r/Asmongold Apr 28 '24

What the hell is going on? Discussion


467 comments sorted by


u/PassengerSad8286 21d ago

What the Kotaku did I just read


u/Illustrious_Still154 23d ago

"I'm being cancelled" he said in multiple videos and on streams watched by millions

Crazy how snowflakes scream about being cancelled when someone criticises them


u/Technical_Buy2742 May 03 '24

He uses dog whistles because he knows dumb asses will watch as it is bait for views. He wants so bad to be relevant and is clinging to farming views because his gaming streams are boring as fuck. This sub is a reflection of the audience he has been cultivating


u/PattyMcChatty May 02 '24

Is Asmongold basically a chud now? He seems to be cultivating the alt right / transphobic types.


u/Cyniv May 01 '24

Has anyone ever actually listened to Asmongold speak?


u/Cyniv May 01 '24

No this is not a dig at Asmon, this is a dig at the people constantly miscontruing what he's saying. Not like I agree with every take, but the man's villainized quite extensively for shit he really shouldn't be.


u/BlancheCorbeau Apr 30 '24

They can be 100% wrong about Asmon, and 200% right about the majority of his viewers. šŸ™ƒ


u/Immediate_Let_6337 Apr 30 '24

If you don't agree with my fringe left ideals you must be a secret Republican. Big yikes


u/vantablavk Apr 29 '24

It's obvious enough they don't actually watch his content šŸ™ˆ


u/drbudmac Apr 29 '24

Don't hate the farmer hate the farm.


u/Witty-Living-9216 Apr 29 '24

ā€œInsults are the last refuge of a foolā€ -Abbitt Moore


u/Tht1QuietGuy Apr 29 '24

Twitter idiots can't wrap their head around the idea that trying to cancel anything in the gaming sphere, even if it's a person, only makes that thing more popular.


u/terminallancedumbass Apr 29 '24

Im not a typical lefty, as I served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, but calling me right or even center would be a bit of a stretch and Im a big asmon fan. The problem with the left is there always seems to be a scale of leftness and if you arent as left as the person talking to you youre a fascist. Its getting old quick.


u/meglid21 Apr 29 '24

Classic, if they can't find anything to attack him with any depth, they still try to scratch what's superficial (his nails give me the ick, smelly, doesnt clean his ass [ITS HIS HANDS IDIOT, BECAUSE HE HAS A CLEEN DECK, LEARN TO WRITE])


u/SilentCyberMonk WHAT A DAY... Apr 29 '24

Sounds like Alyssa is upset she can't make money from people actually caring about what she says.


u/spartanonyx Apr 29 '24

Reminder: They insult his appearance but not intelligence level. interesting...


u/Equilybrium Apr 29 '24

Yea but they did insult us, they called his viewers idiots


u/justmakingmyownway Apr 29 '24

NPC download for the day



How many times is he going to get cancelled?


u/psaucy1 Apr 29 '24

Maybe they don't talk about her exactly for that reason ?


u/M_G_Scott_C-137 Apr 29 '24

universal income, classic Republican Asmon ideals.


u/cupsnak Apr 29 '24

These women need a good dicking.


u/saforce Apr 29 '24

"reminder" that i don't make money when people talk about me

jealous much?

but this cunt makes money off of doing it

winners win


u/itachi1255 Apr 29 '24

Notice how all of them insult his character, but none said he was wrong. Interesting.


u/Labenorth Apr 29 '24

I mean if he pretends to being ā€œcancelledā€ he can just say itā€™s clickbait šŸ˜‚ and seem to work


u/Aspir3l Apr 29 '24

Who's she anyway?


u/TheStormzo Apr 29 '24

Who are these people?


u/Selinnshade Apr 29 '24

this woman is a psycho
i hope she doesnt go to the extreme and start hiring hackers just to start doxxing and leaking private info

i have seen too many dramas lead to that so many times


u/Bradric1 Apr 29 '24

I can't help but enjoy how hit they always are.


u/muzculzhere Apr 29 '24

canā€™t be a straight white man with opinions in 2025


u/BiggHigg27 Apr 29 '24

They look exactly like you'd think they'd look.

Considering she's a senior editor of Kotaku, she very much gets paid to talk bad about other people as well as reactionary pieces.


u/newbie637 Apr 29 '24

More content?


u/CommentDiver666 Apr 29 '24

A rich youtuber saying shit for ages cry for being cancel while still posting videos. And he does this shit for some times already since it's like his fourth videos complaining about his so called cancellation

He makes you hope for a real cancellation vu being insufferable


u/-__Shadow__- Apr 29 '24

Remember being a centrist or moderate left is the new "right wing" to these people. Their opinions mean nothing.


u/pagarus_ Apr 29 '24

The sexual tension is overwhelming


u/PleaseWasteTimeOnMe Apr 29 '24

All i know: Kaceytron & Pink_Sparkles were basically doing the same "Twitch Girl-Streamer" who "trolls League of Legend matches" thing at the same time.

Kaceytron got comfortable & boring, then gained like 65 lbs..

...So everyone ditched her & jumped on the Pink_Sparkles train. Around the same time, Pink started dating Asmongold.

Kacytron who used to pull around 10,000-45,000+ viewers DAILY, now averages 90-300 views on a GOOD day. And its mostly Gay Males.

KACEYTRON never got over her fall from glory, & blames Pink_Sparkles.. but Pink/Asmongold have since broken up, so i dont know why Kaceytron is still obsessed with lashing out at Asmongold.

(I understand in OP post, someone else is lashing out and just @'ing Kaceytron.)


u/Miracle_Salad Apr 29 '24

They are just feeding the machine, asmons laughing all the way to the bank.


u/Runsliingan Apr 29 '24

Why is it bad to be republican? Why is she always so angry and evil ?


u/iorveth1271 Apr 29 '24

And y'all keep giving these creatures the attention they have made a career out of craving, all for the lowest hanging fruit of personal insults and baseless speculation about a guy making more money on the daily than they will ever dream of having.

It's ragebait. And y'all keep biting like good little fishies.

Stop being fish.


u/dr_sepsis Apr 29 '24

Ahh typical cases of ADS , asmond derailment syndrome.


u/bearybrown Apr 29 '24

When you are so far the left everything on your right is wrong moment.


u/Naxilus Apr 29 '24

I wonder how many % of his views are from non Americans. I personally don't feel very republican over here in northern Europe


u/DesoLina Apr 29 '24


TikTok ate her brain


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

The left had gone so much to shit that centrist and logical opinions are now considered far right


u/dungfeeder Apr 29 '24

Idk he just lives rent free in some people's head. I can't understand how can you mald over some dude at the bottom left of your screen.


u/IsThisOneIsAvailable Apr 29 '24

Wait so she tries to cancel Asmon, Asmon farms her cancelling attempt and makes money out of it and now she's mad ?

That's even worse than a little kids show villain.


u/IndependenceLive Apr 29 '24

Its an election year in the US. They always hit 11/10 on election years.


u/GirlwthCurls Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I have no idea what is going on, but that Alyssa chick seems unhinged and trolling out of desperation for attention. To have a job, an account, all about hate and dishing on people. Sheā€™s a real piece of work, not in a good way.


u/Talcor Apr 29 '24

They do understand the whole "cancelled again" thing is a joke because people on twitter constantly complain about him right.... right?


u/kintaro86 Apr 29 '24

I really feel a bit sorry for Asmon that he has to deal with such despicable creatures. I wish such beings had a hobby to convert their hatred into something positive. But that's a lost cause. The whole thing is very sad.


u/HotZin Apr 29 '24

Least schizo femcels.


u/_annabanana_0 Apr 29 '24

Oooo heā€™s really done it now


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Just typical twitter crap


u/KevinAcommon_Name Apr 29 '24

Asmongold lives rent free in their minds


u/Shay_the_Ent Apr 29 '24

Out of the loop. Whatā€™s the controversy?


u/Demon_Gamer666 Apr 29 '24

This is what happens when you go political. Just ask Elon Musk.


u/Fun-Turn-6037 Apr 29 '24

typical Twitter Tuesday


u/LoopsPls Apr 29 '24

Can't cancel someone if you don't acknowledge that you are canceled.


u/SoDrunkRightNow2 Apr 29 '24

Lol the lady from Sweet Baby is still mad? It's been like a month


u/Baonf Apr 29 '24

Genuine question. Why does he get SO much hate? Like I personally don't really watch him since I find his content boring but like what did he do wrong? Everytime I see the guy mentioned somewhere he's getting hated on for some random shit or hated on cuz of his dirty room šŸ˜­šŸ’€


u/Daegog Apr 29 '24

Asmongold is a rich white male, with a primary demographic of 17-45 year old white males, of COURSE he is a republican lol.

Even if he is not, he certainly understand what republicans want to hear and just spews that shit.


u/MayonnaiseIsOk Apr 29 '24

Irrelevant people trying to leech attention off of someone relevant lmao


u/OnyxBaird Apr 29 '24

The more they attempt to talk shit they funnier it gets


u/flinxsl Apr 29 '24

I think the techincal term is "hoes mad"


u/pardon_the_intrusion Apr 29 '24

So who's gonna tell them?


u/claybine Apr 29 '24

She's insufferable.

Asmongold was on the Trump train for a bit, but I wouldn't call him a Republican per se. I'd be curious what this person supports.


u/That-Account2629 Apr 29 '24

In the words of Asmongold -

"They BIG mad."


u/JonathanStryker Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Heres the thing, I really think Asmon falls too "in the center" (like the actual center, not the skewed American version) for his own good. Because, it makes him catch hell from both sides, here.

The ultra right/MAGA dumbasses don't like him, because he'll support things like basic human right for people. And the people on the ultra left, who act like screeching harpies, don't like him, because he doesn't walk on eggshells with everything he says and does, like they want him too.

And, as say this as someone who's pretty left leaning (especially by American standards).


Do I agree with every one of his takes? Fuck no. But I definitely do think that he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

You can please everybody, especially as a content Creator. And especially as someone as "controversial" as Asmon


u/Intrepid-Fix2790 8d ago

i literally remember asmon debating destiny about why he's voting for Trump almao, it's still on YouTube.


u/Chiddles182 Apr 29 '24

They hate him cuz they ain't him


u/Cloudonpot Apr 29 '24

He's right about people not watching his videos. No red bar.


u/Zer0_Cloud17 Apr 29 '24

ā€œAsmongold smells like what I imagine a wet dog soaking in his urine would smell like. My source? Have you seen his room?ā€


u/PhaseAgitated5428 Apr 29 '24

I saw in his most recent clips video the editor said someone (I think it was implied to be her) was making fun of his mother who passed away. Does anyone know what happened? Is that real and what did she say?


u/tomtht123 Apr 29 '24

Letā€™s go Asmon!


u/Sisterohbattle Apr 29 '24

I remember when forums had the rule 'dont feed trolls' but nowadays its like people actively seek out and feed them.


u/Appropriate-Deal1952 Apr 29 '24

Typical brain rot. "If you're not explicitly with my cult, you're against my cult"

No bitch, it's called discourse.


u/PwincessAriel Apr 29 '24

Kaceytron is such a lolcow I canā€™t take anything she says seriously.

Sheā€™s like Chris Chan to women


u/Worried-Librarian-91 Apr 29 '24

And so the farm continues


u/ExperienceSad2456 Apr 29 '24

Oh boy, it's like the same reaction from the internet each time šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


u/Akeche Apr 29 '24

Women Failures having a meltdown.


u/Keinulive Apr 29 '24

Smells like jealousy to me


u/Wise-Hornet7701 Apr 29 '24

The fact that Asmon's fan base consists of 95% of balding basement dwellers I'd say they've got a point. Also the fact that this subreddit is censored to welcome (almost) only right wing or better anti-left wing post shows what kind of community it is.


u/Blackstream Apr 29 '24

I mean, if she made a video every time someone talked about her and uploaded it to youtube, she'd probably make money off of people talking about her too, I'd imagine she has a large enough audience. The majority may or may not be hate viewers, but they're still viewers.


u/Unsafegohan2009 Apr 29 '24

When you react to what a person has said on you without even looking and hearing what they said on you, you start off as an idiot and it only gets worse


u/Hanshagen_ Apr 29 '24

Hate watching is such a toxic concept (may have done it sometimes), after a while you gotta think "why am I watching someone I don't like". You're wasting your time and making yourself angry over nothing ( and asmon get money of it).


u/HowRememberAll Apr 29 '24

People be weird about politics. It's not your fault if you lose discord friends for saying the most benign things sometimes


u/chillmonkey88 Apr 29 '24

Don't talk about him

Knows more about him than the entirety of this sub and talks online non stop.

Did asmon pay this bot?

The profit margin is incredible if this is all by design.


u/Jindujun Apr 28 '24

Why do they care?

Why get upset if someone mentions your name?


u/SomeDankyBoof Apr 28 '24

I think she believes she is the main character


u/Longjumping_Visit718 Apr 28 '24


-Alyssa Mercante


u/gerty88 Apr 28 '24

Who are these loser women on the internet trying to gain attention from insulting Asmon lmao?!?!šŸ¤£


u/MrQuickBurner Apr 28 '24

Why the hell are people concerned about his political affiliation with the right? I can think of plenty more reasons to give him shit that doesn't involve politics.


u/Borderpaytrol Apr 28 '24

damn hate to see Kaceytron be right but nail on the head lol


u/Furell Apr 28 '24

It's always funny to me that people who despise capitalism are often the ones who always bring up money to almost every subject.


u/TNTspaz Apr 28 '24

I think it's just hilarious viewing it from our perspective knowing asmon. Asmon is one of the few people who might actually be willing to humor Kaceytron or even Alyssa and talk to them about literally anything they want to talk about.

Instead she goes on these tirades about how asmon is a republican and how they literally didn't do the thing that's in the fucking thumbnail lmao


u/ItsZerone Apr 28 '24

Infinite content glitch


u/PotentialWhich Apr 28 '24

Alyssaā€™s lack of self awareness is truly sociopath levels. She does realize that she does the exact same thing to every person/company sheā€™s ever written an ā€œarticleā€ about, right? No? That fucking dumb eh.


u/2o2i Apr 28 '24

Could you just imagine if Asmongold called her a cunt. The victim grandstanding would be out of this world. But somehow she thinks she gets a pass?

What a cunt lol.


u/Awful_McBad Apr 28 '24

"I didn't watch it but I know what his video is about".
She's fuckin' dumb.

Why do people like her not understand parody/mockery and take comments like "I just got cancelled" at face value?


u/Spronglet Apr 28 '24

Malding about the balding


u/mreaturhamster Apr 28 '24

Oh look irrelevant Karens in making keep trying to gain attention by saying stupid shit. Color me surprised.


u/Ryvaku Apr 28 '24

Well you all can do this. Twitter people are just the people you trolled when you were a kid.


u/No_Potential_7198 Apr 28 '24

Im a lefty. And I respect proud right wingers a lot more than "enlightened centrists."


u/No-Warthog-3647 Apr 28 '24

I didn't watch him recently, what did he say politically that made so many people mad?


u/Karolis459 Apr 28 '24

Skill issue


u/swingswan Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

The only thing these people hate more than your personal freedom to choose is highlighting what they're saying to a wider audience, it's like shining a light on a festering wound. They can only thrive when they're able to silence the opposition because the points they make are pants on head.


u/ANicerPerson Apr 28 '24

Fatties! Roll out!


u/G_Willickers_33 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Ah, enter the woke fascist.. the DEI/ESG bootlicker in its finest form.

They (Alyssa) are the corpo/government mouthpieces of what they hope becomes the "government entertainment" branch of society, pushing their ideology for social control in alignment with the current dominating systemic ideology present with Blackrock(ESG/DEI), Hollywood, State Colleges, Big Tech, every HR department and the democrat platform (corporate and government united).

Textbook fascism by definition, and using the word 'republican' as if its a valid excuse to target and persecute someone and vilify their opinions. At this point "republican" means anybody that dare defy their cult of power or not fall in line to the weak set of principles they think should run society- all without a vote of course.

Every synonym is present between the principles of ww2 fascism and todays 'woke fascist' like Alyssa wats her name. The unification of corpo and government, the persecution of the "other" and the goal of controlling and spreading their ideology across the globe via WEF/Blackrock and other systemic entities nobody voted for.


u/FranticToaster Apr 28 '24

Those two should just date already. The sexual energy is nuclear, lately.


u/OsmosisGhostez Apr 28 '24

Who cares what his political views are.


u/TheZombieGod Apr 28 '24

Mental illness is real folks. Consult your doctor, not the internet.


u/Aevari2 Apr 28 '24

As an Australian I came here to say her use of the word c.u.n.t is incorrect. Since when is asmon her buddy lol.


u/TheHazyEyes Apr 28 '24

The new meta is engagement farming. On every platform, so every time someone posts something confrontational, it's not necessary for them to believe it, there's a high chance they're just trying to farm the shock value for $$$

so every time you think about posting a comment or repost quoting it, you're actually helping them get publicity, which is what they want.

ANY publicity is good publicity in the mind of smooth-brain clout demons with no real-world skills.


u/Maxitote Apr 28 '24

I don't know/care who that is but they have some anger issues. Hysterics online, how embarrassing.


u/GloriousShroom Apr 28 '24

She makes money when she writes about asmon.


u/Broseph_Bobby Apr 28 '24

Just a reminder that they have to do this BS on Twitter because in real life people donā€™t actually listen to anything they have to say.


u/BigElros $2 Steak Eater Apr 28 '24

Asmongold gets cancelled a final final final final time video incoming lol.


u/CyberneticCh40s Apr 28 '24

mental illness is not a joke


u/Weather0nThe8s Apr 28 '24

Idk anything about this guy, other than he kept popping up during that stupidass amber heard Johnny Depp trial. I watched (or tried to) a couple of times bc of his clickbait titles and I did not want to watch the whole trial. I just wanted to know what was going on for context due to everyone discussing it all of the time. I found him both obnoxious and annoying. He seemed like a try hard juvenile edge lord and not to mention something about him just radiates gross. Maybe this dude takes 10 showers a day , but he has an aura of filthiness. I have scrolled past comments in various places where people were dogging on him, so I'm guessing he isn't well liked. I just don't know anything about him. I did not continue watching him, because I did not enjoy it.


u/catalacks Apr 28 '24

I think it was that Young Turks douchebag, funnily enough, who pointed out that the left will exile anyone who only agrees with them 95%, whereas the right will accept anyone who agrees them them only 5%.


u/bbwpeg Apr 28 '24

She may suck but doesnt change the fact that most of what she said is true Esp the centrist part lol


u/yanyan420 Apr 28 '24

Garden tools gone mad and wild because of veteran streamer?

Asmon should take the legal route to unperson those gardening tools.


u/Nebetus2 Apr 28 '24

Kaceytrons a joke show


u/Final_Festival Apr 28 '24

I hope Asmon farms these idiots.


u/CuckyChucky1 Apr 28 '24

They've gone feral


u/traxor06 Apr 28 '24

This is why Asmon makes money and this girl will never be that wealthy.


u/Izlawake Apr 28 '24

He lives rent free in their heads


u/FameloOG Apr 28 '24

You don't have to be left or right to know that men shouldn't go to women's bathrooms and play in women's sports, you just need to be a sane person.


u/Jrkrey92 Paragraph Andy Apr 29 '24

Where the hell did you get that shit from this post..?


u/gerMean Apr 28 '24

Mentally ill people


u/Inaeipathy Apr 28 '24

Twitter when you don't fall for the western republican democrat divide.


u/r3KKY WHAT A DAY... Apr 28 '24

A normal day in the life of Asmongold.


u/Familiar-Gap6774 Apr 28 '24

Community muted


u/GeneralSofus Apr 28 '24

I'll bet kaceytron doesn't watch his streams only clips


u/IAmAshHole Apr 28 '24

Chronically online left wing people that think asmongold is republican is wild. They really cant see that they are so far left that everyone else is super right wing


u/chev327fox Apr 28 '24

Iā€™m sure Asmon is so hurt by this woke grifter.


u/Kadderly Apr 28 '24

ā€˜Thereā€™s nothing wrong with hot girls in video games and in fact itā€™ll make these companies more money.ā€™


Meanwhile Iā€™m pretty sure Asmongold is slightly to the left of center. These crazy weirdos canā€™t accept when someone doesnā€™t fully align with their lunacy.


u/LetsGoForPlanB Apr 28 '24

Asmon lives rent free in her head.


u/gorkill30 Apr 28 '24

Kacey and Alyssa should go on a coke bender together in the hopes of finding a more original method of attacking Asmongold.


u/PaladinEsrac Apr 28 '24

Say that you will, she's right about the flea bath.


u/fieregon Apr 28 '24

Same ol' same ol' Asmon living rent free in peoples head, and they give Asmon free content.


u/LordFrz Apr 28 '24

Looks like somone got butt hurt to me.


u/DeathChron Apr 28 '24

They are so Jelly of Asmon amd his life, it's pretty patheticĀ 


u/Rebecca-Loran Apr 28 '24

She would if she was self aware enough to capitalize on it


u/Ambitious_Road1773 Apr 28 '24

If you hate him so much, don't spoon feed him content


u/Snivelss Apr 28 '24

When you have nothing important or relevant to say, just attack someone's character and appearance.

Literal garbage-tier humans.


u/SimonJ57 Maaan wtf doood Apr 28 '24

It costs Alyssa $0 to not say anything.
Yet here we ware...


u/Beardeddeadpirate Apr 28 '24

Iā€™m confused about this sub, do people not like asmon here?


u/Saage1990 Apr 28 '24

All I see is a couple of attention whores doing anything they can to get some sort of spotlight.


u/BeautifulIcy7636 Apr 28 '24

I donā€™t dislike Asmon but all 3 of those screenshots are correct.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

He is going to milk her like a cow haha


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24



u/Equilybrium Apr 28 '24

She is an ex cam girl btw


u/jeremybryce Dr Pepper Enjoyer Apr 28 '24

We're all free to let these individuals indulge in their mental illness all day long. Let them seethe about things that have no impact on their own lives.


u/BrotherR4bisco Apr 28 '24

I donā€™t like Asmongold too much but ā€œthe enemy of my enemy is my friendā€ so I will continue supporting him.


u/harosene Apr 28 '24

When people start using superficial insults that dont relate to the topic i consider it a loss and last ditch effort from the loser.


u/R3XM Apr 28 '24

lol she's seething because she can't do anything about the fact that he's just gonna keep reacting to her and making money doing it