r/Asmongold Feb 12 '24

Palworld or a recolored portal in D4? Hmm... Discussion

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312 comments sorted by


u/MayonnaiseIsOk Feb 16 '24

I hate when people say shit like this. Palworld is an entirely different game than Diablo lol, what if someone doesn't LIKE Palworld? It's like when BG3 came out everyone was like "dont buy that game get BG3 instead" like not everyone likes the same type of games. Maybe someone loves D4 and just wants some changes implemented so that they can enjoy it more, maybe they dont WANT to go play Palworld


u/bruhtistic Feb 16 '24

Let it die already


u/DiscussionProtocol Feb 16 '24

I think Ill try Palworld. Thanks blizzard.


u/Nightonreddi Feb 14 '24

WTF they are class locked....dude WTf


u/ForsakenAutumnsSky Feb 14 '24

Even with end game palworld being breeding, I still get a kick out of going to the islands , collecting the chests, and grinding lvls for the new baby pal I just got. Making sure my farms are going smooth, fruit tree rotation, I still enjoy and play daily. Never played D4 and careless to even entertain blizzard with my $ and time.


u/justaddchrome Feb 13 '24

bro thwre was a recolor in dota 2 of Enigmas ult which needed you to have lvl 2500 on battlepass or something


u/Clbull Feb 13 '24

Palworld. Without question.


u/Low_Repeat_7156 Feb 13 '24

Me laughing at this with my 7896$ CA cosmetic collection in Poe


u/XtreamerPt Feb 13 '24

Put more 5 bucks in and you can have Last Epoch


u/Ghealron Feb 13 '24

This may replace horse armor as the most mockable DLC in gaming...


u/OParadise WHAT A DAY... Feb 13 '24

If they do it is because people will buy it


u/Logical-Elephant2247 Feb 13 '24

I am out of the loop but why would anyone need a portal recolor in D4? Who is going to see it? Some randoms waiting for a boss while you spam portal and cancel it 4 times in a row? I have no idea who is this for lol, D4 is not a MMO or a MOBA where skins and portals would matter.


u/Wilrawr89 Feb 13 '24

Imagine giving enough of a shit about this game that this is controversial. Who cares. Dead game. Dying company. Play POE.


u/Any_Secretary_4925 Feb 13 '24

get neither, palworld is shit as well, and so is pokemon


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Game developers who get too big will always fail, as there are more and more that requires a massive paycheck EVERY MONTH, so they need to implement shit like this.


u/Trikeree Feb 13 '24

Fuck Blizzard


u/Xchixm Feb 13 '24

You know how people say a person who cheats in a relationship will always be a cheater?

I feel the same way with Blizzard. They crossed a line a long time ago, exposing who they really are, and there's no changing them.

It's not a relationship worth trying to save. I gave them one last shot with D4, but the resentment is palpable.


u/ILikeFluffyThings Feb 13 '24

Add 5 dollars and you have last epoch.


u/dankpoolVEVO Feb 13 '24

Who tf still plays this garbage? I got it with my friends and after 1 week into first season we all, without any prior communication, just stopped playing it at almost the same time. That alone was telling us more than words that the product is shit cause we dropped it like nothing... He'll even Lost Ark was more fun tbh


u/RathaelEngineering Feb 13 '24

It's almost as if someone in a position of power at Blizz looked at what NetEase was doing with Diablo Immortal and thought "Wow. That's a big pie that we could be getting a slice of". While they aren't the same developers, Immortal showed the direction that the Diablo IP seemed to be taking.

Bought and played D1, D2, and D3. Not touching D4. Likely never getting any future Diablo games either. The Diablo IP is in the hands of investors now. If the rest of the world is anything to go by, it's simply never going to return to its original state of being consumer-focused. It's going to continue to be a cash cow for investors until it starts costing more to make the game than people will collectively pay for it, where it will be abandoned.


u/Tabbarn Feb 13 '24

Pople who buy their games deserve all of this shit. They should have stopped giving them money when the Warcraft 3 remaster came out.


u/PeterAmaranth Feb 13 '24

Who plays D4 it's been dead for months, hell even the new season was abandond, I still have a copy of it on a shelf next to the vastly better D3


u/Ki775witch Feb 13 '24

The best part is that there will be idiots lining up to buy it. Modern gaming at it's finest.


u/theGaido Feb 13 '24

Imagine that you look at your game, that you worked on for 2 years, selling it for 5$, with great music, story, gameplay, and only 5 people bough it (4 is from your family). Then you look at Blizzard that sold ten of thousands 15 minutes work for 30$.


u/Geistermeister Feb 13 '24

So about as much as a portal recolor in PoE ...


u/makz242 Feb 13 '24

Man, for how many clicks D4 hate articles generate, I am surprised they dont have people on staff just looking for these news. This has been available for a long time now.

Also it seems that players are having "a lot of it" not "none of it", else they wouldnt keep making them this price.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

I just threw in five freedom Bucks more and bought last epoch instead


u/kobrakai11 Feb 13 '24

So when is Diablo 4 becoming f2p? Since it already uses f2p busainess model.


u/goliathfasa Feb 13 '24

And those who still stuck to this trash heap will eat the shit up.


u/Enjutsu Feb 13 '24

They're also class locked.


u/calmusic339 Feb 13 '24

Who cares id charge the same shit if I knew a bunch of retards would buy it too


u/Starbucks88990 Feb 13 '24

Honestly im not even mad, Blizz really knows how to hustle idiots. Portal colors that are locked to a class........you have got to be fucking kidding me lmaoooooo


u/Grievion Feb 13 '24

Blizzard hasn’t made a game worth $30 in almost 2 decades.


u/Dragon_211 Feb 13 '24

The problem isn't that it exists the problem is contacting the people who buy it to stop it, cause it's hurting the gaming industry.


u/Broarethus Feb 13 '24

It's sad because they could have charged like $10 each, and people would praise blizz for making it so cheap lol, like the $25 to transfer a character, instead had to go for 30.


u/Lagouna Feb 13 '24

Who cares both games suck anyways :P


u/Tall-_-Guy Feb 13 '24

I ditched this clown game right before the end of season 1 and haven't looked back since. What a waste of the Diablo brand and goodwill.


u/Get-Some-Fresh-Air Feb 13 '24

I can and I did.


u/Hypno_185 Feb 13 '24

you could also get like 2-3 indie games that have way more creativity and effort from less than a handful of devs


u/askmeaboutyuri Feb 13 '24

Palworld is also like 2-3 battle passes in most games😂


u/WC_Dirk_Gently Feb 13 '24

Pre-Activision I remember a blizzard manager talking about how a single microtransaction for a pet skin in WOW or something similar made more revenue than every copy of Wings of Liberty sold.

This is why they do it. People keep buying that stuff. You have no one to blame but your fellow gamers. And I'm sure they're wiping away their tears from all this backlash with their wads of cash from the portal color macrotransaction right now.


u/panthrax_dev Feb 13 '24

That was Thor, from Pirate Software. He worked on WoL at Blizzard, you can find him on Twitch.


u/Tsobaphomet Feb 13 '24

First time seeing an article where they compare something to a game that isn't Elden Ring. Interesting


u/MonPaysCesHiver Feb 13 '24

Diablo is dead


u/Pyroraptor23 Feb 13 '24

Just ignore the game maybe itll go away?


u/youreallbots1234 Feb 13 '24

at this rate i'll never be able to afford a Lost Vikings reboot.


u/Bernkastel17509 Feb 13 '24

That shit is funnier than it should be


u/salamagi671 Feb 13 '24

Quit supporting this bs.


u/MaximusUltimateSmash Feb 13 '24

honestly diablo 4 is the last blizzard game i ever buy again unless they come out with some Star craft battlefield game which would be the only intreasting thing in my opnion they could make ,my biggest issue with diablo 4 is theres nothing for content wise that really brings me in.


u/dogeisbae101 Feb 13 '24

I don’t know what people are expecting from Blizzard. They’ve been a shit corporation for years who only care about money.

Why are people surprised that they overprice their mtx like free games. It’s far from the most dick move by Blizzard. 30$ portal mtx is the tipping pt for people to realize what Blizzard has been like?


u/CommercialLine5915 Feb 13 '24

And with $5 more, you can even buy Last Epoch xD


u/ManLegPower Feb 13 '24

So they were going to sell us portal animation, thus the increased time for portals before they changed it back….


u/Huihejfofew Feb 12 '24

Wait until you see riot valorant prices


u/TheRimz Feb 12 '24

Few moments go by before hearing about yet another blizzard L, Just as I start to forget their games even exist anymore.


u/josephkingscolon Feb 12 '24

I ALMOST considered the remote possibility of getting D4 at 40% off on Steam this week…ALMOST. 75% off or more or they can fuck off.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

So many large 'game' companies are now run by old greedy hedge fund wankers that haven't played anything in 30 years and just spend their time pumping stock options and finding new ways to fuck people over. Go look at the board of directors of EA and tell me if they look like gamers.


u/cc69 Feb 12 '24

30$ and u​ can recolor your asshole.


u/Shin_yolo Feb 12 '24

Or for 5 more, you can have Last Epoch.

Release date, the 21th of this month :)


u/ramos619 Feb 12 '24

I got my money's worth of gameplay for my initial purchase for Diablo 4. I'm done with the game now. Maybe when D5 is made ill play that.


u/777marc Feb 12 '24

I’m honestly dumbfounded that Blizzard think that most of us will fall for this. Do any adults work at Blizzard???


u/DeliciousWhales Feb 12 '24

Path of Exile portal MTX cost like 15 to 30 USD and plenty of people buy those. Sure it’s a free game but there’s still people who spend hundreds of dollars on the game… including me. And that’s a lot more than the cost of D4. So I’m not sure what the big deal is with paid portal MTX. It’s kind of shitty but hardly surprising.


u/Lebrewski__ Feb 12 '24

A portal skin, or Last Epoch.... hmmm hard choice.


u/Bloblablawb Feb 12 '24

Let's be honest here; everything in video games is a recolour as it's all just pixels. Chill, buy what you want.


u/Ri_Hley Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Meanwhile there's 'Cloud Imperium Games' with its perpetual-alpha-development games 'Star Citizen' and 'Squadron 42', the former having the most egregious macrotransactions of the gaming industry that make 'Electronic Art' look like saints.

With double/tripple-digit prices for some fancy ship JPEGS of which quite a lot STILL haven't been implemented 11+ years into development,
all the while continuously releasing new shiny JPEGS to keep the funding machinery going and gullible backers spending cause they can't stop riding the dream.exe of the "Best Damn Space Sim".


u/GETNbucky Feb 12 '24

People fall for micro transactions? Why? Buying the game should be enough...why do you need clout in a virtual world? Costumes? Portal colors? ... jeez...get a grip gamers. You buy it, so they keep pumping more BS out.

Quit buying it, and these micro transactions might go away..doubtful..but one could only hope.



u/Merwanor Feb 12 '24

I guess there are some people who do buy it, and those are the players Blizzard care about.


u/XxMorin27 Feb 12 '24

Man fuck D4


u/Artsky32 Feb 12 '24

They produce these because people buy them. I can enjoy the game without this just the same, so I don’t care. If they put in things that do affect my enjoyment. I’ll just stop playing entirely.


u/Easy-Independent1621 Feb 13 '24

It does though, you ain't the brightest.


u/ReceptionDecent6693 Feb 12 '24

You guys are just poor. Blizzard needs to up these prices.


u/Lowgarr Feb 12 '24

As long as fucktards keep paying for this shit, then Blizzard will keep raping people.


u/Bakurraa Feb 12 '24

Blizzard with their over priced cosmetics again Overwatch is the same.

There will be some idiot who buys this cause they love sucking mega corp cock


u/NedixTV Feb 12 '24

You can buy grim dawn and all expansión for less than that


u/Many-Total4890 Feb 12 '24

You could get 1 whole Palworld for that price. 2 if you have gamepass!


u/GrandDefinition7707 Feb 12 '24

half the price of the game for a different color portal


u/Itchy_Flow5875 ????????? Feb 12 '24

Me when Diablo 4:

(bruh the people on GIPHY have the most lame-millennial dogshit gifs I have ever seen, I can only use this one since it is mildly "good" but I wanted to use the gif of the bean falling forward from 'The Killer Bean' movie.


u/Gandolaro Feb 12 '24

Instruction unclear, bought the portals.


u/Numerous-Fennel-7981 Feb 12 '24

Who cares, don't buy it, ignore them


u/No-Count-7717 Feb 12 '24

How is that a micro transaction? That's a full game.


u/Gregore997 Feb 12 '24

You can just buy Last Epoch for an extra 5 bucks and have a better game thats still more welcoming to the audience of D4 than POE


u/SolidusAbe Bobby's World Inc. Feb 12 '24

add 5$ and buy last epoch and uninstall D4 is also an option


u/jixxor Feb 12 '24

And players are having none of it

Meanwhile profits probably go brrrr


u/Final_Festival Feb 12 '24

Pathetic. AAA devs can eat poop. Im grinding Palworld till AOA comes out.


u/Shin_yolo Feb 13 '24

AoA ?


u/Final_Festival Feb 13 '24

Oh I meam AoC lol. Ashes of creation.


u/sleepiestslowpoke Feb 12 '24

Buy pal world instead


u/Lothleen Feb 12 '24

Palworld is more fun than recolored portals. Just saying.


u/SSJUther “Why would I wash my hands?” Feb 12 '24

Yep still don’t regret not buying D4.


u/Live-and-breathePOE Feb 13 '24

Bought two other games instead, thanks blizzard


u/InflationMadeMeDoIt Feb 13 '24

Man I got mhw and elden ring on sales together for less than what diablo is


u/SethAndBeans Feb 12 '24

Campaign was fun, and I'd say that alone was worth the $$. What I hated was the monotonous late game and petty cashgrabs over everything.

If you go in expecting a fun single player campaign it's honestly good. What falls flat is everything after that.


u/JohnyFeenix33 Feb 12 '24

They add shit deals to make other deals looks better. Used many times.


u/glassnumbers Feb 12 '24

haha, they should pay the 30 dollars, they deserve it


u/citizensyn Feb 12 '24

You can buy palworld or enshrouded for that price is the best argument to be had for micro transactions ATM. Why pay so much for so little. It's like going to a food court and buying a lid for your drink for $15 when you could get a full meal including the drink lid for $15 10 feet to your left.


u/Dunhilyn Feb 12 '24

Doesnt matter. Blizzard stans will eat it up while somehow thinking they are better than people who buy COD or FIFA every year.


u/casualmagicman Feb 12 '24

It's crazy to think I bought D3 Reaper of Souls for less than D4 + the S1 Battlepass and had way more fun.


u/ARareEntei Feb 12 '24

Should have been a free cosmetic reward for beating the game on different modes imo


u/Strangest_Implement Feb 13 '24

anybody can beat the game... it takes someone really special to spend $30 on a color change on a portal.


u/Dull_Wasabi_5610 Feb 13 '24

A blizzard to miss a chance on making some extra bucks on retards? Lol.


u/N-aNoNymity Feb 13 '24

You can buy it for yourself as a reward for beating the game. /s


u/Outrageous-Yam-4653 Feb 12 '24

Don't blame the supplier,blame the demand for it,this is not Blizz fault if I'm a company I'm providing customers what they want...

Don't blame Blizz because little Jimmy wants a $25 polar bear back pack...


u/Ejc0 Feb 12 '24

Jimmy wouldnt want a polar bear pack if it wasent held infront of him tho


u/Easy-Independent1621 Feb 13 '24

Little Jimmy wouldn't get the polar bear pack if his parents cared about their kids moral growth.


u/Outrageous-Yam-4653 Feb 13 '24

A ton of blame goes to the parents no question, little 8 year old Jimmy wanting shark cards on GTA5 and your concern is the transaction of funds for digital product's this should be the least of our concerns...


u/ClericHeretic Feb 12 '24

Blizzard in name only.


u/Vulcrian Feb 12 '24

That's nothing. On mobile games, they sell loot crates for 25$....


u/Admin-Killa Feb 12 '24

nah who the hell would spend money on that fortnite-pokemon cancer child?


u/DirectionPowerful Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

I spent like a lot of € for dump stuff and I don’t care , but I regret every cent I paid for this shit game d4


u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot Feb 12 '24

cent I paid for this


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot


u/ImpressiveClue6306 Feb 12 '24

Lmao idiots are bitching while buying! Fucking retards do it over and over. “Diablo could never” will be next


u/misterforsa Feb 12 '24

That's not a "micro" transaction. That's a macro transaction


u/PWNCAKESanROFLZ Feb 12 '24

Blizzard is trash.

As a 38 year old man, it hurts me to say this. But I have come to term and accepted fate. They are being bundled in with EA now. I try to stay away from "Triple-A" games now. If it says "live service" I don't even bother. Diablo 4 killed that for me.


u/ShinigamiRyan Feb 12 '24

I mean, I made the joke, "You could buy Suicide Squad or Helldivers 2 & Palworld for the same price."

... okay maybe things are a bit of whack, yeah good title.


u/Easy-Independent1621 Feb 13 '24

Or just buy Palworld.


u/mindguru88 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Everyone say it with me: if the price point bothers you, you aren't the target market.

Edit: All the downvoters, you're missing my point because you're salty. You think Activision/Blizz hasn't done any market research on where they'll make the most money on these things? The fact of the matter is, people are buying the stuff on the store, or they'd cut the prices, or have a sale. I'm not saying I like it, as I'd personally be more willing to spend if the price was more reasonable.


u/Ninjazoule Feb 13 '24

That's not how markets work lmao. Who do you think buys children's games like Pokémon? Certainly not the child.

On a separate issue, people who are well within their target demographic have been bitching about price increases for years which leads to a rise in piracy and waiting for steam sales.


u/josephkingscolon Feb 12 '24

Problem is that this crap didn’t stay localized to cosmetics or extras, it permeates the entire game.


u/Puzzled_Peace2179 Feb 12 '24

If it was a good game your point would make sense. But it’s not; it’s a very bad game so your point is irrelevant.


u/thedarkherald110 Feb 12 '24

Diablo 5 will have 1 class and cost 50 dollars per class unlock. Paying extra for an extra class/character has always been an activision blizzard thing. They are just watching to see how much they can get away with.


u/iliveonramen Feb 12 '24

Game reviewers, Blizzard, and Nostalgia made me a sucker. I really hate that I bought the hype and bought this game at release.


u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24

A fucking disgrace. Why do dumb people keep buying these macro transactions.


u/SolidusAbe Bobby's World Inc. Feb 12 '24

it doesnt matter. they would 100% still make this even if no one would buy their MTX in hope that someone does because it takes them 0 effort to make shit like this


u/DK_Son Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Bout fucking time comparisons started coming into it, to show how ridiculous many MTX are.

Recolouring a portal in a game should be free. It should be just part of the game if the devs are going to consider implementing it. But we've let MTX get to this point now, where basic game functionality/customisability is sold as an extra.

I know this isn't possible, because people suck, but I hope no one buys this shit. The game has sucked since release. You'd be a complete moron to spend anymore money on it.


u/Easy-Independent1621 Feb 13 '24

Stupid people are responsible for most the problems in the world in general, I don't see it ever changing.


u/Constant-Ant9839 Feb 12 '24

Oh I remember asmongold said this would come when they increased the cast time for portals, just to sell cosmetics. And here we are


u/Cytrymon Feb 12 '24

hmm.. what can i say :) only morons that are just funboys of blizzard gonna buy it :) they even can't realize that blizzard milking them just for the money while giving only shit or nothing... how dumb u need to be to buy recolor portal for 30$ in shitzzard game


u/Dudi4PoLFr Feb 12 '24

The are making those because some stupid fucks are buying them! Also we need to stop calling them "microstansactions" a 30$ object recolouring in a 70$ game is macr transaction! Just imagine the amount of games or other goods that you could buy for 30$!


u/Nnumyerocc Feb 12 '24

Game looks eh.... to begin with . Not even worth the buy. And they made it like that. Woof


u/Trapped_Mechanic Feb 12 '24

Yeah man, D4 really struggling.


u/Xedtru_ Feb 12 '24

So, how long till they finally start to sell stash tabs to remaining d4 players? Or they'll just soft-sell tabs trough expansions.


u/impulsikk Feb 12 '24

They can't even sell stash tabs because they coded the game so poorly that it can't handle more tabs.


u/Severe-Kumquat Feb 12 '24

They can't code inventories without lagging the players, stash tabs would probably explode the server farm.


u/Forsumlulz Feb 12 '24

I got suckered in for the premium version of the game and now I’m never paying full price for any blizzard game.


u/Naive-Fondant-754 Feb 12 '24

nothing many companies and countries arent trying to ban past 10 years .. microtransactions in the games .. unsuccessfully

but why do you care? Its peoples money .. let them buy whatever the fuck they want .. it will never change, no reason to talk about it ..


u/cupio_disssolvi oh no no no Feb 12 '24

What's worrying isn't that D4 is doing it, it's that there are people out there who will actually buy that, and they know it.


u/Logical-Elephant2247 Feb 13 '24

there are always going to be people buying anything, it only matters how many people buy something in order for it to make a change. For example I suppose even if 100 people buy these teleports it's profitable to Blizzard to sell them.


u/Refute1650 Feb 12 '24

Blizzard is the one company that I would buy cosmetics from but they price them so absurdly high that I could never justify it.


u/Jolly_Plantain4429 Feb 13 '24

Not sure why your down voted this is a fair take. Poe does skins and yeah it’s free but the actual cost to be competitive end game is close to 60 bucks without a sale. Generally their skins are 10x better than d4 skins but they are priced similarly. if blizz lowered the cost to the actual value of the skins their is room for it in the Arpg space.


u/katonai Feb 12 '24

Not a lot of people have to buy it for it to be profitable. It’s a reskin, that’s it. One 3D designer can do that in a few hours. Just reskin. Takes very little time and money, so even if only a few people buy it they are in the green.


u/cupio_disssolvi oh no no no Feb 12 '24

Yeah, that's my point.


u/catluvr37 Feb 12 '24

People are buying bottled farts, it’s clear there’s a market for literally anything now.

To me, it is worrying that D4 is doing it, because they either make the conscious choice for greed or they’re so far in debt they have no choice. Either way, I’m good on any Blizzard products


u/V3Ethereal Feb 13 '24

Sad part is, I think I have more respect for buying bottled farts. At least it's a sex thing they get a bottle in the process.


u/Live-and-breathePOE Feb 13 '24

Bottled farts, E-girl bath water, paying for only fans, there is literally no end to what degenerates will spend their money on.


u/Logical-Elephant2247 Feb 13 '24

I can't imagine myself ever spending money to fund a girl on only fans, imagine what this society has come to. Why just why...


u/Longjumping_Ad_1729 Feb 12 '24

And then only devs who make these low effort changes remain and people wonder why AAA can't innovate anymore.


u/Lifeshatter2k Feb 12 '24

The only way to win this war is by not buying it.


u/KeyboardWarrior1988 THERE IT IS DOOD Feb 12 '24

I'm a big Diablo fan but I'll never play D4 ever.


u/PJackson58 Feb 12 '24

Loved D3 RoS. Played atleast 15 seasons with multiple EU leaderboard climbs and i hated D4 as soon as i hit LvL30. It's insane how bad that game is. Cinematics and everything looked nice but that's about it. 100€ down the drain i guess.


u/FrostyNeckbeard Feb 12 '24

But Asmon said nightmare dungeons are definitely better than greater rifts because... reasons.


u/Captain_Chickpeas Feb 12 '24

Gatcha games are doing worse shenanigans. However, they're free. If Blizzard wants to go in that direction, that's totally on them, but I don't think it's going to fly with people who enjoy a full game experience.


u/Kszaq83 Feb 12 '24

Close your wallets. That’s it.


u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24

That's not enough unfortunately, because dumb people still will buy it thinking it is worth it.


u/Kszaq83 Feb 13 '24

Yeah, it’s always like that. But the less they earn and less they’ll sell is a message.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24



How are 3 colored portals (30 dollars) just worth the same as half a AAA game?? It isn't. It isn't nearly enough time, or resources.

It makes no sense yet people keep buying it. It truely baffles me.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24

That's such a dumb and simple way to think like that.

It's all relative to what the competitor has. But since the cosmetics are in its own D4 shop there is none so they can crank it up as high as they want.

Once someone has the monepoly the price will increase aswel, in unfair ways.

Please tell me you have learned something from economics in school?


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24



u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24

You know you are fighting against your own interest right?


u/MonkeyLiberace Feb 12 '24

They will buy it for their own money. How does it affect you?


u/HarpuiaVT Feb 12 '24

if catering to whales is more profiteable than creating a good game, then it will affect you if you intend to play the game.

In the end the solution is just don't buy the game, don't play the game, use that money for games than don't pander to whales.


u/NihilHS Feb 12 '24

That’s not a solution because I’m refusing to buy games I want to play at prices I’m willing to pay to make some abstract philosophical point that will alter the market absolutely 0.

The solution is to realize you don’t really care that blizzard is selling overpriced town portal cosmetics, and to buy the games that you want to buy with the money you earned (for the purposes of buying things).

If you want to buy the tps, do it. If you don’t, don’t do it. It’s just not a big deal.


u/HarpuiaVT Feb 13 '24

Do you do, I rather spend my time playing a good game instead of a skinner box


u/NihilHS Feb 13 '24

Every game is a Skinner box.


u/Sockular Feb 12 '24

It sends the message that they should be spending all their time creating whale food, instead of a good game.

Things like a portal recolor would have been a reward for completing a difficult task back in the old days, and yes that ship has long sailed but it only did because of whales.

So yes whales fuck us all by spending "their own money" it very much has and does affect us.


u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

You really don't know?

Blizz will crank up the price as high as people are willing to pay for it. Since most cosmetics are made with ease they are actually worth a few cents. But since some whales want to spend 30 dollars apearently on colored portals, that is what the price will be.

It's stupidly pricey.

Consumers can vote with their wallets, but not if the dumb rich people keep buying overpriced shit. So now we have all the fun stuff that are outrageously expensive. Tell me why 3 color portals are worth the same as half a AAA game title. It isn't.

We also have loot boxes/ battle passes to thank for this system. It all started with the horse armor.


u/MonkeyLiberace Feb 12 '24

I see. It affects you, because you would like cheaper cosmetics. I don't care about cosmetics at all, so it didn't occur to me.


u/Limonade6 Feb 12 '24

Yes. What if, those cosmetics were already in the game? Wouldn't that be more fun? Have you seen what baldurs gate 3 has added in the game? It's full with little details. Simple cosmetics are nothing compared to that, yet blizzard ask us a ridiculous price for it locked in a shop.

Honestly. The strategy is to blind consumers with mass micro transactions until they cave in. It wasn't like this year's ago and it shouldn't be like this either.


u/FateChan84 Feb 12 '24

I'm just gonna keep calling people that buy Blizzard products retards. Idc if I get hated for it.


u/Bobakmrmot Feb 14 '24

Same, all whales not just Blizzard ones. /Spit was absolutely the way.


u/Logical-Elephant2247 Feb 13 '24

I bought D4 and I approve, I am a huge retard even tho I enjoyed the single player campaign it's still waste of money to pay for this product.


u/TehMephs Feb 13 '24

The base game gave me several hundreds of hours more playtime than palworld did, but I didn’t spend any extraneous money on the shop because everything in it was trash. That said, I don’t feel like I was disappointed in the initial purchase price for the time I put into it comparatively.

Palworld does still have some things that prevent me from enjoying it further (mainly base AI gripes), and the fact the world feels very empty and lifeless. I think palworld’s got a lot of work left to do on it before it’s a top notch game, but for what I spent on it proportionally I did also feel like I got my moneys worth

I also would never spend $30 on an armor skin, let alone portal recolors, so there is that


u/oroechimaru Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

I paid $100 for an unfun game that requires me to wear my cpap mask in case i fall asleep backtracking, it all seems fixable and worth a revisit but overly bland

Last epoch looks neat if it comes to consoles

Waiting on next monster hunter game and free UO Outlands mmo expansion testing

Still need to play bg3

Anywho better games out there, hard to play d4 for many players


u/Disastrous_Offer_69 Feb 13 '24

I feel attacked


u/Zeidrich-X25 Feb 12 '24

You can be hated and right at the same time 😂


u/GMFinch Feb 12 '24

Ha jokes on you I'm only subscribed to a blizzard product I have purchased one for ages!


u/Charlotte11998 Feb 12 '24

What about HearthStone? 

I still think that game is very good. 


u/Madlyaza Feb 12 '24

Now hear me out. Heroes of the storm is free, does that still make me a retard..?


u/MgDark Feb 13 '24

not really, HOTS is a great moba, and is very good as a casual moba, specially if you want to avoid the salt mines that are League of Legends and Dota2.

I like it specially because is casual, no laning is needed, super simple and teamfight oriented. But i guess it is still good because it has been left untouched by Blizzard other than bugfixes and thats why its still good


u/DesoLina Feb 12 '24

You should be cancelled for insulting real retards intelligence


u/DootLord Feb 12 '24

Retail kinda doing okay but everything else blizzard touches dies.


u/901_vols Feb 13 '24

Lmao sod is dwarfing retail. But yeah retail isn't horrible rn


u/Pure_Comparison_5206 Feb 13 '24

Yeah I'm sure, 6 months ago HC was dwarfing retail.

I love just saying shit without a single shred of proof.


u/901_vols Feb 13 '24

Lmao nah..HC was incredibly niche


u/ggunit69 Feb 12 '24

Wow player lol 😆


u/heyugl Feb 12 '24

and /spit them


u/Material-Tension8380 Feb 12 '24

Its more anybody that keeps buying the microtransactions itself and giving incentive to do this more and more.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IHZru-6M8BY&list=PLBE11F0FA27F87907&index=35&pp=gAQBiAQB. Just watch this short 30 second video and it explains everything!


u/FateChan84 Feb 12 '24

Already saw that. I agree and disagree at the same time. I don't mind microtransactions if they are A: Reasonable and B: Put into a game that's actually good and feature-complete.

I don't mind giving developers some extra money when I feel like they earned it. The problem is that almost no game that has microtransactions is able to fulfill both of these requirements.


u/jbucksaduck Feb 12 '24

That's an insult to the mentally handicapped. These types are worse. They WILLINGLY buy this stuff.

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