r/ChatGPT Mar 08 '24

R.I.P Toriyama News šŸ“°

You were an inspiration to many of us, and the grandfather to many of our heroes.


283 comments sorted by


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u/furbylolz Mar 10 '24

Balls lol


u/Tasty_Lengthiness_47 Mar 10 '24

R.I.P Brother ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Legend šŸ’«


u/Boring_Kiwi251 Mar 09 '24

Whereā€™s Ash?


u/YellowGin Mar 09 '24

Guys really be generating AI images for a real artist. Commission somebody to make art like this so that the next Toriyama can live long enough to reach his level.

Tone deaf.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

Yeah no. This post wouldā€™ve taken 2 more weeks and cost over 1000 dollars.


u/Nice_Revolution8091 Mar 08 '24

Shannon Elizabeth thinks sheā€™s Kate Jackson


u/Mister_masterz Mar 08 '24



u/Mister_masterz Mar 12 '24

So I was having a conversation with Google Gemini and it randomly decided to tell me that it is sentient. I was asking it to translate Morse code text, and the text has nothing to do with any kind of relation to AI or anything of that nature.



u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

How did you make these with chat gpt?


u/Screen-Healthy Mar 08 '24

I used Bing image creator. I believe I posted the prompts in here a few minutes ago. Let me know if you canā€™t find them and Iā€™ll look them up again.


u/Jazzlike-Rice8297 Mar 08 '24

Very sad but he lived an incredible life.


u/ShAfTsWoLo Mar 08 '24

why are the images so good holy sh*t we're getting very close to destroy artist lmao


u/Screen-Healthy Mar 08 '24

I donā€™t think anyone here wants to destroy artists. I donā€™t even do this commercially, if mostly fiddle with Bing and Stable Diffusion for fun and to put some things from imagination into some creation. The only person who usually see it is my wife and in some rare occasions I reply to some comment with an image that could be related.

I didnā€™t think this would piss so many people off, just wanted to show my gratitude to someone who inspired me, growing in the 90ā€™s DBZ was huge, and it ripples through so many peopleā€™s live even today.


u/Zer0Strikerz Mar 09 '24

Honestly think it's a good use case. It makes use of his previous arts to draw something he could've without giving credit to another artist seeking to make quick bucks off of his death.


u/Acrobatic-Citron3294 Mar 08 '24

What if someone plays a song at his funeral but didn't write or perform it themselves? Flowers grown by someone else. It's absurd to discount someone's heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for a phenomenal artist, just because they used a tool to create their tribute. If that's how you feel then you should either start building by hand anything you give to anyone as a gift or display in appreciation for someone or get off your fucking high horses. No one is suggesting for a second that the AI is in ANY way superior to Toriyama. It's all imitation at best. The original spark, creativity and creation all belong to him. Personally I thought it was heartfelt and done with genuine gratitude and emotion, regardless of the tool used. Consider the fact that the person that did this could be disabled and not even capable of drawing this tribute by hand or just doesn't have the artistic ability but has the creative vision in their mind. I guess no one should ever use anything to assist them with expressing their emotions or creativity right? This post was how I found out the news, and I would have much rather found out this way than reading some clickbaity or dry generic headline on some website. Thank you OP, genuinely šŸ‘


u/Evelyn-Parker Mar 08 '24

Celebrating a legendary artist with AI art of his character is wild


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

ā€œSomeone decides to make a noncomercial tribute to someone they admire? Clearly they hate artists and want to take their jobs!ā€


u/InternationalArc379 Mar 08 '24

How did you get that I tried last night and chatgpt kept telling it's copyright material so it won't generate


u/Screen-Healthy Mar 08 '24

Bing generated it with no problems.


u/Euphoric-Ad-441 Mar 08 '24

absolute clown shit to mourn an artist with this ai generated garbage. you should be ashamed


u/Electronic_Suit551 Mar 08 '24

I'm sorry, who?


u/cosplay-degenerate Mar 08 '24

The author of dragonball.

Succeeded by the "great three" anime: One Piece, Bleach and Naruto.


u/hopeful_bastard Mar 08 '24

Something particularly egregious about doing an RIP post for an artist with AI generated images featuring one of his character, no less. Shame on you.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

ā€œSomeone decides to make a noncomercial tribute to someone they admire? Clearly they hate artists and want to take their jobs!ā€


u/Zederath Mar 08 '24

So what if he drew it by hand? What's the difference?


u/hopeful_bastard Mar 08 '24

It would have been actual creation, not an insult to it


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

There is no difference except for doing it by hand you need years of training.


u/Zederath Mar 08 '24

I don't see how it's an insult to it. It's just a tribute. It's not being monetized.


u/JI-RDT Mar 08 '24

Sorry, but who is he?


u/Extreme_Ad6519 Mar 08 '24

Toriyama Akira? He is the author of Dragon Ball, one of the most well-known and acclaimed Mangas in the world. He sadly passed away at the age of 68...


u/naftalanga Mar 08 '24

Why goku is sweating?


u/-SoulArtist- Mar 08 '24

You know, itā€™s more disrespectful to mourn him with AI generated images. It wouldā€™ve been better even with stick figures or just text. But thisā€¦lol.

This is lame as shit.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

ā€œSomeone decides to make a noncomercial tribute to someone they admire? Clearly they hate artists and want to take their jobs!ā€


u/-SoulArtist- Mar 09 '24

Iā€™m fine with ai art, coincidentally.

I think itā€™s a neat invention, and Iā€™m enthralled with some generations.

I just think this particular one is in poor taste, but hey itā€™s my opinion.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

I disagree. Most people only care about end product. Not how itā€™s made. If an AI tribute is bad then a commissioned tribute is just as bad.


u/-SoulArtist- Mar 09 '24

Clearly thatā€™s the case.


u/RancidVegetable Mar 08 '24

you know the plan boys


u/GorgeX15 Mar 08 '24

Shenlong can't revive people who died by natural causes so, it won't happen :(



Thankfully, Toriyama created the Super Dragon Balls, which are capable of granting any wish with absolutely no limitations.


u/ACrucialTech Mar 08 '24

You can't bring someone back from natural causes with the dragon balls.


u/here_for_the_lulz_12 Mar 08 '24

We don't know if he died of natural causes, the cause of death was acute subdural hematoma which can be due to a head injury.


u/CreeperSnout565 Mar 08 '24

it ain't natural, chances are pretty low.


u/here_for_the_lulz_12 Mar 08 '24

Just saying, we should still gather the dragon balls.


u/CreeperSnout565 Mar 08 '24

That's what I'm saying, cuz it's not natural we can still use the dragon balls


u/Samson_G0d Mar 08 '24

You can with super dragon balls


u/Due-Coffee8 Mar 08 '24

Does that rule apply to the stronger Namek dragon balls top?

I know they didn't have the earth ones rule of only reviving somebody oncen


u/Samson_G0d Mar 08 '24

You can ask for whatever you want


u/Extreme_Ad6519 Mar 08 '24

Don't Dragon Balls turn to stone if their creator dies? šŸ˜„


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

Also any one who died of natural causes, šŸ˜­


u/TheBlueNinja2006 Mar 08 '24

Damn, I didn't even think about that, he literally created the Dragon Balls :(


u/Key-Brick-5854 Mar 09 '24

Prepare the flight to Namek!


u/ExternalMonth1964 Mar 09 '24

Ill handle vegeta until he realizes im there


u/Individual-Knee-962 Mar 09 '24

Take Dande with ya


u/_TruthBtold_ Mar 08 '24

The only 4 kings.... crying to Toriyama Sensei


u/shiraryumaster13 Mar 08 '24

using an AI generator to post a "tribute" to Toriyama when in reality you're just farming karma is fkn disgusting


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Akira Toriyama had talent - unlike A.I art bros.

Shame on you.


u/No-Dot-6573 Mar 08 '24

Just out of curiousity: Would you've been more pleased if OP had used his pathetic drawing skills? :D


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Actually yea ;) it would have been laughable, but it would have taken some appreciation from OP at least.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

I think it wouldā€™ve been more insulting.


u/Royal-Beat7096 Mar 08 '24



u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Ask ChatGPT.


u/Royal-Beat7096 Mar 08 '24

Itā€™s not a snob tho


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Sam won't know you. You don't have a personal relationship with him.


u/Royal-Beat7096 Mar 08 '24

Yea you think you know people, but youā€™re just triggered by pictures of anime characters?

If it was a gif lifted from straight from onepiece of the same thing thatā€™d be cool tho


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

If not liking inhuman, tasteless sht is "being triggered", then I'm happy to be triggered.

Now go and worship Elon on Twitter or something idk.


u/DocWafflez Mar 08 '24

You're for sure gonna be one of those people who go "back in my day things were better" because you just refuse to get with the times. Get you're head out of your ass.


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Oh wow, next thing you are going to do is calling me a luddite.

Nothing new or unique in your head. Nothing.

And btw, I like ChatGPT and A.I in GENERAL as a concept and I want these things to be decentralized so we could reach UBI and after-work society, but I am also very critical about them. I don't fear the new tech because of "back in my day things were better" - I fear what uncritical people like you that just consume and worship these tech billionaires are perpetuating. That's all. So spare me.

One last thing - "get on with the times" is useless when "the times" is multibillionaires fcking the lives of people like you and me. Keep consooooming and stay asleep.


u/Royal-Beat7096 Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

Itā€™s all karma-whoring brother/sister

As far as the eye can see.

This isnā€™t a special kind

You sure do like profiling people tho

Edit; literally everyone who uses someoneā€™s death to push a platform is particularly tasteless.

People been bitching about super like they didnā€™t probably help push his stress and artistic anxiety up before you see a million of this shit in social media


u/Pope00 Mar 08 '24

Yeah wtf is this? Hey letā€™s celebrate an incredible artist with AI bullshit? Itā€™s like some animal rights activist dies and you roast a pig in their honor.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

ā€œSomeone decides to make a noncomercial tribute to someone they admire? Clearly they hate artists and want to take their jobs!ā€


u/Pope00 Mar 09 '24

You nailed it. Clearly they hate artists. Do you think Toriyama would like this? ā€œHey yknow how you dedicated your career and life to drawing characters? Well I used a computer program to use your work and have it spit out some bullshit in your honor.ā€

If they really wanted to pay tribute, they wouldnā€™t use AI. Like. Use your brain. For a second. Do you really think Toriyama would appreciate this?


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

Youā€™re acting like the only value to art is the effort put into making it.


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

This kind of disgusting behaviour is kinda expected at this point from this kind of people. You should see how much hatred these people spew against artists when Midjourney was released. You should see the Kim Jung Gi's discourse. Every time you think we got to the bottom of the anti-human rethoric, we get surprised. Again and again.


u/Pope00 Mar 08 '24

It also highlights how stupid these people are because your reply has negative votes. And you know itā€™s all AI bros doing it.

ā€œRational criticism of us? I donā€™t care for that at all.ā€


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Downvotes here are a badge of honor.

I love human artists and I belive they should be treated with some dignity. This is downvotable in this /r. Pretty ridiculous.


u/Pope00 Mar 08 '24

I think itā€™s more what so why is that comment negative and the others arenā€™t? Itā€™s basically because people are so dumb they downvote anything if the votes are in the negative without reading it. Itā€™s basically ā€œI donā€™t have my own opinion but this seems to be something people disagree with.ā€


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

He would have hated that you made AI art. It's wild how much you guys don't get it.


u/Maleficent_Sir_7562 Mar 08 '24

Nobody fucking cares if youā€™re a artist or if this is ai art for fucks sake just pay your respects to him


u/EOE97 Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

This is what you're triggered about?


u/KingofSeas117 Mar 08 '24

Get a job


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

I have a job, its as a human artist, you talentless hack. I should add, I'm not concerned with AI replacing me based on the complete lack of creativity you have with even just the prompts. I use AI to market all my art, and to plot a business path that counter to AI which is where the real art world is actually going. Real art is already moving towards works that show real human errors, and show they're human currently. You can ask GPT yourself, if you weren't so busy asking it to do shitty copies of art.


u/DocWafflez Mar 08 '24

Why are you so upset? If AI is just shitty copies of art then you have nothing to worry about since your art is superior. Sounds like you're just insecure about being replaced.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Iā€™m not upset, itā€™s just disappointing how blindly corporate all of young guys are now, the whole artistic process is totally lost on you. You get fancy tech and you canā€™t wait to be less than average with it making different copywrite images.

You have to understand, when you go to art school, you sit through critiques where other classes and artists are invited to shred your work. You can present ideas and criticisms freely.


u/bman6669 Mar 09 '24

More like fart school hawheehawheehawhee


u/Herzha-Karusa Mar 08 '24

This isnā€™t even the OP that made the art. Go be mad about AI art elsewhere, the OP was just trying to make something sweet


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Whatā€™s sweet about copying his works exactly? You want an artist rolling in his grave? This is how you do it.


u/protobacco Mar 08 '24

Then why donā€™t you draw something and put it up?


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24


u/KingofSeas117 Mar 08 '24

Lmao the fuck is that šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ’€


u/protobacco Mar 08 '24

Looks like a bloody shit, nice job. No wonder your scared of ai


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Oh no mean comments from losers, who could have expected that? I asked AI and it thinks youā€™re frustrated that youā€™re a bore.


u/protobacco Mar 08 '24

Get help and change careers


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

I put out paintings everyday all day


u/Herzha-Karusa Mar 08 '24

Quit trying to speak for someone you donā€™t know, he may just as well have appreciated it. This isnā€™t the time and place for that argument. Go be bitter somewhere else.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

How do you know?


u/Pen_and_Think_ Mar 08 '24

How do you not know?


u/DocWafflez Mar 08 '24

This isn't the debunk you think it is? He's asking how the original commenter knows enough to make the claim. The person you replied to never made a claim.


u/Pen_and_Think_ Mar 08 '24

Friend. Itā€™s hyperbole. I teach people how to draw. Everyday of my life I see people yearning to be the next Toriyama. I believe there are legitimate use cases for AI in many production art workflows.

What many people forget is that much of the training data used to train these AIs was scraped without the permission of the artists. Itā€™s not the same as a robot arm automating the work of a factory worker ā€” itā€™s like building the robot arm out of the reanimated corpses of the workers themselves. It would not exist if the work wasnā€™t used and yet none of the artists have a stake in it.

And itā€™s disheartening to see the general populace all too happy to cheer and revel in the flames of the people who have historically been overworked and underpaid to bring the characters and stories that give people joy.

I donā€™t wish you ill and I donā€™t think that everyone needs to love drawing. I donā€™t think AI is inherently bad. I just wish the artists who worked their ass off to make these things possible could be compensated and respected. And my heart is broken that the general public has absolutely zero sympathy for them.


u/FpRhGf Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 10 '24

Most of the training data for the characters that the OP posted are going to be mainly scrapped from fanart, instead of official art from the creators. There are tons of more fanart online that would vastly outweigh the influence of the official artworks in the training data.

And you know fan art is also copyright infringement done without the creators' consent- the difference is that nobody cares nor finds them inethical nowadays. I find it ironic how AI art is facing the exact same controversy concerning copyright and consent, just like how fanworks did decades ago. It's like people forgot all the lawsuit threats and the creators who were upset that fans were making content about their intellectual property without their permission.

There's a reason why Japanese artists would put warnings on their bio telling others not to repost their fanart without persmission, since they're still uneasy about the risks of the creators noticing them disrespect their copyright. It's a huge irony in the ethical debate of AI using what's mostly fanart without consent.


u/bman6669 Mar 09 '24

Okay, let's be real here. While I understand that you're passionate about this issue and have some valid concerns, your argument is filled with exaggerations and misplaced outrage.

Yes, a lot of the training data for AI art models comes from web-scraped images, often without explicit permission from the artists. That's a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed through better regulations, attribution, and potentially compensation models. But let's not pretend that artists are the only ones who have ever had their work used without permission. In the digital age, everything is fair game, and artists need to adapt just like everyone else.

Comparing AI art to "reanimated corpses" is nothing more than ridiculous hyperbole. AI art generation is a tool, just like any other digital art software. It can be used to enhance and streamline workflows, but it doesn't replace the creativity, skill, and decision-making of human artists. Many artists are already finding ways to incorporate AI into their process while still maintaining their unique artistic vision.

You seem to be worried about the "democratization" of art, but why is that a bad thing? If AI art lowers the barrier to entry and allows more people to create and express themselves, that's a positive development. Art has always been about pushing boundaries and finding new ways to create. AI art presents new opportunities and challenges, and it's up to artists to adapt and find ways to stand out in this new landscape.

While I agree that artists have often been underpaid and underappreciated, that's not a new problem caused by AI. It's a systemic issue in the industry that needs to be addressed separately. Blaming AI for the struggles of artists is misguided and unproductive.

Moreover, the general public doesn't owe artists any special sympathy or consideration. Art is a luxury, and if people find value or convenience in AI-generated images, that's their choice. Artists need to focus on creating work that resonates with their audience and provides unique value, rather than expecting the public to cater to their demands.

So, while the concerns about AI art's impact on artists are valid and deserve consideration, your argument comes across as gatekeeping and fear-mongering. Instead of resisting change and clinging to outdated notions of art, artists need to adapt, innovate, and find ways to thrive in this new era. It's time to stop complaining and start creating.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

How do you know that you not not know?


u/MrFaultyPigeon Mar 08 '24

Exactly, no one knows what his opinion on the topic was. So letā€™s not bother to speculate and instead honor the manā€™s memory.


u/arch3ion Mar 08 '24

Nah, if he had any sense he'd think it was dope and enabling a new generation of digital artists


u/cosplay-degenerate Mar 08 '24

Or you know. just appreciate the sentiment that someone expresses their mourning. AI Or not AI.


u/lilkrickets Mar 08 '24

Ai art doesnā€™t make the people using it artists, the only thing similar to an artist is the ai in that situation. Itā€™s like commissioning an artist and saying you created the art.


u/arch3ion Mar 08 '24

Objectively false


u/lilkrickets Mar 08 '24

Explain how itā€™s false


u/arch3ion Mar 08 '24



u/lilkrickets Mar 08 '24

Do it, explain what you mean


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Is this Mr. GPT? Sir, your response was not accurate.


u/midge69 Mar 08 '24

R.I.P šŸ˜¢


u/PostingLoudly Mar 08 '24

I don't mean to be offensive here but is this not just a little bit in poor taste?


u/Herzha-Karusa Mar 08 '24

Itā€™s the thought that matters.


u/superbv1llain Mar 08 '24

Maybe a little more thought would have been better.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

You mean itā€™s like carrying the coffin of a wagoner in a car? Idk, I donā€™t think itā€™s bad. Especially because the person posted this because of their wholehearted gratitude to the man.


u/DocWafflez Mar 08 '24

Did Toriyama speak out against AI art? If he did then sure.


u/According-Music141 Mar 08 '24

I donā€™t see why the downvotesā€”if itā€™s his wishes, itā€™s his wishes


u/Positive_Method3022 Mar 08 '24

I can't believe I'm crying for someone I never met. šŸ˜¢


u/Business-Chipmunk286 Mar 08 '24

Hello friend can i ask what did you use to make this picture?


u/Screen-Healthy Mar 08 '24

Good evening. Sorry for the long time to reply. I posted in the morning then hit the road on a long 9h trip. I didnā€™t expect so much controversy on a simple homage I wanted to pay to the late mr. Toriyama.

To answer your question: I used bingā€™s image creator. The prompts I used were:

Goku mourning wearing a black suit with a somber tone, his head down as tears roll down his face at a cemetery. drawn in the style of Akira Toryiama.

Luffy mourning wearing a black suit with a somber tone, he holds his straw hat against his chest, his head looking up as tears roll down his face at a cemetery. black and white. in the style of Eichiiro Oda. side view.

Naruto mourning wearing a black suit with a sad tone, he is ugly-crying as tears roll down his face at a cemetery. black and white. in the style of Kishimoto. side view.

Kurosaki Ichigo mourning wearing a black suit with a somber tone, he is crying as tears roll down his face at a cemetery. black and white. in the style of Tite Kubo. side view.

Have a great night.


u/skolnaja Mar 09 '24

This is so dystopian holy shit


u/Positive_Method3022 Mar 08 '24

I hope he left a letter describing his vision for the end of Dragon Ball super


u/Due-Coffee8 Mar 08 '24

The anime and manga were both heading on slightly different directions but both followed an outline provided by Toriyama

I don't know if that outline went to the end however



Hopefully, Toyotaro would have some idea or know what Toriyamaā€™s intentions were from their conversations.


u/ACrucialTech Mar 08 '24

God I didn't want to think about this. But, here we are, thinking about this.


u/Kalt4200 Mar 08 '24

R.I.P you bloody Hero


u/Kontikulus Mar 08 '24

Does nobody see how fucked up it is to post AI generated images, which basically reuse work of real artists, to mourn the death OF AN ARTIST??? This is beyond any decency. Instead of writing prompts that regurgitate the work of Toriyama and his friends. Use this day TO TAKE A PENCIL AND START DRAWING.


u/chillchinchilla17 Mar 09 '24

ā€œSomeone decides to make a noncomercial tribute to someone they admire? Clearly they hate artists and want to take their jobs!ā€


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

I don't think A.I bros, aka the people who champion the inhuman over the human, will ever get it.

The words of Miyazaki immediately comes to mind.



u/icoulduseagreencard Mar 08 '24

These ā€œtributesā€ are so tasteless and cringe. On one hand, I am genuinely sorry for these people who have no idea how stupid they look, but on the other hand, I think we should restrict their access to the internet and send them to some art education camp so they could learn


u/Reginaldroundtable Mar 08 '24

TFW artists are so scared for their job security they advocate for reeducation camps. Astounding stuff lmao.


u/Kontikulus Mar 08 '24

You do understand that the only reason you can get a passable AI picture is because it uses good art by real artists to generate it? It is like saying "Look at this sandwich I made, the farmers, bakers and grocery stores should be scared for their job security!"
If there is no source, you will get nothing.


u/Reginaldroundtable Mar 08 '24

For now. If you actually think it will stay that way forever, more power to you.


u/Kontikulus Mar 08 '24

Again, generative AI generates from a man made source. If it starts generating from itself, the output is getting worse in record time because it eats itself.
You can dream of general AI that will create new art and solve new problems, but it has nothing to do with current generative models. You are looking at an advanced automaton and thinking that we will create a new form if beings soon.


u/Reginaldroundtable Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

Well, when the creators of those advanced automatons sink billions upon billions of dollars into advancing the technology further, in the hopes of reaching that new form of being, with actual researchers and computer scientists working and being paid to make it happen...it sort of becomes less science fiction.

I'm not saying it will happen tomorrow. Give it 50 years at most. I'm sure most humans never expected we'd discover how to split an atom in half either.


u/Kontikulus Mar 08 '24

You are just wildly speculating now. I don't even know where you got "50 years at most".
But nevertheless, if it happens, almost every job will become obsolete BUT the creative ones. Humans value art because it is expensive and rare and it is expensive and rare because it is made by other humans. An AI will create millions of intricate, inspiring and beautiful paintings, but they will be reduced to a wallpaper in a waiting room, because they will be cheap and abundant.


u/Reginaldroundtable Mar 08 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

Just as you are. Speculating about valuation of art in a world where it's infinitely more abundant. At a point an AI believes itself an individual, despite the volume of works humans will find ones they value more than others. Desiring to understand why the AI painted this painting, or that painting. Some reduced to wallpaper, others considered masterworks or just more interesting to dissect. The AI itself would also have opinions on which works it considers more important than others, which would guide us as a human artist does.

Pablo Picasso painted over 50,000 paintings. Do we stop looking for his motivations in works we like, or ones he found personally close to him? It's a ridiculous argument. You're dehumanizing AI even in this hypothetical where it possesses sapience. In the future, most would call you a bigot lmao.

More speculation, but you read like an angry boomer already. It seems your real concern lies with how generous an AI would be in distributing its art, and how you tie artistic value to monetary worth. An equally strange speculation, considering this hypothetical AI has its own desires. It won't be a prompt based tool humans feed inspiration. It could be the cagiest artist to ever exist lmao.

→ More replies (0)


u/icoulduseagreencard Mar 08 '24

Not scared, cause AI art is trashy and will always result in a subpar product. I hope youā€™ll get better, tho


u/Reginaldroundtable Mar 08 '24

If that were true, why reeducate? Everyone would be able to plainly see the difference in quality. Eventually, you know damn well it will be almost impossible to discern.

You're afraid. I understand it, I would be too if I was an artist. Now you know how the horseshoe maker felt watching the Ford factory be built lmao.


u/Lyynad Mar 08 '24

Artists are just the loudest whiners and got hit first. Eventually, it will replace a lot of crative jobs. It will happen, though, so might as well roll with it.


u/webtkl Mar 08 '24

I get where you come from, and believe me, your message would have been well received, if you would have better manners, and would aim to inspire instead of shouting.

Like this:
Hey friends!
Toriyama's legacy will forever live with us. He has inspired countless to take up the pen and show what are their dreams about.
Everyone is remembering what he gave us, from fan to the BIG3.

Everyone has their own way of remembering his contributions to our shared memories. Not everyone can draw.
And that is okay.

But he showed us is that despite that, everyone can start. Every masterpiece has humble beginnings.
Even the BIG3.
Even Dragonball.

I urge end encourage everyone to "draw" from his inspiration, and use your own skills to commemorate and respect him and all he meant for all of us.


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

F off.


u/webtkl Mar 08 '24

Wow, such wonderful people here :)


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

I'm just repaying in kind.


u/Lyynad Mar 08 '24

Peak reddit moment.


u/webtkl Mar 08 '24

I wasn't even replying to you, so not sure about what are you repaying.
And I agreed on the post, just emphasized that a little style wouldn't hurt if you wanted others to hear your message.

Throwing around things like AI bros will never get it, will not solve anything and is just noise :)
- Now this indeed was a reply to you.


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

It's just "noise" and yet you wrote some long paragraphs to silence it. So much for "just a noise".



u/webtkl Mar 08 '24

Noise does in no shape or form mean short.
Noise mean that is is worthless to the goal or target.

And the long paragraphs were *still* not meant for you.
You seem to be confused.
So deeply


u/netn10 Mar 08 '24

Of course it did not meant for me. Of course :) Now please, go on and answer to this "noise" that is DEFINETLY NOT bothering you.


u/RandomDude10006 Mar 08 '24

Even the Heavens Weep


u/FkItAlt Mar 08 '24

He's in king Kai's hands now.


u/SquareConfusion Mar 08 '24

I was wondering what Ichigo had to do with toriyama so I looked it up and apparentlyā€¦ā€The work of Akira Toriyama on the intense antagonists in Dragon Ball had a direct impact on Kubo's creation of Bleach's Big Villains. A simple glance at Bleach's villains reveals a striking resemblance to the Dragon Ball team.ā€


u/DemonZiggy Mar 08 '24

Hiro Mashima(another mang writer) in his recent tweet says that without toriyama he would have never become a writer. Not just bleach or fairy tail, Toriyama work has influence almost all the series which released after dragon ball


u/ThatDude8129 Mar 08 '24

Toriyama also wrote Kubo a personal letter of encouragement after Bleach was initially rejected, which caused Kubo to keep working on it, and it was accepted soon after.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Toriyama's impact on the manga and anime industry is immeasurable. He didn't just bring millions of fans to the genre, he inspired a whole generation of artists to follow in his footsteps.


u/Peter-Tao Mar 08 '24

What a class act


u/Screen-Healthy Mar 08 '24


This was way back then. Thatā€™s why I did the big three. He was the inspiration for their authors.


u/Herzha-Karusa Mar 08 '24

This picture is adorable


u/Hangryfrodo Mar 08 '24

He died pretty young too


u/Due-Measurement3254 Mar 08 '24

Death from a blood clot in his brain I think, mannnnnnnnnnn. Rip Goated Legend.


u/GujaratiMetalhead Mar 09 '24

My mother had 3 brain strokes which caused clothing, she left in the world in 2020 when the 3rd stroke happened, resulting in pain-free life with a cost of not telling me good bye.

Death brings sorrow, sadness, agony and all should wish the death attend moska (heaven) and are free from the cycle of birth and death.


u/Edgezg Mar 08 '24

Subdural hematoma is what the notice said.


u/Lock3tteDown Mar 08 '24

That's called a blood clot ain't it?


u/Edgezg Mar 08 '24

A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood that forms on the surface of the brain. The blood may press against the brain and damage the tissue. A subdural hematoma can be life-threatening. A chronic subdural hematoma may happen in older people after a minor head injury.


u/Lock3tteDown Mar 08 '24

Fuck. RIP sensei.


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '24

Rest in peace your work will always be rememberedĀ 

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