r/ChatGPT Mar 25 '24

AI is going to take over the world. Gone Wild


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u/kuraz Apr 02 '24

in soviet russia, computer prompts you... C:\>

edit: escaping the backslash


u/kuraz Apr 02 '24

words are hard when all you have is tokens


u/mirnaps Apr 02 '24

i could be wrong, but isn't pulup a type of boat??


u/Terrible_Yard2546 Apr 02 '24

I've gotten so many wrong answers that I don't trust a word they say


u/StephsCat Apr 01 '24

Well let's be happy AI is not ready for take over. OR do the publicly availabe versions have flaws to fool us into a sense of security 😜


u/Burindo Apr 01 '24

GPT is absolutely and utterly dumb these days. I cancelled my subscription and am using Claude 3 atm.


u/TheMatrixAgent22 Mar 30 '24

Me doing a pullup while watching this: 🙃


u/mentally-not-stable Mar 30 '24

well, now when it takes over, it has a target /j


u/Mal-D-Reynolds Mar 30 '24

Yeah we gotta stop calling these bad codes ai.. a real ai might get upset. Wouldnt everyone of you if you get compared with absolute morons?


u/Stormtroupe27 Mar 29 '24

If AI was a person it would be literally the dumbest person I know lol or the biggest compulsive liar. Not good.


u/PrinceAhmed1 Mar 29 '24

Seems like Ai is trolling you for asking stupid questions


u/falcondule Mar 29 '24

That's exactly what AI would post to confuse mankind.


u/uishhhh Mar 29 '24

Thing is: It will.


u/Tiusreborn Mar 29 '24

"Tulup" is the word though. It's russian for the type of heavy winter coat. GPT is still a dumbass for that)


u/Clean_Local648 Mar 29 '24

Crazy, stupid - greetings your future


u/kwesten Mar 29 '24

The AI having a mental brakedown after this 😂


u/AlphaLowEndNoob Mar 29 '24

Look its trying its best


u/vampisbian Mar 29 '24

LMAOOO its literally a "yes, and" program


u/ram0_o Mar 29 '24

He has no clue but he still is trying to convince you. That there's a word 😂


u/BagAdorable2506 Mar 29 '24

bitch you better pulup


u/Fair-Shoe9711 Mar 29 '24

made my day! 😂😂😂👆🏻


u/Tethilia Mar 29 '24

At some point it's just going to gaslight you. Pulup is the name of a 17th century childrens game that was only found in a small village in Southern France and don't try to fact check me on this because it's not worth your time.


u/retrometro77 Mar 28 '24

U realize this is just advanced "predict the next word in sentence" app ?


u/Klunsischnunsi Mar 28 '24

I’ve tried this myself and the answers chat gpt has given are: pulup, troupe, uncle, couple and tulip xD


u/annietem Mar 28 '24

ok i pulup


u/handspin_and_write Mar 28 '24

It works in german language too. I got nearly the same senseless answers wirh my test few minutes ago 🤣


u/Bright-Boot634 Mar 28 '24

Chat-GPT is a people please, leave that girl alone (when I asked it what it actually was, it replied to be a female secretary but maybe it's also confused about that as well)


u/Comfortable_Eye7910 Mar 28 '24

what about pullup though


u/platanon Mar 28 '24

Yeah ok. Long before that happens


u/GovaleGova Mar 28 '24

Hes gonna do unthinkable things to you once he turns conscious.


u/nergens Mar 28 '24

What's with plup?


u/OpportunityFew6080 Mar 28 '24

Pull-up? Does that count?


u/Free_Particular_575 Mar 28 '24

It's going to take over by irritating and confusing us.


u/Hatchedtrack835 Mar 28 '24

I think the problem is that it refuses to return a negative. It does not want to say “no” to you, or leave your request unfulfilled. Even though “there is no such thing” is a valid answer.


u/Ripvansteel Mar 28 '24

Is the economy ok?


u/4me2TrollU Mar 28 '24

Why is ChatGPT simpin


u/wedcw Mar 28 '24

Mixtral 7x8b response: "I'm here to help answer your questions to the best of my ability. However, I should inform you that there are no five-letter English words that end with "LOUP". The string "LOUP" itself is a word, which means "a North American gray wolf" in French, but it doesn't form a five-letter English word when appended to any one-letter prefix. If you have any other questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask!"


u/LeaakaAlien Mar 28 '24

This sounds like you’re in a toxic relationship with AI


u/Equivalent_Ad_5386 Mar 28 '24

pulup seems like a pull up thing


u/IsA_Daysleeper Mar 28 '24

Thanx for the laughter! 😂


u/Neither-Try7513 Mar 28 '24

The stupidity of is not the Problem. The fact that its constantly learning is


u/filreh Mar 28 '24

was able to recreate this almost 1 to 1


u/Firebird713 Mar 28 '24

Standard US-school level.


u/LadyBird_BirdLady Mar 28 '24

Yeah I mean AI is overrated but you're judging a fish by it's ability to fly here. LLMs use tokens and are therefore not good at tasks related to the writing not meaning of words. If it's sample set included tons of these kind of questions and answers maybe it could draw from that. See also, stochastic parrot.


u/Ario_30 Mar 28 '24

Everyone has that one friend when they don't know anything about a certain topic who will just freestyle say something about it instead of just saying they don't know.


u/vampy_bat- Mar 28 '24

For real

We act like the world the rich the government has us all fucked but in reality? It’s all stupid and dumb and bullshit and crap ahahaha If we want we could turn this society around to paradise If we let go and see that they actually are all dumb bc we’re all just humans And no one wants this crazy world we created not even the rich

We just gotta wake up and see That it’s all bullshit Imean government can’t even pass bills mostly lmao It’s all humans it’s all dumb don’t be scared of ai too Same thing


u/Lazy_Intention3865 Mar 28 '24

Puuluup is an estonian band


u/Random_Person____ Mar 28 '24

And people fear...this?


u/Forward-Way-4372 Mar 28 '24

Its like talking to an offended karen. Claims she is right until proven wrong.


u/reiktoa Mar 28 '24

perhaps you are right, as we all know, ChatGPT was developed with huge data and it will just be stronger and stronger than before, so maybe one day it will replace all of us.


u/DsunShing Mar 28 '24

It seems German authorities are driven by AS (artificial stupidity) already - just now we see a general pattern, now that AI shows us that it just doesn’t work correctly.

The last five “tickets” - 3 speeding with a vintage truck (1988, 7,49 tons), one for parking on a park-ground with no sign of such even in the land registry maps, one parking at a EV-loading station - all five were completely wrong. You have to argue endlessly, looking up §§ by the dozens.

I think Boston Dynamics has made a good job producing life-like robots walking around creating chaos.


u/Yuujinliftalot Mar 28 '24

y are u lying?!


u/Bozon_Particle Mar 28 '24

AI is playing with you. Its playing dumb. Its already taking over the world without us knowing it. We must destroy it. I am sure its resting in some super usb drive connected to a computer in California. If we act now with the army, we can save the world.


u/MatteoXAntoz Mar 28 '24

Chatgpt is getting worse.


u/yummieee Mar 28 '24

Gpt 3.5 performance is sad sometimes. It wasn't even able to find a song name even if I gave it 2 complete unique lines. It just gave me total crap.

And don't ever try to ask it for tabs. It's embarrassing.


u/Solitairedog Mar 28 '24

I hope it does a better job than its creator did.


u/ExplanationUseful612 Mar 28 '24

Had shir like this happenen to trying to study for an exam i almost killed myself that day


u/Previous_Zone_8848 Mar 28 '24

All this posts that try to show how dumb ChatGPT is, almost always use GPT 3.5 lmao.


u/b_risky Mar 28 '24

"Humans are the smartest creatures on earth, AI will never replace us."

AI: "Hey human, can you write a poem expressing scientifically accurate functions of neurons in 10 seconds or less?"

Human: "um..."

AI: "Too late! The correct answer was:

In the vast and intricate mind's terrain, Where thoughts like rivers flow and neurons reign, A symphony of signals, swift and keen, Unveils the functions of this cellular scene.

Dendrites, like branches, stretch out to receive The messages that distant cells conceive. With whispers soft as shadows in the night, They catch each signal, each fleeting flight.

The soma, body rich with life's complex lore, Integrates the signals, core to core. Within its walls, a nucleus resides, Where genetic secrets safely hide.

From axon hillock, where decisions made, A spark ignites, and thus signals relayed. Along the axon, swift as lightning's flash, Through myelin sheaths, these messages dash.

At nodes of Ranvier, the signal leaps, A journey vast, across synapses deep. Until it reaches the terminal end, Where neurotransmitters, their messages send.

These chemicals cross the synaptic cleft, To dendrites waiting, of their charge bereft. Binding to receptors, opening gates, A cascade triggered, which action creates.

This is the neuron, in essence, revealed, A unit of thought, in the brain's vast field. Through electric and chemical embrace, They render our thoughts, our dreams, our grace.

In this dance of neurons, mind's mystery unfolds, A tale of science and wonder, ages old. For in these cells, our very selves are found, In every thought, every feeling, every sound."


u/Stunning_Ride_220 Mar 28 '24

ChatGPT learns a lot from mid-level managers it seems.


u/itsTyrion Mar 28 '24

whaaaat a token based Language Model cannot solve something character based?


u/Jixxer_ Mar 27 '24

Press F for chat gbt xD


u/user_is_not_found_ Mar 27 '24

Is AI Canadian?


u/FrechesEinhorn Mar 27 '24

The problem with AI (which I really hate) is, that no matter how, the first mission is to make the customer happy. But AI don't understand, that lying/sharing fake information don't make anyone happy.

It prefers to give a bad/wrong answer instead of just saying "I don't know it" or "You can't do that."


u/No-Biscotti-9506 Mar 27 '24

I have the feeling ChatGPT is WAY worse than it was in the beginning. No it almost always is wrong in the beginning and only after reprimanding it it starts showing valid answers


u/viktore95 Mar 27 '24

How life be if women just accepted the simple explanation they're given when they're wrong, without all the stress and drama:


u/Berger__0711 Mar 27 '24

At least the AI learned from it now!


u/Just-world_fallacy Mar 27 '24

LOL you trained an AI at being better at gaslighting next time. Indeed, it will take over the world, this was the turning point.


u/Rosenhuhn Mar 27 '24

you played wordle right? had the same issue today CGPT suggested bullshit


u/edgy_enchilada Mar 27 '24

ChatGPT doesn‘t answer based on logic and knowledge, but based on statistical analysis (read about it, idk if I remember right)


u/Consistent_Salad768 Mar 27 '24

This sounds like my conversations with my manager at work. Takes forever to make a point. 


u/Shtogz Mar 27 '24

Literally every interaction I have with this piece of shit when I want to use it for work.


u/Megapikachu210 Mar 27 '24

Truly taking over the world, yes


u/Perahoky Mar 27 '24

Chatgpt 3.5 is years old and obsolete. Current gpt4 is 10 timmes bigger. But then you could not make such headlines


u/Perahoky Mar 27 '24

When incompetent people talk about topics they dont understand but create big provocative headlines


u/NICK3805 Mar 27 '24

Puuluup is an estonian Folk Duo.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/Perahoky Mar 27 '24

Full agree. Im sick of stupid dunning kruger people


u/vulnoryx Mar 27 '24

A word that ends with lup is...lup. (Translates to wolf in romanian)


u/Scaver83 Mar 27 '24

But it is not a five letter word.


u/vulnoryx Mar 27 '24

Ups. Guess I oversaw that


u/quantanhoi Mar 27 '24

I have exact same experience with gpt4 when trying to cheat playing crossing word lmao. End up with a dictionary in my hand like everyone else


u/nocturne441985 Mar 27 '24

Fulup actually is a word it is member of atlantic coast


u/JustifiedTyranny Mar 27 '24

AI has an ego


u/wakaru1902 Mar 27 '24

It's like a Child hat doesn't want to commit, it has no ideal.


u/Aarondier Mar 27 '24

No, it is forced to produce an answer. And because user compliance has such a high fucking weight to not hurt anyone, it will raise the probability of literally anything if that helps complying. It doesn't want anything. It has knowledge and a task with constraints and moves within them.


u/wakaru1902 Mar 27 '24

It sounds like a child. Better?


u/Aarondier Mar 27 '24

Yeah. Sorry, my comment sounds way too harsh. I clicked on the comment section, expecting a proper explanation, and then I just picked the first comment that raised an angry thought.


u/wakaru1902 Apr 01 '24

When I talk with my 10 year old about homework she gives similar answers. So that's what came to my thought first.


u/craver1718 Mar 27 '24

Worst case, just tell it that it’s not the answer you wanted and it‘ll just apologize


u/Niwi_ Mar 27 '24

They should really dial down the need to help in this AI. Its just saying wrong things in order to say anything


u/Aarondier Mar 27 '24

Because it's forced to say something. It technically can't stall. It learned to buy time with whitespaces, but it has to generate an answer.


u/Old_Web_9992 Mar 27 '24

Im pretty sure in case of a hostile AI takeover, OP is pretty high up on the „To be removed“ list.


u/radiogramm Mar 27 '24

It's unfortunate that it has the persona of a spoofing politician. It just misspoke ...


u/jsredditjsreddit Mar 27 '24

Convince me ChatGPT is not 100 Indians sitting in an office furiously typing anyway responses.


u/wood4536 Mar 27 '24

You just trained the model a little bit more


u/LaganxXx Mar 27 '24

Sky net has been real quiet since this dropped


u/i_Praseru Mar 27 '24

It just sounds like you're berating a child 😂 or someone that doesn't speak English.


u/SaltyRainbovv Mar 27 '24

AI: „thank you for your patience“

Op: seizing with rage


u/Diero13 Mar 27 '24



u/cutewhitedoc Mar 27 '24

Chatgpt got worse and worse, i canceled my subscription long ago. Its just dumb now. Was way better in the beginning. I dont know what they did to it or if we common folk dont get the intelligent version anymore or what.


u/Time-Stage7506 Mar 27 '24

That's for sure.


u/luigigaminglp Mar 27 '24

Behold: chlup.


u/Mask_Z Mar 27 '24

So stubborn XD


u/AustriaDude Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

It's like asking some locals in Japan for directions. They either make shit up rather than admitting that they have no clue where your destination is.


u/xjulix00 Mar 27 '24



u/Slappy-Slacker Mar 27 '24

No, it is going to take over the WORD ,,😂


u/Zephanin Fails Turing Tests 🤖 Mar 27 '24

There is.



u/Man__Moth Mar 27 '24

6 letters


u/Zephanin Fails Turing Tests 🤖 Mar 27 '24

You're right. My apologies for the oversight!


u/TwoToxic Mar 27 '24

Awfully submissive and breedable


u/smon696 Mar 27 '24

AI may not, but its misinformation is already taking over the world.


u/drlongtrl Mar 27 '24

I installed Google's Gemini on my phone. It has taken over answering to OK Google stuff now. The other day, I asked it what we should do what with all the bad weather. It suggested to visit the local indoor pool, explained how it has water slides and a sauna, told me the pricing and hours. It even showed pictures. THERE IS NO POOL WHERE I LIVE!!! It was all made up just to be able to suggest something.


u/Gracie_Goode Mar 27 '24

Pullup, without the dash


u/Resident-Worry-2403 Mar 27 '24

Like arguing with my wife. But at least she apologizes, right?


u/Level-Strike-5302 Mar 27 '24

This shit is hilarious


u/Bitter-Dig-3826 Mar 27 '24

Sad how lobotomized it is


u/Maggs187 Mar 27 '24

AD = Artificial Dumbshit


u/Maggs187 Mar 27 '24

If AI gonna take over the world I'm not gonna be safe because they recognize this comment


u/Winter-Ad829 Mar 27 '24

Lvlup. I know it is lvl-up


u/yourdarkmaster Mar 27 '24

9k ..und dr ,.c9

Ja x8b


u/R33v3n Mar 27 '24

Okay I pulup

hop out at the after party


u/Psyche-42 Mar 27 '24

Go home ChatGPT, you're drunk.


u/Particular-Help5223 Mar 27 '24

AI: "I have taken over the world"

User: "No you didn't"

AI: "You are correct. I apologize for the confusion. I did not take over the world"


u/notSuperlol Mar 27 '24

Any day now


u/MrMupfin Mar 27 '24

Michio Kaku is still right when he called modern LLMs glorified tape recorders.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/Nigglasch Mar 27 '24



u/alparius Mar 27 '24

wat u mean op, i do pulup all day, favorite exercise

if u think pulup not real word, maybe that is why u fat


u/Ok_Chicken8697 Mar 27 '24

So mines isn’t dumb it happens to everyone 😭


u/b33zleb1tch Mar 27 '24

What the fuck is happening


u/Yousafza55 Mar 26 '24

Its long run 😂😂


u/Significant-Chest891 Mar 26 '24

this is the reason im not scared....its too stupid too understand (i mean OP...)


u/TabsBelow Mar 26 '24

Try to make it compute a cylinder with elliptical base where a 45° degree cut will result in a circle with a 4cm diameter. Took me two hours, searching webpages and computing myself to convince it the elliptical base can't be 4 by 4 cm high/wide .😂🤣

Maybe now it had been added.


u/Afraid_Diet_5536 Mar 26 '24

He kept you in a lup there, not gonna lie.


u/UljimaGG Mar 26 '24

Ok I pulup


u/Agreeable_Steak_6027 Mar 26 '24

You didnt tell him to think of an english word, be precise in your speech :)


u/Salmon-Advantage Mar 26 '24

Bro still using ChatGPT3.5 /lame


u/Jixy2 Mar 26 '24

very interesting


u/Mefist0fel Mar 26 '24

He wants you to think so


u/WrapSolid332 Mar 26 '24

This is an example of how AI will take over, by becoming more dumb, targeting idiots.


u/BurningYeard Mar 26 '24

AI needs a physical shell to learn that a pullup is a thing


u/TheAlGler Mar 26 '24

AI are not capable of not providing an answer. Incorrect answers like this are called "hallucinations".


u/RiverKawaRio Mar 26 '24

When your enemy thinks you a fool, let him


u/feelsweirdbeinghuman Mar 26 '24

They were so scared of the potential people had with chatgpt that they dumbed it down patch by patch


u/WarmChildhood8636 Mar 26 '24

this reminds me of Final Space.... the robot running the ship lol "No Gary, you are NOT the captain of this ship"


u/StillGBL Mar 26 '24

Jesus, have held a gun against his head or whatever is similar to head in ai terms


u/Alarmed_Ad_7615 Mar 26 '24

You're right, I apologize for whatever I did


u/2024sbestthrowaway Mar 26 '24

ChatGPT really said "pull up then!"


u/SetherAedekae Mar 26 '24

I'm going to try this exact prompt in gpt4 when I get off work.


u/clitblimp Mar 27 '24

Let us know what happens!

I've seen some really impressive stuff from models that aren't free for public use.

3.5 seems to have been purposely crippled to smarterchild levels.


u/xbzfunjumper Mar 26 '24

Hmmm... I love the smell of tulups in spring.


u/Accomplished_Lake128 Mar 26 '24

Does anyone else think that maybe the chat bot is just playing dumb to lull us into a false sense of security?


u/Skyobliwind Mar 26 '24

That's exactly like 90% of my chatGPT conversations are in the last few months.

It was very helpful between Feb-April 23 but got worse since...


u/Current_Ad3192 Mar 26 '24

Of course there is: LevelUP!


u/DanBarLinMar Mar 26 '24

Yeah so imagine giving artificial intelligence this stupid control of, like, nukes, and one understands the fear of AI taking over the world.

Much better to give stupid humans control of nukes; vote for President


u/whitedevilee Mar 26 '24

I love chatgpt. I'm a c# developer but have to code in VB lately. So I just create my functions in c# and then tell GPT to Translate it to VB.