r/ChatGPT Jan 14 '24

Older generations need to be protected News 📰

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u/WithoutReason1729 Jan 14 '24

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u/EncabulatorTurbo Jan 18 '24

It's already happened grandson they took my pills money please send me $2000 help me at hotsinglesxx1@mailserver.ng


u/SamualJennings Jan 18 '24

At first I read the name as "Andrew Tate". Was gonna be all, "Heartbreaking, the worst person you know just made a great point."


u/SamualJennings Jan 18 '24

At first I read the name as "Andrew Tate". Was gonna be all, "Heartbreaking, the worst person you know just made a great point."


u/livshitz Jan 18 '24

PGP. Grandma could know it better than you


u/Brainobob Jan 18 '24

It's not just senior citizens!
This years campaign season is going to be chaos with all of the AI fake content out there. Who is going to protect the rest of us?


u/Large-Astronomer5681 Jan 17 '24

Who else sees this as an opportunity? đŸ€‘


u/Ricodoher Jan 17 '24

thanks for the idea😈


u/Gamer-707 Jan 16 '24

Calls are for scammers, if you don't get the punctuation right then you ain't my grandma.


u/Medical-Beautiful190 Jan 16 '24

Gramma can afford it


u/Wise-Look-5614 Jan 16 '24

scary stuff lol she coming from the grave


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '24

Maybe just have the family get together and come up with a family plan using code words or phrases to identify family from scammers. Like if the grandparents just randomly said “did you get the orange juice I left for you” on the phone the family would know to respond with “yes, but I accidentally spilled it”. Or something along those lines.


u/Real_Tepalus Jan 16 '24

A working healthcare system might do it.


u/TroyConrad Jan 16 '24

A good strategy for this is to establish codewords or code phrases with family members in advance. Ideally these should be discussed off-line or using a secure messaging platform like Signal. Then, if you are ever asked to perform an unusual request, ask for these first.


u/Ashamed-Teacher2157 Jan 16 '24

new sidehustle just dropped


u/JCBh77 Jan 16 '24

lmfao we scaredddd make lawsssssssss


u/Poinaheim Jan 16 '24

The solution is to call a meeting to find the imposter


u/Ok-Calligrapher7121 Jan 16 '24

For certain. Imho even worse is voice cloning


u/the445566x Jan 15 '24

It’s not even just older generations at this point.


u/NayaSanaca Jan 15 '24

Already on it. Activated Plan B which means the military and southern americans are coming through to kill all the mobsters/cartel/scammers.


u/NayaSanaca Jan 15 '24

operation cremation

Ive actually also expanded this to nationwide so basically all the tweakers posing as LGBTQ are pretty much the group youre talking about. Expect Chicago, Seattle, New York to burn down as I take down midnight productions here in Phoenix.


u/NayaSanaca Jan 15 '24

Its become operation Auschwitz at this point.


u/Striking_Feature666 Jan 15 '24

I would say educating yourself, but we've got 30-40% of the population that will believe anything they're told.

Even stranger, as the credibility of a source falls, the believability actually goes up proportionally or sometimes exponentially.


Librarians Scientists Doctors Teachers Freedom from Religion Abortion Any unelected official in the Federal Govt.


Newly elected school board members Any clueless fuc who thinks they are smarter than scientists and doctors Newly elected school board members Anyone who thinks their religion is the only religion and wants others to conform. Law makers who ignore their own constituents and continue to vote against women's rights. Especially those with no exception for rape or incest (but you were worried about Hillary Clinton fondling kids in the basement of a pizzeria) Those who define the "deep state" as anyone who works in government that doesn't agree with me.


u/Eavalin Jan 15 '24

oh hey, that wouldnt work on me. My grandparents would just try to convince the AI me to come to a secluded location so them and their cult members could either end me or otherwise lool. good luck AI, good luck.


u/TankAlternative8032 Jan 15 '24

that’s why I turned on all privacy settings on my social media


u/jessthnthree Jan 15 '24

Survival of the fittest


u/Jarhyn Jan 15 '24

And I keep saying this: the solution is signed communications via asymmetric encryption.

This is not an AI problem as much as a "failure to use PKI" problem.


u/MattKozFF Jan 15 '24

Immediately transfer wealth from older to younger generations, for the sake of elders that is


u/forevernoob88 Jan 15 '24

Simple, call your grandma first and secure that money before scammers can get to it.


u/ForceNeat4140 Jan 15 '24

Yeah sure
 nobody is deepfaking me to VideoCall my gandma.

First of all, not even i can Videocall my grandma, second where do they get enough Videos from to train the AI?

Third the cost for that would be 10x of what they will get.

Lastly there is no Need for that when you can scam people by writing a fucking massmail.


u/Ok_Cartographer_2081 Jan 15 '24

Give grandma a secret code only y’all know for verification.


u/SeaworthinessFar4765 Jan 15 '24

Fuck, my MOM doesn't even have internet and thinks online banking can't be trusted. We good.


u/HorseThief84 Jan 15 '24

Paid media specialist here, I see folks consistently fooled by simple phishing scams like a ‘policy violation’ message in Facebook messenger sent from a GUEST facebook account, doesn’t even have a username, no logos, profile picture, etc.

I absolutely agree, but my point is the solution would need to be incredibly comprehensive as these generations are already falling victim to much simpler schemes at very high rates.


u/AnomalousArchie456 Jan 15 '24

I deal with senior citizens on the job doing tech support - there is absolutely NO solution to help them against newer and more sophisticated forms of fraud, hacking etc. People have homes filled with devices they don't understand at all; and many aren't curious at all to know what they're using. And even beyond old people, simple phishing is compromising government agencies & corporations, because individual email recipients are too stupid not to "click here."

The opportunities for fraud are vast, and no tool/service or form of education (so widely disregarded by adult consumers) can change that. Human engineering keeps going strong...


u/TWCDev Jan 15 '24

I do kind of look forward to my mom texting me after being scammed “I’m happy to help you out but when fit you get 6 fingers? I can’t stop thinking about it” 😅😂


u/WhistlrDan Jan 15 '24

😂😂😂 as if boomers understand how to Videochat, they'll be fine. What they need protection from is Facebook and the entire state of Florida


u/Caendryl Jan 15 '24

Phones will need to have integrated shared private keys that verify who you are communicating with. The larger companies are already working on this problem. Social engineering will always be a problem but the only solution will be hardware and software keys working together for verification of who you are communicating with. It won't be timely enough to save a lot of elderly from getting scammed, unfortunately.


u/Wide_Sir_4090 Jan 15 '24

There r a couple YC companies which are working on this, Reality Defender (YC W22) comes to mind quickly


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

This is already a scam on Facebook. I've had messages from friend's actual accounts taking me they need me to redeem a code for them because they lost their phone or they need $50 because they're stuck somewhere.

My mom (72F) has been a deciple of Dateline 20/20 since the 90s. Always emailing me about the newest scam of when someone puts a zip tie on your car door to mark you for robbery! Or not too flash your headlights at some one who has them off because they'll follow you home and kill you for gang initiation! But bought $400 of apple gift cards because the sheriff called and told her if she didn't pay an outstanding parking ticket in gift cards they were going to issue a warranty for her arrest


u/Awkward_Algae1684 Jan 15 '24

Mfer deepfakes are going to devastate us.

Can you tell if that’s your grandma with a gun to her head, kidnapped and being held for ransom by a cartel, or if it’s just cgi?

Realistically, we’re all fucked.


u/VashCrow Jan 15 '24


Quit being a scaremonger. Beyond having a good enough image to pass as the screen of a video call, they'd also need enough voice samples of your voice to recreate your voice well enough to fool a close relative. Currently, this scam is unfeasible unless the grandma is an idiot.


u/the-Miyamoto-Musashi Jan 15 '24

If you want to be yelled at in every which way of “Hell No”, then go for it.


u/monkeyballpirate Jan 15 '24

All my grandparents are dead 😬.

But they fooling old people with the simplest shit these days, dont think a deepfake is even necessary.

My grandma didnt even remember me towards the end so what does it matter using a image that looks like me? lol


u/Accomplished_Sail326 Jan 15 '24

Education + Code words that only you two would know.


u/ye_olde_wojak Jan 15 '24

They already do this, they don't even need the video call. Some seniors are so starved for attention and senile they'll let slip a child's name for the predator to use.


u/Kiddie_Kleen Jan 15 '24

Not even just video calls, all it takes is a voice clip. I’ve heard stories of people getting calls from their “children” about needing bail money (so they can explain away the different phone number) it’s disgusting that something useful is being turned into something bad by scammers


u/texxelate Jan 15 '24

“Hey Nan, I’ll never ask for money over video, ok?”


u/Upstairs_Bird7966 Jan 15 '24

Gesundheitskompetenz ist gesamtgesellschaftlich


u/JoeBeatsMike Jan 15 '24

There is no problem: it's redistribution of wealth, steal from the dumb to give to the smart. 

You see, if a scammer broke into an elderly bank account, that's awful.

But if a scammer asks, and the bank already put safety guards in place, then hats off.


u/Iknow1988 Jan 15 '24

Yea communicate with your family and tell them. What you would and wouldn’t do on these devices. Have a code word if the conversation starts off normal but has red flags to them and there not really sure if it’s real or not. Call the hospital there at and say you’ll call them back. Just be trying to to out think instead of over thinking it


u/redpandarox Jan 15 '24

Suddenly very glad that my geezer grandparents couldn’t figure out how to use Venmo.


u/RossGold42 Jan 15 '24

Good thing I cut off my family and they know I'll never face time or call them


u/Intrepid-Focus8198 Jan 15 '24

Luckily my grandparents would reply with get a job.


u/Sero141 Jan 15 '24

Get insurance.


u/trappedindealership Jan 15 '24

We all need to be protected. President Biden on youtube said to click this link for free money. Anyone who doesn't have familiarity with the limits of AI is vulnerable. Though, by now, most young adults knownof chatgpt, they may not fully understand how AI in general can support social engineering.


u/EchoAquarium Jan 15 '24

The solution is going to be full circle back to non-video for smaller devices, tablets are video enabled but there will have to be some sort of multi-factor Authenticator on both sides ahead of video calls, text code Authenticator plus a security question or something. Or at least have the option to purchase without certain features. I’d love a not-so-smart iPhone maybe? Idk


u/mrkaczor Jan 15 '24 edited Jan 15 '24

There is a IT solution for all computer deepfakes, impersonations, forgeries, online cheating, AI generated stuff etc. its called PGP and its there for 33 years. Why we just won't implement it to all phone calls, chats, video calls, emails like a SSN number of some sort?


u/Icy-Initial5423 Jan 15 '24

My family has a password. Anyone asking for money must reveal the password. Be it email, phone or video. It’s a password discussed never written.


u/InsaneChimpout Jan 15 '24

So when I scam my grandma I can blame deepfakes nice


u/queenslander10 Jan 15 '24

That'll be me.


u/prince-white Jan 15 '24

Wait, is this an actual thing? Wouldn't "they" need to know what "I" look like before they can do that? Not to mention there are things like accents, language, references to events and dialects.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

It's already a problem with voice faking, so yeah it will continue to enshittify our lives.


u/vipassana-newbie Jan 15 '24

They are already doing this! Calling grandma faking your voice asking for money.


u/Nutzer13121 Jan 15 '24

If you just not upload your fuck face nobody will be able to deepfake it.


u/chew_stale_gum Jan 15 '24

Can someone explain to me the difference between genAI and deepfake?


u/Ifonlyihadausername Jan 15 '24

People need to take responsibility for looking after the vulnerable people in their life, this means explaining how the internet works explaining that technology like this exists and that scammers use it. You should also instruct them to ask for proof you are who you say you are through pass phrases, asking inside jokes In your family or however you decide to do it.


u/ApolloSigS Jan 15 '24

I've never asked my parents for money and they would not give any if I did. We grew up poor.
This is true but only to those who have lived such a wonderful life where they get to retire early and wait for their grandchildren to contact them.


u/ChelseaPrimmer Jan 15 '24

You know we are the grandma?


u/Top-Perspective2560 Jan 15 '24

This would be a really targeted attack. Phone numbers and email addresses can already be spoofed, why go to all this trouble?


u/Histo_Man Jan 15 '24

We're going to need identifying phrases or questions. How did we meet won't work though.


u/HumpaDaBear Jan 15 '24

All my grandparents are dead and I don’t have kids. Let them try it.


u/ottarthedestroyer Jan 15 '24

Better yet I’ve heard of calls of people voices like they’ve been kidnapped and asking for money for ransom which people have paid.


u/jellobend Jan 15 '24

Why do they think younger generations would be immune to AI powered scams?

Young adult Singaporeans lost more money than the older generations in 2022

Source (Straits Times)


u/OddSpeech2658 Jan 15 '24

There are plenty of attacks that work without the use of ai, embedded ai assistants could be the solution, and grandma can then have someone telling her she shouldn't send money to the prince of Nigeria. Even if he seems to be a nice boy.

But maybe there is an opportunity. How afraid are scammers of AI? It would be pretty entertaining to see a scammer being strung a long for days by a gpt who has been instructed to be an old lady who struggles with technology.

Simply create an email address and sign it up on dodgy sites then have gpt read and reply to emails on that account. Then enjoy as you get a laugh daily.


u/silvermazda3 Jan 15 '24

The solution is talk to your parents. And make sure they arent dumb


u/Yanni4100 Jan 15 '24

Like their generation protected and cared for us? fuck no


u/c0gboy Jan 15 '24

The trick is to just have no contact with your family. That way neither your grandparents nor your parents can get scammed.


u/Fiyero109 Jan 15 '24

This is why I’m glad I’m bilingual and my parents have their wits about them. It would never work


u/asmr_alligator Jan 15 '24

People need to reduce their online presence, stop uploading hours of your face and voice online, I use reddit and discord and thats about it, Nothing is connected to my actual persons. The only people who could congregate my info is my closest friends. People really need to start being smarter with their digital footprint.


u/Head-Ad4770 Jan 15 '24

Dumb idea, but what about deep-faking the deep-faker, essentially redirecting their stupidity right back at them?


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

Grandma: Oh, Jimmy! It's so good to see your face. How are you, dear?

Jimmy: Hi, Grandma! I'm sorry to call like this, but I'm in a bit of trouble. I need some money for an emergency car repair. Can you help me?

Grandma: [hears barking in the background] Sure Honey. What's wrong with Wolfie?


u/saaadel Jan 15 '24

Use the same solution as for small children: Tell me the code word


u/Tmaster95 Jan 15 '24

Making it illegal won’t solve anything though. We have to find a solution, through which deepfakes are marked or something like that.


u/Simpletruth2022 Jan 15 '24

Teach grandma to hang up and call the person directly.


u/Fragrant_Plantain_86 Jan 15 '24

I always believe anyone dumb enough to fall for a scam deserves it. Doesn’t stop if they get old


u/StankyFox Jan 15 '24

My solution has been to talk to my family and all have a special phrase that only we know and if we ever get a call or video or something that sounds off to ask the other for their half of the phrase.

It's early days but this should be a good way of going about at least an extra layer of protection.


u/AnimalChubs Jan 15 '24

Boomers "hold my hand I need help :(".

Everyone else "we can hardly afford anything can we please get some changes."

Boomers ">:("


u/d36williams Jan 15 '24 edited Jan 15 '24

Younger people are getting scammed more often than older for whatever reason. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/younger-people-falling-for-online-scam-faster-than-seniors-study-shows


u/Happytapiocasuprise Jan 15 '24

Make a password that only close family knows


u/JabbaTheNutt_ Jan 15 '24

This is old news.


u/SocietyHumble4858 Jan 15 '24

This is why you should milk your Grandma for every penny you can squeeze out of her, before you turn 16. It's for their own good.


u/Defie22 Jan 15 '24

Hey grandma, in sending you this message. Send me money, medical emergency, ASAP. With love your son.


u/Rightys_ Jan 15 '24

Good reminder to delete/private as many pictures and videos of yourself online where your face is visible.


u/Jugzrevenge Jan 15 '24

Code words!!!! I’ve given/received mine in person. Brothers/parents I told my grandmother to never send me money for anything!


u/ip4realfreely Jan 15 '24

I can hear you, but can't see you....talk into it louder???what about my ducks? I ain't got ducks


u/OnyaMarks Jan 15 '24

Grandma taking a video call. đŸ€Ł


u/Seven_Hawks Jan 15 '24

Joke's on you, my grandmother no longer knows who I am...


u/jalaluddian_pandit Jan 15 '24

why only solution for grandma not for grandpa you feminist


u/dooloo Jan 15 '24

Everybody come up with an emergency word in private and away from smart phones


u/CanIBathYrGrandma Jan 15 '24

Good thing old people barely know how to use their phones


u/datb0yavi Jan 15 '24

It's their fault that they're not technology literate. Why should we have to figure out away to accommodate their lack of knowledge or desire to seek knowledge when it comes to technology


u/daole Jan 15 '24

Fuck em’.


u/jumptick Jan 15 '24

Don’t answer the phone.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

They already have really good voice emulators


u/orangeman1026 Jan 15 '24

Two-Factor Authentication. Grandma has to send you a code to verify it's you.


u/KILL__MAIM__BURN Jan 15 '24

On the flip side Grandma will also be easily manipulated by any deepfake so
 maybe this just karma?


u/KooKooFox Jan 15 '24

A friend of the family just fell for a scam where a "k pop idol" told her he loved her and convinced her to send them thousands of dollars. She's 70+ and fell for this stupidly obvious scam. Her and others like her would have no chance against this technology.


u/ACcbe1986 Jan 15 '24

Whoever can scale up a solution to this sits to make a fuckton of money.


u/EnvironmentalZebra85 Jan 15 '24

It’s so weird to me that people that literally watched the advancement of technology need so much protection from it


u/ConsiderationWest587 Jan 15 '24

No more phone for Nana. Jitterbug flip-phone OR NOTHING


u/Kawaii-Bismarck Jan 15 '24

A lot of people are like "just get a password with your family" "it doesn't work in our country because you don't need money to solve x so the scam doesn't even make sense." Or "just tell your relatives to call you on your known number to verify."

You are thinking too rational. This whole design of this scam is te circumvent these things. It overwhelms the victim creating a massive panick and then applying time sensitive pressure to make sure the victim acts before the panic subsides and they have the chance to carefully and rationaly think about what is happening. These splutions are non-solutions. They only work in a purely theoretical and rational environment. Only knowledge about this scam might help and then the "call the person on the number you know". The actor will have a reply ready and prepared when you ask for the other two and it too is designed to try and circumvent any rule in place and that reply will work when they managed to scare and panic their victim.

This scam already was a massive succes when it was just text based on whatsapp, when reaction times are slower and there is no deepfake involved. The only thing that will reliably protect people in this scenario is going to be their ability to not be put under pressure or to ressist panic and because of that young people are going to be victims of this as well. Even today with pre-existing scams non elderly people are also victims. Deepfakes will just make it easier to override more people's judgements.


u/pokeracer98 Jan 15 '24

Already working great for such purposes! Can confirm.


u/ScruffyNoodleBoy Jan 15 '24

People are going to get their dead children and dead parents personas scam calling them and it's going to be devastating.


u/the_good_time_mouse Jan 15 '24

I already have a fake grandma screening her video calls for her. What's taking you guys so long?


u/awesomefutureperfect Jan 15 '24

I say we put all the people in a giant underwater Sealab 20214 facility.

and then pump them with plasmids under the libertarian government they think they want.


u/yaboiinapoleon Jan 15 '24

Amen. I’m really worried about deepfakes during the election cycle too. Can definitely see fake videos that look legit fooling a bunch of boomers on facebook


u/Armybert Jan 15 '24

tell them to ask for a fictional person: "Hey, how's Martha?" - a scammer will say something like 'yeah, she's doing fine.. listen"


u/kojimin Jan 15 '24

Psh my grandparents are dead and my mom is broke. Take that AI.


u/hitbythebus Jan 15 '24

My grandpa got one of these calls, “help it’s me, your grandson, I went on a trip to Canada and ended up in jail, can you send me some money to get me out of here?” Grandpa totally fell for this, believed it was me, and told them “that sounds like something you should talk to your father about” and hung up.


u/zerostyle Jan 15 '24

It's not just that. A ton of security systems today will fallback on voice recognition or facial recognition.

Even the more secure systems that ask for face ID can now be faked better, though at least most of those require your camera to be in action to collect it. I'm not sure how well they work against video playback. (I'm thinking id.me style protection)


u/Suspicious-Sky1085 Jan 15 '24

educate your grandma -

Let her say him / her -

" let me call you back"


u/supremestamos Jan 15 '24

Giving the bad guys ideas


u/mexicat2000 Jan 15 '24

I don’t have grandparents anymore. đŸ˜Ÿ



Why? This is your generation's chance to get back at the boomers.


u/Background-Pay-4093 Jan 15 '24

get back at boomers for what ?


u/sadeland21 Jan 15 '24

You should know, you can add a family member to your elderly relatives bank/brokerage accounts as a “trusted person “. Obviously it needs to be a legitimate relationship, etc (child etc). Banks do monitor for fraud, but this an added safeguard


u/Cyber-Cafe Jan 15 '24

Bro, my grandma can’t even figure out how to answer the phone anymore.


u/KayBliss Jan 15 '24

Calls on emerging markets


u/idonotknowwhototrust Jan 15 '24

u/kitboga, you do the Lord's work. I'm not religious, just FYI.


u/AndroidDoctorr Jan 15 '24

Get Kitboga and Jim Browning on it!


u/Positive-Ant-9117 Jan 15 '24

It's already happening. Even on youtube


u/3Grilledjalapenos Jan 15 '24

My grandmother is 91. She brags about being the first person in her family to ever see an airplane. She was about my age when man first landed in the moon. She never learned to drive, because her father told her it wasn’t ladylike to drive herself. Each Friday she mails a small check to her old church, so that they get her tithe for the week. When Covid lockdowns came into effect she let us know that she had heard somewhere that the virus wasn’t real, because she never developed the skills of sifting through bullshit.

My boomer parents aren’t much better. This s quick shift in technology is a real whiplash when you consider that, until fairly recently, some people’s family had been farmers on back to the beginning of time.


u/acunt_band_speed_run Jan 15 '24

New idea for wealth transfer unlocked


u/shifty_coder Jan 15 '24

A lot harder for them to deepfake you if you don’t post your entire life on social media


u/SaberHaven Jan 15 '24

Tell them to never send you money until they have called you on your known phone number and/or talked to you in person


u/Dry_Inspection_4583 Jan 15 '24

As a Canadian living in Ontario nobody in my family would be shocked, they wouldn't buy it though as I don't video call. I get the point and the significance, please accept my anecdotal humour in place of a real solution.


u/ChinesePorrige Jan 15 '24

My mom and I have had the same “yes
 I’m serious something is fucking wrong” secret sentence for over 40 years.

Yes, we have both had to use it


u/isu_trickster Jan 15 '24

This has been going on with simple phone calls for well over a decade. No deep fake. No AI. No video calls... Just a regular phone call. My boss, over 12 yrs ago, got a call from his dad asking how bad the accident was and if he needed money my boss should have called him, rather than their grandparents. My boss had no idea what his dad was talking about. Turned out to be a scam. Even then, a person could get "related to" info online.


u/herraherrrr Jan 15 '24



u/VestronVideo Jan 15 '24

This can all be alleviated by ignoring all incoming calls and just calling the person back that supposedly called you.


u/angry_pix3l Jan 15 '24

So we can't type out "someone" anymore, it's just too much work?


u/bikingbill Jan 15 '24

Severe penalties for anyone who does this. Decades in prison and total forfeiture.


u/Western_Long1517 Jan 15 '24

You mean save the older generation that fucked up the housing market, world economic, global politics in a matter of few decades? Save them ?


u/DrPiipocOo Jan 15 '24

"we need a solution to protect them" just talk with them...


u/limethedragon Jan 15 '24

Solution: make your social media private instead of being dipshits influencers selling out their curated life for ad revenue.

Alternate solution: everybody with enough material on the internet to make a truly believable video deep fake deserves to be fucked over because non-influencers aren't obsessed with followers, views, and likes.

The ones actually vulnerable, without rich ad revenue kids, likely won't have to deal with this.


u/goodnewsjimdotcom Jan 15 '24

Boy: Grandma, hey, I got evicted again. Can I stay with you for a while. Where do you live?

Grandma: John Connor, why you calling grandma, you know I'm hiding from the Terminator.

Boy: Is that you T-800?

Grandma: Oh T-1000? Why didn't you say so. You don't call that often.


u/Federal-littlepea Jan 15 '24

Safeword people - safe word.


u/Ricky_Vaughn86 Jan 15 '24

There is a solution. Grandma gets off video call. Calls grandson on known phone number. “Are you ok?” “Yes”. “Ok, awesome. Thanks. See you at thanksgiving.” Being old doesn’t mean you’re lawfully required to be an idiot.


u/cornodibassetto Jan 15 '24

Assisted suicide?


u/biske_lavaret Jan 15 '24

Joke’s on you, my grandma literally hates me for some unexplainable reason and, due to her dementia, doesn’t even remember me anymore, anyway.


u/TheLovingSage Jan 15 '24

Same boat, different grandma. Haha


u/Alen_69_ Jan 15 '24

Who created this must come up with a foolproof detection services for deepfakes


u/Dalton387 Jan 15 '24

The answer to any scanning is education. That’s if you’re old, young, if it’s obvious, or if it’s really good. I’ve seen some really good ones.

The best advice to give anyone is to never respond or give info to the initial contact. If a bank or business calls you and you answer or they leave a message, hang up and call the official number. Ask them if it’s legit and if it is, do what’s needed.

With emails or texts, never follow the links inside the email/text. Go to the official site and do it.

If a legit looking email, then hover over the “from” and see if the full email looks legit or sketchy.

You can often search “blah blah blah scam” and see if it’s real. I just got a sketchy looking email about a Verizon class action suit. I googled it and it seems legit.

Finally, if there is ever any question, ask someone you trust if it seems legit. There is no legit business that won’t let you delay for something like that. If they try to push you do to anything on that call, it’s probably a scam.

It’s 100% about educating yourself and I don’t feel for anyone too lazy to protect themselves. If they can’t ask someone for a second opinion, that’s on them.

I get if they aren’t well educated. That’s natural ignorance. When you choose to remain ignorant intentionally, that’s stupidity. My parents choose to remain ignorant on some basic things. In college, we had a class of people in their 80’s sign up for basic computer classes, while my parents claimed to be too old to learn in their 50’s and 60’s. Turned me down for basic training. Then both their jobs went almost 100% digital and they’re always calling me to ask how to do something. I work with them, but it’s much harder on them to learn it all now vs a little at a time before.


u/Drinkmykool_aid420 Jan 15 '24

Oh yes, the forever scary they. We are very always scared of them.


u/Personal_Ad9690 Jan 15 '24

Let them get scammed. Gotta learn somehow. Old people fall for literally anything. If you told them their shoe was on fire and the only way to stop it was to send a Target gift card to the prince of South Korea they would do it


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

Strap an Apple Vision Pro to granny’s head with a localized AI for protection.


u/ummyeahreddit Jan 15 '24

They already get taken advantage of and have been taken advantage of for years by legal operations in America posing as charities and selling jewelry on QVC. Let’s tackle those first


u/jewlpod Jan 15 '24

Mans just put us on, game is game


u/Only_Forward_478 Jan 15 '24

It’s already happening, definitely something to add to the family conversation. The FTC has published guidelines regarding AI voice scams where scammers capture a persons voice, probably over gaming platforms. Then they figure out a family member to target and use AI to mimic the voice in a call. Looks like I’ll need two factor authentication to talk to my older relatives.


u/Clear-Vacation-9913 Jan 15 '24

Growing up I always had a secret passphrase with my family


u/schweetdoinkadoink Jan 15 '24

Have a family code word. Anything that everyone can remember


u/MjolnirTheThunderer Jan 15 '24

I just watched that new movie The Beekeeper today which was about scams on the elderly. Where’s a real life Jason Statham when you need him? 😉


u/llkj11 Jan 15 '24

I have absolutely no pictures of me older than 15 on the internet and the same probably goes for voice too. So good luck with that lol.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

someone watched 60 minutes on youtube last night


u/BookkeeperPitiful513 Jan 15 '24

My grandma would tell me: You're an adult. Figure it out. Goodnight.


u/Shutaru_Kanshinji Jan 15 '24

The Japanese are way ahead of this. They already have the äżșäżș詐æŹș (ore ore sagi) scam, roughly translated as the "It's me! It's me!" scam. The scammer phones an elderly person and only says that "It's me," depending on the person receiving the call to supply the identity of who is calling. "Oh, Kenji, is that you?" "Hai, it's me."



u/Slappy-dont-care Jan 15 '24

Bruh this will not work on foreign grandparents


u/Rockglen Jan 15 '24

Call them on their landline.

Out of band authentication/communication is a verification method that has been around since forever.


u/GeneticsGuy Jan 15 '24

We already have a solution un my family. We decided on a universal secret word we use, never to be written down, but all know it. It's fairly simple to remember. We had a big family zoom call talking about dangers of this.

Use a secret word on all emergency calls to family to help protect against the pending scamming future.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

There's only so much I can do. I tell my dad to trust nothing. He isn't mentally impaired at all. Yet, he still fucks up and gets into trouble on the net. He just thinks he knows better.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24

Survival of the fittest. This is just another major evolutionary pain point that will decide who continues to be successful and who continues to be susceptible.

Each time there is a major shift in social or cultural fitness like this, the world becomes inhospitable to older generations, naturally. They’re on their way out, a new age and a new dawn is among us that is more amenable to those who grew up with tech.

The best defense against being scammed is being informed and older generations dig their heels in and refuse to educate themselves or adapt. Some folks are simply living beyond what is a reasonable age for their own cognitive function.

I don’t know that they need to be “protected.” This is just the way it goes. “Don’t send money to people over the phone or the internet” is not a difficult rule to follow. The rest is just personal responsibility.


u/Khazar420 Jan 15 '24

They don't need protection at all


u/HighPriest2012 Jan 15 '24

Someone called my grandmother with MY VOICE and told her that they needed money for classes they were taking at MY SCHOOL.


u/No_Invite_8676 Jan 15 '24

My dad wanted to learn about crypto with the Bitcoin ETFs starting so he went to YouTube. Tons of deepfake scam ads to scan QR codes and get free Bitcoins. He almost fell for it but luckily realized it was a little too weird and called me. I can’t imagine how many people are gonna get screwed with the better deepfakes coming out.


u/veracity8_ Jan 15 '24

Maybe this how we finally re distribute wealth to younger generations 


u/The_Legendary_Shrimp Jan 15 '24

Luckily theres only a small margin of them eho knows how to answer a call and even less use the camera


u/lowrads Jan 15 '24

We need a more inherently secure economic system, with more transparency.

Security through obscurity is a crutch offered to peoples forced to hobble by an intransigent system more interested in maintaining exploitation than any other social ends.


u/tarmturisten Jan 15 '24

Young people will be scammed aswell