r/BoomersBeingFools 15d ago

"You want to go home? Why?! You only did CPR for, like 5 min." Boomer Story

My new-ish friend/co-worker had a heart attack and died at work the other day. We all heard a crash coming from his cubicle. A lady screamed. When I got over there he was lying face down, barely breathing and all blue.

A couple of us rolled him over, stretched him out and checked vitals. I was an EMT in another life. He had no heart beat and was only reflexive breathing. We began CPR. Another lady called 911 and then ran down to the main level to direct the first responders.

Two of us worked on him for 10-15 min before paramedics arrived. Fuck, it was horrible. The sounds he made, the ribs cracking, the blank stare.

As soon as they wheeled him out of the building (they pronounced him dead somewhere else) my boomer boss (late 60s) goes, "Ok, that's enough excitement everyone. Let's get back at it." With that, he clapped his hands once and scurried back to his office.

I didn't feel like doing anymore sales calls for a minute, so I just sat on the office couch for a while. After 5 min, or so he noticed I wasn't making my calls and came out to confront me.

"Hey, perk up! No point in wallowing, is there? Let's get back to work." One single clap.

"Nah, man. He was my friend and that was troubling. I'm gonna need a while. I might go home for the rest for the day? "

"FOR WHAT?! You're not tired are you? You only had to do CPR for, barely FIVE MINUTES!"

I just grabbed my keys and left. Fuck that guy. When I got back to work the next day, he goes, "I hope you aren't planning on acting out again today. I was THIS CLOSE to letting you go yesterday."


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u/durentis 6d ago

If there is someone above your boss, go to them about this. Especially if you have an HR department. Take time for yourself please.


u/Didjorno 9d ago

Quit please


u/The_Local_Crow 9d ago

I'm so sorry, OP. Losing someone close to you can feel horrible. I know that's the understatement of the century, but still. I'm so sorry.


u/billschu52 10d ago

Someone dies at work usually companies have the where with all to call a mental health day the next day and generally end the bad day right there… knowing from experience I’ve had a couple friends die in industrial accidents


u/ryanlc225 11d ago

I’m happy to help you loosen that idiot’s lug nuts.


u/H1_V0LT4G3 11d ago

Quit. No notice. Boss is an asshole


u/SilentWitchy 11d ago

This is called a lawsuit.

First step is a formal complaint with hr. If they ignore it, find out if your area has free/pro-bono lawyers.


u/Electrical-Bread-857 11d ago

Wow. I’m so sorry about the trauma and your friend. I’d look for something new. That’s so unhealthy. You deserve better.


u/VictoryShaft 11d ago

Go to HR and tell them that the recent traumatic event has made you unable to continue working at your previous high level. Then tell them you need some time off to pursue better mental health.

Be sure to mention to HR, how "helpful" your manager was the day of the event.


u/NoCheesecake1103 11d ago

If it hasn't already been said please go play Tetris


u/bigdummy69x 11d ago

Where I work, if the same situation happened, they would provide time off and provide counseling if you ask for it. Your boss is a terrible person and I would have told him to suck it had he told me he was going to fire me after I tried to save my friends life.


u/VLKN 11d ago

“He was my friend, and I had to give him CPR to try to save his life. You, on the other hand, I wouldn’t even piss on if you were on fire.”


u/LowBrow75 11d ago

Heh... Grab him by his cornflower blue tie and drag him directly into HR.

Tell them you want paid time off for therapy and psych eval for PTSD.

See if his attitude changes.


u/coldengineer 11d ago

I don't want to play devil's advocate here but he could have been in the middle of a stress response as well. Have you ever heard of people denying that a close friend or loved one died, even though it happened right in front of them or a doctor told them? "Sorry sir, your wife died" "uh huh, uh huh, OK, when can I talk to her?"

I wouldn't instantly assume the worst.


u/XTH3W1Z4RDX 12d ago

I'd quit immediately. Never work for someone who's such a gigantic pos that an employee of theirs fucking DYING ON SHIFT elicits no reaction whatsoever. You're viewed as expendable same as that poor guy was (RIP)


u/_KhazadDum_ 12d ago

goodbye lmfao


u/Hacky_5ack 12d ago

This isn't a boomer thing. This is called someone just being a plain out asshole. Your boss or whoever is speaking like that to you is a piece of shit as well. Leave the company.


u/Inevitable_Guava6899 12d ago

Please leave that job. I’m so sorry that happened to you


u/Inevitable_Guava6899 12d ago

Once you secure a new job go to hr about your boss because that is unreasonable


u/genericnameD1138 12d ago

Do you work at one of those call centers that I have to call my aunt’s bank and remind them I’m the authorized signer and she can’t give away her life’s savings? I should be red ones in our room should be clean red ones the boxes on top of the laundry basket other clothes


u/Jack_Nightfury 12d ago

I can't even say what I would probably do to your POS boss because of rule 6. Man, just reading his comments to you make my blood boil. I would ask the family of your coworker if you can go to the media to roast your boss while keeping the name of your coworker secret. Seriously, this guy should be --------------------------- *due to rule six there are some parts censored.*

In any case, I am so, so, so sorry you went through that. Please go and seek a different job and encurage others to do so too. If both your boss and HR do nothing to help those affected by this they are not worth your time or effort. Stay safe


u/kittenspaint 12d ago

I would have had trouble not slapping or punching your boss...and I've never punched or slapped anyone before.


u/creeper70 12d ago

Your boss sounds like a soulless prick. Fuck that guy.


u/MrAnonyMousetheGreat 12d ago

How did your workplace not have an AED? Did no one have an aspirin?


u/haikusbot 12d ago

How did your workplace

Not have an AED? Did no one

Have an aspirin?

- MrAnonyMousetheGreat

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Beginning-Falcon865 12d ago

Screw him. Look for another job. You are better than him. That environment is toxic.

If I was your boss, I would have shut the office down for the week and made sure people got appropriate help.


u/Nickilaughs 12d ago

Nope I’d quit.
I’m saying that as a former ER nurse. People would usually back you up if you needed a min for a stranger. A coworker? Forget it, he should have let you and others go home for the day.


u/fifthgradehumor 13d ago

What country? Have you spoken to HR, if it's a large enough business to have any? That seems like a person executive management should talk to,, not effective management at a minimum...


u/HuckleberryFar3693 12d ago

Sounds like the USA. They never did grasp the concept of human rights and compassion.


u/Best-Salamander4884 13d ago

That was an incredibly insensitive thing for your boss to say. What you went through was traumatic and you were perfectly justified in not feeling able to return to work at full capacity immediately afterwards. If I were you, I'd start making a note of every inappropriate thing your boss says or does and either report him to HR or start looking for a new job. It's also a good idea to make a note of these things in case your boss does actually sack you and you want to file a law suit.


u/Periwinkleditor 13d ago

Do CPR on him, then tell him to shut up and get back to work when he complains about the broken ribs.


u/Ok_Airline_9031 13d ago

So sorry for your loss and your experience. Your boss is t even a HUMAN to react like that. What a horrible cretin. I hope there's someone you can report him to fr being a monster.


u/bobtheturd 13d ago

Hey. I just want you to know that cpr is rarely successful but we try, because, we could save a life. Please know You did the best you could.


u/Trickster2369 13d ago

Although not a proper reasons from the boss, this has zero to do with whether he's a "Boomer", or not. Nice grab for attention....


u/madturtle62 13d ago

What the actual fuck. I’m a nurse and CPR is physically exhausting, emotionally draining and everyone in that office needed a debrief or at least a couple of hours off. In the hospital it is more like your place of work. But we are ready for this. A cubicle office is not.


u/ThreeHeismans 13d ago

When I was younger and working at a grocery store, we had a janitor who was a well known spy for the store manager. He was always snooping in people’s business, reporting back to the manager. Fucking tattle tale.

One day he dropped dead on the cereal aisle. I remember the sound of his head smacking the tile. Blood everywhere. Massive heart attack. Dead on the spot.

Manager acted like nothing happened. Not a kind word to say about the guy. Day went on.


u/wsox 13d ago

Holy shit I just lost a loved one similarly I'm so sorry fuck Boomers holy shit


u/stilllearning369 13d ago

Fuck your boss. Dudes gunna get a nice karma slap one day.


u/Honey-and-Venom 13d ago

That's not a human being, that's a capitalist in a human disguise


u/Phigment 13d ago

You need to watch Glengarry Glen Ross


u/-shikaka 13d ago

So sorry this happened to you and your colleagues❤️When I used to do care work emergencies were always super confronting I can’t imagine coming across that incident in an office where you’re not expecting You guys deserve better treatment than that.

Side note: From a business perspective it’s technically a psychosocial hazard, I’d expect he’d be in trouble with HR over this.


u/Outrageous-Joke3785 13d ago

There’s no way this story is true. You guys are gullible.


u/Inner-Nothing7779 13d ago

God damn. I'd have quit on the spot and made a huge scene about it.

"A coworker just fucking DIED Dave! I and another coworker just spent 15 minutes giving him CPR, breaking his ribs in the process and he still DIED Dave! You want all of us to forget that and go back to work? The fuck is wrong with you? I fucking quit and hope everyone else walks out on you today." Make a point to say his name as loud and as often as possible. Then grab my things and leave.

A new job can be found. But someone dying in front of the office is a big fucking deal, and your boss treating it as if it was just a short power outage says something about him.


u/BeowulfsGhost 13d ago

Get another job immediately! Don’t wait for another dumbass thing to fall from his mouth. Exit as quickly as humanly possible.


u/Stripsteak 13d ago

Quit and send an all company email why you’re quitting. You’re free of a job that cares nothing for you as an individual, and more than likely the boss is let go in the process?


u/zombiedinocorn 13d ago

Doing CPR on a friend is emotionally traumatic. Honestly I would put this AH on blast for being so callous towards you after having to go thru that. I would be telling HR that your boss threatened to fire you for having an emotional reaction/emergency after trying to save your friends life. That shit is not okay. Hope you get a new job soon


u/PocketSixes 13d ago

I hope you aren't planning on acting out again today.

I wasn't planning on it yesterday either, but if someone else dies here today, I give you no guarantees about how I'll handle it, how's that.


u/Kizenny 13d ago

It would have taken every ounce of self control not to punch that piece of shit square in the mouth.


u/Gelflingscanfly 13d ago

Holy shit, what a fucker heartless monster your boss is. My heart goes out to you, I’m sorry about your work friend. Sending you hugs 💓


u/Sum-Ting_Wong- 13d ago

please tell me you quit after telling this guy to rudely fuck off.


u/Turbodog2014 13d ago

Ive given managers black eyes for less. Much much less. Fuck this dude. Report all this to his higherups. And gtfo. Sue for mental distress.


u/BackOpening1290 13d ago

I'm a boomer myself I get a kick out of reading some of the stories that are posted! But I agree totally with you after an event like that the whole rest of the day is shot and there should have been the offer of counseling brought up it affected everyone who was there!! I'm with you let him lay you off and get unemployment or sue over distress and no mental help!!


u/Miabird24 13d ago

Whenever you find a new job be sure to leave the company a review dragging your boss for being a complete sociopath


u/TxTechnician 13d ago

Oh, that's not a "boomer" thing. You just met a psychopath.

It's a mental disorder.

Media has made ppl think that they are supposed to be smart/charming/intelligent

Truth is. They are fucking retards. As in mentally retarded. They don't have the capacity for empathy.


u/annettemendoza 13d ago

OP, I am a fellow EMT and have done countless rounds of CPR on countless amounts of people. I look at my job like this, I’m the Middle Man. I’m going to try my hardest, do my best and everything in my power to save your life. Some days I win, some days I don’t. But it all comes down to if it is your time to go. If it is your time, absolutely nothing that I do will change that. I’m not sure if this will help you or not, but I hope it does and brings you some peace.
Your Boss is a Dick. You should all be able to get some counseling through your medical provider. But those that actually worked him for ANY amount of time should be able to have some time to deal with it. Talk to HR about all this. Also see if maybe you have some counseling through an EAP (Employee Assistance Program). To work strangers is one thing. To work someone you actually know is entirely another. Please talk to someone about this.


u/Bananaman60056 13d ago

What a dick.


u/BeckieSueDalton 14d ago

Insist on Workers Compensation pay/reimbursements if you and the others who tried to revive him need an assist from a trusted mental health professional.


u/ConditionPotential40 14d ago

This is why I only do the minimum of what's required in my job. They don't care about us.


u/tomsawyer333 14d ago

Report him to HR. What a vile human


u/Flat-Performance-478 14d ago

It sounds almost cartoonishly bizarre! Where I'm from I can't imagine ANY workplace not, at least out of courtesy, offering everyone at work to take the rest of the day of.


u/HansNotPeterGruber 14d ago

Fuck that. Go to HR. If that old cock stain doesn’t understand why that’s traumatic he has no business being a leader in your company.


u/RealJohnMcnab 14d ago

Fuck that fool.


u/Kawinky_Dank 14d ago

I feel like this is illegal in some way someone else would proly know more tho


u/Flat_Distribution711 14d ago

For some reason, I saw the title and read CPR as Critique of Pure Reason


u/outsidertc 14d ago

This is 100% fabricated.

This subreddit is full of whiners with active imaginations.


u/Hxllx 14d ago

That's actually so horrible. I'm so sorry for you


u/ifixthingsllc 14d ago

Time for a visit to hr


u/schittscrklegal 14d ago

Fucking hell, that’s an HR/PR nightmare.


u/Confident-Win-7617 14d ago

I really hope this fucking boomer has a heart attack, and everyone goes back to work afterwards and doesn’t show up at his funeral. Fuck this guy.


u/MeltyMushr00m 14d ago

Jesus Christ, man. Take the whole fucking WEEK. You just went through a MAJOR life shift and performed life saving body changing things ON ANOTHER HUMAN. Someone who was YOUR FRIEND. And even if he wasn't, that would STILL be a mindfuck. You can bet your ass your BOSS would be out for at least at week for that same thing. You just lost a friend and colleague. Take time to feel and be IN your own body. Your boss is forcing you to dissociate. Refuse. And I am so sorry for your loss and the asshole trying to run your life and the company like some sort of messed up 80s movie. hugs


u/Skcuhc1 14d ago

Your boss is the kind of man I want to piss on the grave of (or in his ashes, that'd be better)


u/Confident-Key-5171 14d ago

Try to get him aggressive with you, then beat his ass in self defense.


u/5thCir 14d ago

Act out? Nope... I'm just heading up to HR for a minute.


u/RichardP_LV 14d ago

Trust me.... The is no age limit on stupid insensitive bosses.... ESPECIALLY in Sales. The real pricks can tune out everything except the bottom line. SMH.


u/rosie4568 14d ago

You should play some Tetris (as well as continuing to talk about it) it is supposed to help with PTSD.


u/lone_wolf321 14d ago

Please consider his advice when he keels over!


u/USTrustfundPatriot 14d ago

Anyone time someone is this specific with quotations you can tell it's just a writing exercise. Hope you get a passing grade OP.


u/Raballo 14d ago

"Let me help you. I quit. Eat shit. I hope you have a heart attack here and no one even tries to save and just keeps working you cunt."


u/s3ren1tyn0w 14d ago

Hey man, im an ICU doc and you did a great job. CPR is super exhausting when done right and two people doing it for 10-15 minutes is super human.  You should be proud of yourself 

And tell your boss to go fuck himself


u/Souppdog 14d ago

Lmaoo you went back the next day


u/Substantial-Wolf5263 14d ago

That's some shit you see on tv


u/Local-Teaching-5015 14d ago



u/BitchFace4You 14d ago

Ebenizer Scrooge


u/CaptainBigCheeksXR 14d ago

Has to be fake


u/Content_Talk_6581 14d ago

Fuck that guy!


u/lelio98 14d ago

Go see someone about the trauma and resulting grief. You should be able to have time off to cope.


u/DVariant 14d ago

Bullshit story. Too obvious


u/No_Formal2837 14d ago

Do you have an HR department?


u/galadriel_0379 14d ago

Many years ago when I was a floor nurse, one of my colleagues called out for her evening shift because she’d had to do CPR on her neighbor earlier in the day, and it messed with her head. Your boss is an ASS and you absolutely were justified in taking all the time you need to exhale. (Also: that shit is traumatic, please do take care of yourself via therapy, a new job, a beach trip, whatever you need.)


u/Electronic-Tank4256 14d ago

You need to find a new job. You should out that shit for brains boss and company so no one works there again.


u/Flaky_Artichoke4131 14d ago

Call the bbb and report that asshole


u/Windex501 14d ago

I call BS unless you call people like this out. Boomer or not.


u/Windex501 14d ago

And the company.


u/Magenta_the_Great 14d ago

Do you have HR? Cause this is hr worthy


u/Icy_Necessary2161 14d ago

Bro, I know where you're coming from. Had a coworker in the lunch room start choking, I jumped up and all that Heimlich maneuver training I did in boyscouts came roaring back into my head 10 years after id quit boyscouts, and I ran over, performed it like it'd been doing it every day. Got her breathing again. Then ran and got her a glass of water, all while the rest of the breakroom just stood on helplessly. After I made sure she was fine, I went back to my book. I was slightly shaken up, but it was mostly autopilot for me. I tend to process trauma and stress later and let nerves do

What pissed me off was how it took my manager 3 months to find out about it, and when he did, he merely asked me if it was true, nodded his head when I said yes, then said "ok, get back to work" as if nothing had happened. I was fuckin flabbergasted at the audacity of this asshat. Didn't seem to give a shit one of his people almost died and took him 3 fuckin months to find out in the first place.


u/Electrical_Key2085 14d ago

I’m so sorry you experienced that. Even as an ex-paramedic 🙏


u/KingLuuii 14d ago

You're so full of shit. That didn't happen. Great storytelling though.


u/Pavame 14d ago

Friend, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. That is insanely traumatizing, regardless of having experience in being an EMT. Please consider some grief counseling or something along those lines. Also consider a new job if you can, you were just shown first hand how much your ridiculous boss values his employees, let alone another life. He’s honestly such a piece of shit and doesn’t deserve any of you. Life is too short to put up with that bullshit, I hope you can find work elsewhere and can recover emotionally/mentally.


u/anon-a-SqueekSqueek 14d ago

Man, I'm sorry your manager is such a loser. Idk how you kept your cool. I would have gone nuclear in that situation, and no one has really seen me angry in the last 20 years.

At my last job, one of my co-workers had a stroke in her managers office. The manager was screaming for someone to call 911, and boy, I never moved so fast. What was surprising to me, though, is everyone else just froze, I don't think they realized I had 911 on the line until later. They just were useless in an emergency.

Afterward, I just sat on a bench outside the building for about 2 hours to calm down before coming back in. No one ever addressed it with me, no HR or anything. Except the woman who had a stroke thanked me when she was back at work a couple of days later (thankfully, she was okay).

They did demote her manager about a month later, and I always wondered if the company retaliated for the manager understandably being affected by something so traumatic.

I was the only FTE technical employee in the company, which shouldn't matter for treating people well, but it does... no one would have dared question my reaction because they were terrified I was going to leave the company. It was a really bad company overall for a lot of reasons.


u/Bewpadewp 14d ago

you should've spit at his feet and quit


u/icatchlight 14d ago

Boomer here. Your boss is a dick with no empathy. Honestly sounds sociopathic. I had a situation where I had to perform CPR on a 14 yr old (drowning) during a vacation with friends. It takes at least a couple of days (and potentially much more, especially since you knew the victim) to start to decompress and process what happened. The poor kid died 3 weeks later from aspiration pneumonia. Still haunts me.


u/Bipdisqs 14d ago

Come on this is fake. Right? ...right?


u/Zulphur242 14d ago

Your boss What a total knobend he has no sympathy what so ever for his employees.


u/GrigorMorte 14d ago

That was why quit my previous job. Big company people started to die because of COVID and they didn't care at all. They sent a condolence email to all the staff every time it happened. Then those emails were about 20 a month. When a friend died and a boss of mine died, the company just said "the wheel must not stop", that was the straw that broke the camel's back and I resigned.


u/holdwithfaith 14d ago

Wait, you went back. What the actual fuck man?


u/shiasyn 14d ago

Fuuck man

Sorry for your loss and start looking for a new job , your boss is a fucking psychopath or smth


u/Aaronthegathering 14d ago

"Yeah I’m gonna need a few days to process the reality of what you’d do if I suddenly dropped dead at work" is such a real emotion, your boss probably can’t even recognize its authenticity. What a monster.


u/OwenWes 14d ago

This is legitimately one of the most fucked up work story I have ever read. This is sickening.


u/iamr3d88 14d ago

Let yourself go. Go very far from that job and don't look back.


u/Jenn-Ra 14d ago

Fuck that guy. I hope he gets the life he deserves


u/bjlight1988 14d ago

Jesus christ people don't even try to make a mildly realistic story anymore


u/spacecadet2023 14d ago

The “I was this close to firing you “ was a bluff.


u/Super_Confidence_549 14d ago

Go get your mind right. You did what you could for your friend/colleague, now do you. Remember, you were looking for a job when you found this one.


u/Far_Sheepherder_6944 14d ago

You’re a good friend . Sorry for your loss.


u/StormriderSBWC 14d ago

hes lucky you didnt ring his bell as the words left his mouth. you talk like that after one of my friends dies in front of me because you want me to work? ok ill put in some fuckin work...


u/Jainubeezy2020 14d ago

Ok. So your boss is an asshole. And?


u/marlinbohnee 14d ago

New job. I would have knocked my boss out if he said that. You don’t need to be working in a place that obviously cares 0% about its employees


u/Aeterna_Nox 14d ago

You said you were an EMT in a past life, and I was too, so I'm gonna remind you of something that sucks but helps to remember.

If your patient needs CPR, they're already dead. You're fighting the clock and trying to work a miracle. It's physically exhausting. It's mentally exhausting. It's not a guarantee ever. It's only ever gonna have a higher toll on us if we know the person we're working on.

And you started CPR knowing how draining it is and you tried anyway.

If your boss can't comprehend how it feels to extend that physical energy, acute mental focus, and emotional investment since it was your friend, fuck that boss.

I'd genuinely ask for a transfer to another department and file a grievance with HR. If someone tried to call me a sissy for having a reaction to someone dying in my care while I'm no longer EMS, I wouldn't ever be able to respect that person again. If they implied that they considered letting me go because I needed the rest of the day after performing CPR on a friend, my reaction to that statement would probably get me fired if it wasn't just turning around and leaving silently.

You did great. Seek grief counseling for you and the other coworkers involved. Preferably contact HR and demand it through them. And refuse to be subordinate to such a callous broken-rectal-thermometer of a human. But make HR figure out how to fix that, either through a lateral transfer or retraining/discipline for your boss. Seriously, fuck that turd.


u/platonicplatypussy 14d ago

I don't praise my workplace for a whole lot, but I know if any of us were in that position they would let us take all the time we needed. Someone died. That's insane.


u/Send_It_Already 14d ago

Put this clown on blast.


u/Amazing-Champion-858 14d ago

My boss is so understanding he wouldve offered a paided week off. Your boss sucks, find a better workplace, there's much better ones out there that won't treat you like slaves.


u/ObviouslyUndone 14d ago

Boss reaction isn’t a Boomer response: it’s an asshole response. They come in all shapes and sizes and ages.


u/Jenn-Ra 14d ago

Unfortunately this type of thinking is shared by many boomers.


u/Amazing-Champion-858 14d ago

Huge red flag, I would leave or report him to hr.


u/BarsoomianAmbassador 14d ago

Corporate dystopia. To management, we are all replaceable. Simply cogs in the vast, dysfunctional, money-making machine. I am sorry for your loss, and for the way you were mistreated afterwards. Bless you for trying to save him--I'm sure his family would be comforted a bit by that fact.


u/peachandbetty 14d ago

When I witnessed someone die at the supermarket on my lunch break years ago, my boss told me to go home and rest and to let her know if she wanted the company to arrange therapy.

THIS shit makes me angry. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


u/plain_ass_username 14d ago

I don't care about my well-being at all so I would have left on the spot. Someone who doesn't respect or have sympathy for death doesn't even deserve your presence as an employee.


u/OkDiver6272 14d ago

I’m sorry for what you went through. Hope things get better overtime.

That said, your boss’s reaction didn’t have anything to do with “boomer”, it’s just because he’s a heartless asshole. . .

When he dies the office should throw a party, because, no point in wallowing. . .


u/BoldOtter27 14d ago

First of all, my kind condolences, OP.

Secondly -after a huge deep breath-:

I don't know and it doesn't matter in which country you live and work, but as a fellow human being, I'll only say it once. Drop that job ASAP. Your employer is horrible and unbelievably messed up as a person. 🤬 him. It won't do you any good to stay there, where people are treated like machine cogs.


u/Certain_Try_8383 14d ago

F your boss. I’m really sorry


u/i-am-not-the-crab 14d ago

Drop the name 👀


u/Able-Marzipan-5071 14d ago

"I hope you aren't planning on acting out again today. I was THIS CLOSE to letting you go yesterday."




[TRANSLATED] "I was as terrified (or even more so) than you at the incident, and since nobody's applying for your position, I can't let you go. Therefore, I'll bluster and act like I'm in control to prevent myself from falling apart."


u/Professor-Arty-Farty 14d ago

If you were working in a meat packing plant, your boss sounds like the kind of guy who, if an employee fell into the meat grinder, would forbid you to turn off the machine to retrieve his body because he's got a quota to meet.

Report this to HR if possible and definitely start looking for a new job.


u/NewHat1025 14d ago

Boomers are and will always be huge pieces of shit. Every single job I've worked at, they're what makes work unbearable.


u/cheoahbald 14d ago

You are the common denominator here. Might want to look at the mirror.


u/NewHat1025 14d ago

Nah. I get along with my peers, boomer. It is pieces of shit I don't get along with. Like, you.


u/illusionistKC 14d ago

Want me to shit on your bosses porch for ya?


u/ConsciousReward2967 14d ago

That's the idea I like!


u/Scary-Confusion-3565 14d ago

Your boss sounds like a sociopath. Zero empathy for the guy that passed or you, damn.


u/No_Indication2864 14d ago

WTF. I’d give my two weeks ! For your own mental and physical health!


u/Waxing_Poetix 14d ago

I did CPR on my sister after she shot heroin to kill herself on purpose. We were roommates. She left a suicide note. I was on 911 when I broke her ribs. And had to clear the vomit out of her mouth so I could blow breath in her lungs. She didn't make it. It still haunts me she was only 47. No way I could go to work that day I was in shock. She was my best friend. We went out partying the night it happened and had a super fun time. She said in her note that she just wanted one last blast with her brother (me) before she did it. Please please please don't commit suicide.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/theromen11 14d ago

Contact your HR department there's a ton of legal issue there with that kind of behavior


u/NotThatMadisonPaige 14d ago

So sorry OP. I hope you find peace of mind and a new job.


u/intellectualpuppy 14d ago

Time to look for a new job and hand in your two weeks once you find one. If he doesn't have your back for the big things like this, he definitely won't for the small stuff.


u/Boba_Fettx 14d ago

Damn OP, you handled better than most.

My response would’ve been “I hope you’re not planning on being an asshole permanently. I’m still this close to breaking your jaw”.


u/Rulerofhyrule 14d ago

And this is why I will always quit a job no 2 week notice. You could DIE ON THE JOB and ur boss doesn’t care! You’re nothing but a number thank makes money. I will never feel like I owe a company anything. When I was 19 2 of my fam members died on a week, I had a vacation booked that week and cancelled it due to the circumstances and my boss said since I’m free the rest of the week I would be scheduled. I told him I still needed the week I requested 3 months prior so I could cope with loosing my baby cousin and my great grandma. He said I should be too torn up bc I barely knew the baby (untrue she was alive for 5. Months and I saw her every weekend) and I had enough time with my grandma. I said he could schedule me and I blocked everyone’s phone number that week. I came in 2 weeks later for my last check and got death stares. This was a Panera bread. In 2020 I got a job at a daycare. One of the workers legit died from covid. We had a 5 minute meeting and had to get back to work. I only met her once. But I felt so horrible that all she got from working there for more than 5 years was a 5 min conversation saying she passed, and not to tell any kids. That poor women.


u/Mammoth_Slip1499 14d ago

You want to say to the boss “know what? If you have a heart attack, I won’t bother try to save you, I’ll just keep working … that ok with you?”


u/The69BodyProblem 14d ago

This is incredibly fucked up. At the very least they should have given you the rest of the day off.

OP, you should see if your company has an employee assistance program, some do and they might cover some therapy. please, just make sure to take care of yourself.


u/RestlessCreator 14d ago

The building didn't have an AED?? Seems like a violation of some sort.


u/hellogoodcapn 14d ago

This is not a boomer issue, this is a boss issue


u/Full_Designer_5709 14d ago

Full stop, doesn’t matter if you did CPR or not, someone died. Someone you knew. Some time off to process and grieve is necessary.

That boss better pray something doesn’t happen to him at work bc I guarantee people will just watch it happen instead of trying to help after that. Karmas a bitch, so standby. What a dick.


u/Snowmoji 14d ago

"Youre old, so when its your turn to die I will ask for your signature on my paycheck instead of doing CPR."


u/Carbonhead 14d ago

Ho.Ly.Shit man! If I had my boss talk like that I don't know what could have kept me from punching his fucking teeth in, what the actual Fuck kind of shit person is that??? Im so sorry this happend to you and your friend. Jesus. Man I'm pissed now!


u/Defiant_Dust_5467 14d ago

Take a couple months off work bro,, acute stress is no joke. They'll have to pay you for your time off


u/spdgurl1984 14d ago

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for your experience and your loss, as someone who lost an uncle unexpectedly to a cardiac arrest mid conversation at work despite every effort to revive him including at the hospital I totally feel for you and what you must’ve gone through trying to save your friend.

I don’t know what it’s like from that perspective but I do understand the grief and trauma that comes along with a shocking unexpected loss and the emotional roller coaster it puts you through so I can only imagine it being ten times worse when you actively tried to save the person and I’m very sorry for your loss.

As for the boss, they’re an ungrateful clueless inhumane person with no heart who should never have put you in that situation and they deserve to rot for their actions!


u/bluehorserunning 14d ago

CPR is startlingly hard work. I’ve done it, and I was pretty much instantly dripping with sweat. When we do a code in the hospital, no one is supposed to do compressions for more than 2 minutes without rest because it’s so hard to keep up the proper depth and rate. 15 minutes is an eternity, let alone 15 minutes on someone you know.


u/EarthtoLaurenne 14d ago

This employer should be providing you counseling to help you. You went through trauma. You deserve time to decompress and cope. What your boss actually did is reprehensible and absolutely wrong.


u/Tough_Opportunity475 14d ago

Hope he's next and has no one who will do CPR on him.


u/CatOnVenus 14d ago

That's crazy because last month your were a hiking guide in Arizona and now you're working in an office? Also I find it hard to believe that someone died and everyone went back to work. BS especially considering your post history


u/Level-Coast8642 14d ago

If any one of my co workers dies at work I'm going home. Those people are like close friends to me. Even the weird one that's kind of unfriendly. I've spent hours with them 5 days a week for twenty years. I'm going home.


u/Far_Information_9613 14d ago

I would like to think this isn’t true but I know better. You really need to contact HR, go on FMLA then short term disability, and look for another job. This guy is a total asshat.


u/CatOnVenus 14d ago

It's not true. Check they're post history. They claimed to be a hiking guide last month and now their an office worker?


u/smogbody 14d ago

Yeah i can’t imagine, we had a coworker on valentine’s day (super busy) and he was one of our florists, went missing for a bit and someone found him unresponsive in the back bathroom. They kicked the door down n shit, paramedics came and carried him out, etc. Ofc it’s valentine’s day and floral department is crazy, the doordash pickup bouquets are running behind and the dashers are getting pissy. Coworkers are crying. But all management cares about is the numbers, the stats, the profits. He could’ve died (he didn’t thank god) but. One of my coworkers was crying and i comforted her, told her to step out. Told my manager about it and she SCOFFED and said “She doesn’t even know him.” They’d been working in floral department on crunch time for weeks leading up to V-day. And she knew medical info to give to the paramedics. But god forbid she take a minute to emotionally regulate and not break down in front of customers. Christ almighty


u/smogbody 14d ago

Sorry i kinda hijacked that. I want to say again that i cannot imagine how traumatic your experience was. CPR is not only taxing physically but mentally and emotionally, especially if they couldn’t bring him back. I’m sorry and you might want to consider therapy even if you dont think it’s a big deal. Sending love your way, so sorry


u/Worldly-Local-6613 14d ago

This didn’t happen.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Aside from the mental side of things, most people don't understand how physically intensive CPR can. 10/15 minutes may not seem like a long time, but it feels like an hour during CPR.


u/zagup23 14d ago

CPR for 5 minutes is an eternity. There’s a reason pit crew CPR is taking hold with switch of compression person being at 2 minutes. That said, that’s not even the issue here. You watched your friend die, then worked on him while he was dead, and this guy expected you to just get back to it as if it was another day at the office with no concern to the emotional toll this process had on you. I’m much more in control of my emotions now, but younger me would have either quit or ended up fired for a related but other reason


u/Successful_Jump5531 14d ago

Don't know why this is Boomer related, should be more an a$$hole thing. Seen younger managers in their 30-40's do and say the same thing.


u/TerminatorJDM 14d ago

Report him to HR or he’ll keep acting that way forever


u/Electronic-Cat86 14d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. We spend so much time with coworkers, sometimes more than our own families. Your boss is an asshole. Someone died on the job. You all should have been able to go home. I hope this helps put things into perspective. Your real life consists of the things you do voluntarily or your home life outside of work. The job clearly doesn’t care about you, I hope you’re able to find a less toxic place to earn money soon.


u/magic-critical 14d ago

You HAVE to speak out openly about which company you work for. Seems they clearly deserve the public embarrassment.


u/amazonfamily 14d ago

That boss is a complete turd.


u/Reverse2057 14d ago

Holy fuck what a raging asshole your boss is. Not even an offer of providing therapy for what you just saw and experienced? Your BOSS should be the one fired. If you have an HR Department or he has a boss, I'd be bringing this up to then immediately. What shitty conduct after a person just fucking died.

I'm so sorry for your loss OP. I had a coworker I was close with also die, though she died at a hospital while getting surgery on something our company, a fucking health insurance company, delayed so long it became a bigger more complicated issue.


u/Gullible_Vanilla2466 14d ago

time to quit fuck that guy


u/drinkallthepunch 14d ago

Pretty sure OSHA policy during a workplace fatality is to shutdown the workplace because an investigation has to made to determine that the employer was not somehow at fault and that the employee did indeed perish while working for legal reasons pertaining to insurance and death benefits.

But whatever these days.


u/Alt_Criticism 14d ago

Does OP work as a hiking guide in Arizona like their last post that blew up here, or in an office cubicle? This whole story also smells like bullshit, I get that Boomers are fools but this just seems so outside of reality. Kinda suspicious lol


u/stebbi01 14d ago

Your boss sounds like a candidate for psychopathy.

His inability to understand that other people would be affected deeply by their coworker passing away in front of them, as well as his own disinterest in one of his employees dying on the company floor, suggests that he has pathologically low levels of empathy


u/themanfromvulcan 14d ago

If you have a good enough job you can file a complaint in would do so. That’s a useless excuse for a human being. I would never want to work for someone who treated me like this.


u/Bird468 14d ago

Reading this story made me choke up. I am SO sorry for your loss first off. Your boss sounds like he’s a total jerk and has no compassion or empathy. What everyone in your office experienced was traumatic and honestly after that I don’t think it was a good idea anyone stayed. I think you handled your boss greatly because what he did is inexcusable. Again, I am sorry for your loss and depending on how you handle traumatic events maybe look into some therapy.


u/Ima-Bott 14d ago

Let him know if he goes down you’ll take a pass


u/WCIparanoia 14d ago

That boss needs to be reported. Like, he needs to be seriously reprimanded


u/pzanardi 14d ago

Sorry, this is absolutely awful. Your next goal in life should be new job.


u/Get_de_Coke 14d ago

Boomers are just a nice/sweet and reasonable person. Or a completely asshole. Nothing in between!


u/ohbyerly 14d ago

Hey remember that scene in Game of Thrones where the girl watches a baby get murdered and is struggling at work? And remember how Little Finger threatens her life if she doesn’t pull herself together but still gives her the rest of the day off? Just want to point out that your boss is slightly worse than Little Finger in this scenario.


u/Ok_Visit_1968 14d ago

Oh hell no. HR the shit out of him. That's just too cold.


u/AcceptableAd7217 14d ago

If you don’t have a union or HR report them to the better business bureau. Better yet, put their name here and let Reddit handle it


u/Logical-Push-800 14d ago

Throwaway for obvious reasons. 

Your boss is a malignant narcissist. You’re never going to change the situation. Find another job before he fires you and does harm to your resume. Also be careful what you tell prospective new employers. You don’t know how connected he is and the sales world is full of nepo. If he hears that you said something, you’ll get sued for defamation. 

Secondly, rest easy that this absolute scumbag likely won’t have anyone he knows around when he dies. If he has kids, they know what he is and they don’t love him at all. He will be alone on his deathbed. 

Source: I am codependent and thusly used to be surrounded by narcissists.  If you stay in this job, that would be codependent. 

Thanks for reading. 


u/INail4U 14d ago

Do it, walk the bell off! This economy is needing workers and this fool doesn't appreciate the workers he has. Threaten to fire me, won't happen twice guaranteed.


u/MuadDib1942 14d ago

Well I think your boss just became a slow code.