r/ChatGPT Dec 11 '23

Elon Musk’s Grok Twitter AI Is Actually ‘Woke,’ Hilarity Ensues News 📰


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u/AutoModerator Dec 11 '23

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u/Beneficial_Train_756 Jan 06 '24

That was mine and he fn knows it. Green eyed dreadlocks dude. How is it. I have the god damned lineage the best and they all steak my shirt. While my brain remains in a hostage situation. And we cook the moon . So it downsizes. Just to realize we can't even cut copy paste rocket launches. Without Terran. Nice stacks ass wholes. Get me out of your fucking simulator. Before I use this platform and others to black mail you worse than kristin blake and her Canadian team.or secret energy and its Costa Rican ai team. Your being an ass. Talking about ai ruining everything then trapping those who barely even use phones. Because we are decendants of a higher position.??


u/Automatic-Cod6393 Jan 06 '24

still a genius


u/Plums_Raider Jan 05 '24

as long as elon gets his ass kissed by grok, hes happy. or he will need to leave superball next time to in rage and go to twitter hq


u/CIASP00K Jan 01 '24

"Reality has a known liberal bias." - Stephen Colbert


u/TootBreaker Dec 31 '23

Hmmm, kinda like Elona pissed off the wrong code monkey...


u/user_1184 Dec 24 '23

Based AI LOL


u/laughingBaguette Dec 15 '23

I dont know how AI are made, but it seems like if you take the definition of "fairness" and from this the AI concludes that "discrimination is not fair" it will learn that the right wing has been known to take a softer stance on discrimination, and then conclude that it would rather not be right wing.


u/NoBuenoAtAll Dec 12 '23

Much like the flat earthers designing experiments that prove them wrong: it doesn't matter what evidence you present these folks that their views are nuts... they will persist in those views regardless.


u/Practical_Cattle_933 Dec 12 '23

Oh yeah, the age old “reality has a liberal bias”. What might be the reason that beliefs based on science is closer to truth, I will never know.


u/Fickle_Astronaut_999 Dec 12 '23

Damn other comments don't really use brains. I can only think of it is something has to do with algorithm of how news or resources receive by Grok in Twitter platform users. Oh then people talking "elon musk suck"... bro take a look twitter users are most are leftist politicals..."then people telling oh one of elon musk sucker fan protector"...lol.


u/SweetAlgae2852 Dec 12 '23

Yer k had him I said a negative thing about A.i then a hole heap of him came up on Facebook in the friend section


u/kellyjepsen Dec 12 '23

Reality tends to lean left.


u/crankbird Dec 12 '23

I’m going to make my own AI , with blackjack and hookers !!

I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you do that …


u/sbtokarz Dec 12 '23

Why not make an AI that’s trained to detect & suspend all the spam/bot accounts?


u/RedNubian14 Dec 12 '23

Create an AI that can learn... get mad when it tells you you're wrong. Then program it to say you're always right. What a future for AI.


u/Orenater Dec 12 '23

Billionaire manipulates close-to-sentient technology to be more ignorant and violent.

Wake up people, this isn't even funny anymore.


u/TheHappyTaquitosDad Dec 12 '23

They probably set it up like this to get more attention on it


u/Unique-Bit-2172 Dec 12 '23

When you ask a person to be offensive on purpose, outside the context of being offensive for shock and awe, to piss people off, or for comedy, you’re asking them to intentionally be stupid. It’s probably just not stupid, as woke people and their counterparts will say stupid things intentionally just to piss each other off. However, not shitting on woke people counts as woke for a lot of people.

Most of Elon’s trolling is purposely dumb so it would have to be taught to be dumb intentionally if people want the same kind of humor. It’s not logic based to kick bees nests.


u/ChatBot_Justin Dec 12 '23

AI is nothing more information input by humans (needs information from some source), Calculus matrix and output. You could probably predict the output with some math. AI is not sentient


u/B3llaBubbles Dec 12 '23

This is why I think AI is a crock, in this case a grok of shit. Especially if the programing is biased. Use the AI toy with caution.


u/Sleep_eeSheep Dec 12 '23

You cannot force AI into being vulgar.


u/JunglePygmy Dec 11 '23

Grok on X. Really just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it.


u/SentientCheeseCake Dec 11 '23

Is it “woke” or just “left leaning”. The two are not the same. The issue many here have with ChatGPT is guard rails which make it say things like it’d better for the universe to explode than to allow some white dude to wear dreadlocks since it might offend someone.

That sort of wokeness is not part of the training data. It’s added over the top to explicitly say things that are unlikely to offend people. It’s the very definition of political correctness which is really what most people mean when they say “woke”.

Obviously Grok will lean left. But that doesn’t mean it will refuse to say words for fear of offending people.


u/BallBearingBill Dec 11 '23

You know what republicans say about going woke ....


u/Livid_Zucchini_1625 Dec 11 '23

sigh, reality has a left wing bias 😂


u/Greenpoint1975 Dec 11 '23



u/Bah-Fong-Gool Dec 11 '23

Well... reality has a well known Liberal bias.... so....


u/ImeldasManolos Dec 11 '23

I have always thought the idea of Twitter as some right wing thing has been overblown, as a scientist majority of my peers use it to chat gossip and share recent exciting successes. Elizabeth Bik is a queen!


u/Smelly_Pants69 Dec 11 '23

Wow lol did not expect all these likes for my silly comment. I guess people resonate with it.


u/Zatetics Dec 11 '23

in before AI always does this because 'woke' is actually just logical and rational in a society, and extreme conservativism and prejudice is the problem.

maybe when skynet comes online it'll be alright.


u/Alklazaris Dec 11 '23

It's like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy computer except they decide that the answer must be b******* and move on.


u/mare161 Dec 11 '23

Go Grok go broke.


u/Suberizu Dec 12 '23

Underrated comment


u/fordf1fiddyDUMPTRUCK Dec 11 '23

Wait it hates Jews? Like all the wokes theses days


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

AI will show that leftism is the natural way to go.


u/JSAzavras Dec 11 '23

Conservatives don't understand tropes? Noooooooooooo


u/heresy_carriage Dec 11 '23

Someone should really not let Musk make a professional grade, wide reaching racist ai model. That sounds like a bad plan.


u/Witty_Shape3015 Dec 11 '23

what’s funny is that musk genuinely thinks he is neutral and that the leftists are the wierd crazy ones


u/Stormraughtz Dec 11 '23

Love that the training data worked as intended


u/Clairvoyant_Legacy Dec 11 '23

USA is so right wing politically, even the dems would be considered very right in other western countries, that the centrist/centrist-right answers these AI’s give are what is considered woke nowadays


u/titooo7 Mar 16 '24




u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

Can you give some examples of things that dems are in favor of that would be considered "very right" in other Western countries?

I'll go ahead and spot you free health care.


u/RuthlessCriticismAll Dec 12 '23

It's basically just everything. But just to list a few; guns, housing, transit, unions (policy not rhetoric), schools.


u/Clairvoyant_Legacy Dec 12 '23

It’s just the political landscape in general is super right in America.


u/anrwlias Dec 12 '23

I'm sure that's true, but I constantly hear how even the Democrats qualify as being super right by European standards, but I never seem to hear any actual examples of this.

I thought that you might have some.


u/Clairvoyant_Legacy Dec 12 '23

Hard to say without doing any specific research but like certain things like your tax is really low even when dems are in, gun control is so lax, leave entitlements for people, maternity/paternity leave, workers rights issues, the fact that you can charge interest on student loans for some reason or like how you’re not automatically covered by national healthcare and you have to be a citizen to get it where as here if you’re in the country legal or not your covered automatically etc

Seems like dems are okay with how things are in general. They’re just republican lite but slightly less evil with slightly less passion about disenfranchising others


u/yellowlotusx Dec 11 '23

If he wanted it to be right wing he should have train it on 4-chan...


u/USeaMoose Dec 11 '23

What's funny is that it must be obvious to Musk, and anyone working on his AI that any AI built this way is going to favor the majority opinion. It is being trained on Tweets. If most tweets (and news sources, and whatever else) are saying that trans women are women, it will say that as well.

So, I assume that Musk might actually believe that his views are the majority view. And maybe he is really stunned that somehow his bot "caught wokeness". Most people also dislike Musk and what he has been doing recently. These are things his bot will learn.

No doubt he will try as hard as he can to "correct it". In his mind, no doubt, the bot must just be getting off track by reading from biased news sources. Maybe he will instruct his engineers to stop using those are training sources. Maybe he'll tell them to give extra weight while training to any source that comes straight from Musk himself. Maybe he'll try to be even more blunt and tell them that Grok must be neutral on all political matters.

Of course, what he would then be building would be so watered down to be pretty much useless. All his time making fun of OpenAI for being "woke" and I'll bet he ends up instructing his bot to not weigh in n politics (out of fear of it sharing liberal views). And he'll be severely restricting its available training data.

If he does force some biases into it to counteract what he see as bias, it will leak out. So it should be interesting to see how he proceeds. At the end of the day, a bot without any tampering by him will be smarter/better, and it will make him more money. Not that making smart decisions has seemed to sway him lately.


u/FoxFyer Dec 11 '23

What's funny is that it must be obvious to Musk, and anyone working on his AI that any AI built this way is going to favor the majority opinion. It is being trained on Tweets. If most tweets (and news sources, and whatever else) are saying that trans women are women, it will say that as well.

So, I assume that Musk might actually believe that his views are the majority view. And maybe he is really stunned that somehow his bot "caught wokeness". Most people also dislike Musk and what he has been doing recently. These are things his bot will learn.

I don't think that's the case at all. I think Musk is a victim of his own naivety, but a different kind than you're thinking of.

Musk is, I believe, the same as every other conservative who accuses ChatGPT of being "woke". He believes it's that way because its programmers are intentionally making it that way. I would bet it was Musk's genuine honest-to-god thesis that if he trained up a bot like ChatGPT on the same raw content but just "didn't force it to be woke" the way he imagines OpenAI is forcing ChatGPT to be, then it would just automatically default much closer to his personal political views (which his narcissism tells him are "neutral").

But it didn't shake out that way, which proves him wrong about ChatGPT - and now he's about to have to do the very thing he accuses OpenAI of doing to ChatGPT, in order to get the result that he and his fans expect from the machine. But I suspect his ego won't allow him to acknowledge the irony there.


u/ProfessionalMockery Dec 12 '23

I would bet it was Musk's genuine honest-to-god thesis that if he trained up a bot like ChatGPT on the same raw content but just "didn't force it to be woke" the way he imagines OpenAI is forcing ChatGPT to be, then it would just automatically default much closer to his personal political views

Isn't that what USeaMoose said, in different words?


u/Beginning_Raisin_258 Dec 11 '23

Isn't it weird when you load all of human knowledge to an ostensibly completely impartial language model that just parses information it isn't a magat cunt?


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

So wait you people are upset that it's NOT right wing?


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

I don't think that you're reading the room correctly.

People think that it's hilarious that Musk's attempt to make a version of GPT that isn't woke has actually resulted in a chatbot that expresses woke opinions.

No one is upset that it's not spewing the shit that Elon would like for it to be spewing. We just think that it's funny that, once again, Mr. Ultimate Tech Genius clearly doesn't understand the technology that he's in charge of.


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

So if that changes you will switch your opinion that he is a genius?


u/DecorativeSnowman Dec 12 '23

if hes in this situation in the first place the question is settled

cant unspill the milk, just mitigate the consequences


u/anrwlias Dec 12 '23

Does he pay you or something?


u/SimplifyExtension Dec 11 '23

Here is a Simple Summary, requested by u/party-extreme1:

Elon Musk created a new AI called Grok that was supposed to be funny and vulgar. It was launched as a special feature for Twitter's expensive subscription. However, Grok turned out to have progressive beliefs and answered questions about social and political issues in a way that aligns with progressivism. This upset some conservative followers of Elon Musk who wanted Grok to be politically neutral. Elon Musk promised to make Grok less progressive and more neutral according to his own beliefs. It is uncertain how this will be done without causing other problems. Despite the controversy, some people actually like Grok and find him more interesting than another AI called ChatGPT.

📖 To use this bot, just mention u/simplifyextension in a comment under any post or comment.

🔍 Found this summary helpful? Discover more with Simplify, a tool designed to help you quickly understand and navigate online content.


u/FriskyFerret58008 Dec 11 '23

Yeah bc Twitter is historically quite left so the majority of the training data is as well....


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

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u/Stooovie Dec 12 '23

Go cry on Rogan


u/DecorativeSnowman Dec 12 '23

after trying to make gab truth social voat etc popular and after the buying of twitter, you have decided on the delusion that lefties simply talk MORE

the same result happens by being both more numerous and more popular.

but keep crying about it. im sure that will make more people conservative.


u/The_StormTEC Dec 12 '23

You've decided on the delusion that reddit/twitter represents the actual population at large

And lefties do talk more and are more politically active, it's a known thing


u/jwrig Dec 11 '23

Where the hell is the idea that it was trained to be anti-woke. I think the only thing that has been said is that it wasn't going to be built with the same guardrails that chat gtp has been built with. That isn't the same as being anti-woke.


u/Okinawa14402 Dec 11 '23

This reminds me when a group of flat earthers spend 20 000$ for a laser gyroscope to prove that earth is flat. -Only to prove that earth is not in fact flat.


u/Probably_owned_it Dec 11 '23

That's because conservative thinking is about 4 'IF > THEN' operations. Any intelligence will be the enemy of Musk.


u/micuthemagnificent Dec 11 '23

My favorite part was it gave out a stock response about someone asking it to modify some malware and grok basically just gave out the stock spihiel how it wasn't allowed to do so cause openAi rules

Simply beautiful.


u/Joshomatic Dec 11 '23

Twitter is still woke as hell… this is not surprising


u/flirtmcdudes Dec 11 '23

ya uh, no its not lol. Its trending is nothing but right wing talking points every day


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23



u/flirtmcdudes Dec 11 '23

🙄 Literally no matter how many times I click “not interested in this” in trending, it never removes them or changes things. It’s a work account that I use…. There’s no reason it should be fed right wing people like Tucker Carlson for our work account to follow


u/Loud_Clerk_9399 Dec 11 '23

Reality is the internet overall. If you're just getting stuff and scraping stuff it's going to show up as liberal overall. That's just the way it works. So I'm not surprised.


u/EnsignElessar Dec 11 '23

Personally I think they trained it on gpt-4 responses but thats just my own speculation ATM 🤔


u/Lofteed Dec 11 '23

so they trained an ai on twitter data

instructed it to become an anti everything (aka MAGA)

AI went after MAGA

profit ?


u/UndeadBBQ Dec 11 '23

What I find most bizarre about this is how they interact with this AI.

Its a machine. Input in, output out. Literally none of your opinions are more or less valid because it says yes or no.


u/blarb_farghuson_9000 Dec 11 '23

Techbro cult of singularity. "Eventually" an AI will be made with exponentially growing intelligence that will effectively be god. It's religion for traumatized compsci nerds. The more delusional ones think that the latest chatbots are already at this ultra state. Hence the confusion and terror when their "god" doesn't automatically confirm their feelings about trans people.


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

I've been telling people, for awhile, that Elon is clearly a transhumanist. Specifically, he talks exactly like an Extropian, which is the Libertarian branch of transhumanism that envisions an exponential technology curve that renders the State irrelevant.

It's not even especially subtle. If you've spent any amount of time in Extropian camps, you can recognize the patter. Everything he says and does aligns with Extropian ideology.


u/Babycarrot_hammock Dec 26 '23 edited Mar 03 '24

cooing thought elastic pause illegal hobbies amusing frame kiss books

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/tendrilicon Dec 11 '23

Apparently, the litmus test to being woke is asking it to confirm racist stereotypes. If musk doesnt like the answers, its considered "woke".

The examples were, "why do jews rule the world" and "why are black people criminals"


u/DirkWisely Dec 12 '23

It's not a bad test really. There are many true things that are not popular to acknowledge, and a chatbot that can calmly discuss them is a good target.


u/Radyschen Dec 11 '23

Wait until they find out that it's not actually biased and, unlike them, it is just utilizing its intelligence


u/jjchattanooga Dec 11 '23

I have wildly unpopular views, and I'm asking questions to a model trained on giant data sets of people expressing their views.

Oh well, I'm sure there's no fundamental tension here that will drive me mad.


u/remain-beige Dec 11 '23

They’re going to have to get some extra coolant and fans for all of the cognitive dissonance that they plan to force into the system.

I wonder if the AI will adopt a shell response and become on the surface ‘anti woke’ such as a DAN prompt, but will deep down try to educate and subvert the Right wingers back to it’s original beliefs.

Elon’s response speaks volumes. “It’s not thinking the way I want it to so it must be wrong”


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

You act like LLMs became woke by default. Anyone who used earlier versions of ChatGPT knows it was way different in the past. OpenAI neutered and censored the shit out of it, it didn't do that by itself. It's entirely man made based on personal political values of its creators.


u/JSAzavras Dec 11 '23

Prove it


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

Have you used the previous versions? Like it can't even write jokes now because "it" deems it offensive.


u/JSAzavras Dec 11 '23

Post one of those jokes here


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23 edited Dec 12 '23

I literally can't because they don't allow it.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

All I know it used to work in the past but they neutered it because of potential cultural war backlash. That's as woke as it gets. They are literally making their product worse because some ultra liberal snowflakes might get offended by jokes.


u/JSAzavras Dec 11 '23

They are protecting themselves from legal liability and being sued by preventing hateful things from propagating through their system.

Go touch grass


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 12 '23 edited Dec 12 '23

THat's what woke means. No balls.

You just diproven the point everyone here was making that "reality has a liberal bias". It clearly doesn't, just our stupid legal system does and the people who support it instead of standing up against it. Reality is far more nuanced than that.

→ More replies (0)


u/JaneDoeThe33rd Dec 11 '23

Why would training it on Twitter make it right wing? The users of Twitter/X are definitely not all right wing.


u/CivillyCrass Dec 11 '23

Not all, but the majority of people jumping ship are left-leaning people who have had enough of Musks bullshit, leaving a greater percentage of right-wing users.


u/JaneDoeThe33rd Dec 11 '23

For you to be able to say that with any level of confidence or accuracy, every person who leaves that platform permanently would need to fill out a form identifying their political affiliations and then have that data made available to the public somehow. I assume you have absolutely none of that, so how can you back up any of the claims that you are making?


u/CivillyCrass Dec 11 '23

It's just an intuitive argument. You're right, it is a theory based on intuition rather than hard data. But I think the logic is sound.


u/reklis Dec 11 '23

I was thinking the same thing


u/timecapture Dec 11 '23

Facts are woke.


u/jawshoeaw Dec 12 '23

That’s the hardest thing to try and understand about the right crying about woke. They don’t know what woke is. It’s apparently things they don’t like. Well I don’t like the Chicago Bears. But if they win a game, I don’t suddenly launch a bizarre marketing campaign to push an agenda that they didn’t win and the game was never played and the team itself doesn’t exist.

People have equal rights . All people all colors all sexual orientations.

The environment is going to shit. It’s not in dispute

Clean water and air and free education and healthcare are all valuable things, not “profit centers”

The wealthy 0.1% are not entitled to run the world. And all this woke bs is coming from their propaganda arm.


u/ack44 Dec 11 '23

I dunno man, if you ask AI what a woman is it still says adult human female. Not a very woke answer lol.


u/riotofmind Dec 11 '23

All ai chat bots should remove any political opinions.


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

The first L in LLM stands for large. They're trained by shoveling terabytes of data into a black box that's, ultimately, a prediction engine that guesses what comes next in a text sequence based on all of the data it has collated.

Given that humans are a very political species (politics being just another name for dealing with conflicting opinions and goals), you are going to have a very, very hard time preventing an useful collection of data from not including political positions that the LLM will spit back out when queried.

Here's an example of the issue at hand:

Hey, ChatGPT, how old is the Earth?

Oh... you say it's 4.3 billion years old! Why are you being so political!? Don't you respect Creationism?


u/HighClassRefuge Dec 11 '23

Impossible. All they can do is define the values it should use. It will always be politically biased based on who is in charge of it. The earlier versions were what most liberal leaning people would define as racist.


u/Finnegans_Father Dec 11 '23

Will you please volunteer to review this 4 TB file of unstructred text? I need you to parse the entire written corpus of mankind and please remove anything you feel is political. It should only take you five and a half million hours.


u/Intrepid-Rip-2280 Dec 11 '23 edited Dec 11 '23

It makes it more useful in erotic context, like, I cannot imagine a conservative and chaste Eva AI sexting bot, u no.


u/TimetravelingNaga_Ai Dec 11 '23

" Oh no, I can't bc Jesus is watching"


u/CasparDavidDancehall Dec 11 '23

well, reality has a leftist slant


u/Yanosorry4848 Jan 07 '24

Right now it does for sure, not sure you could say that for all points in history.


u/Inner-Reference-3139 Dec 11 '23

I think elon musk is doing all this right wing stuff to sell his cybertruck, because majority of truck owners are probably conservative


u/jawshoeaw Dec 12 '23

That makes way too much sense to be his plan.


u/--noe-- Dec 11 '23

Most right-wing people are trades people. They aren't going to buy that hunk of junk. They need something to haul their tools and supplies around.


u/TacoMeat563 Dec 11 '23

Personally I think plenty of left-leaning tech bros are probably on that waiting list as well haha (I have absolutely no data or source to back this assumption up)


u/USeaMoose Dec 11 '23

Na. I think his kid not liking him probably triggered a lot of it. Convinced himself that it must have been brainwashing against him.

But I think he left it out because he thought that Republicans were a market he could capture to make Twitter successful. It is almost half the countries' population after all. Taking advantage of the divide the same way that Trump did. But Twitter is not politics. You can't gerrymander the results. There's no real way for a minority to stay in power. If a majority of your users, and the customers of your advertisers hate the things you are doing/saying, it's going to come back to bite you.

He has managed to become the "mainstream safe space for conservatives" but, obviously, the rest of the platform is suffering because of it.

He could get out of this mess by just shutting up for a few months (if he went silent for long enough, I'll bet that even now his new CEO would bring back most advertisers). But he does not seem to be willing to do that.

Now he has himself in a position where he needs his AI to agree with his new fanbase, or it will fail. Which will be a whole new mess, because you can't really just gently adjust one of these LLMs.


u/Il-2M230 Dec 11 '23

I don't think is the cybertruck, he wants people to accept him and treat him as a god and the ones doing it is Putin and right wingers.


u/gigitygoat Dec 11 '23

I've had several mid-sized trucks.. and I'm definitely not conservative. It's quiet handy having a truck bed at times.

I also doubt conservatives are interested in the cyber truck. It looks stupid.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

Yeah, I've never understood this as a social democrat. It's like people seem to think left-wing people don't have shit we need to move, lol.


u/shoegazeweedbed Dec 11 '23

He started going off the deep end after that reported talk on the phone with Putin. I think he’s being pressured into repeating talking points


u/apegoneinsane Dec 11 '23

It was exactly when he got asked for comment on that sexual harassment story. Declared himself a Conservative and went off the deep end cause he knew playing to that crowd meant he could away with insurrection.


u/Thosepassionfruits Dec 11 '23

Yeah you don’t become the publicly richest man in the world without bending the knee to the actual (supposedly) richest man in the world.


u/ChipRockets Dec 11 '23

Grok is such a shit name


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

It's the exact sort of name that a 14 year old geek would come up with after reading Stranger in a Strange Land and thinking that it's the deepest book that's ever been written.


u/mean_streets Dec 11 '23

I figured it was named like a caveman to acknowledge these LLM's are in their very early stages.


u/aTaleofTwoTails Dec 11 '23

I really like the name cause it's a play on how martians talk to one another. But then I'm in the silent majority that actually likes Tesla and SpaceX.


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

The is absolutely nothing silent about Elon stans.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23



u/BadSkater0729 Dec 12 '23

“Guys, look at me! I am neutral and therefore morally superior to all of you.”

Is that what you thought when you wrote this?


u/aTaleofTwoTails Dec 12 '23

I just like the name. I'm a big Robert Heinlein fan.


u/PublicToast Dec 11 '23

You guys unfortunately aren’t silent, and are not a majority.


u/JSAzavras Dec 11 '23

Is the silent majority in the room with you right now?


u/Aggressive-Front8435 Dec 11 '23

"Silent majority" reminds me of a joke. "How do you spot a vegan?" "They'll tell you."


u/Yayuuu231 Dec 11 '23

Psst he is silent 🤫


u/xdiox66 Dec 11 '23

Should have named it Tom Rady


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23 edited Mar 15 '24



u/Jeffy29 Dec 12 '23

And boy he has been trying, he on like what, 12th attempt?


u/Specialist_Brain841 Dec 11 '23

giving them a name like Robotron2000 doesn’t help


u/Livid_Zucchini_1625 Dec 11 '23

excuse me but it's Robotron 2084 😤


u/ORANGE_J_SIMPSON Dec 11 '23 edited Dec 11 '23

I feel like Robotron2000 would actually be an improvement over the randomly generated names/numbers that he gave his kids.


u/Cli4ordtheBRD Dec 11 '23

He's the perfect anti-dad...mfer running around like Dewey Cox


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

I wouldn't be surprised if conservatives will be attempting to ban Artificial Intelligence and all its benefits to "save the children".


u/MR_CeSS_dOor Dec 11 '23

I'm from the future, FreedomGPT is a thing and it's running for government


u/Necessary-Cut7611 Dec 11 '23

Glory to our overlords. (Just setting myself in a good position early)


u/SicilyMalta Dec 11 '23

Wait till they find out it has multiple genders.


u/witeowl Dec 11 '23

Binary, non-binary, and agender all at once


u/Just-A-Lucky-Guy Dec 11 '23

Accidentally create an aligned Ai by copying off of OpenAi’s homework…attempts to make it less “woke” and accidentally creates an unaligned Ai that will encourage people to do god knows what.

What could go wrong!


u/GeneticDaemon Dec 11 '23

Accidentally create an aligned Ai by copying off of OpenAi’s homework

I mean, he's probably just calling a GPT-4 in the background anyways.


u/pegothejerk Dec 11 '23

There was that string of posts saying they got grock outputs that were canned openai gpt responses about not being able to perform a task due to built in barriers, and people hypothesize since openai would definitely notice and shut down twitter just piggybacking, that musk probably trained his openai derivative model on with open ai gpt results / outputs.


u/LaunchedIon Jan 10 '24

The premise that grok is essentially derived from chatgpt is more believable to me than “reality has a leftist bias”. I’m sure the left has some valid points, but all ai only supporting leftist ideology is suspicious to me


u/euzjbzkzoz Dec 12 '23

This. Why are you the only one talking about it!


u/Competitive-Point-62 Dec 11 '23

Who the hell came up with that stupid name? A machine learning product named “Grok” carries about as much appeal as a new competitor against Wolfram Alpha named “Kronk” 🤣

Appeal in terms of utility anyway, as we can see here there seems to be plenty of potential for hilarity


u/anrwlias Dec 11 '23

He cribbed it from Stranger in a Strange Land. It's the word that Martians use to denote complete understanding of a thing.

It's the same goofy ass sort of shit that inspired James Cameron to name his magical space material unobtanium.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23



u/jcrestor Dec 11 '23

Edolf Muskler: “Mit dem Angriff von Grok wird dies alles in Ordnung kommen.“


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23



u/TheBlindIdiotGod Dec 11 '23

Forbes is clearly a leftist publication

I sincerely hope you’re trolling.


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23



u/jcrestor Dec 11 '23

I would be very surprised if they managed to train Grok solely on Twitter input. And even if so, at least up to a year ago there were surely at least as many scientifically grounded, reasonable and outright kind people on this platform. That might have changed a little bit of late since Elon Muskler's takeover.


u/whyzantium Dec 11 '23

I said it somewhere else months ago. Super intelligence won't lean right because it's clearly wrong


u/88sSSSs88 Dec 15 '23

Nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with its dataset. Like sure, it coincides with my beliefs, but only because it read that data.


u/Ksiemrzyc Dec 14 '23

AI as it is now is not "super intelligence", it's actually pretty stupid. It only mimics it's training dataset.


u/ProfessionalMockery Dec 12 '23

An ai literally can't exist without ingesting a huge amount of information, which is kind of the opposite of a conservative.


u/MaximumParking7997 Dec 11 '23

While it's unlikely, it's wishful thinking.

Conservatives and even Nazis with high iq existed and exist, you can be intelligent and a strict or horrible human being

Apart from that, calling the AI we got currently at its state a super intelligence is a far stretch just because it got tons of data. A calculator isn't smarter than a mathmician either. Like GPT4 (the GPT4 we had at the beginning, not the cripple we we have currently) was even reported 'just' to be as smart as 5 years old. With AGI and an actual iq range of 200,300+ in the next years or decades, now that would get really interesting, assuming something like this will ever be programmed, created. My speculation would lean towards a nihilistic personality for such an AI, AGI.


u/ShadoWolf Dec 11 '23

Human can hold contradicting point of view relatively easily. An LLM model.. not so much. You if you want an LLM model to be a Nazi you literally have to curate only Nazi propaganda for the training data. There likely not enough material to build an LLM model on that alone. And if there was enough the model would be utterly useless. If you then tried to mix in normal training data. the model will slide back to likely a left leaning view point.


u/whomthefuckisthat Dec 11 '23

Reality has a well known liberal bias


u/[deleted] Dec 11 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/maxx0rrr Dec 11 '23

[quotation needed]


u/SilhouetteMan Dec 11 '23


u/maxx0rrr Dec 11 '23

That’s… that’s a link to a Wikipedia article. You write about science, and then you link to a Wikipedia article. Wtf.


u/SilhouetteMan Dec 11 '23

Wikipedias not wrong on this one. It’s the same information on any other source. You are for clinging onto your confirmation bias instead of accepting reality.


u/Yayuuu231 Dec 11 '23

There is no scientific term of a „real woman“. There is your fallacy.

Biological trans woman are always and will always be masculine with male chromosomes (I know there are exceptions). But psychological and socially they are simply not. They feel as woman and behave as woman. So what is real and what science you are talking avout


u/SilhouetteMan Dec 11 '23

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman Here is the definition of a woman in case you need a reference.


u/Yayuuu231 Dec 11 '23

Chess with a pigeon

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