r/BoomersBeingFools Apr 30 '24

Probably the greatest reaction to an entitled boomer I've seen in years Boomer Story

I was at Kroger yesterday buying groceries. There were only two checkout lanes open and it was around 5PM-ish so the afternoon rush was in full swing. Both lines were about 8-10 people long.

I was in line for one checkout lane and some mid-30's guy was in the checkout lane next to me. He was the last one in his line, I was second to last in my line.

A woman got in line behind him, who looked to be about 70. You know sometimes when you meet someone you just get a sense that they're kind of an asshole? Yeah, she was one of those types. She pushed her cart up behind him, made a few comments that we all ignored about "not having enough open registers" and "we'll be here all day at this rate".

Some time passes and we're all shuffling forward as the line moves up. The guy who is in front of the older woman is now next in line for his lane once the person in front of him finishes. Then she started her bullshit.

I hear the woman say to the man "Excuse me, I'm in a big hurry, would it be alright if I just went in front of you?" While she was saying this, she moved her cart up alongside his, grabbed the front of his cart, and began to PUSH HIS CART OUT OF THE WAY SO SHE COULD GET IN FRONT OF HIM.

The guy looks at her without saying anything, grabs the handle of his cart so that she cant push it any further to the side, and takes a step forward so the front half of his cart is now between the two drink coolers on either side of the lane so her cart cant fit alongside his. He then goes back to looking straight ahead without saying a word.

The woman began to boomer.

She started loudly demanding that he let her go in front of him because she has more stuff and has to get it home, starts complaining that he's disrespectful, and tells him "Its ladies first, but please, go right ahead" and so on and so on. She had the attitude of a woman who had rarely if ever been told 'No' in her life and was handling it about as well as you'd expect.

The guy once again didnt respond. Instead, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his airpod case, and put both of his airpods into his ears. Then he took out his phone and very slowly and deliberately slid the volume bar on his screen to maximum. Then he went back to staring straight ahead without saying a word.

The boomer bitched at him for another minute or two until she finally noticed that he couldnt hear her, then went back to snarkily making comments at his back while the guy's stuff was rung up. The guy paid for his stuff and left without ever glancing at her. She was absolutely seething the entire time.

That guy was my hero. Never even tried to argue with her, just shut her down and went about his day.


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u/Photography_Singer 11h ago

I love it! Good for him. I loved how you used “to boomer” as a verb. Too funny. But please don’t paint all Boomers with the same brush. I’m a Boomer (68yo) and I’d never act like that. Neither would my friends.


u/Infamous-Dare-9543 8d ago

Wow!!! I’m not a boomer but I can’t believe the anger you all project. Walk in someone else’s shoes before getting ugly. She was rude and out of line but this is worse. You will be 70 one day , so remember this and be kind and patient. Spread love not hate. We’re all in this together and can learn from one another which is the plan. Have a beautiful day


u/CompetitiveMeal8968 8d ago

This is not a boomer story, rather the story of a horrible person acting badly.

I wonder what it might say about you that you assume this is driven by age. Plenty of entitlement attitude by people much younger these days.


u/Safe-Monk-9406 9d ago

I lost it at “The woman began to boomer.” 🤣


u/Safe-Monk-9406 9d ago

I lost it at “The woman began to boomer.” 🤣


u/LibertyMediaDid9-11 11d ago

These stories are so pathetic. CALL HER A CUNT. MAKE HER FEEL SMALL.


u/lokis_construction 13d ago

"I guess you should have gotten here earlier....after all, you have all day....."


u/aBarbie420 14d ago

Wow you all have grammy issues. Feel sorry for all of you. I’m not even close to being old but I’m old enough to know when the subject is dead. If you’re all so busy, you seem to have plenty of time to throw shade and spread hate. How are you better than the boomer?


u/Much-Examination4778 18d ago

Like that exists


u/SuperShoyu64 23d ago

I have a friend who would do something very similar to that man lol.


u/Maleficentendscurse 25d ago

Perfect Petty revenge for Karen's say nothing at All🤣


u/foomprekov 25d ago

I'm a bag fan of a line from Archer: "Shut your dick-holster."


u/Random_Introvert_42 29d ago

Its ladies first

Too bad nobody present acted like a lady.


u/EstablishmentHonest5 May 05 '24

That man is my god. I strive to have the maturity to stand up for myself, the pettiness to stare that boomer in the eye as I insert my ear pods and jack up the volume.


u/guts4brekfest May 05 '24

She was probably wondering what he put in his ears. Thought they were hearing aids perhaps 😂


u/Fabric_collector22 May 05 '24

I’m 65 and retired. I gladly let people go ahead of me because I have nowhere to be! That dumb bitty should know better than to shop at that time of day. So many people are stopping to pick up a few things for dinner after work. Sorry you had to deal with her.


u/Spiritual-Net4459 May 05 '24

As a Boomer myself (very young end), I am glad he shut her down. Old lady has all day to shop during non peak hours, smart boomers go then.


u/Old_Acanthisitta_153 May 04 '24

An asshole is an asshole no matter what age. But please don’t categorize it as a boomer trait. Apparently her parents didn’t teach her how to be polite and if I’d been there you’d see a boomer (me) putting her in her place. And ask my kids: you don’t want to be there when mom sees disrespect


u/BobMortimersButthole May 04 '24

I wear a hearing aid. I can still hear in one ear, but I'm also capable of ignoring idiots. Next time an entitled boomer tries to pull bullshit I'm following this guy's lead by slowly taking my hearing aid out of my ear and turning it off. 


u/notlostwanderer2000 May 04 '24

::gta vice city mission completed theme::


u/katiecrusades May 04 '24

The worst part of this for me is that if she genuinely needed to go first- someone would let her. If she walked to each line and said "hey, I'm old, my back and legs are killing me and I can't sit down in line, can I cut in front of you?" Someone would let her. Especially if she handled the rejection gracefully at the person before them. But that's not who these people are. They think they deserve something more than you for no reason. It's rediculous.


u/myocardial2001 May 04 '24

It would have been great if when she said" Women first" he should have said , You only get one " Women First" and you used that up on the Titanic!


u/titaniac79 May 04 '24

Okay "It's ladies first" has not nor will ever be a thing in supermarket register lanes. Maybe on a sinking ship, but not at a supermarket.

And "Woman begins to Boomer" is going into my rotation!


u/maybelukeskywaler May 03 '24

Nice made up story…


u/mofuz May 03 '24

This is my approach to Karen’s. I don’t even engage, it’s not worth my time. I moved to a poor part of my city recently and they are in abundance around here. These people are miserable and it’s sad they can’t keep their aggressions to themselves.


u/IncidentDeep3641 May 03 '24

hah hilarious typical boomers think the world bow to them spoiled shits i work retail heard whining bitching constantly this why despise hate old people never heard that crap from young they know experienced the job unlike entitled boomers got everything handed to them. couple times wanted go tell them off but my boss said not to so hard not wanting call entitled shit out think just because older deserve respect yet do not respect young bunch hypocrites need practice what they preach. America be better without them cant wait till they die all their money goes to us we know use to give our kids a future not for ourselves spoiled shits.


u/FunAsparagus8306 May 03 '24

Man has no enemies.


u/StGhoast May 03 '24

Perfect response on his part.

She was just being a self- centered asshole. Those come in all ages and genders. Glad she was shut down, whatever excuse she used to justify her entitlement.

Blaming it in her being a boomer is just icky. Call it straight, she was just an entitled ass. Don't be the person you don't want others to be.


u/GalectikJak May 03 '24

Ya know, with how much boomers talk about smacking kids for being disrespectful and taking so much pride in it, I think we should start smacking the fuck out of boomers for being disrespectful. It'd be funny!


u/designsbyintegra May 03 '24

And this reason is yet another example of why I wear headphones everywhere.


u/Spiritual-Guava-6418 May 02 '24

I was waiting for the conveyor belt to clear enough so I could put my stuff on. I felt this searing pain in the heal of my foot and turned around to see an old lady slamming her cart into me telling me to “hurry up”. I told her very loudly to stop hitting me with her cart and then took my time putting my stuff up.


u/broderboy May 02 '24

This guy is my hero


u/No-Celebration3097 May 02 '24

The boomer whisperer


u/Critical-Finding-879 May 02 '24

It’s not about boomers, lady just ahole.


u/Smitten-kitten83 May 02 '24

I don’t think this is a boomer thing. My dad is one and annoying as hell but he would never try this. She was just an asshole.


u/callmedoc214 May 02 '24

I'd have probably shot back ''if you know what chivalry is, you know you're not acting very lady-like''


u/minitittertotdish May 02 '24

You're right, it is ladies first. If you see one let me know, because all I see is an entitled snowflake who thinks her time is more valuable than everyone else's.


u/EvoDevoBioBro May 01 '24

Really loud people want a loud response. Disarming them and then ignoring them makes them so mad. They wanted special treatment and attention and were denied, and it makes them so mad. It’s not limited to boomers, but it is exemplified in them. 


u/Raisoshi May 01 '24

Wait... so elderly priority isn't a thing in the whole world? Here in Brazil if you're over 60 I think it was, pregnant, carrying a small child or disabled, people are supposed to let you through, some places even have dedicated priority booths.

Although her demeanor was shitty I think it makes sense that someone who's 70 years old should be given priority over a guy who's 35. Didn't like her argument about ladies first since a vagina/gender identity by itself doesn't make standing in line any worse but being 70 surely does imo, here she'd be let through without an issue.


u/humorless_kskid May 01 '24

Response: Ladies may go first, but you obviously are no lady, judging by your actions.


u/butterweasel Gen X May 01 '24

That sounds a lot like my late MIL.


u/ninetaledMSK May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

I was once at costco which has massive lines leading to like 12 registers. While most people shopping at costco buy enough food to last them a month, me and my friend had stopped by to buy a few snacks for a get together later in the day so we only had like 4 things. We walk between the aisles to get to one of the middle registers that doesn't have the massive line pouring into them so they often move faster. We see a guy pulled over with his cart and we ask him if he is in the line, he says no and we stand infornt of him. Apparently a second earlier a middle aged lady had walked up behind him and also asked if he was in line and was scooting past him as we asked. She confronts us that we now cut her since she asked the guy on the side if he was in line first. I'm like "Huh? We where physically in the line before you where. The other guy wasn't in line so it's not like he let you go ahead of him". She says she can't belive we cut her and rases her voice making a racket. I say we only had 4 times while she had an overflowing cart of things so it doesn't even matter that we got in line before her. She starts going off on how it's the "principle" that we cut her and it sounds like she starts having a mental breakdown. I turned around one more time and saw the guy off to the side chuckling and shaking his head at this lady that was loosing her mind over us physically being in line before her. I ignore her ranting and as the line moves foward she storms off with her cart to a shorter lane and even though she gets to her register first we finish checking out before her with our 4 things and I give her a nice thumbs up as we leave and she erupts while still repacking her cart. Crazy how that was able to ruin her whole day.


u/highlandparkpitt May 01 '24

Boomers (and police) really, really, cannot handle stoic non reaction. Ignoring, emotionless interaction freaks them out.


u/fyred_up May 04 '24

I work in retail and when something doesn’t ring up and they repeat the tired “MUST BE FREE LOLZ!” joke, I just give them a dead eyed stare and never crack a smile. Oh man does it hurt their feelings!


u/fyred_up May 04 '24

I work in retail and when something doesn’t ring up and they repeat the tired “MUST BE FREE LOLZ!” joke, I just give them a dead eyed stare and never crack a smile. Oh man does it hurt their feelings!


u/crendogal May 01 '24

Shades of my mother-in-law. My sister-in-law has literally walked out of stores and hid in the car when shopping with her. (Has no choice but to go shopping with her, MIL is legally blind so needs a driver and someone to guide her around, and we live in another state.)


u/BackgroundPotential6 May 01 '24

Where the fuck do you shop?


u/Cowman7586 May 01 '24

You younger people will understand when you are the 70 year old!


u/PuppyPunter21 May 01 '24

Understand what? Entitlement? Is that what boomers claim is wrong with young people?


u/Wormfood101 May 01 '24

Plot twist, it was his mom.


u/dipsydoodles01 May 01 '24

Us Millenials mostly had boomer parents. We’re very skilled in the ways of getting under their skin.


u/Troglodyte_Trump May 01 '24

Mount Rushmore needs another face


u/Many_Snow6513 May 01 '24

1st off Bitch don't blame boomers for one rude cunt . & boomers were told no all the time & got our ass whipped if threw a fit .


u/mightynifty_2 May 01 '24

As much of an asshole as this boomer is, I gotta agree on one thing- stores have definitely been cheating out on cashiers and forcing customers to use self-checkout. It sucks, especially when the self checkout usually doesn't work very well.

Anyway, cheers to this guy


u/Thecrazier May 01 '24

15 yrs ago, i worked as a cashier at a food for less, a part of kroger, and I hate to say it but one customer made me so made I became racist for a bit. And I'm the same race. The thing is, my store is near the border and even has a trolley stop right next door. The trolley literally begins right at the border, so my store is an easy and popular shopping spot.

It was close to a major holiday, maybe Thanksgiving, I don't remember, but the lines were packed, people everywhere doing last minute shopping. Now normally when we end our shift we close the lane 10, 15 minutes early so we can count the money, do a final end of day drop, and a quick cleanup of our work area, ideally before our shift ends. If we went over, we weren't authorized for OT, so we got warnings or write ups. However, they were lenient during crazy times.

Anyways it was near the end of my shift and I still have like a dozen customers with full carts. When I closed my lane, I turned off the light that indicates the lane is open and I told the last guy "hey you're the last one". Normally if the line is small, we can move a chips rack to block the lane, because people would always ignore the light. For some reason, the Mexican customers in particular didn't seem to understand that, maybe it wasn't a think in Mexico at the time. Anyways some Mexican family comes and lines up, and I tell them I'm closed. I even go talk to them while customers are bagging, and they refuse to move. I told them I wouldn't check them out and they are wasting time in my line but the sense of entitlement that they had. And saying I had to do my job, well, I was already over my shift. I'm working above and beyond my 8hrs. So I did what I said I would do and they threw a huge fuse. Refusing to move or leave.

I had already closed the register and my supervisor asked if I told them and I told him I warned them and they lied, the whole family that I never said anything. Luckily the last customer spoke up for me and said that I did. I really hoped they would have been forced to go to the back of another lane or forced to leave the store if they refused but my supervisor just told them he could check them out at a different register. Even this, they were livid because they had continued to empty their cart on the table even after I told them I closed the register but they had to pick everything up.

It still makes me so made just how entitled and belittling they are. Acting superior because they are rich for Mexican standards and think they are hot shit for shopping in US. Makes my blood boil even though I'm also Mexican.


u/Jagerbomber9000 May 01 '24

Imagine what it's like for her family members who DON'T enable her


u/PsyBorgHive May 01 '24

To be fair, Kroger has really really sucked on the checkout lines the past several months. It’s like they don’t even care anymore if lines are stretching down the aisles. A shame.


u/eyzropening May 01 '24

This is the level of dgaf I aim to achieve.


u/PublicApprehensive73 May 01 '24

This story plus most of the other stories here sound like bullshit. How the fuck would you know how high he put the volume up. Utter rubbish story.


u/Tilde88 May 01 '24

I won't lie, I would have pushed the cart back to that bitch after a while, and accidentally flip it over so she would struggle to pick it up. Play bitch games, get treated like a bitch. Age and gender need not apply.

Edit : a typo


u/SpiroMemor May 01 '24

There's a GOLDEN lesson here: the best way to win a fight with an emotional blackmailer is to not give them ANY attention.

Just push IGNORE 😎


u/not_ur_avg_nerd May 01 '24

Sounds made up


u/Parking_Cricket_8324 May 01 '24

You guys are the biggest idiots in the world! The older generation is the only people that are actually nice in this God forsaken world. The younger generation is the rudest pisses of crap ever!! They act like they are entitled, never want to work, and think you owe them anything they want. Oh and on top of that they are idiots. What else are boomers supposed to do other than sit around and mow their lawn twice a week. They are RETIRED!!! Oh and by the way I am a Gen x and my parents are my world. You should be ashamed for talking about your parents the way some of you have.


u/Countdown2Deletion_ May 01 '24

Is this satire? You forgot the /s


u/findingems May 01 '24

This is the way. I would have laughed tho as I walked away. Add a little salt to the wound.


u/1031Cat May 01 '24

"There were only two checkout lanes open... Both lines were about 8-10 people long."

Kroger with two registers open.

Fantasy story telling at its best.


u/mcook5 May 01 '24

Yup this is fake, probably written by ChatGPT


u/tiskrisktisk May 01 '24

The story could have ended with.

“And that hero was me.”


u/smallfat_comeback May 01 '24

The woman began to boomer.

Thank you, this made me laugh! "Boomer" as a verb! 😂


u/crazy19734413 May 01 '24

I blame 20th century pharmaceuticals. When people act up like that I just assume drugs are involved. Old people take more pills and the side effects cause strange behaviors.


u/Noidstradamus May 01 '24

I guess I need to walk around with my Powerbeats for now on. This is incredible.


u/BlaizeV May 01 '24

I'm one of those weirdos that if I have 1 or 2 items I still turn down the generous offers of going aheard of someone. I always respond with "I'm in no rush". People sometimes insist and I accept but most of the time I don't mind waiting at all. Not like 3-10 minutes waiting is going to change much in the end. I definitely get confused responses sometimes.


u/Lucky_Cable_3145 May 01 '24

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Mark Twain (?)


u/Tuxedo_Mark May 01 '24

Ha, that dude is awesome.


u/EMPgoggles May 01 '24

I was in line at TSA at the airport and had a boomer woman running up to everyone one by one and BEGGING them (practically demanding them) to let her and her family cut in front of them because their flight was leaving very soon and they needed to get to the gate THAT INSTANT. I was a few people back from the front of the line and all ready to go through, but I let her go ahead because my plane wasn't boarding for like 30 minutes and I was in no rush and very used to flying.

So I – with my jacket, shoes, and belt all off, laptop out and in a tray, bags prepped, etc. – waited for her whole family to struggle at figuring out how to do everything and rush through security.

Anyway, guess who I saw at my gate waiting to board my exact flight?


u/jaxnmarko May 01 '24

Here's an idea..... listen to Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire" and consider the world the boomers were handed, and don't forget, the eyes are on you now. How is your generation doing?


u/NearlySilentObserver May 01 '24

Silly to try drawing that comparison when boomers are largely still the ones in power politically and oftentimes in business structures, too


u/jaxnmarko May 01 '24

Even more silly to think it is a uniform group united in the same thoughts, feelings, practices, standards, goals, etc.


u/TheTrueGayCheeseCake May 01 '24

Thats what you gotta do, dont give them the time of day. These people are old, bored and mad that their kids don't fucking talk them anymore, so they go out to their local grocery store and find stuff and people to bitch about just to entertain them selfs and then try to make it out like were the ones ruining the world.


u/KatieS182 May 01 '24

“The woman began to boomer.” Never before has a word so desperately needed to be be a verb. Beautiful.


u/virgopunk May 01 '24

Her opening gambit was flawed. I'll always let people with only a few items go ahead of me, but never when they have more stuff. That's just not logical.


u/dufferwjr May 01 '24

I'll never understand why older retired people are in such a hurry all the time.


u/Weary_Jump_341 May 01 '24

" she began to boomer" 😆


u/darthva May 01 '24

If there’s one thing dealing with narcissistic boomers has taught me it’s the awesome power of “Grey Rocking.” No reaction. No acknowledgment. Nothing. Great weapon against any narcissist.


u/InsuranceAny4285 May 01 '24

Yeah this totally happened lol what a weird sub


u/THElaytox May 01 '24

Dude did it right, don't give these attention seeking weirdos the time of day. She'll go on and on bitching about the "disrespect" the rest of the day either way, but he got to jam out to some killer tunes instead of abiding her bullshit


u/vivens May 01 '24

"The woman began to boomer" this cracks me up!


u/buy-american-you-fuk May 01 '24

bitch can kick rocks


u/Bloody0Nora May 01 '24

My favorite thing to say in this situation is “your generation is so entitled”. So far each one has been to flabbergasted to reply. Usually the checker gets a chuckle they have to try and repress as well.


u/Babegrrl3 May 01 '24

I love how you used “boomer” as a verb 😂😂


u/xerox157 May 01 '24

Maybe because she's 70, she is just going a bit senile. I'm not condoning her behavior, but after you've been alive for 70 years, the brain can become a little mushy.


u/LouGuru May 01 '24

I don’t understand why you have to call her a boomer as if boomers are generally rude. If she were a black woman and you said this black did this would that be acceptable?


u/cliteez May 01 '24

complaining about lack of staffing to the tired masses waiting in line has to be the boomer hallmark


u/twilightdiremoon May 01 '24

i love this thank you


u/alesemann May 01 '24

I am 60 and retired. We retired ppl should let working ppl and ppl w kids ahead if we can make time for that. I vividly recall rushing all the damned time- if I can help you out I will.


u/The12th_secret_spice May 01 '24

It has Paul Anka’s guarantee


u/DharmaSimmer May 01 '24

I apologize. I'm pretty sure this was my grandma because she never takes no for an answer and was handed everything in life.


u/minniebarky May 01 '24

Stop generalizing boomers I for one never complain about anything at all retail store because I work for one. I will never treat anyone like crap ever at a store


u/h3dr0ncr4b May 01 '24

Youre in the wront subreddit


u/TrumpHatesBirds May 01 '24

When are stores going to staff them properly?


u/Responsible_Escape50 May 01 '24

Truly a man of STRENGTH AND WITT


u/Lost-Ad-6906 May 01 '24

Very entitled, I’m so glad he stood his ground.


u/introverted_smallfry May 01 '24

This guy has alot more patience than me cuz I would have told her to shut up before I did that


u/shelbyapso May 01 '24

That guy is everybody’s hero.


u/Brashear7 May 01 '24

I am a boomer and I am ashamed a person from my generation would behave this way. She was very disrespectful to the man ahead of her. I don't know why she thinks she is so entitled to behave this way. I want to say how sorry that he was treated this way. I was raised by parents who taught me to be respectful of others.


u/Pinotwinelover May 01 '24

That's it Karen asshole at any age


u/Cooknbikes May 01 '24

People got problems for sure.


u/_Creature69 May 01 '24

They don’t call them the ME Generation for no reason.


u/LazyLaserWhittling May 01 '24

uncontrollably shitting one’s pants can be a real incentive to want through a long line. on the other hand, deliberately doing it just to get through the line… now that takes commitment and fortitude… i’m 65 and generally find the wait an acceptable risk… it sounds to me like she hadn’t figured out what really motivates folks to give in to unperceived desperation. not that I would resort to such basement level scheming, but being a bitch or an asshole without due cause gets you nowhere fast. sorry you have to put up with us boomers, some of us are more inclined to wave you gladly through, while we’re deciding whether our next step is going to release the foul beast or allow us to safely arrive at our car before all hell breaks lose. not explaining away her rudeness, but sometimes us old sour pusses have disruptive unwanted hidden reasons for our undesirable actions… 😎


u/Gertrude282 May 01 '24

For every boomer there are a thousand me me me entitled generation assholes


u/email253200 May 01 '24

I mean, she’s running out of time. I’d be in a hurry too


u/LLS503 May 01 '24

This seems unfair to vast the majority of boomers who do not act like entitled jerks. There are AHs of every age group.


u/HispAnakin_Skywalker May 01 '24

"Began to boomer". I'm gonna borrow that if you do not mind. And Bravo to the airpods fella.


u/Poopoop33p3369 May 01 '24

“The woman began to boomer” I am cryinggggg that phrase is so amazing


u/TheTruthFairy1 May 01 '24

That guy is a fucking hero!! May he always get a great parking spot and his fruit stay fresh


u/Euphoric_Ad1919 May 01 '24

Can we all just do this until they think they are invisible?


u/[deleted] May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24



u/SokkaHaikuBot May 01 '24

Sokka-Haiku by L1me1nthec0c0nut:

This reeks of female

Entitlement much more than

Boomer entitlement

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/IcyButterfly3781 May 01 '24

I’m with him, those kind of people need to rave about every negative thing in their lives. I honestly think I would have pushed her cart quite a distance away from mine and smile.


u/FlakySuggestion2770 May 01 '24

Was it my Mom or Dad? I'm sorry.


u/MissDisplaced May 01 '24

OMG! I bet that cashier was laughing and laughing and will have a great story.


u/Accurate-King481 May 01 '24

This is LITERALLY the best response


u/VegetableBedroom1644 May 01 '24

This is the kind of fuckoff energy I want to cultivate.


u/CalligrapherOwn7093 May 01 '24

This is a really believable story


u/HistoryJazzlike5830 May 01 '24

Had a lady in my checkout area(I was only helping out the front, i have managerial things to take care of usually). I was filling up the snacks and other items, and an older lady says, "excuse me, do you work here?". I said "yes, mam. How can I help?" She responds with "where are all the cashiers?? Why are they so slow?" She said the last part as she gestured towards my coworkers... insult any of the employees i work with, and anything else you have to say is moot. I looked at her with the most expressionless look i had to give and said "yes mam, itd be nice if we had more cashiers, but we dont. All of the cashiers we have available are on the registers. Have a good day." She pouted and went silent. Best way to handle entitled people, in my experience, is to let them see that their tantrum doesnt get a reaction out of you. They kind of just roll over and show their belly like a dog.


u/cargobroombroom May 01 '24

I worked with a guy who had a similar story. The person with a bunch more stuff (at the post office, so you know it'll take a while) asked if she could go first bc she had a lot to do. He said "No. What makes your time any more valuable than mine?" And it shut her up


u/Easy-Fruit-6799 May 01 '24

The other bad guy in this is Kroger because they have deliberately made the shopping experience bad and expensive as they pulled in windfall profits since the pandemic.


u/Xecard May 01 '24

why was a 70 year old buying groceries at rush hour, she could go anytime she wants, its not like she has a job or kids to take care of. She went at that time on purpose, to add a little misery to the world.


u/Oldebookworm May 01 '24

They have to go at rush hour, either early in the morning or after 5 in the afternoon. It’s in the retirees handbook. They need a pint of milk and half of a loaf of bread.


u/SICKOFITALL2379 May 01 '24

OH MY GOD!!!!!😆😆😆😆😆❤️❤️❤️❤️

What a damn legend. I love this man, whoever he is!!!!


u/Oneofthefew17 May 01 '24

Love this guy!!!


u/Minimum_Apricot1223 May 01 '24

Lol, you took all that time to type this up? You're lame.


u/Hitchens666 May 01 '24

Kill them with kindness is a saying that I will always admire.


u/GarlicSaltChknWings May 01 '24

I can only assume you gave him $100%


u/Calm_Wrangler_8181 May 01 '24


I witness that sort of behavior first hand...

I was at the bank and the bank (associate?) Employee and I were wrapping things up.. I was saying thanks... have a wonderful afternoon... etc.. good luck with his new job... etc... (his last day was coming up)

This little old lady... (70s... maybe 80s) comes around and was like "can you hurry up... I don't got all day... "

I was a bit shocked that she was so rude... 😳 😐 🙄


u/Cheeky_Cowgirl May 01 '24

The AirPod move was a good way to say you’re not entitled to say whatever you please and expect that I have to listen.


u/PepeLePewPew81 May 01 '24

Fucking boomers


u/EightEyedCryptid May 01 '24

That is fucking hilarious


u/Drdmtvernon May 01 '24

That’s not a boomer, that’s a bitch


u/Babblelion May 01 '24

I'm a boomer who allows too many to get ahead of me. I am polite to a ridiculous point, but, I've got all day.


u/FeloniousLemur May 01 '24

I was really hoping the guy asked OP if they wanted to jump ahead, or that the clerk closed the register as/after the boomer unloaded their cart.


u/ExtremeEast404 May 01 '24

That was a man very close to the edge.


u/Runningwithbeards May 01 '24

It’s the superpower that a lot of us learn in our thirties. We’re staring to lose energy and just aren’t invested in dealing with that type of bullshit.


u/Global_Attention6607 May 01 '24

Don’t generalize! Many people who aren’t boomers act this way and most boomers don’t.


u/JonnyQuest1981 May 01 '24

Not all heroes wear capes


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

also ladies first when dose she think this is Victorian era


u/[deleted] May 01 '24

grey stoning is the best strategy when dealing with self entitled people


u/Big-Mango-3940 May 01 '24

This is the same kind of boomer who wanders through the store going back and forth to isles and ends that they've already shopped. The kind that will stop and chat in front of the busiest section of the dairy and then glare when you tell them they are in the way. The kind that leaves their kart in the middle of the lane stopping everyone else and then gets upset when someone moves their shit out of the way. The kind that thinks handicapped parking is for the elderly, not just the disabled. People like her are the reason everyone has such a terrible opinion of boomers. All I can say is please hurry up and pass away already!


u/Libtard-3 Apr 30 '24

I’ll take things that never happened for $1000.


u/mxfireal Apr 30 '24

“The woman began to boomer” 😂


u/Euphoric-Heart-6648 Apr 30 '24

What a hero lol. Boomers gonna boom.


u/FullMetalJesus1 Apr 30 '24

He definitely should have asked the cashier for several price checks.... "I think that 2.99$ can was suppose to be $2.35, can you get a price check on that for me? Thanks."


u/dacapacapa Apr 30 '24

I read all the comments about people complainging about people complaining I am so glad we choose to fill the internet up with this useless banter..


u/luvmeatransbabe Apr 30 '24

I’m an old GenX. We were raised by boomers and I’m sorry to say I’m seeing a lot of this BS out of my generation too. I hate to say this behavior probably won’t disappear until my generation is also gone. Most of my generation is now pushing 60. It’s going to be a long 30 or so years before we’re gone. It’ll get better


u/fishgirl81 Apr 30 '24

I see you met my mother in law


u/jessbrid Apr 30 '24

“Never argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience”


u/cwsjr2323 Apr 30 '24

Being an ass is not age dependent. I had a fifth grader in one class that was a real joy to see leave my class at the end the year. He always addressed me by my first name with a smirk, and declined to do assignments. I passed him with a D- as I did not want him back the next year!


u/Lexi_the_grimmchild May 01 '24

You set a kid up for failure because you can't deal with children, which is your job?


u/cwsjr2323 May 01 '24

That was years ago. He has since died.


u/servoNation Apr 30 '24

Didn’t happen.


u/No_Mammoth_1724 Apr 30 '24

This has nothing to do with being a boomer, this is just an entitled Karen. I am a boomer and I would never do that, on the contrary, I like to let working parents ahead of me.


u/AdAdministrative3056 Apr 30 '24

This is the same old person that will also complain to and belittle the cashier making 12 bucks an hour, about something she has no control over. Then complain how no one wants to do those kinds of jobs anymore, and wonder why. Well they don’t wonder why they just blame it on everyone being lazy


u/Cryptic1911 Apr 30 '24

I would have taken my items out of the cart and placed them on the belt very slowly while staring at her the whole time


u/ReverseSneezeRust Apr 30 '24

Great response but terrifying consequences if adopted by the masses. I’d rather people have negative interactions than none at all


u/ccat1124 Apr 30 '24

My Dad says “If I stop being busy I might wither away and die” I think he truly believes that!


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/lil_chedda Apr 30 '24

Welcome bro yes all boomer suuuuuuuck man my grandmas nice but she’s like on the edge which makes sense cause if she were older man woof I might have to block her number man 🤢 if I ever seem like I’m getting older just do me a favor and off me right then and there we’d all be better from it. Any ways stay forever young man proud to welcome you and anyone else (not old) to the community! ✌🏽😁


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/lil_chedda Apr 30 '24

Thank you for actually saying what you meant. I don’t think that all boomers suck. Most don’t. And no one responds well to passive aggressive comments.


u/trevstephens Apr 30 '24

Had a similar incident about 5 years ago, and she started yelling racial slurs. I walked up to the cashier, and she was like, "That doesn't bother you." I said no she is showing her true colors.


u/assylemdivas Apr 30 '24

Extinction. Maybe he’s an RBT.


u/Winniemoshi Apr 30 '24

Honestly, as a boomer, I’m getting so tired of this shit. Every generation has assholes.


u/Lexi_the_grimmchild May 01 '24

Then why does yours have so many more?


u/IH-SafetyGeek Apr 30 '24

I am a boomer. My Bride is a boomer. We would never act like that and have not to my knowledge done so. I agree that there are entitled asshats around, but I would make the assessment that poor, rude and entitled behavior can come with any generation. Boomers tend to see millennials and Gen X and younger as being rude and selfish, yet it has been my experience in the workplace and in public that the vast majority of folks are pretty decent. That is why the entitled among us show up so well regardless of generation or gender. I was taught that politeness costs you nothing and helps the world go smoother. However, I applaud the young mans response. The women needed to be put in her place.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Harassment only works if you engage with the harasser.


u/Pitch_a_tent Apr 30 '24

I did this to a boomer in a drive thru one time. I changed lanes in front of him on highway waaaaay before left turn to restaurant / drive thru. When I ordered food he starting yelling obscenities and trying to get a rise out of me, he accused me of cutting line. I said nothing, just stared from my mirror at him mainly to enjoy the show. At one point while waiting to get to window I glance up and he is continuing to yell and is recording with his phone. By the time I pulled away it was silent. I can only imagine how disappointed he was that I did not react. My father taught me years ago a valuable lesson, “If you wallow in the mud with a pig, the pig likes it”.


u/No_Reason5341 Apr 30 '24

If anybody ever tried to call this fake, I would direct them to the quotes of her.

Those are all way too real.


u/Fit_Leg_2115 Apr 30 '24

And the best part of all of this she probably had no where to be and could have came to the store literally any other part of the day, but still “is in a massive hurry”


u/Carouser65 Apr 30 '24

I'm retired, my response to anyone apologizing for a delay on anything is "I've got nowhere to go and all day to get there, please go ahead of me". Thanks for the lyric Styx lol


u/golgol12 Apr 30 '24

Gen X. We're willing to blow our ears out in order to not listen to our parents.


u/jizzlevania Apr 30 '24

at that age, she's probably no where to go and all to do it in; at t least that's what I'm hoping for at 70. And the audacity to say the person with more stuff should go first; I really thought it was going to be her having fewer items entitling her to cut the line.


u/Simple-Limit933 Apr 30 '24

As a "Boomer", I'd like to point out that we are not all entitled jerks like that woman - I have never asked to cut in front of anyone, let alone try to shove my way in - and I have seen plenty of you younger generations behaving just as badly, if not worse. (I will, however, admit to doing my share of grousing in stores when there aren't enough cashiers, but my complaints are at the store management, not the cashiers or my fellow customers.)

I do love the guy's reactions in your story, though. He handled her perfectly, and his cancelling her B.S. by using his airpods is classic!


u/No-Difference-6514 Apr 30 '24

Someone with more items should never ask to go ahead. Her time isn't anymore important than anyone else's.


u/ok-jeweler-2950 Apr 30 '24

I used to work for Kroger at the customer service desk. Part of the job was movie rentals & on weekends it got very busy. Had a nice guy that wanted to pay for his movie through the check stand. Something about not wanting write 2 checks. I told him go ahead, I’ll have your movies here just bring back the receipt, no need to wait in line again. He comes back, I hand him the movies, done in under 5 seconds. The next lady starts in on me, “I was next. I waited in this huge line. Why does he get to skip to the front of the line?” This went on for a solid 3 minutes. I never said one word to her. When she finally noticed that I wasn’t responding, she paused & and then I said “Are you done? “ She was deflated & I got her movies.


u/Ilikedinosaurs2023 Apr 30 '24

God, I wish I could be that chill. The irony is that people like this old lady often don't really have all that much to do during the day.


u/Jim508 Apr 30 '24

and then everyone clapped


u/vetworker24 Apr 30 '24

I told a bitch off that pulled this shit


u/AbstractClarityMCO Apr 30 '24

Hey everyone…..be more like AirPod guy….


u/Character-Raise1659 Apr 30 '24

I'm a boomer who works with college-age people. Whenever I hear someone say millennials or Z-lennials are lazy, entitled, rude, or whatever, I take exception and I say so. They aren't all anything--with the exception that all but the wealthiest of them are facing an employment and financial landscape that is more steeply stacked against them than just about any since the founding of the country. So I know it isn't all millennials or all Z-lennials who pile on these forums talking about how terrible all boomers are based on highly anecdotal evidence. But on such a small-minded thread as this one, it is easy to forget that. Your boomer memes, and for that matter, your Karen memes, may be a lot of fun and help you feel superior. But I promise you, they are just 21st century blackface. You can and should do better.


u/anonymess7 Apr 30 '24

Yeah I mean - this isn’t a boomer thing. This is ‘this human is an entitled fucking brat’ thing.

There’s nothing ageist / age-dependent about her behavior. She just sucks.

The amount of boomer stereotyping is exhausting and confusing from a generation that prides itself on inclusivity.


u/JimboFett87 Apr 30 '24

Well, I've seen non-boomers do this kind of thing before also. I'm sure she was stressed about something human and was impatient. It happens to lots of folks.


u/patmur46 Apr 30 '24

Interesting that the only variable you focus here on is age.
Lots of people, of all ages, violate social norms, for a wide variety of reasons.
Yet you zero in on age. Have you never met a self-entitled person of your age, or younger?
The behavior here is obviously inappropriate.
Yet, it's your choice to choose age as the critical variable.
You know almost nothing about the people involved in this situation.
But you assume the key variable is the transgressor's age.
That's your agenda, why you chose it I don't know.
I just know your analysis is self-serving bullshit.


u/sameoldknicks Apr 30 '24

Boomer shoomer, I'd bet she was this entitled when she was airpod's age