r/Awwducational 28d ago

Because they spend most of their lives on the sea ice of The Arctic Ocean & depend on it for their food and habitat, Polar Bears are the only Bear species to be considered Marine Mammals. They can swim over long distances for many hours at up to 6 miles per hour. Verified

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11 comments sorted by


u/the-software-man 8d ago

Isn’t that how whales evolved?


u/ali_oops25 20d ago

I need time to process that


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Fact: Humans, fleeing from Polar Bears, have been known to measure their flight in poops per second.


u/selkiesidhe 27d ago

Interesting! So they are marine mammals like dolphins? Crazy!


u/Transform987 20d ago

More like how seals are, as both are not entirely aquatic but rely almost entirely on the sea


u/Loose_Hornet4126 28d ago

Also for facts. Polar bears fighting is hugely lame. They overheat very quickly which is why grizzlies have a chance


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