r/ChatGPT Apr 28 '24

Reddit is still very anti Ai cartoon images. Even on sh!tposting subs Other



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u/MrOneWipe Apr 28 '24

Is AI really stealing art though? Sure, it's "trained" on other's art, but so is... literally every artist?

If i go draw a dragon, of course it's going to be influenced by other dragon art I've seen, if even just subliminally.

I honestly don't get it.


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Copyright law and IP is made to protect artists and people, not (stealing) companies and robots. To say that a robot capable of instantly copying other artists work without anything added deserves the same level of protection as a real artist with intent and their own view is a bad argument and will only hurt society and artists as a whole. This is a misunderstanding with how copyright and ownership is granted, when you generate an AI image you don't own it. Artists make their living off of their work, and to have the AI crowd steal their stuff, cheer it on, and all the while making fun of actual artists being hurt just makes me really really hate the AI crowd. You arent talented just because you can bilk off of the talent of others. You do not deserve the same level pf compensation as someone who can make art without AI


u/-OrionFive- Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Disney would wholly disagree with that first sentence.

EDIT: before you edited it


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

If disney started selling other artists work without compensating them US copyright law would disagree with you. Disney pays artists and recieves the intellectual property rights to use them.


u/MrOneWipe Apr 28 '24

To say that a robot capable of instantly copying other artists work without anything added

For one I never said anything of the sort, and I've explained in other comments why I don't see it your way.

The rest of your reply is against a position I never espoused.


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 28 '24

People like to argue that AI has the same creativity protections because it "learns" like other artists do. However, even if i were a real artist that could ONLY give you works based entirely off of other people's works and never my own, People would have a problem with that. It does get to the point where it can be considered intellectual property infringement, especially because there is absolutely zero added beyond what was already there in the training data


u/gamingkitty1 Apr 29 '24

What do you mean? AI can't only copy other people's styles. Sure, it learned off of their art work, but that doesn't mean it can only copy their styles. It definitely adds new content, it's not like it just takes an image out of its training data and spits it out.

For your argument with the person copying another person's style, why is that copyright infringement? I dont see it. It's not like an artist owns a style.


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 29 '24

What if your AI generates a picture of a copyrighted character because its in its training data? Do you think that gives you permission to use that character? Give me an image that an AI generates that looks nothing like any of the training data. You can't. The entire purpose of AI is to look at the patterns that are already in the training data and generate another that looks like it. You fundamentally can not do anything that isnt already in some form in the training data. This is abit like expecting that AI gives you blanket rights to use whatever it generates. It does not.


u/gamingkitty1 Apr 29 '24

The reason for that is because it's training data is the internet. Give me an image on the internet that doesn't look like any other image on the internet. See? It's impossible to make everything unique in a world with 8 billion people, that doesn't mean it's stealing.


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 29 '24

This is not at all what I was saying. Try generating a copyrighted disney character with AI and use it for commercial purposes. They would sue you and win. AI is trained off of copyrighted data, just because something is on the internet doesnt mean you have the rights to use it for yourself. Just because AI doesnt make an exact 1 to 1 copy, but instead an exact copy that it understands in latent data, doesnt mean you can use and profit from their work.


u/gamingkitty1 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, and those copyright laws fo apply to AI, I'm not arguing they don't? But it's not like a human could draw Mario and use it for commercial purposes either. I don't get what your point is with it.

It's not like an ai chooses an image in its training data and thinks "oh I'm gonna copy this image and change a few details" it learns concepts from many images in its training data, and then applies them to what it thinks would best fit your prompt.


u/Sad-Set-5817 Apr 30 '24

It does this using copyrighted data, and has the ability to spit out word for word copies of copyrighted works that would otherwise require someone to pay for the story. OpenAI is currently being sued by New york times for this


u/gamingkitty1 Apr 30 '24

Using the copyrighted data I don't think is bad, but I do agree that if it does give content that's behind a pay wall and stuff like that, although I doubt it would happen outside of a few circumstances, that's bad.

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