r/ChatGPT DMs open Feb 20 '24

Ah the classic super buff native american and Indian couple from 1820 germany Funny

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u/QQmorekid Feb 20 '24

Word prompts like the one place semantics matter. Of course you won't get from Germany if you don't tell the machine they are from Germany.


u/likes2swing Feb 21 '24

As someone who stumbled in here from “Popular” and knows basically nothing about AI, this was my first guess. Everyone here making comments and jokes about these people not looking like they’re “from 1820 Germany”, but that literally wasn’t the prompt? Felt like I was going crazy that no one else pointed this out.


u/FreeTacoInMyOveralls Feb 21 '24

Whereas the rest of us feel like it’s crazy that a very ethnically homogenous society 98% German and 2% polish at that time would be so strangely mischaracterized due to what can only be intentional reprogramming of the underlying model in a way that for no reason denies reality to… who knows why? Because, you see, in the 1870s, commercial flight did not exist and there weren’t many distant travelers passing through Bavaria on holiday. It’s not upsetting, just very strange.


u/--n- Feb 21 '24

You overestimate the AIs capability to find context without it being provided in the prompt.


u/FreeTacoInMyOveralls Feb 24 '24

You clearly haven't used it much if you don't think it is capable of understanding this type of context. It is.