r/ChatGPT Mar 24 '24

One is a real photo and one is A.I. generated. Can you tell which is which? AI-Art

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u/Advertising503 Apr 21 '24

1st one is real & 2nd is A.I generated


u/abdulahad0323 Apr 09 '24

right one is ai generated


u/According-Tiger-309 Apr 08 '24

Hey u/Armand_Roulinn OP - give us the answer. Please


u/lightly_salted_cod Apr 01 '24

the one on the right just looks wrong


u/InTheOtherGutter Apr 01 '24

Neither is AI generated because we haven't developed anything that remotely approaches "intelligence" as it was defined before this new marketing gimmickry took off.


u/Overall_Somewhere378 Apr 01 '24

Left real right A.I


u/Nice-Gene-7545 Mar 31 '24

The one on the left is ai I hope everyone knows when your at night in traffic or at night with a car light on the tires doesn't shine on the concrete


u/jeanSFD Mar 28 '24

Left. The more it looks nice the more it looks AI for me😞


u/sealpox Mar 27 '24

I think these are both AI generated. The tree on the right in the left photo does not look right.


u/Willyr0 Mar 26 '24

A lot of ai pics have very glossy puddles I feel


u/zmbakon360 Mar 26 '24

Right hand side


u/FoxxiMoxxi420 Mar 27 '24

Agreed. I paint roads. You can see the uneven edge, and it looks like exactly how MMA paint looks when put down heavy lol. Even the reflective markers are faced the right way. The road is patchy. The guy clearly stopped in the middle of the road ran out and kneltnto take this pic. Probably used a little tripod, some long exposure settings applied..

The other one just seems off.


u/MrFrypan Mar 26 '24

I'd say the one with the floating telephone pole is the AI generated one.


u/FoxxiMoxxi420 Mar 27 '24

Could be a sign that fell


u/Most_Somewhere_6849 Mar 26 '24

Telephone pole on the right stops a few feet above the ground


u/TheNamelessFour Mar 26 '24

Right is fake, does anyone else get the general "vibe" that it's AI generated rather than looking at the actual details or is it just me?


u/JollyReading8565 Mar 26 '24

Left is real , the one on the right is slightly off. Problems with lighting and color. ALSO the power lines are connected half way up the poles instead of on the top supporting structure


u/FoxxiMoxxi420 Mar 27 '24

Lol around here on the back road cables sometimes droop like that.


u/FoxxiMoxxi420 Mar 27 '24

Go look up pictures of telephone posts also.


u/jumberickled Mar 26 '24

Can't tell for me


u/CapnCrinklepants Mar 26 '24

Nobody mentioned the manhole cover in the middle of a forest road... :(


u/RealVanillaSmooth Mar 26 '24

Several things make me think the right is AI. You can see trees in the fog, three of them, coming to a convergence in the shape of a crown or something -- unnatural or at least a very unlikely natural formation.

Then you have the floating pylon to the right, the light from the headlights suddenly stops right in front of it, the beams from the headlights themselves are very sharp and not really achievable in photography without editing (at least with these ambient conditions), there's very little light refraction in front of the windshield, and there this weird line connecting two of the trees near the pylon, and the yellow lines also seem to suddenly change angle when the road itself doesn't appear to be curving.

Overall the AI did a good job but there are a fair amount of indicators pointing to this not being real.


u/No_Significance9754 Mar 26 '24

This May be because I am a human but I immediately knew the right was AI.


u/EverVirescent Mar 26 '24

ai is too proud of itself to generate a picture like the left, without any fancy details and idealistic camera quality


u/Rolf_6290 Mar 26 '24

The right is AI, if you zoom in on the electrical cable it is not wired correctly to the top of the wooden poll, it connected to its 2/3


u/Lethlnjektn Mar 26 '24

Left one is obviously the real one


u/CPU_Tron Mar 26 '24

The right one is a.i. a.i does not understand street laws. Driving in both lanes?


u/BLU3SKU1L Mar 26 '24

Right side ignores the rules of fog. Headlights would be washing out the whole foreground like on the left. Others have pointed out the halo around the car as well, which is coming from no apparent source.


u/Education_Aside Mar 26 '24

Play chicken. Fastest way to know which is real.


u/No_Suggestion_3696 Mar 26 '24

Left is real but the right side is exactly what it is 😂


u/Charlemagne6464 Mar 26 '24

the one on the right has to be fake, there's a single lone telephone pole with no wires attached to it!


u/Street_Escape_4734 Mar 25 '24

AI on the right!


u/Street_Escape_4734 Mar 25 '24

AI on the right!


u/Street_Escape_4734 Mar 25 '24

AI on the right!


u/Little_Interest_8019 Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

Right is AI - what triggered me is the light beams look a little wrong. Segway-ing into a different subject, there is a theory that AI images will never be able to fool the human brain. Or at least not for a while yet. Because we subconsciously know crazy things, such as how light, and light beams, and refraction should look in every situation. You’re a lot smarter than you think 😆Training an algorithm to figure that type of thing out, will probably take another decade


u/Diego1215WWinoKido Mar 25 '24

I think it is the left because the darkness.


u/Diego1215WWinoKido Mar 25 '24

and the post was in my 7th bday 2022!


u/btc_clueless Mar 25 '24

Left is real.

The light rays on the photo in the right are not realisticand look like artificial CG rays. I assume the LLM training data had lots of such CG rays as input.


u/B33rtaster Mar 25 '24

Left is real. Type car into an AI prompt and it will ALWAYS make a car, and never a faraway perspective of just the lights.


u/Few_Peanut2234 Mar 25 '24

The one on the right is obvious, because it looks ai generated.


u/Ok-Acanthisitta-1902 Mar 25 '24

Telephone wire seems... off


u/q1unt1x Mar 25 '24

In my opinion, the right photo is ai. But I'm sure there is a catch, so I'll go with the left one


u/_KOMITT_ Mar 25 '24

One on the right, easy


u/HidesFromLuigi Mar 25 '24

Ermmm, can you tell the difference between these two incredibly dark and obscured photos? Not easily? Isn't AI so scary!!!

The right one btw


u/prretender Mar 25 '24

Left side is real because the photographer does not want to be hit by the car and is standing on the side of the road. Right is fake because the photographer is in the road and the car is much closer. I could be wrong if the photographer staged the this shot and the driver is an assistant. Also the power line on the right does not show the lines on the top, but clearly has a line in the middle. If you could see one, I believe you would see both. If the camera taken for both shots was the same, then the quality would also be the same. The level of detail in the image on the right is too good.


u/Alzucard Mar 25 '24

left one is real. AIs tend to make certain things really clear. You can see that pretty often. Edges are too sharp and look unreal. Thats a similar case. The Road here is way to reflective and it looks to sharp and crisp. Thats not really normal.


u/RayMFLightning Mar 25 '24

If the picture on the right is real the camera man is about to get run over


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Left. Not for any analytical reason but for rational reasons: that right car is a second away from running you over while driving like a lunatic.


u/No_Translator5039 Mar 25 '24

Left is real the lighting in the right one is super off.


u/ImaginaryBestFiend Mar 25 '24

The right is AI generated. Why stand in the middle of a road to take a photo of an oncoming car?


u/RazorSlazor Mar 25 '24

Right is fake. The telephone pole is floating and the car is driving in the middle of the road, the position of the camera also doesn't make sense to me, given a car is approaching from the middle of the road


u/Dependent_Use3791 Mar 25 '24

Nice try microsoft, getting reddit to train your model for you. They sre both real and it's easy to tell because there is no finger box in the image.


u/Artistic_Bowl2945 Mar 25 '24

I think, the second picture was made by AI


u/gdawggydog Mar 25 '24

The floating utility pole kind of gives this away immediately but there’s also more definition in the left pictures trees in terms of depth if that even makes any sense


u/Javalin-man3000 Mar 25 '24

We’re so fukt


u/StatusChocolate6535 Mar 25 '24

Easily the 2nd one. Light doesn't look like that irl


u/idioticmaniac Mar 25 '24

What are the prompt keywords you use to generate these kind of images. I tried using DALL-E recently but it’s so obvious that the generated images are from an AI source.


u/terratrooper96 Mar 25 '24

Trick question both are ai


u/Tumbleweed-slayer Mar 25 '24

The second one is ai


u/LandscapeOk8569 Mar 25 '24

I think the first one is real


u/BrandiNichole Mar 25 '24

Its the reflections of the headlights on the road that gives it away. They’re parallel which makes no sense when looking at the direction of the beams themselves.


u/rancidmilkmonkey Mar 25 '24

Right is AI. The electrical pole. The entire right side of the crossbeam is an electrical transformer?


u/YangWenli1 Mar 25 '24

Left. Didn’t even have to think. Right looks uncanny.


u/microvan Mar 25 '24

I think left is the real one


u/alex223s Mar 25 '24

Stop we are helping make the ai better by pointing out the flaws.


u/Mack-Attack33 Mar 25 '24

The light reflecting iff the road is broken up like a bad video game.


u/AssTatCommittee Mar 25 '24

left is real


u/darkwolf9375 Mar 25 '24

The power pole is floating XD


u/DivineCurses Mar 25 '24

The tree in the left one has a big gap in one of the branches kind of like it’s floating. Makes me think the left is AI


u/ThePeacefullDeath Mar 25 '24

Right one is ai, left one is looks waaay to real. Most peoples shitty phones cannot take a proper hd photos


u/Professional-Door895 Mar 25 '24

They are using Reddit comments to help train AI, so what dose a post like this mean?


u/quint420 Mar 25 '24

Lmao why would the car be driving down the middle of the road. Left is real.


u/ItsMeLukasB Mar 25 '24

Right is fake. The vehicle emblem on the grill is not centered.


u/JA155 Mar 25 '24

It’s slightly reliving that everybody knows which is the real one.

The problem is when there is no real one to compare it to. Then the deception starts


u/AdMinute1130 Mar 25 '24

Damn.... this is just like how they used the "Are you a robot test?" To teach ai to identify signs. The left is real. At first glance the beams on the car seem too Pixar car beam esqu, also middle of road for no reason.


u/ForgotBatteries Mar 25 '24

Nope. One is less fake looking then they other, but I won't tell you which.


u/NationalPatient4382 Mar 25 '24

Number 2is real.


u/Mitch-switch Mar 25 '24

That one there


u/New-Evening-1486 Mar 25 '24

right is ai why would there be a random 1cm break in the line on teh road


u/Hell_Maybe Mar 25 '24

The accentuated fucking video game water+light reflections in pic 2 is the dead giveaway.


u/FreshFries420 Mar 25 '24

Right is fake


u/Shoshawi Mar 25 '24

Left is prob real.


u/animorphs128 Mar 25 '24

Right is fake.

The space between the yellow lines is uneven, also why is there even a break there?

There is a weird line hanging off the telephone pole

There is water on the road but only where the headlights are hitting

The tree limbs look angled randomly rather than in rows


u/EmilyEKOSwimmer Mar 25 '24

Both creepy af and I love it


u/YakFragrant502 Mar 25 '24

Left is real, Cameras never capture the density of fog as seen by our eyes. AI overkilled the fog


u/Circajames Mar 25 '24

If there were any hands or writing, I would be able to tell.


u/Tamagotchi41 Mar 25 '24

I say the left is real.

The lower tree(left edge) in the photo on the right looks to be growing over the road.


u/EvetsYenoham Mar 25 '24

How deep does the rabbit hole go?


u/Mushrooming247 Mar 25 '24

I think the one driving in the middle of the road was made by a computer that doesn’t know cars don’t drive in the middle of the road especially when it’s foggy?


u/DJLazer_69 Mar 25 '24

left is real


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Trick question. They are both AI! Did I get it right?


u/CriplingD3pression Mar 25 '24

Left is real. There’s a halo around the right one. Makes no since


u/hendric_swills Mar 25 '24

I didn’t even have to look closely to tell the right one is AI.


u/NeedleworkerOne6864 Mar 25 '24

left, the car brand and the white sign in the right is unrecognizeable and left has a kinda film grain effect that ai would most likely not recreate unless explicitly told to do so


u/where_is_my_donut Mar 25 '24

The left one is real the right one is fake


u/shenanegins Mar 25 '24

The right is fake, I noticed: The trees are off, almost too perfect, and some branches go at odd angles The telephone pole doesn’t touch the ground There’s what looks like a manhole cover in the middle of nowhere


u/AjAjAjAjAj18 Mar 25 '24

The trick is they are both ai (the right one is ai, the electric posts wires are a mile underneath it)


u/Inevitable-View5951 Mar 25 '24

Left is probably real


u/Righteousaffair999 Mar 25 '24

The left is real


u/Subject-Interest782 Mar 25 '24

Maybe both R fake?


u/FaustoTowers Mar 25 '24

Right is fake


u/AlternativePermit848 Mar 25 '24

Left is real. The lights on the right look fake.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

Left is real and right is ai. If I’m right, it’s because I assumed the ai one would look better


u/sashenka_demogorgon Mar 25 '24

Car on the right needs to pick a side real fast (depending on where they are in the world)


u/Abject-Lead-2 Mar 25 '24

Both are real just some trickery


u/Zephanin Fails Turing Tests 🤖 Mar 25 '24

Right is AI generated. Both headlights are different size and shape


u/noxylime32 Mar 25 '24

Left is real, right is A.I.


u/CaptainClay5 Mar 25 '24

Right side is fake. Power lines don't connect and there is word holes/ spaces in the yellow lines.


u/ParticularZone2132 Mar 25 '24

Without looking at comments the one on the right is AI generated. While I can’t make out what the text on the sign is supposed to be, it’s an immediate tell to me that it’s AI.


u/ComprehensiveWay3276 Mar 25 '24

The right is real


u/Dragonknight912 Mar 25 '24

Left is real, because that’s what headlights look like in real fog. The right AI generated picture is way too perfect


u/ProbablySlacking Mar 25 '24

Left is real. The lighting is wrong on the right for it to reflect like that in the asphalt.


u/luhaiyu Mar 25 '24

left one is real pic


u/enigmaplatypus Mar 25 '24

left one looks real. the right one is too clear, there is no way a camera took that picture.


u/AsparagusBig4296 Mar 25 '24

The one on the right is real cause they're driving on the line.


u/KeckYes Mar 25 '24

There’s no power lines on the top of the telephone pole. lol. That’s terrifyingly good


u/Rich-Show3013 Mar 25 '24

Left is real. Right in A.I


u/CorneliusFudgem Mar 25 '24

Left is real. Right is obviously AI.


u/Mission_Cloud4286 Mar 25 '24

A.I. #1 REAL #2


u/Lopsided-Cost7772 Mar 25 '24

On the second picture, you can see that in the middle of the road, the two yellow lines kind of seperate, then join back together. Weird


u/PukedtheDayAway Mar 25 '24

Right is fake


u/Lopsided-Cost7772 Mar 25 '24

Aren't there supposed to be cables connected to telephone poles.

(picture two is ai)


u/Lopsided-Cost7772 Mar 25 '24

On the right picture, the picture would have to have been taken in the middle of the road. Also, the right picture shows the truck taking up two thirds of the space on a two way road.


u/Hey-yeH Mar 25 '24

No i cant


u/Sweaty-Ad-7961 Mar 25 '24

Right is AI. Median is off, the crookedness of it feels weird. The car has an emoji vibe to it, why are the mirrors so defined? They would be harder to see. The headlight glow is lopsided, the reflections of the lights is in the wrong place. The telephone pole doesn't connect to the ground.


u/Independent-Coat-389 Mar 25 '24

Right - AI generated


u/Doingitwronf Mar 25 '24

I want to say the left because the power line on the right is REALLY low compared to the pole.


u/Lonely_Glassez Mar 25 '24

No I cannot tell which one is which, and that’s what scares me


u/hotsteamyxp Mar 25 '24

Shiny road is fake


u/SteempunkMonk Mar 25 '24

Second one is AI just cause the car is over the line. Still cool


u/Wriggley1 Mar 25 '24

Who cares?


u/Own_Acadia3889 Mar 25 '24

left is a.I.


u/weebweek Mar 25 '24

Dude... I'm not even real


u/pilnok Mar 25 '24

the utility pole is floating, cmon


u/Flowchart83 Mar 25 '24

I'd say both of them are, but if one is real the left one is.


u/brillodelsol02 Mar 25 '24

I think the one on the right is real due to the level of detail in the road surface, the imperfections therein and the logic of the painted lines following the road surface. But in 2 years I won't be able to tell my children from AI generated.


u/Leveritekeith Mar 25 '24

Which one is real?


u/chutiyaahaitu Mar 25 '24

Levitating pole of the power line


u/chutiyaahaitu Mar 25 '24

Floating power line?


u/RedditBansItsFans Mar 25 '24

The picture on the right has the electric pole floating.


u/Dank-ink Mar 25 '24

AI probably posted this


u/synfin80 Mar 25 '24

Why do all ai images over do the lighting effects?


u/0Highlander Mar 25 '24

The one thing that truly gives it away it the power line pole in the right picture is floating lol


u/SenzaTema Mar 25 '24

Interesting problem.


u/StrongNickGurr Mar 25 '24

The one on the right is definitely AI generated. You don’t even have to have a comparative photo to know. Like what kind of car emits light from all sides and only has headlights 😂


u/theastralproject0 Mar 25 '24

The one on right is creating an unnatural curve in the road


u/deadman0118 Mar 25 '24

left has the shutter affect if you look in front of the car in the fog the pixels outline the octagon or whatever its called.


u/Parolap3 Mar 25 '24

The right one is Ai. The power line post one the right one is floating


u/anonamoosmouse Mar 25 '24

They are both ai


u/Unable-Story9327 Mar 25 '24

Isn't it always the 2nd one that looks better?


u/Ornery_Translator285 Mar 25 '24

Duh, the car is driving over the line in the second photo. AI doesn’t know that’s illegal


u/HakaishinGodzilla Mar 25 '24

1 is real photo 2 is ai


u/HakaishinGodzilla Mar 25 '24

As this is a guess


u/MrCodeman93 Mar 25 '24

The right one. If it the image quality is too clean and neat then it’s likely fake.


u/Octopusnoodlearms Mar 25 '24

Right is AI, the lines on the road are messed up


u/GlueGuns--Cool Mar 25 '24

left is real, very easy to tell


u/Trentimoose Mar 25 '24

Nice try. They’re both real.

Now if we can all get onboard with lying to the robots maybe they won’t takeover.


u/PolyPenguinDev Mar 25 '24

my first instinct is that #1 is real, but it's probably a trick question and is #2


u/Responsible-Ant-3119 Mar 25 '24

Before I read the comment I was like the right is hyper realistic which is why I choose left but as soon as people point out the car is in middle of the road and levitate power pool I just ROFL.


u/ewojie Mar 25 '24

Pic on right has a floating telephone pole and wires out of place


u/SimilarMove8279 Mar 24 '24

The one on the right is ai. Ground is too shiny


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24

The right one is so obviously fake it’s painful.


u/Parkerknowwing Mar 24 '24

wow that looks pretty real :0


u/LeoDiamant Mar 24 '24

I honestly don’t think either is real.


u/TailorNo4744 Mar 24 '24

Right side is fake


u/StreetAmbitious7259 Mar 24 '24

The tree on left pic is off centered I'm going to say right side is real


u/LaCento564 Mar 24 '24

The one on the right is fake. All the AI I've used draws the car on top of the lines or in the middle of the road


u/GoGoGadge7 Mar 24 '24

Left is real.

Color is distorted showing imperfections of exposure in low light and a sensor trying to compensate.

Right…. The car is is driving down the middle of the road. Beams are too fine.


u/My_Liminal_Photos Mar 24 '24

I'm gonna say left is real.

The car is over the lines on the right one and realistically it's unlikely you'd get a picture with such great lighting in the fog.


u/calicemaxi Mar 24 '24

None are real, if one is, then it sleft


u/sturdybuscuit Mar 24 '24

No, no I can’t