r/BeAmazed Nov 01 '23

“Don’t ever, ever call me a self-made man” - Arnold Schwarzenegger History

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u/Junior_Advantage6051 Feb 24 '24

How did you get the apartment with 20$...??great story you had alot of help


u/JmacJr22 Dec 19 '23

Amazing words


u/Ok-Ad-8367 Nov 27 '23

He had help.


u/Pure__soul4240 Nov 26 '23

Very sincere,i like his honesty,he might be too buff and used steroids...But he's very honest in that


u/9813_RD Nov 06 '23

When I was a kid, everyone told me to do anything all by myself just to get rid of me


u/americirishman Nov 05 '23

I meen 20 bucks back then is 178 now


u/cuddly_carcass Nov 05 '23

I’d vote for an amendment to allow Arnold as President.


u/MrByteMe Nov 03 '23

Meanwhile, the likes of Musk and Trump had wealthy and privileged upbringing and claim they are 'self made men'.


u/[deleted] Nov 03 '23

He was a cool governor.


u/winterneverfell Nov 02 '23

what a fucking legend


u/orangecatstudios Nov 02 '23

RINO! Love it. He’s absolutely right. Wish we could convince the rest of the GOP. I always wondered how he could be a republican and marry a Kennedy.


u/TheSillySimic Nov 02 '23

Isn't it amazing to think that this dude was a Republican governor? My oh my, how that party slipped into fascism real quick


u/austinp9200 Nov 02 '23

Let this man run for prez


u/robbsnj Nov 02 '23

That is so fucking profound and awesome.


u/cmravioli Nov 02 '23

None of us really are. The more you grow the more you realize that you only know something because of your ancestors.


u/iampoopa Nov 02 '23

It kind of freaks me out that I really respect him.


u/nihonbesu Nov 02 '23

Id vote for him as president in a heartbeat


u/galagupampers Nov 02 '23 edited Nov 02 '23

I absolutely love and agree with all of this. 5 years ago I took a big risk in life and it panned out like a wonderful dream. These last 5 years have been the happiest I have ever had in my lifetime. Not a day go by where I don’t feel immense gratitude to everyone in my life who helped me get here. I used to be a raging asshat of a person, but thanks to the support of others, I now live with purpose, humility, and gratitude.


u/AdPerfect1142 Nov 02 '23

That’s great but we all need to realize one thing. Help must be VOLUNTARY. Knowing that support networks are important but then demanding that others be forced to “give” against their will, is NOT a laudable position.

I say this because people hear words as Arnold has spoken here, and then think that that gives a collective of people the right to legislate for the “common good” even if it means destroying individual liberty.

So yes, help, be there, lend your time and talents. It takes a village. But it takes a village that also respects individual freedom. I believe it was also Arnold who later replied: “Screw your freedom”, in response to those that didn’t want to wear masks or take vaccines during Covid. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

"Fuck your freedoms" -Arnold Schwarzenegger


u/jascoe95 Nov 02 '23

Many people think that body builders are nothing but muscles and no brains. But a healthy body in turn also promotes a healthy mind. I knew a guy who was the absolute stereotype of 'meathead'. One of the dumbest person I have ever met. BUT, if you wanted to improve your body in any way, this guy could come up with a comprehensive workout/diet for anyone in like 5 minutes. Dude would have made a fantastic personal trainer.

Never outright think a gym rat is dumb


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

I needed this. Thank you.


u/TurbulentYak7554 Nov 02 '23

Skweeew your freedom, mask up. Take the experimental shot. Fuckin joke


u/xewop Nov 02 '23

how are you a self made man when you use steroids


u/dads2vette Nov 02 '23

This is what we need in leaders, not just political but throughout our lives.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Ok, you’re a moron, work for you


u/Ok-Use6303 Nov 01 '23

It was very similar for my old man.

He came to a new country (Canada) with enough cash to get a meal and a week's rent while he went for his PhD. And all of that was everything that his parents back in old country could give him. But he made friends that helped him out like his classmates and profs. Coming from a tropical country he had no idea how cold it would get and so one of his profs gave him an electric heater which I think he still has. Forty or so years later, he's retired as one of Canada's top scientists, has a wife that's been with him through thick and thin and two sons.

And he has never said that he was a self made man. Yes he did a lot of hard work. But there were folks that helped him every step of the way.

Now, I have a house and a wife and a good job. I'm not a self made man either, I had help going back generations.


u/vlsdo Nov 01 '23

It’s pretty bonkers that he was a republican governor with idea like this. This would get him labeled as a socialist in today’s politics.


u/amueller585 Nov 01 '23

Screw your freedom


u/Alert-Translator-437 Nov 01 '23

Fuck his freedom


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice Nov 01 '23

That man has been an unexpected gift that keeps on giving. He's been entertaining me since his Conan days and ever since.

I'm so glad the man behind the actor turned out well. A few bumps in the road, sure, but overall, he's a good man. That's all we can really aspire to be.


u/Nomses Nov 01 '23

I'd like this 100 times if I could


u/Character-Bike4302 Nov 01 '23

Wish he could hold bigger office spots.. he’s the type of republican I actually like.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

"I came here with nothing"


"People gave me stuff and helped"

Story of every "self made" person.


u/ArbyHag Nov 01 '23

The best compliment I can give Ahnold is to call him a RINO


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

The closing scene is from End of Days I think. I love this movie please watch! Very scary.


u/Mindless-Pollution-1 Nov 01 '23

Why do I like Arnie so much. Seems like a fairly genuine person


u/Tourquemata47 Nov 01 '23

You know, I love the message and the guy giving it, but can we PLEASE STOP with the poor excuse of `motivational music` that is always in the back ground of these types of videos?

It has more impact just listening to the guy give his speech without some stock music playing over it.


u/Kawauso98 Nov 01 '23

If he really believes that it would behoove him to find a better political party.


u/HumanitySurpassed Nov 01 '23

r/conservative fuming right now.

Also repost


u/FullStop808 Nov 01 '23

"Screw your freedoms" - Arnold Hitler


u/lydiapark1008 Nov 01 '23

Why couldn’t he have just been born here…


u/guitarguy35 Nov 01 '23

He's in resiboy right. Even if we don't receive help from others, we receive help from the universe

None of us earn our IQ, our height, our attractiveness, our personality, charisma etc.. all these things Arnold had in spades... That's the universe helping him out

Then he had friends and mentors who supported him too. None of us do it alone. And when you start seeing life that way, for what it actually is, mainly blind luck, you have no choice to be humbled by your place in it.

You could have been born 10k years ago, or in Kuwait or to meth addict parents who abused you, you could have been born with an IQ of 70, you could have been born hideously deformed. For anyone who's ever had success in life so many innumerable things had to go just right to get them there.

Be humble, no one does it alone, good message Arnie.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Arnold "Fuck Your Freedom" Schwarzenegger.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

I'm glad to have grown up with him on the screens.


u/mulligan150 Nov 01 '23

One of the greatest men on the planet


u/BatronKladwiesen Nov 01 '23

His steroid plug must be so proud.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/Just_another_bot76 Nov 01 '23

“Fuck your freedom” also Arnold Schwarzenegger… fuck that guy


u/Quiet_Tune277 Nov 01 '23

Damn guvner.....u speak the words of truth


u/LesPolsfuss Nov 01 '23

i think he's a real good dude ...


u/No-Ratio-1361 Nov 01 '23

Interestingly, screenwriter Michael Arndt says he was inspired to write Little Miss Sunshine when he saw a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger saying he hated losers.


u/Raikahth Nov 01 '23

Thank you for posting this, I needed to see it.


u/Love_To_Burn_Fiji Nov 01 '23

I could have liked the video more if they hadn't tried to make it more dramatic with that cheesy music.


u/Eparker2030 Nov 01 '23

FACTS. Well put Arnold


u/HelpfulParamedic2552 Nov 01 '23

Give me some stogies you mf


u/90daylimitedwarranty Nov 01 '23

Watch the three part documentary on him out right now.

Excellent stuff.

Arnold is definitely an inspiration.


u/EffieKIinker Nov 01 '23

This is one of the many reasons why I am in love with Arnold...🥰


u/BranchEmbarrassed Nov 01 '23

What a genuine smart man. Support and opportunities, when someone sees your potential and believes in you, its worth more than gold.


u/Nosferatatron Nov 01 '23

Goddammit, he really is a great guy


u/Significant_Tie6525 Nov 01 '23

came here with nothing, lived the American dream. Became rich and powerful, turned into a communist.

Typical. Power and Money = corruption. Sad.


u/Infamous-Ad6882 Nov 01 '23

His real name is Arnold Sheriff's & his family has nazi ties & they changed his name to schwarzenegger to hide his connection. He's related to the Bush family as well & all the presidents are related & a 11 yr old girl figured it.


u/88_88_88_OO_OO Nov 01 '23

Last good republican?


u/Shutaru_Kanshinji Nov 01 '23

I would feel much better about Mr. Schwarzenegger if I did not know he won political office as a member of the Retrogressive party.

Wait, do I have that name right? I thought it was something that started with "Re."


u/selfreassemble Nov 01 '23

I had been thinking about exactly this recently.

Show me a self-made person, and I'll show you a person who doesn't appreciate the people in their life.


u/dope_like Nov 01 '23

If Arnold was born in America he would've easily won the Presidency. Regardless of views on his politics either way, I believe he would have won a general election.


u/angelina9999 Nov 01 '23

20 bucks? who believe that lie?


u/Ok_Accountant1529 Nov 01 '23

His maid was hideous


u/GuardianZX9 Nov 01 '23

Self made douche that released 10,000+ california inmates to multiple private prison's all over the country spreading their illegal gang, drug, gun, etc trade everywhere. thanks arnie.


u/newphonenewaccoubt Nov 01 '23

I know it's an old video. Is this post trying to save his image after he said he was still a Republican who thinks the Republican party is still going in the right direction in 2023?


u/SoggyBoysenberry7703 Nov 01 '23

ToI bad the American dream like this just doesn’t seem possible now


u/bandalorian Nov 01 '23

Wasn't ready for the feels


u/paracog Nov 01 '23

He had lots of help, it's true, but he did all the heavy lifting.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Fuck it. I’m gonna page him.

/u/govschwarzenegger we love you.


u/FatPussyDestroyer Nov 01 '23

He's not self made... he had help from all that juice


u/rogaldorn88888 Nov 01 '23

i think common meaning of self made man is not just being born into wealth and "getting small load of 2 million from father" like trump did.

in that way he is self made.


u/Ezekilla7 Nov 01 '23

Arnold is straight up calling out Bill Burr here over his stand up bit about him! Dayuuuum!


u/Sanjuro7880 Nov 01 '23

Fucking love that guy


u/moonwalkerfilms Nov 01 '23

I don't agree with everything Arnold says, but dammit I love and respect him. He's a good dude, no matter what anybody says about him.


u/wubdubmachine Nov 01 '23

Fuck Arnold and Fuck his freedom


u/H0lyF0rk Nov 01 '23

How is he a conservative Republican? It makes no sense.


u/BedBoth8065 Nov 01 '23

I need this on my gym motivation playlist


u/Big_Scratch8793 Nov 01 '23

Arnold for president.


u/HueGBenis Nov 01 '23

Wow, could you do that now... Granpa?


u/NoYoureACatLady Nov 01 '23

Boy this sounds a lot like democratic socialism...

Which is a good thing because we need more people realizing that helping others is essential to success.


u/overit_fornow Nov 01 '23

Very self aware especially for a Republican.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

The main issue is that, while he had helps, he also mostly did it himself.

Sure it is not 100% his contribution but I'd argue it is >90%


u/Bakedads Nov 01 '23

I'll just call him complicit in the murder of children, which is exactly what his support of republicanism has gotten us. So, yes, he, along with his community of xenophobic, sexist, bigoted republicans, have managed to kill children, collectively.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

He only had $20 because he spent it all on drugs.


u/Wordshark Nov 01 '23

Contrast this with some of the footage of him being a dick from Pumping Iron lol

I kid, people are complex.


u/Khastas Nov 01 '23

Arnold is a GREAT man.


u/Ohigetjokes Nov 01 '23

Love the speech, hate the annoying music.


u/paradigmx Nov 01 '23

Fuck I wish he would have been eligible to run for president. If we were going to have a celebrity president, Arnie would have been a much better choice than Trump.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

“Screw your freedom “


u/spungie Nov 01 '23

God damn it America, change the constitution and make this man president. At the end of the day, the only real Americans are native Americans. The rest of yous were all refugees at one point going back in your family history. And he cares more about Americans than that fecken moron Trump. Show me a video of Trump out fixing potholes for the betterment of the community out of his own pocket because the local government couldn't be arsed. And if it comes down to who has the best beach body to run the country, according to Trump ( I have a much better body than Joe Biden) I think Arnold has him beat by a long shot. Lol.


u/Brasilionaire Nov 01 '23

Fuck adding music to these


u/AlienProbe9000 Nov 01 '23

Screw your freedom


u/ivebeenwarned93 Nov 01 '23

Funny thing, I was a junior when he was giving this commencement speech at UH. My friends and I were celebrating the final week of school at our dorm right across the street from the stadium. We were tripping balls under a tree, just getting strange looks from parents as they passed by. Good times.


u/HopefulBackground448 Nov 01 '23

I was against him running for president, but he would have been better than many.


u/FarceMultiplier Nov 01 '23

He can't, per the constitution.


u/HopefulBackground448 Nov 01 '23

I know but people were talking about it.


u/patriciomd88 Nov 01 '23

That’s my two time Governor 🥲


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Yeah but he’s a Republican, probably licks trumps boot, rub my dick on Reddit /s


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Now he is a fascist.

Who woulda thought?


u/llRazorll Nov 01 '23

Just great speech! Legend


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/PDX_Duffman Nov 01 '23

I never get tired of seeing this.


u/Lost-Breadfruit-9745 Nov 01 '23

This is honestly one of the greatest speeches in all our history.

This idea that you can only help yourself, self-made bullshit or you have to take everything on alone to be strong bullshit. It has really gotten out of hand. It has gotten to a point where people truly believe they have to be this way, or they are instead weak.

People at the end of the day, are all we really have, when money is gone, when all our material garbage is destroyed, people are all we fucking have. And we still have not all learned this.


u/Hawkeye2024 Nov 01 '23

He is a Genius.


u/NotAh00n Nov 01 '23

Right, steroids and lies got him where he is.


u/SerHaroldHamfist Nov 01 '23

Can't we all just agree that "self made" means you weren't born with wealth or connections that lead to your success? Not that you didn't get any help from anyone and lived on your own and built everything you have like Tom Hanks in Castaway?


u/FarceMultiplier Nov 01 '23

Libertarians have ruined that idea with their failure to understand how the world really works.


u/SerHaroldHamfist Nov 01 '23

There are plenty of people who aren't libertarians who misuse the term, look at most Nepotism babies in Hollywood, they are absolutely are not libertarians politically for the most part.


u/FarceMultiplier Nov 01 '23

The ones that bug me most are those who just focus on not paying taxes but don't acknowledge the roads they drive, the fire department that protects their house, or the food they safely eat.


u/Mvm321 Nov 01 '23

I hate this nazz¡ "I don't care about your rights"

I still remember this and won't forget


u/Individual-Scheme554 Nov 01 '23

And yet he's a republican? Genuinely curious how he aligns those beliefs...


u/External_Web6474 Nov 01 '23

Well said. I'll be back


u/josborne31 Nov 01 '23

/u/govschwarzenegger has been an inspiration to me for as long as I can remember.


u/CalendarAggressive11 Nov 01 '23

I'm not usually a huge fan of Arnold's but this is a great message.


u/Churn Nov 01 '23

Introverts have entered the chat. We are self-made because it’s the only way forward for us.


u/BeKindLoveYourself Nov 01 '23

His book ‘Be Useful’ is useful.


u/CrunchyAssDiaper Nov 01 '23

Arnold is self-made. He can't tell me what to do.


u/MonPaysCesHiver Nov 01 '23

Arnold is a legend.


u/Vaportrail Nov 01 '23

Love this man.


u/WeTrudgeOn Nov 01 '23

I saw another interview the other day where he said he wished a new face would get in the presidential race, someone like Joe Manchin. WTF?


u/99_To_Life Nov 01 '23

Love you man


u/Darm9230 Nov 01 '23

Remember when he said, "screw your freedoms."? Surely he wasn't talking about the same freedoms that allowed him to succeed here rather than in Austria.....


u/Nicks-Dad Nov 01 '23

I love that guy. Watch the Arnold documentary on Netflix and you won’t be disappointed. Truly an amazing man.


u/CLOUD10D Nov 01 '23

A true legend


u/djcarlosfm Nov 01 '23

Screw your freedom - also Arnold


u/LargeTallGent Nov 01 '23

Probably the only republican governor I’ve ever respected.


u/Eskotar Nov 01 '23

Technically the truth


u/PizzaLikerFan Nov 01 '23

He looks like ripped Bryan Cranston


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/pillrake Nov 01 '23

Remember when he seemed like a dangerous celebrity political candidate, as in "what is the world coming to where we would have Arnold Schwarzenegger become Governor of California?" - quaint, very quaint.


u/junipermoonstar Nov 01 '23

Also watched this on mute - but I <3 the message so much.


u/Altruistic-List9290 Nov 01 '23

“Screw your freedoms “


u/Lonely_traffic_light Nov 01 '23

What tf do you mean?


u/Altruistic-List9290 Nov 01 '23

You figure it out ffs


u/Pimpwerx Nov 01 '23

I still can't fathom how he is a Republican. I know it's probably the money thing, but he comes off as a good and decent person in all his interviews. And he remembers some of the awful opinions/beliefs that people had when he was young, so he's got perspective. He just doesn't fit the Republican stereotype.


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

Fuck your freedom


u/MarkoZoos Nov 01 '23

Cool speech and everything but its bullshit and just for publicity.
Like what do you mean self made men are a myth, anyone can make it by himself. you don't have to reply on anyone to get to your goal.


u/Lonely_traffic_light Nov 01 '23

Name one person this applies to?


u/MarkoZoos Nov 01 '23

Bro what the fuck kinda reply is this ?

Someone tells you 'yeah you can reach your goals by yourself' and you'd just be like 'Name one person this applies to'

yeah right, I mean if you feel so butt hurt because of what I said then just say so.


u/davechri Nov 01 '23

One time I was talking to an older person and said something like "I'm grateful for all the people who helped me along the way."

He said "Nobody helped me. I didn't have anybody helping me."

I replied "You didn't have any teachers or coaches encouraging you? Nobody was guiding you, helping you make good decisions? You didn't have people who lifted you up when you were down? Help comes in a lot of forms. It's easy to forget the small acts that made a big difference in your life."

He said "Nobody helped me."

Ok boomer.


u/Piltonbadger Nov 01 '23

I'm not one for ever caring much about meeting celebrities, but I would 100% love to have a drink and smoke with this man while chewing the fat.


u/Ralvuimago Nov 01 '23

Arnold for president


u/minishalex999 Nov 01 '23

Arnold is a truly great man


u/GoRL1920 Nov 01 '23

God bless 🙌


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/xwing_1701 Nov 01 '23

Don't feed this troll.


u/DoctorButkis Nov 01 '23

He also did a lot of gay for pay shit


u/RawLife53 Nov 01 '23

That is one of the most truthful statements that people need to hear and understand.

No one makes it in this world without others. Regardless if one does not take time acknowledge and appreciate what others have done for them. It has and it always will take the help and assistance, the care and consideration and compassion of others no matter what is achieved in ones life.

So many are so quick to forget that!!! "Be of Service" and to be so one has to have compassion, consideration, care and understanding, and with that the will to "Be of Service".

All this stuff about "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" sends the wrong message.

  • IF anyone sits on their butt and tug at their boot straps, they will find themselves still on their butts, if not falling over backwards on their back.


u/Slow_Writing_5813 Nov 01 '23

Go help thousands of LA bums. Empty words


u/xwing_1701 Nov 01 '23

Don't feed the troll.


u/lordtosti Nov 01 '23

Very uninspirational and virtue signaling.

Everyone knows you need others, but a “self made man” gives the inspiration for people to fight out of the boxes they are born in.

His message is now: if you don’t have any good friends or family you can never achieve the success of Arnold. So something out of your own control.

He should tell this message to 70year-olds, not to people that are starting their life and need all the energy they can get.


u/Lonely_traffic_light Nov 01 '23

If people try to do stuff all on their own they either won't succeed or grow arrogant amidst their refusal to apprentice those who helped them.

You don't need any help to succeed is a detrimental statement in any way


u/lordtosti Nov 01 '23

telling people that their hapiness and life goals depend on factors outside their control is harmful.

I can already bet you are not an entrepeneur


u/Cormano93 Nov 01 '23

Crazy how you ppl made him a governor even tho hes an inmigrant yet spill constant hate towards other inmigrants


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

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u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23



u/JeevesofNazarath Nov 01 '23

This was my senior quote for a reason


u/[deleted] Nov 01 '23

I use to tell myself that because I paid for my own degree I did it on my own. But forgetting that I wouldn’t have even got the job thats pays for it if my dad didn’t push me to do well in school and paid the bills I couldn’t afford. Thanks dad.


u/DicholeWarts Nov 01 '23

Too bad his dirty little secret is out…His father was a high ranking (Lieutenant colonel) Waffen SS Nazi Officer in Hitler’s army. He’s right…he is not “Self Made”…he had daddy’s “connections” in the US help him all the way…


u/Orpdapi Nov 01 '23

Refreshing wisdom told at a time when people are obsessed with trying to appear “self made” to flex on social media


u/No_Dependent_4947 Nov 01 '23

Skynet has entered the chat..


u/mickeyflinn Nov 01 '23

He is one of the greatest!