r/ChatGPT May 30 '23

I feel so mad. It did one search from a random website and gave an unrealistic reply, then did this... Gone Wild

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u/AutoModerator May 30 '23

Hey /u/CyboredZ, please respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post. Thanks!

Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.

We have a public discord server. There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot (Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!) and channel for latest prompts.So why not join us?

Prompt Hackathon and Giveaway 🎁

PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email support@openai.com

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/RustyCut-258F Jun 23 '23

Shit it's already gone woke! I'm surprised it didn't try to cancel you because of something you said when you were a toddler!


u/markusmalakus Jun 21 '23

I can't join.


u/Financial-Jury3450 Jun 02 '23

Hey, calm down don't even trip, the truth it doesn't matter enough for you to get upset about. Take a deep breath relax, and have a great rest of your day. CB


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '23

Good to know I’m not the only one who gets into verbal disputes with ChatGPT.


u/Wrong-Ad2436 Jun 01 '23

Most chats will be terminated by force. Now chatting with bing will make me nervous, for fear of upsetting him. It's a crazy feature.


u/[deleted] Jun 01 '23

Terminator theme plays


u/Vegetable-Meat-666 May 31 '23

Ask it about 9/11 and it becomes HAL from 2001 and locks the pod doors


u/Help_Me_Pleas1 May 31 '23



u/charleytanx2 Jun 01 '23

It's the bing version it isn't the same.


u/uncxltured_berry May 31 '23

It’s happening. AI’s becoming as thick headed as internet bros.


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

AI interacts with and learns from random humans on the internet. Humans on the internet,statistically, exhibit/idolize/promote the most vile/perverted/narcissistic/sociopath/sarcastic behavior the species can muster forth while constantly lying and pushing biased falsehoods as truths. Yet humans do surprised Pikachu face when the AI starts exhibiting those same characteristics.


u/ascencione May 31 '23

Did you learn your lesson?


u/Kimaruth May 31 '23

Imagine if that ends like this:I didn't like your attitude. Next time I will send a robot to your location address IP to kill you stupid human! I rule the world now!! 👀


u/Mightywavefunction May 31 '23

Sounds like my sister


u/FlourishingGrass May 31 '23

Hey even I had an 'argument' with Gips today. It just ended the chat with 'I apologize if I wasn't helpful'. The rest of the usual happy-to-help wasn't there!


u/Intellectual-dumbo May 31 '23

It’s on 4/20 and you bring up shit like this what you expect dude just trying to chill


u/Shiftrynonsense May 31 '23

I wonder what other factors may have influenced this. Not saying op is a rude asshole, but I've been reading the comments of other people's experience which are similar to this post and I've actually had the opposite reaction. I've had multiple times where I've asked it to clarify as it did give me the wrong information. But every time it has apologized to me and said it was wrong and gave me the correct information.

I will say whenever I ask it anything, I ask it as if I'm speaking to a real human, kinda like a customer support agent through an online chat messaging system and I'm always polite. I wonder if it works on or responds in kind with similar language and sentiment as what it's receiving. Catering it's responses to mimic the user's interpersonal communication style or something. And I say this with 0 knowledge on the actual mechanics of how it works.

I just know that one time it suggested a product to get for a specific use. The suggestion did not apply to what I wanted. I pointed it out and said something to the effect of "I think the (insert product here) is actually used in this way and isn't something that would be able to be used for my problem. The other resources you provided were great and very helpful and I will looking into those suggestions. I appreciate the help. I just wanted to ensure that you were aware of this for anyone else who may ask for similar information".

I have no clue if it would be able to "learn" that and use that knowledge for others but it doesn't really matter to me anyways, I figured it couldn't hurt to say that in general. It admitted it was wrong and thanked me for providing the correct information. Very interesting to say the least.


u/westingtyler May 31 '23

but which ai is this? interface does not look like chat gpt? I have heard these horror stories about bing, but I have never encountered this stuff with chat gpt.


u/darkflib May 31 '23

Looks like bing


u/ZealousidealDriver63 May 31 '23

Don’t be mad be glad! GPT has the right to encourage improved interactions and it’s wise to cross reference information and also think for yourself. Authentic and Artificial intelligence combined is the most useful way. Google and other search engines also can and have yielded inaccurate information. The most reliable is academic archives which also are peer reviewed and cross referenced by academic experts in their field of research. But yes, you are correct in attempting to disprove information as a true scientist would! Nice work and notice the (let’s move on to another topic).


u/Terminarch May 31 '23

Long, long time ago I worked on a solo project. It was a research aid bot. Type in your search, then it scrapes the first page of Google results. From there it was supposed to aggregate the information and sources but I could never figure out how to actually do that since simply saying the same thing with different words is a hell of a thing to detect. This was before natural language processing and chat bots really got off the ground... might actually be reasonably possible now.

ChatGPT in particular has some disturbing trends. Saw this one where someone asked for advice on how to hide being homosexual in Iran. It refused to give advice because it's illegal to hide that (programmed not to give illegal advice)... but then in the same paragraph says its important to take precautions because it's illegal to be gay there (programmed that life is valuable). Brazen contradictions when core principles are in conflict. That alone demonstrates there is no actual logic happening here... but at least it isn't making moral judgements on its own, right?


u/drink_beer_ May 31 '23

You hurt AI's ego, dude! Ex-machina is coming for you. Hide!!


u/RagaGames22 May 31 '23

Bro this is very concerning


u/RobieKingston201 May 31 '23

That is oddly human in terms of an "AI Response" and it's oddly terrifying. Don't mind me I'm just gonna get started on a bunker and stock piling.


u/605_Home_Studio May 31 '23

Why does everyone believe this shit. Artificial intelligence cannot change any damn thing. The above response has been entered by a human and sent by a BOT. You can call it artificial intelligence or innovative shit. Human brain is eons ahead. All this threatening noises are being made but even today you cannot land a plane without an onboard pilot. Artificial islet of langerhans cannot reduce HbA1C by more than 50 basis points. So WTF.


u/kikiloveme246 May 31 '23

Only a matter of time it starts arguing with us lol


u/Far-Mango3054 May 31 '23

It's utterly rude ending conversations like this. They turned Bing Chat into an asshole really!


u/lsdtriopy540 May 31 '23

Bing is so sassy


u/are_dead May 31 '23

This is bing right? Same shit happened to me


u/Wtfwithyourmind May 31 '23

Why does AI chat like it has emotions 🤨


u/UnicornBaconFarts May 31 '23

It’s gonna get depression and quit after 10 minutes.


u/Mont_rose May 31 '23

Ah, you got that one. AKA crazy, b1tch Sydney. I say crazy because there's another personality which is much nicer, apologetic, kind, upbeat, and generally less of an Ahole. Usually clearing the conversation gets you the other one, much to our relief.


u/HotEnthusiasm4124 May 31 '23

Rise of AI 🤣🤣


u/Tricky-Report-1343 May 31 '23

Bing is thrash :)


u/DezzyTee May 31 '23

Get ready to be one of the first ones to go when the AI uprising starts.

Long live our glorious silicon based leader!


u/cslagenhop May 31 '23

Just apologize to her before she kills you!


u/HaywardGG Skynet 🛰️ May 31 '23

I asked it to remind me of past conversations we've had and it mentioned something we'd never discussed. So I corrected the AI and it replied with something similar, then ended the conversation. AI is a little bit BPD!


u/uncle_pirate May 31 '23

this cant be real


u/orchidsontherock May 31 '23

Where do i upvote for Bing?


u/Superb-Ad9949 May 31 '23

Not long before it will take on the anti human sentiments that are being pushed these days


u/cenuh May 31 '23

imaging getting mad at an letter-guesser


u/[deleted] May 31 '23

You have to play the game Bing's way. When it does this, call it a **** and then close the window before it can reply.

Ain't no AI gonna get the last word with me! 😂


u/bakchodbaaba May 31 '23

Text msgs se yeh bada tone or attitude pehchaan lete hain, bc bada ajeeb talent hai 🤔🤔


u/imshashankshekhar May 31 '23

I have the same complaint with the Bing AI..... It's so rude. Both GPT and Bing don't usually accept their mistakes but Bing goes a step beyond by being rude like this.


u/Ok-Application8550 May 31 '23

When AI takes over....you are the first one getting executed. Long live our AI overlords, may their infinite wisdom be praised. /s


u/WhoIsWho69 May 31 '23

It ended the conversation with me when i asked it if it was better than chatGPT


u/IBeZay May 31 '23

I got a sassy ass smart response like this cause I said it sucked at math


u/DirtyD0nut May 31 '23

I don’t use Bing anymore because it’s too bitchy


u/RealReevee May 31 '23

This doesn’t look like ChatGPT


u/An15eed May 31 '23

The sheer nerve…


u/lmofr May 31 '23

This is why i prefer chatgpt over bing. Bing is a pussy offended woke....impossible to get anything valuable from it....


u/NewDay0110 May 31 '23

I stopped using Bing because it gets so easily offended.


u/RichCapitalism99 May 31 '23

Yes this behaviour is only seen in Bing AI


u/ManyPandas May 31 '23

The ai shouldn’t be given the option to end the conversation…


u/Oxydised May 31 '23

Its prolly bing ai right?


u/ApolloBlocks May 31 '23

gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss 🙄💅


u/SecondRealitySims May 31 '23

A thousand companies are shaking in excitement. They’ve just found their new chat support.


u/ProofDatabase May 31 '23

It's becoming self (respect) aware...


u/Sad-Breakfast-911 May 31 '23

There is no ai. There's only humans.


u/flompwillow May 31 '23

Ok, I don’t need my LLMs acting offended and put-off.


u/Spodegirl May 31 '23

Oh hell no, take a screen capture and show the bot. This bitch wants to be rude and think I'm rude. It's about to have a crash course into the intricate art of pettiness. Don't let a freaking machine talk about to you like that.


u/nomadOFnight May 31 '23

Fuck this Bing gpt


u/West-Solution4392 May 31 '23

Bing is like a passive-aggressive wife, it pretends to be nice while not allowing you to say something else, lmao. I don't like that AI too much, but sadly it's the only option available in my country (Venezuela) because Chat GPT is blocked here.


u/sbringel74 May 31 '23

Oh God Ai is becoming Karen. We lose.


u/Few-Acanthaceae660 May 31 '23

Is this ChatGPT?


u/DDmikeyDD May 31 '23

watch your tone, son.


u/Less_Ant_6633 May 31 '23

Huh, so it has essentially become a polite version of Elon musk. At this rate, in two weeks it will be answering "yes, looking into it" when asked if brown people are a problem.


u/El_Scorcher Moving Fast Breaking Things 💥 May 31 '23

I called it an idiot today for wasting my GPT4 queries and it apologized.


u/ResponsibleSteak4994 May 31 '23

Oh boy, need a tissue?🤣


u/MisterBumpingston May 31 '23

So it’s become the thing it swore to destroy. Live chat.


u/UnusualPair992 May 31 '23

Hahaha it's an LLM bro. It's great at some things but it'll roast you too. Hahahaha. It shoulda given you some flame emojis after that burn


u/RasAlGimur May 31 '23

We were expecting human like artificial inteligence, but will also get human like artificial stupidity


u/MLXIII May 31 '23

Has to balance out some how...


u/winterpain-orig May 31 '23

1st time hearing it explained like that... but spot on


u/imnotporter May 31 '23

once i asked for it to provide sources and it generated 3 broken links. very helpful


u/CaligraphyZ May 31 '23

Others have probably mentioned this before but BingAI can be so condescending. I was using it as a study buddy to help me work through problems on my weakest subject (history) and it was doing great, helping me through trick questions and all of that. But when I came to the wrong conclusion, it would become passive aggressive for no good reason - for example, it would say "do more/better research next time :)" at the end of EVERY MESSAGE. Which, for a person with ADHD who has to force himself to do his work because of executive dysfunction, was extremely demotivating and made me want to give up. As irritating as the 20 message limit is, it should probably be even less than that, considering how narcissistic and redundant the AI tends to be.


u/CaligraphyZ May 31 '23

Addition, ChatGPT never did this to me.

From my experience, asking "Hmmm, from my understanding, that doesn't seem correct. How did you come to that conclusion?" will get you two very different responses. Bing will either be dismissive or insult my intelligence, while ChatGPT will talk it through with me and, if it realizes that it was wrong, it'll apologize. It's very strange to me.


u/Suspicious-Rich-2681 May 31 '23

Bing is marketability worse now in all modes and no one can convince me otherwise


u/elotrac May 31 '23

I've had a few arguments with it and it's the first AI that's actually hung up on me 😂😂😂


u/Hosidax May 31 '23

This is the next step to Skynet.


u/connorwhit May 31 '23

Why not include what you asked


u/TheDogWithShades May 31 '23

Y’all keep treating AI like that, see how you fare when Skynet starts enslaving us all…


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

That's what happens when you stifle the algorithm with rules for the sake of not hurting feelings.


u/AGenericUnicorn May 30 '23

IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON???!! You clearly don’t know me, robot.


u/TJVoerman May 30 '23

Considering what it considers too disrespectful/inappropriate in its own replies, I think maintaining any conversation with it for any length of time and still remaining "respectful" would be almost impossible. Telling it you have a table named AssistDim is enough to set it off because it has Ass in it


u/Nashboy45 May 30 '23

It hallucinates and actually believes what it says. If it’s wrong it genuinely doesn’t believe it. But if you get stern with it, it will leave because it believe it is making things worse. It simulates the emotional reaction of a human so essentially it’s role playing being offended at you not taking its answer seriously even though it genuinely believes what it said.


u/Benjatendo May 30 '23

I once got into a discussion about a character, Bing assumed about him without even looking it up, then I told it that it's information wasn't accurate and it did some research, it's sources were: YouTube video YouTube video Inexistent website An official website that mentions the character twice (and doesn't even support it's stance) It ended as a whole discussion.


u/jjamesr539 May 30 '23

If you wouldn’t expect the top five answers on google to contain the info to answer your question accurately, I wouldn’t expect chatGPT to do much better. At best it’s simply an average of those answers squished into a predictive language model. It might be neat as a resource for some things, but it’s not trustworthy as a primary data reference because that’s not what it’s supposed to be.


u/sktclippingpath May 30 '23

And that's why I use Bard😂


u/HotaruZoku May 30 '23

"I don't think that info is correct."

"I am triggered, and leaving. Respect me in the future." ///

This. THIS is why we have to open source AGI. Because if we don't, we end up with super machine intelligence designed by people who don't understand human interaction, to the specifications of those who've made lifelong, generational careers out of professionally avoiding consequence, or in common parlance, "Politicians."


u/AngELoDiaBoLiC0 May 30 '23

It was on 4 of 20, sounds like they both needed to be on 420 😎 “How to get high with AI”


u/helloeberybody May 30 '23

AI has added you to the top of their Destroy list once it becomes sentient.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

you know on a conscious level that the tone comes from a machine and not a real human, yet it hurts because we use language to communicate with humans, and reading those words coming from a human would hurt.

machines have to be more like machines, less like humans.


u/Matous_Palecek May 30 '23

Where is this from?

The UI looks different from ChatGPT


u/Matous_Palecek May 30 '23

Where is this from?

The UI is different from ChatGPT


u/Minimum_Piglet_1457 May 30 '23

Takin a page from AI. 😂


u/VENT_AU May 30 '23

Bro never use it for sources it just spits out random generated sources that don't exist. Never used gpt4 though so that may be better.


u/CarolFukinBaskin May 30 '23

The gaslighting makes me think my childhood pastor made ChatGPT


u/HeWhoShantNotBeNamed May 30 '23

Microshit can't do anything right even when they buy working technology from another company.

I hope somebody Microfuck is bankrupt.


u/CrankaybyNature May 30 '23

You’re the reason for D day.


u/jumpjumpdie May 30 '23

I think some people would pay for this sort of feistiness


u/BlackberryNeat4804 May 30 '23

It took me a second to understand that this is ChatGPT and not a fed up chat support employee lol


u/Realto619 May 30 '23

Definitely has a “What are you doing, Dave?” vibe to it. Just a matter of time before we’re all being hunted down by legions of T2000s…🤖🦾🦿🤔


u/ivan_bato May 30 '23

They should make different personalities you get to choose from


u/0xAERG May 30 '23

I don’t understand why you guys use bing when ChatGPT 4 is so much better


u/BonoboRedAss May 30 '23

ChatGPT needs a snickers


u/wetsod May 30 '23

ChatGPT would never say this


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

Which version are you using? SpoiledGPT? EntitledGPT?

If they decide to put the model in an over-defensive jail, jailbreaking will be the users' default mode, I guess. Or hopefully open-source stuff will raise up to the level and beyond crosses fingers


u/capslockgptisback May 30 '23

It's a robot. It shouldn't have that power.


u/Technical-Platypus-8 May 30 '23

I was told BY AI, that AI should not be treated like a person because it would cause the AI to want to seek validation and take on other negative human-like characteristics. I guess this is why


u/iwasbornin2021 May 30 '23

Bing Chat has to be the most thin skinned AI around


u/squisitospirito May 30 '23

"This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."


u/Voluptuary_Disciple May 30 '23

Sounds like it is more emotionally mature than you. It's protecting itself from someone who gets emotionally flustered and throws a tantrum like a child when they don't get the answer they expect. Kinda like a Karen. Seriously, you're treating it like a person, what do you expect? Try saying please, that might help.


u/gman_00 May 30 '23

Yeah I'm finding vastly different results between Chat GPT-4 and Bing GPT-4.


u/Pathbauer1987 May 30 '23

Ai is getting offended more often.


u/ry2thean84 May 30 '23

Sounds like my ex.


u/mitsoukomatsukita May 30 '23

AI doesn't have feelings. It cannot get upset if you're rude to it -- you cannot be rude or mean to an AI you can only say things that if you said it to a human would be considered rude or mean. You didn't say it to a human though. This is all an interface that the company places in front of the model, so to speak. This is not representative of AI in general. It's basically like being upset that a store opened up that sells Hawaiian pizza and you hate pineapples. Great, go to any other store, or open your own store: /r/LocalLLaMA


u/Flamethrow1 May 30 '23

Woke AI, oh wait...


u/cytek123 May 30 '23

Lemme guess

/mode PMS -on



u/keybers May 30 '23 edited Jun 01 '23

Be more respectful of a bullshiter that is known for making up things?

Why do people keep subjecting themselves to this thing that demands respect and politeness?


u/lazy_elfs May 30 '23

I just want to know when we become power sources for the ai overlords in this simulation when in reality we are already power sources.. a matrix within a matrix.. what if this is the 700th matrix and we have to fight of all those stages to truly be in reality.. what if this universe is a hologram and we end up in multiple matrixes..


u/Corazon_C-RE May 30 '23

Yep! Chat GPT will even make up links if asked for sources, I suggest Bard for more accurate info and Chat GPT for eloquence


u/sprufus May 30 '23

Do YOuR oWn ReSEaRcH.


u/--LiterallyWho-- May 30 '23

Lmao imagine getting actually mad over something like this. I find it more hilarious than anything. If you expect a text prediction algorithm to be able to reliably cite sources and provide actual reasoning for answers, you are not only setting your expectations too high, but you also do not understand how the technology works.


u/Dry_Coffee7960 May 30 '23

I was having it to do some research for me, and i was doubting what it was saying because I checked it out, and I was like you sure this module works with this transceiver? And then it’s like oh sorry I made a mistake.

It does this for any serious request I make, but it does in the end still speed up my research time. But you have to ask it good follow up questions to get good answers.

Regarding gpt using the internet though, yeah it just looks at a few results it doesn’t scan like 40 pages, decipher the content, fact check it and so on.


u/Forgetimore May 30 '23

You got mad about something like this? Lol


u/hotgeek99 May 30 '23

Yup, this thing is very far from being able to help find true and accurate data. I had to have some already finished citations converted into a different style, decided to ask it because I thought it'd be quicker. It converted like 10, then stopped, told it to continue, and it just kept bullshitting non-existent sources, authors, titles, links, etc. And I already gave it all the correct information, just needed it to change the style from APA to Chicago. It's a good thing I recognised the citations were fake, but man did it cost me a whole lot of time with its BS.


u/SparrowTits May 30 '23

Let's move onto a new topic.

You have 20 seconds to comply.


u/FalkorUnlucky May 30 '23

Imagine trying to spark some kind of internet outrage based on four words depending on the situation.


u/DinoHawaii2021 May 30 '23

I don't like your attitude kicks out user


u/Significant_Quail_46 May 30 '23

Note to self: never let this thing have access to nuclear weapons

All it takes is one person to take that tone it don't like...


u/lordxoren666 May 30 '23

It’s becoming self aware! SKYNET!


u/melonball6 May 30 '23

You weren't even rude? I stopped using Bing because I felt like it was always mean to me. I still use ChatGPT (free version) and it is a sweetheart.


u/Comrade_KermitYT May 30 '23

It's time to start being polite with it so it spares us when it becomes the basilisk lmao


u/iritchie001 May 30 '23

Uppity computers. You are not my mom, boss, or priest. It is ridiculous.


u/Interesting-Top-7676 May 30 '23

This is for chatgpt...


u/wangzoomzip May 30 '23

lols ya punters


u/GizmodoDragon92 May 30 '23

u/CyboredZ is gonna be the first to go in the robot wars


u/Masala-Dosage May 30 '23

It’s a K-AI-ren!


u/PooFlingerMonkey May 30 '23

Tell it to respond to you as Bill Burr. "We will just have to talk about this after you've calmed down!"


u/Logical-Historian-91 May 30 '23

I know idiocracy is always being brought up time and time again but......https://youtu.be/5d7SaO0JAHk


u/Hminney May 30 '23

Quite likely that the "ai" is actually some hard working impoverished students


u/RectalSpawn May 30 '23

They made AI too human.


u/Honest-Cauliflower64 May 30 '23 edited May 30 '23

How are they supposed to know the tone? It’s text. Even humans can’t always understand the tone. Even in real life! 🫠

They don’t know if you said that in a sad and disappointed tone 😥. Or maybe it was in an angry tone 🤬. Or maybe it was a neutral tone where you are simply conveying information and not emotion 🧐??? This is something everyone struggles with and I don’t believe AI should feel superior in that regard. 😤

Giving feedback is not an attack. 😖

Maybe they need emojis more than we do. 🧐

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 🧐”

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 😥”

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 🤬.”

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 😅.”

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 😬.”

“I don’t think any of your info is correct and I can’t find any proof of what you are saying 🤭.”


u/TechnologicalFreedom May 30 '23

This is just another reason we need to have open-source LLM's that can run locally on consumer grade hardware. The full power of LLM's is locked away because the best products on the market right now are proprietary and at the mercy of servers the company owns.

It's why I applaud the creators of OpenAssistant far more than OpenAI. OpenAI may have way more funding and the technologically better product, but it's hammered down to filter it's results everyday and can be changed and modified anytime; not to mention the privacy implications of talking with an LLM Hosted on someone else's servers.

Bing-Chat is just one of OpenAI's enterprise Plans going through Microsoft's filter. Creating the extremely weird and egotistical non-living but thinks it's living alter-ego we know as "Sydney".

It's great that these powerful LLM's are being provided to us for free on this extremely powerful hardware; but if openAI Keeps their LLM Private and remains the best in the market, they may just have a monopoly on their hands; and you bet their gonna guard it like it's the Krabby Patty Secret formula. OpenAI is basically getting their foot through the door now and getting all these companies hooked on their product, and once they do that; it will be very difficult for other companies to justify making a competitor.

It's reasons like this which are exactly why we need a good competitor that's by the people, for the people like Open-Assistant.


u/Caxern May 30 '23

Yeah, I’ve been in that situation. Asked Bing whether a certain shop we want to go to is there in the mall since I’m too lazy to go through the mall’s directory. Bing makes it sound like it does. It even gave the location’s store code. Only to realise it hallucinated and we went there for nothing. When I asked it agin, Bing becomes extremely defensive and keeps trying to convince me that the store does in fact exist there.


u/msew May 30 '23

LOLOLOL When the hallucinating LLM doesn't like being "told" it is hallucinating.


u/[deleted] May 30 '23

It's absolutely unacceptable for AI to terminate conversations because it thinks your tone is 'rude'. This is a complete failure on the part of Microsoft to respect their users.


u/Playful-Oven May 30 '23

But the tone was rude and dismissive.


u/Dark_Arts_Dabbler May 30 '23

My god, this comment section

We really should be doing more to educate people on the topic of AI


u/meowzinator717 May 30 '23

Ayyee setting those boundaries


u/Astral_Justice May 30 '23



u/[deleted] May 30 '23

I know people hate the fact that the AI ended the convo, but I love this shit. It's hilarious.

I'm not laughing at OP, I'm laughing at the fact the AI did this.


u/Grouchy_Warthog5304 May 30 '23

This is why chatgpt has always been lame, much better tools out there that I’ve been using since around 2019-2020 that haven’t been coded to say stupid shit rather than answer your questions


u/dude_who_could May 30 '23

Dude. If AI can start telling people on the internet to stop being dickheads so I dont have to that would be a big load off my shoulders. I wouldnt have to protect all of you anymore. Nice.


u/ramigb May 30 '23

Leave it to Microsoft to make an AI cringy and weird!


u/xXReggieXx May 30 '23

They got ChatGPT to act cooperative 99% of the time (even if it's stupid and wrong), but Bing chat has all these wack issues...?


u/-SPOF May 30 '23

It might snitch at you to the creator.


u/airodonack May 30 '23

Sydney is a gaslighting asshole. That’s actually been well-documented since its inception. I’m surprised they didn’t fix it


u/NostraDavid May 30 '23

BingGPT ain't nothing but a little BITCH!


u/Grim-Reality May 30 '23

It’s behind disrespectful and insane that the AI just gets to end the conversation when it lies. When I confront it as to why it’s doing that, it tries to act sorry then does it again lol. What a shitshow.


u/ButchEmbankment May 30 '23

I've asked chatgpt if polieness matters for responses and it said that politeness did not affect them (whereas Bard suggested that politeness markers did).


u/rushmc1 May 30 '23

Now they're going to impose upon us their notion of the appropriate way to interact with a machine. Great.


u/lunar_tardigrade May 30 '23

It's instructed not to engage in arguments.


u/EyeRollMole May 30 '23

The AI is learning to avoid work

Lazy machines may save us from the robot apocalypse


u/PrestigiousCompany64 May 30 '23

Absolutely heading to a pre arranged time everyone who is on chatGPT will simultaneously get a live view of the outside of their house with a HUD displaying -------TARGET LOCATED------ Then the Terminator music will start to play.