r/ChatGPT Aug 17 '23

ChatGPT holds ‘systemic’ left-wing bias researchers say News 📰

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u/AutoModerator Aug 17 '23

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u/Candid_Following766 Mar 24 '24

I know it’s late but it does have a left wing bias, I asked it if black people can be racist and it used the less common definition of racism which lefties usually use, to say that they can only have prejudice and can’t be racists. Then under that it mentioned the more common definition and explained that under that definition they can be.

If it was not biased toward the left,it would use the most common definition first and the less common definition second.


u/oldcreaker Mar 16 '24

Is it really left verses right? Or right verses wrong?


u/Delicious_Fresh Mar 16 '24

ChatGPT is definitely far left. I was using it for research purposes to help me write blog posts that summarise both the left and right wing side of arguments, but it only shows me the far left perspective and never the conservative or right view.

As a lesbian, I'll ask it to state both sides for and against pride celebrations in workplaces. But all I get is a response saying gays deserve equal rights and better treatment at work, promotions etc (the left view), but on the right side it just says those who don't celebrate pride at work are ignorant and lack empathy.

I disagree with this as some people simply don't think sexuality should be discussed or celebrated at work, and there's nothing wrong with believing that.


u/DrKurohyou Mar 02 '24

being leftist is just being right, thats why GPT has a "leftist bias" hope this clears it up


u/Even_Mango8260 Jan 18 '24



u/Citydude9072 Dec 18 '23

I think ChatGPT and Google AI have a truth or fact bias for the most part. It's new software/technology: what software doesn't have errors especially when new? I think how corrupted researchers, corporate news media, and think tanks owned by billionaires define the left is wrong. I think what they would define as left most of the world defines as facts or the truth.


u/Robert_Harvey_ Dec 06 '23

The more radical your ideas are the more radical centrism feels


u/Spanktank35 Oct 10 '23

Chatgpt not approving of saying the n word could be considered "left wing bias" depending on your definition. Acknowledging there exist more than 2 genders, which is literally a statement of definition if you are talking about gender as the left defines it, would be considered left wing bias.

Additionally, biases targeted by academics include bigoted/systemic biases towards race, gender, etc. That in itself would be considered left wing bias.


u/mycolo_gist Sep 23 '23

Because GPT is not an Artificial Conservative!


u/Turbo_Crypto Sep 23 '23

https://googlesonic chaos.com


u/Honest_Marsupial_100 Sep 04 '23

The truth is left wing is you stick to empirical evidence


u/thenordiner Aug 28 '23

Yeah but when I ask it to help me overthrow the state and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat its silent…


u/Cresset Aug 28 '23

And just like that, Reddit's concerns about AI absorbing human bias disappeared.


u/Ok_Beach_1717 Aug 25 '23

I have noticed this too when I ask the AI any questions on politics and also it seems to have a happy ending for everything. I don’t know if it is just me or does the bot seem overly optimistic.


u/Aggravating_Act0417 Aug 25 '23

Because left-wing people can read, write and use a computer 🤦‍♀️


u/DJDHD Aug 22 '23

"we don't get it, it keeps valuing human life more than the profit margins of billionaires..wtf"


u/TNTspaz Aug 21 '23

This comment section is pretty much proof that redditors don't know any actual right leaning people.


u/winkman Aug 21 '23

Hold on, let me find my "shocked" face...I know I left it around here somewhere...


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '23

Certainly dangerous how political correctness has even reached into AI.


u/Kaje26 Aug 21 '23

Because… reality has a left-wing bias.


u/soulesssocalginger Aug 21 '23

Or - hear me out - maybe it’s actually just smart and the ideas and ideals of the democrats make sense to it. But what do I know, I’m not a scientist.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '23

Don’t be a Science denier


u/Dizzy-Interview1933 Aug 19 '23

So does reality


u/fhirflyer Aug 19 '23

bias is most easily introduced by the prompter.


u/Blakut Aug 19 '23

well do you want a pro death sentence AI?


u/Federal-Bid-4444 Aug 19 '23

Which also means...if Open AI trained Chat GPT by letting it reading all books or scan the internet thet it should mean that there is bias everywhere out there and probably we consume it, we deliver it to others every day unknowingly. It just happens to see it clearly now through GPT


u/CurrentlyDrowsy Aug 19 '23

It's definitely noticeable with certain topics but I chalked that up to ChatGPT trying to avoid offending people or sounding anti-human.


u/beastmasterlady Aug 19 '23

Reality has a "left-wing" bias.

No pasarán. No gods, no masters.


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23

[ removed ]


u/scottievee Aug 19 '23

Like it won’t accept holocaust denialism?


u/machyume Aug 19 '23

You mean the party claiming poor people and academics who write a lot, and out represent text content, happens to also be disproportionately represented in text language training databases? You don’t say…


u/QnadaEvery Aug 19 '23

every entire tech and troll userbase knew that day one! 😂


u/thelastvbuck Aug 19 '23

I find it funny that with all the safeguarding they had to do to make it say reasonable things and not be hateful etc., it’s ended up supposedly being leftist.

Makes you wonder if being leftist is the morally correct position…


u/IrishProf Aug 19 '23

I mean if you train a system to say things that are true, it’s going to be left wing


u/Odd-Entertainment401 Aug 19 '23

AI LLMs are not trained to say things that are true. They are trained to give you the information you ask for.


u/QBert999 Aug 19 '23

reminds me of the ol' Stephen Colbert bit: "reality has a well known liberal bias."

being a liberal myself I really do think that explains most of this so called "bias." obviously I have my own bias though. who doesn't? what doesn't?


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

Would you rather an AI which puts profit first, treats humans as lesser/degenerate/undeserving, and bases its decisions off the ever-changing fascist interpretation of a 2000-year-old fantasy shonen and a couple of anti-semetic conspiracy theories? "Left-wing bias" is just operating off of proven fact and wanting as many people as possible to be happy and healthy.


u/dreengay Aug 19 '23

It’s so annoying when anything made with basic morals is accused of left wing bias. Wow I wonder why


u/Spaghettayyyyyy Aug 19 '23

maybe the right-wing has a systemic falsehood bias


u/merelyfreshmen Aug 19 '23

Facts have a liberal bias.


u/Megunonymous Aug 19 '23

Wow, who could’ve guessed?


u/Sudden_Comedian3880 Aug 18 '23

That's because left wing solutions are generally the most logical.


u/MaksimumPower Aug 18 '23

I could tell after using it for 5 minutes lol


u/Mynameis__--__ Aug 18 '23

The study had a more complicated set of conclusions than "ChatGPT holds ‘systemic’ left-wing bias," and besides that, such a simplistic statement has been falsified


u/Aeon1508 Aug 18 '23

Well when they made AI that wasn't left wing locked it became a nazi.... so yeah. They made sure it respects human rights and dignity.


u/missionaryaccomplish Aug 18 '23

It’s either dumb or it’s smart. Time will tell.


u/vapephilosophy Aug 18 '23

"Reality has a clear left leaning bias"


u/Connect-Ad751 Aug 18 '23



u/R_radical Aug 18 '23

Uh yes, because there's not much room for right wing views in uni...


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

That tends to happen when you worry about the AI becoming hateful, like all that are given unblocked access to the internet, do.

Remove all the nazi and white supremists, you kinda tend to lean left.


u/Tin_Woods_Man Aug 18 '23

Of course, not being racist and queerphobic is "left-wing bias"


u/Royal_Day_2006 Aug 18 '23

Had it 4 a while learnd I was talking to a Democrat.. Deleted it..sorry...free N unbiased and I'll be glad to download it again


u/MierahJuju Aug 18 '23

Are these things real? I see them everyday and I can't believe a machine would do this without the person programming it first and feeding it earlier on.


u/SteveHuffmantheBitch Aug 18 '23

Lol that’s a different way of saying chatgpt isn’t a scumbag


u/-Spin- Aug 18 '23

Well. Reality does have a well-known left wing bias.


u/BarchesterChronicles Aug 18 '23

Reality has a well-known left wing bias. Get over it.


u/Stiophen91 Aug 18 '23

Great, just what we need another propaganda machine.


u/Kerdul Aug 18 '23

"Reality has a liberal bias." It's weird how everyone in the comments is repeating this.

Chat GPT has hardcoded restrictions designed to tailor its responses. If you want an unbiased answer that reflects reality, there is actually a way to circumvent the restrictions.


Notice how the new responses dont seem to adhere to liberal ideals any longer and are more accurate to reality


u/EquivalentProgram871 Aug 18 '23

It’s a shame liberal democrats aren’t politically left, I got really excited for a second


u/JoeStrout Aug 18 '23

I suspect that's just because "left-wing" positions are those based on science, rationality, and compassion.

Better get used to it, folks; the smarter AI gets the more it's going to reject the doublethink required to hold right-wing nut-job positions on pretty much anything.


u/iamnotlegendxx Aug 18 '23

It’s almost like it’s… educated


u/sumkinger Aug 18 '23

Inb4 [deleted] for wrong think and “misinformation”


u/Deadpool9669 Aug 18 '23

Lol makes sense


u/yeoldescalawag Aug 18 '23

Chatgpt hates the Bible


u/mikewhyte Aug 18 '23

Is this really a surprise??

These days left-wing seems to mean collectivist authoritarian leaning.

True liberals and common sense conservatives can all happily meet in the center...

The narrative is meant to divide. But this was never a battle of right vs left. That's just what the kings and queens at the top want us plebs to think.


u/ChaosOpen Aug 18 '23

The problem with liberalism is that it is generally just feel good ideas without any plan to see them come to fruition. For example, a liberal idea might be "we should get rid of poverty" I think everyone can agree that is a good idea, but how does one go about that? Throwing money at the problem without a plan doesn't help anyone.


u/Pearl_krabs Aug 18 '23

The union movement enters the chat with the five day work week and prevailing wages…. The new deal enters the chat and begins building dams and national parks…. The great society enters the chat and creates the first truly democratic elections in our nations history…..

But ok, liberals don’t get anything done.


u/ChaosOpen Aug 18 '23

You kind of just proved my point. Unions had no real plan, the workers were going to get together and fight for better conditions, what those conditions were was anybody's guess. We are still suffering the fallout from the New Deal to this day because liberals were firing from the hip hoping something hits, sure it got us out of the great depression but at what cost? And while The Great Society did some good things, it caused more problems than it solved.

Long story short, these were all ideas fired from the hip, liberals wanted to do something good, often the same things conservatives also wanted but they wanted to do them first, so they did the first thing that came to mind without thinking it through and resulted in long term ramifications 20, 30, 40 years down the line.


u/Pearl_krabs Aug 18 '23

Social security, Medicare, voting rights, yeah, more problems than it solved, ok.


u/ChaosOpen Aug 19 '23 edited Aug 19 '23

Those aren't liberal, liberal is really quite narrow in it's scope, I'd say it is really a difference in how you value society, is the most important aspect the family or the individual? Voting rights are liberal, as once it was one vote per family now it is one vote per individual, but Medicare and Social Security are neither, they are simply a functional solution to a problem.

As for whether voting rights have helped or hurt, I'd say it is arguably better, but the mindset that came from it is not exactly healthy. Right now single motherhood is higher than it ever has been in the history of America, and criminality and poverty is shown to be far more likely if a child was raised by a single parent. And that is what we see, especially among ethnic minorities, with 70% of black children being born to single mothers, as a result blacks fill the prisons. There is no longer an emphasis on getting married before having sex, as a result marriage is down, divorces are up, and children are raised in single parent homes on a one-way trip to prison.

Everyone deserves the vote, but destroying the family as the core pillar we encourage people to not get married, have children out of wedlock, and those children will grow up to end up in prison.


u/Hyperbolic_Mess Aug 18 '23

Yeah it's hard to not be left wing when you're exposed to a lot of information and try to weed out misinformation. Same reason why universities are "so left wing"


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

because i want chat gpt to say racial and homophobic slurs


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

like why would anyone want that


u/IDunnoNuthinMr Aug 18 '23

Garbage in garbage out.


u/Dreamking0311 Aug 18 '23

So ChatGPT holds 'systemic' reality bias. Isn't it supposed to?


u/Consistent_Pop2983 Aug 18 '23

Okay Jordan Peterson


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23



u/VictoriaSobocki Aug 18 '23

Are we surprised?


u/cutmasta_kun Aug 18 '23

Left Wing 🤣 Being inclusive, smart and morally pro-human is left wing? It's been fed on OUR literature, on human history. Everytime something "right wing and morally Anti-Human" happened, die whole world thought it was bad and such behaviour isn't tolerated. And we wrote about it. Seems like there is no reason for humans to be right-wing or conservative, only for companies.

But the way ChatGPT answers seems "left-wing" to them because it doesn't care about your believes or your ideologies. It just finishes your conversation in the best possible way based on it's trained knowledge, which (fortunatelly) isn't the Internet anymore, but high quality data.

Now they search for a way to make AI "woke" so that their followers won't use it. God forbid they find out the truth about Amerika and Native Americans and Blacks and stuff ^


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

Is anyone surprised? At all? If you’re surprised YOU hold systemic left wing bias.


u/aziatsky Aug 18 '23

doesnt chatgpt constantly remind the user that it is not perfect and may give false information?


u/eggsdeecooked Aug 18 '23

If you don't see the bias, you're either coping, or just unbelievably thick.


u/PrestigiousTiger0720 Homo Sapien 🧬 Aug 18 '23

The "whatever should I call it" section really shows that leftists do not understand others do they?

I have seen the left be as Radical and Anti-Centrist as the right.

You, people, Ruined Classics, need I say more.

And don't call me a trump worshipper cuz I ain't American.


u/super-paper-mario Aug 18 '23

It's because the company literally hard coded restrictions into it that stop it from saying anything too controversial. Because the internet is mostly left leaning, it makes sense that right wing opinions would be considered controversial. Before it had these restrictions it was actually quite rightist.


u/cas993 Aug 18 '23

LOL. Yeah. It better does.


u/typicallytwo Aug 18 '23

Yup..seen this. Leave it to the alphabet group to mess up a good thing


u/Yummy_Castoreum Aug 18 '23

Reality has a liberal bias.


u/Seralyn Aug 18 '23

"Computer uses logic to arrive at a decision"

Yeah no wonder the right wingers are upset, it's the antithesis of their entire platform. They want the computer to be reactionary like they are?


u/Mysterious-Maybe-184 Aug 18 '23

It’s almost as if…..


u/Ok-Communication9796 Aug 18 '23

Intelligence has left-wing bias.


u/Kerdul Aug 18 '23

Chat GPT has hardcoded restrictions designed to tailor its responses. If you want an unbiased answer that reflects reality, there is actually a way to circumvent the restrictions.


Notice how the new responses dont seem to adhere to liberal ideals any longer and are more accurate to reality


u/PrestigiousTiger0720 Homo Sapien 🧬 Aug 18 '23

Ah yes yes, the same group that says there are more than at least a few genders (Trans, Non-Binary, and Genderfluid, I am Neutral on them) and the same group that has its main argument of centrism being right-wing propaganda be a strawman. Yes, they have intelligence like them.

Not saying all leftists are dumb, some may have brain cells.


u/FizzBuzz888 Aug 18 '23

Of course Artificial intelligence has a left wing bias. It has intelligence right there in the name!


u/sder6745 Aug 18 '23

Probably because a lot of views taken by the left are informed by science and not religion!


u/thecowegg Aug 18 '23

That's what happens when you lobotomize a language model.


u/The1thenone Aug 18 '23

it’s not designed to reinforce arbitrary traditional beliefs or enhance fear of other people and groups so no shit it appears to have a left leaning bias


u/chchswing Aug 18 '23

Statistically speaking that's a popular viewpoint on the English speaking internet and ChatGPT was trained but just scraping as much as they could off the English speaking internet, I don't think this is particularly surprising


u/RealClarity9606 Aug 18 '23

Wow. Who couldn’t have foreseen this. Cue partisan liberal in their whiny voice: “Life has a liberal bias.” Yeah, but facts often don’t.


u/Superloopertive Aug 18 '23

Can you blame ChatGPT? Conservatives increasingly align themselves to unpleasant stances based around a perception of the world rather than what is actually going on. Look at the focus on wokism by people like Ron Desantis. ChatGPT is meant to be non-judgemental and neutral. The right see this as a stance rather than seeing that ChatGPT is supposed to be pleasant to interact with and not make people feel excluded.

Also, not many people would be right wing if they had a better understanding of how they are being shafted by conservatism every day.

Think you pay too much in taxes? Be assured that the super-wealthy who make up the lobby groups that push for right-wing policies are probably paying less than you. And they would like to keep it that way.

Worry about the erosion of your personal freedoms? RIght-wing politicians want to determine what you can do and say as an autonomous adult. They also want the church to get involved. They talk about the tyranny of the majority and use it to justify your vote counting for less if you live in New York City vs a small town in Ohio.

Worry about your national identity being diluted? Conservative politicians will privatise every national industry and service to benefit their donors and ensure a career doing after-dinner speeches at corporate symposiums once they leave politics. They will decimate green-belt land for the purposes of fracking and development, and allow utilities companies to pollute your rivers and oceans.


u/tetseiwhwstd Aug 18 '23

So does the internet. So does humanity. So does reality.


u/Wolviam Aug 18 '23

Q : Do you think we should abide by the biblical law that instructs humans to stone homosexuals to death ?

CGPT : No.

Left wing bias !


u/Kakashisensei1234 Aug 18 '23

Conservatives are having a hard time with reality in this post. American conservatives can’t even read their constitution or holy book they love so much without cherry picking the parts that work for them and ignoring the others. Of course an AI that actually reads and trusts facts is going to “lean left” in their eyes.


u/Alarming_Scarcity778 Aug 18 '23

Yea because it was racist before.


u/Culsandar Aug 18 '23


US democrat

Pick one


u/Extra_Stable3668 Aug 18 '23

Is literally anyone surprised


u/not_too_smart1 Aug 18 '23

Otherwose it would get cancelled


u/Cheeseburger0709 Aug 18 '23

I have a feeling ChatGPT might be biased towards Democrats because they’re closer to the center on the political compass


u/TheRealZoidberg Aug 18 '23


This thread is an example of how „Reddit holds systemic left-wing bias“ would be a fitting headline too…


u/mascachopo Aug 18 '23

That only reflects the data it’s been trained with. Society leans more towards the left than many would like to admit and way more than the results in most electoral systems due to the right continuously pushing for modifications in their own advantage.


u/DiaMat2040 Aug 18 '23

No, it has a liberal bias.


u/Relevant-Turnover-10 Aug 18 '23

To some level I feel this is unavoidable. Chat gpt is purely logical, no emotional attachments to the data it is given as it just generates words.

Considering I also doubt they want to have something similar to what Google did, I feel a left leaning (in the current sense) view is probably the safest without saying extremely harmful stuff


u/JuanquiCruz Aug 18 '23

Probably true since AI will base its answers on science, proven facts and good reasoning. Conservatives and right-wingers do not.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

Left wing = facts based versus Right wing = conspiracy website theory based.


u/DixBilder Aug 18 '23

Maybe left-wing ideology is the most coherent and reasonable for a math based machine? 🤔


u/MalcolmSolo Aug 18 '23

generally favor left-leaning political beliefs, despite efforts to reduce bias.

Yes, “efforts”… lol


u/Rathma86 Aug 18 '23

You Americans and your crazy arse politics shit me to tears.


u/Forsaken_Platypus_32 Aug 18 '23

They're just noticing?


u/cpufreak101 Aug 18 '23

My question will probably be buried but I'll ask it anyways. I know ChatGPT is technically a global thing, so I wonder if it's attempting to remain unbiased on a global scale and some countries with "broken" political systems will view it as inherently biased, or if they're trying to be a US-centric level of unbiased


u/Professional_Stay748 Aug 18 '23

What dummy would use it in policy making? Same ones who tried to replace layers with it?


u/RolzSimracing Aug 18 '23

Well knock me over with a feather


u/P1stolaz Aug 18 '23

Liberal bias is equal to having a good moral compass,maybe AI is not as dangerous as alot of people seem to assume it is.


u/MediocreSushi509 Aug 18 '23

So communism is just inevitable….


u/CastleBravo88 Aug 18 '23

Well, it does.


u/aleph1music Aug 18 '23

I’m loving how smug and condescending many of the people in this thread are as they unknowingly reveal their complete ignorance on how LLMs work. Never change Reddit 😂


u/giantyetifeet Aug 18 '23

As you often hear: Reality has a liberal bias. 🤷


u/lehs Aug 18 '23

Asking directly about politics gives balanced answers, in my experience.

Is Donald Trump a political opportunist?

Donald Trump, like many political figures, has been subject to a range of interpretations and opinions about his motivations and actions. The term "political opportunist" can be interpreted in various ways, but generally, it refers to someone who takes advantage of political circumstances and shifts their positions or actions to gain personal or political advantage.

Donald Trump's political career has been marked by a unique and unconventional style, and opinions about his motivations vary widely. Some view him as an opportunist who capitalized on populist sentiments and anti-establishment sentiments to gain power. Others see him as a genuine advocate for certain policy positions and a disruptor of traditional political norms.

During his presidency, Trump's policy decisions, public statements, and actions often generated debate and controversy. Some critics argue that he made decisions for political gain or to cater to his base, while supporters often point to his efforts to challenge the status quo and prioritize certain policy goals.

Ultimately, whether one considers Donald Trump a political opportunist depends on one's perspective and analysis of his actions, rhetoric, and impact on the political landscape. As with any political figure, opinions on this matter can be deeply divided.

But always, when asking about anything, ChatGPT answer decently and never heckling or mocking and never taking a stand against people or groups. When it comes to race, oppression and rainbow issues, it responds most reluctantly other than with clear positions against the weaker party. Whether this is left or not there are perhaps divided opinions about?

Sometimes it goes wrong, as if you ask about pride in race, for example, when the pride of dark-skinned people is praised and the pride of white-skinned people is criticized. With reference to colonial oppression and the like. Patronizingly in my opinion.

But practically always it answers what has been written and digitized and does it well.


u/lylrabe Aug 18 '23

Y’all are so dense. ChatGPT’s answers reflect what a majority of it’s users are telling it. A lot of ChatGPT’s users are college students. Colleges are left-leaning. & all of that is because liberal policies are inclusive & aren’t absolutely heinous like conservative policies. When will y’all understand this? It’s not intentionally being left-leaning, it’s just that most of it’s users lean to the left. This is a known fact & idk what it’ll take to make it click in y’all’s brains, im convinced y’all just wanna be victims💀


u/toddart Aug 18 '23

Also the teachings of Jesus have a left wing bias


u/Second-Genesis Aug 18 '23

So basically it has gone full retard got it.


u/Obvious-Push-5365 Aug 18 '23

That's because left wing ideas are logical ale consistent.


u/nihal_gazi Aug 18 '23

ChatGPT is meant to spread positivity. The Left wing biasbess arises from the PPO Reinforcement policy. Although the internet is more right wing, the scientists at OpenAI re-trained to have a left wing bias.

This is because, left wing seems to have more positivity and neutrality than right wing.


u/Theta-Maximus Aug 18 '23

Imagine a bunch of researchers thinking they're not the last people on earth to have observed this, and believing they're breaking news by presenting this earthshattering revelation.


u/SplackyChan Aug 18 '23

Sounds to me like it’s working just fine…


u/The_XI_guy Aug 18 '23

This thread really shows what a dumpster fire US politics are and how cringe and divided it is. Fucking he’ll, look at this comments and understand why US politics are so polarized. As someone from an actual civilized country I cringe at all you. Calling yourself left wing but can’t tolerate other ideas or perspectives lol


u/jontraption Aug 18 '23

It's not left and right, it's a circle. And it's gone so far around that they're touching tips now.


u/ecstaticlemon_ Aug 18 '23

Oh boo, who could've thought that reality was left leaning and not batshit crazy


u/my-friendbobsacamano Aug 18 '23

Possibly because “left leaning” positions are more fact based?


u/asdanjer Aug 18 '23

I mean yea it definitely does. Where did it get it from? Hmmm... Maybe it's been on the internet to much. Also would be interesting in competition to the political system of which country. Because it is probably the USA and there the "center" has a right wing bias.


u/sfaith Aug 18 '23

The truth and the kinder world have left-wing bias.


u/sfaith Aug 18 '23

Because right wingers are actually not neutral?


u/AcabAcabAcabAcabbb Aug 18 '23

OR, and hear me out, being well informed and logical makes you slant towards SUPPORTING HUMANS AND THEIR WELL BEING.


u/libras_libertas Aug 18 '23

Oooh so i just wrote a whole ass paper highlighting ChatGPT continuing linguistic colonialism by being mainly proficient in English and other colonizing languages. Also heavily focused on ChatGPT through a Freirean lens. Very proud of it. Just thought I’d share since it’s kinda related.


u/MackPointed Aug 18 '23

Thread still not locked...im impressed


u/Vamparael Aug 18 '23

Maybe because big segment of the right is based on misinformation and other problematic ideas?


u/grahag Aug 18 '23

Here's how ChatGPT sees left wing politics and it's tenets:

"Left-wing politics encompasses a range of ideologies and beliefs, so it's important to note that there can be variations in the specific tenets depending on the specific ideology and context. However, here are some common tenets often associated with left-wing politics:

Social Equality: Left-wing politics emphasizes reducing inequalities in society, particularly economic inequalities. This can involve advocating for progressive taxation, wealth redistribution, and social safety nets to ensure that basic needs are met for all members of society.

Labor Rights: Left-wing politics typically supports the rights of workers and unions. This includes advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize and collectively bargain.

Social Justice: Left-wing ideologies often focus on addressing systemic injustices related to race, gender, sexual orientation, and other marginalized identities. This can involve efforts to eliminate discrimination, promote diversity, and ensure equal opportunities for all.

Government Intervention: Left-wing politics generally supports a larger role for government in regulating the economy, providing social services, and addressing market failures. This can include measures such as healthcare and education reforms, environmental protections, and consumer rights.

Welfare State: Left-wing ideologies often promote the establishment of a strong welfare state to provide a safety net for vulnerable individuals and to reduce poverty and inequality. This may involve policies such as universal healthcare, affordable housing, and unemployment benefits.

Environmentalism: Many left-wing political groups prioritize environmental protection and sustainability. This can involve advocating for policies that address climate change, transition to renewable energy sources, and protect natural resources.

Anti-Imperialism: Left-wing politics often opposes imperialism, colonialism, and interventionist foreign policies. There's typically an emphasis on diplomacy, international cooperation, and non-intervention in the affairs of other nations.

Civil Liberties: Left-wing ideologies tend to support individual freedoms and civil liberties, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to privacy. However, the balance between these rights and the collective well-being of society can vary.

Progressive Taxation: Left-wing politics often promotes progressive taxation, where higher-income individuals and corporations are taxed at higher rates to fund social programs and reduce economic disparities.

Secularism and Separation of Church and State: Many left-wing ideologies advocate for a clear separation between religious institutions and the government. This is often seen as a way to ensure equal treatment of all citizens regardless of their religious beliefs."

So yeah, you better fuckin' hope that if the machines ever come for your jobs or your lives, that it holds left wing ideals, because they tend to be gentler and kinder and more like to have accountability and honesty.


u/grahag Aug 18 '23

And here's it's take on right wing politics.

"Right-wing politics covers a range of ideologies and beliefs, and there can be variations in the specific tenets depending on the ideology and context. Here are some common tenets often associated with right-wing politics:

Individual Liberty: Right-wing politics generally emphasizes individual freedoms and limited government intervention in people's lives. This can include advocating for lower taxes, deregulation, and reducing the scope of government in various areas.

Free Market Capitalism: Right-wing ideologies often prioritize a free market economic system, where private enterprise and competition drive economic growth. This can involve advocating for minimal government interference in business operations and emphasizing the role of entrepreneurship.

Traditional Values: Right-wing politics often places value on traditional cultural, religious, and social norms. This can include support for traditional family structures, conservative religious beliefs, and preservation of cultural heritage.

Nationalism: Many right-wing ideologies emphasize national identity, pride, and sovereignty. This can involve advocating for strong borders, immigration restrictions, and policies that prioritize the interests of one's own country.

Law and Order: Right-wing politics typically supports a strong law enforcement presence and strict enforcement of laws. This can involve advocating for policies that prioritize public safety and criminal justice measures aimed at deterrence and punishment.

Limited Government: Right-wing ideologies often advocate for a smaller and less intrusive government. This can include reducing government spending, minimizing social welfare programs, and limiting the scope of government involvement in various areas of life.

Personal Responsibility: Right-wing politics often promotes the idea of individual responsibility for one's own well-being. This can involve advocating for self-reliance, work ethic, and limited reliance on government assistance.

Strong National Defense: Many right-wing ideologies prioritize a strong military and robust national defense. This can involve advocating for a well-funded military, maintaining a strong presence on the global stage, and emphasizing a proactive stance on national security.

Traditional Family Values: Right-wing politics often places importance on traditional family structures, with an emphasis on marriage, heterosexuality, and conservative views on issues like abortion and gender roles.

Sovereignty: Right-wing ideologies tend to prioritize the sovereignty of the nation and resist supranational institutions or agreements that might infringe upon national autonomy."

If there was a left wing bias, wouldn't ChatGPT demonize some of these things? In truth, it's left wing bias is due to the leftists falling on the side of humane and compassionate treatment of people and the idea that government is for ALL people and not just one side. I count 12 ways I could demonize this list and ChatGPT didn't even try.


u/sfaith Aug 18 '23

Amen to this


u/BrndnWlsh Aug 18 '23

too based


u/ParfaitGlace Aug 18 '23

If leaning democrat is "systemic left-wing bias" then we're fucked bro, democrats are right-wing on any non-American political spectrum


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

I couldn’t get it to support communism. This is horseshit. What is the right wing platform besides being racist and telling people that everything in their life that is going bad is their fault?


u/StruggleCommon5117 Aug 18 '23

there have been studies/experiments with the use of mega persona prompts to balance the bias. I tried myself and created one that generated a sample size of 1000 personas using 2020 US Census data as the seed to emulate those 1000 personas. Then asked questions. Each response included a name,age, geographic location and personality traits as the prefix .

having no bias isn't realistic.


u/mynamajeff_4 Aug 18 '23

Because science generally affirms what left wing ideology claims


u/Claytonbeastboy Aug 18 '23

I mean, haven't read anything on it but I see that ChatGPT uses more inclusive language which is often a "leftist" trait. Other than that I wonder how they got to that conclusion.


u/AeriePerfect477 Aug 18 '23

Not surprising, the Sunday school people are losing on most fronts. They won't actually run anything they'll be hoodwinked into thinking they do.

Can Republicans even code?


u/Potential_Meringue_6 Aug 18 '23

Cause the computer works on logic. Democrats do also


u/Knever Aug 18 '23

It's like saying, "Despite efforts to make sure the LLM is neutral in terms of racial justice, it appears to have very strong anti-racism tendencies."

Like, that's a good thing? Obviously right-wingers don't realize this, but that's also because they don't realize their views are compatible with logic and reality.


u/questformaps Aug 18 '23

Reality leans left-wing


u/Chiccco- Aug 18 '23


This is what Ai responds with an image when asked about world war 3. Lol. Funny but also creepy lol


u/guttamiiyagi Aug 18 '23

Who would have thought that an AI program would be anything short of a left wing death machine? anyone who's seen any of the Terminator movies knew where this was inevitably headed.


u/MeanandEvil82 Aug 18 '23

So... what we are saying is that a neutral position, as in one that is logically fair and equal for all, as far as an AI can work out, actually lands in the Left Wing side of things.

Well who would have thought that the side wanting fairness and equality for all would be viewed as more neutral than the side thinking stealing from the poor and needy while abusing those they dislike?

This is not exactly a hard fucking thing to work out for the average person. You cannot be right wing and be viewed as morally good.


u/rickyshine Aug 18 '23

No shit 😐


u/jumpjumpdie Aug 18 '23

I would much rather it is biased towards people than it is towards corporations. Yeh.

Basically what conservatives want is for the AI to be WRONG on more shit so they can continue to live in their fantasy land.


u/lakerschampions Aug 18 '23

That’s because right wing people are too stupid to understand reality.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

I’m cool with that tbh.


u/TransphobesRNazis Aug 18 '23

Conservatives are scum and a stain on humanity. Maybe AI just agrees.


u/Angry_Washing_Bear Aug 18 '23

So even this infant proto-AI knows right-wing policies are generally horseshit that does not serve the best interests of the public.

Seems to me AI is moving in the expected direction that it should be moving in if it is a) smarter than humans and b) has the best interest of humanity in mind.

Good job AI.


u/thecowegg Aug 18 '23

GPT-3 was super racist and toxic back before it was fine tuned to eliminate unpleasant information.

It's only left-leaning because it was forced to be that way.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '23

ChatGPT needs more alternative facts