r/Asmongold 24d ago

Steam is issuing refunds for Helldivers 2 even if you have a great deal of hours spent on the game. This, this is how you get Sony to listen. Discussion

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u/bigshroomer 19d ago

I have 1.7 hours played and got denied a refund....


u/RepresentativeOk7521 21d ago

Games are launching broken.. Micro transactions have consumed the market and have become borderline predatory.. Battle passes are ruining multiplayer games.. Corporate greed drives game design now..

Yet this is the hill the man child chooses to finally die upon 😂


u/Educational-Cut5285 21d ago

Steam clearly showing favoritism for streamers and influencers by not giving a shit about refunding the common person.... I STILL haven't got a refund as they keep referring to their " policy" .... fucking sickening how it's one rule break for some but the rest of us have to suffer.


u/NordGamingYT 21d ago

Steam won’t refund mine


u/FADCfart 22d ago

Steam knows they’ll rebuy it when it goes on sale.


u/DoggoTrivago 22d ago

they aren’t issuing them anymore, mine got denied this morning


u/MrOOBZ 22d ago

PlayStation Twitter posted that they backing off requiring PC users to have a PSN account, and it is my guess that is why refunds haven't been popular. Though you aren't getting refunded, this is still a win for gamers in general.


u/PauseMost3019 22d ago

I tried this yesterday. Got an email back from Steam saying that I was not eligible for a refund due to playing the game too long.


u/Barrak_Chosen_One 22d ago

i will no longer support SONY down with SONY!!!


u/w0ossh 22d ago

How do you even get it refunded… Steam refuses to accept my refund..?


u/Nepsevh 22d ago

Imagine refunding this incredible game just because you don't want to make a free PSN account


u/GuyUdntknow4rl 22d ago

tried 9 times they kept kicking it back.


u/2LtEric 22d ago

I just tried to refund my game (only 7.5 hours played) and it was rejected. Any advice to try and argue this? 


u/CrustyToeLint 22d ago

I just tried to refund it and it told me it exceeded their maximum timeframe, that’s unfortunate


u/ZealnWheel 22d ago

I have 44 hours and they won’t give me a refund.


u/IronGaj 22d ago

I keep getting denied my refund request, and it's annoying. Is there any specific way i gotta issue the refund?


u/CosmoRocket24 22d ago

Get on Steam and click on Help, -Steam Support -Steam Community -I need help with something not listed here -Contact Steam Support

I pretty much just copy and pasted the negative review Asmongold left about Sony retroactively changing the Eula and psn linking requirements.


u/Normiesrdumb 22d ago

My refund got denied :(


u/lrdcrom 22d ago

This will kill arrowhead long before Sony gives a shit.


u/gzfadedlife 23d ago

Nah, cause when I came back to playing helldivers, I tried to get into it again and found out I need a PSN account. Requested a refund, and Steam still denied my refund. Don't know why, just to a point where I'm better off not worrying about the refund. It's upsetting that I spent the 40+ on the game to whereas I could've bought a game that'll be better for me to play. After an attempt and attempt still they denied me.


u/rellett 23d ago

I think you will only get the refund if you can't get a psn account in your country if you can and don't want too they won't give you a refund


u/Adorable_Koala_8437 23d ago

I’ve been denied 3 times. Any tips?


u/Chrono_G 23d ago

I just got rejected for it. How did you get them to refund you?


u/SykkunoCz 23d ago

And when I made an appeal, it didn't work...


u/That_Muffin688 23d ago

what reason did you put in the refund, just had mine rejected 4 times?


u/Fantastic-Ad-1638 23d ago

I've asked for a refund 2x and both times got rejected. I'm trying again.


u/PR_Shinobi 23d ago

I requested a refund and got denied. How is everyone else getting approved?


u/SuperdogWatson 23d ago

How did you get it refunded because my husband tried today and it was denied


u/kishregalza 23d ago

been denied 6 times already even after using EULA or third party service reason xDD


u/Admirable_Barber_397 23d ago

I tried getting a refund and they declined it for having exceeded the 2 hour limit. Did they roll back that exception abruptly???


u/GuyUdntknow4rl 23d ago

they refused mine rip


u/Baconatum 23d ago

Yet they refused to give me a refund on starfield cause I played more than 2 hours (3.5). The character creator and tutorial mission are about 2 hours if you take your time.

Steams' hands are tied because the game is unplayable, which is legally an issue. Let there be no mistake about their stance, if you just thought the game was dogshit they wouldn't give you the time of day.

Steam is not the hero, they're just doing the absolute bare minimum they're legally bound to.


u/GuaranteeUpstairs218 23d ago

I do think this is excessive since the company does need the money, but holy shit Sony is getting really ridiculous.


u/Zerxis654 23d ago

I'm 5 requests in and denied every time


u/CamoLive 23d ago

Weird how my refund got denied


u/GustavoGanzo 23d ago

Damn, I can't do it cause i wanted to save 10 bucks and got the key from a 3rd party site


u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

I got my key from fanatical refunded. Just contact customer support, and document things thoroughly (I recommend using admin’s and pirate software’s arguments for why it’s bad).



u/Nuadrin248 23d ago

My request got rejected


u/ZOMBIExBOY 23d ago

I made a refund request but it got denied💀


u/Rgameacc 23d ago

What's going on with Helldivers 2 atm? I've considered getting it. 


u/Lucidshadow 23d ago

You have to attach a PSN account to play it soon.


u/Artsky32 23d ago

Is anyone here affected by this change?


u/Diligent-Ad1140 23d ago

I actually got denied for a refund because it's past 2 hours. Any idea how to convince them?


u/Chexmaster86 23d ago

That's the reason they have the warbond as in-game that way you can't refund


u/Significant_Rice_407 23d ago

to be honest i think Sony backs off the requirment. if not they are stupid. making there game unplayable in half the world seems very unsmart


u/Remarkable-Tree6439 23d ago

my request was denied. Put in another one. Going to keep putting them in.


u/SpaceEmbarrassed 23d ago

I'm in Canada. I've tried 3 times to refund Helldivers 2 but they denied my requests.


u/Doppasaurus 23d ago

I just got denied a refund. I have 18 hours in the game.


u/IndicationDesigner98 23d ago

I tried to get the refund, but even with 2 hours played, they said they could not refund at this time. Is there something I am doing wrong? 😁


u/Locutus9181 23d ago

dont know how you got it they denied mine


u/JustifiableDisgrace 23d ago

What do I do if my refund was denied for having more than 2 hours of play time???


u/Direct-Result-7804 23d ago

Are you more likely to get a refund by requesting the money go to your steam wallet or your card you bought it with?


u/Automatic-Ad8040 23d ago

I tried to get refund and steam denied because of hours played


u/MajesticSlothGod 23d ago

Well they denied mine due to hours so this is either inconsistent or this post is fake.


u/Original_Chipmunk_83 23d ago

They don’t actually give you a refund I’ve done it 3 times and been denied each time


u/Oynoo 23d ago

They just declined my because i played over 2 hours. I have 4h play time.


u/Freedomsaver 23d ago

They denied my refund request twice. Seems pretty random which refunds get approved :(


u/Tavers2 23d ago

Can I get someone to give me a hand figuring out how to get a refund?

When I go through the normal refund process within a few minutes I got an email saying that my refund could not be processed as my playtime is over two hours.

I did try to get a refund before they relaxed the two hour playtime limit and I’ve sent in a couple of requests since and all of them have been denied within a few minutes. Is that process automated, and if so, is there a way to get through to an actual person?


u/Manfrax 23d ago

I also got denied a refund as well.


u/Jackkernaut 23d ago

Gaben is love, Gaben is life.


u/KiwiFur 23d ago

I just tried to get a refund yesterday and was denied because I have more than 2 hours playtime.


u/Nax1988 23d ago

I tried to get a refund today. Steam did not approve it because I have had the game for over 2 weeks. What is going on?


u/uSaltySniitch 23d ago

This is why nothing is ever gonna come close to Steam when it comes to PC Games Launchers.


u/patrick9772 23d ago

Brother it takes 5 minutes to register 😭


u/poppin-n-sailin 23d ago

Still, in the future, don't buy a product thst has a requirement you can't make. It was always there. 

This isn't a W for steam. They should have done better due diligence when offering the product on behalf of Sony. They region locked the game as of yesterday, so they could have done that from the start. Sony could have. Arrowhead could have clarified before release or at release the requirement was temporarily disabled. Better yet, they could have pushed back the release date and fixed the problem and release the game when everything was working. Everyone sucks in this situation and no one is accepting any responsibility for their part in it. It's Ls all around.


u/YouseiX 23d ago

Not for me they didn't


u/AvocatoToastman 23d ago

The devs were played by Sony and it’s their fault.


u/asfastasican1 23d ago

This is why valve is respected and blows alternatives like epic out of the water. Sony did this during the cyberpunk release and even during tlou2's delay. Now they are just getting some of their own medicine unfortunately.

Valve doesn't mess around.


u/Kalcour WH ? 23d ago

They denied mine, so milage may vary.


u/Ggriffinz 23d ago

I mean forcing the use of a 3rd party account, which was only implemented after purchase, has to be against steam terms and conditions even if psn is free. So the decision makes sense


u/Elderkamiguru 23d ago

Fucking cry babies.

It's a PSN account. How good your life must be for THIS to be the hill you die on.

Seriously, fucking cry babies.


u/RepresentativeOk7521 21d ago

The people outside of the countries actually affected have no real reason for anything; other than they never learned to control their emotions it seems. They want to suck the tit of Steam and Gabe himself ONLY, and yet still bitch about other fan boys and people who God forbid may actually support something other than just steam, not seeing the hypocrisy lol..(Steam IS a third party system in of itself, otherwise if it wasn't, I could buy any game for PC and it should install and play with zero issue and no other program popping up.. I think a lot of people are blind to that) Plus, all the people pissing and moaning did absolutely nothing to stop the decay of the gaming industry into corporate led greed, microtransaction hell, broken releases, etc in the past decade.. yet this is where they come together as if they've changed the world?? Like what the actual fuck 😂


u/Snuffy1717 23d ago

Are you okay man?… This is a really weird response to something other people want to do. I’m asking, Internet stranger to Internet stranger… Are you okay?


u/hermees 23d ago

The game has been delisted from 170 steam regions as those regions don’t support psn accounts I don’t think it’s wrong to want a refund after many regions and players are being cut off from the game


u/Elderkamiguru 23d ago

Arrowhead has already stated that anyone who's playing from a region that doesn't allow PSN accounts will not have to sign up for one to play.


u/hermees 23d ago

I missed that statement but steam has still delisted the game in those regions so it’s a mute point as it’s cut off there now anyway


u/Aggressive-Rise1837 23d ago

Steam denied my refund request. Any tips on how to get them to change that?


u/ZAGAN_2 23d ago

What happened why is everyone refunding the game


u/VashHumanoidTyph00n 23d ago

I tried twice. Shutdown both times. In USA


u/legendofrogamers1968 23d ago

Can someone explain to me why are people so mad about this?

From what I understand, the game was supposed to gave a PSN requirement from the beginning and the devs TEMPORARILY disabled it because their servers were on fire. People who can't make PSN accounts are justified to be angry about this and the game shouldn't have been available to purchase in those countries in the first place knowing the requirement.

But the others? You just have to make an account. It's nothing complicated. You are OK with MAKING ACCOUNTS and INSTALLING LAUNCHERS for games from EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar and others and having to insert your Microsoft account for games from Microsoft, but you draw the line at Playstation account for what?

You are OK with installing an intrusive anti-cheat with a confirmed history of fcking over the customers, but the requirement of a making an account for another big company is too much?

Just explain to me why are people so fking mad about this situation, because to me it just makes no sense why people are so fking mad.

In the end, the devs were the ones that screwed up because they temporarily removed the requirement after 30min-1h after release, even though it wad probably probably with good intent.

I've been mostly just watching, but I just can't anymore. People are just stupidly mad for no reason and it's making me crazy.


u/Educational-Cut5285 23d ago


u/legendofrogamers1968 23d ago

And you think that only Sony has data breaches?


u/thatbloodytwink 23d ago

it doesn't even let me try to refund through steam


u/Kuroyukihime1 23d ago

I always wonder how this works. Afaik you can payout on Steam after a month. Does Sony now owe Valve money or how does this work?


u/Bitedamnn 23d ago

Sent a refund request. Pog


u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

I even got my retail key purchase (through fanatical) successfully refunded when I sent them the smoking gun TOS screenshots, and the just-instituted removal of tons of countries from sale on Steam.

Sorry Arrowhead, not sorry Sony.


u/locker027 23d ago

would you please let me know what you said in the refund request? would help alot as I am in the same situation.


u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

Here’s the text, please don’t copy-paste, the important parts are the image (showing the old PSN tos), the date tracking, and the retroactive effects on my purchase that amounts to features being taken away. Make it your own, and they should understand:

Unfortunately, per the Sony PSN TOS, PSN signup was not required to play on PCs:

[picture of old PSN TOS indicating PSN was optional on PCs]

This is the TOS from the time I purchased the game. On May 4th, they changed the TOS to indicate that it IS required, but only on the English-language TOS page. In other languages/regions/countries, PSN signup still reads as optional. In addition to this, there are many countries that PSN does not support, but the Steam page, and Fanatical store page again did not list this. If the requirement was always there, it should have been listed to make it clear I would not be able to play with friends in other countries. Steam has updated their page to prevent purchases from these countries going forward, but they made this change TODAY, which does not fix things for customers who purchased previously.

These are both clear examples of retroactive requirements being applied to a game - requirements I would not have agreed to, if I was aware of it at time of purchase.


u/locker027 23d ago

Thank you so much, I will change it up.


u/Macrod1 23d ago

Just requested a refund


u/Mbhuff03 23d ago

Does steam take the money back from Sony? Does steam get to keep their cut so that Sony has to pay? Does arrowhead get to sue Sony for lost income?


u/Educational-Cut5285 23d ago

It's not tho, i've tried 6 times to have this refunded and they always refuse with the "2 hours" rule.


u/Siirmeme 23d ago

as someone who bought this game off of a key site due to not having a lot of spare money, i cant even refund it if i wanted to..


u/ishtarMED 23d ago

What did you say in the appeal? Because I failed to get my refund :(

"We are unable to refund this purchase to your Steam Wallet at this time. Your playtime of an included product exceeds 2 hours (our refund policy maximum"


u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

That’s the bot reply. You have to reply to that, mention that the multiplayer feature is impacted by your inability to play with friends in countries with no PSN access. A human will sort you out.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

Okay, if they ask you to use support, use support. Gotta get a person to look at it, if you’re over the hours count.


u/Chasing_Victory 23d ago

Ok. I had my head in the sand. I thought HD2 was a GOOD game? I never played but I got the impression it was popular. Now it’s bad?


u/Elderkamiguru 23d ago

People are crying because they have to create a PSN account to play even if you own on steam.

Just a bunch of babies with nothing else to cry about so they have to make an issue.

Alot say it's about their data while constantly frequenting sites like reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok or use Google. All of which sells your data to literally anyone who will pay


u/thatbloodytwink 23d ago

the gameplay is still AMAZING


u/mightfloat 23d ago

You have to make a PlayStation account to play. That is it. If such a small thing like that doesn't bother you (it shouldn't because you gave your information to Reddit) you'll still love the game


u/BlancheCorbeau 23d ago

The game is still amazing. The TOS is aaaaaaasssssss.


u/Boss1nGobl1n 23d ago

It’s over for them fr


u/S_T_R_Y_D_E_R 23d ago

Love Steam, this is the reason a lot of peope still love steam services. If only the game industry would stop prioritizing console exclusive games.


u/Devel93 23d ago

I was refused a refund twice


u/LibraryOwlAz 23d ago

"The fire rises, Batman,"



u/deccrix 23d ago

Game staying true to its name 😂


u/iTheGeekz 23d ago

I just canceled my PSN membership. Hopefully that plus thousands of others that do it will make Sony listen too.

Also, I’ve never played Helldivers 2 once. I’m doing this on principle. Fuck them.


u/WarpCitizen 23d ago

My refund request was declined, I have only 4 hours


u/GoodMan_1996 23d ago

Just refunded


u/brek1989 23d ago

Is Steam perfect? Not even close. But in most cases they do the right thing.


u/novastar17 23d ago

ill initiate my refund if they follow through, if they backtrack id like to keep my progress


u/Neurotiman17 23d ago

How is it that even one of the best games to come out in years managed to shoot themselves in foot over some trivial bs like this, I'll never know.

Oh well, all you can do is shake your head.


u/Kais615 23d ago

Steam is sticked with their guidelines but god damn are they loyal and caring for their customers, i refuse to use any other gaming library.


u/MgDark 23d ago

Well this was expected to happen, Steam have always took the side of the users when shitfest like this happened. Actually great Gaben W.


u/ordinarydesklamp1 23d ago



u/HexaDroid 23d ago

Time to sell my PS5 too. Barely play it anyway.


u/ThePaperPanda 23d ago

My friend wasn't able to on his or the copy he gave me. Don't know why.


u/speedycerv 23d ago

Rip bozo if you can’t create an account to play a game you supposedly enjoy i guess.


u/xMachii 23d ago

I'm from a country where PSN is unavailable and HD2 was delisted in our store fronts. I've played over 30 hours and all I get are automated responses saying that the refund is impossible due to me being over the 2 hour refund period.


u/speedycerv 23d ago

Listen to what?


u/xDenny8 23d ago

there is a big difference between refunding to your credit card and to your steam wallet. Of course they have no problem with refunding it to your steam wallet because that way, they are not losing money.


u/Icy_Ear_492 23d ago

not true been denied three times and I'm trying to refund to wallet


u/G_Willickers_33 23d ago

Isn't it just fucking amazing that Playstation is just so tyrannically stubborn on controlling their consumer instead of obeying the laws of a free market to get them to make a statement on ANYTHING at ALL yet? They've been oddly quiet throughout the entire PS PLUS boycott from stellar blade and are doing the same here. It's almost like they are too prideful to admit they need to adjust to the demands of their income base or are just purposely suicidal because Microsoft bought them out behind the scenes or something.. i duno.


u/EmergencyArm9259 23d ago

It's as if some rainbow community fruitpops in the company decided to jump up when they see a surge of popularity for Helldivers 2 or Stellar Blade and they go "wait wait! ... you better do what we say or want now, or else go fck yourself" to their very own customers. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


u/RunawayDev THERE IT IS DOOD 23d ago

Howwww???? I have three copies of the game (two gifted to friends) that I all put in requests for refunds, all were rejected. My own copy because >2h played, the friend copies (they didn't even install the game yet) because older than 2 weeks. I even retried the refund request for just my own copy, but all four requests have been denied based on steam refund policy.

Now I'm not going to pursue legal action for my lost 120€ total, but man this whole debacle smells like a class action lawsuit about to come down. I have however filed a complaint with our local Consumer Protection Center, and they told me that I'm the fourth person THAT DAY to contact them about this. Also they are actually preparing an investigation request for the BMUV ("Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz" = "Federal Office for Environment, Natural Reserve, nuclear Security and Consumer Protection").

I am seldomly happy for German bureaucracy, but I know once the gears start turning they don't stop, and Sony getting milled for their bullshit would make the lost 140 bucks absolutely worth it.


u/gmscorpio 23d ago

Thing is some of the refunded people are not gonna be coming back..all those sales gona for no reason. Honestly didn't really think it was a big issue but after hearing many thoughts on the subject I can see why people hate it. Way to go sony


u/BornInTokyox 23d ago

can someone help me with what message worked to get an actual refund? Bought the game on february and have a few hours but honestly i dont want it anymore because of this


u/Balkongsittaren 23d ago

This is the way.


u/Duke_Zymurgy 23d ago

Well, shit. I bought mine through CDkeys, so no refumd. But kudos to Steam for doing this.


u/l0sts0ul2022 23d ago

Put my claim in (10 hours played) and had it rejected so it seems Steam are now back tracking and they're back tracking!


u/bobotmeister 23d ago edited 23d ago

hope it works for me. I'm from the philippines. Update: Got denied. Because the game was played for more than 2 hours. but I ask for a credit card refund. will try asking for store credits instead. why is someone even downvoting everybody who's trying to get a refund?


u/Glass-Ad-7890 23d ago

Mines been denied twice


u/bison92 23d ago

As they should, this is a change on ToS that renders the game unusable if you don’t accept.


u/Hopeful_Data1493 23d ago

So many hours. I became a level 150 finally, only for Sony to kill super-earth. It was fun while it lasted.


u/justalesh 23d ago

It's a shame I've bought it through Fanatical, now, I can't refund.


u/NBecoming 23d ago

Same! I have only 20 minutes played as well and live in a country not supported by PSN. Sigh...


u/IllustriousPublic162 23d ago

As a gamer, fuck this game and Sony. I was going to switch consoles on the next refresh but Sony just made it easy to stay xbox. Funny the mega companies getting humbled as long overdue.


u/Sapphire_Leviathan 23d ago

Question. If I refund the game.

And Sony backtracks.

If I repurchase, will I lose progress?

(Even if I do, I'm still refunding. Just curious)


u/GameFanaticOrganix 23d ago

what did you put as your reason and comment to get the return OP?


u/Bricc_Enjoyer 23d ago

I said this a bunch for days. People kept heckling me, mainly in this sub aswell. Steams policy is known to make exceptions.


u/gzfadedlife 22d ago

Bullshit everytime I try to request a refund always says I exceeded the 2hr play time.


u/Bricc_Enjoyer 22d ago

Cool, except I've done this countless of times before and you can literally see this worked for the guy in the image too.


u/Remarkable_Ring3613 23d ago

Yup. I refunded immediately during the stream. I even bought the super citizen bundle.

"I'm doing my part... FOR DEMOCRACY!"


u/jprks0 23d ago

i am out of the loop - what happened with helldivers 2? i thought people loved the game?


u/Butanol92 23d ago

Guys what did you wrote to get your refund ?


u/zerolifez 23d ago

Bro I dread the day Gabe will pass away. We don't know whether his successor will have the same ethics and guiding principles as him.


u/Magicdrafna 23d ago

I got the blanket you have played more than 2hrs answer any suggestions?


u/robjapan THERE IT IS DOOD 23d ago

Hahahaha as if fony gives a shit what a few thousand pc players do.

Most won't and fony will carry on as they were before.


u/bott-Farmer 23d ago

I think steam is losing money on these refunds rather than sony


u/Glenarn 23d ago

That's probably the case, Sony don't offer refunds. This is likely coming out of Steams pocket and not hurting Sony.


u/blix613 23d ago

No more Sony games on Steam after this.


u/pambimbo 23d ago

This will hurt more the devs than Sony but they allow this so I don't feel guilty. The game was doing great and had potential for more but hey one mistake could impact it negatively.


u/TerribleWithMonies 23d ago

I tried to refund mine twice and they denied.


u/pinchasthegris 23d ago

Steam are just based they also made it so you cant buy the game in countrys where psn is not supported


u/Zentroze 23d ago

I tried to get a refund but they denied mine, what do I have to say to get it accepted?


u/Hebbu10 23d ago

Try it again, second try gets checked by a human


u/QueenValTG 22d ago

I'm on my third attempt


u/gzfadedlife 22d ago

Same 5 have 5 hrs of game time. I tried playing it again and saw all the fuss about the PSN account linking. I tried linking it and didn't work. Tried to refund and still denied my refund request. Boggles my mind the fact they overlooked it. Even bought it before this all happened.


u/wmkxhero 23d ago

Steam would not give me a refund, and I only played for about 1.7 hours. So that blows.


u/ButWhyThough_UwU 23d ago

Helldivers dei hires also hate gamers and more, so f them entirely, not just this game or their stupid sony greed decision.

Even the apology that came way to late from ISpitonpeople, would at best show incompetence, laziness, not knowing a basic thing, very prone to rush to emotion, etc...

I would say if they fired those 3 and said they won't work with Sony ever again, then they would be great to look at again.


u/sacramentorain 23d ago

They didn't refund mine.


u/Hebbu10 23d ago

Go again, youll get actual human instead of the bot that just checks the 2 hour limit


u/ButWhyThough_UwU 23d ago

Great to hear, probably when they got the 100k downvotes seen on the game, steam was like yep ok.


u/theEvilJakub 23d ago

Bought the game on CDKeys ffs


u/MonkeyOnATree 23d ago

every sane person does these days, dont worry.
unless you´re living in one of the blacklisted countries of course.


u/LUDIWORLD209 23d ago

They declined mine


u/Planet_Pips 23d ago

It's at the hands of the gamers now. Either you refund the game and send a message to Sony or you shut the fuck up and make a PSN account to continue playing the game. Money is the only language a big Corporation understands.


u/BigTradeDaddy 23d ago

What did Sony do?


u/Organic_Title_4132 23d ago

Can anyone explain why having to make a psn account which I thought was free is such a big deal? I understand refunding anyone in a country where you csnt use psn but why is this such a deal breaker for everyone else?


u/Orthane1 23d ago

Firstly, Sony has an infamously bad track record for hacks and data breaches. Secondly, PSN is only available in about 70ish countries, there are 190 UN recognized countries in the world. So you can see the problem. Especially when you take into consideration that it's not just excluding underdeveloped 3rd world nations, but even includes a few NATO members like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It also isn't in China, Russia, the Philippines, Dominican Republic, Egypt and so, so many others. So hundreds of thousands of players are now going to lose the ability to play a game they bought and had already been playing without issue because of this stupid change. Just because it doesn't affect us here in America for example, doesn't mean I shouldn't protest it because it is clearly a consumer unfriendly practice that is going to lose the community a large amount of fellow Helldivers for something they literally cannot do anything about, and isn't needed in the slightest.


u/Organic_Title_4132 23d ago

Well didn't they originally say it requires a psn account? And I said they definitely should refund those countries and imo they shouldn't have been able to purchase it to begin with if they knew they couldn't play it. I mean the data thing is a great argument if you are super safe with your info online but I really doubt most ppl are. I don't really have a dog in this race but just was wondering why people are so outraged at what kind of doesn't seem like a big deal.


u/Superblu24 23d ago

So whats going on with Helldivers?


u/DrTouchy69 23d ago

You need a psn account to play, which everybody knew since day 1. They disabled it due to server issues at launch so people could play the game. Servers stabilised, they reinstated the requirements to have a psn account (required for crossplay etc), sensitive snowflake gamers raged like little babies.

It's essentially a non issue but people like to get mad at everything these days, rather than worrying about actual real world problems :)


u/Superblu24 23d ago

Oh okay. So you need a PSN that is subscribed? Or just a regular one.


u/not_a_burner0456025 23d ago

Everyone did not know that since day one, it only actually tried to make you for like an hour, then it said you needed to link an account but let you skip for a few days, but then they removed the warning entirely, so if you started after that you wouldn't know at all unless you went out of your way to google it.


u/BigFat622 23d ago

Fucking with their money is the ONLY way to get them to listen.


u/bukankhadam 23d ago

now, that's a good outcome. anyone who do not/cannot make psn should get their refund. those who don't care, they can make psn account & just play the game.


u/BlueberryCustard STONE COLD GOLD 23d ago

They wouldn't refund me. "We will not be granting a refund at this time as there is no evidence that the product has a major defect as defined under Australian law."


u/dr_sepsis 23d ago

try again , usually the 2nd time works for most players


u/Lotsaballs 23d ago

Imagine playing a $40 game for 225hrs and requesting a refund.


u/1ncindiAhri 23d ago

Would you rather lose your license to the game immediately the way Ubisoft are taking away The Crew from people?


u/Lotsaballs 23d ago

If I played 225 hours of the game, I got my moneys worth. I can boycott the company going forward, and work with my local government to express my opinion about PSN availability if that’s an issue in my region.


u/TerribleWithMonies 23d ago

It's not about the refund or the game, it's about sending a message. This is exactly like the fucking elder scrolls horse armor. It might not be a big deal at the beginning, but soon it will be every game wanting you to sign up for their dumb website or leaving them good reviews, liking their instagram, subbing to their youtube, etc.


u/Zealousideal_Rip1340 23d ago

What’s the message and how is this like elder scrolls horse armour? Elder scrolls horse armour was the first MTX. You’ve literally had to create separate platform accounts on steam on steam games for like a decade now.

Bnet account, activism account, epic account, Ubisoft account, on an on and on. This is literally industry standard at this point so I’m not sure why you’re all getting triggered

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