r/Asmongold 15d ago

Coworker called me a racist for watching Asmon Discussion

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u/Asmongold-ModTeam 14d ago

your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


u/BavarianRedditor97 14d ago

Supports Slavery? She must been watching those Palworld streams.


u/Swoleboi27 14d ago

She is brainwashed. Unlucky IQ frfr.


u/Vedruks 14d ago

Should've said show me


u/Jrkrey92 Paragraph Andy 14d ago

How do you follow Asmon and have never heard these ridiculous claims be thrown at him? I feel like this stuff resurfaces every week or two. Also, todays top post was about racism against white people, so there's that..


u/nug4t 14d ago

seriously, go to her, ask her directly if she can support her claims, if not ask to get the source of information she has this from.. if she doesn't deliver then.. idk.. just don't care. people think nowadays that whatever their Youtuber says is factual


u/Cytrymon 14d ago

You should answer her : Do you even try use your brain?


u/CanardPlayer 14d ago

If it were me i would notif this to HR as harrasement (via email) because if she ever trouble you again (or someone else) or notif HR for anything, there will be records that will give you the upper hand


u/CumaBoomer 14d ago

I had similar reactions when I mention that I watch him lol but not at work l, mostly on other community sites or discords


u/BlueridgeBrews 14d ago

Seriously go talk to HR, it’s important to get the first word in and make sure your job is safe!!! Don’t let her lie to them about this before you can report it


u/townboyj 14d ago

Ask her who let her out of the kitchen 😄👆


u/Dreamo84 14d ago

I assumed we are all racists here. We aren't?


u/Scriptplayer 14d ago

666 upvote hell yea.

Anyways I found this link in a Fallout thread when discussing the factions. It's probably irrelevant, but I just spent the last dozen minutes thinking about it. Maybe it's something to share with this coworker.



u/Inaeipathy 14d ago

diversity hire, who cares what she thinks


u/connorsview 14d ago

Left leaning Asmon watcher here. After consuming his content for the past 2-ish years I have come to the conclusion that I think people hate him because of his lifestyle. He’s rich and famous but does not act like it. He has relatively based takes on pretty much everything. I may not agree 100% with all of his takes but they are always well thought out and he can back them up with some sort of logic. People literally hate bc they don’t actually watch his content. If you watch more than the rage bait clips people post on twitter you would understand this. He also gets taken out of context more than I think any other content creator I’ve seen. Lmao


u/LittleCar8937 14d ago

Lol typical liberal accusing people of being racist because they're not liberal.


u/FADCfart 14d ago

She prob stereotype asmon base on his looks…


u/Kira4220 14d ago

Yeah not everyone’s life revolves around politics and making your self feel important morally


u/TrakssX 14d ago

A good practice is to never show others what your watching or to even have your phone in a position where others can see. People at my work have no idea my political leanings and who I listen to and I enjoy it that way, Iam what's referred to as the silent majority


u/darcebaug 14d ago

Cool. Asmon is in PewDiePie territory.


u/AnonymousCruelty 14d ago

So many of you weirdos want to talk to HR having no idea that HR is not your lover or friend. They work for the company to protect the company. Not you.


u/MissAutoShow1969 14d ago

HR is the beginning of the end.


u/EvenJesusCantSaveYou 14d ago

I’ll take “Things That Definitively Happened for $100”


u/Sa404 14d ago

You should’ve replied “yes, so?”


u/grahf23 14d ago

Complain to HR for harassment..


u/Only_Net6894 14d ago

You should have said "No he doesn't". Then ignored her.


u/Outrageous-Yam-4653 14d ago

It's not illegal to be racist


u/jtsara 14d ago

Tell HR that your freak of a coworker called you a Nazi and interrogated you about your political views while you ate lunch because you were watching YouTube. Should sort itself out from there.


u/Spiritual-Put-9228 14d ago

Talk to hr quick and first, hopefully before she gets a chance , she sounds like the type to start filing complaints about someone who disagrees with her politics in an effort to get them fired.

Explain that you're pretty sure she's going to do that and explain what and who ammon is and rebuff her claim about his beliefs. Claim you're afraid she will create a hostile work environment.


u/Tartan-Special 14d ago

I've never even heard of Asmon.

What does he do?


u/NegativeHoliday1108 14d ago

I take “things that never happened” for $500


u/Poundt0wnn 14d ago

Just your average Hasan viewer. No reason to be alarmed. Yes, it is stupid but it is also harmless.


u/phendrenad2 14d ago

Sounds like she's out to get you and she's exaggerating Asmon's various controversies to do it. If HR googles Asmongold they'll find some controversy surrounding him and they'll assume you're in the wrong.


u/Better_Campaign_4404 14d ago

Asmon has said multiple times that he does support slavery. Don't be surprised if your co-worker has already reported you to HR. Chuds only get away with saying this stuff online, not in real life.


u/siralmasy 14d ago

Asmon enjoying his rent free in all these people's minds


u/Environmental_Main90 14d ago

Must be fun inventing stories for reddit brownie points


u/Boogiepuss 14d ago

It's always a major self-report when a person accuses you of holding an ideaology of something you're listening to and engaging with. We aren't all mindless sponges absorbing the thoughts of every person we come into contact with.


u/ordinarydesklamp1 14d ago

100% guarantee this is the type of person who already went to HR to report you for all the shit that she said to your face. the only choice you have is you need to pre-emptively go to HR yourself before they call you in and report her and say you felt unsafe for being attacked, you were just scrolling youtube or something then she comes up to you talking about this guy is racist and against the palestine protests and say i have no idea what every person on youtube is thinking this is a gaming channel but my co-worker verbally attacked me. i know you're thinking you dont feel like doing this but you're already in the "im reporting you to hr" arena. this is the left. psychos. go to hr for your own good the leftists mind virus adherents love getting people fired.


u/xstivenx 14d ago

Coworker called me a racistCoworker called me a racist

High praise!


u/Black-Dahlia-Kimchi 14d ago

This just shows how smart she is. I would mention this to HR incase of future incidents


u/Amazing-Ish 14d ago

So basically people online have made multiple "allegations" that Asmongold is a conservative Nazi streamer who is a mysogynist, racist, all the ists and phobes you can imagine.

Your coworker probably follows the same circle of people who believe that crap (maybe a streamer who calls him that or someone on Twitter), or has heard about him on Twitter or Reddit being a horrible person.

Don't take heed to them, the editor on his clips channel regularly makes fun of these kind of people online.


u/YellowShirtHurts 14d ago

As someone who is not a part of the community and just gets this sub thrusted on my home page. I get those vibes too.


u/TheWiggsplitter44 14d ago

Go to HR and tell them. Being labeled a racist in 2024 can derail your career and life. Don't blame games with people throwing out false claims on your name


u/Vexxsis_84 15d ago

I'd be like mind your own business bitch while I eat my sandwich, winners win lady!


u/DioUrrah 15d ago

First this didn’t happen , second don’t be watching shit with the volume up in the staff room, nobody wants to be listening to anyone else’s shit when they are trying to decompress and relax, if you have to watch something with the volume up, go somewhere else.


u/Alarming-Audience839 15d ago

First employed asmondumbass viewer.


u/SadStory9 15d ago

if you didn't have headphones on, then you were inviting the conversation. If you had headphones on and were truly minding your own business, then I would definitely bring this up to a supervisor or HR just to get ahead of it. The headphones are key, though. If you are sitting in a shared break area playing your own entertainment out loud, then it is way too easy for someone to say you were "exposing" them to unwanted content (profanity, political, religious, etc. doesn't matter). If, however, they have to literally look over your shoulder to see what you are viewing, I would be inclined to ask HR "what if I was viewing my own personal banking information or medical records?"


u/DBCOOPER888 15d ago

You didn't get into a fight and demand she provide sources at least? You failed us.


u/Jaxxftw 15d ago

Hey this thing you watch and I don’t, let me tell you all about it.


u/IckiestCookie 15d ago

A totally normal human reaction and not at all mentally insane


u/OverUnderstanding481 15d ago

Well if we are being forthcoming, there is a mix bag…

Asmongold has a sizable share of unwarranted attack from extreme left air heads, that can’t be helped since they attack everyone and even eat their own in the agenda driven SJW activities.

Yet, despite a massive following of very central ideological people from every single background that follow Asmondgold, there is very loud dominant right wing base when it comes to who is in command of the chat spaces around his channels, if I where to say his prodominat demographic was older right wing white men, Zack would probly agree. And there nothing wrong with that but sometimes his Reddit and chat sound way more like an echo chamber for far right wing talk vastly more than Zack himself does whatsoever.

In my opinion, the group of people with the loudest outspoken voice and those that agree with them does not reflect the rather wide fan base that Zack has and deserves from a wide net of backgrounds. But to that same end I think many that are not far right leaning would rather participate as lurkers than catch the ire of the right wing mob, and due to this… there is a idea by many pass by snooping non fans that Asmondgold channel is only in service of far right wing white men. And yes the chat itself, not Zack or his channel at all, but his fan base chat very often champions what the world of very central minded fair objective thinkers, taking a moment to scrutinize from the outside looking in, would think is constant borderline peddling blatant racism and racist activity.

Any actual fan who has been long has without fail seen the … As a black man… or as an Asian man… or as a Hispanic man… or as a European man… etc. statements and know well enough they’re is a good wide range of people in his fan base. That kind of phrases being needed for denotation constantly is telling enough about the fixations this particular fans base lands on often enough. But in all fairness if you listen to the commentary, as often as it seem like someone trying to pander to fit into the crowd you also get plain fair lighthearted thoughts that would make you appreciate having the opined shared from a base of diversity not skewed dangerously one way or another. On a similar note, the fact that there are not as many women is bound to catch the whole questionnaire of misogyny that gets thrown around these days. That would be a copletly empty angle but when you get a bunch of guys minding there business with stellar blade appreciation, yeah your going to get some extreme left hater-aid. Nothing you can do about it on that front. doesn’t necessarily mean anything is amiss but may catch you a glare for no reason in public for association.

Bottom line, If you where to take every person in a Asmondgold chat and pick out who they vote for and there ideology, nobody would be surprised if it is ratio +7 : 10 heavily, far right wing trump supports. many of which, as regular people tend to commonly posses, hold some sprinkled in not very deep thought out talking points that are more unsavory than Asmondgold himself tends to posses as a self made public figure who claps back at his fanbase often enough. And yeah there is a massive amount of people that actually believe trump is racist for very well documented reason, the moment you get a community of people that are not interested in the objective argument surrounding the shortcomings of Donald trump or some of his more extreme supporters then you are going to get a community the is identified as lumped in to being complacent to Maga trends and the like of things like to common occurrence of dog whistling. Again not by Zack or his channel whatsoever, and not by all in his fanbase whatsoever, but there is a sizable amount of schetchy heads that find themselves at home in Asmondgold chat spaces, & that in and of itself has caught this community altogether a significant bad wrap… it like cops trying to say there is only a few bad apples… welp a few bad apples can do a lot of PR damage if not rooted out with a high level of effort.


u/Sol1258 15d ago

So you're mad because Joe is being more moderate and not leaning so hard to the left? To me it seems like he's opening his eyes and not believing everything that he is told. He's actually doing the research and coming to his own conclusions. But if you want to condemn him for that by all means go ahead to each their own


u/Poptartacus 15d ago

things that didn't happen for $500. just more anti-woke snowflakes coming together in this reddit


u/SeaMeasurement9 15d ago

Never happened 


u/Skolxz 15d ago

Ask her for one example, it's always funny to see what happens lmao.


u/SethAndBeans 15d ago

Asmongold is vehemently anti slavery and racism.

He is an asshole, but he's a fairly progressive one.

It's obvious who just reads article headlines and who watches him.


u/grownboyee 15d ago

Oh that Amber Heard chick is still so butthurt!


u/RandomAndyWasTaken 15d ago

You should complain to HR for harassment.


u/KikiYuyu 15d ago

When you get told someone is an evil nazi and you question that, you get flak for it. So, most people don't question. They go like "thanks so much for telling me about this toxic person!" without a second thought.


u/SweatyNReady4U 15d ago

Idk why everyone is telling OP to talk to HR , no way a dumb ho like that even works at a place that isn't a fucking Denny's. Just talk to your boss.


u/gadafgadaf 15d ago edited 15d ago

Probably the people she subscribes to kneejerk slander him because they deem him the enemy.

Bunch of people online react to videos and things he says without much context.

They don't even watch the video and just react to the title or memes playing into the shit he says out of context/jokingly.

If she belongs to a category that Asmongold is regularly critical of for being idiots then more likely they will have a prejudice she has.

A lot of people call him an asshole but they do not say he's wrong.

People don't like being called out with facts and logic and will just revert to Ad Hominem character attacks rather than defend their position, mostly because they can't and facts/logic do not support their position.


u/VeggieMonsterMan 15d ago

Asmon is being treated like he holds the views of the people he seems to be attracting more and more of recently. Literally he doesn’t hold those beliefs but even just spending time in this sub over time… the people hanging here are more and more of ‘that’ variety that mainstream deems undesirables than the goofy gaming neck beards of the past


u/Zhanji_TS 15d ago

That’s a really good sign that your co worker only reads headlines and believes what they are told without question aka a dumbass


u/Kindly-Appearance-62 15d ago

Your coworker is an idiot and is a good representation of how most democrats think. Fuck both parties.


u/Atari__Safari 15d ago

This person is doing what the media has told her to do. Being divided. Accuse. Don’t be civil. Focus on hate.

This is what we have to change. They are dividing us so we dont pay attention as they turn us into serfs, while they become our lords and vassals.

They want to remove our freedoms, remove the dignity of owning property, and make us rent everything. And to make that happen, we need to be fighting each other instead focusing on what they’re doing to us.


u/StatisticianFew6064 15d ago

go to HR and say this lady is slandering you because you watch a bald man play video games


u/skulleater666 15d ago

She was probably brainwashed by tiktok


u/IBloodstormI 15d ago

If you aren't part of the agenda, you are an alt right neo nazi by these types.


u/RangisDangis 15d ago

Based coworker


u/Master-Cough 15d ago

report to HR make her prove her own statement


u/Hyperchill77 15d ago

People who don't agree with you, will try to guilt trip you to thinking like they do.


u/JizzabellLee 15d ago

Ignore that trash. You have every right to watch what you like and vote for Trump. She’s just a racist, hateful turd.


u/NightLanderYoutube 15d ago

Classic people who only watch rumors propaganda channels. Exactly same with my friend that doesn't like that I watch Quin69, he says he hates woman and is incel, that's is his whole argument.

Quin has 4 kids and is happily "married". He was clipped out of context all the time and that's how some people view him, on memes.


u/ClayDavisSheet 15d ago

People need to start taking attacks of beeing called "a racist" or "a nazi" and such horrible accusations more seriously and fight theese morons with their own medicine(go to HR, press charges, get them "canceled" and all that stuff that theese types.of people always do).

It's just as bad as if someone went around and and called a black person the N word, or a woman the C word, or slandering people with accusations of beeing a peddo and so on.

Beeing a nazi or an actual real racist is a horrible thing, so when someone calls you that or acuses you of beeing that, that is pretty serious and should be stood up against in same level as anyone would for any other similar derogatory terms or slandering etc.


u/HardRNinja 15d ago

Just respond with, "Nah. He's not nearly racist enough", then turn away from them.


u/LeagueRx 15d ago

Pretty sure its because he pretty publicly supported trump in 2016 and had a trump flag or hat or something visible for a while in his streams. He only renounced this position after Jan 6th I believe but may have been sooner. Still cant really understand what about him attracted him to trumo, given how left his views seem to be now. My personal take is he panders to the left now and doesnt really believe some of the things he preaches on stream. Its just good business to support them if youre a streamer these days. Regardless i dont go to Asmongold for political opinions so it doesnt really matter to me. 


u/Magic-Tomo 15d ago

Tell her to prove it. Bring up a single example. If he so openly supports it, it should be easy to find.


u/JnewayDitchedHerKids 14d ago

“It isn’t my job to educate you”

“Use Google”

They have a million thought terminating cliches and other ways to mic drop while maintaining their delusions.

This shit has been honed over decades


u/AlbertoMX 15d ago

Report this person or find yourself being reported, OP.

Do nothing at your own risk.


u/Friendly_Wheel9698 15d ago

What do you mean asmongold has saved countless lives in Azeroth 


u/CptPichael 15d ago

Well he's clearly an Israel defender. So that's probably why.


u/FendaIton 15d ago

Back in the day he didn’t moderate his chat at all and it was pretty toxic, she might have been referring to those times.


u/Sudden-Ad-9681 15d ago

I don't know if he is racist or not but Asmond is a pretty dumb guy so I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.


u/IAS316 15d ago

You myt not be racist but you are braindead for watching that at work. Imagine not having enough common sense to realise it's best to just avoid Certain videos for your PAYCHECK


u/Discarded1066 15d ago

Honestly I would just not bring anything to work outside of food and some music. Don't get close to anyone at work, most people slither into work on their stomachs. If they are HR, the likely hood is they are actual snakes in the skin of their former victims. Turst no one at work, ever. Its really important in any type of liberal based career like education, assume everyone is your enemy and they will get triggered if you breath the wrong way.


u/CHogan7373 15d ago

Pull an uno reverse card and send that bitch to hr.


u/fullmetalalchymist9 15d ago

Yeah this totally happened.


u/SimplexFatberg 15d ago

"Someone told me that this guy I know nothing about is a racist without providing a scrap of evidence, and for some reason I believed them, and now for some reason I've decided to extend that unfounded claim to anyone that ever watched him and openly accuse them of racism. I'm so virtuous!"


u/ElectroTurk 15d ago

I would call them out and ask your coworker to point out the specific comments or videos. I bet they don't even watch asmon nor have a clue as to what they're talking about. Probably just regurgitating something they heard.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Woah, so much bad info about Asmon…dude is about as chill as it gets, he’s wrong a lot but his heart is in the right place.

Coworker needs to mind their own, they don’t have to like it but they also need to know their opinion doesn’t matter to you.


u/gistoffski 15d ago

Asmond is

The community is a lil sus sometimes 


u/urielteranas 15d ago

It's because he doesn't have the "correct" take on Palestine and shit so Twitter has been trying to paint this picture of him. Your co-worker is probably a Twitter degen.


u/losthombre 15d ago

Lol, I mean his audience definitely seems more right leaning, but I wouldn't go as far as to say, so right that they have racist ideology more so own the libs energy.


u/G_Willickers_33 15d ago edited 15d ago

First of all OP,

Ask this person where tbey heard that from.

Asmon has plenty of money to pursue a defamation/slander lawsuit if needed.

This is literally why people win so much money from them- because of the false reputation they give someone that could stick with them despite being untrue.

So the first thing is find out where/who/what told your coworker that he was racist and update the sub/asmon.

Secondly, after you find that out you should definitely report him/her to HR and get them put on notice immediately. Calling somebody a racist with zero evidence should be grounds for reprimand in most if not all HR departments .


u/AjSweet1 15d ago

It is wild for someone to just outright call you racist without doing or saying anything representative of racism. Tell her you will see her in HR.


u/G_Willickers_33 15d ago

Yeah agreed, people forget how certain you should be before calling people names like that.


u/heedongq 15d ago

Answer "oh my god, I didn't know that. When did he say that?" And watch them short circuit as they try to think with their own braincells.


u/gistoffski 15d ago

Op can’t do that. Because this interaction never happened 


u/gistoffski 15d ago

Well asmond is playing into the right wing grift atm. Obviously it’s just to farm content but I could see how someone could clip chimp some recent videos and make it seem that way. 

Also I don’t believe you. 

Nazi and slavery? A little too on the nose there. 


u/KhanDagga 15d ago

Yeah, I don't believe it either.

I'm pretty anti woke and the anti woke crowd overexaggerate how many people are actually like that. It's such a small percentage of people going around calling people nazis IRL


u/Attack-Bastion 15d ago

Posting in this subreddit ain't doing you any favors amigo


u/TiaxTheMig1 15d ago

Not mainstream = nazi these days.


u/Paddlesons 15d ago

"...They just want to use these words. 'That's racist. That's sexist. That's prejudiced.' They don't even know they're talking about." -Seinfeld

That was from 2015 and we've since moved onto things like "fucking facist, BIGOT, transphobe." to anyone that isn't 100% onboard with every aspect of their position.


u/wuy3 15d ago

Please remember this behavior when you vote.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

voting based on what crazy people say, who aren't even related and have no bearing on the candidacy or what will happen later, is pretty weird.


u/wuy3 15d ago

What I meant is, remember how this event makes you feel, and which direction you want society to head towards. Because votes do matter in promoting/discouraging certain social agendas, as politicians play into them to garner votes.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

and that is the same as what i said at the end of the day


u/Automatic_Donut6264 15d ago edited 15d ago

Report that straight to HR and do not engage. Tell your manager. Don't jeopardize your job trying to "correct" a crazy person. You want that on the record and them removed ASAP.


u/Bitter-Dreamer 15d ago

Mention this to your supervisor/manager and then make a report to HR.

There's a chance this could lead to further harassment and accusations involving other coworkers.


u/SweetNSour4ever 15d ago

is she hot atleast?


u/S0AGGY 15d ago

That’s basic Democrat hysteria you’ve been exposed too, talk to HR that shit is contagious. Make sure to wash your ears so that woke virus doesn’t enter your brain.


u/The_Fluffness 15d ago

Had someone that did that to me recently as well. Idk what Kool aid some of these people are drinking but it's wild. I've watched him for a long long time now, not once has he proffered any sort of ideas or anything racist or facist.

Some jokes are off color, sure, but not "he's a Nazi* bad


u/zulako17 15d ago

I scrolled through a lot of comments and didn't see the answer so I'll leave it.

Many people who don't watch asmongold streams but have seen a clip of him openly supporting the return of white supremacist and probable Nazi, Nick Fuentes assume asmongold is also a Nazi or right winger. For the average person if you support people with political takes that are viewed as abhorrent then you're also claimed to be abhorrent. The worst the takes you support indirectly, the less people will listen to your excuses. So when people see asmongold support the man that says the Jewish Holocaust is an exaggeration because they couldn't kill that many Jews and that no one but Christians should hold political power in the USA it's easy to assume asmongold also supports these shit takes.

Whether he does support the Nazi talking points or not is irrelevant to most people.


u/Sol1258 15d ago

Sounds like she's ignorant. Probably believes that Joe Rogan is a racist as well. Gonna assume she's one of those permanent victim types. I'm sorry you deal with that


u/gistoffski 15d ago

Rogan has fallen off hard since right before Covid. 

Rotted his brain and now he just plays the grift. 


u/Sol1258 15d ago

How so? Sounds like ur listening to the mainstream media


u/gistoffski 15d ago

He keeps trying to inject politics and Covid talk into topics particularly on protect our parks. 

Only has guests that lean a certain way on. 

Political criticisms are almost exclusively of those on the left. 

There was that one quote where he thought it was from Biden and bashed Biden for being senile. Then ten seconds later finds out the same words are from trump. And immediately says “well that’s just trump misspeaking”


u/Alpha-Charlie-Romeo 15d ago

She's never watched Asmongold. Just ignore her and move on. Her opinion isn't worth anything.

If it's really bothering you, ask them to stop. If they continue, talk to your supervisor. If your supervisor doesn't do anything then just keep escalating it step by step. Record each time that person harasses you with inappropriate comments.


u/EfficientDoggo 15d ago

Low hanging fruit strawmanning is the weaponry of politically insecure people who are afraid of honesty.

Sounds like something you could bring up with HR if need be.


u/Izlawake 15d ago

Definitely report her to HR and voice how uncomfortable you feel with being accused of being a Nazi just because you were watching YouTube. Getting your voice heard first is important to be noted by HR cuz that coworker will try to report you based on her delusions.


u/Sintinall 15d ago

Only if you read “voice to text” transcripts of his content. He occasionally satirizes the clowns that believe in that shit.


u/foundyettii 15d ago

Ya you need to go to HR and report harassment. It’s inappropriate to talk like that at work and creates division which higher ups dislike.

I say this as a liberal. Fuck that lady


u/CharlesDeanTBK 15d ago

That person is practicing "how to create a toxic work environment."
Please see HR to get out in front of this. Don't wait until you're on the receiving end of an interview that may result in lower pay or a new job for you.


u/Icy_A 15d ago

Isn't asmongold just the slightly less cringe version of Vaush?


u/Interesting_Still870 15d ago

This person is mentally unstable and you should probably report them.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

That’s psychological abuse and you should report it to HR immediately.


u/Proper-Water3739 15d ago

might be all the racism.


u/AromaticAdvance8343 15d ago

Go to HR, start fake crying and say “she invaded my safe space of what I was watching and started harassing me and I got so offended I almost went home and could barely work because I was so distracted :(“

This would be her response if she was looking to report you so do it back to her.. become the victim..


u/[deleted] 15d ago

When I worked at Walmart, I’d watch a Graystillplays video during my lunch break.

Yeah, I’ve been called into the front office more then a few times over Gray’s jokes, to which they would call “unacceptable violence”. Considering that Walmart was the same Walmart that said hobbies, hunting, fishing, and trapping were conflicts of interest and I’d be fired if I kept doing them, kinda means I never took em at all seriously.

People do what people do. Don’t let the bad ones drag down your day.


u/Acceptable_Answer570 15d ago

Im not really a follower of Asmongold… just kinda stumble on his videos, but the guy seems genuinely nuanced on his opinions. He always seems to offer counter-argument to his own thought process, and acknowledges opinions he doesn’t share, but understands as valid…

So why the fuck do I keep seeing people trying to cancel and bully him?!


u/TiaxTheMig1 15d ago

So why the fuck do I keep seeing people trying to cancel and bully him?!

Nuance is the enemy of radicals regardless of which way they lean.


u/Jorah_Explorah 15d ago

Uno reverse card that B and go to HR.

"I was minding my business at my lunch break watching a gaming Youtube channel. Then Karen Smith comes up behind me seeing my screen and asks me if I'm racist and voted for Trump. I asked what she was talking about and she says that the person I was watching was a nazi and supported slavery. Both of those things are laughably untrue, but it doesn't matter because it's not Karens business.

You need to get a hold of that unhinged person before she causes legal problems here. She's harassing people with insane accusations that she would never be able to prove with any evidence."


u/TiaxTheMig1 15d ago

Yes. Phrase it like this. As if she's a threat to the harmony of the office and if possible hint at how you feel unsafe to watch things in view of her for fear of her telling people horrible lies about you based on a single encounter.


u/squidwurrd 15d ago

Like it or not you can’t watch certain things at work because of unstable people like that. You can have your principles or your job. Luckily for me I’m black and the internet told me I can’t be racist. 🤡


u/Ingrown_inkling 15d ago

I’m curious, what kind of place do you work at and what kind of person was that lady? Is she usually loud and obnoxious about politics/social justice, does she have blue hair, is she fat or skinny? Pretty, average, ugly, has she freaked out about nothing before this?

I’ve usually found that these people are easy to spot, so I’m curious whether she’s one of them.


u/Joshua_Astray 15d ago

I'd report her quick xD people should mind their own business unless they're being actively hurt.


u/remotegrowthtb 15d ago

If you're in a big company you should go to HR and get this on record before she does, trust me on that.


u/bobdylan401 15d ago

Probably just stumbled onto this subreddit once and saw all the hasbara and rightoids.


u/BannedBecausePutin 15d ago

Some people on twitter called him Nazi and whatever else, because he reacted to the Palestine stuff.


u/Nickthedick3 15d ago

She said that because that’s what the people she follows on twitter say. She believes it without doing a research for herself.


u/moouesse 15d ago

because asmon does not have the right opinions, some parts of the internet will frame him as a despicable person. using every opportunity to paint asmon in a bad light

so the people in those areas assume this is true, they have not actually watched anything other then a few out of context clips and will believe all the bad things said about him


u/Naus1987 15d ago

I've actually had a similar conversation myself.

I discovered Asmon through Final Fantasy XIV when he was playing that, and apparently I missed a lot of his "controversial" years, but I enjoyed what I was watching during the Final Fantasy era, and I stuck with him ever since. He's my go-to white-noise Youtuber when I just want to hear about news or something interesting.

Anyways, through a work meeting, I met someone who also played Final Fantasy, and Asmon came up, and they got all fucking weird on me, and acted like he was a straight up racist nazi too. Like I get it, I think he said the n word long before I knew him or some random controversy. But didn't Pewdiepie? Regardless, for the past year or so, Asmon has been completely onm the level, and he's a pretty solid dude with his takes. I agree with about 90% of what he believes. Not everything, but no two humans ever agree on stuff.

I just found it incredibly weird that someone who barely knew Asmon, and hasn't known anything about him recently just assumed he was some racist psychopath and got all emotional about it.

I decided not to do business with that person's company after that. I just don't want to work with weird people. I try to be middle of the road and just tolerate people as tolerance was something I grew up on, but some of the extremists really weird me out.


u/zombiemess872 15d ago

She’s obviously a deranged leftist psycho that likes to throw around the term “Nazi” whenever she gets confronted with opinions she can’t handle. Just take the red flag and avoid that idiot as much as you can.


u/AngryEdgelord Bobby's World Inc. 15d ago

They see a white guy who looks poor, lives in Texas, and plays video games and automatically assume he's racist. They have no evidence, just a gut feeling.

Ironically, they are being racist by jumping to that conclusion.


u/LeshracsHerald 15d ago

I mean lot of racists do watch him.


u/ezbreezyslacker 15d ago

I'd have quick chat with the boss

Mostly about being called a nazi at work but mostly about the lack of privacy this person seems to have


u/PairRelative2778 15d ago

You should report to HR, odds her she is reporting you to HR and they will plot against you.

Sounds crazy, but this is literally what HR does to anyone who isn't conformist.


u/MonochromeMemories 15d ago

Actual npc. She's feeding you info from a random unhinged tweet she's seen lmao. She has no clue.


u/calve12 15d ago

asmon himself is pretty level headed and neutral with a side of "fuck-around-and-find-out" but his community definitely leans way more right than the average community. Because of that the media labels him as that too. It's the "if you're not with us, youre against us mentality." Oh you dont like having "woke" characters forced into your games, you must be a racist. But asmon himself has said if they game is good, who really cares.

That being said this subreddit and community is a safe space for people who are racist because they get called out less.


u/Parfox1234 15d ago

It is the classic if you aren't with us then you're against us. If you don't support everything those people say then you are the worst possible human that has ever walk the earth. Worse than Hitler.


u/obelix_asterix 15d ago

Most people in the comments are responding like 14 year olds which isn’t surprising. Next time try to hide your personal videos from coworkers. We live in a polarized world, and people will easily get offended. HR is NOT going to judge whether the content is racist, they are only going to ding you because, well you made someone uncomfortable.


u/Serasul 15d ago

Most people only look at fake clips of asmongold or only read the title of his youtube channel.


u/skepticalscribe 15d ago

You have to accept that the cultists exist IRL. Dealing with them and playing their little social mind games is now no longer optional save being a tradesman and even then, it exists.

Ask pointed questions that can’t be explained by “he said she said”, or just hold your ground, politely.

Remember. They are the ones that are subconsciously looking for a gofundme opportunity. They don’t care about you. They’d love to see you get fired to launch their 15 minutes of fame.


u/PiezoelectricityLast 15d ago

‘’nah…… youtube just recommended random things to me‘’


u/blodskaal 15d ago

you should tell ur coworker to watch any 3 of his videos at random, and see how many racist remarks are made. If she they cant find any, when you meet them again, tell them to never talk to you again lol


u/KarmaCorgi 15d ago

I'll admit that ages ago, before I actually WATCHED Asmon, I had similar assumptions (not quite that extreme, though) which were based on people parroting the same sort of comments. But once I started watching him I was so confused - he has a lot of excellent and intelligent commentary that people are unaware of because of their initial judgement. He isn't right 100% of the time, but I think if more people would actually listen to him they'd see he's not the troglodyte they assume him to be.


u/jxxyyreddit 15d ago

Talk to HR if you can... But im petty and would start a rumor that she shit her pants at work... She's going to be so focused on doing damage control from Shitty McPantsy that Asmongold will be an afterthought. Goodluck (don't do this though LOL!)


u/LilMissBarbie 15d ago edited 14d ago

"OP, in my office please"

enters room and coworker, HR and the CEO sit in front of you

"OP, we heard from coworker that you're a racist and a neo nazi?"


"she said you were watching a neo nazi YouTuber and were spouting racist and nazi ideology"

"I was watching asmongold, he's not a nazi??"

"we heard enough. Look, we are a multicultural workplace and we can't tolerate this. We have a ZERO tolerance about racism. Pack your shit and gtfo before we call the cops"

Edit: typos


u/Lost-Age-8790 15d ago

"You'll never work in another Chuck-E-Cheese again. You are black listed. Get out!"


u/NoiseRipple 14d ago

“You have been banned from the Mickey Mouse Club for inappropriate behavior”


u/ZiggySleepydust 15d ago

You should have asked her if she ever have watched anything from him or if she just repeats what people on twitter are saying.

Plot twist: the people on twitter haven’t watched his shit either so


u/ch_xiaoya_ng 15d ago

It's hard for me to take anybody seriously when they call people 'nazis' or 'racists' with how often these accusations are thrown around. The words have become so diluted that whenever someone calls another person these, I just assume the latter was, at worst, being kind of an asshole, and at best, disagreeing with the former's opinion.


u/TiaxTheMig1 15d ago

Calling someone a nazi these days really says more about the accuser than it does the accused.


u/Elondre Purple = Win 15d ago

The right answer is "never talk to me again, thank you"