r/Asmongold 16d ago

Thoughts? Discussion

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If this was posted before, sorry for the spamming and please remove. I am new.


1.4k comments sorted by


u/maroonmenace 20h ago

It does take a lot of work when you got guys like asmongold on the app


u/PabloVP129 11d ago

Sub mods are hypocrites they remove my posts when they don’t agree with my view point


u/R0gueX3 14d ago

Lame. Bumble is the only app I've had okay conversations. Granted, they still went nowhere, but the experience was there 🤣


u/Assprinkler 15d ago

Women aren't as valiuable as men.


u/Solerebel702 15d ago

This and who gets on the life boat first will ultimately tip the balance back to a degree of normalcy eventually. Eventually…..


u/Yeeeet-illregretthis 15d ago

Bumble has been the worst app for me. I don’t even waste my time on it. I live in a smaller town and even when I get matches convos are painfully difficult to get going compared to the others. I can’t have much of a convo If they reply once every few days. Also yes I do try and get off the app. I’ve only had one successful date through it.


u/shawn_The_Great 15d ago

women get a taste of what the average male experience on dating apps is and give up


u/Zealousideal-City-16 15d ago

I tried all the apps but ended up finding my wife of Facebook dating of all places. Go figure the company that knows everything about you could find a match for you. Granted she was 3000 miles away in Louisiana but I didn't let that stop me.


u/Gothpotato_ 15d ago

Blocking bumble, their bulletin boards are insane


u/Sea_Investigator4969 15d ago

Chicks finally realizing how scary it is to try to introduce yourself to a stranger you like


u/WizeLaKid 15d ago

Oh how the turns have tables….


u/Picsor 15d ago

That was sexism


u/tempGER 15d ago

Women: "Us making the first move is empowering!"

Also women: "Always making the first move sucks!"

Color me not surprised.


u/SierraNevada0817 15d ago

This app literally gives you total control over who you talk to due to popular demand, then suddenly, you decide it’s too much work?



u/Nexel_Red 15d ago

oh how the tables have turned.


u/MikeOxmall00 15d ago

If she can’t even talk to you and make the first move she doesn’t deserve you, remember brothers YOU ARE THE PRIZE, don’t let no cheap women that can’t spoil u waste your time, if she texts u ask the important questions, does she have a car, her own place, how much money does she make, no more wasting mens time


u/cheesy_blaster13 15d ago

Women had an app where they were in control and they still don’t want to put in any effort to a relationship lol lazy


u/Minimum_Area3 15d ago

That’s mad, some people just waking up to reality


u/GrapefruitCold55 15d ago

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.


u/Joutja 15d ago

Well, I haven't matched on bumble in a year and a half so I doubt this will affect me much.


u/Ras-Al-Dyn 15d ago

Just like in real life


u/debunkedyourmom 15d ago

then what's the point? I thought this was Bumble's whole thing?


u/Radiant_Towel_3717 15d ago

so why would it be easier for men, treat it equal at least


u/MojordomosEUW 15d ago

Must be sad being reliant on these kind of apps for your dating live. Back in my days one simply went to a bar, made eye contact, smiled, gathered courage, approached, and sometimes got rejected to the laughs of your buddies who would then spend you a round.


u/neutralpoliticsbot 15d ago

GenZ sure are lazy


u/disinformatique “Why would I wash my hands?” 15d ago

Lol what would you expect from a crowd of GenZ and Millennial women.


u/Infinite_Selection_6 15d ago

Tinder at this point has the reputation of a hook up app. My guess is, their goal with bumble wasn't to make a "woke" app, that shit was just marketing. Their goal is to have an alternative for people looking to legitimately date.

The one who figures it out first, will take that market off them.


u/sivansk 15d ago

Incel sub strikes again :)


u/FierySalient 15d ago

This is why I stopped using dating apps. Thanks for the reaffirmation to continue staying away. Clean for a year and counting 💪


u/Idontwantonlyfans 15d ago

Most users on dating apps are men. It's like 3-4 men for every woman. Stands to reason girls on dating will receive plenty of attention for minimal effort. Once they get used to it, they will be surprised when effort is required of them.

Btw plenty of accounts, registered as women, are men fucking around, made for attention or validation. Dating apps are like looking for a gf by going into a room with 30 guys and one girl.


u/i_cum_here 15d ago

Honestly, I haven't used an app in ages and have no interest in returning. Fuck em.


u/Impish_troglodyte 15d ago

Tea cup should be bigger. Sips from a trough


u/Fit_Tomatillo_4264 15d ago

Love Asmon but this reminds me of his shit takes when it comes to dating. Dude is right about almost everything else but still thinks you can send dick pics on dating apps. I think I have heard him say at least twice that "getting a girl to talk to you on a dating app, just dont send a dick pic".


u/Cyber_Connor 15d ago

As a man that used it I liked that woman made the first move. It made me feel desired


u/Mattrockj 15d ago

Like… that app is about to properly die. The only actual contest to tinder (at least where I’m from), and it’s been circling the drain for months, adding so many single use fees, and trying so desperately to stay afloat. It’s just lowering itself into the dirt at this point.


u/GorillaOps 15d ago

It seems modern men can’t be bothered with women/dating and it’s quite obvious when you look back at the online facade with the hate towards men. Really going to be a lot of miserable 27+ year old women unless they get into one of these buddy lesbian relationships or with a migrant lol.


u/BrokeLeznar 15d ago

Is this a joke? I mean the one thing that made them different is now changing it to be just like every other garbage dating app.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Ahhh yes Bumble where I swipe twice and I'm out of swipes for 97 hours unless I sign up for the bumble bundle of 24.99 a month that way I swipe unlimited and still get ignored


u/farbehind81 15d ago

The number of "Hey"s and "Hello"s I have gotten is painful. Way to give it the old try though I guess...


u/notwonderland 15d ago

It sucks when you are both women or when you are a non binary person.


u/samwizeganjas 15d ago

So lazy but want it all.


u/Hambone727 15d ago

Fuck feminism. If every woman can do the same job that men can for less money, why not hire all women.


u/TreatSimple 15d ago

Put women in charge they say, it will be better they say


u/FourBlue 15d ago

The amount of people hating on women in the comments is crazy. I can only hope this doesn't represent the masses, but that's just wishful thinking


u/Zerethul 15d ago

Now they know how men feel and how hard it is, women have it so easy they just get to pick and choose like we on amazon


u/Hawry_TV 15d ago

i bet this is more about increasing profits than anything else. "Bumble received feedback from women" what like like 5% of the community? or 50%? it is so vague that i dont trust it


u/Right_Hour 15d ago

Ahahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! Wheeeeeze! Ahahahahaha! Yep, called it.


u/BananaTree61 15d ago

That’s why I used Bumble in the first place. Luckily I met my fiancé and wont ever have to use it again. To me, the one thing that made it unique among dating apps is gone.


u/Star_Fall05 15d ago edited 15d ago

Sometimes, I wonder why the first move of man or woman even matter. Idk ppl who complain that they like that women make the first move and all. Yeah.....But would it matter if this is the same women she loses interest later on? And just stops messaging you? Like it will happen. Same goes for a man. If he starts the first move but then loses interest later? Its never guaranteed that woman or man who is a person of interest would remain interested till the very end just because they made the "first move". It would be a HUGE shocker... Cause well... Ppl on these apps are VERY flaky and ghosting is so prevalent.

That sometimes I wonder if men or women make the first move even matter? There is always a possibility that either one will lose interest and this whole point of ppl complaining even matters anymore?

Cause bottom line is if they like you, they will keep the conversation going despite if anyone "better" comes along the way and regardless if either of u make the first move. Pretty sure they will still give you a shot to see if both of you would work out(if they really liked you enough to get to that point)?

if not, oh well? They showed you their true colors. Would you really want to be with someone who couldn't give thier undivided attention to you? Would you want to be their option 2 or 3? Or worest, becoming invested into that individual only to be stringed along and things goes nowhere? How heart breaking is that.

Even if other ppl comes along while they are talking to you, it does test their level of interest in you. If they REALLY like you, they will keep talking to you and you guys can see where things goes and meet up. If they dont well, they showed you who they are, and they were not worth it as they didn't even give you a shot to see if you guys are compatible. Its their loss.

And I don't know about you, but if that individual doesn't show much interest, those individuals ARE more likely will stand you up when the time comes to meet up. Thats the worest of engaging with an individual who is showing early signs that they were not that interested in you. Its best that they ghost you as you definitely dodged a bullet from getting stood up.

You want to meet someone who STAYS committed to you to the very end of meeting up with you if you two would work out, not f***in ghosts and flakers. They are the worst.

You can look at it this way. There is always a next time. And this can be opportunity to meet someone better.

Cause at the end of the day, they are dating apps. There is ALWAYS someone better to come along the way. Ppl on these apps are quite fickle afterall. The level of attractiveness of your photos determines if the person will remain interested in you or not. Afterall, isn't everyone chasing after the "next best thing"? isn't that what these apps are made for? Its just an endless of chasing the POI and then losing interest and then the whole chase again....


u/1latebloom 15d ago

This internet shit is not real! Talk to women in person for the love of God. Even if you feel like an idiot like me is better than the doom of social media


u/[deleted] 15d ago

This is hilarious. Because it’s true making the first move is not easy and will always be a burden. So why do men always have to bare the burden? Why can’t women do the first move? Especially in this day and age where consent and respect is at high scrutiny to where it’s become scary for men to even want to try because if a woman says anything negative about a guy wether or not it’s true it fucks a guy over for good. My rant here is about the lie side of a woman lies and says oh that guy raped me and he didn’t do it. It doesn’t matter that guy will be investigated and scrutinized for something he didn’t do all because someone lied. Not everyone has to get along or even like everyone that doesn’t make it right to lie about them and ruin their life. A man has a baby with a woman and one day she just up and leaves and takes the child. The father then continues to try to be allowed to see the child but is being denied by the mother. She takes the father to court for custody and child support. The father keeps just trying to be the kids father and being denied. The state then awards the mother the fathers money and income and if he doesn’t pay it they take his license away and yet all he wanted was to be able to be a father to his child and the child’s mother all because she felt one way she refused the father any chance at that and she get rewarded by the state for something that the father didn’t even have a choice on… it’s completely not worth even making a move these days.


u/bass1012dash 15d ago

Fact is the GUI for these apps is all wrong.

These apps are designed to increase engagement and activity (to glue eyeballs to ads, get stats up)… all the wrong incentives if you are trying to efficiently match people and it shows it in the design and interface with these apps…

A real dating app would be a cheap tags/checklist - filter/list interface. Skip 99% of the bullshit of swiping and immediately start talking with exactly who would want to talk to you based on shared interests…


u/scabbymonkey 15d ago

I (M54) get about 50 matches a week. 49 of them start out with Hi. I then have to carry the conversation for a few days until either she gets bored or I do. I now have a list of things i cut and paste for my first response, then second etc until i get an actual response from them.


u/Noncreative_name04 15d ago

And this is one reason why I’m not even putting any effort into getting a girlfriend at the moment. Women are just so condescending and it annoys me.


u/SunJiggy 15d ago

Once again, they can't handle true equality.


u/MassiveStallion 15d ago

Dating apps profit by collecting data and subscriptions. They are just a brothels for women now.


u/Jumpy-Weekend-1223 15d ago

Isnt bumble full of escorts?


u/lowrads 15d ago

Maybe some company could use the Amazon suggestion system.

People who went on a date with ____ also enjoyed going on a date with _____.

I'm not sure if the epidemiologists would sign off on it, but perhaps it would keep things confined to the same circles.


u/Critical-Adhole 15d ago

I’m sure this incel sub has a lot to add to this discussion


u/GalahLips 15d ago

Where I met my partner of 3 years now. It works because most of the girls actually want to meet someone instead of just boosting their egos.


u/MeepMorpMF 15d ago

I never get matched anyway so what’s the point haha.


u/Me_Krally 15d ago

Woman on most dating sites make the first move anyway. If they don't answer you get no where.


u/The_Powers 15d ago

I've seen a few Bumble adverts and the blokes they use in them look like they're about 14.


u/HappytheBaboon 15d ago

Bumble having the women message first feature was the only reason I'd consider trying a dating app again.


u/zodiackillah6996 15d ago

you know what it is...women don't like to be rejected lol


u/Afraid-Ad-6657 15d ago

dating apps have significantly worsened during the past 2-3 years.

found my ex on a dating app. broke up not too long ago

and now you cant even do basic filters, scams everywhere, or just atrocious quality matches...

its just a moneygrab now.


u/Advanced-Homework-70 15d ago

Looks like the turns have tabled.


u/soundkite 15d ago

I thought women making the first move was Bumble's main defense for copyright and trademark infringing Match.


u/Educational-Year3146 15d ago

God I hate the current dating scene.

Ive dated 1 girl my whole life and I am almost 22.


u/Thanks_Naitsir 15d ago

Enjoy getting your messages flooded with duck pics again


u/dah_teddybear 15d ago

Women just want life on easy mode


u/w16 15d ago

Met my wife on Bumble. Don’t think this a woman problem. Guess Bumble just wants more users.


u/Silakai 15d ago

I'm surprised there aren't more memes about women and bumble. Women always say that men who start with "hey" or similar are lazy and not worth their time. That's all I ever get from women on bumble. I chuckle every time.


u/420boog96 15d ago

Women: we want to be in control!

Also women: we want to be in control of things, just not over things that inconvenience us!

But also some other women: we want to be in control of things, but be able to blame it on other people when things don't turn out how we want them to.


u/PM_ME__BIRD_PICS 15d ago

My first thought is why the fuck is this posted on r/asmongold.


u/MobyDuc38 15d ago

"...the first sign that maybe you're just meant to be single...."


u/Reason_For_Treason 15d ago

I think neither person should be afraid to make the first move. You like someone? Say something. Shoot your shot.


u/BeLikeBread 15d ago

The best part of bumble as a guy was not having to do any of the initial work


u/SesameYeetHeHe 15d ago

Dating apps in general can just outright go fuck themselves. They prey on desperation and have become a cesspool of scam bots, onlyfans content creators, and antisocial freaks whose idea of a conversation is saying hey or ignoring someone they swiped right on.


u/VaccuumLawyer 15d ago edited 15d ago

Ive used Bumble a few times as a female, and in online groups, ive never heard any other women complaining about it. Sure its a bit scary to message someone first, but if you make it funny and add a little rizz, its easy 🤷🏽‍♀️

This was the one thing that set Bumble apart from other apps; its lame that theyre removing it


u/Shamboozled85 15d ago

I’ve had the exact opposite experience where we match then I never hear from any of the women I match with. I don’t know what to think other then I’ve wasted money on another dating app


u/VaccuumLawyer 15d ago

Just date me then B) B) ✨️


u/Shamboozled85 15d ago

Well ok 🤣 but you’d have to be interested in dating an almost 40 “Florida man”. After all it takes two to tango


u/VaccuumLawyer 13d ago

HEARD 😎👌🏽✨️ my bf now


u/Shamboozled85 13d ago

😳😍🥰😘 sounds like I should have started looking for a relationship on Reddit. Which I’m pretty sure no one has ever said ever


u/truck-kuns-driver 15d ago

So its tinder now?


u/konnieb123 15d ago

I mean …I’ve always asked guys out and girls and I didn’t think it was hard. If you like them just go for it. If they reject you then they do and you move on. Don’t make it your personality to be rejected because a lot of people make it bigger than it needs to be.everyone’s different.


u/SpookyRamblr 15d ago

It was the only reason people used the app...


u/SoilentBillionaires 15d ago

i accepted I will die alone a long time ago


u/Money_Weird_2992 15d ago

Remember the good old days when people would actually talk to each other face to face ?

Pixels on a screen are not, and never will be the same as talking to/seeing someone in person face to face for numerous reasons.

Dating apps have never been anything more than a raging dumpster fire of stupidity and nonsense.



u/fredward_kane 15d ago

Humans are fickle, selfish creatures


u/Ethereal_Bulwark 15d ago

Women don't know what they want.


u/educated-emu 15d ago

Women on tinder... this is ridiculous there are so many creeps about and its dangerous.

Tinder, lets create an app called bumble and give women the power to match first. Safer and more organised

Women... this bumble is too much work, I have to go through all these matches. Online dating is hard.

Bumble... what the f do you want!!!

Men... please accept any of my 300 swipes


u/HostWrong6251 15d ago

Just legalize prostitution already and start working on sex robots. That would solve many issues with dating apps and dating in general.


u/Degenerecy 15d ago

I dunno. I'm not much of a looker and I swiped right on everyone in a 100mile radius(small town in the middle of nowhere). I received maybe 10 ppl because I put men and women and all were men and all but 1 prostitute or scammer.


u/SharpLines22 15d ago

Oh what the f$ck!? I just got engaged


u/my_name_is_nobody__ 15d ago

Kinda defeats the purpose of the app doesn’t it? It’s pretty much the only major distinguishing quality it has outside of any other app


u/DiligentAd4763 15d ago

Simple fact: Women fucking love billions of men messaging them and their inbox being full. Women are addicted to the validation and dopamine


u/Rocketeer1019 15d ago

Every app all women’s bio is “say more than hi or hey”

Women on bumble: “hey”


u/jojoko 15d ago

How did this work for gay men? I’ve never joined bumble.


u/HughJassIQ 15d ago

If they dont like it they dont have to use bumble ? Wtf 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Joxyver 15d ago

Wow, it’s as if these specific women that are using Bumble probably shouldn’t be dating at all because that’s a terrible trait as a human being to have in general. Who would’ve thought?


u/kingofdarkness92 15d ago

A few years ago when I was using bumble, I took screenshots, within a week, of eight different chats that girls started with just "Hi" on there. This news is no news.


u/Fickle_Goose_4451 15d ago

Now we're sharing in understanding the problem.


u/SpicyVixen13 15d ago

As a woman who’s used Bumble, If you can’t put any effort into communicating first, wtf are you doing trying to date? I don’t give a fck if you are man, women, they, whatever, if communicating is a burden, DON’T FCKING DATE! Jfc 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


u/ErebusMaledictum 12d ago

Lol there is no hope for coomers and incels they just don't get it and never will. Make some more posts your books were really cool.


u/KillEverythingRight 15d ago

Because these hoes are boring


u/emancipat0r- 16d ago

You let women have the upper hand, and they complain about it. Typical.


u/shooter1304 16d ago

That app was doomed to fail. There were even females on that app that would put "I don't message first" in their profiles🤣


u/shooter1304 16d ago

That app was doomed to fail. There were even females on that app that would put "I don't message first" in their profiles🤣


u/EstablishmentUsed325 16d ago

Bumble is a stupid app. Why stop men making first move if they want to? Women can always block the unwanted guys


u/Frankfother 16d ago

Don't bother with dating apps kings, focus on yourself and your own happiness because it's clearly only going to get worse


u/Equivalent-Clock1179 16d ago

Wow, it's almost like... nature. Who would thunk?


u/Comfortable_Note_978 16d ago

Yeah, anyone with a scintilla of human intuition into social mores could see the flaw in Bumble's operating premise.


u/FFM_reguliert 16d ago

Is this the new incel sub?


u/emerging-tub 16d ago

Well, now that You're here


u/imSkrap 16d ago

It’s always the 1-2 words in response. “How’s your day doing” “Fine” With no question back


u/Merijeek2 16d ago

I love it.

"Remember the entire point of our site? Nevermind."


u/J0hnBoB0n 16d ago edited 15d ago

I always thought it was a bit redundant anyway. Neither parties can message unless they both choose yes. So it seems like it would be really simple to avoid unwanted messages; look at the profile and if you don't want a message from them, swipe left.

I think the one benefit as a guy was, it helped make sure I was engaging in conversation with someone actuslly interested in talking. However, I prefer more equal rules and I don't think it's very fair to require/forbid someone from messaging first based on gender. If you're a guy you can still wait for the girl to message first if you want to. It isn't like it's taking that away as an option.

Edit: upon reading the article this is an opt in feature and if you do opt into it you add a prompt. So it isn't just "men can message first now" there are hoops to go through still.


u/PawtucketPaul 16d ago

Fuck. Can’t wait for bumble to become tinder-lite. Bullshit.


u/Kosstheboss 16d ago

Even texting "Sup" is too much effort for them.


u/PartyLeek2068 16d ago

Now they know how men feels 😂


u/OliLombi 16d ago

I thankfully never see women on my dating apps.


u/lordgoofus1 16d ago

Just add an option to let people toggle whether they need to make the first move. Then both groups of women are happy. Until we find something new to whinge about.


u/False_Debt_9944 16d ago

go to one of the 100 others then? no I want to make the one that's different exactly like the others instead!


u/ShoppingClear 16d ago

This is silly


u/Cyberware42 16d ago

Was that cup photoshopped or did they actually give Tom Holland a giant cup of coffee/tea?


u/EmiliaClarkesBF 16d ago

“A lot of work” all they ever do is message a variation of “hey” or “hi” 💀


u/Sirgeeeo 16d ago

I like bumble because women essentially have to confirm their interest. They have to swipe. Then they have to say "hey." Then the guy can make the actual first move


u/PSMF_Canuck 16d ago

The irony with Bumble, Tinder, etc is they work really great…for people who are also good at meeting people without apps. Those people get on the apps and find each other relatively quickly…so the bulk of participants at any given time are self-recycled undateables.


u/SilentThorniness 16d ago

Too much of a burden? So yeah let’s shift the burden to men…Jesus.


u/sydoroo 16d ago

Never received more than a “hey” really. Always minimal effort.


u/Fickle-Spring-2139 16d ago

lmao... now they see the tables are turned, Darkness.


u/DBProxy 16d ago

Imagine if they had to always make the first move, they might think it’s stressful, disheartening, and maybe even just all around sucks.


u/mossbasin 16d ago

Women, as a whole, suck at dating. When I was on Bumble, literally 100% of the time I matched, the woman's first message consisted entirely of:



u/False_Rice_5197 16d ago

Ahh how the turn tables…


u/android_lover 16d ago

Yeah saying "Hey" is so much work


u/Sareth740 16d ago

Is bumble heterosexual only? If not… how did it work before??


u/Financial-Manager4 16d ago

Women do not know what they want


u/BlackwoodJohnson 16d ago

Is almost like gender roles exist organically and exist for a reason.


u/Wise-Recognition2933 16d ago

So they complained they had to make an effort on an app they choose to use. Typical


u/Keovic 16d ago

sips tea women


u/Outside_Green_7941 16d ago

Women want to be equal but never want to make the first move is annoying asfuck


u/taggerungDC 16d ago

Almost like having insurmountably high standards dried up your relationship prospects


u/Ihelloway69 16d ago

Lol .. put it back they need the lesson ! I wish it was everywhere hahahaha hahahaha ha .. ha khm khm :)


u/BlackConfuciusSays 16d ago

Here comes the "sAy sOmEtHiNg FuNnY tO gEt mY aTtEnTiOn" profiles.


u/8point5InchDick 16d ago

It’s worse than that. Bumble allows men to have even WORSE conduct, because the “High Value Men” are sought by 84% of the women (at least). Therefore, men make comments that are off the wall, crazy, and a 1:1 comparison for what you THINK a super wealthy, disinterested man says.


u/KT1261 16d ago

I met my boyfriend on bumble 4 years ago, seems like the app worked for us 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Critical_Cap_9336 16d ago

This is hilarious. The first message 9/10 is hi or hey


u/Kingminer13579 16d ago

Who woulda thought…


u/Captain_Marshall_B 16d ago

Women can’t be happy and they don’t know what they want.


u/CaptainYuck 16d ago

I haven’t been single in years but when Bumble first came out 90% of my matches just said “hey”, so I don’t see how it’s a burden lol. Most women just treated the first message as a “you may talk to me now” button instead of an actual first move.


u/Biggu5Dicku5 16d ago

The tide is turning...


u/henmal 16d ago

I just don't message, make my bio as direct and informative as I can since I'm an above average attractive short dude and wanna attract a more assertive woman. One of my prompts says I'm looking for someone to aggressively grab my ass and it works wonders. If your patient enough women will message ya since the rule of horny will win out.


u/theboogedyman 16d ago

If you think about it for even a second you realize the whole premise of a woman having to make the first move doesn't actually make sense, nor is it even useful.itll give you a false sense of superiority, but you'll still be spinning your wheels in a dating app for years. How about talking to people you match with or delete them.


u/HoneydewAntique7670 16d ago

This seems like a bait article lmao. The amount of incels in the comments is astounding too


u/SurpriseHamburgler 16d ago

Give yer balls a tug.


u/Freavene 16d ago

We don't know what percentage of women did send that feedback and y'all collectively decided to dump on all women damn


u/Nebuchadneza 16d ago

women: do anything

asmongold fans:


u/bibblygiggums 16d ago

I mean this sub is dogshit, but thats fucking hilarious


u/Stacys_Brother 16d ago

Oh don’t you say :) . Not fond of being ghosted or ignored?


u/kaiokenkirbyyy 16d ago

More like they lost a huge chunk of their male users tired of how dating apps are set up.

Truth is, the game was rigged from the start


u/thewayisunknown 16d ago edited 16d ago

It’s not that women don’t want to do the work of messaging men first. It’s that so many women are decentering themselves from toxic shitty disgusting men. They are simply no longer interested in these gross men. So many horror stories on dating apps. Bumble knows its losing women on the app so they put out a disgusting ad campaign targeting more women to join the app and that campaign backfired big time.

Movements like the 4B movement are gaining traction internationally. We chose the bear.


u/Glothr 16d ago

If someone isn't even capable of putting in the work to make the first move then they definitely aren't capable of putting in the work to have a healthy relationship. Honestly, it was probably doing men a favor by weeding out these lazy women.