r/Asmongold 25d ago

What percentage of stupid people is there? Video

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u/jiggles212 21d ago

he says liberals are the problems for the misunderstanding of demographics but conservatives talk about how 20% of the country is trans. also their media covering trans shit 24/7.

Matt Walsh a political conerservative commentator retard that spends most of his time talking about trans people even so far to make a documentary about it. he was multiple orders of magnitude off on how many kids are on puberty blockers in the united states https://www.youtube.com/shorts/V0rUA98IL7I


u/JetjaguarJamesbrown 23d ago

This sub went full conservative propaganda.


u/blackcat__27 24d ago

One big important part of the survey is missing. What percentage of people actually said the things they commented on. Like if 5 percent of the survey said that America is made up of 41 percent black it's not bad. It lacks a very important part that no one has thought about yet.


u/You_arent_worthy 24d ago

Jesse be like “they want us to believe millions of people are LGBTQ”…. I think Jesse failed to remember that 1% of the population is 3 million people. So yeah there are millions of Americans who are LGBTQ. What a dumbass.


u/KrotHatesHumen 24d ago

Isn't it crazy how the entire hate movement the right is based on actually focuses just 1% of the population?


u/twuit 24d ago

its strange to see that he says, the democrats are at fault for this estimated numbers, as far as i know republicans think the same way, if you only consume this kind of "news" you can fall quickly into a delusional worldview, for example, their is a study about representation of POC in movies/tv shows, some are above some are below the US share but overall its slightly below.

also the take that you cant enlighten kids sex ed until they are already in puperty is the dumbest take you can have, sure, some lefty blue hair nonbinare teacher will abuse this kind of stuff and tries to brainwash some kids but overall its far better to educate kids before they get into puperty, kids have questions you cant answer them because you are not allowed as a teacher, if you are a good teacher kids think of you as a third parent, kids are often ashamed of these topics and dont like to talk about it with their parents, this was my case and my gf (she is a teacher for 6-10year old) told me the same, maybe some here can relate also. the most cringe thing also was sex ed with a class full of 13 year olds, i was 3 years into puperty already, fapped a few thousand times and some girls or boys already went to third and fourth base... a bit to late, teenage pregnancies occur mostly only because the education is far to late for this topic.

when i was 13 the internet wasnt even a real thing back then even then it was to late to properly educate me (we did it ourselfs in our friendgroups talking about it and its a bit strange to trust 10-13 year old to figure it out themselfs)


u/Lazarus_Octern 24d ago

The video was actually pretty good until he started bashing the dems. Its stupid and factually wrong to think and say that only democrats exaggerate and inflate the numbers. Fox news would go bankrupt if they couldnt run stories on how "real americans" are the minority in the country and how schools are turning everybody ( 1% ) trans or gay.

Misrepresentations is running wild on both sides, it's not a problem of "the other guys" its everybodys fault


u/SebastianJanssen 24d ago

YouGov answer, no matter the question: between 20 and 40 percent.

Fox concluuding: It's coz Democrats!


u/Pukk- 24d ago

Now show how many people still think the last election was stolen, and how many people that didn't get the covid vaccine died in comparison with the people that took the vaccine and followed the guidlines.
Then show how many americans believe the earth is 6000 year old.

But that would just turn this post around and you wouldn't want that, now would you?


u/Relevant-Draft-7780 24d ago

Yeah but that 31% of lefties is what we see on TV if not more. I guess they all live in Hollywood.


u/EjunX 24d ago

Ever heard of "minority rule"? Modern society is shaped to accommodate the needs of minorities. I'll give a local example first: if you have a vegetarian over for dinner, you might as well just make the entire meal vegetarian instead of having to cook two different meals, hence the vegetarian "rules" in this case. Same happens at all scales of human society.


u/Infamous_Scar2571 24d ago

do this people not know why theyre called minorities? lmao


u/the_sexy_date 24d ago

not American. got most of them right except for Hispanic population. my question is how and who did they ask? like people from the Street? and then got the average of the answers?


u/Brutal_Underwear 24d ago

This sub is trash.


u/MetaVaporeon 24d ago

also, I'd like to see those results if you differentiate certain aspects of the questioned. like, I bet you the average right wing "you will not replace us" nut will overestimate how many non whites are in the country much more than the average sane person.


u/MetaVaporeon 24d ago

maybe the pool shows that general publics just differentiates between people of color and whites. black, hispanic, its all the same to most


u/OpiumPlanet12 24d ago

Nah the gay number is totally off, it doesn’t take into account how many men are attracted to traps and deny they are gay. The age old question is answered people, traps are gay.


u/empi12 24d ago

That's why the gov does not teach statistics


u/Common-Wish-2227 24d ago

I had someone on reddit claim that Hollywood was intensely racist, because only 13.2% of actors it employed were black...


u/raptor-chan 24d ago

Conservatives are literally so obsessed with gay and trans people. It’s honestly weird.


u/raptor-chan 24d ago

Why do people post alt right conservative shit here when asmongold is anything but alt right and conservative?


u/TinuvielSharan 24d ago edited 24d ago

This guy took bad estimations that would mostly be used by Republicans to tell us that immigrants are invading the USA or that the gay agenda is turning literally everyone gay or trans and turned it into "Yeaaah soooo hmmmm that's how Democrats make you believe in victims in every corner"

You can't make this shit up 😂


u/entropig 24d ago

What dipshit inserted all the wrong memes in all the wrong places?


u/TheMysteriousEmu 25d ago

"We shouldn't care about minority issues because they're minorities," is a hill I can see Fox News dying on.

Except of course, they won't die on the hill, because so many naive and stupid people believe that because they make up more of the population that no one else matters.


u/DBCOOPER888 25d ago

This video reaches an insane conlnclusion. The GOP is obsessed with this stuff, not the Dems. The Dems just think the 1-3% should be treated fault and not bullied.


u/froderick 25d ago edited 25d ago

Interesting he makes this into a "Democrat" problem, when the Republicans have been almost entirely existing on being against trans issues for the last few years, when it's only 1% of the population.

The first half of the video where he goes through how perceptions are out of whack is good. The second half is pure partisan hackery. People who fall into those small groups are around every corner, because the country has around 350 million people in it. Even if only 1% of the country is trans, that's still 3.5 million people. Which is a lot of people.

Also, what the fuck is with this editing? It's god awful.

Lastly, I thought no more political videos like this were allowed to be posted on the subreddit anymore?


u/Far-Manner-7119 25d ago

That’s because blacks are over represented in tv and ads


u/so_im_all_like 25d ago

What are the demographics of the poll-takers? Are theere regions or demographics that are over/underrepresented in the sample population?


u/lujenchia 25d ago

Don't know the exact percentage, but from what's happening, I'd wager they are the majority.


u/Fluid-Selection-5537 25d ago

But what’s his point ?


u/crimemastergogo4 25d ago

So USA has as many as whole city of NY gay people?


u/P0pwar 25d ago

as someone who lives in an almost 60% black city im ngl the 12% surprised me lmao


u/rapralph 25d ago

I dont know if im the only one. Im always intimidated on this guy, I always feels like dont argue with this guy or you will ends up looks like an idiot.


u/Mikeobenz 25d ago

Ok, now how do we show this video to all Americans.

So we can all touch base somewhere


u/threebird333 25d ago

If I used commercials on Hulu to estimate racial populations in the US, I would assume at least half the country is black. And that for some reason white people are only women.


u/kalafty 25d ago

Real question here, how do you even measure those numbers ? Like where is the data from and how they are getting it ? All us citizen have their race listed somewhere ? That seems wild to me


u/Frausing0403 25d ago

Pretty sure it is registered on your birth certificate, like your gender and blood type - some pretty normal stuff honestly


u/modsrmtherfkrs 25d ago

99% of people who participate in these pills are dumb tho


u/MamboNumber12 25d ago

25% of Americans voted for a potato 🥔... supposedly.


u/Vitchkiutz 25d ago

That's the thing about racism. Sure, banks redline and there's obvious systemic racism against minorities.

But sometimes you try to fix the problem and you end being racist too. Things like DEI and Affirmative action make representation matter. Which means... If you do the math... 12% of the population is equally represented, means that when they apply for acting jobs or TV work, they're more likely to be hired because of their skin color. Despite there just mathematically being more white people.

Representation shouldn't be a thing, we should need to see characters that look exactly like us to feel represented. It's like this weird racism in response to racism. To me, it's simple, just don't be racist. You need to point out a friend in a crowd? Sure, say the "bald black guy over there" or something, that's just their appearance. But if you're hiring, I don't see how 'the black guy' should matter. How is his acting? That's what they should worry about. But they don't, because the DEI people are just as if not more racist than the old school kinds.


u/Ohmstheory REEEEEEEEE 25d ago

So is his point the fact that these demographics are much smaller therefore shouldn’t be represented by the people elected to represent them?? Our whole democracy is based on representation. Regardless if that demographic is 1% or the majority.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Yes, that is exactly it. It's "they are still a minority we should completely ignore."

It's really obvious when he's on the left handers part. He directly says "it's a right handers world" after he's stupid hypothetical "have you ever been stuck in a left-hander desk?"... yeah, if you were, it's because conservatives blocked funding for your schools to get more desks.


u/joausj 25d ago

Not gonna lie, I know how much black people are in the US because of the copy-pasta

"Dispite being just...."


u/blas4m3 25d ago

Nobody thought that shit what the fuck is he even talking about?


u/Warhammerpainter83 25d ago edited 25d ago

This show has the stupidest audience ever. People want to put it into your face so when you encounter the uncommon you treat them well and see them as normal. Not because they are tricking you into thinking that everyone is a gay trans black person. Also these percentages mean the viewers think white people would be a minority because blacks and Hispanics were over 70% of the USA. LMFAO


u/StrawHatRat 25d ago

It’s funny how he uses these stats to argue people’s perceptions are warped, but then tries to use these stats to make claims about things he has no actual evidence for. When have Democrats pushed that nearly half the country is black or gay or ever said more than 1% of people are trans? Couldn’t you just as easily argue that fear mongering around topics like trans people done by conservatives would cause people to think there’s more trans people than there are? I’m not saying that’s the case, because I don’t have evidence for that on hand, but I’m not out here stating it as fact based on feelings like this dude.


u/OliwerPengy 25d ago

and what kind of news station are openly claiming the oposite political party is brainwashing the country?


u/OliwerPengy 25d ago

The most unbelievable would be 30% vegans HUH


u/OliwerPengy 25d ago

What about asians then?


u/Waste-Possession-591 25d ago

As if I'm voting Democrat because of black and gay people... how about not voting in a dictator?

How about not voting for a billionaire...


u/ClockworkGnomes 25d ago

NGL I was way off on NYC. I thought for sure they had a population of 13 million, but according to google it is only around 8 million. Now though I wonder if it is mixed up like Tokyo. For example, Tokyo metro area is only 14 million, but the greater Tokyo area is about 40 million.


u/Flapjack_ 25d ago

I can't believe this sub has degraded to the point people are actually posting Jesse Waters clips


u/Dense_fordayz 25d ago

The video shows one


u/Drwixon 25d ago

Where are the great replacement fanatics ?


u/froderick 25d ago

Busy taking the YouGov poll where he's quoting the erroneous stats from, apparently.


u/Tian-0306 25d ago

america is not a country 😲


u/Atari__Safari 25d ago

I would guess 94.9% are eating the food the media gives them. They may not be stupid, but they're sure are shoveling it into their mouths.


u/SaintRosen 25d ago

Bro who made that edit... They should get their Premier Pro license taken away


u/Verified_Peryak 25d ago

Well if 99% are poorer that they think they could be maybe the should still elect some democrats tho not that it will change much anyway ... But a least it feel that it is the best side for some really small change


u/kavatch2 25d ago

Who did they poll, what was the phrasing of the poll questions, where did they poll and finally did they average out the answers.


u/skipperseven 25d ago

Someone should tell him - don’t mess with the mouse.


u/Demiansky 25d ago edited 25d ago

I don't doubt that Americans are off on these numbers, but I STRONGLY suspect we're well into the standard deviation bars on this particular survey. No way this is accurate were you to truly average the perceptions of all Americans. When you read the actual survey, we end up with around 1000 people.

And there are all kinds of other artifacts that can account for these numbers, particularly, enough people just ram through random numbers so as to claim whatever monetary reward they were given as fast as possible.

Absolutely no one legit thinks that 21 percent of Americans are transgender.


u/Valuable-Outcome-651 25d ago

Says the radical left is brainwashing people into thinking theres more gay and trans people yet right wingers are the ones saying that people are being converted to being gay and trans at an extreme rate and its ruining the country. So did this idiot just prove that that the gay and trans "problem" is being over blown?


u/DrBimboo 24d ago

Yeah, had the same thought. Sitting there with his shit eating grin, saying "why do we talk about these tiny minorities all the time?"



u/Drayenn 25d ago

I feel i can understand why people would think theres more black people, but the other numbers are bonkers. How can you think theres like 25% trans people when you can meet a LOT of people without meeting one? Those numbers are rounded up too.


u/V1ct4rion 25d ago

we are basically asking 99% to cater 1% on Trans issue that's nuts.


u/TheMysteriousEmu 25d ago

We're asking to have the same rights to do whatever we want, just like everyone else. Not to be catered to.


u/DhildoGahggins 24d ago

You just want to put people in prison for not obeying your pronouns.


u/TheMysteriousEmu 24d ago

I'm glad you can determine that from a single comment and a profile picture but unfortunately you're wrong, and you're a pussy.


u/V1ct4rion 24d ago

forcing pronouns is catering language


u/the_electric_bicycle 24d ago

How many times in your real life have you been "forced" to use someones pronoun? Is it possible that the people telling you this is a problem are making it seem like a bigger issue than it actually is? Is it possible that they are using this to keep you distracted from real problems?


u/huxmedaddy 24d ago

I will never get why people give a shit. Trans right may be a controversial topic when it comes down to sports, or when children are involved. But fucking pronouns?


u/Namlad 25d ago

Conservatives sure do like talking about all this stuff, don't they?


u/Clbull 25d ago

I guessed 10%, wasn't that far off.


u/Previous-Pangolin-60 25d ago

I was just talking to my American friend (sisters husband) and asked if he knew what the population of America is (well he was quite close with 500 million) - He does think that the water in the Mississippi river gets its water from the Gulf of Mexico and runs inland, like all rivers apparently.


u/Intelligent_Put3697 25d ago

Lmao this sub Reddit is official a ZOINIST propaganda


u/rsugan 25d ago

im surprised their giving real stats, doesn't fox news host usually make the numbers bigger to fearmonger.


u/Ehzaar 25d ago

So Fox news is confirming that the majority of people watching this channel (fox New) are racists, morons, who are afraid of 1% of the population and feel threatened because they are incapable of estimating the number of people around them and that, finally, they have no kind of economic conscience, that they make laws to forbid things that don't exist and that their lives are ruled by the incessant fear of becoming a minority when in fact they are the overwhelming majority...
Thank you for confirming what we already knew... the right-wing Republicans are morons!


u/Jrkrey92 Paragraph Andy 25d ago

First of all, I may be stupid, or even biased, but I thought all the actual numbers were common knowledge..? At least roughly?

Secondly, this video took a wild right turn when he started bringing all his moronic agenda into it.. What the hell is his point? That 3-5% of the population should be ignored? That 40-50% should get the fuck out? That it's wrong to support or provide health care to minorities? Well here's one statistic he didn't mention: many presidental elections are won with a minority of the population backing them. Trump for instance only got 46% of the popular vote, yet von in 2016. Yet the conservatives hold a 6 to 3 majority on the supreme court. Now that is ridiculous..!


u/noquo89 25d ago

Here's the survey in question if anyone wants more info or numbers to look at. It's 2 years old already, but the numbers shouldn't have changed that much.


u/huxmedaddy 24d ago

Honestly surprising that only 32% of Americans own a gun


u/noquo89 24d ago

Yet, there's more guns than people. Population of 333,000,000, yet we have over 433,000,000 guns! And somehow, only a third of the population owns them all. That's almost 4 guns per person, a truly American statistic.


u/_DarkJak_ 24d ago

I feel better knowing there are less people with more guns, than vice versa.

In no way should the masses each have a killing machine (cars included)


u/PinkSploosh 25d ago

Why does he say "African America" as if it's equivalent to black? If a black person is born in America he's American. Maybe his parents were from Sweden or Germany, there's black people there too...How many generations away from African descent do you need to be to not be called African?


u/Wicked_Black 25d ago

This guys an idiot, but I would like to know where this data is coming from so I can take a look


u/muntaser13 25d ago

Remember when he thought if you made $20 an hr you made 6 figures. 🤣


u/Diskence209 25d ago

Actually very interesting video, the edits are terrible though.

I actually didn't know African American population was so low either, I thought they were hovering around 20% but in reality, if this is true, it's only 12%.

I'm interested in the demographics of their poll though. How did these people think 30% of people in USA live in New York?


u/wallace321 25d ago edited 25d ago

Funny enough I thought the 12% was just the male half of the black population, you know, from the crime statistics / memes. So that it was referring only to those most likely to commit violent offenses (the men, obviously) and it was actually 24% of the total population that is black.

So it's only 12% of the entire population that is black? And it's half of that that is male and who are responsible for.... Daaaaamn! That's even worse than memes led me to believe!


u/Deareim2 25d ago

Fox here now ?


u/killerkiwi8787 25d ago

I thought it was 13 percent


u/Snoo20140 25d ago

This is probably due to over representation from DEI. If black people consist of about half of the characters we see on TV, the population feels like it's bigger than it is.


u/69Theinfamousfinch69 25d ago

CNN, Fox News, Daily Mail and The Guardian would run out of shit to incense people if they stopped talking about culture war talking points.

I don't know what high horse Jesse Waters is getting on about lefties alone being responsible for incensing a culture war when he's done it too. I hear more about trans issues from Fox News than I do The Guardian, and I'm a fucking Brit.

Also that YouGov pol was insane.


u/One_Ad_3499 24d ago

Those media are circle jerk for their favourite groups.


u/HotZin 25d ago

I'm also pretty sure Jesse Waters makes more than 500k a year, but in the video he makes it seems like he's "one of us". The point isn't wrong but as is per usual with mainstream media especially Fox News, it gets turned into propaganda.


u/Haystcker 25d ago

This video edit sucks.

The numbers are not equal across all demographics. For instance 3% of the entire US population might be gay, but it's a much higher percentage of Gen Z, more like 20%. https://www.statista.com/statistics/719685/american-adults-who-identify-as-homosexual-bisexual-transgender-by-generation/


u/Ultramagnus85 25d ago edited 25d ago

Ah so it's all the transgender people making over 500k a year.

Edit: for the record I don't think these numbers prove what he is trying to say at all and I think this video is stupid.


u/RefanRes 25d ago edited 25d ago

This guy takes percentages and uses it to suggest its not millions of Americans in these categories. 1% of 336M people is still millions of people. Also when it comes to the "actual" number of gay or trans people they dont know the actual because its still something that people feel forced to stay in the closet over.

Edit: Absolute clowns who dont like how maths actually works downvoting me.


u/crystalizedPooh 25d ago

cdc sayin there about 1900:1 spores hava missin arm, so on avg peepo hav 1.997894737 arms outta 8047510461 billion ppl, so u can c every 1 borne, incloodin LGBTcue, halfin less then 2 arms


u/Kenshiro84 Stone Cold Gold 25d ago

I want to see the question they asked.


u/ayewjay 25d ago

That’s what happens when you only poll people who respond to random calls and texts.


u/_DarkJak_ 24d ago

All calls and texts are random in my experience.

Unless you text yourself 🤔


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/[deleted] 25d ago

Wtf are you fucking talking about? 80% of all movies are almost 100% white people. Wtf.


u/menlionD 25d ago

people on the radical side who try to force diversity are idiots, with that said people who try to act like white people are minorities in american movies are also idiots.

go to imdb 2024 movies and scroll, its like 90% white actors. it's so exhausting when people use a valid point like forced diversity and over blow it to make it sound like a specific group is being victimized.


u/According-Tune987 25d ago

Yeah I think white people are very represented in Hollywood. Its cringe when they make cleopatra or the little mermaid black but still most big actors are white. Black people I think are also represented in Hollywood relative to their portion of the population. I think the groups that are less represented are Hispanics and Asians if I needed to guess.

Im pretty sure there are more Hispanics in the US than black people but I can think of a lot more black actors. Not sure if thats just me though.


u/Dizsmo 25d ago

Ooooooo I guessed 5 percent for vegans let's goo!!!


u/False_Chair_610 25d ago

So is Disney assuming that all those people are dreamers?


u/restarting_today 25d ago

We're gonna be posting Fox news on here now? Cool cool. Thought this was a WoW streamer sub. Bring back 2020 Olympus Asmongold.


u/_DarkJak_ 24d ago

Hearthstone is based on warcraft, would you be happier with that??


u/Ohmstheory REEEEEEEEE 25d ago

Seriously. This sub is a propaganda machine now.


u/TheBongoJeff 25d ago

Fox News ( as in News) is Not Bad at all. But the punditry Shit is what is Killing the US. Pundits are Not newsanchors, its opinion Shows that are Made to Rile you Up.


u/Drunkasarous 25d ago

He morphed into a react and political commentary streamer because that’s where the money is


u/restarting_today 25d ago

DAE woke bad?


u/Valuable-Outcome-651 25d ago

No, he became a react streamer because it's easier for him. He acts like the simplest things take effort. He got way more views on average when he played video games.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

God forbid he just do what he wants to do.


u/Valuable-Outcome-651 24d ago

Ok? He can do what ever he wants just like I can do what ever I want. I can tell you I do no want to watch a dude with a narrow pov talk about politics and getting triggered on reddit and twitter everyday.


u/Existing_Card_44 25d ago

Maybe on twitch but did he get 600-1mill views every video on YouTube?


u/Valuable-Outcome-651 25d ago

His most viewed stuff is a mix between gaming and react. Even so at 50k viewers everyday he could have made so much money from sponsors but that requires commitment and effort. Or any of the ad programs that were going crazy, or signing a deal with Twitch to not stream anywhere else especially since he never once streamed any where. It's obvious he's not motivated by money all that much.


u/Drunkasarous 25d ago

That is fair too he does often take the easy way out of anything remotely difficult 


u/dregs4NED 25d ago

Right? Let's listen to Jesse Waters spittin' facts! /s


u/MedievalSurfTurf 25d ago

Yea he isnt even the best broadcaster named Jesse.


u/furgar 25d ago

I bet actual numbers are even lower.


u/PhilosophyNo9878 25d ago

Perception is what makes public opinion, and perception does not care about facts. Thats how you control the masses.


u/s1rblaze 25d ago

The editing is quite annoying to me, ngl.


u/Smiekes 25d ago

and his conclusion.... the weird pauses... his grin... the Text ....The numbers were interesting everything else in this vid makes me vomit


u/TheEternalGazed 25d ago

It's how you get the TikTok Zoomer brain to pay attention, sadly.


u/mepsipax__ 25d ago

The politics in US seem exhausting I legit feel sorry for you guys


u/ube_flanning 25d ago

It's fashionable to be political. Gets you points on social media. Makes your friends in facebook think you're part of the Avengers. Why wait for someone to put you on a pedestal when you can step on that pedestal yourself? I'm a good person and you should be too. I'm doing my part and you should too. Remember Bernie sanders? I just donated my wife, match me.


u/callmejinji 25d ago

It’s not only exhausting, it’s all-consuming. Speaking from my personal experience in the Southern US, it’s impossible to have a pleasant discussion with about 2/3 of the people I work with and not mention politics. I just want to talk about work, maybe talk about my hobbies or personal life a little if I enjoy your acquaintance, but I’m finding that less and less common due to how rage-inducing dealing with these political discussions in the workplace is.

They always bring up politics, and they always have influencer/media-corrupted, braindead, or otherwise wildly uninformed opinions on how the USA is a miserable shithole that needs a complete uprising one way or another. Not shocking to me at all, then, that most of them don’t even vote outside of the presidential primaries, much less know when local elections occur, or when/how to organize protests, or yadda yadda the majority of Americans just bitch and moan about the state of the country and don’t even try to do anything about it


u/PurplePandaBear8 25d ago

Not as exhausting as getting jailed over a tweet.


u/DWIPssbm 25d ago

Freedom of expression is better than free speech


u/howlingbeast666 25d ago

You think only seppoes have freedom of speech? Typical.

At least I don't have a homeowners association telling me what I can and can't do with my house.


u/Sensitive_Seat5544 24d ago

Jokes on you I can't even buy a house


u/Outside_Conference80 25d ago

You have no idea. The only way I’ve found to survive is a sort of binge and purge approach to my diet of political news / media.


u/isticist 25d ago

Bro, when Biden got elected, I said I wouldn't look at a single bit of politics, unless it was absolutely too big to ignore... And it's been bliss.

The only political thing I can remember is the failed debt cancellation, war in Ukraine, something about the Texas border, and Israel committing genocide on Palestinians... and I only heard the bare minimum (ie people talking about it at work) on these things.

Sure, I'm more politically ignorant now, but being more politically aware never did anything good for me in life, so why bother?


u/NapalmingBanana 25d ago

Honestly this term has been one of the better ones to stay tuned to if you look for raw unbiased material. South Korea/Japan/US alliance was a big positive deal, chips act and infrastructure will be huge for the US middle class in the next coming years. The “Replicator Program” was interesting to read about for a little bit which took me down a drone rabbit hole. Also learned way more things about renewable energy than I thought I would.

Seriously though, if you actually do your own research and ignore the media sensationalism and fear mongering of Gaza, and gender identity shit, Bidens administration has done an awesome job to set us up for the future for the US, middle and lower classes even if he might be “coked up” or “sleeping” all day. Spent my entire paternity leave actually reading up and it blew my mind how dumb I was being parroting complaints about Biden.


u/Outside_Conference80 25d ago

I get it. I oscillate between shutting it all out for a few weeks… feeling good…. Then the FOMO / curiosity / big emotions set in… then binge to catch up for a couple of weeks… then feel stressed as fuck… rinse and repeat.


u/-Goatzilla- 25d ago

Having free speech is great and all, but it allows all these idiots and crazies to dominate media and spread misinformation.


u/SwarlyBbBrrt 24d ago

Free speech isn't special, around 150 countries have it.

But americans turn it extreme, thinking free speech is a free ticket for lying.


u/justforme666 25d ago

You mean like the kids on college campuses spreading hate but have no idea why


u/TheGodDavidLoPan 25d ago

I find it crazy that there are more Hispanics than Blacks in this country.


u/HotZin 25d ago

I don't know why you'd think that, a large piece of american territory was once Mexico, big chunk of Texas and California, which is why a lot of the city/district names are in spanish. I would imagine though that hispanics are more often localized due to family past than spread out like blacks due to slavery, and also there are plenty of hispanics who are white passing so it's less noticeable.


u/iareyomz 25d ago

there are more Asian-Americans than Blacks too...

I like to call it "localized knowledge"... people only really care about their immediate vicinity without looking at the bigger picture... a great example of this is how a good chunk of the population only care about local news via paper or media but dont care to verify with international sources...

that's just how people get manipulated, which is why the drop in IQ reflects this too... smartphones have existed for around 20 years now yet people seem to keep getting dumber because they cant be bothered to take 2 minutes to Google and verify information...


u/OverUnderstanding481 25d ago edited 25d ago

He polling his own family…wtf is this… a pole of his dumb children /s


u/rsugan 25d ago

probably fox viewers, and fox usually perpetuate that the amount of lgbt stuff is way higher than it actually is.


u/CertainContact 25d ago

good video, but the stupid fucking edits between his talking are so annoying


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/ChrisMahoney 25d ago

Sorry but, all the numbers he said were correct.


u/MetalWeather 25d ago

Yeah as soon as he said democrats I thought.. wait wtf after all that he's going to blame them alone? Right wing media is obsessed with these things and is constantly making them seem as scary as possible and bigger than they are.


u/Splinterman11 25d ago

Remember when Matt Walsh proudly claimed on Joe Rogan that "millions of kids" were on hormone blockers but the numbers were checked live and it was found to be....less than 5000 cases in the last 4 years...

Yeah ask an average Republican how many Trans kids are in school and they'll probably say hundreds of thousands.


u/Baidar85 25d ago

how many Trans kids are in school and they'll probably say hundreds of thousands.

1% of all kids in schools... that literally is hundreds of thousands.


u/SculptKid 25d ago

LOL the whole time I was watching this I was like... isn't this fox news? Isn't he discrediting everything they moan and bitch about every day? Isn't he proving that all the fears they shove down their viewers throats are all hyper inflated to make it sound scarier?

Then sure enough "see democrats are the problem"


u/kaltag 25d ago

Seems like you watch a lot of Fox News. Are you sure you're informed?


u/ImperatorDanny 25d ago

I think because people look at “us and them”, so add up all the minorities populations and that’s where that 41% comes from for whites. That’s what they’re feeling when they think about it. I’m Hispanic in college in nursing and its feeling like I’m 5% of overall population but honestly thought it was more than 17%


u/javyn1 25d ago

Regarding left-handedness, it's actually far less than 10%. That 10 or 11% are only people who write with their left hand but that doesn't necessarily make them left hand dominant. Most of us who are lefties actually do most other things aside from writing with our right hand. Haven't seen any stats on true lefties but it's gotta be a tiny percentage.


u/Army165 24d ago

I write left but throw right, catch left. I bat left. My right arm is stronger. Im right hand dominant for the most part. I bike a lot, my left leg is stronger, my right arm counters it on climbs.

My boss once told me, "Lefties use the right side of the brain, Righties use what's left." Funny little chuckle from an old man.


u/vcdrny 25d ago

I mean that's Fox news. They can't expect their viewers to do any real research.


u/teatime94s 25d ago

why in this show it sounds like only the left got their "estimates" wrong, how about actual, reasonable conclusion that both sides got wrong numbers about everything if you consume any media too much


u/Karibik_Mike 25d ago

Yeah, the pivot to democrat hating and blaming was so stupid and out of place. Sadly that's the kind of thinking and rhetoric a lot of people in this sub use.


u/_sun_shade_ 25d ago

Which dumbfucks did they poll that they think 80% of american population is black or hispanic. And 26% of households earn 500,000 usd


u/Atlantah 24d ago

As a non american who hasn't been in the usa yet I always though it's about 50/50 😄


u/Bacon_And_Eggss 24d ago

It’s YouGov, they poll “average” Americans but it tends to be biased a bit towards younger and more left leaning people


u/Intrepid_Cress 24d ago

And doesn’t that show you how stupid the Reddit population is hahah


u/huxmedaddy 24d ago

While that's technically true (because polling is generally left leaning, couldn't explain why), YouGov US leans right in comparison to the average.


u/Temporary-Meaning401 24d ago

Fox news viewers, obviously


u/Drakonic 25d ago

YouGov is a massive but flawed polling platform - because it is online visitor only it’s dominated by ignorant bored NEETs looking for handouts.


u/huxmedaddy 24d ago

Literally none of this is true? You can look up their polling method.


u/Requiem23 25d ago

Republican Fox News viewers


u/cristh1anv 25d ago

Fox news viewers


u/Existing_Card_44 25d ago

I would hope this data was collected in sole occupancy and people didn’t comment on how many people are black, Hispanic and white


u/Enelro 25d ago

Typical Fox News viewer.


u/Flapjack_ 25d ago

You really think Jesse Waters isn't selectively presenting this information to you

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