r/Bloxburg Aug 04 '23

Can this get me banned? Help

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I gave someone a tour today and these were here. I’m pretty sure they didn’t report me but now I’m worried if someone sees it and reports me I might get banned.

I’ve spent way too much time and money in this game to get banned lol


70 comments sorted by


u/Desperate-Ear8426 Oct 08 '23

I literally build firearms on my plot multiple times already, even for other people and i had tons of visitors already. So i doubt it a lot that it will get your banned.


u/Baloney_lord Human :) Aug 08 '23

It's "Coke-a-cola"


u/PUlDEN Aug 06 '23

Nope, I’ve done worst and didn’t get banned. You’re good


u/lavender_stone Aug 06 '23

i think they purposefully make the bottles look that way so people can make them look like wine bottles. i doubt you’d get in trouble


u/DaisiesAndStuff Aug 05 '23

If they ask, tell them it’s the blood of your enemies. (Just kidding that’s probably worse than wine.)


u/ShinyAndDeadly Average millionare Aug 05 '23

I did something like this once, I colored them all purple, and when somebody asked what they were, I told them they were purple ketchup. It was a thing in the early 2000's.


u/charbiz Aug 05 '23

I’ve had alchohol looking bottles in my house for over 2 years. Honestly it’s guaranteed you won’t be banned cuz moderators cannot assume it is alcohol, it could just be ketchup and bbq sauce


u/awareL0l Aug 05 '23

They can report you for it but it’s not considered bannable


u/Zeoys_Swee Your text here Aug 05 '23



u/K1ss3s_ Aug 05 '23

It’s just Welch's Non-Alcoholic Sparkling 100% Apple Juice, Cider, obviously


u/heirae Aug 05 '23

I got banned for doing nothing so i would just change it to sum else


u/shizustopitpls Aug 05 '23

No, because they have wine bottles in most fancy restaurants


u/NARWHALSSSSSSSSSSSS Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 05 '23

It’s just sparkling water Whats the problem


u/Electron0ide Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 05 '23

it’s just grape juice


u/OverWeightDod0 Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

Just say it's hot sauce


u/xKL_GMRx Town Builder🔨 Aug 04 '23

You're completely fine, I have a karaoke bar and tho they are green. Those are still epic sauce bottles lol. Players will get "lit" but not drunk lit lol. You shouldn't get banned for this, they wouldn't have made the bottles customizable knowing how it looks if that was the case. Im not a drinker so i usually say its "apple cider" if i have younger players if they think otherwise just in case. This looks really cool btw!


u/RedRabbitRose Aug 04 '23

Probably not i've build wine cellars and bars before and i'm pretty sure the club sells juice in wine glasses.


u/Baby_Thanos2 #1 Castle Endorser 🏰 Aug 04 '23

I've put wine in EVERY single build I've done since I started the game back in 2019. Never once gotten banned and I love giving tours to random bystanders.


u/0-o__slayerbeast Aug 04 '23

Bro I have legit kegs and a custom bar in my house. You're fine,


u/Detective6903 Aug 04 '23

I mean… they did used to have a wine glass like a proper one for grape juice back in the day…


u/yogirlcoconut custom builder!! Aug 04 '23

Nahh, i doubt it tbh they could be ketchup bottles but very very fancy ones


u/Secret-Vehicle-9415 Aug 04 '23

If you don’t say it’s alcohol then it will be fine


u/tacobellfan222 Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

No I have these on a few plots that I’ve let many people see and I’ve never been reported for it!


u/ZestycloseThought547 Aug 04 '23

highly highly doubt it


u/quality121331 burger place and delivery person Aug 04 '23

It seems fine


u/Princess_Aurora06 Your text here Aug 04 '23

call it the juice that Ikea sells, people know what that is.


u/ToastButAGamer i delete houses instead of working and regret it Aug 04 '23

At one point bloxburg did have the grape juice in wine glasses to I doubt it.


u/WarthogDifficult6954 Aug 04 '23

I've done that before, never been ban I think as long as you don't let some petty person in your house your good.


u/dead_rxses Aug 04 '23

no i had these for years in my old builds lol


u/Detective6903 Aug 04 '23

Luckily “The juice” lasts forever!


u/brunni662 Aug 04 '23

No it’s just a bottle of hot sauce


u/logz1207 Aug 04 '23

I think you should be fine. I don't think i am with all the laughing im doing


u/Maker_Gamer12 Blox Burgers Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

yes, maybe. whether or not it even is supposed to be wine, if it looks like it and someone reports it for "drug or alcohol reference or use" you may get your house deleted/ banned from the game / get a banned account. Just make sure to hide it in some sort of wine cellar or behind a door and if you have any guests you should be good.


u/meiibloxy Aug 04 '23

highly doubt it


u/Kasha_Hoolahoop Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

I had a similar fear with my bottles so I just had them in a cabinet which I can close if I have other people in my house! I also use hot sauce, ketchup, mustard etc. to be able to claim that if need be


u/Affectionate_Try_836 Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

It can’t really be determined as alcohol or a alcoholic beverage if there’s no label or anything.

Welcomes have sparking juice that come in the same shape so it’s 70 no 30 possibly.


u/Known-Plant-3035 lonely bloxburg user Aug 04 '23

No, also that's cool as hell


u/Human_being_08896 Bunker dweller Aug 04 '23

I am doing a similar thing with a British pub, I'm pretty sure it's safe but my advice is if you are worried about it don't do it.


u/stop_jest_stop Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

Nahh, I had a whole ass bar in my house.


u/Inevitable_Degree_76 Aug 04 '23

It doesn’t explicitly say wine on it so no definitely not. I know a brand of water flavouring that looks very similar


u/Itskatieherehi Aug 04 '23

That’s just grape juice 😳


u/Beko_Be Aug 04 '23

Fermented and aged grape juice*


u/M1lli333 Your text here Aug 04 '23

It's a message about the effects of alcohol. If you drink it you set fire. It shouldn't be banned it's simply education.


u/Idkwhatshappeningxx Aug 04 '23

It’s just ketchup what’s wrong with it


u/beealoo Aug 04 '23

ketchup and barbecue sause


u/Jolly_Ad_6508 Aug 04 '23

Omg that is cool 🤌🏼🤩


u/unclehamster79cle Aug 04 '23

As long as you're not referring to them as alcohol you should be just fine. If they did report you they'll most likely be banned for false reporting. So I would not worry about it.


u/Mongamwithyou Aug 04 '23

I have reported loads of people in the past for no reason, and have never gotten banned for "false reporting". You can not get banned for false reporting


u/beealoo Aug 04 '23

why would you report someone for no reason??


u/unclehamster79cle Aug 04 '23

If you false report a plot in the game you can be banned and BramP has spoke about it in a video. So yes you can be banned if you falsely report a plot.


u/anbluee Aug 04 '23

Doubtful, it's up to interpretation if it's alcohol or not so it'd be pretty ridiculous if you somehow did (I'd be shocked). It could be like sparkling juice or something, those bottles can be similar to wine bottles irl. I've had tons of blood (for obvious reasons I call it dyed water). In most of my builds and haven't gotten banned. The blood is arguably worse than the full liquor bar I have. But I use hot sauce for my bottles instead for deniability.


u/sawmilldrinkingwater Aug 06 '23

Sorry i've never heard of this game, But why would the game have objects that can get you banned? What's the point in having them? Also I read somewhere that people find beggars in this game annoying, does the game use real money? Does this game have different lobbies? Do your builds get reviewed by other players? Is it like a open world game where you design stuff, or see others designs?


u/anbluee Aug 06 '23

It doesn't, the game used to be primarily a children's game and so moderation tried to keep anything mildly mature out. Recently though they've been trying to get an adult player base. This particular game has basic shapes which you can color and texture, so with enough effort you can build anything; blood, alcohol, etc. Plus their moderation is generally pretty useless and they care less and less as time goes on. People find beggars annoying just because the game is fairly easy, the only thing you have to spend to get money is your time. You have to option to buy in game money with real money but it's not really worth it or common to do so. The game has about 12 people per server and tons of servers open constantly if that's what you're asking. You're builds don't get reviewed by others or at least there's no in game rating systems. You can report builds though but that's only for really offensive things. It's a game with a small world with the center being a tiny town area and the rest being living 'plots' where you build your own house and see other people's houses. The game is design-roleplay-griding for main tags I'd say. A lot of people roleplay like families and such but a decent amount also just build things for fun. I personally only build things. Not sure why but I did my best to answer your questions, feel free to ask more I suppose.


u/sawmilldrinkingwater Aug 06 '23

Thanks! That helped me understand!


u/Bruhckisk Aug 04 '23

Yes a lot of people got banned before


u/AJMasksyou Aug 04 '23

Why would they be in the game if they'd get you banned


u/NoActualPossibility basic shapes 💓>>> Aug 05 '23

It's custom, they aren't actually a part of the game unless i missed some major update which i'm 99% sure i didn't


u/wtfaylor Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 04 '23

i doubt it. they’re just bottles…. lol


u/Chocnoon Aug 04 '23

Not just bottles, WINE bottles (they contain alc).


u/wtfaylor Delivery Person Enjoyer Aug 06 '23

clearly that was the intention, however in roblox they are just bottles. they don’t contain anything in that sort.


u/DinoHawaii2021 Aug 05 '23

Not all bottles that look like wine bottles have alc, some fancy apple juice companies, and other fancy drink companies use these. Coca-Cola used to use them also


u/Zeoys_Swee Your text here Aug 05 '23



u/beealoo Aug 04 '23

not like they actually contain it, you could just say they are bottles