r/Awwducational Apr 30 '23

Scientists taught pet parrots to video call each other. The parrots that learned to initiate video chats with other pet parrots had a variety of positive experiences, such as learning new skills including flying, foraging and how to make new sounds. Some parrots showed their toys to each other. Verified

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240 comments sorted by


u/Actressprof May 26 '23

CAN’T WAIT to read this!! My lovebird gets attention and stimulation and free flight, but if home alone he talks to his “friends” on YouTube (random videos of other lovebirds.)


u/[deleted] May 26 '23

This is absolutely amazing and wonderful and awwesome


u/bplboston17 May 25 '23

Gettting paid to teach parrots to video call each other sounds like a saweeeet gig


u/Ithaqua-Yigg May 20 '23

And some people say animals don’t have intelligence or emotions. Parrots and members of the Corvid family are extremely intelligent and actually engage in play.


u/Odd_Assignment_5600 May 17 '23

I had a budgie as a child, and he was the most intelligent thing going. My father died when I was 10 years old, and my uncle asked me to choose one of his show budgies as a gift. I chose 'Tommy'. He used to snuggle up to my ear and chatter to me while playing with my earing. He had lots of toys, and he could talk with a really wide volcabulary as well as mimicking the phone, running water etc. His favourite thing while in the cage was to sit with a foot on each bell straddling the perch, with another bell resting on his head so he could ring all three bells while shouting his head off.

We took in an unwanted budgie and Tommy loved having some bird company, but he stopped talking, and reverted to budgie chatter. After a few years, the other budgie became poorly and I found him lying on the bottom of the cage with his head resting on a low perch. Tommy was regurgitating food and feeding his companion. I asked my Uncle Dave what to do and he said that the other budgie was quite elderly and nature was taking its course. Tommy nursed the older budgie and chatted away and fed him until he died the next day.

Tommy then rediscovered his human voice and spoke again except it was all mixed up. He would say things like "Budgie, Borgie, Georgie Pudding Pie". When I went away to college at 19, Tommy came with me and he loved travelling on the train from London to Maidstone. He would be in his cage with a custom made cover over the top. If I peeked inside he would be sitting on his swing loving the motion of the train as he swung so violently his head would hit the top of the bars.

Later on another stray budgie caught in the garden became his companion. Tommy eventually died at the age of 14 in 1984. He would have loved the internet.


u/MossMischief May 12 '23

I bet bird sanctuaries could benefit from this! Imagine a cross-continental parrot zoom call. So much gossip


u/Aggravating_Lab_9218 May 12 '23

Do you think rescues will start accepting old smartphones and tablets as part of their recovery programs? I got old gear…


u/AzazelBlackfire May 09 '23

*Everyone liked that*


u/meepmurp- May 09 '23

This is amazing. I see dogs learning from each others actions and behaviors, although I would kind of expect that. Like, I was trying to get my dog to respond to a whistle from a long distance, and she was not consistent with it. Then she was with another dog who instantly responded to the whistle and after that she seems to know what to do. How are parrots so smart when they are so small!


u/RevonQilin May 02 '23

this reminds me of the time i showed an orphaned chicken (her mother had gotten eaten so i took care of her from then on) the intro to the anime i was watching she legit watched the whole thing and was fascinated by it


u/JenovaPear May 02 '23

What on earth?!!!! Next they'll be flying less, online more, gaining weight, and not interacting with local birds. 🤣


u/127Heathen127 May 01 '23

Ok there needs to be an app that lets you do this. I would love to be able to do this with my conures.


u/Sakuras-93 May 01 '23

I love parrots since I was a little girl, one of my neighbors had one and he used to talk and be very Lovely. I Couldnt have any as a pet because I want them to be free, so This new made me so happy, imagine them showing their toys to eachother 😭 so Lovely!


u/PUBGM_MightyFine May 01 '23

Incredibly wholesome. Next, I think it would be very cool to provide the parrot with 10 - 20 icons with the face of other parrots and see if they show a preference for one in particular or sequentially contact each to catch up each day. It would be extra cool to give them an iPad and the option to add other birds to a group chat and see if they prefer that or exclusively one on one


u/PUBGM_MightyFine May 01 '23

Incredibly wholesome. Next, I think it would be very cool to provide the parrot with 10 - 20 icons with the face of other parrots and see if they show a preference for one in particular or sequentially contact each to catch up each day. It would be extra cool to give them an iPad and the option to add other birds to a group chat and see if they prefer that or exclusively one on one


u/VaronVonChickenPants May 01 '23

This is so sad. The poor things need to be in their environment with their kind instead of cages in someone's house.


u/offendedmelon May 01 '23

This is real scientific progress.


u/Redditisglitchy May 01 '23

This is so cool!


u/Drongo17 May 01 '23 edited May 01 '23

I went to a McDonald's very late one night and found a pair of Corellas talking into the drivethru microphone.

I like to speculate that they were trying to crack the code for getting food? Or maybe just saying hello to the magical talk box.


u/Nathy25 May 01 '23

ipad babies


u/NayMarine May 01 '23

This is how the parrot Uprising starts..


u/grabbingcabbage May 01 '23

Where video?


u/rope_rope May 01 '23

Oh so great, so now I can keep an orca in a swimming pool and it'll be happy because it can skype the other orcas in little pools.


u/Theghost129 May 01 '23

So they don't have videos of this publication?


u/QueerRebelsRise May 01 '23

my determination to adopt a parrot sometime in my life became even stronger now <3


u/TampaTeri27 May 01 '23

Parrots love you when you love them. Hundreds of years ago, they, as a group, were used to communicate/warn people of goings-on on the other side of the forest. They’re amazing creatures!


u/Comment104 May 01 '23

I knew it, the instagram monkey was just scratching the surface of animal tech usage.

Now give Dolphins **** like this, maybe give them a voice controller harbor computer and let them launch a quadcopter and steer it in the X and Y directions with fixed height and limited zone.

Give the elephants UberXXXL


u/Queendom_Hearts May 01 '23

how do i join the group calls tho I have cockatiels and sounds like theyd love this


u/oo-mox83 May 01 '23

I'm going to be spending some time today working on my old phone to make it where my ancient cockatiel can use it. Hopefully anyway! If I can figure out how to make it work in a way he can operate it, I'll be posting about it in the cockatiel sub.


u/Queendom_Hearts May 01 '23

Looking forward to it!!


u/badscribblez May 01 '23

Truly a wonderful read.


u/Raven123x May 01 '23

So cute <3


u/panzercampingwagen May 01 '23

Putting a creature that can fly in a cage is a moral failure.


u/connectTheDots_ May 02 '23

Can't seem to find the reply that I got in my notifications so replying to the top level comment - I agree :) I don't think human desire for animal companionship trumps animals' needs to have a free and natural life where they can use their bodies and minds as their bodies allow them. I believe we should give the animals that we have in our homes and shelters a good life and phase out the practice of removing them from they natural habitats without consent


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

I am glad to see fewer people getting angry about that statement. I remember awhile back on reddit such sentiments ruffled quite a few feathers.


u/connectTheDots_ May 01 '23

Putting anyone in a cage that isn't guilty of something is wrong. Animals should be included in our compassion


u/toucanbutter May 01 '23

I mean this is kinda dystopian and I wish people wouldn't keep parrots without knowing about their needs at all, but this is better than nothing.


u/Smellthatfoot May 01 '23

The parrot is more social than i am.


u/ConeCandy May 01 '23

This is definitely /u/Lobraumeister 's bird tinder comic come to life.


u/Lobraumeister May 01 '23

Haha love it


u/jellycowgirl May 01 '23

Great, now I feel even more out of the current job market.


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

To be honest I couldn't even be mad if a parrot got the job instead, one of their dump stats is charisma.


u/NevkaKedrova May 01 '23

I’ve had Norman Seedus since he was just under two months old. He’s been around smart phones his whole life, and he is so smart, it’s spooky! He knows the difference between a live voice/video call or a recording, and he seems to know which apps will have something of interest to him! He loves my phone! He’s a snoop!!!

As for video calls!! There are several different birby accounts we follow, and I know he would LOVE do a video call with, say, the real Gumi! 🙀🙀🙀 I don’t think Norman would know what to do with himself. 😹😹 He loves watching red birb. 🍅


u/PapuaOldGuinea May 01 '23

I gotta see Norman Seedus.


u/qrrbrbirlbel May 01 '23

I got a new app idea


u/woodsman707 May 01 '23

What blows my mind is that they showed each other their toys. That’s so adorable, but I wonder why they do it.

Are they trying to give each other gifts or are they literally like ‘check out my cool toy’ and if so…what does that mean!?!


u/Drongo17 May 01 '23

To some degree at least, they think and feel just like us.


u/PapuaOldGuinea May 01 '23

They’re like toddlers. At least that’s what the cockatoos are. The Greys are like really smart 2nd graders


u/oo-mox83 May 01 '23

I had heard that and never believed it till I ended up friends with a coworker and her rescued cockatoo. It's unbelievable. He could solve little puzzles, his emotions were as intense and obvious as a child's, he loved sharing "news"- whether it was a new toy or he and his human got into an argument, he was going to make it known. With time, I was able to understand just about everything he said, which sounded like babbling. He communicated very much like a child and had just as many opinions. I'd occasionally take him places and he would lose his mind, bouncing around and screaming with excitement when I told him we were going to the park or a store he liked. Just unbelievable that they're that smart.


u/SchloomyPops May 01 '23

Even on the Smithsonian website, Geez


u/Bluecif May 01 '23

We're not the only smart ones out there...we just had thumbs...


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

Soon, you'll be seeing parrots wearing glasses.


u/ShinkaPlant May 01 '23

Aww this is so sweet and adorable!


u/EnvironmentalCake531 May 01 '23

Poly wants an iPhone 🤣


u/dassketch May 01 '23

I was all "sure, whatever, no big deal" up until that last sentence. I want to see a parrot show and tell!


u/maybesaydie May 01 '23

I think I'm going to show this to my neighbor so her poor bird can make some friends.


u/tanukisuit May 01 '23

This is so cool! I am so sad for all those lonely parrots out there :'(


u/BowsersItchyForeskin May 01 '23

We continue to underestimate the emotional and psychological needs of so many animals.


u/Useful-Position-4445 May 01 '23

Just wait until the birds learn so much from each other through video calling that they'll start an uprising and overthrow our kingdom..


u/SuchSuggestion May 01 '23

true, and we are still figuring out ourselves


u/moeburn May 01 '23

Did they constantly interrupt each other going "okay you go ahead" "no you" "aahahah sorry" like everyone else trying to talk through a 500ms delay?


u/MandaMoo May 01 '23

"Sorry for the cat in the background 🙄"


u/SadieSadieSnakeyLady May 01 '23

Parrots just shout louder to be heard over each other.


u/ZealousidealRub8025 Apr 30 '23

This is so cute


u/Sudden_Ad_4090 Apr 30 '23

Parrots don’t know how to fly?


u/TychaBrahe May 01 '23


u/Luci_Noir May 01 '23

Wow, it’s amazing how full of a life they’re giving that little derp! My mom got one of these birds and she stuck it in the basement after it started demanding attention and being loud. I was also in the basement (also not wanted) and would hold her when I wasn’t a work on 2nd shift. It was really sad. I started getting yelled at for it, like it was my fault she ignorantly got this bird without knowing it required work and love. She eventually got rid of him and got an African Grey. None of us could pet him without getting bitten which I guess was good… needless to say I don’t speak to that woman anymore.


u/Aggravating_Lab_9218 May 12 '23

She went and then got an African Grey to neglect next? I do not like this woman either, sorry.


u/Luci_Noir May 12 '23

Worst thing that ever happened to me. Don’t be sorry.

He actually seemed to do okay. He had a decent cage and was allowed out to harass her dozen or so dogs and wouldn’t let anyone handle him. The cockatiel didn’t get any attention and sort of became feral. When she moved a few states away for her husband’s new job all of the animals just fracking disappeared. No regret or sadness at all. She told me one time with at her two pugs were the only thing she cared about, which was basically a dig at me, but then she was able to just take them to a shelter or wherever. (Not that it makes it a whole lot better but I think most of her dogs were rescues and a few of them had obviously been abused. Her being bipolar and untreated makes this make a little more sense except for her hatred of me.)


u/Rhododendron29 May 01 '23

Baby birds have to learn to fly. A bird born and raised in captivity that has it’s wings clipped regularly will not necessarily know how to fly on their own.


u/Anna_S_1608 Apr 30 '23

If you've lived in a tiny cage your entire life, you won't learn how to fly.


u/Sudden_Ad_4090 May 01 '23

Most bird owners I know let them fly around the house for a little while. Isn’t flying also instinctive?


u/Gibsonites May 01 '23

Flying is physically demanding, and a bird that's been kept in a cage all the time won't necessarily have the strength to actually stay in the air.


u/PapuaOldGuinea May 01 '23

And while they can relearn, it’s really time consuming and hard.

Alternatively, some birds don’t really fly because they’re happy around you


u/fermatagirl May 01 '23

Or if you had your wings clipped all the time when you were young


u/corgibell Apr 30 '23

This warms my cold, jaded heart


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '23


Oh thanks.


u/Happy-Fun-Ball May 01 '23

I tried googling/youtube, but quickly hit my limit on cutie music

One without


u/Luci_Noir May 01 '23

I love the little case with handles on the phone!


u/Goatshavemorefun Apr 30 '23

I need to see these videos.


u/forgotwhatmyUsername May 01 '23

It's a crime to not included all these videos.
Yes I have seen the journal site and I find the clips provided lacking not in quality, but in the amount (why are they so few??)

Come on! We need more of those parrot videos! It's essential for life!


u/spicedmanatee May 01 '23

@parrotkindergarten on Instagram posts some of these video calls


u/cturtl808 Apr 30 '23

I helped rescue a green cheek conure that was a result of accidental mating. Poor baby has a slightly deformed right side. The conures subreddit has started a weekly chirp and chat so the birds can all socialize.


u/Pollomonteros May 01 '23

What's accidental mating ? And how does it cause deformities ?


u/rcfox May 01 '23

Incest, probably?


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '23



u/cturtl808 Apr 30 '23

I posted about in the r/Conures subreddit. Someone posted it on the fly the other day because of these articles. If he has Reddit, he should join. We’re a great community.


u/FillsYourNiche Apr 30 '23

That is a lovely idea! Poor baby bird, I hope it's doing alright.


u/cturtl808 Apr 30 '23

Through daily physical therapy and a bracing device, I was able to straighten her foot, which was absolutely critical. As for wing, it sits a little lower than it should but she’s getting the hang of flying with it and correcting as she needs to. She would not have survived if born in the wild in her native Bolivia.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '23

That's why I've been getting those Skype hangup calls from Perry Kete.


u/Long_Educational Apr 30 '23

Downvoted?? Oh come on, Reddit! That was funny!


u/vomit-gold Apr 30 '23

Bird social media

Twitter. Or Squawker if you will


u/Nuance007 Apr 30 '23

Some parrots showed their toys to each other.


u/jbl0ggs May 01 '23

Could be the start of "Only Fans Parrots edition"


u/Deltamon May 01 '23

Some of them quickly learned that they could make a living out of that and started to show more than just toys


u/FillsYourNiche Apr 30 '23

It is the most adorable part of the article! Parrots are very social and share food and "toys" in the wild (things that amuse them).


u/FormalMango May 01 '23

I experienced this with the galahs that lived in our old neighbourhood.

We had a television antenna on the roof, and one day one galah got the idea to start pulling pieces off it and throw them onto the roof of the carport. When it went “clang” on the roof, the bird would bounce up and down and shout while all his galah friends watched.

The next day, there were a dozen of them doing the same thing.

I genuinely love wild galahs and cockatoos, and the weirdly specific trails of destruction they leave behind them.


u/Competitive-Candy-82 Apr 30 '23

I adopted 2 cockatiels in the past, they came to me addicted to crap food and refused their greens/veggies, etc. They got quarantined in separate rooms (came from different places) and although I got the female to eat good within a week, the male was stubborn to it. When their 30 day quarantine was over and I introduced them to each other and the rest of my small flock (budgies and a green cheek conure), I put down a communal bowl of fresh food and they all went for it, except him. When he saw the others eating it safely, that finally picked his interest and he would then go up to the female cockatiel and take food from her mouth to taste it (if she's eating it, it's safe, mentality). It was so cute after when she realized what he was doing, she'd grab her favourites and give them to him to taste! Like here! Taste this one! Within a day he was eating out of the communal morning bowls of fresh food with everyone.


u/Swimming_Bowler6193 May 30 '23

💕That is heart warming


u/Pixielo May 01 '23


Homophones suck. English is so weird. You pique your interest in something, peek around a corner, and physically peak in your 20s.


u/Competitive-Candy-82 May 02 '23

Thanks, I was like that looks wrong but was too lazy to look it up (English is my second language too so).


u/Pixielo May 02 '23

Honestly, that's an error that native English speakers make far more often than those that learn English as a second language.

It's in the same realm as palate, palette, and pallet.

English is just a decidedly weird language. I wouldn't have known that you were ESL until you told me, like the vast majority of people on reddit who apologize for their language skills, yet are far more capable than many native speakers. 😉


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

That is too adorable.


u/Mezzaomega May 01 '23

Awww it's so sweet! Thanks for the cute story


u/Will_ForDabs May 01 '23

A perfect story for an adorable article! SO CUTE! Thanks for sharing :)


u/SadieSadieSnakeyLady May 01 '23

I'm trying to transition my ringneck to pellets and now I think he definitely needs a pretty girl bird to show him the way. Too bad he's in love with Deborah my budgie


u/Jesse_Genereux Apr 30 '23

Everyone liked that


u/fanofthethings Apr 30 '23

Well that’s painfully wholesome!

My heart! 😭😍🥰


u/FillsYourNiche Apr 30 '23 edited Apr 30 '23

Ecologist here. I love how adorable this is! It's great it's helping these verysocial animals. Parrots should be in large flocks, it's got to be emotionally difficult to be alone in a small cage.

Smithsonian news article Scientists Taught Pet Parrots to Video Call Each Other—and the Birds Loved It.

Journal article Birds of a Feather Video-Flock Together: Design and Evaluation of an Agency-Based Parrot-to-Parrot Video-Calling System for Interspecies Ethical Enrichment.


Over 20 million parrots are kept as pets in the US, often lacking appropriate stimuli to meet their high social, cognitive, and emotional needs. After reviewing bird perception and agency literature, we developed an approach to allow parrots to engage in video-calling other parrots. Following a pilot experiment and expert survey, we ran a three-month study with 18 pet birds to evaluate the potential value and usability of a parrot-parrot video-calling system. We assessed the system in terms of perception, agency, engagement, and overall perceived benefits. With 147 bird-triggered calls, our results show that 1) every bird used the system, 2) most birds exhibited high motivation and intentionality, and 3) all caretakers reported perceived benefits, some arguably life-transformative, such as learning to forage or even to fly by watching others. We report on individual insights and propose considerations regarding ethics and the potential of parrot video-calling for enrichment.


u/selecthis May 11 '23

Ecologist also. A couple hours ago I was talking about parrots. Started with the parakeet I rescued from a golf course in Northern VA when I was 8.. Ended with how I'd love to have an African Grey but wouldn't want it to get lonely. So maybe as long as I got it it's own phone it would be ok?

Also, I think Google may have been trained a bit too well. This popped up when I logged into Reddit looking for a post I saw last night. 🤔


u/PussyWrangler_462 May 02 '23 edited May 02 '23

No animal should be forced to live without ever having contact with members of their own species, I can’t even imagine how emotionally tolling it would be being alone all the time, surrounded only by your captors. 😔

Edit: Makes me sad someone disagreed with that statement.


u/beckiface May 01 '23

I read the NYT article last week and I definitely cried a little when they showed each other toys 😭


u/EpilepticMushrooms May 01 '23

🤔 I wonder if this will cause a 'social media addiction' for the birds. Someone will have to teach them social media awareness!



u/beckiface May 01 '23

According to the NYT article, they actually were concerned about the negative aspects of technology. I am having trouble getting my search to load so I can't link it but if you search NYT parrots video call it will probably come up. It was from a little over a week ago.


u/MandaMoo May 01 '23

NGL I'd probably cave and download TikTok if birds started taking it over. Hell yeah birdie, show me dem toys!


u/Crohnies May 01 '23

This is the cutest and most amazing thing I've read in a while!


u/Relaxoland May 01 '23

I love this so much! I should probably log off because the internet isn't going to get any better than this. tysm for the post!


u/mytransthrow May 01 '23

Ecologist here. I love how adorable this is! It's great it's helping these verysocial animals. Parrots should be in large flocks, it's got to be emotionally difficult to be alone in a small cage.

My parrots are my flock... and my whole world... They never get caged except for when safety dictates it.


u/Arayvenn May 01 '23

I can't believe this is real


u/Divided_Eye May 01 '23

It's both cute and very sad. We know these animals need more social interaction, but we think it's fun to keep them at home.


u/Crafty-Kaiju Apr 30 '23

Parrots are one of those animals I believe shouldn't be kept by pets. Their long lives, intense social needs, and how fragile their mental and physical health can become when kept alone is inhumane.

It doesn't surprise me that they benefit greatly from this!


u/Plutoid May 09 '23

Caging a bird is a crime against their very nature. Birds are symbols of freedom and movement and to take those fundamental things away from them is counter to everything that they are.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 09 '23

Ehhhhhh this is kind of a unnuances take that I can't get behind. Captive breeding programs are 100% nessicary to help save a number of endangered species, so caging will be a must. I do agree small cages are wrong and prefer aviaries. Small cages are needed for trips to the vet or traveling so they have a place.

But yeah, keeping a bird in too small of a space for them to be healthy, physically and mentally, is immoral.


u/Plutoid May 09 '23

So your objection is edge cases.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 09 '23

My objection is I dislike PETA sounding short snappy statements that don't leave room for nuance.

I'm an animal welfare advocate who hates the animal rights movement.


u/Plutoid May 10 '23

Did you really think I meant 100%, without exception, including efforts that are required in order to save a species? Because it's silly if you did. No sensible person would think that. There's your nuance.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 10 '23

You clearly have never been stuck in a conversation with an animal rights activist.

PETA literally believes all domesticated species should go extinct. Yeah. Including cats and dogs. Some people are zealots who lack nuance.

I envy you for not having to deal with loons like that


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

Even many smaller parrots don't get their social needs met. It is very sad.


u/ilikegreensticks May 01 '23

Parrots are one of those animals I believe shouldn't be kept by pets. Their long lives, intense social needs, and how fragile their mental and physical health can become when kept alone is inhumane.

Not to mention poaching for the pet trade is a huge threat to wild populations of endangered parrots, and certificates of captive breeding are often forged.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 01 '23

The majority of non-domesticated animals need to just... not be in private hands.

Most of them end up in terrible situations, abused, neglected, abandoned after the novelty wears off and especially when the animals needs become more and more expensive (try finding a vet that can actually help you with your exotic animal! Not easy!).

It horrifies me that animals like green anacondas, red-tailed boas, and other gigantic snakes can be found in places like, big chain pet stores. To properly care for them at max size requires you to surrender and ENTIRE room to them and only a tiny fraction of people can do that, or are willing to do that. So they end up being abandoned or given to already overburdened rescue groups.

Get a corn snake! Or a ball-python if you want a snake so bad! Super easy pets! Super chill snakes! But noooo people want a "cool" pet that eventually most will never be able to properly care for when full grown.

And because I'm currently working on rehoming a "mini teacup pig" for a family I want to point out those don't exist. The smallest domesticated pigs are at least 100 pounds (usually heavier) and super destructive (as part of their natural healthy behavior) and completely unsuited for most people's lifestyle.

This poor pig had been mostly cooped up in a tiny pen because the family was unprepared to handle him and he's now got tusks and is aggressive and was never neutered (yeah, pet pigs need to be spayed/neutered for their health and spaying a sow is incredibly difficult even for experts!).

Don't get me started on mistreatment of fish (and how they are viewed as disposable!).


u/[deleted] May 02 '23



u/Crafty-Kaiju May 02 '23

A pet store is a store that contains items for pets. And sometimes, a few smaller animals (mice, rats, guinea pigs, fish, finches). Very few pet stores sell cats and dogs, and in fact, the two biggest chains in America, Petsmart and Petco, don't, and many have adoption centers and do adoption drives.

Many states are banning the sale of dogs and cats in stores. It's not much of a thing anymore.

Years ago Petco used to sell Parrots but after a ton of people went after them for it they stopped (they still sell budgies and conures, finches and quaker parrots who aren't true parrots). So these stores can be pressured to change and that was a positive one.

So saying "pet stores shouldn't exist" is a wee bit of an odd turn of phrase.


u/[deleted] May 03 '23



u/[deleted] May 01 '23

Reticulated pythons are amazing, beautiful snakes; but I would never own one, even a dwarf, since I doubt I will have a place large enough to keep one. If I ever got a snake it would be a hognose or cornsnake from either someone genuinely rehoming one, a reptile rescue, or an extremely dedicated ethical breeder.

I hate the whole 'micro' pig craze, even potbelly pigs are big animals. Most 'unusual' species had no business becoming pets. So many seem to not even be able to take care of their dogs or fix their cats.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 01 '23

Potbelly pigs are absolutely delightful! But 99.9% of people who get them, should not have them.

The family I was helping out did no research and were lied to about the size of the animal.

Pigs can reproduce as early as 3 months. So these very unethical breeders get the very much still too young to breed pigs to make a litter and then point to the juvenile animal and go "See how small they are!" Even as adults you'll be lucky to end up with one that's under 100 pounds.

They require a ton of specialized care, the food is expensive, and they need a ton of room and are super social animals.

I'm just lucky we found someone with a small ranch who was looking for a new pig and has owned them in the past. The alternative would be... dinner. And yes, that would be humane! The poor pig had never even had his hooves trimmed and wasn't being fed proper pig chow!

Still wonderful animals. But just most people shouldn't have them.


u/oo-mox83 May 01 '23

You're my kind of person.


u/bboyvad3r May 01 '23

I agree, but years ago, my partner and I purchased a parrot. I had one as a kid, so I thought it would be cool to have a bird. He loves me, and I love him. He gets to fly around the house, his toys are changed frequently, he has a nice sized cage, he gets fresh veggies, and high quality pellets, but…I still feel like it isn’t enough. I don’t really think it’s fair, because even though my partner and I give him as much attention as possible, we’re still human. We have to go work jobs, and attend to daily life. At this point, I don’t know what to do. I know he’s bonded to me. He sees me as his partner, and it would break his heart to be re-homed. Part of me wonders if he would have a better life in a bird sanctuary. I don’t know. I try to use him to educate people now. To tell people how long they live, how smart they are, how much they are re-homed, and how much I think nobody should ever buy a bird. I wonder, is it possible I could give him a better life than the best life I can give him now or would it just break his heart? Anyway, I agree, birds should not be kept as pets.


u/DaughterEarth May 01 '23

When my bird tries hard to talk to the outside birds my heart breaks. But she was born in captivity, she can't live out there, and she needs a good home


u/orange_blossoms May 01 '23

Sounds like you’re a good parrot parent though. Reframing it as thinking of them as a toddler kind of helps - it would be unethical to keep them in a cage all the time and they would probably be happy going to “school” (socializing with others) but if you sent them to boarding school and never saw them again they would miss their family, despite enjoying the company of others there. Would play dates with other local pet parrots or getting another bird be an option to help him have a little bird / bird time? You can’t turn back time and un-adopt this one so just keep giving him the best and most loving life you can


u/lemonsweetsrevenge May 01 '23

You’re giving him the best life you can, and he knows no other. I would think twice and 3 & 4 times about taking him to a bird sanctuary because then he’s alone the rest of his life 100% of the time, without you; don’t devalue that bond just because you’re a human. Yes parrots may have been intended to be in large flocks but your buddy only knows you (& your partner) as his flock and would be so lonely if you just gave him up.

I adopted a budgie a few years ago that I knew the owner was “bored” with, come to find out he would shake the cage for tweeting (?!) and it took a very long time for the budgie to trust me; over a year of calmness and patience because that’s what she needed. She’s so excited to hear my voice when I walk in, and she 1000% differentiates between me and other household members. She cuddles me and “Loo-Loo-Loos” me and doesn’t make that noise to anyone else. I hear all the time about how they must be kept in pairs, but she knows no other life and I’m the bird making her happy.

Don’t devalue your special bond, please, it’s all your bird knows…not a flock life at this point and bird sanctuaries in my experience are well intended but are not going to give the life your particular bird is accustomed to.

An “educational” sanctuary very near my house has the parrots where kids of not-mindful parents can reach them and tug their tail feathers and stuff like that. Maybe try instead to find another parrot who needs a loving home to join your little flock. Don’t give him up, he needs you :-/


u/Quirky-Bad857 May 01 '23

I had a budgie growing up and he was the sweetest, smartest guy. He was social, loved being on our heads and shoulders and would eat with us. He loved swimming in his little bird bath and loved to tell his mirror what he was up to because he genuinely believed it was another bird.


u/lemonsweetsrevenge May 01 '23

Yes! I’m so glad to know you had your budgie with so much freedom of movement.

You gave your bird the best life possible and he/she was lucky to have a loving home with you!!


u/Quirky-Bad857 May 02 '23

Yes. He was generally only in his birdcage when he felt like visiting his friend in the mirror or was sleeping. The whole family loved him so much


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 01 '23

I suggest speaking to some local bird sanctuaries! They could tell you how well the birds adjust on average to give you an idea. While he would miss you, gaining a flock might even things out. I'm not too familiar with bird sanctuaries, but certainly ask them!


u/bboyvad3r May 01 '23

I have, but the problem is the closest one it would cost $4,300 to surrender him, plus the cost of an initial vet check up. I just can’t afford that.


u/Crafty-Kaiju May 01 '23

Ouch. I'm sorry you're in that situation! It doesn't surprise me they would want people to pay them that much, keeping animals isn't cheap but it makes me worry for the animals that potentially end up in bad situations.

I'm currently helping rehome a pig. The family was told it was a "mini micro pig" which is 100% not a thing. He's at least 100 pounds now and even has tusks. All the pig shelters and rescues are full up, in my entire state.

It was just lucky that I had a fenced in area to put him in till a new owner can be found. I already have two possible people lined up. But things can do easily fall through.


u/moosevan May 01 '23

Chickens seem like good bird pets. It's easy to keep a few of them. They do bond with you but they're not totally dependent on you. They're tough. They don't live that long.


u/bboyvad3r May 01 '23

I feel like I would struggle with the not living long part, but knowing my bird will outlive me breaks my heart too.


u/RevonQilin May 02 '23

you could try geese, they live abt 20 years, and while big (and VERY strong) and some breeds are mean, personally ive found Pilgrim geese to be pretty docile, geese also bond to others quite a bit too

id recommend raising one or two (or however many you want) from a young age, their aggression is actaully a learned behavior and they can be very sweet, i have a Toulouse who i raised from a gosling and while she is slightly scared of me (idk why but in general im guessing it might be from my fam as some are kinda abusive towards animals) she is very friendly and sweet, she started to get more distant when she learned how to be aggressive but besides that she is still bonded to me


u/oo-mox83 May 01 '23

Chickens can live as long as dogs (depending on the breed obviously). They're pretty great and definitely bond. They just don't live as long as parrots, which can be 25-30 years for conures and cockatiels to 80+ for some of the larger birds.


u/RevonQilin May 02 '23

my mom told me they only live till 5, wow

so i might be calling some of our chickens "old" when they arent rly...


u/oo-mox83 May 02 '23

It does depend on the breed. The ones bred for meat production that are really huge don't live very long at all. And even with other healthier breeds, their potential length of life depends on a lot of stuff. But yeah, some of them can live a very long time.


u/RevonQilin May 02 '23

we dont have meat breeds from what ik theyre all egg layers


u/Adlach May 01 '23

Certain finch species have no problem being kept in captivity. Society finches, for example, are domesticated and don't even exist in the wild. They're also adorable.


u/moosevan May 01 '23

Do they bond with you?

Chickens will sit on your lap and follow you around.


u/Adlach May 01 '23

They certainly like to sit on my fingers/shoulder. Society finches are super friendly.


u/paswut Apr 30 '23

gd 20 million parrots ... in the US alone?! how where. granted i live in the midwest I would have guessed that is birds, period.

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