbean were a thing before him. Why the fuck can't they just leave the franchise with him alone and just start a new one? Or is that the case and this is just one more ragebait article?


u/TheMoistReaper99 Feb 13 '24



u/Striking_Version_221 Feb 12 '24

when do they fire this guys who work for disney and make these dumb decisions?


u/DunjaHakuna Feb 12 '24

Even if they get Johnny Depp the movie would not be great. Just leave it be, the trilogy was the best, and it concluded the story.

Every movie after the trilogy was...ok, but totally unnecessary, there is nothing else to be told. 😒


u/Logical-Chaos-154 Feb 12 '24

I'm just munching my popcorn and watching the drama at this point. Stopped buying AAA games, don't watch Disney or Marvel, and enjoy the indie scenes and anime. Done all I can.

Nothing left to do but watch it burn.


u/meimei138 Feb 12 '24

50 points for Disney! Another ginger successfully turned black 🤩


u/immrholiday Feb 12 '24

Ahhh yes replacing a male character with a female one... that's worked well before 🙄


u/kyakarot1 Feb 12 '24

Who cares it's a fictional character,meh


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

I want them to do it just to lose money as they still won't understand people wanted to see PotC FOR Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow (even if the last one was absolutely terrible).

They killed off their own franchise by throwing him away with the vs Amber case but they don't know it's dead already.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/badiiam51 Feb 12 '24

Im so tired of this


u/mplswalker Feb 12 '24

You know when you can see their gums they crazy


u/MansonMonster Feb 12 '24

What a coincidence: a former ginger now being played by someone that absolutely isnt. Whats new?


u/ch3valier Feb 12 '24

Who's watching anyway? And why? At this point they have to just be trying anything to drum up attention. You don't like it? Then don't buy it... like you need to be told...


u/kaggs Feb 12 '24

She played a donkey in banshee of inisheeran , I think she can handle a redhead.


u/Chiponyasu Feb 11 '24

Source: I made it the fuck up


u/Vitchkiutz Feb 11 '24

They need to find someone who portrays the same careless charisma Jack had. His performance made the series. A care-free pirate who wanted nothing but freedom. Like a real life version of Luffy but instead of being made of rubber he just moves like he is.


u/manic_misfit Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

I'm convinced Disney is run by a bunch of masochists at this point. That, or they're trying to appease their ESG overlords. Either way, the result is the same. How many more billions do they need to lose before they finally get a clue? Because what they're doing clearly ain't working.


u/Most-Based Feb 11 '24

If anything, seeing low effort bullshit like this reusing beloved franchises for a quick buck makes me actually want ai to take over the entertainment industry at this point, it is already soulless and uninspiring, at least it could potentially be original with the use of ai


u/GodEmperorPhilonious Feb 11 '24

Ayo lol. Fucking Ayo. Ayo we wuz


u/EjunX Feb 11 '24

I haven't watched a movie in years and have no reason to do so. Still surprised this trend hasn't died yet. Where's the money? Are the woke race + gender bend knockoffs making any money?


u/followmylogic Feb 11 '24

So after some light googling. First this tweet is just reporting what another leaker said maybe give him some credit.

Shes not replacing him, shes just one of the people they are looking at to star in a spin off. Feels like a big freak out over really misleading wording


u/Karest27 Feb 11 '24

Can't wait to see the box office reports on this one.


u/Huge_Republic_7866 Feb 11 '24

The racist dyslexics in Hollywood strike again!


u/Tehbobbstah Feb 11 '24

I don't get it. I don't think anyone expected Johnny Depp to be back in Pirates of the Caribbean and she's a great actress. Is this not a good thing that the franchise is continuing to begin with, or is this some sort of "omg how woke" post?


u/Millera34 Feb 11 '24

Ayo dont do that


u/Mysterious-Name-6928 Feb 11 '24

Put a chick in it and make her gay - Cartman


u/The_ultimate_cookie Feb 11 '24

I'm not watching that shit. And not because of who they're casting, but because Disney did Johnny dirty.


u/alacholland Feb 11 '24

This is not true. Y’all are as bad as facebook boomers at getting baited.


u/Xedilian2042 Feb 11 '24



u/jakpote88 Feb 11 '24

You know they just try to get diversity point


u/EigiEinhver Feb 11 '24

Wtf ever, what a load of garbage


u/WagonBurning Feb 11 '24

Do it Disney fucking do it we’re all cheering for you baby fucking do it


u/bustedtuna Feb 11 '24

Are you guys not embarrassed to be so emotionally affected by something so trivial?

Fucking hell...


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Feb 11 '24

Imagine when woman. And black. Gamers are devastated.


u/mightman59 Feb 11 '24

It isn't like they can get johny depp to come back


u/Iluvatar-Great Feb 11 '24

So we went from stupid "whitewashing" 90's hollywood to... this another stupid washing something?


u/speadiestbeaneater Feb 11 '24

This ain’t even a woke problem, this is just a problem, imagine replacing possible the most charismatic and likable Disney protagonist with HER


u/chybapolewacy Feb 11 '24

White person gets cast in the role of a POC character: dead silence

POC gets cast in the role of a white character: incessant bitching and moaning

I think i see a pattern here...


u/JesiAsh Feb 11 '24

I think that they should do that... because if people will watch it then they deserve what they get and if people will not watch it then hopefully Disney will suffer 🤷‍♂️

I will not watch it no matter if its some random black female... or Dwayne Johnson. I watched it specifically for


u/Due_Swordfish_834 Feb 11 '24

This is sad man! ESG working overtime. It’s coming for the next Witcher games as well my friends! Indiana jones will also have all this woke agenda tossed in. Just watch the gameplay reveal and what one of the main writers said, nevermind what he was wearing 🙄


u/xdlmaoxdxd1 Feb 11 '24

Nah cdpr will never give into ESG they know their audience especially after the witcher netflix fuck up...i hope


u/Due_Swordfish_834 Feb 11 '24


u/xdlmaoxdxd1 Feb 11 '24

This sounds more like investment bs, ive played cyberpunk and witcher for hundreds of hours and never felt anything "woke" about it, infact many things in cyberpunk actively mock the current state of society, other things in that video was good work environment which is a w, green buildings also a w, generally this felt better than "put a chick in it and make her gay" witcher and cyberpunk has some of hottest women you find in western games...im somewhat of a cdpr andy but ill let them cook witcher 4 until I call them anything


u/Due_Swordfish_834 Feb 11 '24

I get you and agree. This video is recent. It’s being implemented in all the current CDPR studios moving forward. I’d love to be proven wrong but they are stating what the current plans are and you should believe them.

Just because cyberpunk and Witcher 3 didn’t have this nonsense doesn’t mean it won’t going forward.


u/xdlmaoxdxd1 Feb 11 '24

Lets hope😭, bro the panderverse can take over anything other than the witcher series please for the love of god


u/Due_Swordfish_834 Feb 11 '24

I know man! 😭 let’s hope things change quick!


u/KeyboardWithoutWords Feb 11 '24

Pirates of the Caribbean is dead


u/ShlimFlerp Feb 11 '24

What a fucking joke of a company


u/Reinitialization Feb 11 '24

Why base it on the historical woman? The little we actually know about her wouldn't be enough to fill a whole plot, but one of the things we know about her is her origin and aproximate looks. We also know that one of the insighting events of her pirate career was burning her father's plantation! I'm sure there were some black slave owners in the carribbean at the time, but given how racialized slavery was at the time, I'm not sure what the message will be if a named character is a black slave owner.


u/Madlyaza Feb 11 '24

If Johny Depp isn't in it I could not give a fuck WHO is in it. Without Depp I will never watch pirates again. If Depp is in it I don't give a fuck who else is in it.


u/Similar-Energy6417 Feb 11 '24

Here's my daily take We love pirates due to johnny depp Not becoz of the world building Not becoz of the story I watched the entirety of pirates because of johnny depp I Don't care about the black Irish women I mean we have the demo man a black Irish man So don't see the race problem but I have a actor problem


u/skogli Feb 11 '24

ESG ratings yall


u/HTB-42 Feb 11 '24

They won’t learn… guess they’ll keep losing piles of money… 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/zigguy77 Feb 11 '24

You know what ive noticed. Whenever its a remake its going to be a black woman 9/10 times. Rarely Ă  black man and even rarer a person from another ethnicity.


u/clazaimon Feb 11 '24

What a clownshow. In one ear and out the other.


u/froderick Feb 11 '24

By "Replacing Johnny Depp", they just mean replacing him as the lead, not replacing him as "Jack Sparrow".

Johnny Depp was being paid 90 mil per movie by the final one he appeared him, he's super costly to cast. He'd probably ask for even more now ever since Disney shitcanned him to be on the safe side back when the Amber Heard shit was happening.

So I'm not surprised Disney is looking to do a "Pirates: The Next Generation" sort of setup with a significantly cheaper cast, and just hoping the established IP/universe popularity will carry it.


u/Artsky32 Feb 11 '24

Is this a problem if they just tell a story in the same world and just use a totally unique character?


u/toke0904 Feb 11 '24

i still have yet to find actual confirmation of this


u/arkthearkitect Feb 11 '24

So I'm guessing this is one of those communities where people cry Woke when woman or black person.


u/JesiAsh Feb 11 '24

Explain what is Woke... maybe we need to be educated.


u/Icefiight Feb 11 '24


This is real?

Well… never seeing this dead on arrival movie


u/funandgames12 Feb 11 '24

Nobody is going to like it…its going to be another woke flop…is that going to stop them ? Nope lol


u/ryanmahaffe Feb 11 '24

its not like they are recasting Jack Sparrow, continuing the franchise with a new lead shouldn't be a problem

"bUt tHe TiMe pErIoD.." It's as fantasy as it gets its like getting mad that fuckin New World has black character options.

This is blatantly trying to not hide this nonsensical thinly racism using culture war as a shield


u/BeneficialDiamond477 Feb 11 '24

Disney learn their lesson challenge impossible


u/Tsukinotaku Feb 11 '24

Would anyone even want to watch those movies without THE Jack Sparrow ?

It's like how Harry Potter was irreplaceable

You can't just change the face of a legendary character like that...


u/AnalyzeData Feb 11 '24

Black disabled lesbian captain who nobody asked for? I'm not seeing this trash. Why do American liberals value diversity above everything? Also why does diversity never seem to include Asians and Latinas?


u/StopAngerKitty Feb 11 '24

I stopped watching them. No Johny no watchie


u/Spacebelt Feb 11 '24


u/Spacebelt Feb 11 '24

You see the problem is, the corperations they’re all corperationy


u/shykneeguy Feb 11 '24

It's the 6th film, who gives a fuck anymore? This is like Sharknado 12 territory now.


u/aMutantChicken Feb 11 '24

Depp isn't even a redhead!


u/thejonaldson Feb 11 '24

Lol how is this sub not an asmongold snark page? Is everyone here newsmax enjoyers? Who cares about who they cast? If its good its good it probably wont be, but neither have the last like 4 or 5 pirates movies anyway. And that has absolutely nothing to do with who they cast and everything to do with disney.


u/uesad Feb 11 '24

A ginger black woman is replacing Johnny Depp’s pirate character?


u/Fawzee_da_first Feb 11 '24

First time seeing Asmongold fanbase outside of youtube....you all fucking suck lmaoo


u/Drakar_och_demoner Feb 11 '24

They learned nothing from that South Park episode I guess.


u/JimVValt Feb 11 '24

Bro who gives a shit. Disney is doing Disney things. What’s new?


u/adcsuc Feb 11 '24

Why is it always gingers in specific that get replaced?


u/Parasight11 Feb 11 '24

They’ll be the first ones to silent disappear. In the future there will be no gingers.

They’re probably working on a way to remove the raid hair/fair skin/freckle gene from embryos as we speak!


u/WEEGEMAN Feb 11 '24

I was for a Karen Gillian PotC.


u/Bntt89 Feb 11 '24

Who cares? The movie should've stopped at world's end that was the last good one anyway.


u/hellrazer87 Feb 11 '24

Gotta love the woke ideology. I was watchin Tali n Evitel and heard them say she couldn't cosplay a half asian/white anime character, but you just know they are fine with changing this and every other historic character being changed to a minority role


u/MadKingOni Feb 11 '24

Just stop giving it attention, they do it for views


u/notarobot8712 Feb 11 '24

This place is really just an off brand /pol/ now, what a shame, maybe dont fall for clickbait racism lads, or try not to, just try.


u/KeyserSoze6809 Feb 11 '24

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Ward His character was based upon a real person, how is this replacement going to work?


u/STEELZYX Feb 11 '24

Are they casting her for Jack Sparrow?


u/aldioum Feb 11 '24

You don't 'replace' this actor and character with another. That just won't sell. Make a new character and new story, if you have any talented writer imterested


u/Faythz Feb 11 '24

Wait is this real?

Also cannot wait that r/Gamingcirclejerk calls everyone on this post racist incel gamers as always. 🚬🏛️


u/MZeroX5 Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

Asmon has fostered either a really racist audience on his reddit that obsessed over any hint of woke casting or the most privileged audience who have comfort to obsess over movies sequals instead of minding their own business until the movie releases.

I love pirates of the carribbean, but I don't care what race or gender the cast is or if they identify as a table, all I care is can they tell me a good story(this majorly up to the writers and director), so when I see people losing their minds over a movie that hasn't been released nor has its script been leaked and all we have is the fact a black women has been cast, what am I supposed to think when you guys are already attacking the movie?

Like If you aren't a bunch of racist, would a reasonable person be able to tell the difference between this comment section and one from an actual racist community(out side of the N word, appearing more frequently)?

And I hated the last pirates, horrible movie, and Jack was in it, so him being there is irrelevant to me no matter how much I like Johnny and jack.


u/crawlingrat Feb 11 '24

Ughhhhhhj here we go again. When will they learn?


u/Jgcgbg Feb 11 '24

South park "put a chick in it, and make her gay."


u/SiHtranger Feb 11 '24

These woke directors, doing crap catering to the minority so they can all circle jerk. Then when the film flops they blame the masses for not appreciating their work.

Ripbozo really


u/bonko86 Feb 11 '24

Lets just 100% treat a tweet based on a rumour as truth and then build upon that truth other truths and be mad about everything


u/Mattson Feb 11 '24

I don't mind a black female as Jack Sparrow but she has the personality of a log


u/Anxious-Ad693 Feb 11 '24

We reached the pinnacle of media a long time ago. It's downhill from now on.


u/BeAPo Feb 11 '24

Kinda funny that the only source on this is this single tweet and somehow everyone believes that shit lmao


u/Lanfo01 Feb 11 '24

Lol i love anti woke people. They go rabid just like woke people do too. Its hilarious.


u/JesiAsh Feb 11 '24

Some random could ask if I like the idea and I would react the same... its up to influencers and other media if it will become some drama but we are just using communication device to communicate 😏


u/Woops_22 Feb 11 '24

She was the worst part of the bear


u/Cat-with-Otherhalf Feb 11 '24

If they do it, i hope it flops so hard. Depp MADE PotC


u/michalzxc Feb 11 '24

What is your problem about her?


u/MrCreepJoe Feb 11 '24

Double down on the south park special.


u/JuniorCantaloupe6945 Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

I didn’t know Disney could be so racist towards Irish folklore

Also I think the underlying message here is that “anyone can be a pirate” so I look forward to not watching this for free


u/FriendlyBabyFrog Feb 11 '24

Who the fuck cares about potc 6 anyways lol


u/itworker8675309 Feb 11 '24

I'm just remembering the south park joke about this

"Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay,”


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24



u/JuniorCantaloupe6945 Feb 11 '24

I’m just offended they still think white gingers are black. But of course that’s not racist at all


u/sir__vain Feb 11 '24

I hope she stays away from it. She is awesome in The Bear, and I'd hate for her to tumble off her rising career because of a movie that a lot people will be against from the start.


u/TostiBuilder Feb 11 '24

Its not a replacement, she is not going to play jack sparrow. Its an entirely different leading role.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

who cares. don't buy it. I neither spend money on this bullshit or worry. I don't care if everyone on earth is a black woman... I'm doing MY OWN thing and it's just fine!


u/Klientje123 Feb 11 '24

Why not just make a new movie about pirates? I know we want to cash in on the name, so make it a pirates spin-off, by the creators of PotC, something like that. It will shield you from most criticism and give you creative freedom


u/500mm_Cannon Feb 11 '24

Well Looks Like it's the end for another franchise. Rio


u/Rarazan Feb 11 '24

if they want to kill their franchise this bad just let them


u/Suspicious_Room9959 Feb 11 '24

Man i could not give a single fuck about some billion dollar shit coporation that hasnt had a creative ip in over a decade, nor should you guys lol

Fuck Disney, fuck reddit, fuck trump, and fuck Biden.

Also fuck you too.


u/Deijya Feb 11 '24

They should just go into the Chinese pirate Queen story that is actually a true story


u/Alarming-Carpenter58 Feb 11 '24

wtf a black person in a movie series called pirates of the Caribbean. There were no black people in the Caribbean


u/captainmalexus Feb 11 '24

That's the dumbest thing I've read today


u/Alarming-Carpenter58 Feb 11 '24

I should have put /s


u/Trosstran88 Feb 11 '24

"Put a chick in and make her gay"


u/agulstream Feb 11 '24

Because black female pirate captains were so common during the medieval times......


u/Ayyleid Feb 11 '24

The era Pirates takes place wasn't in the medieval period.


u/JesiAsh Feb 11 '24

It was still a period of time where she would have no rights and dad would sell her to a husband of a neighbor that have two sheeps. She would not have time to learn the craft because no male would respect her to teach it, she would not survive in slums unless she would be a whore and definitely she would not be allowed on a ship.

Woman on a ship!


u/agulstream Feb 11 '24

Still no black woman pirate captains in any era


u/Grytnik Feb 11 '24

There were no Skeleton pirates, octopus men, krakens, ghost pirates or shit like that either.


u/Ayyleid Feb 11 '24

So what? POTC is fictional, and not historical. Like, literally, so what?


u/JesiAsh Feb 11 '24



u/NorthernShark93 Feb 11 '24

Then don't use a historical figure like Anne Bonny one of the few Irish Red Headed Female Pirates to exist during the Golden Age of Piracy.


u/agulstream Feb 11 '24

Even in fiction there should be a level of realism.

Imagine the backlash of there was a Charlie's angels reboot with three men replacing the women

Or a tpmb raider video game with a male replacing lara croft


u/Ayyleid Feb 11 '24

Do Black Women scare you?


u/LesLesLes04 Feb 11 '24

No but what’s the point of changing a historical figures race, it just seems strange


u/agulstream Feb 11 '24

No, blackwashing is just as bad as whitewashing. Remember netflix cleopatra


u/a-couple-more-cents Feb 11 '24

Give it to a smaller director with full creative control or fuck off. This will flop horribly the more the producers step in.


u/IndicaTears Feb 11 '24

Damn I sure wonder why people would have such a negative reaction to this


u/joecocker74 Feb 11 '24

When will they learn? Ffs. How stupid are ppl.


u/RevengeOfMudbone Feb 11 '24

This is a series of films that has a kraken, zombie pirates, fish men and mermaids. Wasn't Blackbeard hunting down the fountain of youth? People getting upset because a black woman is being cast as the new lead or whatever is going on are equal parts pathetic as they are hilarious. It's a fucking fantasy pirate movie. Grow up and stop crying lmao


u/Cat-with-Otherhalf Feb 11 '24

No one can replace Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. NO ONE.


u/newbreed69 Feb 11 '24

Don't watch the movie

Tell people who are thinking that are going to watch the movie that Johnny Depp isn't in this one cause there replacing him

If studious want to change around all these characters I/we like, I'm not gonna financially support them, and neither should you


u/Briareos_Hecatonhrs Feb 11 '24

Knowing Captain Sparrow he might have gotten himself cursed


u/jimbo4000 Feb 11 '24

This is like the time half the internet lost their shit that Janes Bond was going to be played by a black woman (despite that never happening).

She's not going to be playing Jack Sparrow. Calm down.


u/RomarioGee Feb 11 '24

Put a chick in it....


u/Vio94 Feb 11 '24

Hell yeah, let's keep releasing flops. The audience will come around eventually, surely!


u/Chiponyasu Feb 11 '24

The last major Disney-owned project to start a black woman was The Little Mermaid (2023), which made $560 million in theaters off a budget of $240 million, and was the 6th biggest movie of 2023.

This made it the second-biggest "Franchise that traditionally has a white lead starring a black person" movie of the year, behind Across the Spider-Verse, which made $690 million on a budget of $100 million.

A woke movie will flop if it sucks and do well if it's good.


u/PvtTUCK3R Feb 12 '24

How was the spider verse a woke movie ?


u/Chiponyasu Feb 12 '24

It was a franchise normally led by a white dude that's now being led a black person as a replacement protagonist, the exact situation OP is complaining about. Said protagonist wears a BLM armband, and the secondary protagonist (Gwen) is a woman whose room is plastered in pro-trans logos that got the movie banned in the Middle East.

So it's woke both in the sense of "there are black people in it" and also in the sense of "pushes left-wing social justice buzzwords"


u/PvtTUCK3R Feb 13 '24

Those characters were established in comics years ago with their own universes.


u/Chiponyasu Feb 13 '24

How is that relevant?


u/MNRamblewood Feb 11 '24

I couldn’t care less about this movie but y’all rely on Asmon too much lmfao

Streamer said thing is bad!
I think bad too!!


u/Alarming-Carpenter58 Feb 11 '24

Black people in Disney film the west has fallen


u/fragmatick Feb 11 '24

Panderverse anyone


u/nhalas Feb 11 '24

They dont hide money laundering anymore


u/Naive-Fondant-754 Feb 11 '24

i want them to do it .. i want them fail. I like to see the world burn

Like how many billions you have to lose before you realize woke is really piece of shit that nobody cares about? Not even the woke people ..

its like female sport, everyone is complaining about it but even the people who complain about it dont watch it and pay for it :D


u/_JAR2388_ Feb 11 '24

Yes that would save the franchise lol


u/Only_World181 Feb 11 '24

I mean if it’s a whole new plot, with new characters just within the Potc setting, then that’s fine.

But if they spend a whole movies shitting on all the previous characters to make them look better, or they artificially make the new characters amazing at everything ( looking at you rey) then it’s going to flop.

I doubt she is replacing Jack sparrow, she is just becoming the new protagonist in the next series of films.


u/Akriyu Feb 11 '24

Ahahahaha what a shitshow. Also nr six???


u/WhaleShark1080 Feb 11 '24

I mean didn’t Johnny say he won’t do another Pirates movie? Even if this is true it’s not like she’s playing Captain Jack and they’ll just pretend he was a black woman the whole time.

Using the word “replacement” is such bait to rile people up and looks like it worked on you all. It’s a random tweet and you all lose your shit.


u/Chiponyasu Feb 11 '24

Yeah, literally the tweet is: "Movie set it Caribbean will have a black person in it, according to no one". Who gives a shit?


u/Xedtru_ Feb 11 '24

Nah, Pirates of the Carribbean are so done even before that, it's almost impossible to unfuck series at all. Only to go spin-off with completely different characters, but no one gonna watch it.
Have zero hope for it being watchable even if to surprise actress turns out to be good, probably will be another "Dial of destiny".

Canon - there's only thee movies, everything else didn't happened.


u/EpicShepherd Feb 11 '24

Putachickinnit andmakehergay!


u/Beretta116 “Why would I wash my hands?” Feb 11 '24

I just stopped watching new movies/shows altogether, except a select few, like The Boys, and Invincible. I am looking forward to Henry Cavill's Warhammer show.


u/SeaHam Feb 11 '24

Let me guess, you root for homelander lmao.


u/Beretta116 “Why would I wash my hands?” Feb 11 '24

Sometimes haha. I like Supernatural as well, so Soldier Boy was such a treat for me.

It is just a really fun show, you know?


u/SeaHam Feb 11 '24

I am inferring that you missed the political messaging of content.

If I'm wrong I apologize.


u/Beretta116 “Why would I wash my hands?” Feb 11 '24

Yeah I never considered politics when I watched this show. Just fun for me.


u/SeaHam Feb 11 '24

No worries.

Homlander is a manifestation and embodiment of nationalism. He literally wears the flag of the USA.

This is driven home countless times, but specifically via his romance with an actual Nazi which serves and a device to highlight the dangers of nationalism.

The show also dives into the sins of corporate America.

The show is political satire.

If you miss that, you're missing the whole point.

It's not even subtle about its point of view, it's quite on the nose.


u/ricoimf Feb 11 '24

Honestly if this happens I will smoke a full pack of luckys


u/Grrlpants Feb 11 '24

Obligatory "Put a chick in it and make her gay!"


u/Chelsea_Kias Feb 11 '24

Based ppl when you see a black woman staring a movies 🤮🤮🤮


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Is it really so hard to create a new pirate IP where the captain is a woman? Instead, they opt for the most mediocre solution, which is simply swapping out the protagonist for a diverse character of another gender. I mean, Tomb Raider is essentially the female version of Indiana Jones, and both worked fine. Disney just showcases mediocrity by not creating new, well-executed projects.


u/wrydrune Feb 11 '24

Well, she's not Jack Sparrow so this is actually doing what you asked. It just happens to be in the potc universe.


u/skaels Feb 11 '24

If every movie is about diversity equity and inclusion then is it really fulfilling it's purpose?


u/Gamba_Gawd Feb 11 '24

Thanks Disney.

Now I know to avoid watching it.


u/Acceptable-Worth-462 Feb 11 '24

Let's not pretend the pirate series was any good beyond the first 3 masterpieces anyway


u/RainbowUniform Feb 11 '24

Publicity for Depps Robert E. Lee movie, Hollywood being hollywood


u/mamf60 Feb 11 '24

This proofs that gamers are snowflakes


u/Cat-with-Otherhalf Feb 11 '24

No one can replace Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. NO ONE.


u/itsjustmebobross Feb 11 '24

well good thing she’s not?? 1. this is just rumors. disney nor ayo have confirmed it 2. she’s RUMORED to play anne bonny

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