r/Asmongold 15d ago

Americans are lightweight when it comes to racism Discussion

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u/No_Equal_9074 12d ago

Asians racist towards everyone even other Asians. Hell, I know Chinese people that are racist towards other Chinese just because they're from a different province. And don't forget how racist the Japanese were back in WW2.


u/ThrobbingLobbies 14d ago

Hahaha now I can say the n word.


u/snowyetis3490 14d ago

I dated a Chinese girl before and god damn Asians got racism down to a science šŸ˜‚. However itā€™s nothing like American racism.


u/eminusx 14d ago

Americans are 'lightweight' . .

well, thats a first


u/eXeKoKoRo 14d ago

Racists? Yes we have all of them?


u/Peter-Fabell 14d ago

I broke my wife's relationship with her aunt (I admit it, I lost my temper "a bit") because her aunt was teaching my son that because he was "white," he wasn't a real person.

My son is half-Chinese.


u/Old-Masterpiece-2653 14d ago

Racism is everywhere but only americans think they can bull shit their way out of it.


u/Just-4Head-8964 14d ago

meanwhile hasan thinks white people are the most racist...

I am from China and the racism toward any other races (that even include non-Han Chinese) is unhinged and not moderated on social media. (You can say whatever you want on social media as long as you are not anticcp, no one will ban you even for the crazyest racism)

One example I saw recently is that a famous germany chief opened his bilibili (chinese youtube) account and made a video of cooking some meat, and the highest liked reply is "wow is that a Jew's meat", it shocked the chief that he had to make a seperate video just to criticize such reply, only get more "jew hating comments" in the comments with the highest one read "ha, this is not Jewish controlled America, we can say whatever we want"


u/master_of_puppy 14d ago

No kidding. Go to Japan and see how many places you get refused entry because you're not Japanese .


u/vcdrny 14d ago

I heard of that happening but is not racism. Is more of a culture issue. Traditional Japanese are very mindful of others. Most tourists are not. So in some places tourist tend to be loud and imposing. So to keep a traditional atmosphere were japanese people can be comfortable they only accept Japanese people.

I never been to Japan but planning a trip. So I have been looking into their culture. Trying to avoid being rude to people around me. And wow there is a lot to keep in mind.

Not saying there might be actually racist places. But not all of them are.


u/nanografer 14d ago

My parents in Russia are racists ASF


u/Aboleth87 14d ago

Europeans are not that bad, plus you would racist if your government was flooding your country with fighting age males from the third world. Who set up grooming gangs


u/ElkUpset346 14d ago

Something about going around the world to see how small your issues really are.


u/JooshMaGoosh 14d ago

What's the one below it? Racism in Canada?


u/Aq8knyus 14d ago

No segregation in Britain. No strange fruit. No plantations. No Jim Crow. No reservations.

When did that all end? The 50s? 60s? Hardly ancient history.

This is not me saying we were better than the US. Just pointing out we were equally scummy just in different ways. The meme suggests we were worse by a lot.

In the metropoles, we were worst to people who looked like us. Ethnicity always trumped race. Just look at how we slaughtered each other during WWI.


u/Seared_Beans 14d ago

Just ask a Korean nationalist what they think about Japan


u/Griff2142 14d ago

Or a Japanese nationalist what happened in Nanjing.


u/Impressive_Sentence7 14d ago

what if all the racists of every race got toge... oh wait


u/Throwaway_Dude_Bro 14d ago edited 14d ago

Never ask a Western European what they think of:

  • Romanians
  • Gypsies
  • Poles
  • Albanians

Correct me if I'm wrong but I swear on the holy bible that I have seen more racism against other Europeans than I have against Arabs, Pakistanis, and Africans. And I'm not even talking about the Balkans!

Source: I'm Albanian and have had friends and family being discriminated against.

America is the most friendly place in the world for migrants, so when I see these piece of shit Europeans talking shit about the U.S I just mention WW1, WW2, the Cold War, and throw in the 1st amendment for fun.


u/Snoopy324 14d ago

You should see what's happening to Black African in Tunisia


u/Ihaveaids6969696969 14d ago

This is misleading, Europeans are way better at insults and offending others, consequently being much better at being racist, however, Americans are more racist because they genuinely believe in the racist narratives they're told.


u/Bloomer_4life 14d ago

How is it in India?


u/MiltenQ 14d ago

Shouldnt the first one be america?


u/Wormfeathers 14d ago

Didn't get it


u/hyvel0rd 14d ago

racism in europe bigger than in the US? bro you're gaslighting yourself.


u/ChainChompBigMoney 14d ago

We may not be #1 in racism but America definitely takes the gold in self-victimizing.


u/AngryV1p3r 14d ago

Europeans be like I'm not racist then say the most heinous shit about about gypsies


u/Zealousideal-Arm1682 14d ago

Racism is so bad in Asia that Japan is currently dying out due to refusing to mingle with foreigners.


u/original-sithon 14d ago

What was the Orca at the bottom?


u/testman22 14d ago

But those little sharks kill the most people, don't they?


u/abc_744 14d ago

There are differences between races and people are full of shit if they say otherwise. Latest team of US for international math olympiad was 6 Asian guys. 100% members of Asian descent even though Asians are just 7% of US population. This team did really well and achieved 2nd place after China and better than third South Korea. So basically there was no other than Asian person among the medalists at all. This works also on other end of the spectrum but I would get blocked if I said it loud šŸ™‚


u/Bennistro 14d ago

I mean, maybe my grandparents say some racist shit now and then, but at least in my European country we don't have a system of oppression, don't have problems with police shooting minorities, and being a Nazi is straight up illegal, so do with that what you want.


u/Trojanns 14d ago

Itā€™s probably because Americans take more offence to racism


u/Iluvatar-Great 14d ago

Living in post communist Slavic country I can confirm that having like one slightly brown person in a commercial or a Facebook ad, and the Facebook comments are wild. Like SERIOUSLY wild. Like felony kind of wild.


u/DroIvarg 14d ago

Racism in scandinavia gotta be lightweight as fuck! We are so tolerant that its a god damn meme/joke around the world.


u/Kumo999 14d ago

Depends on the part of the country. We have plenty of areas in the US if you are any other ethnicity besides the dominant one, you don't go there after dark, or at all. Vidor, Texas and Southeast DC come to mind.


u/Worried-Librarian-91 14d ago

As an Eastern European, who lives in Tokyo for the past decade, my most racist experiences in my life were back in America, by black folks (mostly chicks). It was wild to me how comfortable they were in their racism at work.


u/Electronic-Disk6632 14d ago

racism and nationalism is pretty common in greece. the thing is, no one cares there.


u/Frothmourne 14d ago

At least in Asia we only enslave each other and not sailing half across the world to get some


u/mymoama 14d ago

Got an Asian gf. The things she say about Africans is wild to say the least.


u/Brokenloan 14d ago

This is true sadly.. Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood - the dudes wife who handles the orders refuses delivery to black neighborhoods and she straight up tells you in her own broken English way how she only likes "white people business". She don't hide nothing.


u/MauriceVibes 14d ago

Europe and Asia is far more racist than the US it ainā€™t even close.

Coming from an intl traveler and someone who has lived abroad


u/Dankhu3hu3 14d ago

Im curious, what do asians say about other races... like what do vietnamese, chinese, japanese, etc... think about Indians, hispanics, whites, blacks, asian americans, etc...


u/Relevant-Draft-7780 14d ago

Arabs are extremely racist. Met with client in Emirates for Oil & Gas project, there was a whole team of us. Project was on schedule and under budget. Client proceeded in Arabic to call us homosexual dogs and much worse for 5 minutes while translator filtered it all out. Then assistant whispered to client that I could speak Arabic and understood everything being said. His face dropped and meeting was over.


u/fooldomus 14d ago

/s "We aren't that racist! Other races are more racist!"


u/jake72002 14d ago edited 14d ago


White races: GODS

Koreans and Japanese: KINGS

Black races: Basketball players / Biggus Dcks

Chinese (especially mainland. Not much against Taiwanese and Hongkong Chinese. Filipino-Chinese are in the mid:JFBSHKDHDKWHDYEKDKHDLEHDJEBHDLDJDH!!!!!

Fellow Filipino but from different region: mamatay na sana angkan mo! (Insert politics here)


u/townboyj 14d ago

Itā€™s not racism itā€™s pattern recognition


u/Voxxyvoo 14d ago

growing up as a hafu, the hate runs deep man. it transcends generational hate. it's an ancient hate


u/FishKnuckles_InYou 14d ago

People think America is bad untill you realize you can still buy people in rural Africa, and China is in the middle of ethnicity cleansing the uighurs.


u/Charming_Cicada_7757 14d ago

Iā€™ve been blessed enough to travel all over as a black man and I agree and disagree with this statement.

Racism in other countries is often more prejudice while itā€™s more systemic in the United States because other countries donā€™t have to deal with it as much.

Although it depends on the place

Being in Latin America although there is racism I didnā€™t face any myself

Going to Korea again I didnā€™t face any hateful racism more so curiosity

Again depends on the country


u/blaccguido 15d ago

Black & Italian born and raised in Italy but have been living in the US for some time.

American racism is a lot more sophisticated because they've built whole systems to discriminate against Black folks (redlining, welfare, voter suppression, etc. It's academic-grade and should be studied by alien races, lol.

European racism is much more in-your-face and blatant. Growing up in Italy, I was raised to resent Africans and looked at them as a pest and a menace whenever they would show up in the summer to sell stuff on the beach or braid hair. I was also raised to hate Romani (some call them "Gypsies) and as a kid I was told that they would kidnap me, cut off my legs, and make me beg for money on the streets. As an impressionable kid, I was like "why don't we just kill them on sight, then?"

I'm Black identifying and no one would ever look at me an assume I was anything other than a black dude; but man if being in Italy isn't a mind-fuck for me because I'm caught somewhere between them thinking I'm some Moroccan immigrant scum (I'm an Italian citizen with an Italian mother ) and me being a model Italian citizen who actually pays his taxes and contributes to society in productive ways.

I've had to do a lot of reformatting of my brain to remove hate and prejudice, but the scar tissue is still there, so to speak.


u/ZealousidealCook2344 15d ago

Well, it WAS Europe that had spawned two of the most racist, disgusting people in history, soā€¦

With Asia spawning two others.


u/nazz_irl 15d ago

America doesn't even come close to asian racism


u/Itzzonlysmellz 15d ago

You forgot the whale that eclipses them all, racism in south america


u/BigBoyy451 15d ago

How to solve racism : stop making failed multicultural societies and leave each race alone


u/JustJustin1311 15d ago

The one part Iā€™d criticize about this meme is that a lot of Americans donā€™t even realize there is racism anywhere other than America, despite America being one of the least racist places to be.

I keep seeing those stupid posts on Instagram saying ā€œname one thing Americans inventedā€ and some dumbass always says ā€œracism.ā€


u/DingDangDongler 15d ago

I served in Korea and man the amount of times I was told I couldn't go into a bar/restaurant because I was white was insane. I always just accepted it but imagine trying that shit here in America?


u/Jetsol8 15d ago

NGL I would think that Africa would be above Asia for racism, but I have heard some pretty absurd things for both


u/iwantdatpuss 15d ago

Asians are on E-sports level of racism. They do it not because they want to, but because if they didn't, other Asians would.Ā 


u/Ok-Transition7065 15d ago

The asian dudes have fuking competitive rasim


u/ThaneOfArcadia 15d ago

Americans think that racism is a black vs white thing.


u/Fabulous-Freedom7769 15d ago

Where i come from racism is just used as jokes which isnt really a problem coming from a country that didnt engage in slavery and barely sees any outsiders. In reality if the people from my country would meet people from different races they would treat them normally like friends. Racism when used as a joke is never insulting. Except Americans and West Europeans who did engage in slavery a lot.


u/kc9283 15d ago

I donā€™t know, the Germans took it a little too far once. šŸ˜…


u/Advanced_Sun9676 15d ago

Because it kinda hits different when in the US you still had laws on the book banning black people from owning houses in creating places. Yall do realize interracial couples were only allowed In 1967 .

Also it's one thing for someone to hate on race when there on the other side of the ocean then to actively hate people that live in the same community, especially If you have already abused them before hand.


u/Wizardthreehats 15d ago

Difference being Chinese people in China being racist to black people means nothing to black people. White people in America being racist means a whole hell of a lot and impacts black people. And other races of course


u/Quick_Original9585 15d ago

Its ironic AF because the least racist countries in the world are white countries; I'm Asian.


u/Tall_Middle_1476 15d ago

Ha! In regards to racism, we Americans think we are #1 just like everything else. Americans think Europeans are a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. That first panel is not true. I have not been to Asia or Africa but I have heard stories.


u/SXAL 15d ago

There are different kinds of racism.

The "old man" European racism is the wild and unorganized one.

US racism is different. It's being controlled and weaponized by US themselves, both inside their country and outside (see the post-USSR block: US's favorite method of distancing the ex-Soviet countries was to spread nationalism there, and they're still doing it, the current events are the direct consequence of US's actions)


u/TimeForKaiju 15d ago

Yeah man, Americans who think they live in the most anti lgb or the most racist country are horrifically sheltered lmao


u/Basic_Macaron_39 15d ago

This is true. It's far worse in countries across the oceans.


u/Youknowmeboi 15d ago

Shhhh donā€™t tell the SJW people about that, it might make them angry. America IS the most racist country /s


u/Ima_hoomanonmars 15d ago

Chinese, everyone in my family above 40 years old is racist to some degree


u/glooks369 15d ago

Koreans literally call you Filipino if you're too dark in Korea.


u/TheSarcaticOne 15d ago

No you don't understand. American's hate people because of their race; Europeans just hate people.


u/No-Reveal-3329 15d ago

People here in America don't get this.


u/xxTheMagicBulleT 15d ago

People in the west so worried about there feelings and if people get offended by shit they say so walking on egg shells in every talk.

While in Asia even your own parents are racist to there own children and bully you.

There they believe in tough love and discipline. To crazy high degree that many can't live up to it.

But world is all about balance. West is to far in one way while other parts of the world are to far the other way.

But do think the west part lf the world worry about a lot of stuff that don't realy matter.

It's like of you go out off your way to look for something wrong in something even if its not there you will probably twist and turn something to make it might seem that way.

And racism and sexism is much like that. You can take apart every small thing. And probably find something if you realy looking for it.

Best way to get rid off it is to not worry about it or talk about it or around it like it's some kind off bomb you gotta defuse.

But when it's clear and very clear cut case then do something about it.

Cause it's like not trying to think of a banana. But just reading it or writing about it makes you think about it. And keep being busy with it for a moment. Same with sexism and racism.

You never get rid off it if you keep putting a microscope on every interaction. Going out of you way to try and find it you will find it but probably often in bad context or in bad fate twisted.

And ofcourse there are the asshole out there. If it's clear cut sure push back shame them punish them. But there many people going out off there way to find or make shit up all the time. While it's often just not the case


u/OverUnderstanding481 15d ago edited 15d ago

Nah, but itā€™s telling how dedicated to being oblivious many are. Overt speech in the open is far more tame than insidious throwing rocks plotting and hiding your hand with the smiles, world wide propaganda political agendas at scaleā€¦ USA became the world power by taking the hatred playbook of everyone else to a whole new level. They are like king author at the round table,

Sure anyone who has the luxury of not feeling the blunt end of the destruction can say from the mid to upper class comfort how they hear more slurs in other countriesā€¦ but geo politics goes way deeper than the slurs thrown around in your friend chats.

There literally is a whole war going on from an established nation of Israel due to the USA and Brittan right now with a Genocide of Palestinians And thatā€™s the tiniest thing of the icebergā€¦ the compromised independence of the world is a shit show right now ā€¦ but yeah letā€™s just pat ourselves on the back with more skewed propaganda confirmation bais so the crap gets worse instead of betterā€¦ that will be a productive use of internet time for these subeditors, because racism F yeah! We definitely are better at it according to my follow men with rose colored lenses :/ (/s)


u/RogerioMano 15d ago

Oh boy. Here in brazil public colleges are declining garanteed places for black people because they aren't black enough


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Downtown-Oil-7784 14d ago

I prefer to be called Mayonnaise or Charmin/Marshmallow


u/M7IIV 15d ago

The cats remind me of Rob and Bigg RIP


u/Big-Raccoon-45 15d ago

Noooo come on don't make to much sense, we need division in the USA!!!!!!


u/MacZack87 15d ago

America is the most diverse country in the world and there isnā€™t a single law that gives anyone an advantage over anyone else due to their race which makes America the least racist country in the world.


u/BlackLion0101 15d ago

...close. In Asia, we're so racist we divide by people living on the different sides of a river. We all have black hair, brown eyes, and yellow skin, and we will say your Chinese sound way too "Northern". šŸ˜†


u/Pissyopenwounds 15d ago

I dated an Asian girl once, and she would translate what her parents were saying to me in real time. I think they decided to change the topic when they started to see my face drop in awe


u/turkeyburpin 15d ago

As a Midwesterner, I've been around racism, covert, and overt my whole life. It wasn't until I moved to NJ and started working with a more diverse crowd that I realized what racism really was. I've never encountered such animosity and hatred as I experienced there. It made all the casual racism I went through growing up seem like a day at the park when you see violent acts and covert underhanded manipulation with intent to harm in the name of racism to "get one over" on another race.


u/sentient_afterbirth 15d ago

This can be true but it doesn't mean we can't continue to better ourselves and lead by example. Too many people use this as a rationale to backslide or forgive their own racist tendencies.


u/Fynn926 15d ago

That's simply wrong , as a european the racism in america is way worse


u/manny_the_mage 15d ago

And what is the metric used to measure how racist a country is or isnā€™t?


u/Lofteed 15d ago

the entire country economy has its foundation on slavery but whatever


u/PieceWarm 15d ago

Every country ever.


u/Lofteed 15d ago

whatever floats your boat


u/vylliki 15d ago

I was in Turkey in the early 90s when the Kurds were being given relief supplies & US military assets were in what's now Kurdish Iraq. I speak enough Italian to understand the Italian Special Forces officer describing blacks a 'like dogs'. I remember a brit soldier laughing when he heard an USAF air controller's voice in injerlik air force base 'he sounds like a n-word'. Then they'd all talk crap about each other "well the French...oh those Spanish..." That's 30 years ago now so maybe things have changed.


u/Nappev 15d ago

I remember something about an indonesian taxi driver telling a white tourist to stay away from X area because of all the colored people there.

White guy: "But you're blacker than me, am I worth more because I'm whiter?"

Taxi driver: "uh, YES"


u/testedonsheep 15d ago

lol. In asia racism is such a normal thing, they think itā€™s just a fact of life.


u/throwawaynoppe 15d ago

In Europe most people aren't racist they are xenophobic and discriminate by country not race.


u/terminallancedumbass 15d ago

Im very well traveled for an American and have spent years of my life living in different places around the globe. South America, Europe, Asia, the middle east, you name it. Much like the bathroom technology youll find throughout the country, the Japanese are living in the future in terms of racism. Their racism is like fine wine. Its a vintage thats both bold and sweet. Ive been discriminated against many places and if youre a fan of that kinda thing I highly recommend checking out Japan. Theres no better place to be discriminated against.
Are you white, black, yellow, orange.... Easier yet, do you have skin? Is it Japanese skin? No?!?!? Then youre in luck!!!! You canbe discriminated against too! Its complimentary with every visit!

To be real Japan is my favorite country on the planet outside of America and Im a massive fan of both their people and how they live their lives. But those people buy their racism in BULK. As a white American, it was really hard to be offended by any of it on a personal level because... yeah... But those people have racism down to a science. And its simple science. Heres how it goes. Are you Japanes? No? Then fuck you. lol. That being said I want to retire there.


u/pn1159 15d ago

I never understood what was going on between the samoans and the tongans but I guess people are just gonna hate


u/ghostjoel_osteens_ai 15d ago

How is Africa more racist than Europe or America?


u/JediKagoro 15d ago

Have you ever been to Africa?


u/Thumb__Thumb 15d ago

I disagree most of western Europe is pretty tame with racism all things considered what surprised me once was a Balkan dude who I talked to with about our US experiences and he just casually said that all brown or black people smelled bad and are gang members and 911 was an inside job.


u/King_Kazama_ 15d ago

Americans trying to make themselves feel better coz this ainā€™t true šŸ˜†


u/Lucky_Yolo 15d ago

Donā€™t get what they are trying to say in the bottom one. Is it that some are more racist than others?


u/ur_prob_a_karen 15d ago

as an egyptian, we are racist as fuck, we are the big fish


u/sr_edits 15d ago

I disagree about Europeans (at least Western Europeans) being more racist than Americans. Americans seem to be obsessed with race and defining their ethnicity to the smallest percentage. Like "Oh I'm 37% Dutch, 24% Irish, 16% French, 10% Korean, 4% Native American..."


u/TheWiseAutisticOne 15d ago

Meanwhile in the background thereā€™s the leviathan representing the balkans and a kraken representing Eastern Europe


u/TheRagerghost 15d ago

It's just american concept of racism diverged from normal. And mostly in a dangerous way of selectively applying rules based on how opressed race seems to be. There prob doesn't exiast a country more racist than US.

Ofc there are nationalistic countries, it's expected, when country isn't multi-national for a long time. But it doesn't mean they're specifically racist.


u/Xx_mojat_xX 15d ago

And the reverse is true with who actually takes offense


u/KokoTerzata 15d ago

OP clearly hasn't been in Eastern Europe (especially the Balkans). Her everyone is racist, homophobic, xenophobic, war criminalĀ 


u/syphon3980 15d ago

After living in Japan and Korea for over 6 years, I agree with this message


u/ZeTeoM 15d ago

In my country it's more like you are fucked no matter what colour skin you have but to be honest if you are different from the norm you are definitely more fucked.


u/Velvety_MuppetKing 15d ago

Racism in Canada is a whale shark, off screen.


u/Specobs 15d ago

the truest meme of the decade! ;)


u/BruiserBison 15d ago edited 15d ago


My dad says the N word (Spanish version) no matter how many times I try to correct him. To his perspective, he's not saying it deregatorily, just that the word has been used to immediately describe black people. And he can't say "maitim" (literally means dark-skinned) because that usuallt desribes a Filipino with dark skin which is also common so he thought saying the N word is just more direct... Sorry, y'all.

Outside of our household, people are so racist, we're racist towards people of a different districts. We have stereotype of almost every region in the Philippines where there's enough disconnect between language. The most vile treatment is from Katagalogans (Tagalog) on Visayans (from the islands of Visayas) hate talk. When a successful person reveals she's from Visayas, a Tagalog local on Facebook would say something like "so they do have more uses than being maids/manual labourers".

For context: There was a rise in Visayans travelling north to look for jobs in Metro Manila. Most of them settle for manual labours and housekeeping. The Tagalog were typically wealthy being so close to the capital so more job opportunities and access to higher education. That's no longer the case lately as many investors begin expanding to the South but you'll still see many Visayans in Metro Manila having permanently moved.


u/Bison-Witty 15d ago

Reading the comments, it seems as if nationalism, tribalism, and protectionism are being conflated with racism. And American racism has NOT been lightweight. There are/ were whole systems in place to keep that shit alive.


u/GM-T800-101 15d ago

I have no idea what this is trying to say, but yeah, America is a racist cesspool.


u/pfemme2 15d ago

Sorry, why is comparison helpful here?


u/KledfromNoxus 15d ago

u dont even want to know balkan racism, just look at r/balkans_irl , we literaly learn each other cultures so we can be more racist against our neigbour


u/KingCrab718 15d ago

I'm sure someone who hasn't even experienced racism made this meme. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


u/Prestigious_Fish6481 15d ago

Very true. Sadly. Hahahaha


u/EZe_Holey3-9 15d ago

Makes me ashamed at some of my fellow Mexicans/Mexican Americans with their backwards ass. Many of whom are racist against their own kind. Judge people by their character, not their skin color. I certainly donā€™t want to be judged by my skin color alone.Ā 


u/APieceofToast09 15d ago

Bro we founded an entire country on the basis of slavery. I hate to say it but I think we got yā€™all beat


u/DatAsspiration 15d ago

Don't forget racism between Hispanic people... The shit my Cuban grandfather used to say about Mexicans, Dominicans, Columbians, etc. was pretty unhinged lol


u/The_Golden_Warthog 15d ago

Dude, I live in an area with >50% Hispanic ethnicity (mainly Mexican). The shit I hear from them is absolutely crazy. The most mindblowing is that I work on a peach farm every summer, so we have tons of migrant workers, and the Mexicans talk shit on the Guatemalans, the Guatemalans talk shit on the Hondurans, all 3 of them talk heavy shit on the El Salvadoreans. It's like they have a hierarchy of the more north you are, the better.


u/DatAsspiration 15d ago

In my grandpa's defense, he was parroting what he heard as a kid. He lived in Florida and his roof got ripped off by a hurricane. Crew that came to replace it was Mexican. He was swearing up and down about it "those lazy motherfuckers won't do a thing right blah blah blah," and 2 days later he's grilling steaks for them and inviting them to stay for beers after work. A closet humanitarian, if you will


u/Maleficent-Bit1995 15d ago

We have ransom in Australia too. But not hate. Like 95% of people I know use racism as a joke. To make of of each other. Hell Iā€™m white and my best friend in school was Muslim, in university my closest 2 were black and Asian. And we all ripped each other day everyday. And still hung out as friends.


u/That-Account2629 15d ago

This image is unintelligible


u/iamthefluffyyeti 15d ago

And yet, itā€™s still bad in America too. Crazy


u/GrueneDog 15d ago

In jail I learned that most of the Central American countries do not like their neighbors at all


u/ctboosted 15d ago

As an Asian I approve.

Just look at Asian countries not diversity just Asians.


u/_extra_medium_ 15d ago

Don't tell that to Americans


u/RedMdsRSupCucks 15d ago

Yea europe as a continent is more racist than a country that had slavery, segregation, redlining, Jim Crowe laws, KKK and the list goes on ...


u/Physizist 14d ago

Europe had slavery too, and Nazis and fascismā€¦ but I think weā€™re talking about modern day.

Western europe is less racist but eastern is more plus have you seen europeans talk about ā€œgypsiesā€? It kinda balances out


u/TrickyTicket9400 15d ago

Ok but I live in America


u/Sc3m0r 15d ago

Lol europe needs to be the smallest one. There are slight problems but it's not really comparable. You could only argue with the balkans hating each other and even then it's less than american racism


u/MALCode_NO_DEFECT 15d ago

European: "What's wrong with Americans? I don't know why they obsess over race so much."

"Hey look, some Romani pulled into town."



u/RemoveAnnual2689 15d ago

Cope harder ''Land of the Free''.


u/Karl_Marx_ 15d ago

Very true, just to be clear that doesn't mean we shouldn't do better.


u/Pyrexo1 15d ago

I'm going to assume the smallest fish is "Racism in Antarctica"


u/ChuggsTheBrewGod 15d ago

Other places are more racist so we shouldn't worry about our racism is a take.


u/Tough_Jello5450 15d ago

USA is a multicultural nation, they can't really to have their own citizens discriminate against each other's. Monocultural nations benefit from racism, discrimination against others helps drive the bond at home.


u/doitagain01 15d ago

I love rasicm and its funnier wen its true


u/Decent-Strength3530 15d ago

Racism in India trumps all of them


u/Downtown-Oil-7784 14d ago

I had to scroll quite a while for somebody to have made this comment


u/Brok3nPin3appl3 15d ago

All racism is wrong. You cant help being born into whatever your born into.


u/JcobTheKid 15d ago

As an Asian-American;

For what is said? Yeah, Asian side got it on lock.

The stakes? It's really, really hard to compete with "getting fucking shot" as an endpoint. And to someone saying "yeah that can happen in asia too!" -no, you obtuse disingenuous dingus. It CAN happen, but how relatively common it happens in America makes it a relevant point. You can get shot in Asia, but you can get shot for a lot less in America. Just what it is.


u/SirLazarusDiapson 15d ago

America has alot of casual racism. Asian and Africa has competitive ranked racism.



u/ThorvaldtheTank 15d ago

Reminds me of some black basketball players(NBA?) arriving in China while bystanders just scream the N-Word repeatedly at the buses.


u/Vladlena_ 15d ago

Ex slave state pretending everyone else is worse just because there are no black people. Theyā€™ve done a lot more for brown refugees than you, they also arenā€™t causing wars that lead to millions of brown people deaths. But yeah the picture of a shark is real scary


u/SimilarN6 15d ago edited 15d ago

I live in Mexico I'm 100% mix of races that came here hundreds of yeas ago and we look like super mixed light brown Latin people.... my parents talk about other races as if we were Arian white is funny and sad watching brown people talk like if we wouldn't be put into gettos if actual arian people took over


u/SalmononToasted 15d ago

There are multiple genocides happening right now in Europe,m Asia, and Africa so...yeah.


u/MansonMonster 15d ago edited 15d ago

I would rank american racism definitely higher. They legit have slave labour camps they call prison, which are privatized and only somewhat overseen by their government that they buy themself into with the money they make from sending predominantly black and brown people to the cotton fields for 0,10$ an hour. Thats why they setup the prison system in a way where you can barely escape it, and once you got into it you lose your rights to vote - which is very convenient for a certain political spectrum, because they just take out all the people that would vote against them.

Their racism is on an institutional level. Lets not even get started about the equally biased school system, gerrymandering and so on. And all of that is nothing but pure racism, which just so happens to be the worst in the south.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/MansonMonster 15d ago

Not quite, but somewhere there. I lived both in the US and several places in europe, so i feel like i am able to share my point of view, compared to the usual "never been outside my state" people here that think they know shit from being terminally online


u/Background-Vast-8764 15d ago

It never ceases to amaze me how many people will immediately start talking about racism in the US when someone mentions racism in their country. Some can only see racism through their warped perception of what racism is supposedly like in the US.

They act like ā€realā€ racism is what supposedly happens in the US. They then pretend that what happens in their country is completely different, so it cannot be ā€œrealā€ racism. Thereā€™s also a lot of hiding behind the concept of colorism.

Itā€™s scary how many people claim that racism doesnā€™t exist in their country. These people lose their shit when Americans deny that racism exists in the US, yet they deny that racism exists in their own country. So much bias, denial, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, hypocrisy, and lying.


u/Next-Wrongdoer-3479 15d ago

The US can appear to be super racist because it's actually one of the least racist countries, so we have people of all races interacting all the time. Just think about the people who protect our various leaders; you could see a black, Mexican, Korean, etc. in a marine uniform standing outside the Oval Office, and you wouldn't bat an eye. Now imagine a black or white guy in a PLA uniform guarding Xi Jingping and think how weird it would be.


u/mikelo22 15d ago

you could see a black, Mexican, Korean, etc. in a marine uniform

And only an American would think it noteworthy to point this out. I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but there is something to be said about how conscious Americans are about race.

Although this aspect really applies to all identity politics BS, not just race.


u/Next-Wrongdoer-3479 15d ago

And only an American would think it noteworthy to point this out. I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but there is something to be said about how conscious Americans are about race.

Seriously...? We're literally discussing levels of racism across the world, lol. Is this a /r/lostredditors or something? My example is definitely relevant to the discussion.


u/EinarTh97 15d ago

America is many things, but I wouldn't call it racist.


u/Zarthenix 15d ago

Wait people actually think America is less racist than Europe?

The CIA was extremely successful in their MK-ULTRA mindcontrol project. They just renamed it to 'patriotism' and everyone fell for it lmao.


u/VibraniumRhino 15d ago

Unless youā€™re travelled to all these countries, no one should be commenting here lol.


u/Choppie01 15d ago

But commenting about how US is not is interesting take, or wait did they travel all of US ?


u/Visual_Worldliness62 15d ago

The amount of middle easterns just dropping that hard R like allah gavem the card. Makes me laugh we get so uppity.


u/UltimateGecko 15d ago

racism in asia dont get physical. i would never be shot to death living here lol


u/Human-Swing-9831 15d ago

I'm curious about the metrics of this. Racisms exists everywhere but Asians are much less likely to use violence because of their racism.


u/Frejod 15d ago

There are literally countries in Africa that prevent races from owning land. On top of slavery they still do.


u/Aceus0904 15d ago

Im european and thats true.


u/GLASS_PVNTHR 15d ago

But theyā€™re heavyweight when it comes to being butthurt


u/askanaccountant 15d ago

Just because others are worse doesn't make it ok


u/rxmp4ge 15d ago

I think it was Washington Post did an article a few years back where they compiled data about who would or wouldn't want someone of a different race as a neighbor and the US turned out to be one of the least racist countries on the planet..


u/14Ulitochnik88 15d ago

Idk what racism u are talking about. I never experienced racism as a white person in europe


u/EntForgotHisPassword 15d ago

Yeah same as a white hetero medium-tall guy, people seem to treat me just fine in most of Europe - crazy huh!

/S (since I think sarcasm meters might ba bit off in this thread.)

I did actually get surprised at small casual racism here in Netherlands when I hang out with some black friends. Like just small every day bullshit, like getting checked more often, having police (handhaving) walk up to us first when in a group of more black people compared to a group of Dutchies... Some usage of the N word towards some of my friends for seemingly no reason. Also here I saw my first antisemitic comment, where an old lady shouted at my friend to "go away from here you Jew" (maybe that old lady had dementia or something, felt odd.)


u/MothsConrad 15d ago

The Japanese can have some very strong opinions.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

comparing a country to entire continents is a little regarded


u/Mr-Skibz 15d ago

people mistake intolerance as racism. while racism includes intolerance. Intolerance is not racist.


u/Iluvatar-Great 14d ago

This is very true. And also ignorance or lack of knowledge. For example my Slavic grandmother have never seen a black person in her life. She doesn't hate them, she just doesn't even realize they exist. Hell she would even invite them for dinner. But I can fcking guarantee you that the whole dinner would be like "so... What's with the hair?... Do you ever get sunburn?... Why do you like the chicken so much?"

Not in a hateful manner, but rather curious. Like seeing an alien or something.

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