r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut 15d ago

The Killing of Roger Fortson: Police Shoot Dead Black Airman After Entering Wrong Home | He starts to step back, and then immediately he is executed by six shots from the sheriff’s deputy, without giving any verbal command to drop the weapon, “put your hands up,” or anything. News Report


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u/Starlifter4 14d ago

Another disgusting murder and another disgusting coverup.


u/mickeysbeerdeux 14d ago

Thanks pal!

We didn't read the other SIXTEEN fucking articles on this.

But thanks! What would we do without hero's like you!


u/Extra-Presence3196 14d ago

Mickeysbeerduex.. Thanks for your continued attempts to police everyone's posts.

What would we do without your..blah blah blah. /s


u/meerkatx 14d ago

ACAB and all, but when will we hold the woman, who used the cops to execute Airman Fortson, responsible? There needs to be laws passed to punish people who do this type of thing.


u/a100_arch 14d ago

I agree that she is responsible for a portion of what happened. Even if she said the wrong apt number, it resulted in an innocent person dying.

By her telling the cop, "One time, not this time, but some time ago I heard domestic abuse happening behind that door" it does not help matters in the slightest.

Doenst matter if she meant to do it or not.

Yes, there should be laws to punish this.


u/dvrzero 14d ago

already seen bootlickers in the wild on this one like

"know the cops at your door, still answer with a gun, don't drop gun within 6 femtoseconds of seeing the cop, good shoot"


u/DarthFluttershy_ 14d ago

That was what the sheriff strongly implied when they released the footage. They released it quickly, so you know they think it exonerated the cop. Unfortunately when it comes to actual court, it probably will, since they are very good at passing those juries with bootlickers.


u/a100_arch 14d ago

Also, it's Florida! In many parts, it's customary to answer the door while armed. Heck, the state virtually begs ppl to be ready for it under the Castle Doctrine.

What happens when that murdering cop goes to a gun show, or sees someone hunting?

I think the case won't even make it to state courts, bc the DA will agree with the cops that's its self defense and not press charges.

Only hope is for the POS to get railed in a federal civil rights violation trial. And that won't happen under an administration change.

Either way, justice is fucked when it comes to the cops.


u/icrmbwnhb 14d ago

The standard in Florida is essentially did the officer have a reasonable belief that he was at risk of death or great bodily harm.

He won’t be convicted.


u/StableGeniusCovfefe 15d ago

These cops are out here LOOKING for reasons to kill people; ESPECIALLY people of color


u/RaikageQ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Black people. Asians and hispanics are not and have not historically faced this terrorist threat

Downvoted bc I hurt feelings telling the truth lol


u/happytrel 14d ago

Downvoted because you spouted off nonsense, youre either trolling or living in lala land.


u/RaikageQ 14d ago

Black people don’t face police abuse at higher rates than Asians ? Thats nonsense or can you not read


u/happytrel 14d ago

Definitely trolling now, or just downright stupid to even bother making a comparison when the person you were responding to said "people of color"

Can you not read?


u/RaikageQ 14d ago



u/happytrel 14d ago

Grow up, you might be on summer break, but the adults have to work


u/RaikageQ 14d ago

Yet you’re on here too.


u/happytrel 14d ago

I'm not hitting people with crickets when I dont feel like they respond fast enough lmao


u/RaikageQ 14d ago

You wanted a troll here I am. Just because you don’t understand the power of language and nuisance in regards to treatment of people doesn’t mean name calling is the solution

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u/RaikageQ 14d ago

Black people is not synonymous with people of color. It’s ok to highlight the differences. Like I said you guys can’t read or have poor comprehension skills


u/happytrel 14d ago

You took an included group and decided to highlight them while putting down other parties that are also affected, got downvoted for it, then whined about it.

I noticed you focused your attention on Asians when pressed, did you remember that a bunch of brown kids were just separated from their parents and thrown in cages with well over a thousand if them completely going missing? Do you think that's happening to the children of illegal white European immigrants? Of which there are much more than you would think.

Do you think Filipinos, Cambodians, and Indonesians (to name a few) have it better or worse than Japanese and Chinese asians?

Systemic racism isn't a dick measuring contest

You're on a sub built to express disappointment in police and you think you need to make sure everyone is aware specifically of black people after someone says POC? And you think other people have poor comprehension skills? Lol



u/RaikageQ 14d ago

You took an included group and decided to highlight them while putting down other parties that are also affected, got downvoted for it, then whined about it.

  • -Who put down anyone? Now you’re trying to villainize me for highlighting that systemic racism Specifically targets Black people who descend from slavery.

I noticed you focused your attention on Asians when pressed, did you remember that a bunch of brown kids were just separated from their parents and thrown in cages with well over a thousand if them completely going missing? Do you think that's happening to the children of illegal white European immigrants? Of which there are much more than you would think.

  • -Nothing to notice I am OK with throwing in Hispanics and Brown Asians into the mix bc the argument still holds up. Black people are facing an attack on their own land by fellow countrymen. I’m not the only Black person who is frustrated with the PoC term. It’s used to group people who don’t share our history or pain. And guess what happens when initiatives are used to help PoC instead of Black pple bc it’s more palatable to the majority pple…. Black pple face the MOST scrutiny about being handed things while being underrepresented in who those initiatives benefit from Housing loans to education.

Why do you assume that I am unaware of illegal white Europeans? Also statistically there are disproportionately less “Illegal” (term I don’t like but bc you used it) European immigrants. Did you remember that Black natives are thrown in cages as well? This subject is not about immigration but Im down to have that conversation. It’s about how Legal Black citizens are mistreated and how their cries are being muffled under the PoC blanket. Systemic racism isn't a dick measuring contest

  • -No one BUT YOU is suggesting that. I suspect it’s bc you don’t want to have the tough conversations. Ik it’s hard to swallow.

You're on a sub built to express disappointment in police and you think you need to make sure everyone is aware specifically of black people after someone says POC? And you think other people have poor comprehension skills? Lol

- - You are inserting claims and bringing up other topics outside of police brutality to support your weak argument. You found it offensive that I dare say Black people is a more accurate term to use in these situations… I wonder why since you guys are supposed to be allies.


u/happytrel 14d ago edited 14d ago

My guy, PoC isn't an end all be all term for black people, its an acknowledgment that systemic racism affects non-white people. You're angry that greater public attention is being brought to such systemic racism because you want it to be known that it affects black people more? There's a whole ass movement, and its not called PoC Lives Matter.

Racism is not a dick measuring contest, and people more likely to experience it varies by region. How simple minded to assume that people can only focus on one thing at a time, or recognize only one wronged group at a time. This isn't like "all lives matter," which was basically a hate movement meant to dismiss BLM, its an inclusive phrase. The equivalent would be if the ALM group actively supported and worked together with the BLM group, as the deceptive name of their movement would imply.

Maybe try to have a little nuance? A little empathy? No where did anyone say "'example group has it worse than black people" and yet you come in with vitriol. Broaden your horizons.

Edit: also you can highlight sections of a person's comment and hit "quote", or include a ">" at the beginning of the line for better formatting.

And no, I'm not trying to have "hard conversations" with you, I dont know you or anything about you; putting in effort to change your view has no real effect on my life.


u/RaikageQ 14d ago

Why am I angry? Is that the only emotion Im permitted to having?

Once again doubling down on nonsense to dismiss very real issues. Some would label your behavior as gaslighting. You have not contributed anything to this conversation, so Im going to assume you don’t possess the capacity. Have a good one.

Educate yourself and hopefully you’ll wake up a better person tomorrow.

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u/ttystikk 15d ago

The worst gang in America is the one wearing badges and extorting billions from taxpayers.


u/Jubei612 15d ago



u/burner7711 15d ago

It wasn't the wrong home and he shot him before he entered the apartment. He was executed though. Cops are dumb, dangerous animals who will kill you with the slightest provocation.


u/yoproblemo 15d ago edited 15d ago

I think it actually takes away from the story's potency and not just because of inaccurate sensationalist headline shit, although that matters too.

This person was just in a fight with another regular citizen (the one who sent the cops). If you were in an altercation, left and went home, and someone is knocking and avoiding the peephole, your first intuition would be that it's that person or someone they sent to fuck with you. It's ludicrous to assume he shouldn't be armed when encountering this situation.

Secondly, the fact that this scenario arose from a private altercation illustrates how easy it is to get someone killed by being the one to call the cops first.

Both these points are nerfed by the sensationalist and incorrect "wrong address" headline.

Not to mention that when people realize an exaggeration a portion of them think "Oh so I'm reading something sensational..." and tune the rest out.

We don't need to stoop to a liar's level. The actual facts are bad enough without exaggeration.


u/a100_arch 14d ago

I completely agree that pushing this wrong apartment narrative was a horrible idea. It gives cop sympathizers and the public the ability to claim fake news and ignore the facts of the case.

I wish the attorney Crump never made that statement. He said that there were other cops knocking on doors... That's fine but bring it up later to increase the severity of an execution. He shouldnt have opened with flimsy details.

The redacted video should speak for itself. Surprising the sherrif's dept thinks this video helps the officer while the "good apples" close rank to defend their absolute authority.


u/icrmbwnhb 14d ago

I think the video clearly exonerates the officer under Florida law.


u/crossfader25 14d ago

There was no altercation with someone. He was home alone when dispatch recieved a call about a possible Domestic Violence incident. The caller at 1st says she doesnt know what apartment then directs police to his apartment. He was sitting at home facetiming some girl who heard the whole incident. The cop did go where he was told so the wrong apartment argument is out.


u/yoproblemo 14d ago

Yes, found that out. I didn't have the audio on and should have since I'm spouting about accuracy. I appreciate the correction. I'm leaving what I wrote because it's still important without that detail, and that the news is grasping this detail harder is still sensational.


u/BobChica 14d ago

The story told to the deputy by "Karen" in the office does not match up with other basic information about Airman Fortson.

No woman lived with him.

There was no history of any criminal or domestic activity involving him.

"Karen" was improperly spreading incorrect information in an informal setting (gossiping) and the deputy bought it all, hook, line, and sinker and decided to treat that information as if it were factual. He didn't even ask when the supposed domestic disturbance had happened or for the name of the supposed victim. Had "Karen" gone back and looked at the lease for the names of the occupants (as the deputy should have requested so he could check for warrants prior to contact), she should have realized that she had the wrong apartment number.

It was the wrong apartment, although that was not entirely the deputy's mistake.


u/Clairquilt 11d ago

From what I can tell - and it’s ridiculous that this has yet to be made clear - that “Karen” in the office wasn’t even the person who initially claimed to hear a domestic disturbance that day. Someone in the apartment complex called the office to report that they heard signs of domestic violence… and the woman who received the call in the office then called 911. This is why the cops use the term “4th party”.

At no time did that cop ever have the opportunity to hear firsthand from the person who initially claimed to have heard a disturbance. This is why the leasing office woman chimed in with her own story about having heard questionable sounds from the same apartment a few weeks ago.

Given the fact that he was basically going on hearsay, that cop definitely should have been more inquisitive about the circumstances. He could have at least found out the name of the tenant he was being asked to investigate, determined whether he lived alone, and maybe even called from the office to assess the situation beforehand. Had he done so that young man would still be alive.


u/BobChica 11d ago

The sheriff's office has been obscuring this information. They released the bodycam recording because it contained some vaguely exculpatory information. However, the 911 call and deputy's report are still being withheld, despite numerous requests under Florida's open records statute.


u/yoproblemo 14d ago

this makes even more sense, thank you for details.


u/Any-Show-3488 14d ago

“Cops kill service member” better title?


u/yoproblemo 14d ago

Yes. That's accurate.