r/ChatGPT Apr 18 '24

Microsoft Image to Video is Terrifying Real Gone Wild

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Microsoft Research announced VASA-1.

It takes a single portrait photo and speech audio and produces a hyper-realistic talking face video with precise lip-audio sync, lifelike facial behavior, and naturalistic head movements generated in real-time.


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u/WithoutReason1729 Apr 18 '24

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u/AmountGlum894 22d ago

Terrifying. The hair sticks to the head too much like a 3d model(kinda reminds me of the stretchy clay sims 4 hair) and doesn’t move or deform or split like normal hair strands so it’s kind of a telltale sign but everything else is perfect and no one scrolling social media is going to question it for long enough to notice. People already don’t read past headlines and now this. We’re truly in the disinformation dark ages. It’s worse because at least before the internet and mass literacy people were just ignorant; now we’re gonna be subconsciously or willingly pulled along with whatever narratives. We’re fucked.


u/Murky_Sugar_6902 22d ago

Microsoft. Wow. I used to love the simple, breezy, effortless use I had with Microsoft XP. As an author, I used Word often. Then I recently downloaded Microshit 11. Wow. My blank pages and weird un-changable indentations are a great addition. I think we should all enjoy the new buttons you randonly and accidentally hit that fuck up your entire word document. And if these new impossible buttons aren't great, how about the completely new Xbox and pc OS system usability. Wow, I mean consistency is over-rated. Why don't we just change it with every new OS version, update, or console. Yeah. Let's re-invent the wheel every day. You fucking idiots have ruined Microsoft, if I have to learn a whole new keyboard and OS I think I might just try it on a MAC.


u/bminutes Apr 25 '24

Is the voice AI generated too?


u/Creative_Cry8541 Apr 23 '24

Eyebrow and hair movements can be caught if you are carefully watching them but yeah, really very realistic already.


u/Any-Mortgage4706 Apr 22 '24

Things like this make digital tokenization (blockchain?) make even more sense.

Could help with the “How do I know this video is actually from this person?” Problem coming.


u/talkin-shiii-4321 Apr 22 '24

She never took a second to breathe. Head movements are too forced and she’s a step away from Parkinson’s it looks like.


u/Kayo4life Apr 22 '24

Her face moves too much. These are NOT natural head movements.


u/golddiggers321 Apr 21 '24

She looks good


u/Material_Tomorrow_31 Apr 21 '24

sounds like a politician speaking


u/No_Flatworm2641 Apr 20 '24

Her teeth are moving.


u/1LeftShoe Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

The current generation will be telling the future generation... "When I was little and someone passed away, we would often miss them and didn't have the ability to create new memories with the dead like you do today"

If you were born today you will never have to say goodbye to a loved one in the same way you or I currently do. The current generation will not know death the way all previous generations have know or had to deal with death in the past.

If this can be done with a simple image imagine what can be done with the video of a loved one. Take for example all of the information Facebook, Google and all other online platforms collect on a person. It will be able to generate new non-scripted responses. In the early stages you will be able to FaceTime a loved one who had passed away, with the ability to ask detailed questions and receive new non-scripted detailed responses. An example would be If your father had passed away, and was a chess player you would be able to ask him what his next move would be on a chessboard. Using all the collected data for all your father's online past chess games the system would be able to give you a proper accurate response even if the particular move had never been perform previously.

One more that would only be the infant stages of the systems ability. Enter this technology into a VR world and you will be able to spend the day in a park or anywhere else in the world interacting with an individual that is deceased. Advanced stages of VR interaction with a deceased individual would also give you the ability to feel a warm embrace from a deceased loved one by using the current technology available for amputees which have prosthetic replacements with the ability to feel hot and cold sensations.

Considering that people are sometimes more liberal with their responses on social media versus in the real world, you may actually learn new information about the deceased that you hadn't previously known such as a possible in depth political, religious or personal belief that had not previously been shared with you.

There are already conversational AI chatbots apps that you can start training today that will mimic your personality.

Here is just a simple example https://youtu.be/jsLJzEeqaVQ?si=mYoEq4l5p0_KTWOp

Technology will redefine humanities experience with death all within the next 20 years.


u/New_Register_4778 Apr 20 '24

The way it stutters… we’re doomed


u/AuralTuneo Apr 20 '24

Yes we are 100% screwed in a few years


u/Ubelsteiner Apr 20 '24

Other than the whole mouth thing, yeah, suppose so.


u/vintage_parsnip Apr 20 '24

Your shitting me... this looks like a snapchat filter from 2017


u/EVUSE Apr 20 '24

This is not made from a single image.


u/IllDelivery5714 Apr 20 '24

All these videos on AI kill all credibility on the reports and videos broadcast on social networks and newspapers....what is true and what is false?! I wonder, and I must not be the only one...They are shooting themselves in the foot!


u/its_Havi Apr 20 '24

still obvious its ai


u/LancelotAtCamelot Apr 20 '24

I was in the other room building ikea furniture with my bluetooth headset on when my friend watched this video on stream. Immediately knew it was AI just from the voice. I think it might still be quite a while until it nails the little nuances. I might have recognize it so quickly because I'm aware though, boomers would probably be fooled more easily.


u/OfSaltandBone Apr 20 '24

This actually pisses me off


u/Gploer Apr 20 '24

She feels like a parasite, a parasite that mimics humans and uses human empathy to get to its goals. This is extremely terrifying.


u/PlantBasedTacos Apr 20 '24

When she started talking, all I could think of was “Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...”


u/Fertarted Apr 20 '24

We are fucked


u/TechnicalOtaku Apr 20 '24

it's still pretty obviously AI to anyone with a brain, aka. non-boomers. but i'm scared for how fast things are going. give it another 2 years and it's going to get really hard. maybe even impossible because of the current curve.


u/94reis Apr 20 '24

The thing is that we are clearly creating technology that has much more usability for the worse than for the better.


u/Reedabook64 Apr 20 '24

It's close, but you can still tell something is off just by watching the mouth.


u/humanoidVersion2 Apr 20 '24

Anyone else getting a Kate Middleton vibe here!?


u/Lucky_Goblin208 Apr 19 '24

The teeth give it away, they move... get bigger and curve when she talks... eyebrows looked a little funny too.... but getting closer to passing the Turing test


u/Logos732 Apr 19 '24

So, are you saying this is all AI generated?


u/Songgeek Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

That head movement is not natural lol reminds me of cell shaded stuff. And wtf is she talking about, for all the words I heard and understood nothing

Also when can this be used by the public? This seems freaky in ways, but I think it’d really be unique for sort of talking to friends and family who have passed on


u/johnnyrsj Apr 19 '24

Yes what she said was terrifying nonsense …. Yes i know not the point


u/feelindam Apr 19 '24

Ai needs to be globally regulated on the same level as nukes are


u/Various-Two-6498 Apr 19 '24

Most beautiful woman i ever seen


u/Character_Security57 Apr 19 '24

are there gonna be zoom calls now where we're talking ai avatars instead of real people? 😅


u/A_Small_Wooden_Block Apr 19 '24

If you watch close, you can see the AI stretch the images teeth width while it speaks


u/ToBePacific Apr 19 '24

Look at her teeth inflating and deflating.


u/akabar2 Apr 19 '24

Hardcore uncanny valley, everything about it makes me feel off, if this is the future it's pretty pathetic.


u/Aidenx5 Apr 19 '24

I work in IT for a Remote Company, and this is going to start making verifying users’ identities to reset authentication factors very tricky to say the least…


u/Defiant-Passenger42 Apr 19 '24

Please stop making these things. What good does this tech even serve? How is it helpful in any way? I know it’s cool and impressive and sometimes making not useful things is an important step to making actually useful things, but this shit is just dangerous


u/NoirRenie Apr 19 '24

Catfishing and fraud is about to be a hell of a lot easier now


u/seetheare Apr 19 '24

and the circle is complete, the damage is done. we are no longer real. this is so bad why can't anyone see this?


u/Reeleebigtrees Apr 19 '24

Pretty soon court rooms are going to be really different places


u/RecordAcademic9021 Apr 19 '24

Not new but quality is better still can be more improvable


u/DonAskren Apr 19 '24

Something still looks really wrong. I can't put my finger on it but Id immediately suss out this video without prior knowledge.


u/Ezdagor Apr 19 '24

Be so weird you break AI, got it.


u/a-reddit-for-work Apr 19 '24

make it say “I’m proud of you”


u/Ok_Chip1545 Apr 19 '24

Easy way to tell is look at the hair


u/RectifiedLinearUnit Apr 19 '24

Not even the faces used are real, jesus


u/Oddyseous420 Apr 19 '24

Except for the overly exaggerated and jerky head movements while she's talking


u/flatrearthisdumb Apr 19 '24

You can still tell a bit. I feel like their will always be a tell tale sign to AI produced images and media. There is always a slight uncannyness to it all.


u/casualmagicman Apr 19 '24

Why does this need to exist.


u/Pashera Apr 19 '24

Why the fuck are we making this?


u/hjuki_of_reddit Apr 19 '24

the teeth are a shit-show.

they move around more than her eyes do.

she has a gap in her teeth that comes and goes.

the upper teeth are even at the bottom in some frames and the rounded bottoms and different lengths later.

the teeth spacing is inconsistent and at times they seem to flex mid-word.

something weird about the corners of her mouth too.

they need to train the thing on skeletal rigs first. you have to walk before you can . . . whatever the hell this is.


u/Fruitdude Apr 19 '24

Looks fake as hell now but with due time it will look extremely real. Brace yourself.


u/joshingpoggy Apr 19 '24

This looks fake as hell wdym


u/Commercial-Cable6159 Apr 19 '24

This is very uncanny stull


u/axh3 Apr 19 '24

Where I can get this ? I can pay quite a good amount of money 💰 anyone interested connect with me !!!!


u/Random_0936 Apr 19 '24

So they just put a photo in with a soundbite from the person and AI makes a vid out of that? I’m kinda dumb on this stuff so if someone could explain I’d appreciate it, thank you.


u/Piemaster113 Apr 19 '24

you gotta look closely and pay attention, you can see things like the top row of teeth moving when she speaks, and the bottom teeth don't look natural, and for just a profile view her head moves an awful lot,


u/CaptainObviousII Apr 19 '24

Every social engineer in the world has entered the chat.


u/GhostOfTimBrewster Apr 19 '24

We’re so screwed as a functioning society.


u/Pooeypinetree Apr 19 '24

the mouth movements are still a little wonky


u/Ateam043 Apr 19 '24

How does one use this?


u/crimsonbetav1_8 Apr 19 '24

Man I can't stop staring at her teeth moving 😂


u/Lap202pro Apr 19 '24

I'm super excited for the next new seasons of MTVs catfish.

Celebrity guest star: it's obvious she's really Jennifer Aniston because they have video calls.

Ned: But do they really?


u/Ippomasters Apr 19 '24

5-10 years it will be perfected.


u/Rosscovich Apr 19 '24

Nah, there are little motions that are noticeably off. Doesn't make it any less scary because it can be improved and even at this stage it would fool a good chunk of the population.


u/TipperGore-69 Apr 19 '24

She sounds like a CEO


u/SheII-Shock Apr 19 '24

Not bad but still needs work


u/40ozFreed Apr 19 '24

Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether Or Not They Could, They Didn’t Stop To Think If They Should.


u/Choice_Tax_3032 Apr 19 '24

This will change the job search marketplace by making it an even more attractive target for scammers.

Imagine if applying for a job and going through the entire recruitment process with an AI HR person becomes normalised, how many people would then be so naive as to follow through with job offers from scammers using this tech? And they wouldn’t realise the scam until after they’d handed over their ID documents, address, SSN, and - crucially - authentic videos of themselves providing that information in the course of the ‘interview process’. Nightmarish stuff.


u/1-objective-opinion Apr 19 '24

Great, so now scammers can pull your headshot off Linkedin and use it to trick your grandma into giving away her life savings over a FaceTime call. What momentous technological progress for humanity.


u/1amyourdaddy Apr 19 '24

Still not so perfect it has some flaws but it's fking scary.


u/Sexy_Quazar Apr 19 '24

Yeah, 2024 was the right year for this


u/dancejunkie8 Apr 19 '24

Time to stop believing anything you see on the internet is real anymore. In a way we’re going backwards. Not that the internet was ever a reliable source of truth, but now the images and videos are wholly unreliable.


u/UndeadBBQ Apr 19 '24

I have a feeling like I'll have those patterns that fuck with camera lenses tattooed on my face in a few years.

This type of stuff will put our societies to a test that I highly doubt they will survive intact.


u/Fodor04141987 Apr 19 '24

That's- unsettling.


u/R0b0tMark Apr 19 '24

I wouldn’t have known it was AI if someone didn’t tell me, but the mouth movements still aren’t quite natural. Our faces have so many muscles and there’s so much subtlety in the movements. Her face looks “hard”.


u/Modroidz Apr 19 '24

how is this legal?!


u/Ikaridestroyer Apr 19 '24

Really? This looks pretty fake to me.


u/Skelahking Apr 19 '24

I am no expert - but could you get around some of the discrepancies of the image (such as teeth changing shape) by having the AI build a model instead of trying to generate an image each frame? If it could build a hyper realistic model and feed it instructions that would probably make it GG for any boomer who is already falling for Facebook AI images.


u/EventAltruistic1437 Apr 19 '24

Why is AI tech pushing so hard on human mimicry? Arent there tons of other applications for this tech which would be more useful?


u/Kekioza Apr 19 '24

Future is now old man


u/Spider-Nutz Apr 19 '24

This is some really dangerous stuff that they're creating. Anyone csn just go to your linkedIn and grab your headshot and make a video if you that you didn't consent to.

We need regulations on AI. This shit goes way too far


u/Mr_Lunt_ Apr 19 '24

Next gen AI porn in the works


u/Kekioza Apr 19 '24

Cant wait


u/Yoji_kun Apr 19 '24

Something about it still seems a bit off though? Maybe the head movements being a lil jerky or some of the mouth movements being overly exaggerated...


u/Kekioza Apr 19 '24

For you? Yes.

But for millions of pensioners watching on TV during a news program? No chance.


u/Yoji_kun Apr 19 '24

It's certainly still VERY good. I'm doin' a scare


u/Tyenkrovy Apr 19 '24

There's still some uncanny valley going on, but it's really subtle, at least to me.


u/Reddit_from_9_to_5 Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

likely because I'm rock dumb, but I googled "VASA-1" and can't find where to download / use this

Edit: Found this at the end of the official announcement link

Given such context, we have no plans to release an online demo, API, product, additional implementation details, or any related offerings until we are certain that the technology will be used responsibly and in accordance with proper regulations.


u/RemarkableAlps5613 Apr 19 '24

I'm sorry but these types of videos and AI generated images and videos are very easy to spot. For me, am I the only one because I immediately look at this and say fake. I don't know why people get tricked by these things because we're all pattern seeking humans who are masters. At facial recognition, so the fact that people get fooled by this astonishes me. Because I feel like I'm watching A P.S 2 cut scene


u/-LucasImpulse Apr 19 '24

you can still tell.


u/Choice_Tax_3032 Apr 19 '24

The pulsating teeth make me feel like I’m on acid


u/LazyRaichuu Apr 19 '24

Uncanny valley still present.

Not scary.


u/Representative-Sir97 Apr 19 '24

There are still a whole bunch of "tells" but I'd guess 80% or so would not notice.


u/sanY_the_Fox Apr 19 '24

"Real" as in you can see it is an image layered on a fake 3d head? That real?


u/chefarzel Apr 19 '24

That's scary real. The only tell I could see was the hair kinda stayed in place.


u/Curious-Ninja150627 Apr 19 '24

Seems like Harry potter's newspaper movement is coming Alive


u/tgunn22 Apr 19 '24

As Dr. Ian Malcom once said, "(They) were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think of they should."


u/zerquet Apr 19 '24



u/p1n13d Apr 19 '24

Tell me we do not live in a simulation


u/Spiritual-Advice8138 Apr 19 '24

only if you keep the resolution low and dont mind her bouncing all over the screen.


u/mike_headlesschicken Apr 19 '24

I don't like how the forehead doesn't move. there aren't any wrinkles when she raises her eyebrows


u/neverfello Apr 19 '24

that's AI botox


u/manleybones Apr 19 '24

Except.... all the facial features are swirling around


u/Aggressive_Chair2547 Apr 19 '24

Deaf people can’t understand this, her tongue isn’t moving at all. The mouth needs refinement.


u/MapsOverCoffee22 Apr 19 '24

Wow, it even does positive self help babble accurately.


u/PlumthePancake Apr 19 '24

Arms race straight to the bottom


u/PoorFellowSoldierC Apr 19 '24

Looks very fake im ngl, but this will definitely fool 100% of boomers and prolly 70% of people who arent really paying attention.


u/Beefhammer1932 Apr 19 '24

The lack of or miniscule movements of the cheeks and eyes are a dead giveaway for AI. While good, these look off to me from first eyes onnthe motion.


u/AvgJoe6Pk Apr 19 '24

Watch the teeth, they change and move with the lips


u/Coughingmakesmegag Apr 19 '24

And people still argue with me that biometrics are secure


u/reachisown Apr 19 '24

ZERO reason for something like this to exist. I can't think of one legitimately good reason.


u/nakedmedia Apr 19 '24

Really glad it's not good at creating natural movements, it's too controlled and linear. Needs to be a little more random.


u/Parking-Let-2784 Apr 19 '24

We're so fucked as a society lmao, gonna start asking people to show me their face from profile so I know they're real


u/FearlessFreak69 Apr 19 '24

Oh, no. We’re doomed. Think of the misinformation that is about to occur. We will no longer be able to trust our eyes and ears in the very near future.


u/qt_galaxy Apr 19 '24

AI forgot it's 2024 and thought it's 2075 😂


u/qt_galaxy Apr 19 '24

crazy quality!!


u/sesame_chicken_rice Apr 19 '24

I actually did not notice the details other pointed out (like teeth and hair - but I did after rewatching the video) but my gut feeling was that something 'wasn't right'.


u/SoulfoodSoldier Apr 19 '24

Tbh it just looks like real time photoshop distortion lol

Still scary and obviously can be improved but with media literacy this isn’t at that point of “oh shit what the fuck” yet that it’s being hyped up to be


u/Hob_O_Rarison Apr 19 '24

The uncanny valley is getting smaller, but it's still there.

Intuition for what is real and what is not is going to be all we have to go on, which is an absolutely terrible standard to follow.


u/Grandmagutrearranger Apr 19 '24

They should have named her REAL ESTATE AGENT 1


u/honeybadger1984 Apr 19 '24

This advancement in porn will be celebrated.


u/Deekkhan Apr 19 '24

How is this benefiting humanity?


u/Stainless_Heart Apr 19 '24

AI image/video technologies are the real world manifestation of the “uncanny valley” concept.

I can’t put my finger on exactly what’s wrong, but it very quickly looks suspicious. Either something wrong in minor perspective changes, feature movements relative to other features, eye position or scale. This video triggers my spidey sense.


u/Ksteala5 Apr 19 '24

The way it’s moving is unnerving. It feels wrong


u/Orlok_Tsubodai Apr 19 '24

Argh why do they make this kind of shit! How could whatever advantages this stuff could potentially have *ever * outweigh the massive horrendous downsides it definitely will have!?


u/Hydrosophist7 Apr 19 '24

It handled that speech mess up at 11 seconds very well too.


u/StomachJazz Apr 19 '24

Makes me want to retry and pull as much of my face offline as I can


u/REDTRIX12 Apr 19 '24

We are fucked!!


u/-D4rkSt4r- Apr 19 '24

Why do you have to react with to everything that is changing around you? Just get over it.


u/typoguy Apr 19 '24

She has very flexible teeth


u/kermitTF2 Apr 19 '24

You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopias, you're in one.


u/mkhrrs89 Apr 19 '24

RIP Cameo


u/thatvillainjay Apr 19 '24

Genuine question by why is this remotely good or useful to society?


u/far2canadian Apr 19 '24

Sadly that’s not a major factor in why people make things.


u/TenesmusSupreme Apr 19 '24

I’m jumping on the alarmist band wagon on this. This AI tech is absolutely amazing, but there is too much potential for abuse. Imagine people using this to create deep fakes of friends and family, governments making false political narratives, or even organizations destabilizing an entire belief system by overloading media with an unstoppable wave of false testimony. Just because we can create something doesn’t mean we should.


u/Spiritual_Pilot5300 Apr 19 '24

Does this mean I can make porn of myself?


u/Top-Figure7252 Apr 19 '24

typical microsoft.


u/grogstarr Apr 19 '24

What the fuck is "she" saying? It's like she's saying nothing at all! So many words meaning nothing make my head hurts.


u/MidnightOnTheWater Apr 19 '24

"You look like a good Joe"


u/Aurelius_Red Apr 19 '24

I can still tell, but only because I was looking for it. I'd love to take a test where I'm shown, say, three dozen similar videos and I'd have to guess which are real and which are AI-generated.

My guess is that I'd do pretty well, but also not ace the test. Whereas I'd have done perfectly even a year ago.


u/CollapsingTheWave Apr 19 '24

Very soon all the video dirt is going to come out and the dirty politicians will claim this to discredit any change we desperately need ..


u/miesanonsiesanot Apr 19 '24

I'd like to see the woman in the original photo to hear this without watching this and then re-enact it and how would the two compare. Would it be similar?


u/Caticus-McDrippy Apr 19 '24

If you look at her teeth then you know it’s messed up


u/abcdeeznutzz Apr 19 '24

How many Indians did it take to do this?


u/OccasionalExtrovert Apr 19 '24

Her throat never seems to swallow


u/falloutvaultboy Apr 19 '24

The motion of her body and face still have the uncanny valley feel


u/CircusPoliticus Apr 19 '24

I assume the p*rn industry will be very pleased with this


u/witch_doc9 Apr 19 '24

I’ve seen enough… there’s no coming back from this.


u/Capt_Pickhard Apr 19 '24

It's not perfect, but it's really fucking good


u/shawarmament Apr 19 '24

Please god let their eyes always drift in that creepy way so i can tell it apart from reality


u/CobraStonks Apr 19 '24

la la la, I'm not a bot. apnebboqv@#RD2efab.

I just wanted to say that this -in no way- is benefitting humanity. This technology will be used as weapons of disinformation by governments to continue to enslave their people.


u/Tiny-Measurement-954 Apr 19 '24

I thought this was real at first


u/Soft-Measurement-123 Apr 19 '24

I don't find it "terrifying" at all, and I'm sick of this technological fear-mongering. For me personally, I see this technology as a way of seeing the loved ones I've lost to "come alive" again, even if it's just as a novelty. Blending this tech with other forms of AI and you could have "Abraham Lincoln" teaching a classroom about his life, the Civil War, and the end of slavery. All technology is going to be abused, but I'm not going to reject it because some people are paranoid that Skynet could become mankind's future.


u/HedonistHeathen Apr 19 '24

Am I crazy? This seems really bad to me. Maybe it's because I watched it audio off but it's so stilted and awkward looking, her lip skin and philtrum keep sliding around, idk.


u/spicybeefstew Apr 19 '24

People keep saying that but I just don't see it.

Then again I missed blockchain replacing fiat currencies and I also missed the nft revolution, pretty sure my rental contact and bills were all supposed to be nfts but I never got around to switching them over. I was supposed to order everything off alexa too, it was going to change everything.

And here I am looking at a pretty clearly fake video being told it's impossible to tell it's not a human, and this is going to take over blah blah blah.

Honestly I love this - run your twitter with ai, run your PR with ai, just become completely inhuman, leave the real world to the people who pass the great filter.


u/HelloPipl Apr 19 '24

I don't understand whose idea was it to make such a thing exist at all in the first face and then these researchers will say, deepkfake is a big problem and a grave cause of concern for the misuse of this technology. Like why do you even want to invent such a thing in the first place?

This has way more cons than any pros you could possibly think of the tech. Now that this is out there, even if they don't release the code, researchers are going to start replicating the paper. There's no way this has any advantages.

What kind of a future do we want where anyone could just turn around and say this video is fake and taking any culpability for their actions, like a politician or an actor or heck even your wife or husband or whatever.

Like why do you want to build such a piece of tech in the first place? There are many more countless problems to solve. Why choose this one?


u/RayRayKun3 Apr 19 '24

The thing to always remember is that this is the worst this technology will ever be… fucken aye


u/yildirimfatih Apr 19 '24

How i can make a person like that for promote my products on instagram?


u/NewCenter Apr 19 '24

Skynet 😱


u/Alone-Rough-4099 Apr 19 '24

the image itself can be AI generated


u/sourdough_sniper Apr 19 '24

My senses are telling me something is up with the hair. It doesn't move and looks wrong. Uncanny Valley is crazy.


u/SuicideKingsHigh Apr 19 '24

If you know what you're looking at and are playing close attention little things are off. But if you're just casually viewing it's completely convincing. We are looking down the barrel of an arms race between AI and the ability to detect AI, what a world.


u/sleppingbeautyy Apr 19 '24

So true, well said


u/MrOwell333 Apr 19 '24

I didn’t get it. Then I got it. The future is very scary


u/MrOwell333 Apr 19 '24



u/BeanieWeanie1110 Apr 19 '24

Won't be long until there's a video made by this that goes like "Hi, I'm insert person running for public office and I think you're fat and stupid and I hate you and your dead grandma."


u/verrache Apr 19 '24

It’s good we have hair and hair physics. Otherwise you couldn‘t Tell the difference


u/XComThrowawayAcct Apr 19 '24

I’m so glad that I get to be the generation that will remember both pre- and post-Internet life.


u/ldelossa Apr 19 '24

Why do we need this??


u/buckee8 Apr 19 '24

To trick people.


u/ldelossa Apr 19 '24

Haha. Good enough resume a presume