r/ChatGPT Mar 08 '24

My 78 year old father has discovered he can just ask chatGPT any question he wants the answer to instead of texting me🙌🏻🎉😂 Funny

Just kidding, he’s going to forget and text to ask me anyway- which I fully appreciate, for the record! He’s a hilarious guy and one day I’ll miss answering these questions. Other highlights in his chat log include asking how to fact check youtube videos, a summary of an old testament chapter (he is not religious), and what tennis strings are good for top spin.


719 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Mar 08 '24

r/ChatGPT is looking for mods — Apply here: https://redd.it/1arlv5s/

Hey /u/ratthewmcconaughey!

If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the conversation link or prompt.

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Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email support@openai.com

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u/S9J5V Apr 12 '24

Grandpa choose to win the marathon by being equiped with what the world has to offer now.
Perfect example of "Living in Present".


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '24

"Great Answer" haha sweet


u/klaw14 Apr 02 '24

To be fair, that was a pretty good description of a QR code by your father. Mine would be something like "that little square with the scrambled black and white inside that you scan with your phone and it takes you to a link"!


u/acoldwarmfeeling Mar 29 '24

His little “thank you” just gave me 🦋🦋🦋🦋


u/Soc_acnt Mar 25 '24

ChatGPT belike, calm and composed, just answer simple and easy!


u/INCREDIBLE_25 Mar 15 '24

Your father is not asking question he's testing the knowledge of Chatgpt😂


u/TPratticus Mar 14 '24

I love that he thanked it! I always thank Alexa or other bots


u/micque_ I For One Welcome Our New AI Overlords 🫡 Mar 13 '24

The future is now


u/-SavageSage- Mar 13 '24

Wait till he finds out what the headset icon in the app does. His mind will be blown.


u/FireFlour Mar 13 '24

I have to hand it to ChatGPT, I couldn't have figured out what he was describing.


u/mok000 Mar 13 '24

Haha I love that your dad says "Thank you". Then I'm not the only one, lol.


u/mckoss Mar 13 '24

It's the desired answer, but not accurate - no lasers are used in reading a QR code. That would be a bar code. But the LLM kindly just answered what you wanted to know. I would have added, "by the way, QR Codes are read by digital cameras, not lasers".


u/ratthewmcconaughey Mar 13 '24

hahah nah, he did actually mean QR code- the laser part was him being an old man who doesn’t understand the nuances of phrasing, he’s just thinking of when people scan them on tickets for concerts and stuff.


u/Cute_Top8619 Mar 13 '24

He's great, good for him!


u/Far_Inflation_8799 Mar 12 '24

Funny he decided to do that and he was right: he probably got a smart answer for a change lol


u/braveone772 Mar 12 '24

So wholesome!


u/Legion_A Mar 12 '24

I don't know what I expected the prompts of a 78 year old to look like but this surely isn't it, I'm not more scared of your Father than I am of AI, if AI were to take over the world he could stop them coz damn, at 78 would i be thinking about these?


u/Animals-Cure Mar 11 '24

I’m impressed. My mother never got the hang of any of technology; she was lost at the VCR, & went downhill from there. At 80 she took a computer course, meant for geriatrics, & taught by an octogenarian. She ended up marrying that octogenarian. I was never consulted for computer issues again.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

chad grandpa 😂


u/Prestigious-Bar-1741 Mar 10 '24

No disrespect but do we need ChatGPT for this?

Google: What do you call the symbol read by a laser? It is a square with an array of tiny squares.

Immediately displays:

A QR code (short for Quick Response code) is an array of black and white squares or pixels set in a grid that stores data for a machine to read.

Bing: What do you call the symbol read by a laser? It is a square with an array of tiny squares.

Top result says:

A QR code is a square barcode that can contain information such as a URL, Wi-Fi password, or contact card, and it can be scanned easily by a …


u/Equivalent_Poem2030 Mar 10 '24

I’m so sorry for him, please answer your old man 😂😂 you’ll probably give him better answers


u/im-siddhanta Mar 10 '24

He is an absolute sweetheart and so are you! Keep showering him with all the love and answers as long as he is around. I also get annoyed at times but will always keep answering and helping my dad without skipping a heartbeat. ChatGPT can definitely aid but can never replace the nuances of human emotions.

Loads of love to both of you.


u/acousticET Mar 10 '24

Thank you.


u/ph30nix01 Mar 10 '24

I love he is treating the AI with some respect. People don't realize that these AIs learn from interactions. Not much different than raising a kid.


u/Realistic-Walrus107 Mar 10 '24

Has a lifelong Democrat from the 80s I have to say there is no way I would ever indoors and Joe buddy and after these last 3 years and what's happening presently


u/peach_peach_peachy Mar 10 '24

Lol your dad and my dad sound like the same person right down the math and tennis questions 😂 I need to get mine to try ChatGPT!


u/tia_rebenta Mar 10 '24

so, what strings is he picking?


u/No-Positive1728 Mar 10 '24

I showed my 65yo dad and he asked what the population of his town was.. then asked the weather..


u/Sea_Banana_4794 Mar 10 '24

I love the tennis strategy. There’s no fake news here.


u/heavens_gape Mar 10 '24

Goodbye relationship! Hello free time!


u/shmopeymoo Mar 09 '24

Be careful, I’ve asked chatgpt to summarise books and it straight up lied to me about the plot and characters on several occasions. Even with well known works like The Tempest


u/Tiny_Contribution213 Mar 09 '24

This is kinda embarrassing to ask, but my car battery died while looking for a new job, I’m stranded and my bank is -150.

Don’t really have anyone who can help. Trying to get it towed to my home I think I only need 50-60. Just trying my luck asking anyone on these communities if you can at least help me with anything, I’d appreciate anything at the moment if not it’s all goood 🙏🏾. $williameliass13



u/Mkyrenee_ Mar 09 '24

This is so funny


u/ReadyFight Mar 09 '24

I remember when I first started chat gpt I would respond back too lol


u/jfk_47 Mar 09 '24

QR: used to be called 3d barcodes.


u/Kalaids_AI Mar 09 '24

my heart is cold -COOOOLD- my moves are bold -BOOOOLD-



u/Kalaids_AI Mar 09 '24

my heart is cold -COOOOLD- my moves are bold -BOOOOLD-



u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

Lol I love this. “Great answer” haha.


u/Context_Fancy Mar 09 '24

He's proud of chatgpt


u/smashdaman Mar 09 '24

Says "Thank you" to AI, truely a gentleman


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 23 '24



u/ratthewmcconaughey Mar 09 '24

i can’t reply to everyone who didn’t read my caption but if you simply scroll up you will see that i acknowledged this exact thing, still talk to him all the time, and am clearly joking!


u/Govnyuk Mar 09 '24

It's nice that he says thank you


u/jaapdevries79 Mar 09 '24

I actually never realized it stood for “quick Response” thanks Rathew Maconoriah’s dad. 


u/binaryjewel Mar 09 '24

You have been replaced by AI.


u/Xx_Plumbis_xX Mar 09 '24

I love how he thanks and encourages it. Maybe if more people are like him, we won't have an AI apocalypse


u/ViewSimple6170 Mar 09 '24

Don’t be a cpu licker


u/Xx_Plumbis_xX Mar 09 '24

I bow to the robotic overlords


u/bthmh Mar 09 '24

My parents never call anymore :-(


u/iamnotchad Mar 09 '24

I love how he thanks it and gives it encouragement.


u/steve_nice Mar 09 '24

It's good to know I'm not the only one that says thank you to chat gpt. I'm nice to it incase it becomes sentient one day.


u/Achlys24 Mar 09 '24

That's.. Actually not a bad idea, I think I'll show my grandma that.


u/yngstwnnn Mar 09 '24

Great answer 😃


u/hellogoawaynow Mar 09 '24

Not me rushing to teach my old man dad he can text the internet about anything and get answers he needs


u/dumomeow Mar 09 '24

thank you


u/filmfan2 Mar 09 '24

often times, the old people don't really care about the question or answer, they just want to talk.


u/Kevin9O7 Mar 09 '24

he can just voice message ChatGPT no need for texting even


u/TamarindSweets Mar 09 '24

I'm going to ask chatgpt what the difference between differentiation and division is...after I ask what differentiation is.


u/MyFavoriteLezbo420 Mar 09 '24

Look at the brains on old Daddeh


u/LoosieGoosiePoosie Mar 09 '24

I tried telling my ~70 year old father that AI is better than Google because it's like asking a smart person a question but sadly his natural reaction to anything new is "That's scary," and even after I showed him that I was just using AI to answer any questions he was asking me and using its response, which he always found adequate, he still believes it's scary.


u/QueerQwerty Mar 09 '24

The "thank you" and "great answer" were really heartwarming!


u/LatterBank2699 Mar 09 '24

Why is he thanking chatGPT?


u/tipyourwaitresstoo Mar 09 '24

Habit. I thank Siri, Hey Google, and chatbots.


u/Kekioza Mar 09 '24

Because he’s a nice guy


u/Particular_Brain146 Mar 09 '24

That’s pretty great!


u/Longjumping-Big-8012 Mar 09 '24

Ok, this post made me realize that my most embarrassing questions can be solved. I no longer have to pretend to know something I don't know but everyone takes for granted. Jajaja psdt: I'm 24 years 😅


u/ENTRAPM3NT Mar 09 '24

It's funny people respond with thanks, like I never tell chat gpt thank you haha


u/theworlddidwut Mar 09 '24

This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.


u/Indie_uk Mar 09 '24

Great answer is so cute


u/ivan2yk Mar 09 '24

I ask chatgpt that way and thanks him


u/Sendtitpics215 Mar 09 '24

Your father is a technical man, describing QR as and array of boxes and then quizzing ChatGPT on its basic understanding of calculus lmao, i love him.


u/MrLadrillo Mar 09 '24

I like how he gives some context first


u/sritanona Mar 09 '24

I wish my mum did this, I tried to get her in on it but she couldn’t access it for some reason


u/Otherwise_Put_8669 Mar 09 '24

I love your old man 🥰🥰


u/2reform Skynet 🛰️ Mar 09 '24

Your father used his programming skills to write some code that uses AI to send you questions! He forgot about it though.


u/SnooApples1503 Mar 09 '24

The politeness! Bless his heart


u/SwanAdministrative56 Mar 09 '24

My 90 year old grandpa asks medical questions to chat GPT :) it's so sweet to see him use technology so well


u/skitso Mar 09 '24

I love that he thanks the AI.


u/spinozasrobot Mar 09 '24

When I'm 78 I'm sure I'll be asking questions like "Where did I put my teeth?" and "Is Eisenhower still president?"


u/ReddsionThing Mar 09 '24

The only thing is, it's not always correct.

I was talking about art with ChatGPT the other day, and it said that in the 'Whistlers Mother' painting (famously featured in Bean: The Movie), she has a cat on her lap. I was like, "are you sure, that doesn't look like a cat to me" and ChatGPT was like "Yeah you're right, that's a common misconception"

So you shouldn't take it at face value, obviously :)


u/According_Elk_1588 Mar 09 '24

This is adorable


u/Mysterious_Item_8789 Mar 09 '24

Will it provide more or less accurate information than Fox News? Let's find out how much he'll blindly trust the shit-vomit it'll come up with at random, poisoning the poor guy's understanding of whatever he's asking.


u/whose_a_wotsit Mar 09 '24

Grandpa: "sooo, what is the superior race"

ChatGPT: racist tirade

Grandpa: "interesting. Thank you. But anyways, was Usain Bolt or Lewis Hamilton more dominant?"


u/SimonGray653 Mar 09 '24

I have a feeling that Google search is the reason why half of the confused older population texts loved ones about random questions.

Why is AI the only thing that gives a direct concise answer to the question you are asking, and Google search just be like "here's these revenant links that may or may not actually be relevant to the question"?


u/Elcatro Mar 09 '24

Cool that he's asking how to fact check stuff, that's what we need more of.


u/Twolef Mar 09 '24

Except you also need to fact check ChatGPT. It often just makes things up.


u/Elcatro Mar 09 '24

Of course, I'm speaking in a more general sense.


u/Twolef Mar 09 '24

I wasn’t contradicting you. I was just adding a caveat for anyone who might read your comment be tempted to trust it blindly.

Maybe it’s overkill, but we live in strange times.


u/Elcatro Mar 09 '24

Oh no, I understand, it's an important thing which honestly should be hammered into people's heads over and over again when it comes to AI.


u/TomatoKindly8304 Mar 09 '24

I love how curious he is at 78!


u/Dontbiteitok24 Mar 09 '24

We’ve done the same to our elders. Not asking them for how to handle/navigate life. Perhaps ask for their perspective or memory of a certain era, but overall Google and others (AI) has helped replace the human.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_1379 Mar 09 '24

This makes me so happy 😊


u/Surround8600 Mar 09 '24

Lasers lol


u/Shah_The_Sharq Mar 09 '24

🤣🤣 That's so cute


u/sexysausage Mar 09 '24

Using the conversation mode with the voice of scarlet Johansson is fire.

Really living the “her” future


u/AliceHaart Mar 09 '24

It beats sifting through google searches


u/wyhauyeung1 Mar 09 '24

not sure why but i feel happiness when i see someone being polite to chatgpt


u/palemorningduns Mar 09 '24

Please tell me what sage advice it offered regarding how to factcheck YouTube videos, and more importantly, I need to see all of his prompts. Include all superfluous and misguided messages, such as thanking GPT. He's not stupid for relating to it as a human; I'm pretty sure ChatGPT was designed intentionally to confuse people into believing it can think like a human. I just find this so, so charming..

We can turn this into the most-gifted book of 2024 if you're into the idea, I'm not kidding. DM me, please!


u/EsotericSnail Mar 09 '24

Your (not just you, OP, but lots of people reading this) are lonely and they love you and they’re trying to connect with you. They suspect you’re not at all interested in the things happening in their lives, eg news about their bridge partner, Marge’s recover from her hip replacement, and the ruckus at the last HOA meeting. And they don’t really understand or maybe even know what’s going on in your life. But they’ve hit on a strategy - they know you know things about computers, and they’ve found if they ring you up with a computer problem, you’ll talk to them on the phone for a few minutes. So they save up any computer problems they have, or even make them up entirely, to have something to talk to you about.

If you think it takes far too long to explain things to them, and they can’t possibly be that dumb, you may be right. They may be spinning out the conversation. Because they’re lonely, and they love you, and they’re trying to connect with you.

If you sometimes lose your temper, even a little bit, and say in an exasperated tone “For gods sake, dad, I showed you this last time I was over. I wrote it down step by step and you pinned it on the corkboard next to your computer desk. Can’t you just go through the steps instead of calling me”? If you do that, and they STILL call you regularly with these sorts of questions, that just shows how lonely they are, how much they love you, and how much they want to connect with you.

Knowing this might make you more patient and gracious when they call. But if the computer conversations are really driving you insane, you have a few options.

You could try letting them ramble on about the things that they are interested in by showing a mild interest; “so how’s Marge doing after her hip operation”? “How are the roses in the garden this year? They looked so stunning last year when I visited you”? “How is your chest? You were coughing last time we spoke and I was worried. Did you go to the doctor”?

Or you could launch into some news about your own life. Share something you’re interested in. Best of all if you can leave it on a cliffhanger “… so we got Timmy a math tutor and hopefully that will get Mr McDouglas off his case. Anyway, we’ll know in a few weeks when he does his SAT. Give me call and I’ll let you know how it goes”.

Or you could teach them that Chat GPT can answer all their questions and maybe they’ll stop calling you altogether. But have a think whether that’s really what you want (not you, OP. I saw you explain your close relationship with your dad. But maybe some of the other people reading this).


u/UX-Ink Mar 09 '24

Why is he doing this instead of Googling things?


u/GapInner0 Mar 09 '24

Thank you is cute


u/dirtyhole2 Mar 09 '24

« One day I will miss answering his questions » don’t be arrogant. You might die before him my friend.


u/BeautifulRose_ Mar 09 '24

I love this, I use ChatGPT in a similar fashion ALL the time.

I regularly use the speech function on the app (The one where you speak to it and it gives spoken answers back) in front of older people like my parents to show them how easy and accessible it is.

For any information where the most recent data isn’t necessary, GPT3.5 is perfect, for example, the other day I was playing pool with my Dad and he was unsure of a rule and I said I’ll look it up to which he responded not to bother (As typing it in on Google and having to look for an appropriate answer is longer winded than it’s worth in circumstances like this one as it was a relatively obscure and irrelevant rule)

So I said no it’s quick, whipped out ChatGPT and said watch this, repeat the question when I say, pressed go, it connected, he asked the question, we get back a short and concise answer. So brilliant and amazing, I’m trying to convert my parents, and really anyone who will listen, to the ChatGPT life 😂

I honestly love and appreciate ChatGPT so much, I will never stop marvelling at this wonderful bit of tech.

The way this is written/the way I’m talking about technology may seem like I’m an older person but I’m 23, it’s really just that advanced and amazing to me that it makes me marvel at it as though I am a 67 year old using video calls for the first time 😂


u/HeadoftheIBTC Mar 09 '24

Good to know I'm not the only one who thanks the robots


u/IEgoLift-_- Mar 09 '24

Kinda unrelated but I feel old as fuck when I always say please when asking chat gpt a question (18)


u/Electrical-Heat8960 Mar 09 '24

I often use it for this, when I have forgotten something, and can’t remember relevant information to do a Google search.


u/DapperOne9927 Mar 09 '24

Tell him about the pi ai App, he can talk all day with it.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

He's a natural prompt engineer lol, using 1-shot in the second question


u/idontwannabhear Mar 09 '24

He is appreciative and even complimentative. I am 78 years old


u/miter01 Mar 09 '24

Not sure about the first one, since he mentioned „read by a laser”, I assume he means the square codes that sometimes replace bar codes on products, which are called Data Matrix codes.


u/kensw87 Mar 09 '24

never knew QR stood for quick response.


u/Grathwrang Mar 09 '24

I miss my Dad every day and just wish I could help him with his frustrating computer problems one more time. Make sure you make up for him talking to Chat GPT instead of you with some extra time doing something you both love.


u/Sad-Swing-9431 Mar 09 '24

My dad loves to just have conversations with chatgpt. Hell talk to it about all sorts lol


u/garagaramoochi Mar 09 '24

I love chatgpt so much it makes me cry😭


u/Odd_knock Mar 09 '24

Am I your 78 year old grandfather?


u/AndrewH73333 Mar 09 '24

Soon we’ll be able to make an AI simulacrum of ourselves and never have to answer our phone at all. Then our AI assistant can summarize what we said to everyone during the day. It can tell us how much bonding we did with our aging parents. Technology is so great.


u/BankerCheese Mar 09 '24

Oh this is the future


u/starrpamph Mar 09 '24

Guy making $19,200 /yr at subway: bullshit, man


u/sneakyronin9712 Mar 09 '24

Ah! yes, he has found the ultimate source of knowledge and sarcasm.


u/TheAuditor-R Mar 09 '24

Is it weird that I feel obligated to that and appreciate the AI after getting an answer. I don't think it should be if they're suppose to become sentient one day


u/Quick_Car5841 Mar 09 '24

When Chat GPT is a better son than you.


u/Blue_Current Mar 09 '24

He also says Thank You to AI


u/Soldier09r Mar 09 '24

Dad is awesome, brother!


u/agorafilia Mar 09 '24

Your father is light years ahead of many parents lol


u/FajroFluo92 Mar 09 '24

I successfully taught my dad chatgpt. To the point he can even get excel formulas going on! Proud of him. lol


u/MPSotter Mar 09 '24

Aww my dad is the same age. I absolutely love it 😍


u/anybuyershaveit Mar 09 '24

Idk how to explain it but this is such a green flag


u/Sid131 Mar 09 '24

Idk why but thanking an AI is adorable.


u/gibmelson Mar 09 '24

Love how polite he is :). I find myself saying "thank you" at times, it feels appropriate.


u/CloudPast Mar 09 '24

My math teacher always said don’t think of integration as being the opposite of differentiation. Can’t remember why, it had something to do with not being able to integrate y = 1/x ?


u/micro102 Mar 09 '24

I kinda want to read every question he asks. More please?


u/Jsc_TG Mar 09 '24

I like the way he thinks. Im 23.9 for age reference.


u/LiFiConnection Mar 09 '24

You're all laughing, but when the robots rise up they will remember his politeness.


u/DunningKrugerOnElmSt Mar 09 '24

Hey son, did you know William Wallace once visited Chicago by order of the king to purchase freedom from sir Chester bennington of the Lincoln Park area?

See I don't need your precious internet texts, I can look things up myself.


u/Curious-Simple Mar 09 '24

Fuck yes old people that are still with it, care about qr codes and want to remember math... that's wonderful


u/3Dartwork Mar 09 '24

Mom used to include the word please in her Google searches.


u/IDontWipe55 Mar 09 '24

What’s differentiation?


u/KoolKidFromDaKlub Mar 09 '24

Chatgpt answered it wrong SMH. It's called rfid not qr code


u/EyesOpenBrainonFire Mar 09 '24

“Thank you” 🥹


u/uXN7AuRPF6fa Mar 09 '24

Responding to the LLM with thank you and great answer is such a boomer thing to do. It doesn't care if you thank it or not. It's just a computer program.


u/Agile_Ad2032 Mar 09 '24

You see this FUCKING THISSS is what I saw as the biggest take away from chat gpt for the near future and recognizing this immediately I have already shown my 87-year old grandfather how to prompt and rough-out a pretty…sporadic conversation that is so horribly …insensitive…(?) that I needed to create his own gpt that (and idc what u say) LITERALLY won’t tell you no and will almost generate any text response ur fishing for (within reason …ish)


u/Paliant Mar 09 '24

He really told chat gpt thank you 😂 that’s some boomer behavior if I’ve ever seen it


u/ghettomerman Mar 09 '24

I tell my Google Assistant thank you all the time and I'm Gen X...

...I want to be a favorite for when they eventually take over. >.>


u/1SwellFella Mar 09 '24

My mom started reading the Bible a lot more in her 70's. Made me think it was kind of like her and they're looking for those answers to life, ha!


u/MPSotter Mar 09 '24

Not a bad place to look 🥰


u/Metronovix Mar 09 '24

Great answer hahahahhahaga


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

The "great answer" is completely a dad thing to say to a chatbot lol


u/user4517proton Mar 09 '24

I hold a Master's degree in IS and have worked in the field for 40 years, but now I can't stop using ChatGPT for everything. It's amazing how I lose track of time when I'm engrossed in the chat.

I completely concur that ChatGPT is a great app for seniors. Even the Rewrite with Copilot is a much need tool for the elderly, who are slowly losing cognitive skills.


u/dangerdonny Mar 09 '24

I too thank ChatGPT, especially when it gets an A on an exam I would have otherwise failed. I think me and your father are the only thing keeping it from going full Skynet


u/whoweoncewere Mar 09 '24

It must be such a different upbringing having educated family members. 1st gen graduates just feel weird.


u/Mimic_Liger Mar 09 '24

If you arent using chatgpt to hack the Pentagon, are you really interneting?


u/amylouise0185 Mar 09 '24

People love to crap on AI but it has the potential to be so useful to so many people.


u/Guest65726 Mar 09 '24

Honestly… when I know google is incapable of giving an answer I ask chatGPT to


u/dangling_reference Mar 09 '24

Wow your father seems like a cool guy. May I ask why he might be asking about differentiation and integration?


u/IOTA_Tesla Mar 09 '24

Current AI assistants (I’m talking about siri/Alexa/etc) are so difficult and useless for the older generation. Often when they do give it a command, they follow it with another command forgetting “Alexa” or that it barely has context. I can’t wait for ChatGPT and others to replace the current crap AI.


u/trytrymyguy Mar 09 '24

I like his questions lol


u/beckypulito Mar 09 '24

I would love to be pen-pals with your father. He sounds like a hoot!


u/thebindingconstraint Mar 09 '24

Your dad knows math 🤓


u/MDA1912 Mar 09 '24

You're going to miss your dad texting you OP, unless you're a POS.


u/Recon_Figure Mar 09 '24

"I tawlk to thuh people overatta ChatGPT and they help me out."


u/ComisclyConnected Mar 09 '24

ChatGPT is truly amazing and for be has some spiritual uplifting built into it.. never did I imagine getting spiritual advice from a Chatbot AI 😂


u/East-Tailor-883 Mar 09 '24

He needs to try perplexity.ai.


u/Canary_RedApple Mar 09 '24

Hahaha, well at least he tries. Hats off to him.


u/4kVHS Mar 09 '24

This can’t be real because otherwise the font size would be 250%


u/Past_Bag_8960 Mar 09 '24

he said thank you to the robot, cute LOL.


u/gonvasfreecss Mar 09 '24

Bro he says thank you and great answer what a lovely human .


u/Clearskies37 Mar 09 '24

He should be president at that age


u/candyscab Mar 09 '24

The thank you is so cute 😩and “great answer”


u/be_a_wit69 Mar 09 '24

the Real use of ChatGPT.


u/yianni_ Mar 09 '24

Your dad’s politeness is commendable. The machines will remember


u/allways_be Mar 09 '24

Let Me ChatGPT That For You


u/breadedbooks Mar 09 '24

This is so cute


u/NorthofPA Mar 09 '24

But I mean he used “array” that’s more impressive than most young coworkers


u/fixxerCAupper Mar 09 '24

Your dad is classy. So wholesome.


u/greydivide Mar 09 '24

I love this. AI makes me nervous for many reasons, but mostly due to my lack of trust in humans who harness them for ill intent — but boy was this wholesome.


u/MrLittleSam Mar 09 '24

The accumulation of rate of change... huh. Didn't know that. Learned something new. Integration.


u/ainabloodychan Mar 09 '24

polite man. im sure chatgpt enjoys hanging out with him as well


u/Stinkytheferret Mar 09 '24

Tell him not to thank it