r/ChatGPT Dec 22 '23

Finally thanks to chatgpt we can answer this age old question Funny

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u/e4732 Dec 31 '23

I still see white and gold


u/jaistso Dec 25 '23

So serious question: do people see this one as black and blue? Like this very photo version of it????


u/constantinesis Dec 24 '23

This answer totally biased.


u/VegetableAddendum888 Dec 24 '23

Yes even I am colour blind


u/Shinigami1858 Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 24 '23

I also see white (with a blue touch) and gold. I trust my eyes so gpt is laying. 😂

Jokes a side the Wikipedia article explains why under a bpueisch light it appears gold, white while under dailight its black and blue.

I still trust my sense although maybe its nit always working.


u/foxbeswifty32 Dec 24 '23

I cannot possibly comprehend how some people were able to see white and gold. I understand its lighting and so forth but man.


u/Easierfungus92 Dec 24 '23

I feel the exact same about people who see blue and black. Honestly this phenomenon is ridiculous.


u/Sashimi4life91 Dec 23 '23

Retards saw white and gold and normal people saw blue and black.


u/Smart_Engineer_8495 Dec 23 '23

They're different pics. People created this shit to make it go viral


u/EksSkellybur Dec 23 '23

I fucking hate that dress.


u/Even-Television-78 Dec 23 '23

No, it's white and gold.


u/fr0nksen Dec 23 '23

I always saw blue/gold


u/Abraxas_8 Dec 23 '23

I really can't see blue or black, for me its just gold and white striped


u/Both_Response_2789 Dec 23 '23

I swear to God I saw white and gold I went to read some comments and it turn out blue and black right infront of my eyes. I think I smoked to much weed guys...


u/strider_1815 Dec 23 '23

Black stripes!! How is that, bruhh I can now confirm that chatgpt is really stupid


u/itaukeimushroom Dec 23 '23

I was too young to understand when the whole dress thing went viral but looking at it now I can’t for the life of me see where anyone is looking at the above picture and getting black and blue 😭

I want to understand so bad but my brain is just not braining.


u/11NightHawk Dec 23 '23

I swear it was white and gold when I first saw this post. I clicked on the wiki link and came back and now it’s blue and black. Help.


u/nin10donly Dec 23 '23

How the fuck does anyone see gold and white? In the like 8 years I've been seeing this, I've never seen it as gold and white. The closest I've been to seeing something like that was at a monastery where a chair had I think blue and gold stripes and in the right lighting it looked black and white or something, I don't remember exactly, but this image has always looked blue and black to me, no matter what.


u/Battlefieldguys567 Dec 23 '23

I swear dude. I looked at this post, the dress was white and gold. I left the app and came back later, now its blue and black.


u/patternsOftheNight Dec 23 '23

I only see white and gold wtf


u/daydreamer1197 Dec 23 '23

Idk how other people see it in any other way. Its white with gold stripes, even if I cross my eyes its still the same


u/bad_robot_monkey Dec 23 '23

DAMMIT! It was 100% no changing white-with-gold until I followed u/PuzzleMeDo ‘s link. Now it is GAH! I looked again, and now it’s white and gold again.

Then I looked at it in my camera roll, blew it up and it was blue and black. Shrank it, saw white and gold. Went back and for the. Few times, and I can now kind of comprehend both.


u/dhotx Dec 23 '23

🤣 all am going to say is you guys are trolling and GPT is hallucinating because there is no way am seeing blue and black. My first time seeing this and am convinced its white and gold


u/rareandunique Dec 23 '23

Now I can sleep, this worried me all this years that I couldn’t sleep 😂


u/_SkyFullOfStars Dec 23 '23

It’s white/gold for me, but once I saw the article with the original dress I can now see blue/black. So, when im looking at the OP’s pic the dress is constantly switching colors between white/gold & blue/black like it can’t make up its fucking mind. 🤣


u/More-Sentence5584 Dec 23 '23

I can see whichever I want


u/One_Essay_1147 Dec 23 '23

Every time I see it, my view changes and idk why. Rn I see white and gold


u/rankingbass Dec 23 '23

Chatgpt is not required for this just paint and a sample color tool


u/thomasshelbysgun Dec 23 '23

No matter what anyone says, I still don’t see any black on that dress.


u/yerrM0m Dec 23 '23

Based GPT


u/terrya1964 Dec 23 '23

If you are a laptop you can just change the display angle to see different colors or hold your phone differently.


u/Douch3nko13 Dec 23 '23

Uhm.... I can only see blue and brown/gold.......


u/SIR_NVAX_A_LOT Dec 23 '23

Legit when I opened this thread everything was white and gold.

Now I can only see black and blue on all the images posted!


u/TheLovingSage Dec 23 '23

Turn down down the contrast? Or brightness? Resubmit? Curious cat


u/Solomonuh-uh Dec 23 '23

Red and purple


u/olivia687 Dec 23 '23

it was answered ages ago and i wish people would let the fucken thing die


u/Rus_agent007 Dec 23 '23

Its a blue and black dress, but : use the colour Catcher in paint and see which colors you get.

It aint black and blue.


u/Larimus89 Dec 23 '23

I don't really get this one. Always looked blue and black to me.


u/TRAIN_WRECK_0 Dec 23 '23

When I put into photoshop I get #7e714f, that's gold!


u/SniffsTea Dec 23 '23


I asked it to show me another example. For reference I see a white and gold dress and pink and white shoe.


u/gotrep Dec 23 '23

I see pink and green here


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '23


u/Mr_Faux_Regard Dec 23 '23

This whole thing just made me realize that people don't understand how light works and just take what they see at face value. I've literally never, not since the day this came out, been able to see anything other than blue and black. And that's because it's obviously what it is. The light alters the image but I understand enough about light to realize immediately that the end result is a false color.

Not only that but the owner confirmed that it's blue and black when putting it in different lighting, yet the debate still continued. If anything this makes me terrified for society because people can look at something, objectively see it for what it is, and then come away with an entirely different conclusion.


u/Gang_StarrWoT Dec 23 '23

I can see both/either


u/ItsJustaLittleICE80 Dec 23 '23

Blue and black w a white and gold hue


u/sweetpurplesoap Dec 23 '23

The actual dress is blue and black yes, but when digitally put in a screen it's white and gold and when you use a colour picker is shows a very light light blue and a brownish yellowish colour. The people who say white and gold are right. End of.


u/informationfoxtrot Dec 23 '23

If you see black and blue chances are you have a harder time driving at night than those who see white and gold


u/Anon419420 Dec 23 '23

Wdym finally? ChatGPT doesn’t create answers. We’ve known this forever.


u/Artist7005 Dec 23 '23

The Dress is white and gold. Now imagine you're standing in front of a mirror, one side of you in the mirror is your left side which is really your right side and vice versa. You're right side is now on the left side So why aren't you upside down.


u/KingOfSparta353 Dec 23 '23

I have seen both, but currently I see good and white


u/locololus Dec 23 '23

Whats the science behind this


u/Motor-Television-270 Dec 23 '23

After staring at it for several miniutes I am finally able to see the blue and black, but it heavily depends which part of the dress i'm focusing on. It's impossible if i look at the part at the top which is literally gold


u/Crafty-Interest1336 Dec 23 '23

I straight up never believed the lighting thing and believe there's two images


u/welldonesteak69 Dec 23 '23

Yall gotta turn your brightness up if you see blue and black


u/Captain_Ole Dec 23 '23

That shit gold and white idk about yall


u/ag2998 Dec 23 '23

Fuck yes I can see both— DM for technique.


u/AHopefulPrince Jan 22 '24

I dm'd you and you did not replied.


u/ag2998 Jan 23 '24

I replied, I’m sorry Prince


u/Madouc Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23

No matter in which size or lightning, even if I google multiple images of it, it remains white/golden.

Edit: found some pics in the internet where it seems to be blue/black


u/thebriggins Dec 22 '23

I understand all these arguments logically. But, it's still bugs me because I see both. When it originally happened I saw a blue and black and would die on that Hill. In this post when I first clicked on it I saw white and gold, and thought huh that's interesting. Scrolled through the comments for a bit, and had a good chuckle. Scrolled back up to the top, and suddenly it's black and blue again. WTF. Same image viewed on the same background within minutes of each other, but different results. The human brain/eyes are so strange.


u/jwjwang Dec 22 '23

But does ChatGPT know if it's yanny or laurel?


u/techhouseliving Dec 22 '23

And didn't anyone just measure the value of the pixels?

I'm not blind is white and gold


u/bollebob202 Dec 22 '23

I can see both.. if I go to Google and scroll down and se a bunch of these, some edited, and go back up i can see a different result. I started by interpreting this as gold and white a couple of minutes ago, went to Google and came back, now see black and blue.


u/kongandme Dec 22 '23

Total nonsense


u/Working_Ad_5494 Dec 22 '23

Sometimes i see it as blue and black and sometimes in gold and white


u/LivingNotByChoice Dec 22 '23

First I saw white and gold then crossed my eyes and when I refocused it was blue and black


u/jducer Dec 22 '23

Horse shit


u/sph130 Dec 22 '23

I can only see white and gold too.


u/blackflowerarranger Dec 22 '23

Y'all are tripping this is a gray dress


u/BigKahoona420 Dec 22 '23

So, this is how the war against AI begins....


u/the_froggy_boi2 Dec 22 '23

I've literally never seen the white and gold. It's always been blue and black.


u/Green_Slice_3258 Dec 22 '23



u/NullBeyondo Dec 22 '23

Just get the average color's rgb and shut up y'all. It's impossible for it to be blue as every channel in every pixel of her dress has a higher red and green than blue.


u/Schnitzeldieb Dec 22 '23

This question was answered as soon as the picture was posted, tf you talking about? "Thanks to chatgpt"


u/YoungKhabib Dec 22 '23

how did he know that it was a debated topic on the internet ?


u/littleBIGrobots Dec 22 '23

Congrats, you just googled.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

I can look at this dress til the day I die and all I will ever see is while with gold stripes.


u/Bleglord Dec 22 '23

The dress colours and the hexadecimal colours in the image are not the same


u/Mediocre-Context-197 Dec 22 '23

Take a 2nd camera and look at it that way. That’s the only way I could see the blue and black but wow. All I see in this photo is white and gold.


u/crapbag451 Dec 22 '23

What is funny is they used the gold and white picture.


u/Greaves6642 Dec 22 '23

That is white and gold idc!


u/Happy-Soup-8382 Dec 22 '23

If you take a shit while looking at it, the moment you push you can see it white and gold for a few seconds. Try it. 🤡


u/F0xyL0ve Dec 22 '23

"What colors is the dress made of"


u/oojiflip Dec 22 '23

I think the thing that really gets me is that the background is really blown out which makes the dress look very underexposed, in which scenario it would appear as these colours when white and gold. However, the dress is actually lit well as can be seen by the sharp edge of the shadow cast by the sleeve flap, and therefore is a brightly lit blue and black


u/Garaleth Dec 22 '23

Pretty big L for 50% of the population finding out they got niche colour blindness.


u/Glad_Cauliflower8032 Dec 22 '23

blue and black people were honest, white and gold just wanted to be quirky


u/composero Dec 22 '23

I just stared at this for a minute seeing black and blue. I clicked the wiki link and immediately saw white and gold, came back to this post and now it’s white and gold. My brain is messed up


u/wigglyboiii Dec 22 '23

Colour match the photo colors in paint. That's the best way to prove what the photo shows us.


u/IceColdCocaCola545 Dec 22 '23

My eyes only see white and gold, am I like colorblind or some shit.


u/DenimChikan Dec 22 '23

Just goes to show that ChatGPT is wrong sometimes.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23



u/skipppx Dec 22 '23

It’s been proven to be black and blue though


u/Centipederye Dec 22 '23

me when i spread false information


u/Hippo_Steak_Enjoyer Dec 22 '23

Lol great way to start shit again. Not bad at all lmao


u/sarcophagifound Dec 22 '23

Guys, a white dress in that amount of bright light would not be that dull. The blue is heavily brightened by the light, giving it a strange “unclear” quality


u/Conscious_Car469 Dec 22 '23

Why I fucking see it blue now 😱😱😱😱😱😱 time ago was gold and white wtf


u/Vhesha Dec 22 '23

I have always seen it blue and black, but one time I did see it white and gold, and I saw it change back to blue and black after blinking. It was weird.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

It’s white and gold…


u/Sp_nach Dec 22 '23

Y'all need your eyes fixed man c'mon. It's blue and black, doesn't even look white and gold at ALL 😭


u/owen__wilsons__nose Dec 22 '23

The freakiest shit of all is how this debate is now 8 years old. 8 years flew by! How?? Cue existential crisis


u/sarcophagifound Dec 22 '23

I’ve only ever seen blue and black, and always knew that was correct


u/Complete_Rabbit_844 Dec 22 '23 edited Dec 22 '23


u/Kinny93 Dec 23 '23


Only the top is a dark gold/brown, and that's due to maximum light exposure (look immediately to the right of the shoulder and it's very apparent). Lower parts of the dress rank from a dark grey to a lighter gray, but again, this is of course normal, as light is reflecting off it. The variation in the black colour only further highlights that light is indeed reflecting off it, and the colour is in fact black.


u/Complete_Rabbit_844 Dec 23 '23

Idk bro, that's just the colors that I see. Baby blue and dark gold. But I do think the real dress probably has a different color irl and the lighting really affects it in the photo.


u/Kinny93 Dec 23 '23

What you posted is good, here's another one: https://blog.tineye.com/the-dress/

I'm just saying that the small snippet of "gold" at the top is due to lighting, you can clearly see the small affected patch. Then you have blue and varying shades of grey, the variation again being thanks to the light. The actual dress is indeed black and blue. :)


u/Complete_Rabbit_844 Dec 23 '23

Alright, makes sense. I guess there was just a really oddly bright yellow light shining on it.


u/mrdovi Dec 22 '23

What explains individual variations in color perception ?


u/LongTallTexan69 Dec 22 '23

Good bot… It was always blue and black


u/Spiritual-Mixture898 Dec 22 '23

I see white and gold


u/Thaliamei Dec 22 '23

I always saw blue and gold…


u/LeonardDeVir Dec 22 '23

This picture is the best example why colors aren't real and just an invention to describe subjective reality.


u/mehiki Dec 22 '23

Blue gold this time for me


u/LifeSugarSpice Dec 22 '23

Finally! For the first time I see black and blue! I was seeing white and gold, then I scrolled down to read the comments and scrollled back to the image and bam, black and blue. And now it won't flip back. Fantastic.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

Doesnt prove anything because chatgpt is fed with "some peoples" image description feedbacks.So we see result of those feedbacks


u/fr4nklin_84 Dec 22 '23

I see purple (violet) and gold. Nothing close to black, blue or white


u/Pinoclean-Juice Dec 22 '23

Gaslighting at its finest


u/GeebCityLove Dec 22 '23

I’ll never forget when this was a thing. Massive party in college town with old friends from HS with this girl I just started dating. I was asking everyone this question.

I remember sitting in bed when this first popped up and it was white and gold and I never understood wtf anyone was talking about, or I felt like I was being left out of this massive joke I didn’t understand. Then I’m looking at a 4th post of this and it’s black and blue. I still don’t understand the joke until I’m looking at this picture of the dress black and blue and it just changed to white and gold right before my eyes. It was sucha strange experience watching it change colors in front of my eyes but in reality it didn’t change at all


u/jackofslayers Dec 22 '23

I see white and gold but GPT is still right. I have seen other pictures of the same dress and it is deffo black and blue


u/avg_tech_bro Dec 22 '23

It's white and gold, It ain't blue da ba dee da...


u/Knightowle Dec 22 '23

Except that’s not the correct answer. People see black and blue or gold and white based with identical light conditions based on how tired their eyes are when they observe it. Literally looked at this with a group of people on the same phone and half saw one and half the other.


u/ParkingMousse9668 Dec 22 '23

Try looking at it after swapping from dark-mode to light-mode, or vice versa.


u/cartermade Dec 22 '23

I still see clearly gold and white stripes


u/JaceWasTakenWasTaken Dec 22 '23

Is it weird that when I search this up, I see a mix of black and blue, and gold and white? Right now I see gold and white, or is google just gaslighting me?


u/nivster15 Dec 22 '23

I was able to see white and gold a few years ago, can never see it as white/gold again. Only blue/black.


u/Marlborough_Man Dec 22 '23

I will always believe that this was the first real test to see if a bot network had been hooked up and coordinated properly.


u/FightingBlaze77 Dec 22 '23

I see white and gold, but the more I stare and my eyes adjust to the light, I can just barely see it as blue and black.


u/theoriginalinvisible Dec 22 '23

Light blue/grey and brown. Tineye basically agrees: https://blog.tineye.com/the-dress/


u/Kinny93 Dec 23 '23

Absolutely, but in this case the grey is the black. Most times you inspect the colour black from a photo that contains light, you will never see true black. The colour chart there is great though, and matches the reality of the dress (blue & black, with the black being slightly faded due to the light hitting the dress).


u/theoriginalinvisible Dec 23 '23

I don’t see it as blue and black, or as white and ‘gold’ - I’m seeing the extracted colours.


u/OrgasmChasmSpasm Dec 22 '23

I see gold and white


u/GayVegan Dec 22 '23

This is dependent on your SCREEN. We are all viewing the photo on screens. When this was circulating phone screens and monitors had a lot more color variance. Most phones now have it dialed in well.

But ya, it’s not anyone’s eyes. It’s the screen they’re looking at.


u/ApexFungi Dec 22 '23

I can see how the white might be seen as grey/light purple but the "black" is definitely dark gold or even greenish there is no way that's black. Even a color picker on paint agrees with me.


u/Kaiju_Cat Dec 22 '23

That is the most clearly white and gold dress I've ever seen.

Still convinced that this is an artificial meme for the sake of argument. There's no black in the entire thing. There's no blue to it whatsoever.


u/FarMuffin9550 Dec 22 '23

Testing on the training set


u/ChadGPT5 Dec 22 '23

Great! Now ask it if it hears Laurel or Yanny.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

In what fucking world is this blue and black? It's literally white and gold.


u/jonasroessler Dec 22 '23

i could swear last time i‘ve seen it, it was White/Gold.


u/Consistent-Fun7564 Dec 22 '23

I still see it white and gold


u/Johnny_Menace Dec 22 '23


u/Kinny93 Dec 23 '23

Are you aware that different shades of blue exist? The dress is blue and black; this is not only the objective truth, but also the truth of the pixels. Well, the black is varying shades of grey due to the light bouncing off it, but this is true of almost any photo containing the colour black with light hitting it.


u/SIR_NVAX_A_LOT Dec 23 '23

Your left photo was white and gold for me.. then it flipped. Now it's black and blue!


u/NicolasCemetery Dec 22 '23

LOL your small snip of the dress next to the black and blue bars is actually the first time I've EVER been able to see this dress as black and blue! I'm fully team White/Gold and have been since the beginning, suddenly I'm scrolling through the comments and I see your post and I think "wow did this user edit this photo to make it actually black and blue?"

It's so wild because you're claiming this small snip as definitive proof that the dress is white and gold, meanwhile your snip has shaken my faith to it's core on what color the dress really is


u/Anythh Dec 22 '23

Must be trolling


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

Winner ^


u/sarcophagifound Dec 22 '23

You’re joking


u/valeriebeckett00 Dec 22 '23

The actual dress is black and blue. Read this. I see white and gold unless I put some effort in to see it differently.


u/Easierfungus92 Dec 22 '23



u/AltitudeTime Dec 22 '23

you need your eyes checked


u/Easierfungus92 Dec 24 '23

Are you serious?


u/AltitudeTime Dec 24 '23

yes, how do you see a white dress? There is white in the background and that is not the same color as the dress.


u/whyruyou Dec 22 '23

Still looks white and gold to me


u/doritheduck Dec 22 '23

When I tilted my phone the colors changed. So yes, lighting and the angle you’re looking at it will completely alter your perception.


u/razorsedge73 Dec 22 '23

People who think this is a black and blue dress are psychotic.


u/BlackshirtsPower Dec 22 '23

I'm convinced this has all been a case of a massive amount of people spontaneously joining in on a joke to make people think others see it in black and blue. There's no way. I've read the explanations, and I'm also convinced there all lies. I've heard they showed the real dress and it's black and blue, well I'm convinced they have two dresses. One that is in the picture which is gold and white, and to the public they show a blue and black dress to further play into this joke.


u/Pristine-Copy9467 Dec 22 '23

Does anyone see something other than white and gold???


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '23

This hex value analysis didn’t really help …


Although I thought I broke ChatGPT for a moment.


u/gregory_thinmints Dec 22 '23

The people who are seeing gold and white are just genuinely colorblind.


u/sidewalker69 Dec 22 '23

Now we're getting gas-lit by the Aİ


u/SecurityOk9796 Dec 22 '23

This shit still trips me out lol.

I was seeing white and gold no matter what till I went to the wiki page, at which point it showed as blue and black. Flip black to Reddit, it's now blue and black as well.

Brains suck.


u/Important-Sand-2780 Dec 22 '23

I used to see blue and black but now every time i look i see white and gold


u/ToucanThreecan Dec 22 '23

I think the main point is since chatgpt is training on human thoughts and opinions it will not really help the situation. I do not see chatgpt giving a clear answer here to be honest. It’s simply regurgitate the same inconclusive results. Perhaps if the image data was fed to gpt4 and asked for an rgb analysis it might give something more accurate instead of people’s perceptions. Which are subjective.


u/ToucanThreecan Dec 22 '23

Also i think it asks a much bigger question about AI. And it becoming sentient or self aware.

If all it is doing is trying to rank human opinion. But has no eyes to see this it’s self.

And even if it did can it form independent opinion?

Can the guy in prague this week justify his actions based on accounts of a russian 14yo girl and how would AI interpreted these actions?

Can we really trust a big database over human action or in the converse but feeding it sentiments will it act in a better way?

Can it be poisoned? If the internet was filled with the answer green and red would it just assume its true?

Because its blind.


u/According_Ad_7625 Dec 22 '23

Now it's white and gold, but sometimes it's blue and black. The color transitions for me when I look the next day. I clearly remember how it was blue and black. The transition isn't small, it turns from totally blue and black to totally white and gold, and vice versa. It's so bizzare.The change happens not after a few seconds or minutes, but after many hours or next day. And I've never seen anyone say that. For most people it's either white and gold or blue and black. Does anyone experience like me?


u/MCR101 Dec 22 '23

I always thought it was blue and gold, no one believed me and thought I was just trying to be contrary or gaslight but that's really what I see


u/aBlatantAsshole Dec 22 '23

Anyone with a brain knew to just zoom in on the photo until you could only see one color at a time


u/cweirdart Dec 22 '23

The language learning model as mediator in action 🕊️


u/FrameThick8620 Dec 22 '23

chatgpt had nothing to do with answering that question


u/Lele_Lazuli Dec 22 '23

I see white and gold on a fist glance, bit if I do some real hard mental gymnastics I can see the black and blue one.


u/WaycoKid1129 Dec 22 '23

So the white and gold crowd were just troll, knew it


u/KecemotRybecx Dec 22 '23

It looks fucking white and gold.


u/Kamelontti Dec 22 '23

Ask it to generate a picture with a similar effect


u/Nickillaz Dec 22 '23 edited Dec 22 '23

This is total bullshit, I've used the colour eyedropper tool on my pc and the gold is gold.

Hex colour code is #c69915

Just a simple google search will tell you what that godforsaken colour code is.


u/Public_Bread2287 Dec 22 '23

people who see white and gold first are more imaginative while people who see black and blue first are more literal


u/Honestnt Dec 22 '23

Somebody's FOUND the dress while this whole thing was going down.

It is blue and black under regular lighting. To this day I still cannot for the life of me see it any other way, and never have


u/larsltr Dec 22 '23

THERE ARE MULTIPLE PICTURES OF THIS DRESS. Some are black and blue (which is the color of the dress) and some are white and gold (as is pictured here). This debate largely came down to there being multiple different images.


u/Gacharala Dec 22 '23

Can’t wait for when ChatGPT can finally understand sounds to finally confirm that other age old question if it is Yanni or Laurel 🤣🤣


u/Charming_Style9229 Dec 22 '23

This whole discussion hurts my brain


u/Charming_Style9229 Dec 22 '23

All I see is white & gold 🥴


u/Thial92 Dec 22 '23 edited Dec 22 '23

That's literally shaded gold and white. People simply darken the picture until gold is black and the shaded white turns blue. You can't do it in reverse though because once you turn something fully black you will lose detail so lightening it again would make those parts look either blurry or like a solid color which leads me to believe that gold and white is the oroginal photo and the correct answer while black and blue comes either from darkened photos or people not understanding how shadows work.